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02x11 - Freefall & Milo's World

Posted: 01/03/22 18:32
by bunniefuu
♪ Look at that sun
Look at that sky ♪

♪ Look at my sweater vest
I look so fly ♪

♪ Look at that mailbox
Look at that tree ♪

♪ It's about as beautiful as it can be ♪

♪ Whoa

♪ Today is gonna be exceptional ♪

♪ Never boring even for a minute ♪

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Never boring even for a minute ♪

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪


You okay, Zack?

I'm just practicing for
whenever Murphy's Law hits.

That's the spirit!

[Melissa] I'm just bummed
it's not real skydiving.

[groans] Lousy restrictions
on potential life-threatening

extreme sports
ruining all my fun. Again.

[Milo] Melissa, you were
seven years old.

They weren't gonna let you
in that shark cage.

I was ready.

Okay, cool. I think
we've used up all the fun.

Can we get down now?

Don't worry, Zack.
This simulator is perfectly safe.

In fact, There are many redundant safety
systems on top of safety systems

that will prevent the turbines
from stopping suddenly

or increasing
to a dangerous velocity.


Five of the six safety systems
have failed, eh?

Good thing we have the sixth one.
'Cause it's lunch time.

[whirring fast]

[Zack] This is what I was
practicing screaming for!

Zack, it's gonna be okay.
Just hang tight.

You're not the boss of me!

Just think of it
as immersion therapy.

Well, now you're just
making stuff up.

No, immersion therapy,
it's a thing.

It's like,
if you're afraid of scorpions,

you stick your face
into a jar of scorpions.

That's a terrible idea!

You'd get stung on the face
by a whole jar of scorpions!

Okay, bad example.

It's okay, Zack,
I've got these.

It's Elliot-brand
safety chutes.

Elliot? The crossing guard?

Yeah. Elliot's got his own
line of safety stuff.

♪ Elliot-brand Safety Chutes ♪

♪ Don't fall anywhere without one ♪

Anything in there for me, Milo?

You bet!

You know there was
a time in my life

when this would have been
very amusing, Milo.

Sorry. Ah, I knew
Elliot gave me three of em.

Four of them.

Anyway, don't worry, Zack.

We are feet in the air.

The updraft should keep us up.
Unless it happens to break.


Like that.

[Zack] Milo!

[Milo] We'll be on the ground
in just a few seconds.

As long as nothing turns
the wind turbine back on.

But really,
what are the odds of that?

So, what happens if the sixth
safety system fails, eh?

Oh, the backup generator will turn the
wind turbine back on.

-[Melissa] Whee!

[Zack yelling]

It's going to be okay, Zack.

Maybe try to visualize
something tranquil, like a lake.

A peaceful lake with...

Yeah. That's nice.
A nice peaceful lake.

-[ducks quacking]
-That's nice... What?

[all quacking]

[Zack] The birds! The birds!

I'm coming over, Melissa!

[whooping in fear]

Melissa, your feet are
my new best friends.

I dig 'em, too.

[ducks quacking]

Hope you like company, Milo,
because we're coming over.


[Milo] Oh, no, we're caught
in an up-draft.

Now we're caught
in a down-draft.

Up-draft. Down-draft.

Up-draft. Down-draft.

Yeah, I just seen these kids.

In the sky.
They were drifting by in the sky.

Just a concerned citizen
is all. But I don't like

people I don't know
making shadows on my house.


No, that wasn't me.
That was a dog.

A dog! What the heck
is wrong with you?

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Well then, I apologize!

[Dakota singing]
♪ We're flying in the sky ♪

♪ We're flying in the sky ♪

♪ And then we're gonna
Find some alien trash ♪

[grunts] You are not helping.

Well, somebody woke up on the wrong side
of the credenza this morning.

Credenza is a desk.

Yeah, I know. I just said it because
it sounds old-fashioned.

We saved the world
and what did we get for our troubles?

-Alien trash?

Just once I'd like someone
to take notice of us.

To get some credit.

It's like no one sees
what we do at all.

[man] Sir. We have a bogey
in Sector eight.

They seem to be flying
a banner that says...

[Colonel Niblet] Hang on a second.
I'm making some popcorn.

[mimics mockingly]
I'm making some popcorn.

Hey, check it out.

"Best if used before October rd."

-What day is it?
-October th.

[straps snapping]

Wow, they've got their expiration dates
down to a science.

[all yelling]

[Milo] Don't worry! I've got backups!

-But I did buy them all at the same...
-[Zack screaming]

-...time, so they may all have the same...
-[Zack screaming]

-...expiration date.
-[Zack screaming]

Except this one.
I got this one the next day.

[humming happily]

Uh-oh. I think we lost Zack.

Uh, Zack, are you okay?

I'm... I'm not sure.

I... I think I'm so scared
I'm not scared anymore.

-Is that a thing?
-I don't know.

Maybe instead of a straight line
or a simple progression

from peaceful to terrified,

maybe fear is more like a circle,
and after absolute terror

there's no place to go
but back to peaceful.

Yeah, I was right.
We lost him.

No, Melissa, I know
what he's talking about.

It's like a bad movie.

Sometimes it can get so bad
it's good again.

Fear is like a bad movie!

Does this bad movie end with us being
impaled on jagged rocks?

-[Milo] No, wait look!
-[all] Diogee!

[Zack] Wait,
where did he get a mattress?

[Milo] My neighbors
are having a yard sale.

We're gonna be... [screams]


I guess it's for the best.

That mattress was just a twin.
We'd barely all fit on it.

So why are we
going side ways?

Where did THAT come from?

Sir, there appears to be something
interfering with our reconnaissance drone.

This better be important,
Lieutenant Tenant.

My microwave popcorn is slowing down to
three to four pops per second,

and if I'm not there
to stop it, it'll burn.

And then I'm "the guy who burned the
popcorn" in the office microwave

and I'll never hear the end of it.

I think we've snagged
a flat badger

that's been painted
to look like a parachute.

A flat badger.
In mid-air?

Or maybe it's just
an actual parachute.

Bring it back in
and we'll take a look at it.

After I finish my popcorn.

I'm Colonel Niblet.

I have to stop everything
just so I can...

[mockingly] Actually, that was
pretty good. It sounded just like me.

[mockingly] Actually, that was pretty
good. It sounded just like me.

You're blowing my mind, Lieutenant!

[officer] Attention, flying minors!

-This is restricted airspace.

Wait a minute. What's that creaking noise?

Curse you, October rd
expiration date!


Man, the surround sound
on this movie is awesome!

Uh, sir?
That may not be the movie.

You know this reminds me
of this movie I saw last weekend.

The whole thing was shot
on a sky backdrop.

I think they were
saving money on locations.

-Was it a good movie?

[Zack yelling]

So we're back to
the screaming again.

It's not that big a circle!

It's okay, Zack.
I think the chute's gonna hold.

Can't we please
just get to the ground?

that should be our goal.

Who did this?
It must've been them!

use the disintegration ray!

What's wrong?

"Best if used
by October rd."


Your dad's not here, sir.

Well, then somebody else blast it.
Send the drone!

Hey, Cavendish, remember when you said
that you felt like

nobody saw the things we do?
Well, look.

You can run, but you can't hide.

[sighs] I'm never gonna
hear the end of this.

Hey, it looks like they
wanna take our picture.

Or maybe eradicate us
from the planet!

[Cavendish] Evasive maneuvers!

A plane!

[all screaming]

Hey, look!
The Murphy kid! Hey, Murphy!

Oh! [chuckles]
Hey, Dakota!

Wait. How are they going up?

They're not, actually. We're just going
down faster than they are.

[Dakota] Oh, yeah. Look at that.

Grab onto the banner
on our tail!

I can't believe that worked!

[banner ripping]

And we're back.

[all screaming]


Way to go, Zack!

Your adrenalized fear response to climb
the banner in mid-air actually saved us.

[Melissa] Now we're gonna hit the ground
at a non-fatal velocity.

And that's my favorite
kind of velocity.

I don't believe it.

Oh, like that's the craziest thing you've
ever saw Murphy and his friends do.

[both screaming]

This is for
the Colonel's popcorn!

-[Dakota] Pull up! Pull up!
-[Cavendish] I'm trying!

Try harder!

[Cavendish] I'm trying!


[Milo] Okay, Let's aim
for that pillow factory.

[Melissa] Uh Milo? Pillow factories
are only soft on the inside.

[laughs] Oh, right.

[Milo] Look, there's a circus!
Maybe we can land on the tent.

Never mind.

[Zack] Great! We're going up
again! Goodbye, sweet Earth.

This is delicious!

That drone! We are on someone's radar.
We have rivals!

We are important again.

Yeah, I'm just glad I put your name
on the plane rental form.

Hey, look, there's Diogee.

[Melissa] What is he doing?

[Milo] He's not supposed
to sh**t himself out of a canon.


[growling, barking]

[Milo] Hey, we're going down!

-[all cheering]

You know maybe this whole
"immersion therapy" thing worked.

Instead of being really
scared sometimes,

I'm just a little bit scared,
all the time.

That's right, Zack.
Baby steps.

Right. Now let's break out
that jar full of scorpions.

♪ It's my world
and we're all livin' in it ♪

Hey! Zack
and Melissa, right?

Oh, hey, "Neil From the Comic Shop."

Have a seat,
"Neil From the Comic Shop."

I do have a last name.

Sure, you do. I'm pretty sure
it's "From the comic shop."

Yeah, Mr. From the Comic Shop, sir.

Heh, okay.
I'm only two years older than you.

Whatever you say, old man.
Hey, where's Milo?

He'll be here soon.
Barring any unforeseen catastrophes.

Right, the "Murphy's Law" thing.

How does he deal with that?
I mean, what's it like to be Milo?

How can he possibly be so calm and so
prepared all the time?

Well... like,
today is new comic book day

so he's going to the comic shop, right?

[bell chimes]

[Melissa] Milo's picking up a copy of the
new Doctor Zone Universe,

Limited Series for Sara.

Always thinking
of others, our Milo.

He's a peach.

[Melissa] He usually
takes the same path every week...

Skirting that construction
site downtown...

He'll take the shortcut
past the crayon factory...

Passes the coffee shop. And then head over
the bridge and meet us here.

[Zack] But first he's got
to pack his backpack.

The backpack is like
the key to all of this.

Have you guys played
Caverns & Creatures?

Duh, It's only
the biggest online game.

I think being Milo
is like living that game.

His whole life is a quest.

[Zack] It's like he's a wizard.

Except without
the pointy hat.

And the beard.
And the robe.

Oh, and any other wizardy stuff
you might be imagining.

So, he's basically
just Milo.

No, he's Milo the Great
and his Trusty Backpack of Holding!

[Zack] See, his "Backpack
of Holding" is enchanted.

It can't ever be filled up!
Can't ever be emptied...

Well, almost never
and it may even be alive!


Excuse me.

[Melissa groans]

[Zack] He also might
just re-pack it every day,

but that's boring, so, forget that!

[scroll narrator] You just
procured a story scroll!

It shall be stored in your enchanted
Backpack of Holding!

[Zack] Once he has
goods in hand,

-he'll head past the construction site.
-[video game music playing]

There is a disproportionately large amount
of construction going on in this town.

[Zack] A construction site where anything
that can go wrong, will.


[Zack] His Backpack of Holding,
um, holds,

all the solutions
to the problems at hand.

[birds screeching]

[crane moving noisily]

[water splashing]

But no task is impossible
for Milo the Great,

Wizard of Murphyosity.

Milo's no Wizard!
He's more like a Super Villain!

[Bradley] He revels
in the chaos that he creates!

He's Captain Chaos!

Oh, please! You think he's
doing this on purpose?

That's even more ridiculous than the
ridiculousness that is his life already.

It's my turn to talk.
I have the staff of Krum-Hai!

You kept that thing?

Milo isn't a "victim" of Murphy's Law.

Being Milo is easy.

Make a mess.

Then fix it.


I told you guys it would only hold
ten rolls of paper.

-Now the last one is sticking out!
-[speaking indistinctly]

It's not my problem,
that's why I'm calling you.

I had some twine but I don't think it'll
hold for the drive

Never mind.

[Bradley] So he causes problems
just to fix them...

-...and be praised for his "heroism."

It's like getting an award
for cleaning up your room.

After you messed it up!

Cleaning down.

Hey, "Neil From the Comic Shop."

Hey, "Sara From the Comic Shop."

What's "cleaning down?"

Something Milo used to say
when he was little.

"Cleaning down" is Murphy's Law.

It's what happens
before you clean up.

And besides, Milo always puts
other people first.

That's the opposite
of a villain, Bradley.

It's all about him!
Milo, Milo, Milo!

Bradley you're just upset
because you still have a plant arm.

How did he save everybody
in town except for me?

Yeah, that was weird.

Yes, Mort, do you have something
you'd like to add?

I think Milo is an explorer
on the astral plane.

[Bradley] What does that even mean?

[Mort] He sees all.

He's sensitive to the ebb
and flow of the universe

and receptive
to its guidance.

He realizes there is no beginning,
there is no end,

there is only the eternal now.

He's an Astrological Astronaut.

[Neil] He is?

[Mort] Oh wait... No.

I was thinking of me.
Hehe. Sorry.

[Chad] Mort may be confused,
but he's not entirely wrong

when he talks about places
and dimensions beyond our own.

But I warn you, the true tale
of Milo's existence

is far more spooky,

than any of you
are prepared to hear.

[Zack] Was Chad sitting here
the whole time?

He's got food.

I like scary stories.

[scary voice] Spooky stories.

Please, Mr. From the Comic Shop,
don't get him started.

To tell this tale, I must first
set the mood. [grunts]

If you could just a...
Move back.

Just a little lower.
Oops wrong way.

There. That is sufficiently
spooky enough.

Stop that.

Okay, Milo's spooky secret is...

He sees dead people.

[Melissa and Zack] What?

[Chad] Oops,
sorry dropped my phone.

I warned you this tale
would be spooky.

So let me get this straight.
Milo sees dead people?

[Chad] First, you must understand
that Danville

is the most haunted city
in the whole state.

Milo is like a paranormal investigator
walking the city.

It's filled with ghosts.

Ghosts that are unable
to move on for mysterious reasons.

And they speak to Milo.

Hi, Milo!

-Hey, Milo!

Good afternoon!

Hey, Milo, look!
I can fly now.

Look at me!
Man I love flying!

So, the ghosts
are all friendly?

No, no, no, only, like,
half the ghosts are friendly,

the other half are...
[in a spooky voice] Evil.

What does any of this have to do with Milo
or Murphy's law?

That's the thing.

There is no Murphy's Law.


[Chad] It's really just
the ghosts that are causing

all the damage
and destruction

that gets attributed to Milo.

Why did they have
to make my latte so hot?


Someone took the bolt I needed.
It's just a five-eights.

Is this my five-eights?

Who took the bolt I needed?
It is a five-eights.

[Chad] Milo wanders through town,
looking for clues

to why these souls
are trapped here.

Using mystical and cursed objects
collected from across the globe

that he carries around in his backpack,
he helps to free the dead.

I found the bolt
you lost.

Here's a cold sports drink.
Much better than lattes.

It might feel good
on the throat.

[Chad] Or exorcise
the really bad ones.


Back! The power of this Doctor Zone
comic compels you.


[Zack] Wow, I never even
considered that as a possi...

Murphy's law is absolutely real,

I've been there
when it has happened.

How do you explain
that time we were trapped

on that run-away sled?

[Chad] Ghost bobsled team.

[Melissa] Runaway fire truck?

[Chad] Ghost firemen.

[Melissa] Runaway Hamosaur?

[Chad] Ghost dragon.

[Melissa and Zack]
Ghost dragon?

Yes. There are many
forces at work here, I mean...

I mean look at the backpack that he was
given by, uh, nevermind.

Wait, just where do you
think he got his backpack?

I'd rather not say.

Chad, where did you
think he got it?


Okay, we're all done here.
Thank you.

Please return to your spooky chair
in the shadows.

-[chattering indistinctly]
-Thank you. Thank you.

Aw. I knew you weren't prepared
to hear this tale.

But when Bigfoot att*cks
don't come crawling to me.

All of this has been
very educational.

But what's your take, Sara?

He is your brother
after all...

I think Milo sees the world
the way everybody does,

he just focuses on the solution
instead of the problem.

Either that or
he's magic. He's wizardy.


I used to wonder
if he was more like a robot?

You know, like the "Milo-Nator!"


Finally! A robot for a friend!

A robot?
But that's impossible!


Like right now,
he'd be at the bridge

and something impossible
will have happened...

But Milo would already be
three steps ahead.

He thinks so fast

and has seen
and experienced so much,

he can analyze things like relative speed
and threat risk level

in the blink of an eye.

It's as if time stops for him.

And he can then maneuver through any
obstacle thrown in his path,

save the day
and commit the event to memory

to help him the next time
something similar occurs.

This would allow him
to run alternatives

and worst-case scenarios
in his mind,

helping analyze the best,
most prudent course of action.

For the impossible
Milo Murphy...

-...nothing is impossible.
-[Milo grunting]

-Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late.

-Hey, Milo.
-Hey, Neil from the Comic Shop.

Right on time,
Milo the Great.

-Hey, baby bro.
-Hey, Sara.

I'm sorry. I bought you a comic

but there was some cleaning down
I had to clean up.

You know how it goes.

I already picked up two.

Wow, Sara.
You're so wizardy!

Runs in the family.

So, what'd you guys do
this afternoon?

Tried looking at the world
through someone else's eyes.

[Diogee barking]


You're not supposed to be at the Three Lil
Pigs Pulled Pork Vegan BBQ Hut.

Bark, bark, bark.
Diogee, go home.

Bark, bark.


Go home.

So, tell us what your day
has looked like.

Okay, um...

Well, it all started when I was packing my
backpack this morning and...

Oh, wait...

Could we just scooch
three feet this way?

What? How did...
How did he know?

This is Milo's world.
You're just living in it.

We're all living in it.

♪ We're all living in it ♪

♪ Go, Milo
Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ Oh, thanks, everybody
That is so motivational ♪

♪ Go, Milo
Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ I'm not sitting here
Watching the world turn ♪

♪ You know I'd rather spin it ♪

♪ Go, Milo
Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪