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01x06 - Hot for Pappa

Posted: 01/02/22 06:12
by bunniefuu
Ooh, hot date?

Ravi's taking me out for
our eight month-aversary.

Aw, so romantic!

Yeah. It's just I forgot it was tonight,

- so I didn't dress for it.
- Oh, that's easy. Put a belt on.


Uh, belt that jumpah!

If I've learned anything
from Teen Vogue,

it's that any regular outfit can
be high fashion with a belt.

- Here.


Veterinarian chic.

- I don't think this works.
- Are you kidding?

You're Dr. Lara Eriksen.

This look screams,

"I'm a badass vet who works
hard and lounges hard."

Well, I guess it's not the worst.

You see that confidence there?

That's the power of a belt.

It's why they use them in karate.

Okay. Thank you.

You look amazing.

That's what my grandmother
insisted on being buried in.

We said no.

She's still alive. She's a planner.

She chose my outfit.

I don't like my boots.

Would you like my top?

- Yes! Yes.
- Absolutely.

♪ I don't lose my cool ♪

♪ I love to call you mine ♪

♪ And whenever I'm with you, my baby ♪

♪ I keep my Fahrenheit ♪

♪ Ah-ah-ah-ah ♪
♪ I never lose my cool ♪

I think "no" and "k*ll shelter"
should be on the same line

or people might get the wrong idea.

I guess.

Do you need to change the bucket?

No, it can handle a few more drops.

Roofs are the bane of my existence.

They need to be to code, waterproof,

and like four other things
I can never remember.

- Sorry, I just...
- Oh, my God.


- Hey.
- Do you need something?

Uh, yeah. If you're busy, it can wait.

We're busy. Meeting.

- Okay, sorry. I'll just text you.
- Thank you.

Good work.

Liam, he's a very sweet kid.

I just think we need a welcoming staff,

not some prairie cult tween
who's eaten his sister.

- Uh, I-I don't have a sister.
- Oh, my God! I am trying to help you.

Rabbits have a very high pain threshold,

so little Socks probably
barely felt the...

I get why you want to see him.

- Closure.
- Where is my lunch?

Okay. Yeah...

I'm so sorry for your... loss.

It's okay. It's just soup.

Or are you being sarcastic?

No, but I get that a lot.

People also say I have a punchable face.

Oh, yeah. Like a bag to a boxer.

Ah, here it is. Jeez, Nikki.

Would it k*ll ya to downsize a bit?

Ah, just toss the boxes.
They're mostly empty.


There will be blowback.

Well, as acting manager of animal care

and Nikki's supervisor,

I'm happy to share
with her our concerns.

- Your concerns.
- Conversation, not confrontation.

As my moms say,

"We can't read your mind,
so use your words."

"And don't condescend to women."
"And always shop local."

My mom always said,

"Don't breastfeed. It ruins your body."

Which, if I'm bein' honest,
hasn't come up much.

- Hello.
- Oh, hey, Jeff.

- How are you?
- Great.

- Uh...
- Good.

Oh. Hey, Shannon.

Oh, no. What did Max forget this time?

Phone charger. I feel
like his errand boy.

I mean, I'm kidding. He's the boy.

Well, I'll make sure he gets it.
You're a good dad.

- Oh, not just a dad.
- Right.

- Well, have a great day.
- You too!

Jeffrey, Max told me that you have
some big plans this weekend.

Did he?

No. Nothing.

Oh, okay.

What about you, Shannon?
Any plans, or weekend wide open?

Uh, guy over at McKibbin's...
actually the owner, Fergus,

he's hosting an open mic

and apparently he sings
like a dream, so.

I love live music.

I mean, that sounded
like I wanted an invite,

which... which I don't.

- I should go.
- Okay. Bye!

What are you doing?

Getting toner for the printer.

No, with Jeffrey.

He's clearly into you.

He's been coming by all week,

dropping things off, making excuses.

I did wonder when he brought
Max's pyjamas last Friday.

I mean, he's cute, but I think someone
like Fergus is more my type.

He's everyone's type.

We've all bagged a Fergus,
a Cliff. Gregor.

- Rook.
- Are you still saying names?

Jeffrey is handsome, single,

and in that great post-futon,
pre-bifocal sweet spot.

Sorry. Forgot my keys like a dumb-dumb.

I mean, I'm not.
I have a PhD in physics,

but sometimes you'd never know it.


Okay. I didn't forget.

I'd like to ask you to go for coffee.

There's a great place around the corner

that makes great mochaccinos
that are really...

- Great?
- See?

We're on the same wavelength.

- Okay, lemme get my coat.
- Great.

And I said that one intentionally.


- Sorry.



Hey, I'm gonna go on break.

Okay, and should Paco just
finish brushing himself,

- or...
- Yeah. Reach for the stars, Paco.

You need to finish what you start.

I'm going to.

I got an emergency text from my mom.

- I heard you laughing.
- Yeah, she fell. It's funny.

Oh, my God, Nikki. I am
trying so hard with you.

- What is this, a fisherman's hitch?
- Stop micromanaging.

(SIGHING) Look, as your
role model and mentor...

- Okay, goin' on break.
- No. I'm sorry, no.

No break. Not until Paco is brushed,

the leashes are unknotted,
and the freezer is clean.

I have made a list to both
inspire and to inform.

But also to do. This is why they pay us.

Do you think that I enjoy returning
dead bunnies to their owners?

Okay, fine. But right now I need
to vape and pluck a brow

and then I'll get to your
cruel and unusual list.

Don't walk away from me.

That's number four on the list!

Paco, sit.

Yes! Still got it.

It's only been two months,

but I still haven't burned
the place down.

Well, it's important to have goals.

Yeah, I needed a change.

Just hope it was the right change.

You're obviously not from here.

I have family here, but
I'm from Nova Scotia.

No way! I lived in Antigonish.

Ah! What's yer fadder's name?


He was a prof at Saint F.X.

Oh. So you're only kind of a Caper.

Dj'ever get puck'd in the t'roat?


I played lacrosse. So, I
pucked dem in the throat.

- Ah, we should have dinner some time.

Oh, wow. I mean, uh...

Don't worry. I'll... I'll pay my half.

No, no, no, no. I'm just...
I'm just thinking about Max

and me being his co-op supervisor.

So, um...

You know what, maybe
we can play this by ear?

Of course.

But, uh, it'll be a spectacular dinner.

Hell of a scoff, wha'?

Sure, I won a side o'
beef at meat darts.

Well, it's very tempting.

'Cause I dies at a good steak, wha'?

It went well.


Yeah... f-for sure. Sorry?

Nothing. Your dad brought this by.


Hey, so, your dad...

Oh, you think he's handsome.

- What?
- Yeah.

All the moms at my school,
they're all over him,

especially Kira Hassan's mom.

She touches his arms a lot and...

No, no! I was just gonna say he's nice.

Which totally makes sense
because you're nice

and easy to talk to, like your dad.

Kira Hassan said that nice guys
don't make good boyfriends,

because there isn't enough drama.

(SCOFFING) Well, that's Kira's loss.

She would be lucky to date
someone as nice as you,

or your dad.

Sure, games can be fun,

but could be refreshing to date a guy

that texts back in hours.


But if it makes you
uncomfortable in any way...

Well, there's, you know,
bit of an age difference.

Well, it's really not that much.

Yeah. Yeah, true. So if...
if you think it can work,

- then I-I'm totally on board.
- Great!

Great, 'cause, you know,
I was looking for a mature,

intelligent prom date who can
drive, so this is pretty perfect.

Oh, my God, no.

Oh... you don't drive, that's fine.

My nanny could drop us off.

No, Max, I... I can't go to your prom.

Yeah, yeah, you're right. Prom's stupid.

Um... We could go to, um,
like a bar or something.

I could steal my dad's I'D...

No, I meant possibly going
on a date with your dad.

Like... like the three of us?

Nope, just me and your dad.


But I'm sure you'll find a
nice, age-appropriate girl

to take to prom.

It's an all-boys school, but...

Well, there's always college.

♪ I ain't got no time
for playin' games... ♪

Why'd you stop?

Uh, dance became more of a social thing

at parties with friends, on bars...

- I've said too much.
- I get it. You gotta have fun.

You know, now I feel like
I'm making up for lost time.

I mean, not lost time, but, you know?

Now I'm on "Jeff time"

and it's get-out-there-

Oh, God. I... I am so out
of practice with this...

- with dating and talking.
- You're doing all right.

I hope I'm not giving off weird vibes.

No! I mean, snickerdoodle crème brûlée?

That is what serial K*llers eat.

Says the woman who ordered
s'more cookie dough churros.

Ah, look, when they offer you three
desserts in one, you go for it.

Well, if you wanna add a
fourth to that flavour party,

I'm telling you, this crème
brûlée is très dope.

I should, uh, probably try it.

You probably should.


Oh, what?

No, nothing. That's...

- mm-mm... delicious.
- Oh. Whoops!

Let me take care of that.

There we are. And...

- in we go.
- Uh, no.

- I'm good.
- Oh.

Is everything okay?

I just thought you were leaning in to...

Oh. Right. Ah, God, how
could I have missed that?

I... I am so sorry.

It's okay. And you were
right, by the way.

That crème brûlée is très dope.

♪ I'm the cutest disaster you ever met ♪

Then I need you to clean the dog
cages, refill the water bowls,

and give Paco his...
something medication.

- Okay?
- Okay. It's just...

Joy asked me to organize her desktop

and then Paul asked me
to brush out his mops

- and then Lara...
- Well, welcome to the grind.

Okay, I'm going for a mani,
so if you see Kristian,

just tell him I'm helping Lara
deliver a calf or something.


- How's it going?
- Good.

Max just wanted to learn about my job,

so we're going through it.

- Actually you said that I had to...
- Stop talking, wiener.

Max, this is really Nikki's work.

- Okay.
- Okay, well, I think we can all agree

that it's good for Max to
see what other people do

- and then do it for them.
- Max, you don't have to.

Yeah, well, I think he wants to.

And, as his work coach, I say it's okay.

Well, then, as a coach, shouldn't
you stay and supervise?

Not my style. Plus, look at this kid!

Initiative up the wazoo.

- Max, you can go.
- Max, stay.

- I am Nikki's boss.
- But I'm your boss.

Does th-that mean I'm his boss?

Okay. Just go.


Oh, and Cheryl Sullivan
wants to host a fundraiser.

Obvi word is getting out that
I am turning this place around.


Ooh, by the way, my ex
says he knows a roofer...

- Uh...
- Oh, my God!

Maybe clear your throat

- or carry a bell.
- Hi, Max. What's up?

Uh, just wanted to make sure you
got the updated presentation slides.

I did.

That kid is seriously strange.

Um, sorry for interrupting.

It's no problem.

(SIGHING) Poor kid.

It's just him and his dad.

And his dad's nice.

A little unusual but very bright.

Square but funny.

Odd, but in an attractive way.

What's going on?

Jeffrey, his dad, asked me out.

Oh. My God. When? Why?

We went out for coffee
and then a wine tasting.

And then, the other night, dinner.

Was it fancy or did he suck
ketchup right out of the package?

No, but things got a little
awkward around dessert.

He scooped crème brûlée off my face.

I get it. I've seen you eat soup.

No, like... like I was a baby?

What kind of baby eats crème brûlée?

Does this guy have a last
name? I need a visual.


And, oh, my God! Guy's loaded.

Oh, yeah. He started some company
that sounds like a robot.

Not just some company. Data Cube.

- It's a top stock on the Nasdaq.
- He's just a little... paternal.

Like... like, after dinner
we went for a walk,

and I said it was cold and
he buys me a pashmina.

It's like, who does that?

So, for you, a bad date
is an expensive dinner

and a lakeside stroll
draped in cashmere.

No, that's not what I...

Oh, my God! When did I get so judgy?

Sometime between the gourmet
food and the free clothes.

He also sent me flowers
and a vintage copy of Emma.

Oh. I mean, a donation would be better,

but... sure, that's nice.

I'm gonna call him.


Ha! Okay.

Freezer? (GROANING)




Looks like death took a dump.

- Ew.


MARKO: I just finished my
DJ live-stream on Twitch

and I got a couple of hours
before my shift starts

and I'm all revved up, sans clothes.

Okay, I like where this is going,

but if I don't finish this,
Kristian's gonna flip his balls.

Come on, I'm down at your feet.
Waggy, waggy, waggy!

Fine. I'm a mailman. What
are you gonna do to me?

I still can't believe that
woman screamed "speak up"

in the middle of the
father's death scene.

I mean, she may have been rude,

but you can't say she wasn't invested.

Well, it was a great
play and a fun night.

Which is still not over.



Sorry for interrupting.

- Hi, Shannon.

Um, I'm just goin' to bed now, so.


- Is he okay?
- Yeah.

Just gonna tuck him in.


He's not a little bit old for that?

It's a bit of a ritual.

It started after Kate passed away.

Right, totally understandable.

- Won't be long.
- Okay.



Uh... how's Max?

- He's good. A little tired.

Maybe his shelter boss is
working him a little too hard?

Well, no exceptions,
even for friends and family.

- Not that you're family.
- Hopefully friendly enough?

I think so.



Stay back. People know where I am.

- Why? What's going on?
- I don't know, you tell me.

- I can't move!
- Oh, I'm so sorry!

I just... Max likes it snug.

- I just wanted you to be cosy.
- It's okay.

Just a little thrown off waking
up like a blanket burrito.

Well, maybe some breakfast will help.

Now, I made eggs in the hole.

Not to worry, I cut off your crusts.

I'm good.

♪ I just wanna be your baby... ♪


We're the Thompsons.

- Our rabbit died?
- Oh.

Hi. I'm Kristian.

Um, thank you so much for coming in.

I know that Socks is happier

knowing that this is happening.

Socks is dead.

Yeah, well, um, Socks
is in a better place.

Not that your place was bad.

I'm sure that you have a wonderful home.

Are you being sarcastic?

- No.
- I know you did all you could.

Thank you.

We didn't mean to let him escape.

Of course you didn't.

There it is again.

Let me go get Socks.

DAD: Thank you.

Oh! Jeff... rey.

Hi. Sorry, I... I tried calling.

Oh. Just a busy morning.

Look, I am so sorry about the tuck.

No! No, no, no, no.

No. It was just a little bit
tighter than I'm used to.

You know, new town, new job.

Might be too soon for a
new bedspread to boot.

You know, I think I just need to take
some Shannon time, you know?

Tuck myself in for a while.

Definitely. I get that.
And I support that,

not that you need my support.

Anyway, uh, this is for you.

And I'll make sure that Max doesn't
forget anything else at home.



Oh, no.

There he is, up and at 'er.

Did you see the freezer?
You could lick it.

But don't. It's broken. Got
a little shock when I tried.

That's not the freezer
I wanted you to clean.

- Did you throw out Socks?
- No. I threw out a shoe.

And I think it might be Joy's,
so, like, don't say anything.

No, Socks. The rabbit!

Oh, yeah. Don't worry. He's chillin'.

Ohh! Thank God.



Oh. Ah!



I'm so sorry for the delay.

We were just preparing everything.

What's there to prepare?
I mean, it's... It's a rabbit.

It should just be a second.




Got your text.

Though your phone autocorrected
it to you getting "tucked."

- Hilarious.
- It's not hilarious.

He literally tucked me in.
I couldn't move.


Jeffrey's a nice guy,

but I'm putting this on pause.

But the roof. The upgrades!

Uh, I'm sorry, but my love
life is not about money.

He did give me this card.



- And a cheque.
- Yes!

I mean, how much? I mean, that's great,

but seriously, how much?

It's blank.

How much should we put down?

I don't know. I'm... I'm not comfortable

knowing my relationship
with Jeffrey is behind this.

Is $ , too much?


I'm just gonna write down
a series of numbers

and you just point to the one

that you think is the most reasonable.

(SIGHING) Okay. Obviously I
would love a big donation,

- but not like this.
- Gah!


Well, now we're all "tucked."

KRISTIAN: Okay. Here we go!

Nikki, you have the corpse?
The remains. The dead rabbit.

This isn't coming out well.

Sorry about your bunny.

But we made sure he's cuddling
with his favourite toy.

You wanna see him and say goodbye?


KRISTIAN: Aw. This is so lovely!

But don't pet the eyelids.
They might pop open.

You know, when our dog Lyric died,

we released these floating lanterns.

Oh, maybe we could do that. Hey, honey?

When my aunt died we buried
her with a list of places

that she always wanted
to visit, but never did

- because she was agoraphobic.
- NIKKI: Jesus.

Well, thanks again.

Okay, this is... this is very
special, and kinda weird.

- Yeah.
- Let's just go.


See ya, kiddo!


Thank you.


- You're clearly very good at this.
- Thanks.

And just so you know,
Paco's brushed, fed,

and got his ear medication.

- You mean eye medication.
- Sure.

Thank you.

You're a mostly very
helpful part of this team.

PAUL: Who put the dead
hamster in the microwave?

I thought it was a corn dog!

Hey, Shannon,

a woman's asking if she can
take a puppy for a test drive.

- Is that a thing?
- Yeah, sure. No problem.

Really? Wow.

I thought it sounded like a really
good way to lose a puppy,

but I'll let her know.

Are you okay?

You haven't seen any bits of paper
floating around, have you?

Is that Jeffrey's cheque?

Oh, Liam said you ripped it up.

Well, he didn't so much say
it as sob it into his jacket.

Sometimes decisions
feel right in the moment

and then you realize
you have a leaky roof

and a hole in your wall
and a broken pet freezer,

so maybe, as your high
school bully put it,

"it's time to put the 'me'
above the 'we'" and...

(GASPING) Oh, my God.

Ah, jackpot! Okay.

I don't think the bank will accept that.

Joy, I'm a woman on the verge.

- I'll get the tape.
- Okay.

♪ Let's shake it up ♪

♪ It's kinda scary,
but I'm lovin' the rush ♪

♪ My heart is racin' like oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ 'Cause this feels like home ♪

♪ Yeah, it's true ♪

♪ Look in the mirror
and I'm feelin' so good ♪

♪ Yeah, I've been searchin'
like oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ And this feels like home ♪