02x21 - Bo Diddley

Episode transcripts for the TV show "According to Jim". Aired: October 3, 2001 to June 2, 2009.*
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A comedy following a suburban macho husband, wife and their three children.
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02x21 - Bo Diddley

Post by bunniefuu »


Oh, baby!

Hi, Daddy.
Hey, baby.

What have you and
Gracie been doing?

Playing story.

Oh, yeah? You girls
are being so good.

Mommy's gonna be so proud of you.
Thank you.

Come on, Ruby.

The forest fairies are coming
back with the Blueberry King.

Love you.

CHERYL: Hello!

Hey, hey, hey!

Hey! How was the dentist?

Fine. Great.
No problem.

She tried to bite him.

Cheryl, you've got to get over
this phobia with the dentist.

You're one to talk.
You are terrified of spiders.

Yeah, that's different.
Dentists can't hide in your shoes.

Yeah, well, I'm just
glad it's over.

Uh, no, it's not,
Cheryl. You still...

Dana! Ix-nay on
the oot canal-ray.

Oh, wait a minute.


You gotta have a root canal?

Yeah. But I'm not gonna do it.
And I don't care if all my teeth fall out.

Oh, come on, Cheryl, if that
happened, people would be saying,

"What's he
doing with her?"

That would just
throw things off!

Come on, Cheryl.

The dentist said
he'd put you under.

I know, but...

Come on. Come here. Sit down.

Listen. This time,
I'll go with you.

You will?

Will you hold my hand?

I will hold your hand the whole time.
And you know what?

I'll have Andy drive us so I
can hug you all the way home.

Oh, honey!
That is so sweet.

JIM: Baby...

You can count on me.


Look, Mommy, it's
the Blueberry King.

Well, I'm gonna leave them
in your capable hands.

What if Dr. Inglove screws up and
accidentally leaves something in my mouth?

I hope it's a DVD player.


Just trying to lighten
things up a little.

Oh! Plus I broke the DVD player.


You ready, Cheryl?

No, no. You know what? No. No.

I... I'm not. I gotta go.
There's something wrong at home.

I just know it!
Cheryl. Cheryl.

You're not a mother!
You don't know!

All right, now! Knock her out now.
Knock her out now.

Do it now! Do it now!

Baby, hold my hand
the whole time!

Hold my hand the whole time!

I will, honey. I'll hold your
hand the whole time. I promise.

Now, just relax.



There you go.

Okay. It's
not working.

No, no. No,
it's not working.

Give it a chance, Cheryl...
No, I think it's...

(GASPS) Oh, baby!

Okay. She's
sleeping now.

Jim! You're never
gonna believe this.

I was in the pharmacy buying pork
rinds and a home cholesterol test,

and guess who I ran into?

None other than
the great Bo Diddley!

Bo Diddley?
You're serious!

Yeah, yeah, I talked to him.
Told him we had a blues band.

You did not!

Hey, he's waiting for his daughter downstairs.
You wanna meet him?

Meet him?
I wanna have his babies!

Hey, Doc, hit me
with some mouthwash.


Oh. Eh...



I promised Cheryl
I'd stay with her.


If only you'd put in a clause about
running into famous blues legends.

You don't think
about those things.

Hey, wait a minute.

Technically, I don't have to be
here, because she's out, right?

And the world we live in

doesn't exist to her right now.

For all you know, in her world she's
getting nasty with Russell Crowe.

And she's using my hand.

Hey, Doc.
How long is she gonna be out?

Two hours.



I peed in the bushes.

Your thighs look
really fat today.

Oh, yeah. She's out. Let's go.

JIM: Oh, wow. Cool.

Excuse me, Mr. Diddley, uh, Bo.

Yo, what's up, Slim?

He's named me.

Oh, this is Jim.
He's the harp player in my band.

Your band?

I don't ask for much.
Just give me this.

All right, all right.
It's not his band, it's mine.

Wow. What
happened there?


Ingrown toenail.

And the pain is ugly, man.

You gonna write
a song about it?

Now, why should I do that, huh?


Hello. Bo's listening.
What's up?

(STAMMERING) Don't worry
about it, baby girl.

Uh, Bo'll get a taxi. Bye.

Everything all right?


Baby girl's kids got sick today at school.
And she can't pick me up.

Would you guys flag Bo a taxi?

Where does Bo live?

About minutes from here.

Ten minutes? I mean, that's...
That's nothing.

You don't have to take a taxi.
We'll give you a ride.

Oh, you'd do that for
me, Harp Player Jim?

Oh, he just named me.
Harp Player Jim.

What, what do you mean?
What about Cheryl?

Please, Cheryl. Come on, she's up there sharing
a cigarette with Russell Crowe right now.

Look, it's minutes.
She'll be out for another hour and half.

Come on, Mr. Diddley. Let's go.

Oh, man. I've been a big fan...
Andy! Andy! Where you going?

Oh, I'll meet you out front.

I'm gonna exchange this cholesterol
test for more pork rinds.

Okay. You know, my band
is a really great band.

I'm the harp player, of course, and I'm the singer.
I have all kinds of...


I'm sorry.

Oh, man, let me get this.
Let me get that for you.

That was a pretty good
lunch there, Slim.

Sorry it took me three times to melt
the cheese the way you like it.

Bo don't like the bubbles.

All right.
Your fish are fed.

Plants are watered.
Your laundry is in the dryer, Mr. Diddley.

You didn't put my undies
in there, did you?

No, no, no. I hung them over the
shower rod like you asked me.

So, sorry, but
we got to get going.

Well, I guess the dishes
can wait till morning.

Bo does have
a problem with ants.


Oh, great. Cheryl's
still under.

Wow. Bo sure
can talk, huh?

What did I tell you?
No matter what it says on a bumper sticker,

don't ask about
their grandkids.

Sorry. That Lamont
sounds like a real p*stol.

Oh, Cheryl.
I'm here for you.

How long were we gone?

Uh, Doc, where's Cheryl?

Oh, she's in the
other office recovering.

And don't worry,
she's gonna be fine...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever.
Was she awake?

No. But she should be coming
out of it just about now.

Cheryl. Cheryl.


(MUFFLED) Is it a boy, Jim?
If it's a boy, we can stop.

No. Honey, you had a root canal,
and the doctor said it went great.

I had a root canal and a baby?

You just had dental surgery.

Oh! Oh, yeah, honey.

And I never could have done it

if you weren't with
me the whole time.

That's because I was
with you the whole time.

Yeah. I could feel you.

And I could feel you

feeling me.

It's like we're one person.

Well, honey, that's what it feels
like when you marry the perfect guy.

Good job, honey.

Honey, would you hand me that water?
I'm really thirsty.

Here you go, baby.


Cheryl, you're a little
numb. Cheryl...

Oh, that really hit the spot.

So is your mouth still sore?

It's not so bad.
You know what?

I couldn't have done it without Jim.
He was really there for me.

Do you know he held my
hand the entire time?


Yeah. Now I kind of feel bad about lying
down in front of your wedding limo.

(LAUGHING) Oh! Thank you!

Who's that from?

Oh, I'm guessing a pretty terrific
guy wishing me a speedy recovery.

Look at that! Huh!

"Harp Player Jim."

"Thanks for the ride home yesterday
afternoon and doing my laundry.

"Bo Diddley.

"P.S. Tell Slim the tuna
melt was Bo-licious."

But yesterday afternoon...

Bo Diddley?
Jim met Bo Diddley?

Yeah, but, but how could he
do that? He was with me...

Oh, my God!

Jim abandoned you while
you were unconscious!

And he did laundry!

Daddy's home.
Release the doves.

Oh, honey.
I'm so glad you're home.

I have a special treat for you.

Are you wearing it under there?

No. No.

What's that?

Look at this, huh?

Wow! Look at that!

Look at that,
chocolate truffles!



Honey, if you really
wanted to thank me

a case of beer and some snow
tires would have done the trick.

Oh, honey.
Read the note.

Oh! Girls
with their cards!

I know.


(WHISPERS) Bo Diddley.

You know what, honey?
I love you so much

that when I'm through with this,
I'm gonna give you the basket.

How could you
leave me there alone?

Oh, honey. It was
Bo Diddley, come on!

You were completely out.
You didn't even know I was gone.

Yeah, but that doesn't matter!
I need to know that

I can count on you to follow through
even if I'm not gonna find out.

Oh, come on.
Will you look at it from my position

for a minute, all right?

What if you had an opportunity to
hang out with some famous housewife?

Yeah. Like who?

Like, like, like, I don't know.

I can't help it if I'm your
whole universe, honey.


Oh, I'm just kidding,
for crying out loud.

It's no big deal, all right?

It's a once-in-a-lifetime

It's never gonna happen again.

Like that time I made
that beer milkshake.

I don't believe you.

Honey, you were there.
I was foaming from both ends.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That's right.
I remember. I remember.

And I was there for you.
The whole time, no matter how disgusting you got.

Because that is the
kind of person I am.

Yes, you are like that.

Yes, and apparently, you're
not that kind of person.

I am that kind of person.

Hmm. Well, I guess
time will tell.

What the hell's
that supposed to mean?


Ha. You don't
even know me!

CHERYL: You're eating the
chocolates, aren't you?


All right, sweetie.
We're going to be back about : .



Can we come to the movies
with you and Aunt Dana?

Uh, no, baby. It's
a grown-up movie.

Do they say bad words?

Do they say, "Stupid"?
Do they say, "Shut up"?

Well... Do they say S-E-X?


No, sweetie, actually, it's just a movie
where people talk about their feelings.

If nothing blows up,
it ain't a movie.


All right, my
loves. Be good.

Oh, and honey, when the
kids go to sleep tonight...

Can you stay here?


Oh, I'm sorry.
This came for you.

Love you.
Love you.

ANDY: Hey, Jim.

I found out a way to make
popcorn in man-sized portions.

The dryer.

Hey, hey, hey. Check this out!
Look at this!

VIP tickets. Backstage passes for Bo
Diddley at the Kingston Mines tonight!

How cool is that?

Wow! From the
man himself!

Wow! Does it say anything
about free food?

This popcorn tastes
a little linty.

Wait a minute.

I know what this is about.


She is so obvious!

What're you...
What're you talking about?

She's setting me up.

Come on. Out of the blue,
she's going to the movies?

And these tickets just
happened to show up?

Are you saying this is a setup?

Yes, Andy. That's what I said.
And I explained it.

I can't believe her.
She actually thinks I'm gonna ditch the kids

to go to this thing so she can catch
me "not being there for her."

Yeah, but, what if Cheryl had
nothing to do with these tickets?

Maybe they really are from Bo.

I mean, you hand-washed
the guy's underpants!

Come on. Come on.
We're talking about Cheryl here.

She got nothing to do all
day but plot against me.

I'm not gonna fall for it.


You know, maybe, uh, maybe she
doesn't spend all her time plotting.

I mean, this house
is pretty clean.

All right.
Let's go!

No. Wait a minute.
This is a trap.

No, we're staying.

It's Bo Diddley!
We're going!

No! That's exactly what she wants
me to think! We're staying.

We're going, aren't we?
Yup. let's go.

Oh! What about
Maisy and Daisy here?


Oh, Marilyn.
Thank you for coming over.

What's the emergency?

Oh, I have to get to
the hospital ASTP.

What... What's wrong?

Well, it seems like Andy is...
He just keeps falling down!

Oh, baby!
Here it comes!

Oh, my God!
I know!

What happened to him?

I don't know. Apparently, a
beetle crawled into his ear!


It's eating my brain!

JIM: Look at him!
Oh, look at that!


Oh, Marilyn, I hate
to do this to you,

but can you watch the kids, please?
Oh, yes.

Oh, I can hear it chewing!



Of course!
Oh, thank you so much, Marilyn.

Thank you so much. Oh, Andy.

Andy! Andy.

Oh, thank you so...

Oh, I just want to make sure I get
a picture with me and the beetle.

I looked all through
the club, Jim.

Even the ladies' room?

Every stall.

You wouldn't believe the
attitude I got in there.

Cheryl is definitely not here.

What's your game, blondie?

What's your game?

I gotta tell you.
I don't think there is a game.

I really think she
went to the movies.

Huh. Maybe you're right.

That's the game.

She trusts me.
That's the game, see?

And obviously, I'm
untrustworthy, right?


So, I win the game!


Check and mate,
my funky brother.

Are you ready for some
blues and some booze?

Drunk and sad?
I'm there!

All right!

ANDY: What's the matter?

I can't do it.
Cheryl trusts me too much.

Oh, what're you talking about?

You're Jim,
baby. Huh?

You do this kind
of stuff all the time.

Yes, I do!

Release the hound!

The animal is out of his cage!

Uncage him. Come on!
Give me some!

Come on, baby, come on!
Is that all you got?

Oh, I got more than that!

Oh, I can't believe this.

I can totally
get away with this.

But there's something
inside me that's just

stopping me!

You mean guilt?

I don't know what
the medical term is.

I just... I mean, I just
can't do the wrong thing.

Come on, now. No, it's...
I don't know what it is!

Don't beat yourself up.


You tried to do
the wrong thing.

Thanks, Andy.

I'm gonna...go home?


Hey! You know,

if you see Bo, tell him
hi from Harp Player Jim.

If it comes up.

WOMAN: That's him!
The weirdo from the ladies' room!


Oh, honey.

What a great movie.
Meryl Streep plays this deaf woman,

and she can only speak
in sign language and...

I've lost you
already, haven't I?

Cheryl, what're you
doing to me here?


You know that
envelope you gave me?


It had tickets in it to the
Bo Diddley concert tonight

at the Kingston Mines.
And you know what?

I went.

You what?
I went.

But you know what?
I couldn't go in. You know why?

Because you trusted me!

Wait a minute.
You took our children, our babies,

into some smoky nightclub?

Of course not!
I dumped them on Marilyn Crannis.

Oh! You are

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Don't make this about me.

This is about you, baby!

What? How is
this about me?

Because you trusted me,

and because I love you so much,

I had no choice
but to live up to it.

Damn it!

All right. So...
So, let me get this straight.

You went to do something wrong,

you couldn't do it, so,
now you're mad at me?

Yeah. Now, we're on the
same page, finally.

Well, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for making you a better person.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, I hope
you're happy, Cheryl.

You took this wild animal out of
the jungle, put him in a cage,

and make him perform little
tricks in your suburban circus!


What? That's
not funny!

Suburban circus?

That's really funny.

Yeah, it's kind of
funny, I guess.

Little bit, but...



Oh, I'm not % sure,

but I think I might be a
little bit proud of you.



Well, I mean, honey, you didn't

completely do the
wrong thing tonight.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, wait a minute! What?

I was half-wrong.

There's still hope for me.

Oh, honey.
Mommy! Mommy!

We're afraid of
the brain beetles.

They're gonna crawl
in our ears.

What's that all about?

That's the half of me
that you'll never tame.


Get the... Hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, get out of here.

Just go. Go. Go. Go.
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