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04x03 - Fly on the Wall

Posted: 01/03/22 08:26
by bunniefuu
You'll never guess
what I'm doing tonight.

- Well, you might be...
- Going on a big date.

- But guess with who!
- Obviously...

It's Jeremy! [SQUEALS]
But you'll never guess where.

- [SIGHS] I have no idea.
- Neither do I.

- He says it's a surprise.
- Ooh. Lucky you.

The problem is if I don't
know where we're going,

- I don't know what to wear!
- Oh! I know. Hair bows!

They're all the rage these days.

Just don't wear any feather
earrings. They're so last Tuesday.

Uh, yeah, so last Tuesday.

[CHUCKLES] I would never wear
something so Tuesdayish of last.

Well, since the parts didn't arrive
for our zombie-robot pool table,

anybody have any other suggestions?

Hey, remember how we did
that super rollercoaster?

How about a super-duper rollercoaster?

- So you are just adding a "duper" then?
- It's an acceptable suffix.

We did a portal to Mars.
Maybe a portal to Venus?

[SCOFFS] Only if they
make SPF million.

Okay, okay. How about a super-super-
duper-duper-duper rollercoaster?

What? Too much or not enough?

Actually, instead of improving
one of our old inventions,

we should make something brand new.

- Something simple.
- How do you mean?

Well, what is summer all about?

♪ Summer is runnin'
through the sprinklers ♪

♪ In your T-shirt, shoes and... ♪

Yeah, we all know the song.
But I'm not exactly sure how.

Well, hurry up and think of something.

I'm getting tired of
hanging around here.

That's it, Buford!

You can't get more
summer than a tire swing!

- Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today.
- Uh, hatch mosquitoes?

No. Hey, where's Perry?

Morning, Agent P.

We have a report that
Doofenshmirtz is at the shark.

We don't know which shark,
but it sounds bad. [SHUDDERS]

Gives me the heebie-jeebies
just thinking about it!

Sir, it was a typo.

Doof isn't at the shark,
he's at the park.

Well, um, that's a lot lower
on my heebie-jeebies scale.

So, Agent P, a change of plans.

Head over to the park and stop Doof
from doing the doings that Doof does...

Carl: You have a
heebie-jeebies scale, sir?

Yeah, you're on it.

An old-fashioned tire swing, but
huge and powered by jet engines

that could flatten a small village.

Baljeet, have you
calibrated the ailerons yet?

Baljeet: Oh, sure,
calibrate the ailerons...

I'll just stay here and fiddle
with stuff so I look busy.



- Hey, Buford.
- What?

I didn't take nothin' out of nowhere!

But, um, just as a hypothetical,

uh, what do you think would happen if,

say, you took that goofy doohickey
thing out of the thingama-whatsit?

Hmm, good question.

Well, if we account for the coolness
of the jet-propulsion circuits

this early in the day and the
increased internal humidity

while that access port is open,

removing the part in
question would cause the

machine to emit a ray that
turns a human into a fly!

- Really?
- You'd be surprised

how often removing a single
component can make the difference

between one thing and a highly
complicated, totally unrelated other thing.

For instance, if we removed this part,
it would become a sorbet machine.

- Why do you ask?
- Oh, no reason.

A hair bow? Only Stacy
can pull this off.


I'm a fly?
How is this possible?

Phineas and Ferb, you
are so buzz-ted! Mom!


Mom! Look! Phineas and
Ferb invented something

that turns people into flies!

Ew! Get away, fly. Shoo!

Oops, I'm late for my appointment.

Mom, it's me! Mom!

You need to bust the boys and
get them to turn me back into me

before Jeremy gets back here.



Help me!

Ah, Perry the Platypus, won't
you join me for a picnic?



Oh, my duodenum.

Did you see your face?

You were like,
"Oh, maybe I shouldn't,"

but then, "Well, I am hungry,"
and then, boom!

Down you went!

And are you hungry, Perry the Platypus?

Well, too bad! It's not
for you, it's for them!


My Feed-the-pigeons-inator!

Okay, Snobby the Snobapuss, I
know it doesn't sound like much,

but it is technically evil.

I'm breaking the law.
See there, eh?

"Do not feed the pigeons," and
I am going to feed the pigeons,

therefore I am breaking the law.

"Do not feed the pigeo..."
It's a, it's a metal sign with

big red letters on it, and
that makes it legally binding.

Okay, here's the truth. I've got
evil scientist block, all right?

Seriously, I got nothing!

I was going to make
a Good-idea-inator,

but I thought that would
be counterproductive

because it already had
"good" in the title.

So then I invented a Bad-idea-inator,
which just gave me this!

You can see where that got me.

I'm telling you, I'm dry,
Perry the Platypus. Dry!

And this summer just
keeps going on and on

and feels like it's been
going on for, like, four years.

I'm asking you, man to
monotreme, can you help me?

See? Even my trap design
has become lackluster.

Phineas: Lady and
gentlemen, may we present

a good old-fashioned
new-fashioned tire swing!

Prepare to engage thrusters.

Your fully pressurized cabin

is gyroscopically balanced
for a perfectly smooth ride.

Baljeet: Hmm. Now it just feels
like we are watching a movie.

True, but we can also go old-school.
Hang on, everybody!

- Baljeet: Yay!
- Phineas: [LAUGHING] Yeah!

This is great!

I have never been so sick to my stomach!

Okay, I think I've gleaned
from your expression

that you are now going
to lead me through

a series of bizarre and
seemingly unrelated exercises

that will help me get my groove back.

Does that about sum it up?

Good. Let's do this thing!



[BUZZING] You again?

[CHUCKLES] Looks like I
took you on a little trip.

Get back to your family, little fella.

"Little fella"? What about
me looks like a little fella?


♪ I don't have to tell you it's a
negative situation once you're in it ♪

♪ I mean, you have to beat
your wings , times a minute ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ You spit acid on your food
'cause you can't chew ♪

♪ When you order from the menu,
it's always number two ♪

♪ But, baby, you can see it all ♪

♪ Baby, you can see it all ♪

♪ Baby, you can see it all
when you're a fly on the wall ♪

♪ You've got compound eyes,
you've got hairy thighs ♪

♪ Yeah, life ain't easy
for common house flies ♪

♪ Flypaper, bug zapper,
swatters and sprays ♪

♪ And if you make it through that,
you live all of seven days ♪

♪ But, baby, you can see it all ♪

♪ Baby, you can see it all ♪

♪ Baby, you can see it all
when you're a fly on the wall ♪

This is Jeremy's house!

And there's Jeremy!
At last, a silver lining.

I can find out where
we're going tonight.

A girl's gotta know
what a girl's gotta wear!

Yeah, it's a total surprise.
I'm taking her to the rodeo.

The rodeo?
I love rodeos!

Wait, do I love rodeos or
is that because I'm a fly?

Jeremy: Oh, hang on, Coltrane,
there's a fly in here. Let me get it.


[SCREAMING] There's one!

- Come on, Fireside Girls!
- Let's get it!

[SCREAMING] There goes
our lizard-feeding patch.


Could this day get any weirder?

- Hello.
- Oh, my gosh!

- Were you turned into a fly, too?
- Me? No, I was always a fly.

I just got shot with
a Human-head-inator

and now I've got this thing.

It's really uncomfortable. How
do you walk around with these?

Tell me about it. Be glad you
don't have a freakishly long neck.

- Yeah! That was a rush!
- Great!

That was the most fun ever!

Yeah! Let's restock the
snack bar and go again!

Now there is something you do not
see every day. A fly with orange hair.

Orange hair?

Candace has been turned into a fly!

Wait, did somebody take the doohickey
thing out of the thingama-whatsit?

- Buford?
- Uh...

Oh, no! If I catch
the mug what did this...

Yeah, I'm on it.
Okay, if I just pull...

Whoops! Wrong one.

Not that one!

Wait, wait! Go back two.


Oh, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you!

I mean, you are so busted!

- But thank you!
- Took a few tries there.

If I were thinking, I would've
just pushed this "fly" button!

Oh, it's that kind of fly.

Whoa! That is so weird!

We're in a space shuttle and the
shuttle program ended years ago!

I guess that's it. Fun's over.

Au contraire.


This is great! It's the
best inator I've ever made!

And you know what, Perry the Platypus?

There's no self-destruct
button on this,

so there's no way you can stop me from

taking over the entire Tri-State...


Well, like my Uncle Boris used to say,

when life's going well, a giant tire
comes along and smashes your inator.

We all thought he was crazy at the time,

but now he seems rather prophetic.

I don't get why this
stuff is called sorbet.

Ain't it just the fancy
people word for ice cream?

Where ice cream is
made from dairy products

and turned vigorously with air,

sorbet is made entirely
out of fancy people.

- Really?
- No, not really.

Hey, guys.
Is Candace around?

Hey there, Jeremy.

A little bird told me
we were going to the rodeo.

sir, it is pronounced Ro-day-o.

- Oh, yeah. My mistake.
- May I take your order, partner?

[SIGHS] I don't suppose it's "dress like
a cowboy and get your dinner free" night?

No, madam.
That is Tuesdays.