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02x09 - Field of Screams & Spy Little Sister!

Posted: 01/03/22 18:25
by bunniefuu
♪ Look at that sun
Look at that sky ♪

♪ Look at my sweater vest
I look so fly ♪

♪ Look at that mailbox
Look at that tree ♪

♪ It's about as beautiful as it can be ♪

♪ Whoa

♪ Today is gonna be exceptional ♪

♪ Never boring even for a minute ♪

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Never boring even for a minute ♪

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪

So, what do you think
of the lemonade?

It's, um... It's really bad, Milo.

Yeah, maybe I should've
used lemons.

[Zack] Guys, guys!

Hey, guess what? My uncle is heading for
an agricultural conference,

and he needs somebody to
do his farm chores today.

And that someone is you?

You sound like my dad. He didn't think a
city boy like me could handle it.

You? A city boy?
Handle it?

I don't think so.

Okay, I'm not sure that was worth
a whole flashback, but...

Anyhow, I'm going,
and I thought

maybe if you guys didn't mind
getting your hands dirty...

Are you kidding? I'm gonna
document the whole thing.

Can you imagine Zack
with real pigs?

All that squealing.
Zack. Not the pigs.

Pretty sure this thing
with the udder is a cow.

It's a goat, man.

Yeah, this is gonna be fun.

[banjo music playing]

Zack! My favorite nephew.

Bear hug!

Hey, uncle Cornelius.

These are my friends,
Milo and Melissa.

Welcome, kids.

Listen, Zack. Are you sure you're gonna be
able to handle all these chores?

My dad said the same thing.

He doesn't think I can handle
it 'cause I'm a city boy.

You? A city boy?
Handle it?

I don't think so.

Huh. Not sure that was worth
a whole flashback.

[chuckles] Right?

Well, I sure do appreciate
you kids helping out.

Here's a list of chores.

Gotta run. See you at supper time.

Watch where you step.
It ain't all mud.

First on the list
is milking a cow.

With my hands!

Just kidding. I got this.
I watched a video tutorial online.

Yeah, that's a guy making pasta.

This is just ridiculous.
We're completely lost.

I'm going to call Mr. Block and find out
exactly where we're supposed to be.

Mr. Block, sir,
It's Cavendish and Dakota.

We can't seem to find the address.

Well, look around
and tell me what you see.

All I can see is corn.

You're there.

And you're looking for this.

It fell off a passing UFO
and landed somewhere in that corn field.

And please, remember to have fun.

What's not fun about corn?

Really? You throw away the outside,
you cook the inside,

then you eat the outside of the inside,
then throw away the inside of the inside.

It's stupid.

I wasn't really expecting
an answer to that...

Hey, look. There's a gate!
Let's go in there.

Okay, let me handle this. I know exactly
what to say to gain us entry.

[bell ringing]

Who are you
and what do you want?

Yes, hello, sir.
My associate and I were wondering

if we could have a look
around your property...

What are you looking for?

We believe there may
be an artifact there.

What artifact?
What are you going on about?

Well, you see, it's of alien origin,
and we work for an organization...


Well, yes, you know,
little green men?

You're looking for aliens?

Well, not exactly. We believe that they
dropped something in your...

Oh, I get it. You heard about
aliens flying around here,

and you wanna stake out
my place and get a photo

so you can sell it
to the tabloids.

Well, I didn't just fall off
the turnip truck.

Well, I didn't mean to...

Well, I did fall off a truck once,
but there were no turnips in it.

-Yes, I suppose that must...

I'm sorry, what?

That's what was in the truck
I fell out of.

You see, my brother-in-law
works at...

Yes, if we could just circle
back to the point here.

You see, my friend and I...

Look, you. If anyone's
getting a photo of little green men

to sell to the tabloids, it's me.

My corn. My photo. Now git!

You didn't say "please".

-You should've said "please".

Couldn't hurt, you know.
Be polite.


[bell ringing]

I told you to git! I'm not letting anyone
on my farm, except those aliens.

Would it make a difference
if I said... Please?

[gate buzzing]

How about that, Dakota? I should've just
said "please" in the first place.

You should've said
"pretty please".

[Melissa] Okay, Zack,
here we go, door number one.

Milking the cow.

-Oh, yuck, what is that awful smell?
-[flies buzzing]

Well, according to
the internet, it's farm.

Oh, here we go.
What do you think, Zack?

Is this a cow?

Yeah, very funny, Melissa.

I'm gonna record this
for posterity's sake.

I saw how it's done
on the video.

Okay. Just grab the udders
like this and gently sq...


Well, that's not right.

And gently...

-Sure. Sure. Why not?

And gently squeeze...

It went in my mouth!

Zack. It's milk.

I know, but it just came
right out of the cow!


It went into my mouth...

Hey, look, a milking machine.

I wonder how we missed that.

Oh, and look. Instructions.

One, use the milking machine.

That's all it says.

Okay, Zack. You no longer
have to use your hands.

Okay, no problem. I'll
just put these on the... [sighs]


[meows loudly]

[machine whirring]

[rapid beeping]

Despite Murphy's Law,
I still did the chore.


Next, check Old Face Kicker's
back horseshoe.

Question. His name is Old Face Kicker?

It's a little bit of
an exaggeration.

-Yeah, he's really not that old.

Um, as a follow-up question,

does that mean that this chore ends with
someone being kicked in the face?

Don't worry about it.
I brought face protection.

Oh, hey, look.
It's just a little rock.

Now, that was easy.

Wow. Looks like we got
a free ride on this...

Whatever, I finished the chore.

Looks like he's not
going to let us in.

Wait, remember what
the farmer said?


You? A city boy?
Handle it?

I don't think so.

What was that?

I have no idea. I think it was
somebody else's flashback.

Anyway, what the farmer said was that

the only ones he would
let on his property were the aliens.


-[bell ringing]

Oh, great.
He's not even there.

Come on. Let's just
climb the fence.

Next, "Build a scarecrow

using the Benign Deluxe Scarecrow
Assembly Module provided."

Okay, will do.

[alarm blaring]

[gasps and screams]


I guess "benign" is a relative term.

I finished the chore.

-[crow caws]
-You are the chore.

And as supper time approaches,
we reach our final chore.

[all] Slop the pigs.

The little guy likes you.

Well, you found a friend.


Aw, look at the smelly
little guy.

I'm gonna call you
Stinky McStinksteen.

Say oink.

Well, you know what they say.
Life on the farm is filled with...

-[chickens clucking]
-[Melissa squeals]



You know, Murphy's Law used to be a lot
more nuanced and complex.

Now stuff just explodes.

[farmer] My alien plan worked.

Well, I'm gonna get me some pictures and
sell 'em to the tabloids!

We'll never find it...

Blasted ill-fitting costumes.

Well, excuse me, they were the only alien
costumes I had in the van. [grunts]

-Wait, I think that's the thing up there.

Voila! Alien trash.


-Look. The alien trash.
-That's it.

[loud squealing]

The aliens!

[all screaming]

♪ Don't know what you want from me ♪

♪ Don't know if we need a referee ♪

♪ But I go down this road ♪

♪ 'Cause it's the path
Of least resistance ♪

♪ Do you wanna run this race? ♪

♪ Baby, you just name the time and place ♪

♪ And I'll be there I'll be there ♪

♪ 'Cause I can really go the distance ♪

♪ But if I chase you and you chase me ♪

♪ We just go round and round and round ♪

♪ I can think of better use
For our energies ♪

♪ We can find a common ground ♪

♪ It would be nice
If we could compromise ♪

♪ And simply just agree ♪

♪ Yes, it would be nice,
But in actuality ♪

♪ I chase you you chase me ♪

♪ Till the cycle stops repeating ♪

♪ It looks like
I'm gonna take a beating ♪

♪ But I'm not flowing into town ♪

♪ No, it's just an observation ♪

♪ Don't know if we're ever getting out ♪

♪ We're just stuck here
In this roundabout ♪

♪ But I can do this
All day long ♪

♪ This exact same conversation ♪

♪ But if I chase you
And you chase me ♪

♪ We just go round
And round and round ♪

♪ I can think of better use
For our energies ♪

♪ If we can find a common ground ♪

♪ It would be nice
If we could compromise ♪

♪ And simply just agree ♪

♪ Yes, it would be nice,
But in actuality ♪

♪ I chase you you chase me ♪

Well, I'll be dog-gone!

You not only did all your chores,
you harvested the corn.

Not sure about
your fashion choices,

but we'll make a farm boy
out of you yet.

Yeah! Oh, thanks, Uncle Cornelius.
That's, uh...

That's how
us city boys roll.

[Marcus] So, Zack, how'd you get along
at Uncle Cornelius' farm?

We had a great time, Dad.

We milked the cow. Took a stone out of
Old Face Kicker's shoe.

Slopped the pigs. Made some scarecrows
and we harvested the corn.

Just the three of you?

-I'm very impressed.

But when did you have time
to pose for this picture?

♪ It's my world
and we're all livin' in it ♪

-[Milo] Time.

-How's the practice going?
-Pretty good.

We are so gonna win
that Build a Bot contest!

[powering up]

Well, I'm glad it was apple sauce today
instead of Sloppy Joe's.

Oh, here, Joni.
Sorry about that.

Thank you, Milo.
Oh, um, here's your robot.

Oh, thank you.
I'll see you later, Joni.

Bye, Milo.

-Is it supposed to do that?
-Uh, yes.

Are you coming to
the science fair this weekend?

I wish. My dad signed me up for some
program where women mentor girls.

It's called You Go, Girl.

♪ You go, girl ♪

I suggested we go on
a ride along with the cops,

but my mentor wants
to meet for knitting and tea.

Dad thinks I need
more "femergy."

Yeah, I can see it.

I take it back.
You're a delicate flower.

Great, I'm going to spend
a whole day doing stuff

that someone else thinks
I should like.






Time travel is way cooler
than knitting.


This is the kind of
ride-along I was... Oh!

Stay down! Drive! Drive!


Wait! You forgot me!

This is bringing back
really terrible memories.

Wait. You forgot me.

Wait. You forgot me.


Wait. You forgot me.

Hello. I'm Dr. Doofenshmirtz.

I'm a former evil scientist, now just a...
A scientist, I guess.

And I'll be judging your robots today
at the science fair.

You know, I built
my first robot at your age,

and then it built another robot.

And that one destroyed
the first robot.

And then that robot
built another robot,

which turned around
and destroyed...

Anyway, you get the idea,

it's just a bunch of robots building and
destroying each other and, uh...

So, you know, let that be
a lesson to you.

Anywho, here's a box of parts,
you have three hours!

I have to be
an impartial judge,

so I'm taking points off your
team just because I know you.

Um, that's not really
how that works, Dr. D.

Yeah, yeah, whatever.
Three hours. Bye.

All right, who are you?

I'm Melissa. Yeah, you chased Zack and me
into the sewers. Remember?

Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you.
Everything I do is classified.

So, I'm going to wipe your memory and dump
you back where I found you.

Wait! Wait! I've got an idea,
you could be my mentor.

We'd be a great team.
What do you think?

Sorry, kid, I'm not really
the mentoring type.

Savannah, I see you got
the briefcase. Good.

Oh, hey! You finally signed up for the
Spy Little Sister mentoring program!

That's great! I'll remember
this in your next review.

Oh, um, yes.
That's what I did.

Excellent! You good at keeping
secrets there, Little Sister?

I, um...

Good enough for me, kid.

In less than three hours,
a homemade robot will go on a rampage

and wipe out
half of the city.

I need you two to go
forward in time

and see what went wrong,
then go back in time to fix it!

Wait! My best friends are at
a robot-building competition

right now at our middle school.
We have to go there.

I guess, since now
you're my mentee.

Good! Milo will be there, and I have years
of experience with Murphy's Law...

And are you good at using your hands and
feet as deadly weapons?

I, um... Yes.

Good enough for me, kid.

Paris was fun.

Say, young man, you haven't seen a girl
looking for a teahouse, have you?

No, why?

I had a day of knitting and tea drinking
planned with my You Go Girl mentee.

But she's a no-show.

It's so unpleasant
to be left behind.

I like tea.

♪ There's a whole lot of
Things in this world ♪

♪ You just don't know, girl ♪

♪ You go, girl ♪

♪ And you don't have to figure
Them out all on your own, girl ♪

♪ You go, girl ♪

♪ So log in to our enrollment center ♪

♪ Our algorithm will match
You with your perfect mentor ♪

♪ And so, girl
You can go, girl ♪


-Extra, extra!
-[people screaming]

Read about the disaster that's happening
right now in real time!

Hey, you with the newspaper.
What happened?

Monster robot ruins science fair!

I have to find out
how this started.

And save my friends?

Oh, yes. And that.




Holy smokes!

Zack, Milo. Are you Okay?
What happened?

I don't know. Things were going great one
minute and the next, mayhem.

And not the normal kind.

We were just finishing
our night light robot when...

[robot] Don't be afraid
of the dark.

Oh, bulb's out.
Let me go grab another one.

[robot] Be afraid of me.

Oh, yes.
And I'll take this, too.

It's about to get real
up in here.

Hmm. You know,
that red light bulb did come

from that box of
Dr. D's old stuff,

and he did used to be
an evil scientist, so...

I've got to get that bulb
and save the city.

Hey, wait a minute.
I thought you were off getting "femergy."

This is what "femergy" looks like. Boom!

Delicate flower.

[robot] Stand still.

Where are you goi...
Oh, ow, ow.

Now, you'll... Oh.

-I found out what went wrong.

[robot] It's so unpleasant
to be left behind.

[Melissa] The robot went nuts
after Milo and Zack

put in the red light bulb
they got from Dr. Doofenshmirtz.

Heinz Doofenshmirtz? No mention of an
address in this time frame.

He's off the grid.

Actually, he's crashing
on Milo's couch.

Not bad, Little Sister.

[Doofenshmirtz] ♪ Chop, chop, chop
Chop away at my heart ♪

♪ I can feel it... ♪

[both yelling]

Come on, we gotta
jump ahead minutes!

I will never un-see that.

Oh, hello again.

Where are the boxes of robot
parts for the science fair?

I had some nice young man from the school
pick them up yesterday.

Lugging boxes is bad
for my posture.

Was there a red light bulb in there?

Wait theTurn-Inanimate-Objects-Evil-
Inator bulb was in that box?

I can't imagine I would've been
irresponsible enough to...

Oh, yeah, probably...

Take us to Jefferson G. County
Middle School.

You wait right here.

No, no, I'm your mentee.
Use me.

Um, okay, go distract your friends and
keep them from making that robot.

I'm going to find that box
with the red bulb and save the city.

Okay, okay, I'm on it!
Go, team!

Got 'em!

And they say
Argon is an inert gas.

Your robot is going to go nuts
and destroy the city,

There's an evil light bulb
in your box of parts.

Or, "Hi, Milo".

Yeah, that's very rude, Melissa.

I'll punch you later.
Now come on.

You guys sit over here,
and don't make an evil robot.


Thanks, Ma'm.





-It's the bulb!


♪ When the going gets tough,
The tough get going ♪

-♪ You know, girl ♪
-♪ You go, girl ♪

♪ So, when you're out
In the field and use Krav Maga ♪

♪ You go, girl ♪

♪ I don't think that we're overstepping ♪

♪ When you see how
Hard we're being a lethal w*apon ♪

♪ You gotta throw
An old broken combo, go girl ♪

-♪ You go, girl ♪
-♪ You gotta go, girl ♪

Plastic doesn't
conduct electricity.

-♪ You go, girl ♪
-♪ You go, girl ♪

♪ Go, girl ♪

Can you reach the bulb?

I got this.

Lights out.

[all cheering]

Great job, Melissa.

Nice "femergy!"


I have to take off, mentee.

-How did I do?
-Good enough for me, kid.

Oh, yeah, by the way, you're probably
gonna get an email with a little survey.

If you could, just, you know,
give me all tens.

That would really help
with my next review.

You got it. G-Go, team!

Catch you later, partner.

Oh, right. Brick.


Okay, that's enough "femergy".


He was so needy.

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪

♪ Go, Milo
Go, Milo, go♪

♪ Oh, thanks, everybody
That is so motivational ♪

♪ Go, Milo
Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ I'm not sitting here
Watching the world turn ♪

♪ You know I'd rather spin it ♪

♪ Go, Milo
Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪