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02x07 - Chase Becomes Co-Owner of the Nets

Posted: 12/31/21 13:29
by bunniefuu
- Hey, Pat.
- Hi.

It's "Vogue." Do you have a
second to answer questions?

- Sure.
- Great.

- What's your favorite ice cream?
- Chocolate.

- I have to say chocolate.
- Name one piece of advice

- your parents always gave you.
- Always be yourself.

To always be myself.

What's your favorite thing
to do on the weekend?

Spend time with my boyfriend.

Spend time with my boyfriend, Streeter.

- Oh, hi, honey.
- Hey, there she is.

Oh, God, Mom.

- Pull away. Keep moving.
- All right. Heels or flats?

- Flats.
- Flats.

Nice, can you name the three most
important people in your life?

- My kids.
- That would be my kids, of course.

- Oh, here's one of them now.
- Hey, Mom.

I just came by to ask what your
favorite basketball team is.

- The Nets.
- The Nets.

Because my son Chasey is now
a part owner of the team.

Yep. Go Nets.

- Oh, here's another one of my sons.
- Hey, Mom.

I was wondering. What's your
favorite movie of all time?

- "Night Nurse."
- "Night Nurse."

- Wait, what's "Night Nurse"?
- Ugh, cut!

Mom, just repeat everything I say,

otherwise this is gonna take forever.

Okay, honey. But what is "Night Nurse?"

It's the movie Cary just got cast in.

- Wait, what?
- Whoa, man!

- I didn't know that.
- That's so cool, Cary.

- Yeah.
- Yeah. It's just this little indie movie,

but I have, like, six scenes.

Oh, CareBear! That's amazing.

I am so proud of you, honey.


So she gets to kiss him a lot.

And the Deadline article
came out today too,

so it's like actually real.

Yeah, it's got my picture
and everything. Look.

Oh, my gosh! I need to
Instagram this on my phone.

Brooke, I have Instagram,
right? And a phone?

Yeah. But you have to do it later

'cause right now we have to
finish this "Vogue" thing

before everything else you have today,

so let's all reset.

And, Streeter, this time,
don't try to f*ck her.

- Thank you for the note.
- Cary, you're in a movie! [SQUEALS]



Why are you walking so slow?

'Cause. Shuli invited me to go hear
her speak on a women's panel.

Oh, God.

- Why? Is she mad at you?
- I don't know,

but she helped me get " Under ,"

so I feel like I have to go

and just sit in the
audience and nod like,

"Yes, women, I understand."

Oh, this is Curtis. Well, don't be late

because those are the people
who have to sit up front

- and ask the audience questions.
- Oh, f*ck!


Can't believe I know
someone on Deadline.

I'm famous!

- Just take it.
- I know. Isn't this crazy?

God, I knew I was good.

I got the third role
Mackenzie sent me out for.

We should go out and get
some drinks. Celebrate.

Sorry, I can't. I'm going to
a hospital on Staten Island

to shadow a real nurse.

Because you are an actor

and you are putting in the "whork."

- I love that.
- Yeah.

It's my first real role.

I wanna get it right. Do a good job.

I'd love to play a nurse.

Or a patient.

Or better yet, a patient's wife

who's told that she can't go
in there, but god damn it,

that is her husband and
no one is stopping her.

So like, when do you get
to meet Patricia Arquette?

I don't know. I mean, most of my
scenes are with Beanie Feldstein.

- I only have one with Patricia.
- Unreal.

Also, now that you guys are peers,

you have to start calling her Patty.

And Beanie Feldstein is Beans.

So that way when you wrap,
you can post an Instagram like,

"Missing my little film family,
Patty and Beans."

Okay. I gotta go.
I think I'm getting fired.

- Am I going out first?
- It's you first.

Hey, Shuli. I just wanted
to peek my head in,

let you see that I came,
because I found a seat

- so far in the back that...
- Brooke, shut up! You're late.

- This is the last one.
- Oh, great.

- Wait, what?
- So there's six of you on the panel,

you're being introduced last.

It's three hours long with one break.

A moderator is going
to ask questions first

and then open it up to the audience.

Wait, I'm so sorry. I'm on the panel?

Hello and welcome

to the fifth annual Women's
Empowerment Series.

I'm your moderator,
Phoebe McInerny Purmont.

And I am thrilled to introduce
today's panelists.

Publicist and Senior VP
of Principle Records,

Shuli Rockefeller Kucerac.


Human Rights Lawyer, Dalia Solomon King.

COO of the Women's Chance Initiative,

Rhadika Kamini Patel.

Filmmaker and winner
of the Palme d'Or,

Vivianne de Baubigny.

Pulitzer Prize-winning
author of the book,

"Everything You Think You Know
About Feminism Is Wrong,"

Ranessa Boley Braun.

And one of "Variety" magazine's
Top Creative Directors,

Brooke Dubek.



Yes. I am... ready to articulate
my thoughts on women's issues

into a mic... for all to hear.


Mr. Guttierez, hello.

- Where am I?
- You're in the hospital.

You had a little accident,
but you're fine.

I'm Nurse Akiyama. I'll be taking
good care of you today.

And I'm Cary.

I'm shadowing her for a
movie with Patty Arquette.


I'm gonna take your blood
pressure now, Mr. Guttierez.

This is so great to see.

And you would do this
the same at night, right?


Yeah. Great, great, great.

Okay. That's all for now.

- I'll be back in a bit.
- All right.

What now? Do we assist in surgery,

or... 'cause I can handle blood.

My character is covered in
it for most of the movie.

I can't tell you whose though.

You're gonna have to buy a ticket.

No, now we go enter

all of Mr. Guttierez's
information into Excel.


My character doesn't really use Excel.

So first we type in
"Guttierez comma Juan."

And see this cell here?

- We highlight this cell.
- Mm.

This next question's for Brooke.

According to this year's
Global Gender Gap Report,

the U.S. ranks below Canada, Sweden,

and even Serbia in terms
of gender equality.

As a woman, what do you see as
this country's biggest hurdle

on its march towards parity?

Wow. What an excellent question.


Oh, okay.

Let's move on to a question for Rhadika.

Rhadika, you run a nonprofit

focused on eradicating
female homelessness.

But what do you do for fun?


Well, could've done this one.

Um, I hang out with friends.
I go on hikes.

I recently made it a rule where
I don't work on Sundays.

I think it's really important
to take time for yourself...

Oh, yeah. Not me. No.

I never stop working for women.

I am always constantly
organizing, fighting,

marching in the streets.

Oh, wow. What marches specifically?



♪ ♪

Mr. Guttierez?


Mr. Guttierez?

I'm up. I'm up.

Hey, Mackenzie. I was wondering
if I could get the number

of the costume people for the movie.

'Cause I was thinking maybe
my character has glasses.

Call me back.

- Hey, Curtis.

What do we got?

- What do we go...
- Where the f*ck have you been?

We have a Code Blue.
-year-old white female.

g*nsh*t wound to the lower abdomen.

She's being prepared for
surgery now. Let's go!

So the thing about being a woman is...

- What set of women...
- Do you understand...

- The female experience...
- For me as a woman...

- A woman.
- Woman.

And, Brooke, what do you think?

Well, you know, feminism is about...


Are we good so far?

Okay. Okay. Um...

But you know, it's also
about so much more.

It's about...


- And as a woman,

I feel that you should be able to
answer this question as well, so...

- Brooke?
- Hmm?

I'm asking the panelists what
TV shows they're watching.

Oh, okay.

By female show runners.


- All of them.
- Okay.

Now it's time for a quick break.

- Oh, my God.
- I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I don't really work
here. I'm just shadowing

and wanted to try on the costumes.

Oh, cool. I'm shadowing too.

Wait, what?

Yeah. I found these in
the lockers earlier.

But... you believed me?
That... that all sounded real?

Oh, my God.

- So real.
- Thanks.

I'm playing a doctor on " ."

I have three scenes with Angie Bassett.

It's gonna be my first time

- seeing myself on TV.
- Oh, yeah.

No, it's my first role too.

I'm playing a nurse in "Night Nurse."

- Nurse Louis?
- Yeah.

Congrats. Want help running lines?

Yeah, sure.

Cool. God, hospitals are so fun.

[LAUGHS] Yeah.

Hey, I need a friend favor.

I'm on this women's panel
and I have no idea

what the f*ck I am doing.

Can you come ask me an easy question?

I was literally about to call you
and ask you the same thing.

I'm on this Minorities in Fashion panel

and all I've said is, "Pass."

Me too.

My last question was if fashion
can be seen as a form of rebellion

against our country's
immigration policies.

I don't know, man. I just like clothes.

Ugh, great.

Now I'm stressed for you too.

Why did Shuli ask me to do this?

Is she mad at me?

Hey, Brooke Dubek.

I'm Shauna. I'm in the audience.

I just wanted to say I'm
really enjoying the panel.

Okay. Thanks. It's nice to meet you.

I can't wait for the second half.

- See out there, I guess.

Are you okay? You look rough.

I haven't been drinking,
if that's what you're asking.

- How is she?
- The test came back.

It's not good.

Her organs are failing.

I'm gonna tell her.

Don't you think we should wait
for the doctor to do that?

Louis, how long have
you been a nurse here?

Three weeks? I'm telling her.

Yes. Just tell me. I am dying!

Oh, no, ma'am. Sorry. Sorry.

We're just running lines
for a movie I'm in.

You're totally fine. You're, um...

you know, it is a little
bit like the scene.

Why are you upsetting this patient?

We can't have another complaint.

We are this close to being shut down.

- I'm so sorry.
- Oh, great.

So... so that was believable?

I'm playing a hospital administrator
on "The Good Doctor."

Just shadowing for the day.

- Oh, cool.
- We're shadowing too.

Oh, yeah. You're in
"Night Nurse," right?

Oh, I saw on Deadline.

- Congrats.
- Thank you. Thanks.

Oh, that's my agent.
Sorry, I got to take this.

I asked about glasses for my character.

Ooh, I should do that.

Hey, Mackenzie, how's it going?

Did you get my message?






The funding was pulled.

Patty dropped out. [HYPERVENTILATING]

Needs more time with the family.


The movie's off.


Um, code blue.

I think for real code blue.

And that's why the fight
for abortion rights

really dates back to
BC or even BC.

- Maybe even BC.
- Oh, no. I wouldn't go that far.

I was joking.

All right. Let's take another question.

Hi, my question's for Brooke.

Hey, Brooke. We just
met in the bathroom.

Oh, right.

Hi. Hey, girl. [LAUGHS] Hi.

Do you remember my name?

Oh. Oh, my God. I'm...

I'm so sorry. No.

Oh, kinda weird to say
that you're pro-woman,

then not remember a woman's
name that you just met.

- It's Shauna.
- Okay.

Well, I was on the phone,

and I was a little distracted,
so I guess I just don't...

I just don't see why that's anti-woman.

But I'm sure these ladies
can all tell me why it was.

Actually, I agree with you, Brooke.

It's not anti-woman

to not remember every
single woman's name.

- It's not?
- No,

but to call you out on it

in front of all these people
is kind of a bitch move.

Yes, I would also categorize
that as a bitch move.

It's sort of the bitch move.

- So I said something right?

On the panel?

Um, actually, I agree with Shauna.

Brooke Dubek is anti-woman.

And I can prove it.





♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Cary? Cary?

- Where am I?
- You're in the hospital.

Am I sh**ting "Night Nurse?"

Uh... No, I think the
funding was pulled.

That's what you said
before you passed out.

Is there anything else I can do
to make you more comfortable?

Just k*ll me.

- Pull the f*cking plug.
- Ooh, can I do it?

My character actually does it
twice on "New Amsterdam."

She's kind of a psycho.


So I met Brooke at a restaurant.

And I said I was a singer

and that she should follow me on Insta.

And she did, and then a few days later,

she unfollowed me out of nowhere.

Okay, well, I was eating pasta
and you just came up to me

and basically forced me to follow you.

So I did.

- I was trying to be nice.
- Wait,

- you two are strangers?
- Yes.

Okay, well, it's not actually anti-woman

to not wanna follow a woman
you don't know on Instagram

for the rest of your life.

And I tried too.

I followed her for like a week.

That's longer than I
followed Jameela Jamil.

She goes to a concert like every day.

Ugh! You don't wanna see
Miley Cyrus in concert?

- A woman?
- No. No, that is not why.

Ugh, I wish I could show you guys.

Is there a way I could just
plug my phone into this thing?

So first we type in "Dubek comma Cary."


Is this the worst day of my life?


Sir, you need to stop moving around.

- f*cking hurts.
- Stay still.

Hey, man, are you okay?

No. I'm cut.

- Ugh!
- Oh, my God. Where?

From the show.

They cut all my scenes.

Angie Basset said she could just
do the lines into a mirror instead.

I can't believe this happened again!

Wait, again?

I thought you said this was
gonna be your first time on TV.

It would have been.

'Cause I've been cut
out of things times!

- times?

Oh, my f*cking God.


Okay. Yes, I see the problem.

You can't even tell that it's Miley.

She just looks like a
white, grainy blob.

And you can't actually hear Miley

because you're screaming over the music.

And look at how many there are.

Oh, yes. See at the top there, Ashly?

Those should be lines, not dots.

That's why I unfollowed her.

'Cause I couldn't have this
shit in my feed every day.

Hi, that's a lie.

Who the f*ck is this now?

I only met Brooke once too,
but she still follows me,

and I post concerts all the time.

I was at that same Miley Cyrus concert

- and storied the whole thing.
- Oh, okay.

See, the reason I still follow her

is because her boyfriend is hot,

and he doesn't have his own account...

or, you know he does, but he's straight,

so it's all photography.

So the only way to see his
body is by following her.

And it's tough 'cause she
posts a lot of dumb shit,

but it is worth it because
that body is toight.

Sorry, so you only follow
a woman to see a man?


That's literally anti-woman.

No! No, it's not.

And you trying to, like, call me out

in front of all of these
people sucks. Yeah.

All three of you suck. And it
is not anti-woman to say that.

I think all three of you
should have equal pay.

I think all three of you
should have access

to safe and legal abortions.

I think all three of you should have

whatever third thing it is that we want.

But that doesn't mean
you don't also suck.


Yes. Let's be honest, okay?
Some women can suck.


Women can suck!

Women can suck! Women...

Yeah. We can't actually chant that.

Okay. That's fair.

Then in ,

I had my whole family over

to watch my scene in "The Big C,"

but they just showed
the back of my head.

They just stayed on
Laura the whole time.

All right. I can't take this anymore.

Nurse, nurse... no, real nurse.

I gotta get out of here.
Hospitals are too depressing.

Okay, well, it's best if someone
comes to pick you up.

You got a wife?

Or, if you're gay, a husband?

I am gay.

But I weirdly do have a wife
that might wanna come do this.

Cary? Cary?


Where is he? Where is he?

He's right down the hall.

Oh, oh, no, um, say that
I can't go in there.

Oh, my God, this hospital.

No, you can't go in there.

God damn it! He is my f*cking husband,

and no one is stopping me!

♪ ♪

There you are.


You scared the shit out of me.

Don't you ever do that
again, you hear me?


I can't live without you,

and I don't want to.

♪ ♪


Okay, let's get you
the f*ck out of here.

That was pretty impressive.

You did good out there, Brooke.

Well, not at the beginning.
At the beginning,

you said "Pass" for an hour.

- But at the end, you did.
- I don't get it.

Why were those girls coming for me?

Like, how did that one even
know I unfollowed her?

I did it at, like, three in the morning

so she wouldn't notice.

Of course she noticed.
She cares what you think.

Okay. Literally why?

Are you joking?

Because she looks up to you.

She's a young girl and you're a
strong, powerful businesswoman.

Wait, what?

Why are you acting all surprised?

The day you became Chase's assistant,

you had business cards made that said,

"Brooke Dubek: Strong, Powerful
Businesswoman," on them.

Yeah, but those were
just lies to trick people

because I knew I was actually trash.

Well, congratulations.

The lie's become real.


I can't believe this happened.

I know.

I wasn't gonna watch "Escape
at Dannemora" before,

but now I'm really not gonna watch it.

I just... I thought I finally was
about to have a little success,

and now I just have nothing again.
Like, I still just have nothing?

I mean, you don't have nothing.

It's like, what am I supposed to do?

Just continue to host a
thousand dumb things

until I die?

I don't wanna host. I wanna act.

Well, I would k*ll to be a host.

Though don't tell anyone
on Grindr I said that.

I should have known the movie
was gonna fall through.

I just can't make any progress.
My life f*cking sucks!

Oh, can I get one of those waters?


Thanks for one of the weirdest
panels I've ever been on.

Oh, I know. I'm so sorry
about the first half.

This may come as a surprise,
and like all of you,

I am a strong, powerful business woman.

It's unreal.

But you know, I did sort
of feel like a fraud

for a minute there.

Oh, don't worry. That's totally normal.

You know, we all feel
like frauds sometimes.

Not me. I'm not a fraud.

I never feel like a fraud.

I've studied. I've worked hard.

I'm confident anytime I'm
asked to speak on stage.

Night, all.

Everyone hates her. And she smells.

Okay, other than her,
we've all been there.

On my first panel, I was so
nervous I almost blacked out.

- And I still get like that.
- Me too.

- Yeah, me too.
- Okay.

Truly, this makes me
feel so much better.

Yeah, and when I first
started moderating,

I remember being so self-conscious

- that I didn't seem smart enough.
- Seriously?

You are the smartest-looking
woman I have ever seen.

You have a skunk stripe

- running through your hair.
- Exactly.

That's why I bought it.

Wait, what?

This is a wig.

Oh, my God.

And like, what's the point
of booking a movie

if it can just fall through?
That's f*cking fun for me.

Like, an actor can just back out

and I'm back at zero?
I'm back at f*cking zero?

Oh, my God, dude.
You are not at f*cking zero.

I'm sorry, I didn't wanna say
anything because I love you.

And it f*cking sucks that you
lost this movie. It does.

It f*cking sucks.

And I want you to be
able to complain to me,

but to hear you go on and on like this,

it's just like, read the
room a little bit, dude.

I'm sorry. I...

No, it's fine. It's fine.

I didn't mean to yell or whatever.

I'm not jealous of you.
You know that, right?

Like, I am so f*cking happy
for all your success.

You just... you gotta know how
you're coming across right now.

I still work in f*cking retail.

My new boss is .

And the best acting job that
I've had in the past year

was playing Jocelyn.

Wait, who's Jocelyn?

She's the woman that picked
you up at the hospital.

Was it not clear that
her name was Jocelyn?

Shit! [LAUGHS]

I'm sorry. I'm... I'm really sorry.

- I didn't mean to be an assh*le.
- No, it's okay.

I mean, it probably does feel
like you're at zero sometimes

because you just keep moving
the goalposts for yourself.

Like, when we were waiting tables,

"The Gay Minute" was like a nine to you,

and now that's a zero, and that's fine.

That's cool. But as your friend,

I need you to know that things
are happening for you.

I mean, it may not feel
like it from the inside,

but things are happening.

They are. Slowly, they are happening.

I know. I... I get it.

I get it.

And, hey, things are about
to start happening for you.

- I know it.
- Yeah, well, maybe.

Or not. Who knows?

Well, thanks for saying something

and not just hating me secretly.

You're welcome.

And for coming all the
way out to Staten Island.

Yeah. You got it.

And for wearing a full costume.

Wait, what do you mean? What costume?


Hey, thanks again for
coming to the panel.

And I just wanted to say
I'm sorry I forgot your name.

And that I tried to get an entire room

to chant "women can suck" at you.

It's okay. We're sorry, too.

All right. Well, nice to
meet you, Shauna.

And good luck on your
singing career, Ashly.

Thanks, Brooke.

Do you maybe wanna
re-follow me on Insta?

Absolutely. I'm doing it now.

- Thank you so much.
- Of course, girl.

- Have a good night.

- Oh, my God!
- ♪ Too many men make up the rules ♪

- Oh, my God!
- ♪ Too many men act like fools ♪

- _
- ♪ Power to the woman ♪

Okay, and this is my Instagram.


Ooh, wow. million
followers. How cool!

Okay, so I want the picture
to be the Deadline article.

And then I want the caption to say,

"My son @Cary.Dubek,

the next big movie star!"

And then I wanna do #NightNurse,


and then Brooke says to always do #feet.

- I think we should skip that one.
- Okay.

And then to post, I just...

Push that button.

Okay, great. Well, thank you, Melanie.

Oh, say hi to your boyfriend,
John, for me.

And his parents, Diane and Tom.

Okay, goodnight! Thanks again.

And... posted.




♪ ♪

Oh, my God.

Everyone's gonna think the
movie's still happening.


♪ ♪

♪ Fresh tracks on a beach, blonde ♪

♪ Crystal rocks, forgot the song ♪

♪ Shaggy do without a ride ♪

♪ Time travel to the west side ♪

♪ Hollywood ♪

♪ All good ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Hollywood ♪

♪ All good ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Found a ring for another bag ♪

♪ Pay the rent, steal from Dad ♪

♪ Worn out on another bill ♪

♪ Sleeping in the cool build ♪

♪ Hollywood ♪

♪ All good ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Hollywood ♪

♪ All good ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Hollywood ♪
♪ All Good ♪