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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 01/02/22 06:02
by bunniefuu
- We have to go up and help.
- Chief Petty Officer Burke, obey your orders.

I have charge of Britain's
four Vanguard-class submarines.

HMS Vigil is one of those boats.

Earlier today, one of her
crew died of a dr*gs overdose.

Come on!

They think he snorted heroin.

You'll be on board for three days.

Finish your paperwork, then
they'll let you off on a raft.

How are you with confined spaces?

I'm going to need a junior,
someone who can radio me leads,

so I was thinking Kirsten Longacre.

We're eight women, men.

Did anyone else think
Burke seemed a bit off?

Hadders said that he'd
seen him on foredeck.

That's the same person
who found the body?

He wasn't at his station
and he wasn't in uniform.

He was wearing a green fleece.

I think Craig Burke
may have been m*rder*d.

That's absurd!

This is what they do
when they have a problem.

Everyone knows it's a cover-up.

We had an enemy submarine tracking us.

The mission required we stay hidden.

But we're not at w*r.

We have always been at w*r.

I have no idea what caused it.
It's a complete reactor shutdown.

They've left me dead, under two
miles of water, well, here I am.

Can you open the gates, please?

I've got things to tell you.

♪ Do you want me on your mind ♪

♪ Or do you want me to go on ♪

♪ I might be yours
as sure as I can say ♪

♪ Be gone, be faraway ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪


Did you not hear me?

You've got no authority over me.

Now, I've said that I'm
heading home. Open the...

We need to discuss the
search you just did.

Oh, I see. I cannae do it now. I've
got to head home. I'm cat-sitting.

You need to debrief us.

Am I free to go or not?

It will be easier for everyone if
we can find a way to co-operate.

So, you're not detaining me. OK.

Gate, now.


I need to get him out. The
tunnel's filling with nitrogen!

He'll suffocate.

Come on, Come on!

- Ready.
- OK, three, two, one, lift.

Quicker, quicker!

Move it!

Right, get him on to the bed.

Come on, quickly.

That's it. Get him laid down.

He was caught in the nitrogen burst.

He'll be all right, won't he, doc?

We'll have to wait and see.

You'll be all right, mate.

Emergency battery
engaged. Power restored.


Report. What the hell just happened?

The reactor was running perfectly.

There was no signs of any
problems and then it scrammed.

An emergency shutdown
but without the emergency,

at least not one that we can find.

I've lost one coolant
pump before, but this...

Can you give us a likely cause?

We're checking the coolant pump
breakers now, but they seem OK.

I've got all hands on
deck but I'm a man down.

Walsh was injured in the nitrogen burst.

Sir, how are things looking on the
roof, if we need to run the diesels?

- Surface weather?
- Wind blowing knots,

wave height feet,

- low southerly swell.
- Surface contacts?

It's very noisy up there, sir.
Maybe four or five merchantmen on.

No, not maybe. It's four or five.
Determine the facts, then report.

- Aye, aye, sir.
- All drills cancelled.

Cox'n, brief the crew
to secure everything

- for surface running in rough weather.
- Aye, aye, sir.


And get rid of her.

If the batteries run out, how
long have we got on the diesels?

I mean, we'll be getting towed
home. We can't make it back to port.

Prentice, prepare a plan

for possible at sea
diesel replenishment.

Aye, aye, sir.

- How long have our batteries got?
- We're checking them now.

- Maybe three hours.
- Three h... ?

Capacity's well down on what it
should be. They need replacing.

Yes, well, everything needs replacing.

The reactor supplies the power.

We can run off batteries
for a few hours,

but then, we'd have to
use the backup diesels,

which means going to the surface
and sticking up a periscope.

- Sir, is this a drill?
- No, it's no drill, stow for sea.

- Shake everyone in your bunk space.
- Aye, sir.

It's a nightmare staying below
the surface at periscope depth.

The exhaust leaves smoke trails

and the noise lights you
up like a Christmas tree.

- Watch it!
- Lads, get this stowed!

So, what happens if the
reactor doesn't re-start?

Then, what, we're in
some kind of danger?

No, only if the motor gives out.
But we've been running on batteries.

What happens if the batteries give out?

Then, we sink, so fingers-crossed, ey?

I don't want us anywhere
near the surface,

not if there's a chance
we're being shadowed.

Three hours on batteries means
you have . hours to diagnose,

fix and restart the reactor.

- Carry on.
- Aye, Captain.

Cronin, signals log.

I know Burke was dismissed
the day the trawler went down.


You're in charge of
discipline, aren't you?

I've got less than two days,

there's never going to be a better
time to ask questions, is there?

OK. Yeah, if an officer
puts someone on charge,

then, yes, I deal with it.

So, what happened with
Burke when the trawler sank?

He picked an argument
with his superiors,

it was a stupid thing to do.
Now, Amy, I've got to crack on.

- Look.
- Hey, there's a no-touching rule,

it applies to everyone
without exception.

Sorry. Were you told to punish Burke?

No, no. He died before
I had a chance to log it.

- What do you mean, "log it"?
- It's all in the duty logbook.

I'm going to leave you here

because I can't do my work with
you asking these questions, OK?

So, just tell me what "logged it" means.

It's where officers report
disciplinary matters.

I keep it in my office.

Great. Can I see it?

Yeah, it's in the grey
file on top of the cabinet.

Keep breathing. How
long was he in there?

Aw, I don't know, a minute.

I think he's smacked
his head. No ESB mask on.

I'm not dead. You can ask me.

Lie still. I need to
take your clothes off.

- It's a tenner for watching.
- And then I need to wash your hair.

- You what, ma'am?
- Right, scissors?

Right, saline.

Thank you. Start dripping
that into your eyes.

I feel fine.

Yeah, you might do for now,
but, in a few hours' time,

we'll start to see
whether your lungs hold up.

- Good. Good. How is he?
- It's too early to tell.

You all right, Adams?

Still not right, ma'am,
my vision keeps blurring.

Right, you better get to your bunk...

No, no, no, no, no. I need
every man that I can get.

The EPM's already tripped once.

Our party has been clear.

We do not want these
weapons in Scotland.


Westminster is about to vote

on whether we should
commission new missiles,

a vote we had to force
through, by the way,

after this government tried to slip
this once-in-a-generation decision

- under the carpet...

... without consulting parliament.

- Longacre speaking.
- Evening, Longacre. It's Porter.

- You calling from the office?
- Sounding a bit judgmental there.

Got a name for one of guys
who beat up Burke.

I might need your help
getting his file off the Navy.

Have you eaten?

- Nope.
- Do you fancy pizza?


So you've got a name?

Yes, Gary Walsh. He's
Burke's crew mate on Vigil.

Apparently, him and one other guy

beat the crap out of
Burke at the local pub.

- Oh. Who was the other guy?
- Don't know.

Spoke to the bar staff.

They all knew Gary, but
not the other assailant.

They're pretty sure he was Navy though.

Right, OK.

So, "Walsh...

Gary." Let's see what we've got.

Right, so no disci...
Ah, amazing, thank you.

No disciplinaries or anything...

And... OK, he has two brothers,

one of them Navy as well.

Dishonourably discharged.

There's a flag here for
a younger brother, Sam.

A record for shoplifting.

And possession of heroin.

QUIETLY: Wait a minute.


Hello? Lieutenant Commander Branning.

This is DS Longacre. I'd like to
send a message to DCI Silva, please,

- as soon as possible.
- OK.

- Enter.


Any news on the reactor?

What, were you sent to investigate
our mechanical issues as well?


I've been through the Cox'n's logbook.

You put Craig Burke on
charge the day before he died.


Can you remember what that was for?

This annotation references
the type of offence.

"Reckless endangerment of equipment."

He put a full mug of coffee on
top of a narrowband sonar set.

You also put Burke on charge on
days two and four of the patrol.

You disciplined him more in a week
than the rest of the crew put together.

We have standards for a reason.
We have a duty to safeguard lives.

So what did Gary Walsh do on day six?

There's no annotation there.

Can't remember.

I just want to know if
there's a reason why...

What do you think I am doing here?!

If we run on diesels we
will need to refuel at sea,

or abandon the patrol,
which cannot happen.

Do you have any idea how challenging
it is to get a boat this size

to rendezvous with a refuelling tanker

whilst also trying to remain undetected?

Can you even begin to imagine
the tactical challenges?

No, no, I didn't think so.

Follow me.

Sir, may I have a word?

Go ahead.

Detective Silva is
interfering with operations.

I explicitly told her
to go through the Cox'n,

which she has chosen to ignore.

I therefore think we need
to confine her to quarters.

There's just one thing
to consider there,

interfering with a police
investigation is an offence.

We are on patrol!

You can't just wade in here

and start taping off
the bloody control room!

All right.

DCI Silva, we're on backup power.
Several areas of the boat are unlit.

As much as anything, it's hazardous
for you to be without an escort.

Now I won't confine you to quarters,

but you will have to have Glover
with you if you're going to work.

- Will you put him at my disposal?
- Negotiate that with him. Carry on.

- That means get out of his sight.
- XO, enough.

Cronin, escort DCI Silva
to the Cox'n's office.

Aye, sir.


- Oh, shit, Cat!




Emergency services.

- Which service... ?
- Police. I'm a police officer.

Connecting you now.

This is Detective Kirsten
Longacre, calling from Flat B,

McMillan Street, West End.

I think I've been burgled
and they might still be here.

Police. I'm a police detective
There are more officers...



- Get off!




HE SHOUTS: Let's go, let's go!






You have minutes.

- if I ask nicely?
- It'll do you no harm.

- Message for you, ma'am.
- Thank you.

witness to Burke as*ault."

Oh, eyes up.


"Burke badly hurt. Gary Walsh is perp.

Burke not pressed charges.

Gary Walsh's brother, Sam Walsh,
criminal record for possession."

I need to search Gary Walsh's bunk.

- What you doing, stealing his sweets?
- Testing for heroin.

It was Gary Walsh who
beat Burke up in that pub.

- Did you know that?
- I knew they didn't like each other.

And there's a blank entry
under Gary Walsh in the logbook,

that anything to do with him and Burke?

I don't know, you'd
have to ask Prentice.


Tried that.

You've checked Burke's
bunk already, haven't you?

Could you?

I'm looking for Burke's fleece.

Hadlow said Burke was
wearing a green fleece,

that's how he knew he was off duty,

but Burke wasn't wearing a
fleece when we examined him, so...

- No, it's not there.
- Why is that important?

You only get rid of it if
you knew it incriminated you,

like it had your blood
on it, or something.

You can't throw things
away down here, can you?

Uh, no, not really.

So, if someone's hidden it, it
means I'll be able to find it.

Well, theoretically.

I need to speak to Gary Walsh.

Do you have any idea
what they were after?

I found this USB stick hidden
in Burke's room at the base.


They tried to stop me from leaving,

so I reckon they know I have something.

Admiral Shaw has requested a meeting.

Have you had a chance to look at it yet?

I have. It's videos of Burke, boss.

I mean, he seems to be some
sort of whistle-blower...

WHISPERED: ... but I think
that's just the tip of the iceberg

because all the main folders
are password protected.

I'll get Porter to have a look at it.

Aha, well done! Hey...



What's her name?

Um, Cat.

It's short for Catherine.

You'll get yourself checked
out before you come in, aye?

I will.

- Can you give us five minutes, please?
- Sir.

- How are you, mate?
- Bored out of my mind,

- but she won't have me moving.
- Cox'n, before I forget,

will you check in on
Chief Adams for me later?

- He doesn't look well.
- Yes, ma'am.

Do you mind if I ask
you a few questions?

Well, "I'm a very busy man."

A few days ago, Executive Officer
Prentice put you on charge.

Why was that?

I don't remember.

Do you remember what your movements were

a few hours before Craig Burke's death?

Well, I was on watch back
aft from seven till one.

I had Adams, Ansell and
Khan with me the whole time.

- You didn't leave engineering?
- No, I didn't.

At one, I went to my bunk for a kip
and I slept till EO Hadlow woke us.

Yeah, why did Hadlow
come to wake Burke up?

Keep the questions to ones I
can do, eh? I'm no' psychic.

Did you ever argue with Burke?

He was a prick, end of.

- You had a fight with him in a pub.
- So you know I argued with him.

Don't piss about.

It was a drunk scrap.
Ask me if I k*lled him.

Did you k*ll Craig Burke?


Did anyone know you were in the
reactor area when it shut down?

We go and in an' out all the time.
It's not anyone try'na k*ll me.

OK. I've got everything I need for now.

I'm going to need you
to do a dr*gs test.

How's that?

I found traces of heroin
in your belongings.

If I've been home before a patrol,
then everything's coated in skag.

My wee brother's a junkie, not me.

Are you happy to do a urine test?

Are you going to hold the cup for me?

Have you got a container for him?

- Enjoy the show.
- It's all right, we'll head out.

Don't spring something like
that on one of my patients.

- Did you know about this?
- No, ma'am.

If his alibi holds,

we'll know he can't have met
Burke on the m*ssile deck.

But do we need to go through with this?


Here you go! My best stuff.

Oh, clean it up!

- Maybe keep her out of my stuff, eh?
- Clean that up and do it now.

You need to drink more water.

Negative for opiates. He didn't
bring them on for his own use.

Why would he bring dr*gs on board
if he wasn't going to use them?

You know,

you're not doing yourself any
favours treating Walsh this way,

especially when his alibi's rock solid.

There's history of as*ault.
He brought heroin on board.

Maybe somebody else k*lled him,
but Walsh was definitely involved.

- Well, your minutes are up.
- Oh, come on!

I'm here for less than two days.

- I need your help.
- I need a drink.

Do you want one? You look tired.
Maybe, when you've finished this,

you should go and get a shower,
get your head down for a few hours.



I don't know why everyone's so
scared of me finding out the truth.

This boat's two billion
pounds' worth of kit,

but it's run by people who are
making split second decisions

that could k*ll the whole
crew if they f*ck up,

so there has to be trust.

You can't introduce fear
and paranoia into that.

- I appreciate that.
- Ah, no, you don't.

You've only been here less than a day.

OVER RADIO: Control, I can
see debris on the surface.

Sending co-ordinates for rescue
vessel Victor Two Charlie. Over.

I'm sorry we've not been allowed
to share it with you before now.

If one of my officers
reports a suspected m*rder,

I don't expect that to
be sat on for hours!

Well, you'll have to
take that up with the MOD.

I don't care what the MOD thinks,

or the Ministry for
Agriculture for that matter.

It's not their remit.

It's above my pay grade
and yours, too, I imagine.

Look, in confidence, we are getting
a boat ready to replace Vigil,

but it takes time.

Perhaps DCI Silva could remain on board

and continue her investigations
until Vigil returns,

I'd support that.

How long would that be?

Three weeks.

And we'd cooperate, of course.
I know we got off to a bad start,

but perhaps we can
all do a little better.

We'd appreciate being debriefed when
you've been working on this base.

I'll do what I can.

And can we ask you not to call
it a "m*rder investigation"

- when you talk to the crew's families?
- Aye, no problem.

Are we done?

Can you tell us what you know about
a trawler sinking off Barra Head?

Certainly. We're
assisting the coastguard.

One of our helicopters has
spotted debris in the water

and we may send in a
boat to scan the seabed.

And the cause?

- To be confirmed.
- Will you keep us appraised?

Certainly, but I do think
that this one will end up with

Agriculture and Fisheries.

Trawlers do go down from
time to time, I'm afraid.

If Amy thinks it's m*rder, I back her.

I think you're right on that.

It's what the girl at
the Peace Camp said.

I mean, I wrote her off, boss,
but she just seemed like the type

who saw conspiracy theories
everywhere, you know?

Well, maybe she's not.

I just need to speak to Branning again.

- Go easy.
- Hmm.

Lieutenant Commander Branning?

Sorry, there was
something I forgot to ask.

Do you know anything about a
fight that Burke had in a pub?

If you put a request in an email.

This is a m*rder enquiry now,
we need to work faster than that.

That cuts both ways, doesn't it? If
you're not prepared to debrief us,

- we'll do things by the book.
- We will try to do...

I'll try to do things better.

Burke and Gary Walsh, they had
a fight in a pub down the road.

I wasn't there, obviously.

And it happened on their own time,
so it was never a formal matter.

I heard Burke went to
the pub to apologise.

For what?

Walsh's younger brother
was a trainee here.


That's right. He got
involved in some bullying

and Craig Burke gave
evidence against him.

After that, Dougie was discharged.

Did something happen to him?

He k*lled himself.

I was told Burke showed up
at Dougie's wake at the pub

to apologise to Gary,

- that's what started it.

I heard it was two men who att*cked him.

Do you know who the second guy was?




I was just... thinking how weird
it is that you two look so alike.

I know. Everybody says it.

I think it's the eyes.

But she says it, too.

Mind you, I think it's more
wishful thinking on her part.


She asked me to marry you.

- What, she... ?
- Yeah.

You were proposed to by
an eight-year-old girl?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.





... you know how I feel.

I know.

I might be coming round to it.

So we've ground you down
with our team effort, have we?

Good going, kiddo!




TANNOY: Attention, all crew.

The submarine has reached
periscope depth. High sea state.

All compartments
maintain stowage for sea.

What's going on?!

We're up near the surface
and it's a bit rough.

High sea state...

We've come off batteries
and had to go onto diesels.

Belt up in here, please.

Best stay out the way.

People a lot more experienced
than you are getting hurt.

Oh, you've got post.

A message from the shore.

Gary Walsh's brother Dougie

was a trainee at Dunloch.


"Burke reported him for bullying.

Dougie was dishonourably discharged,

later k*lled himself.

Second crewman who was close
to Dougie also involved in fight

at brother's wake, Engineering
Officer Simon Hadlow."



- Full SOP's on the way, sir.
- Yep.

Coolant flow,

temperature and pressure
were all within limits,

then suddenly they spiked.
This has never happened before.

- We need to figure out what caused this.
- Sir.

Where's the Cox'n?

I don't know. I'm recording this.

I can't get you a solicitor,
but a judge may determine

that this can be used as
evidence against you in court.

- Do you understand?
- There's no way I have time.

Lieutenant Hadlow has consistently
tried to avoid my questioning.

Look, I'm needed back.

Just tell me about your
relationship with Craig Burke.

I didn't especially have
a problem with Burke.

Never argued with him? Not
so much as a cross word?


But I know you're lying.

You and Gary Walsh beat up
Burke at his brother's wake.

You were close friends
with Gary's brother

and I think you held Burke
responsible for Dougie's su1c1de,

so let me tell you how a
jury is going to see this.

You and Gary have
assaulted Burke once before

and I can prove that Gary
brought heroin on board.

You were with Burke on the m*ssile deck

where I found his blood
and it was you who found him

allegedly "already
dead" in his bunk, so...

This wasn't me or Walsh,
but I can tell you...

... nobody meant to k*ll him.

How do you know that?

If it wasn't you, how do you
know what his attacker intended?

I can't talk to you
about this right now.

Why not?

It's not up to me.
There's a chain of command.

- Oi!
- What? What does that mean?

- Where's Glover?
- He wasn't available.

Your orders were no talking
without Glover present.

And, Hadlow, just gossiping
during a once-in-a-lifetime crisis

- that happened on your watch.
- I'm interviewing a suspect.

- I don't have anything else to say.
- Right, you, follow me.


Stay here.

- I will send Glover when he's free.
- I don't take orders from you.

Do you have any id... ?


Do you have any idea how much
trouble this patrol is in?!

You can't have it both ways!

Glover shows up or he doesn't,
either way I have a job to do.

Your job is irrelevant to this mission.

- I disagree.
- Sit down.

- Craig Burke would disagree...
- Oh, f*ck Craig Burke!

Burke was a treacherous little shit

who got exactly what was coming to him!

He was a drug addict.

He's done enough damage.



Let me out.

Let me out!

Can anyone hear me?!

So, what do you do here?

- At the camp?
- Mm-hm.

From what I can see, you
make a lot of sacrifices.

What keeps you going?

Er, we make a difference.

If we hadn't been observing
them, the Navy would have never

admitted they had reactor
problems in the submarines.

- There's a whole lot we've figured out.
- Mm-hm.

So, you're kind of like an
informal Health & Safety team?

They want everyone to think
it's safe and it's not.

Is that what Craig Burke thought?



You told me that you thought
that the Navy had k*lled him.

- I didn't say that.
- You said something like it.

QUIETLY: Come in.

We think he might have been m*rder*d.

- Was it covered up?
- Maybe.

I found the USB stick
he wanted you to have.

He left you a message as
well as a folder of files.

If it's mine, you should
give it back to me.

What did the message say?

What's the password for the main folder?

See that? Someone did that
to me, trying to steal it,

and that's with them
knowing that I'm police.

They did a very professional job.

Now, will you look at
where you're living?

You don't even have a lock
on that and, if you did,

one good kick would batter it down.

There's people here
who would help me out.

That's not enough, Jade!

I'm a police officer
and that wasn't enough.

Chances are it was MI
that did that to you.

Do you know what? I
seriously doubt that.

I know for a fact they
watch activist groups.

There's this one guy
I've seen a few times.

He likes wearing this really
bad Glasgow hockey jacket,

trying so hard to fit in.

Another time, when I was
coming back early from a protest

and I saw him at the train station,

he met someone for, like,
seconds and then just walked away.

Tell me that's not dodgy.

If you're worried about that,
you should think about who knew

- you and Burke were together.
- Hardly anyone knew.

- But it was out there.
- Not really!

Even if you told one
person, then it is out there.

What was he doing? Was he helping you?

- Was he spying for you?
- We were a problem for them,

and now you've gone and made
yourself a problem as well.

Trust me, they won't give
a f*ck that you're police.


We need to talk about Sunday's
perimeter action. So, can we... ?

Is she police?

I'm dealing with it.


I'm happy to stay.



You need to go, now.

I want you to call me

if you see or hear anything
at all that worries you, OK?

Don't look into it. Just call me.

They'll probably tell
you he was a bad guy.

He really wasn't...

... I promise.


- All right?
- All right?

Tanker dead ahead! Go
deep, go deep, go deep!

Aye, sir. Dive, dive, dive.


TANNOY: Drop all masts.
Shut bulkhead doors.

Standby collision.

TANNOY: Brace, brace, brace!


Full down with the forward planes,

full down with the
after planes, full ahead.

New contact. Tanker. Marking on sonar.

Zero Three Zero. Zero Three Five.



Zero Four Five.

Now bearing Zero Eight
Five, One Three Five.

We're not deep enough, sir!

Let me out!


One Eight Zero.

One Nine Zero. Two Zero Five.

Two One Zero.

Contact clear and opening.

We've missed it.

- How can you not hear a tanker?!
- Sorry, sir.

Bow breaker and it was very
noisy with the high sea state...

We nearly bored a hole
in its side! Wake up!

Ship control, report.

Ship control, report.



- Two up achieved, sir.
- Very good.

Prepare to return to periscope depth.

Aye, sir, prepare to
return to periscope depth.

- Let's catch a trim.
- Aye, sir.




There you are!

What's... ?

I'm fine.


The boat's coming up, you know?

It's... We're going to be all right.


Amy? What's going on?

Prentice locked me in.

He shouldn't have done
that. Oh, I've got you...

- Shit.
- I've got you, I've got you.

It's all right, go on, relax.

Take a deep breath.. Take
a deep breath. Here you go.

It's OK, you're out now.
You're out now. It's all right.

It's OK.

Just being in there triggered...


There was an accident...



Iain! Oh, my God. I need to get you out.

- Iain.
- Mummy, I can't...

It's OK, darling.


- Mummy!
- OK.

All right, sweetheart, it's OK.

We're going to get you out, OK?

OK. All right, we need to
take a deep breath and then,

then we're going to
open the door and swim.

I'm going to come back for
Daddy, OK? Three, two, one...

I had to make a choice.


Swim, baby.

- OK, baby, wait here.
- Mummy! Please, Mummy!

- Wait here.
- Please! Mummy!

I couldn't get him out.


You know there's a no touching rule.

Sometimes you've got to
know when to break the rules.

Oh, erm...

- Briefing in minutes, sir.
- Right, thank you.

Right, so...

What next?

I need your help.

- Hey, when's dinner?
- Oh, shit, sorry.

It's my turn to cook,
isn't it? Tomorrow night?


I'm going to meet someone.

I've found someone...

... who knows what happened to Craig.

- Can I come with you?
- No.

I'm not going on my own.

They want to help us.

They know everything.

Sir, this is all highly irregular.

I'm concerned about the
EPM giving out again.

We can't run deep without
going to the bottom.

We need to run on diesels
at periscope depth...

... until we know what caused the scram.

No, sorry.

Sitting on the surface to
double-check things is not an option

if we're being trailed by an enemy
submarine. Restart the reactor.

There must be a reason
for it shutting down.

Restarting the reactor
without knowing why

could damage the core and cause a
complete meltdown and sink the boat.

Yes, I understand that. Get it ready.

Aye, aye, sir. We'll warm it up.

Sir, if I may, I would
suggest that we should...

Mark Prentice,

I'm arresting you for obstructing
a police investigation,

holding an officer against her will

and on suspicion of the
m*rder of Craig Burke.

You're not obliged to say
anything, but anything you do say

will be noted and may
be given in evidence.

What in Christ's name
are you talking about?

Sir, she clearly ignored your orders...

I'm not here to debate.
I'm arresting you.

Navigator, you have the submarine.

Roger, sir. I have the submarine.

Have Hadlow inform me when the
reactor's about to go online.

- Aye, sir.
- DCI Silva, XO, with me.

Where were you an hour
before Craig Burke died?

All over the boat, nature of the job.

And the last time you saw Burke alive?

I dismissed him from the control
room, plenty of witnesses.

- What about Gary Walsh?
- What about Gary Walsh?

Why did you leave his charge
sheet without any annotations?

Why were there no
repercussions for Walsh?

I've already told you this,

- I don't remember.
- No, I think you do remember.

I think Gary Walsh came to see
you a few days before Burke died.

I think he told you that he'd
found heroin in Burke's possessions

as an attempt to frame
him to get him kicked out,

revenge for his younger brother.

You saw through that, but
yet there were no annotations

on Walsh's charge sheet,

no repercussions for Walsh,

is that usual for possession of heroin?

I don't know what you're talking about.

I've swabbed your cabin.

What will you say when those swabs
come back positive for heroin?

That it was me who picked up
the dr*gs from Burke's body.

Of course I'm
contaminated! For good... !

With respect, sir, I really
think there's a better...

You called Burke "treacherous",
it's a very particular word to use.

Why did you call him that?

I didn't call him that.

RECORDING: "f*ck Craig Burke!
Burke was a treacherous little shit

who got exactly what
was coming to him!"

You hadn't served with him
on a boat before this patrol.

Why would you call him "treacherous"?

He'd been sleeping with a
girl at the Dunloch Peace Camp.

How do you know this?

With respect, sir, the
Admiralty put me on Vigil

to solve problems and improve standards.

So you picked on Burke all patrol.

Yes, I disliked him, but I
always played by the rule book.

I picked him up on his poor standards.

Commander Newsome, could you
ask Hadlow to come and join us?

I believe that he witnessed the
as*ault on Burke on the m*ssile deck.

Hadlow's currently overseeing the
reactor, I think you'll agree...

There're plenty who can do that.
It's two minutes of his time.

Officer of the Watch, send
Engineering Officer Hadlow

to the wardroom as soon as
he's ordered the restart.

At least that thing's still working.

- Sir, surely Hadlow is needed back aft?
- I...

I want to hear it from him.

OK, look, this is what I think happened.

I think you hit Burke, he fell, he
hit his head and there was blood.

You went back later to
his cabin to apologise,

or maybe to thr*aten him,

but instead you find him dead.

You panic, you'd already
confiscated Gary Walsh's heroin

and it was those dr*gs that you
used to plant on Burke's body,

and I think we're going
to be able to prove that.


Is this really how you operate?

Is tell tall tales and hope
the jury are f*cking idiots?



Did you see someone hit
Burke on the m*ssile deck?

Uh, I think...


M-maybe, sir.

But who?

I didn't see his face, sir.

And you didn't think to report this
to me, after Burke was found dead?

No. No, sir. I
hardly-hardly saw anything.

If you're lying about that, you
know you'll be court-martialled

and the police will prosecute you.

Last chance.

No, I didn't see anything, sir.

Look, when we spoke, you
said it "wasn't up to you".

You said there was a chain of command.

Were you thinking of any
senior officer in particular?

Was it Prentice you saw?

Couldn't say, sir.

Did Executive Officer
Prentice speak to you?

Did he thr*aten you or Walsh?

That is a ridiculous slur.

On your way.

What the hell was that about?

Just helping the DCI out,
Mark, as per our orders.

The crew need to know
they can be honest with us.

You just asked a junior officer
if they saw me beat up a rating!

Yes, because I think that is the
question DCI Silva wanted answering.

You were f*cked last year,
but they let you hang on,

I was the condition for that.

You are only here because I'm here.

Being married to an admiral's daughter

doesn't make you an admiral quite yet

and I do think you have
questions left to answer.

Lock her away until we
can get her off the boat,

or I will write the book
on your many, many failings.

And, yes, maybe I will get my
father-in-law to write the dedication.

That's very florid,
Mark. That's quite the...

Christ's sake, sir! This is
insanity! Look at our situation!

We have a dead crewman, a reactor
scram and a trawler pulled down

right behind us! Those
things require your fullest...

- Enter.

... And immediate...

- Is it the reactor?
- No, sir.

They're still carrying
out pre-critical checks.

It's this. It's Burke's fleece.

We think it was taken
from his body and hidden.

Where did you find it?

The DCI asked me to search the
most direct route from Burke's cabin

to Lieutenant Commander
Prentice's cabin.

I found it hidden behind a
ventilation duct on that route.

Thank you. What about Gary Walsh?

Yeah, I spoke to him.

He admits trying to
frame Burke with the dr*gs

and claims that Prentice took them.

Thank you, Cox'n. Is that all?

- QUIETLY: Yes, sir.
- As you were.

You hid this because
it has your blood on it.

This isn't something that
you're going to get out of.

Yes, I understand that.

OVER RADIO: Sir, engine
room's ready to pull rods.

Very good.

Tell them one minute and I'll be there.

Aye, sir.

You're stood down,

the same will apply to Walsh.

I think it's better that
the crew know the truth.

I'll brief the officers.
You're confined to your cabin.

I don't need to lock you in, do I, Mark?

When you're done, come and see me.



- Kirsten Longacre.
- Can you come and meet me?

I'm freaking out a
wee bit. Can you come?

Jade? What's going on?

I want to talk to you.
I think I've messed up.

OK. Where are you?

Um, by the camp. Don't come there.

- I'll drop you a pin. Are you far?
- Call .

It's probably nothing.
No, erm, I was just...

I was meant to meet someone,
but... I want to talk to you first.

OK, well, I'm at Kirkmouth
Police Station. I'm leaving now.

Go somewhere safe, OK? Stay around
people until I can get to you.





Call Porter.


Are you still at work?

Embarrassing you'd assume
that, but, yeah, I am.

Do me a favour, try the word
"Purity" on the USB stick.

Bear with.

We're in.

Oy, there's a tonne of stuff.

Good, great.

- Where are you?
- I'm heading to Dunloch.

Jade Antoniak called and
I think she's in trouble.

I need you to send backup,
OK? I'll send you a pin now.

On it. Stay in contact,
back up's on its way.

Don't go after Hadlow.

He's just being loyal to his men,

it's... everything we ask them to be.

Tell me about Gary Walsh.

He, er...

He came to see me.

Said he suspected Burke was...

... using dr*gs. Uh, of course,
I saw that for what it was,

a clumsy attempt to frame Burke,

so I put him on report and
had him bring me the dr*gs.

And I told him that's
not how we do things.

Of course, I had no intention of
holding on to the dr*gs, I just, I...

I hadn't got round to disposing of them.

You didn't think to
inform Captain Newsome?

No. God, no.

No, it was a judgment call. Walsh
would've been court-martialled.

I'd have lost a decent sailor
for the sake of a bad one.

Why was Burke waiting for
you on the m*ssile deck?

He asked me to meet him there.

- And you agreed to that?
- Yeah, I thought I'd hear him out.

All he wanted to do was break my nose.


... got a couple of good ones in.

And then I hit him back, and...

... he hit his head.

I went back...

... later, to apologise
in his bunk room.

- Did anyone see you?
- Uh, no.

No. It was before change of watch.

And you found him dead?

He died in front of me. Um...

I mean, I must have seen
his last few seconds.

I did that.

One punch and...

I've worked so bloody hard for this job.

I know what I did was wrong.

After Burke was dead, what then?

I took the heroin and I tried to
make it look... Well, you know that.

I... You can understand, can't you?

Losing my whole career for the
sake of one punch in self-defence.

You cost me days.

I know.

I know and...

- SOFTLY: Oh, Chri...


My wh...

... whole life is the Navy.

You stripped this off him?


I knew it would be covered
in blood, so I hid it.

Tell me exactly what he
looked like when you found him.



He was comatose, but still...

... twitching. Obviously,
he couldn't breathe.

He was sweating.

His nose was streaming,
buckets of the stuff,

and then he died before I
could even think what to do.

I didn't hit him that hard!
He didn't lose consciousness.

I'm sorry.

There's someone else I need to speak to.

You know what to do with
the stuff I've put together.

I'm trusting you there
and I do trust you, Jade.

I love you as well.

It's not easy for me to say that.

I should say it to your
face more, I know that.


I have nothing else to
say to you, DCI Silva.

I need to speak to Adams, it's urgent.

I'll be quick.

You have seconds. Go on.

- Are you still feeling unwell?
- Yeah, I feel ruined.

- What are your symptoms?
- Aching, fever.

My eyes keep swimming. Like the
flu, but it never goes anywhere.

- You gave Burke mouth-to-mouth?
- Yeah.

- What, have I got a virus off him?
- No.

Then what? What's going on with me?

I can't discuss it with you. Can
you see the medic and wait with her?

- Officer Adams, I need you here.
- Sorry, no chance.

Jesus! He needs to see the
medic as soon as possible.

Captain speaking.

Hear this, all crew.

We are all aware what will happen
if we fail to restart the reactor.

Our entire mission is at stake.

Despite the risks involved,
we have no choice.

Ready to restart the reactor, sir.

Prepare to pull rods.

Did you hear that?

If the reactor scrams again, note...

... this is a Command call.

On my head.

Go ahead, EO.

Start pulling rods.

Aye, sir.

Pumps are stable.

Pulling rods now.

Pull group one.

Group one...

... % withdrawn.

Group one, fully withdrawn.

Group one, fully withdrawn, sir.

Group two, % withdrawn.

Group two, fully withdrawn.

Group two, fully withdrawn.

Pull group three.

Group three...

... % withdrawn.

Group three, fully withdrawn.

Group three, fully withdrawn, sir.

Reactor, critical. Full
power is available.

- Thank Christ for that.

Reactor level % and rising, sir.

Officer of the Watch,
secure from periscope depth.

Return to safe depth.

- Roger, sir.
- Cronin.

Returning to safe depth.


Sir, the recon vessel has located
the wreck of the missing trawler,

the Mhairi Finnea.

- Have them dive at first light.
- Aye, aye, sir.


- I got it wrong about Prentice.
- But he's admitted to it.

No. He did what he did because
he thought he'd k*lled Burke.

I don't think Burke
died of a head injury.

I think he was poisoned.




J... ?!




One, two, three, four, five...

C'mon! Jade!

BREATHLESSLY: One, two, three, four...


J... !

J... !