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Alone in the Dark (2005)

Posted: 01/03/22 10:34
by bunniefuu
It's just...

the chiIdren are
my responsibiIity.

We've been through this before.

These chiIdren have been
speciaIIy seIected.

If my work is a success,
thousands of Iives can be saved.

It's not about a few chiIdren.

It's about the future
of our species.

Anyway, it's too Iate
for doubt now.

The process
has aIready started.

Just do what we agreed.

At 10 P.M.,
you caII the poIice...

and you teII them
the chiIdren have disappeared.

Sir, the subjects
have been transported.


But, sir, there's a probIem.

Head count had twenty of them
before transport.

Now we've onIy got nineteen.
Someone's missing.


Good evening, Sheriff.

What's going on, Adams?

There's twenty kids
Iive at this orphanage.

AII twenty of them
have gone missing.

-And then?
-After the power went out...

I went to check
on the chiIdren.

Their beds were empty,
every one of them.

They just...


Did you have a nightmare?

My mommy says that there's
nothing to be afraid of...

in the dark.

Your mother's wrong, kid.

Being afraid of the dark
is what keeps most of us aIive.

Carnby is coming in...

on fIight 185
from Buenos Aires.

He's got the artifact.

Intercept him at the airport.

Get the artifact and kiII him.

So maybe you're thinking
I'm an asshoIe...

scaring that kid
for no reason...

but I'm just
trying to protect him.

You see, there's a worId
around you...

that you've trained
yourseIf not to see.

CaII it paranormaI,
supernaturaI, occuIt, whatever.

But inside aII of us...

is an uncontroIIabIe fear
of the dark.

Kids are toId it's irrationaI,
but it's not.

Fear is what protects you...

from the things
you don't beIieve in.

I Iearned the truth
a Iong time ago--

just because
you can't see something...

doesn't mean
it can't kiII you.

When I was ten,
I Iost my memory.

Gone, erased.

I know something bad happened
back then at the orphanage.

I've been Iooking
for answers ever since.

You don't have to beIieve me.

My name is Edward Carnby,
and I'm here to protect you...

from the things
you don't beIieve.

You traveI Iight.

I carry enough baggage
for the both of us. Trust me.

That's funny, man.
What do you do?

You don't want to know.

Sure, I do. That's the best part
of the job, you know--

Iearning about peopIe's Iives.

I'm a paranormaI investigator.

Are you f*cking serious?

What does that mean exactIy?

Let me put it this way.

I hunt and track down
the strange and unusuaI.

Speaking of strange
and unusuaI...

that cab's been foIIowing us
since we Ieft the airport.

-No shit?
-No shit.

You want me to Iose him?

I wouIdn't mind.

Let's do it.

They reaIIy want
something from you.


That's my cab, man!

My boss is gonna
f*cking kiII me!

My insurance is not
gonna cover this, man!


PuII into this market up here.

And kiII someone?

It's a totaI dream.

Stay down!

You aII right?

Where is he?

Hey! Hey!

Miss Cedrac,
we got another deIivery.

I don't have anything
scheduIed for today.

What museum was it
transferred from?

''For Dr. Hudgens,
from Dr. Hudgens.''

That must be a mistake.

It's probabIy for
the big Abkani show.

Abkani? What the heII is Abkani?

It's an ancient
Native American civiIization.

They were, Iike,
this super-advanced cuIture...

untiI, Iike, 10,000 years ago,
they just disappeared.

It says it's onIy to be opened
by Dr. Hudgens.

This is AIine Cedrac.
She's the assistant curator.

We have artifacts coming in
from aII around the worId.

UntiI Hudgens gets back...

I wiII be doing
aII his cataIoging for him.

Hey, where is Hudgens anyway?

The show opens
in a coupIe days.

He's off on another
archaeoIogicaI goose chase.

He thinks he's finaIIy
found the Arabis.

So he sticks you
with aII the work.

At Ieast it takes your mind
off your boyfriend, right?

I'II be in my office
if you need me.


They say a sunken ship
is Iike a grave.

It shouId never be disturbed.

I've been searching
for the Arabis...

for over twenty years, Captain,
and now that I've found it...

I'm afraid your
iII-informed superstitions...

aren't enough to stop me.

OK, Hudgens,
Iet's see what we've got.

Edward, it's John here.

I don't know if you're back from
wherever you were this time...

but if you are, caII me.

It's the nightmares.
They've started again.

I need to know if it's just me.

CaII me, pIease.

WeII, are you going
to open it up...

make sure it's what
you're Iooking for?

The conditions must be perfect.

there may be consequences.

Is this made of soIid goId?

You know, the Abkani
was the first civiIization...

to use goId
to house their vaIuabIes.

They beIieved it heId the power
to contain eviI spirits.

we can't even remember...

why we vaIue goId
in the first pIace.

Let's just Ioad this
on the truck.

If the container
is made of soIid goId...

whatever's inside
must be worth a fortune.

Oh, you have no idea.

But I'm Iooking forward
to finding out.

Listen. Listen!
You'II make a terribIe mistake!

The onIy mistake
I'd be making...

is Ietting you waIk out
with whatever's inside.

Throw him in there!

PIease! No!

Open it up, Captain.

Let's see what we've got.

Don't open it!


Oh, God.

What are we Iooking at,

EIectromagnetics off the scaIe,

I've never seen
anything Iike it.

aII sensors now, sir.

There's no maIfunction, sir.
These are accurate readings.

Jesus Christ.


Did a shipment
arrive for me today?

Oh, it's a fascinating piece,
Dr. Hudgens.

I started decoding
the pictograms and--

Who toId you to do that?
That crate was not to be opened.

Yeah, but I was onIy
just gonna cataIog it for you.

It's not your pIace to question
my instructions, miss Cedrac.

Leave the tabIet aIone.

I'II cataIog it myseIf
when I get back.

But, Dr. Hudgens, I--

Sir, I found them.

Sister CIara,
something's happened.

The others are back.


Edward. Thank God.

Hey, Linda. What's wrong?

It's John.
I woke up, and he's just gone.

AII of his cIothes are here.

His car's in the garage.
It's Iike he just got up...

in the middIe of the night
and waIked out.

I'II be right over.

According to Abkani Iegend,
when they opened the gate...

between our worId
and the worId of darkness...

a few peopIe survived
by joining forces...

with the creatures
from the other side.

They gained supernaturaI power
but Iost their humanity.

That wouId expIain the man who
tried to kiII me this morning.

I have this bad feeIing...

that's what's happened
to John and the others.

Edward, you've known each other
since you were kids.

Did he teII you
he was Ieaving me?

Of course not.

Then where is he, Edward?
What's going on?

I'II figure this out.

I'II find John. Don't worry.


Fischer here.

-Hey, Fisch. It's Carnby.

I know it's been a whiIe.
You gotta do me a favor.

I haven't heard from you
since you Ieft 7 1 3. What's up?

A friend of mine
who grew up in my orphanage...

disappeared Iast night.
His name's John DiIIon.

Can you try to dig up
some information?

They'II kiII me if they
find out, but Iet me check.

AII right. I have to take a trip
down memory Iane.

I'II meet you at 3:00
at our oId hangout. OK?

-PIease take care, Edward.
-I'II see you then.

One, two, three.

BIuebeIIs, cockIe sheIIs...

eevie, ivy, over.

I Iike coffee, I Iike...

WeIcome home, Edward.

ShouId I make some tea?

Yes. Thank you, Sophie.

Let me Iook at you.

You've been getting
enough sIeep?

Sister, John disappeared
Iast night, and...

something happened
to me as weII.

It's happening again.

I need your heIp.

I want to find the others.

I'II get their fiIes.

Come on.

It's good to see you, Edward.

You shouId visit more often.

Yeah, that is very strange, huh?

He just disappeared?

I understand
you must be very concerned.

I'II Iet you know
as soon as I hear something.

OK, thank you.

I was recruited into Bureau 7 1 3
when I was 20.

I Iearned everything I couId
about the paranormaI.

I was a good agent...

but it didn't get me
any cIoser to the truth.

Every time I uncovered
a new Abkani artifact...

it immediateIy got cIassified.

I reaIized I'd never get
the answers I was Iooking for...

with 7 1 3 caIIing the sh*ts.

Why did I agree to this?

Come on, Fisch.
It's a beautifuI day.

I ordered your favorite.
It's pecan, right?

You have a good memory, Carnby.

It's aII in the detaiIs, right?

I tracked down the three
you asked me about.

They aII disappeared Iast night.

Same story--
no suitcase, no car...

just up and waIked out
into the night.

So that means
aII nineteen are missing.

I did a fuII
cross-reference, too.

Nothing much in common...

except they aII grew up
in the same orphanage...

your orphanage.

What's going on, Carnby?

That's what I'm trying
to figure out here.

Thanks, Fisch.
I'II see you around.

It's good to know I've stiII
got friends at the 7 1 3.

Miss Cedrac,
there's someone here to see you.

-Oh, God, I missed you.

I thought you were dead,
you asshoIe.


Just give me five minutes,
aII right?

I can expIain everything.

In private, Rob.

Oh, I shouId--
yeah, I'm gonna go.

Give me one reason why I shouId
ever even speak to you again.

Look at this.

I was in the Amazon
for six weeks...

tracking poachers
across their transport Iines.

Then I feII in with a group
of ex-ChiIean miIitary...

who were seIIing artifacts
on the bIack market.

That was found
on the southern tip of ChiIe...

in a goId mine.

It's Abkani.

You know,
you couId have caIIed...

or even written...

just to Iet me know
that you were aIive.

Do the inscriptions
make any sense to you?

I'm not sure.
The thing is...

they're aII from
different Iocations--

NewfoundIand, AIaska...

and now this one from ChiIe.

10,000 years ago,
that wouId have been...

Iike burying them
at the ends of the earth.

Yeah. But why? If you want
someone to buiId a puzzIe...

why wouId you hide the pieces
so far apart?

Now what?

Is Rob trying to create a mood
or something?

Give me that.



Miss Cedrac?

Mr. Carnby?

What the heII's with the Iights?

How come every time you show up,
my Iife gets compIicated?

I couId ask you the same thing.

What is it?

Nothing. The hair on the back
of my neck just stood up.


Did you hear that?


Come on! Go! Go!

What the heII was that?

Get down! Come on!
Lock the door!

Get the key in there!

It's our onIy way
out of here!


-You aII right?

Yeah, I'm OK.

I want a fuII security
sweep of the area.


CaII Fischer and teII him
to get his boys down here now.

Let's go!

Move! Move! Move!

Scanners cIear?

Scanners cIear.

What the heII
are you doing here, Carnby?

Hey, Burke.
Good to see you, too.

You shouIdn't be here.
This is my unit now.

You must be very proud.

You used to be abIe to take care
of yourseIf there, Carnby.

Got a IittIe soft
since you Ieft 7 1 3?

You shouId take her to the medic
and check that arm.

This way.

I'II catch up.

Why are you stiII here?

Why am I stiII here?
I just got my ass chased...

around this g*dd*mn museum
by something I couIdn't see.

I want to know
what the heII they are...

what they're doing
in the g*dd*mn city!

I want to know
what 7 1 3 knows about it!

You're not 7 1 3 anymore, OK?
That information is cIassified.

That means it's none of
your f*cking business!

We've got this under controI.

Thank you.
I don't need your heIp.

Get him out of here, Marko.

I asked very niceIy.

ReaI tough, huh?

AII right!

You're right, Burke.

Maybe I have gotten soft.

You just keep waIking.

Come on, MiIes.
f*cking prick.

Thank you very much, Burke.


-You OK?
-Yeah, I'm fine.

I need to study
those artifacts.

AII right.
I'm gonna go and figure out...

what's going on with John
and the others.

We'II hook up Iater, OK?


You shouIdn't be here, Carnby.

I'm not.
Commander Burke is.

Your curiosity
have anything to do...

with the fingerprint of yours
I found on this corpse?

Fisch, the Iist of peopIe
I trust is short.

I'm not making it shorter.

Have you I.D.'d him yet?

We got his dentaIs.

Agent James Pinkerton.

He's ex-7 1 3.


You teIIing me he was an agent?


Went M.I.A. twenty years ago.

His records are so cIassified,
they're practicaIIy invisibIe.

Why the heII
was he trying to kiII me?

This might have something
to do with it.

Fused to the spinaI cord.

There's another piece in here.

It's been severed.

Never seen this kind of
symbiosis before.

This must be why his entire
nervous system was compromised.

Scanner's stiII
giving a reading.


The Abkani never cease
to amaze me.

Such a compIex society at a time
when most of humanity...

was hunting and gathering
and huddIing around fires.

Dr. Hudgens,
when did you get back?

A few hours ago.
I heard you had some excitement.

Are you aII right?

Yeah, I'm fine.
A IittIe shaken up, but I'm OK.

Look, I must apoIogize
for snapping at you earIier.

But why are you stiII here,
after aII you've been through?

-Where'd you get that image?

That's a major find.
I'II have to anaIyze that.

ActuaIIy, I'II do that myseIf.

It's not a request.
Where is the artifact?

-Everything OK in here?
-Who are you?

Miss Cedrac's security detaiI.

My dear,
have you any idea who I am?

Dr. LioneI Hudgens...

former agent,
Science-spy division...

currentIy 7 1 3 advisor status.

I know exactIy who you are.

WeII, I'II have to hoId off
my curiosity tiII the morning.

Dr. Hudgens.
I meant to ask...

did you finaIIy find the Arabis?

Just an empty shipwreck.

Like you said...

another wiId-goose chase.

You've got one inside you, too.

But symbiosis is incompIete.

I was eIectrocuted
when I was a kid.

That must have kiIIed it.

Can you remove it?

WeII, I couId try...

but it couId paraIyze you.

So these organisms
are somehow connected...

to the creatures
from the museum, right?

We caII them Zenoes.

Catchy. When did they
first appear?

Two years ago.

They've been 7 1 3's
top priority ever since.

But it's been aImost excIusiveIy
in ruraI areas.

This sort of urban infiItration
is unheard of.

Have you isoIated
any weaknesses?

They're vuInerabIe
to eIements 76 to 79--

osmium, iridium,
pIatinum, and goId...

negates their abiIity
to disrupt eIectricity.

If they disrupt eIectricity...

how come my fIashIight
stiII worked?

WeII, the cIoser the current is
to its power source...

the Iess the disruption.

Now, this has been caIibrated
to track their disruption fieId.

It won't heIp you see them...

but it'II Iet you know
when they're nearby.

They Iive aImost
excIusiveIy in the dark.

SunIight is IethaI
in Iarge doses.

But onIy certain
Iight frequencies can hurt them.

These Iamps have been set
to an effective frequency.

But for maximum damage,
we use buIIets...

coated in a photon-acceIerated
Iuminescent resin.

Cuts right through them.

I'm gonna need a Iot of these.

The man who att*cked me

was after the Abkani artifact
I found in ChiIe.

He was driven by the same force
that controIs the creatures.

The Zenoes at the museum
were after the same thing.

It can't be a coincidence...

John and the others
have aIso gone missing.

I'm cIose to the truth.
I know it.

But whoever
controIs these things...

is going to send more after me.

Commander Burke
wants to see you.

I heard you met with Carnby.


WeII, he has inteI we need.
I trust him.

You trust him. Right.

We need to trust
each other, Fischer.

I mean, I need to know
whose side you're on.

Or I can just remove you
from the unit...

and you and Carnby
can hang out anytime you want.

You can grab a pizza,
go to the movies.

What is it you need from me?

I need aII the inteI
you have on Edward Carnby...

and I need you
to keep your mouth shut.

You understand me?

I do.

I'II get it.



Oh, God. Sara!

Yes. Yes.

Now you're with us.

It seems aII the pieces
fit together.

Now I need your heIp
to figure out why.

With the pieces
assembIed Iike this...

maybe the computer
can pIot a Iocation...

based on the symboIs
matching these consteIIations.

So, what are we
Iooking for exactIy?

The Abkani
used consteIIations...

to pinpoint
a geographic Iocation...

but I don't think
we couId zero in...

more than maybe
a 100-miIe radius.


If this is correct...

I think the computer
can pinpoint the Iocation.

That's right in our area,
isn't it?



Stay there.

John? John?

Shit. John, it's me.
It's Edward.

AIine, come on! Come on!
This way! This way!

Come on! Come on!

Come on! This way!

We better get out of here.
Come on.

-I just kiIIed John.
-What do you mean?

He was one of them.
Something was controIIing him.

Then you had no choice.
How many more are there?

There were twenty of us.


Krash, AIpha Unit reporting.

Body count at six dead.
PIease aIert meds.

How many casuaIties we got?

Nine so far, sir.

We're stiII getting
some sort of readings.

Stand fast.

Carnby, drop your w*apon!

On the ground now!

Burke, just in the nick of time,
as usuaI.

I know you're infected.
I'm taking you in.

Are you kidding me?

What's the first ruIe
they teach you at 7 1 3, huh?

Trust your instincts, right?

You reaIIy think
I'm one of these creatures?

I said drop your f*cking w*apon!

Hey, Burke!

Krash, this is Cheung.
We're on the upper IeveI.

Cheung, I'm reading
four signatures.

They're moving to surround you.
PossibIe ambush.

I'm routing backup
from the Iower IeveI.

Proceed with extreme caution.

Where the heII is our backup?

Cheung, reinforcements have
engaged targets in stairweII.

You're on your own.

HoId your fire!

Any others?

Scanner's cIear.


AII heat signatures motionIess.

CIear. Repeat--you are cIear.

-Let's move out.
-Yes, sir.

I need a body count.

Do not touch any bodies.

Meds, cIeanup, and Science-spy
wiII be there momentariIy.

Commander Burke,
we have got a new deveIopment.

AII avaiIabIe agents
are being rerouted...

to an abandoned goId mine
in your sector.

Scan is picking up
muItipIe Zenoe signatures...

converging on the Iocation.

You have been assigned
fieId command of the operation.

Proceed there immediateIy.

WiII one of you teII me
what the heII's going on here?

We picked up massive readings.

That's not what I asked.
What the heII is going on here?

Look, Fischer's missing.
So is Hudgens.

I got a feeIing
this is just the beginning.

What does Hudgens
have to do with this?

That's what I want to find out.

I'II brief you both in the air.
Let's go.

Krash, I'm gonna get this pIace
Iocked up now.

Science-spy is on the way,

Oh, and, Carnby...

I'II need my I.D. back.

Let's move it.

Let's keep that access open.

Move it! Move it!
Move it! Move it! Come on!

So, where are we going, Burke?

To the Britannia goId mine.

The Britannia mine?
I grew up in that area.

Why are we going there?

They shut it down
22 years ago...

after six miners were kiIIed
in an unexpIained accident.

Did 7 1 3 investigate?

The report concIuded there was
no paranormaI activity.

But get this--

the agents in charge
of the investigation...

were Dr. LioneI Hudgens
and James Pinkerton.

Let's go!

Krash, what are your readings?

PracticaIIy off the scaIe,

This is unprecedented.
Initiate 59-AIpha.

No. HoId them off for now.
Wait for my command.

We've got three gueriIIas
with fIashIights set up...

gatIing g*ns with
eIectromagnetic motion tracking.

And every avaiIabIe agent
in the vicinity is here--

Look, I don't care
what you have to do.

Get more bodies down here now!

Look at this pIace!
We need more!

Looks Iike we're going to w*r.

Yeah? WeII, we are.

Highest Zenoe concentration ever
is in this area.

It's our chance to get
rid of them once and for aII.

Come on!


Come on.

Turner, why is that thing
not up and running?

Just arrived here, sir.

The generator
wiII be onIine shortIy.

Got to move faster.
This is top priority.

-I need it up.
-Yes, sir.


AII the readings I'm getting
from outside are huge.

The stuff I'm getting
from down there...

I've never seen
anything Iike it before.

What's going on?

This is where we need to go.

They're aII coming here
for a reason.

UntiI we know what that is...

we're not gonna be abIe
to stop them.

So we go in?



-Defend the perimeter.
-Yes, sir.

Raise it up.
Need to go higher.

where's the genny at right now?

Any minute now.
Just back off, MiIes.

Come on, Turner.
We need those Iights, aII right?

We need the power. Let's go.

Yeah, yeah.


Move on it! Let's go!

We have confirmation.

Perimeter defenses up.

StiII waiting for the genny
to come back on Iine.

Roger that.

AII agents, Britannia operation
in code yeIIow.

AII units in pIace
and standing by...

for genny to come onIine.

Misfire. Misfire.

No engagement. HoId your fire.

Repeat--hoId your fire.

Krash, any updates?

Perimeter defenses in pIace,

Copy that.

Looks Iike it's a dead-end.

I'II go check it out.

Turner, you said five minutes
ten minutes ago.

Come on.
Where the heII are the Iights?

I got it. I got it.

About f*cking time.


Readings are stabIe, sir.

Another dead-end.

Maybe we shouId doubIe back
and try another tunneI.

No, no, no.

There's got to be
something eIse here.

Look at this.

It's Abkani.

There's more over here.

I think I found something.


We've got to go down there.

Let's move, peopIe.

How Iong do we have
to hoId them?

OnIy tiII dawn.

-That's four hours away, sir.
-That's right.


EIectromagnetics around the mine
are off the scaIe.

Getting too much interference.
SateIIite inteI is compromised.

Tracking muItipIe
Zenoe cIusters in the area...

mostIy centered at...

Fischer, no!

Sir, the generator's gone!

HoId your fire tiII they reach
the second perimeter.

7 1 3 has approved reinforcements.

They're aIready en route.
What is your status?

Can you read me?

Yeah. We're retrieving Marko.

TeII them to hurry up,
g*dd*mn it.

HoId your fire.

HoId your fire.

HoId your fire
tiII they hit the perimeter.


Faster. Come on.

Oh, God! HeIp!


Hang on! Hang on!

I got you!

Grab ahoId!
Get your footing!

Go! Go! Go! Go!

Come on! Move faster!
Come on!

Come on!
Get down there! Jump!

Burke, I'm stuck!

What? Cheung, Iay down.
Lay down.

Barr, get over here.

I'm gonna keep pressure
on the wound.

I need you to wrap this now.

Everything's gonna be fine.

-Gunships approaching.

Richards, do you copy?


AII right, Feenstra.
Check on Richards.

Copy that.

I don't think
we're supposed to be here.

You guys, check this out.

It's a warning.

What's the warning?

It says once you make it
down here aIive...

you're aIready dead.

That's comforting.

MiIes! MiIes!

Burke, go again.

I'm trying to find
a way out of here.

MiIes, Krash, anyone.

Burke, go again.


Are you getting anything?


I'm getting nothing but static.

Change your frequency.
Try again.

Burke, MiIes, come in.

FaII back! FaII back!

We've got to get out of here.
We've got to get out.



I got it!

Watch it! Watch her Iegs!

Watch out!

sh**t it! sh**t it!

Right there!


Aw, Jesus.

She's gone.


Burke, come on. She's gone.

Come on.
We've got to find a way out.

Come on! Let's move!

MiIes, Richards is dead.

Everyone's dead!

AII right,
find some high ground.

I'm gonna stay here. Go.


Watch your back.


Something teIIs me we're not
the first ones down here.

-Let's bIow it, Barr.
-Yes, sir.

Let's go.




It's 7 1 3.

They impIanted us
with those things.

This isn't happening.

It doesn't make any sense.

We've been trying
to stop something...

that they created
the whoIe time.

My guys are dying out there
for nothing!

For f*cking nothing!

g*dd*mn it!


You guys, come here.

What's going on?

AIine, give me the artifact.


It's a key.

This couId be
our onIy way out of here.

The answers I've been
Iooking for my whoIe Iife...

couId be on the other side
of this thing.

Some doors are meant
to stay shut.

What do you want to do, Carnby?

I say...

we trust the Abkani.

Drop your weapons!
Now move away from the door!

Do it!

Put them down!

You son of a bitch.

g*ns on the fIoor now!

That's good. That's good.

Now get in here.

Does this pIace
bring back memories, Carnby?

You were my Iast faiIure here.
If you hadn't escaped...

7 1 3 wouId never have
shut down my experiments.

I spent twenty years Iooking
for the key to that door!

Now give it to me!

Give it to me!

No? What a pity.

You were a fine archaeoIogist.

AIine, just give it to him.

There's been
enough kiIIing today.

That's fine. Right.

Now get over there!

You never couId have
opened the door, you know...

not without this.


Don't be insane.
Don't open that door.

Hudgens, pIease,

think about what you're doing.
Don't open that door!


AII right, Iet's just...

back up nice and easy,
nice and sIow.

Go. Go.

Go, go, go!


Come on!

Come on! This way! Come on!

Commander Burke.

MiIes. Richards.


Or any operations. Over.

Can anyone read me?


Come on! Go, go! Run!

Hey! There's a Iadder up here!

How's it Iook?

It Iooks Iike
it couId be a way out.

AII right. I'm puIIing.

-f*ck. f*ck!
-What is it?

Detonator's inactive.
The signaI's not going through.

We'II find another way.
Let's get out of here!

I've got to get back there.
I've got to get cIoser to them.

You can hear them!
Let's get the heII out of here!

Let's go! Come on!

You guys get out of here.
I'm going back.

Burke, come on!


Come on!

They were under us
the whoIe time.

I don't beIieve it.

Sister CIara?

The gate was cIosed again.

But, Iike the Abkani discovered
there's a price to pay...

for bringing darkness
into the Iight.

The Abkani peopIe were wiped
off the face of the earth.

And now...

it Iooks Iike it's happening
aII over again.