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02x05 - Cake 'Splosion! & Lady Krillers

Posted: 01/03/22 17:50
by bunniefuu
♪ Look at that sun
Look at that sky ♪

♪ Look at my sweater vest
I look so fly ♪

♪ Look at that mailbox
Look at that tree ♪

♪ It's about as beautiful as it can be ♪

♪ Whoa

♪ Today is gonna be exceptional ♪

♪ Never boring even for a minute ♪

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

♪ Never boring even for a minute ♪

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪

[Principal Milder]
Okay, kids, settle down.

Now as you all know,
our school will be hosting

an extreme
middle school challenge

for everyone's favorite cooking show,
Cake 'Splosion.

[high-pitched screaming]

I really like that show,

and I thought that everyone would yell.

So please, welcome the star of
Cake 'Splosion, Basil Bravo.

-Hello, Jefferson G. County Middle School.


Yep, she really
likes that show.

Today, I, Basil Bravo,

will be choosing
two lucky Baking Bambinos...

[Amanda] Hello! Me! Por favor!

...for the greatest "extreme"
cake baking show... the world.
-Me! Por favor! Elijame!

-So, if your heart goes pitter-patter...
-Choose me.

-...for frosting and batter...
-Oh, oh, oh!

My heart patters for batter,
Mr. Bravo! Hello! Oh! Me!

[Basil] be a contestant
on Cake 'Splosion!

Don't worry. Helmet.



Hi, Amanda.

Wow! Spectacular!

And Basil Bravo
loves spectacular.

-What's your name, kid?
-Milo Murph...

You're in, Milo Murph.

-Uh, actually it's...
-No time for your life story, Murph.

This is television.

Now, I need to find you
the perfect pastry partner.

-Who among your classmates...
-Ah! Oh, oh, oh...

-...will make the perfect partner for you?
-Mr. Bravo.

A lot of kids look
like they know how to bake.

Oh! Me! Me!

Excuse me, Mr. Bravo.
You should pick Amanda Lopez.

She loves you and your show.

She does!
Those are my two favorite things.

Si! Yes! Hola!
Hi, Mr. Bravo.

My name is Amanda Lopez

and it's been my dream
to be on Cake 'Splosion

for almost two-thirds
of my entire life.

And before that
I was an infant

and had no knowledge
of your show,

but I've baked
something for you.

Did you know you were
meeting me today?

I did not.

So how long has that cupcake
been in your purse?

Oh, I bake a new one every morning.

Just in case.

It's gorgeous!

What did you say
your name was again?

-My name is Amanda Lop...
-That's fantastic, Ms. Lop.

-But my name is...
-Then it's settled.

You and Milo Murph
will be partners

on tomorrow's
Cake 'Splosion.

[chomping] Mmm.

[in deep voice] Moist.

[in normal voice] If you can do that
on a slightly larger scale,

this will make
spectacular TV!

You guys are gonna
be on television.

We've never known
anyone famous before.

Uh, Milo knows
Tobias Trollhammer.

Yeah, and Zack
was regionally famous.

Yeah, what am I,
Chop Chop Chopped Liver?

Yeah, good one.

-Fist bump?

-Fist bump?

-Fist bump?

-Fist bump?

-High-five? Never mind.
-Fist bump?

This is gonna be
great television.

You and Milo
on the same team.

Me and Milo
on the same team!

[Milo] Isn't this great?

You're gonna be
on your favorite show.

Yes, I am very happy.

-What's wrong?
-I'm just worried about, you know...

-Oh, you mean, Murph...

Let's just call it
"that which will not be named."

[muffled speech] Oh, yeah, sure.
Clearly, not a problem.

But, listen, I'm gonna
load up my backpack

more carefully than ever.

We'll be so super prepared

that when things go wrong,

-I'll be ready for them.

I'm Jose, Basil's
long-suffering assistant.

Please bring these liability waivers home
to your families.

In extreme baking,

things can get...
Well, "extreme."

Oh, better get these home.

Our insurance will have additional riders
they want to add.

It is going
to be a disaster.

There will be wolves
with bees on their heads!

[speaks Spanish]

[in English]
And a dinosaur made of ham.

[speaking Spanish]

[in english] Yes!
It is Murphy's Law.

We will be cursed
with very high ratings.

[Milo] No worries.
Insurance will cover it.

-[upbeat music playing]
-[Brigette] Go, Milo!

Mix that batter, batter, batter...

They're not out there yet, Mom.

I know.
I'm just warming up.

[chanting] Amanda, Milo,

bake that pie dough!

-Where is Dad?
-He's watching from home.

We didn't want to double down
on the Murphy mayhem.

[man on TV] Oh, Kelly, there's something
I've been meaning to ask you.

Oh, uh, hello.
Milo's on TV.

Uh-uh, not... not now.
I'm watching my stories.

[woman on TV] Well, you can ask,
but I'm not Kelly.

I'm Kelly's evil twin.

Oh, okay.
I'll just go watch it in the...

Who's Kelly?

Oh, I have no idea
but I hate her.

It's a great show.

Welcome to our middle school
edition of Cake 'Splosion,

where show business
meets dough business.

Four teams will compete
to finally decide

which Tri-State
middle school student

will become the ultimate,
Extreme Baker!

One team will be
eliminated in each round.

Okay, let's meet our teams.

First from Middletown
Middle School,

John and Jake Jackson.

From the dark side
of Badger Town Middle School,

Rain and Storm.

From Huntington Hills,
Park Shore Estates Middle School,

Anthony and Ashley.

And from your very own,
Jefferson G. County Middle School,

Milo Murph and my biggest fan,
Amanda Lop.

[all chanting] Amanda! Milo!
Bakin' it with style-o!

Milo, I think
it would work best

if you were my prep chef.

"Prep chef"? What's that?

Well, you go all the way over
to the other side

of the kitchen
and prep stuff.

And by all means, try to stay

as far away from where I am
baking the actual cake.

Well, okay.
I guess I...

-Oh, is this because of Murphy's...
-It shall not be mentioned!

[Basil] Are you ready
for round one?

You'll be head over heels

-for our first event.
-[bell dings]

Contestants, bake a cake using
fresh seasonal ingredients,

-while hanging upside down.
-[cake thuds]

If that sounds
like fun to you,

then start your ovens and get your cookies
ready to crumble!

♪ It's more than an obstacle course ♪

♪ In which I have to bake a cake ♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

♪ It's a grand tournament
It's a battle of w*r ♪

♪ It's a duel
With your honor at stake ♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

♪ This is a real song
Not just a standard promotion ♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

♪ Tell all your friends they really need
To watch this awesome show ♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

♪ And if they don't
Then they're just plain wrong ♪

♪ So feel free to let them know ♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

[singing indistinctly]

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

[bell dings]

♪ Cake 'Splosion♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

♪ This is a real song,
Not just some shameless promotion ♪

♪ Cake 'Splosion ♪

[bell dings]

[man on TV] If I married you
and your evil twin,

I could have my cake
and eat it, too.

"Cake"! Oh, my gosh! Milo.

-Where's the remote?
-Uh, it's right over there.

Ah! The raccoon is back!

♪ You've seen it before
You go to see him soon ♪

♪ He's the curry raccoon ♪

Hey, come back here,
you little bandit.

How can you
live like this?

[Benny Hill theme music playing]

Get back here!


Oh, no, no, no.

No, no, please
don't play the... Oh...




Oh, this is ridiculous.

I bet it's that raccoon
dunking the remote again.

All right, it's on.

What are you doing, Doof?

You can't blast him
with that thing.

It's a transportinator.

It's just gonna send him
across town somewhere.



[Martin groaning]

Oh. How's Milo doing?

They haven't lost yet!

Okay, folks. We are down
to the final heat

and our remaining teams will now take
their friendship cakes

through the obstacle course.

Are there any questions?
I didn't think so. Good luck, kids.

I'm way ahead of you.

I'm gonna go sit
in that cabinet

over there
and count sprinkles.

[Amanda] No, Milo.

Things go wrong with or without the thing
that shall not be named.

-You mean, Murphy's La...
-No one listens.

But you're always prepared
and I realized that

no matter what happens,
it's just better having you around.


Now let's go win
this cooking show

by roller-skating through
an obstacle course.

[Basil over speakers]
Okay, everyone,

now let's see
which one of our teams

will truly be cake 'splosive.

On your marks,
get set...

Okay, fine, all right.

[balls popping]

Oh, no! We can't do this.

It's okay.
Follow my lead.


[Basil] Well, they've made it
through Gumball Fury

and now it's everybody's
favorite... Angry goats.

[goats bleating]

[Amanda] We've done it, Milo.
We're almost there.

[Diogee barking]

Diogee, you're not supposed to be
in the mud. Go!

[soft music playing]

♪ Don't say it's over ♪

♪ Don't say it's over ♪

♪ Don't say it's gone ♪

♪ Don't say it's over ♪

♪ Don't say it's over ♪


It's not your fault, Diogee.

I'm so sorry, Amanda.

Oh, that's okay.

This is the most fun
I've ever had

and I actually got to be on
Cake 'Splosion,

my favorite TV show.

-Well, I wish we'd won.
-[Basil] Wait a minute.

That was extreme and...

[in deep voice]
Moist! [echoes]

[in normal voice]
Ladies and gentlemen,

we have a winner!

Amanda Lop and Milo Murph!

[all cheering]

You loved Krillhunter.

And... [reading]

You were mildly amused by...


And... [reading]

You paid admission,
but were thoroughly dissatisfied

with Krillhunter , , and in particular
, Good Krill Hunting.

And you were thoroughly confused
by the giant remote-controlled

car race in Krillhunter :
We Don't Know What We're Doing.

Now, be prepared
to be blown away

by the all-new
franchise reboot...


Well, what do you think, D.B.?

It's genius!
You recast all the men as women?

You got yourself a green light.

[Melissa] I can't believe
they're casting and sh**ting

the next Krillhunter movie
right here in Danville.

I can't wait to see
Tobias Trollhammer again.

There he is. Tobias!

Hi, Milo.
Milo's friends.

What's wrong?

Everything. They...
They don't want me in the movie.


This Krillhunter
is all women.

Like, they're taking the movie and
remaking it with women!

Cool! I mean,
not for you, I guess.

Wait, where's Milo?

Oh, he must have fainted.

Oh, I had the most
horrible dream.

They were making a Krillhunter movie
without Tobias.

It sounds so silly now
in the light of day,

but it seemed so real.

Milo, it is real.
That's what he just said.


I don't know what to do.

If the film is a hit,
they'll never need me again.

But if it flops,
it will destroy the franchise

and they'll never
need me again.

I need these movies.

I can literally
lose my house.

I mean, I could sell it
for a million dollars,

but I can't live
in a million dollars.

I'm not a silverfish.

What about the money
from all the other films you made?

I blew a lot of it
on krill-themed art.

[classical music playing]

Milo, you have to help me.


They're making the next Krillhunter
without Tobias.

Oh, really?

-Don't you worry, Tobias. We got this.

Thank you,
Milo's friend girl.

Somehow, some way,
I need to be in this film

to show the world they can't make
a Krillhunter movie

without Tobias.

-Too bad you're not a woman.
-I've got it!

I forgot to say,
"Follow me!"

[bird screeching]

Sir, I can't believe
this is the best use of our talents.

Picking up alien rubbish?

You two are indispensable in this role.

-But if our agency is covering up...

...the existence
of alien life forms,

perhaps we could deal
with the actual alien life forms.

[chuckles] Oh, heavens no.

That's the boring, talky stuff.

You're doing the real work.


And keep it up, fellows.

-Remember, alien trash need you.

-Ugh, alien trash!
-[music playing over headphones]

This is rubbish,
which means trash.

Can't hear you.

And I don't even think
this is alien trash anymore.

It's just regular human trash.

Eh, we are outdoors.
It's a nice day.

I got my tunes.

♪ I'm Lindana
And I wanna have fun ♪

Well, at least it isn't
the Lumberzacks.

[music continues
over headphones]


You want something
to project strength,

but also a certain vulnerability.

I raided the bathroom
for makeup,

but I think your mom's
more of an autumn

and Tobias is clearly a winter.

As my dad always says,
"You can put lipstick on a pig."

What? You can.

[upbeat music playing]

♪ Tobina, you got it goin' ♪

♪ Although it takes a makeup mirror ♪

♪ To make you vaguely pretty ♪

♪ Now's your chance to hit that city ♪

♪ Tobina, you got looks
But also brawn ♪

♪ You're pretty like some flour ♪

♪ A bag of flour ♪

♪ And you might have
To shave in an hour ♪

♪ We believe that you'll achieve ♪

♪ Your every dream ♪

♪ I don't wanna be too graphic ♪

♪ Not too graphic ♪

♪ But you've got a face
That could stop traffic ♪

♪ For you're a star ♪

We'll keep you far
from the freeway ♪

♪ Tobina ♪

♪ She really smolders ♪

♪ Tobina ♪

With such big shoulders ♪

♪ Tobina ♪

♪ Tobina ♪

[pop music playing
over headphones]

-Please stop moving the bag.
-I did not move the bag.

Well, somebody moved
the bag and it wasn't me.


So, still think
it was me?

[director] Next.

Hi. My Aunt Tobina

wants to audition
for Lady Kriller.

Okay, let's see
what you got, Auntie.

"Help! Help!
Somebody help me."

[in falsetto] Stand back!
I'm going in for the krill.

I'm a woman who's
dressed to krill!




She's like a female
Tobias Trollhammer.

Can she handle the physical demands
of the role?

We'll find out.
Prepare the gauntlet.

Great gollywockers.

What do you think that is?

I don't know. Maybe we picked up
something alien after all.

Yes! This could be our chance

to prove that we can handle
more than trash.

We've captured an alien!

[Cavendish] Wait!
Who moved the bag?

-It was not me.
-[both scream]

After that renegade rubbish!

I don't know
if I can do this.

I believe in you, Tobias.

Tobina, you're up.

♪ She's a big, bold bombshell ♪

♪ And she's just got back
And oozes of patience ♪

♪ She's a fierce, fine feminine force
Fighting tiny crustaceans ♪

♪ Oh, Lady Kriller ♪

♪ Lady Kriller,
She's a Lady Kriller ♪

-♪ Oh, she's a Lady Kriller ♪

♪ Lady Kriller,
She's a Lady Kriller ♪

Get it before it gets away again!

I'm trying but I've
only had one lesson.



[comical music playing]



It's working.

-Got it!
-Good show.

I daresay, it was...

[both screaming]

[Cavendish] Dakota!

[Dakota] I'm not moving it!

The final part of your audition.

Crawling through
the mud while singing acapella.

-How does this...
-And go.


♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ Happy birthday... ♪

You can do it,
Auntie Tobina.

[Cavendish and Dakota
screaming and groaning]

[opera music playing]

[all gasp]

-[gasps] Oh, no!

Tobias Trollhammer?

You were playing us for fools.

We'd look like idiots
if we cast a man to play a woman.

What is this, Shakespeare?

This is not Shakespeare.

You're out, Trollhammer.
Out, out, out!

No! I am Krillhunter.

I will always be Krillhunter.

It is not because I'm a man

or because
I'm wearing a dress.

It is because
I am a man wearing a dress.

I may have lost
my train of thought,

but the point is,
I am Krillhunter!

And no one can
take that away from me.

That was amazing.

Who knew you had such range?

You'd be perfect for the movie
as the villain.

[tires screeching]

[dog barking]

[alien grunting]

Huzzah! We did it!

Yes. No one can ever say that
we are worse than trash

-ever again.
-We have succeeded in our mission and...

Wait, do people say that?

-Well, no matter.

We will be heartily praised when we show
whatever this thing is

-to Mr. Block.
-[Dakota] Uh-oh.

[Cavendish grunts]
No you don't!

-Do you levitate your mother like this?
-I don't think so.

[both screaming]

[sighs] We failed yet again.

Well, at least it can't get any
worse than this, I guess.


Now it can't
get any worse.


My house is safe

and none of this
would have happened

without you, Milo,
and Milo's friends.

I knew you could
do it, Tobias.

Uh, wait,
Mr. Director?

Won't making
Tobias the villain

cause some
continuity problems

since Tobias was the hero
of the franchise for all those years?

Can you really
just wedge him in

without some really
substantial changes

to the canon
and the new script?

Who cares about the script?

We don't even
read those anymore.

We do what we want
with no regard

to plot or character
or making sense

to the people watching it. Confusing
stuff, cabbage tree, vacuum cleaner.

I've learned my lesson.
I have no idea what it is.

-[Tobias grunts]


♪ It's my world
and we're all livin' in it ♪

Hi, I just want to take a quick moment to
talk about today's episode.

You may or may not
have noticed me in the background

for several scenes
involving bison.

Did you see?
Like there and there.

Uh, my name is Billy Bison.

I'm the great, great, great-grandson of
Frederick Bison,

the originator
of Bison's Law,

which states, "Whatever can go bison
will go bison."

I'm really sorry
about tonight's episode.

-I feel like I kinda h*jacked it a little.

Oh, I better speed this up.

Okay, once again,
I just wanna say I'm sorry

and I better just jump
right to the end!

It's my world and there's all bisons
in it. [groans]

♪ Go, Milo
Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ Oh, thanks, everybody
That is so motivational ♪

♪ Go, Milo
Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ Whoa ♪

♪ I'm not sitting here
Watching the world turn ♪

♪ You know I'd rather spin it ♪

♪ Go, Milo
Go, Milo, go ♪

♪ It's my world
And we're all livin' in it ♪