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02x12 - Class Act

Posted: 12/30/21 20:35
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Theme song plays...


- ♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪
- ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ A princess bravely rules the land ♪
- ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ With her family by her side ♪
- ♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪


- ♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪
- ♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪

- ♪ Loyal friends are always there ♪
- ♪ Loyal friends always there ♪

- ♪ Magic shines from deep within ♪
- ♪ Magic shines from within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪


♪ Elena of Avalor ♪


[Francisco] Did you hear?

Today, Isabel is taking

her first college class
at the Science Academy!

Ay, Francisco.

You've already told
everyone in the palace.

- Twice.
- Oh!

I can't believe
in exactly one hour,

and seconds,

my favorite scientist
of all time

is going to be my professor!

where's your Go-Pack?

Oh. [laughs]

I must have forgotten it
in my room.

Well, you better
go get it!

Hurry, hurry!
Big day!

I'm so excited for you!

I'm so worried for her.

Oh, she'll be fine.

But she's going to college
with kids twice her age.

It's just one class
once a week, mijita.

You're right.

But... just to make sure
she gets off on the right foot,

how about I send
a royal guard unit with her?

- Hmm?
- Ay, Elena!

Or I could just drop her
off myself.


Señora Ríos!
Did you hear?

Isabel is taking
her first college class

at the Science Academy

[gasps] Look!


[horse whinnies]

Good morning, Isabel!

Crown Princess Elena!

to the Science Acade...

- Professor Ochoa!
- Oh!


I'm so honored
to be here.

I'm ready
to sleeve up my rolls...

I mean, roll up my sleeves
and get to work.


Well, you can start by
rolling up these sleeves.


My very own official
Science Academy lab coat?!

I'm going to to put it on
right now.

Whew! The students are even
older than I expected.

And the school is huge.

What if she gets lost?

We have some time
before class starts.

How about I give you
a little tour?

I'd love that.

Me, too.

Then step this way!

The world of science
and engineering awaits!

[font color=# ff ][music playing]

♪ In this place
of higher learning ♪

♪ Students come here
with a yearning ♪

♪ To explore
new worlds of wonder ♪

♪ Everywhere
their minds are turning ♪

♪ Distant planets
they'll uncover ♪

♪ Unknown stars
they will discover ♪

♪ Seeking out
the hidden forces ♪

♪ That make one
go round the other ♪

♪ Problems solved
in mathematics ♪

♪ Our inventors
draw schematics ♪

♪ And in physics
we chart forces ♪

- ♪ That can be quite acrobatic ♪
- Oh! Ooh!

♪ You'll see
chemical reactions ♪

♪ Microscopic interactions ♪

♪ But the sight
that most inspires ♪

♪ Are your brilliant minds
in action ♪

♪ Welcome to the future ♪

♪ You can be a scientist ♪

♪ Hatch a theory or invent ♪

♪ To your heart
and mind's content ♪

♪ Welcome to the future ♪

♪ You can be an engineer ♪

♪ Design and build
a better way ♪

♪ To do the things
we do today ♪

♪ Welcome to the future ♪

♪ Here our teachers
will instruct in ♪

♪ Project planning
and construction ♪

♪ Or perhaps you'll
make a breakthrough ♪

♪ Using powers of deduction ♪

♪ If we set our sights
real high ♪

♪ And never,
ever give up tryin' ♪

♪ Then one day
we may create a ship ♪

♪ That all of us can fly in ♪

♪ Welcome to your future ♪

♪ Come be anything you like ♪

♪ When you exercise
your mind ♪

[font color=# ff ][students]
♪ You never know what you may find ♪

♪ Welcome to your future ♪

[font color=# ff ][students]
♪ There is so much to achieve ♪

♪ You will learn
to think real fast ♪

[font color=# ff ][students]
♪ It can be a total blast ♪

♪ But none of it will happen ♪

♪ Till you go
to your first class ♪

♪ So welcome to the future ♪

[font color=# ff ][students]
♪ Welcome to the future ♪

♪ Welcome to the future ♪

♪ Welcome to the future ♪

♪ Welcome to the future ♪

♪ Welcome to the future ♪

♪ Get ready for your future ♪

Oh! I didn't realize
there was so much to learn.

I know!
Isn't it great?

Science just lights up
my atoms!

College is going to be
harder than I thought.

You are going to do great.

Right, Professor Ochoa?

Isabel, when we first met,

I could tell you had
a spark for science

that's as special
as a Leonid meteor shower!

[both laughing]

Leonid meteor shower.

[both laughing]


Whatever that is,
I agree.

Okay, guess
I'll be on my way.

Heh! Oh, okay.


[straining] Mmph!

How about
I walk you to class?

If you really want to!

And that is
how you calculate

a conservation of momentum.


You all better get used
to this sight.

It won't be long
before I'm teaching this class.

- [door opens]
- [Ochoa] Is that so?

Professor Ochoa!

I, uh... Heh heh!

I was just keeping
your chair warm for you.

You can keep
your own chair warm, Javier.

Crown Princess Elena!
Princess Isabel!

In. My. Class.

Aah! Royal overload!


you are a shower

of sparkly meteors
named Leonard?

See you at the palace.

No! Don't go!

Uh, uh, I mean,

perhaps Your Highness
could stay for the day?

You could observe the class
or assist the Professor.

[under her breath]
Sign my notebook.

I would love that!

I mean, if you don't mind me
sticking around, Professor.

Not at all.
Now let's get to work.

Isabel, your lab partner
is Tomiko.



[cricket chirping]


It is an honor
to be your lab partner,

Princess Isabel
Castillo-Flores of Avalor.

Oh, uh,
you can call me Isa.

- Can I?
- Oh!

Oh, sorry. I was just...

I was hoping you'd say that!

Now everyone follow me.

Our mental warm-up
will be outside today.

You're a lucky princess.

This class
is usually reserved

for the best
and the brightest.

But I guess the Professor
made a royal exception.

My sister is here
because Professor Ochoa

was impressed
with her guinea pig project.

It sounds cute.

Not exactly
a scientific breakthrough,

- but cute all the same.
- Mm!

Now, if you have trouble
keeping up, don't worry.

Everyone does
when I'm in the class.

Oh, ignore Javier.

He's just used to being
the youngest in this class.

But now
you're the youngest.

Plus, you're royal.

Royal or not, I belong in this
class like everybody else.

And I'm going to prove it.

Today, you will conduct
the egg drop experiment

so you can see principles
of air resistance,

velocity, and potential
energy in action.

I've been studying potential energy
in action since I could read.

Well, I've been studying it

since before I said
my first word...

centripetal force.

That's two words.

Which makes me
doubly impressive.

[forced laugh]

Each team has ten minutes to
design and build an apparatus

that will protect the egg
from breaking

as it free falls
from the bell tower.

Your time starts... now!

Our apparatus
has to cradle the egg

in such a way that it
diverts the kinetic energy

away from the egg
at the point of impact.


What if we
surrounded the egg

with something
thick and bouncy?

Like a rubber sling!

Ooh! I know how to make
Avaloran rubber.

Whoa! You're like a princess
and a genius.

Okay, what do we need?

Elastica tree sap,
moon vine juice,

and equipment to mix
and mold the rubber.

I'll get the supplies.

And I'll sketch out
the sling design.

And I'll act like I know
what just happened.


- Oh!
- Whoa!


Time's up!

Javier and Sheryl,
you're up first.

Three, two...

Who's number one?

No cracks!

Of course
there weren't.

Just call me
Professor Javier.

[Ochoa] Luke and Giselle,
you're next!

All good!

Isabel and Tomiko,
you're up.

This is so egg-citing.

That's egg-xactly
what I was going to say!

[both laughing]


Please don't crack. Please don't crack.
Please don't crack.

Please don't crack. Please don't crack.
Please don't crack.


- Oh!
- [gasps]

- [gasps]
- No!


She's not the only one
who has egg on her face.


I'm so sorry.

Apology accepted.

But, Isabel, you're going
to have to do better.

Aw, don't feel bad,

After all, you're not
a real college student.

Don't worry.
It was just the warm-up.

Yeah, you'll do better
on the next experiment.

I'm sure of it.

We'll see.

The models on your workstations
should look familiar.

It's Mount Diablo!

- Correct.
- Of course it is.


The Academy is building
a new observatory

on top of Mount Diablo,

and they've asked
for our help.


This is a model
of the new proposed observatory.

[students "oohing"]
That is gonna be great!

- [boy] Nice!
- [girl] Cool!

I could do better.

As you can see,
those enormous boulders

make access
to the mountaintop difficult.

Your jobs are to figure out

how to get the building
materials to the mountaintop.

Starting now!

What if we...

Pile the building materials
onto carriages

and drive them
around the boulders!


Except that the gaps
between the boulders

are too narrow
for a carriage.

Oh, okay, so what
about a wheelbarrow?

They're small... er.

A bit too small.

They couldn't hold
the big blocks

we need to build
the observatory.

Tomiko, do you have
any ideas?

Dozens, but none
of them will work.

Hmm... how do we get
a bunch of blocks

past a bunch of rocks?

Hmm. What if the rocks
were the blocks?

- Huh?
- Huh?

Instead of trying to get
stuff around the boulders,

why don't we use the boulders
as the building blocks?

- Inspiration strikes!
- Aah!

We can use the boulders
to build the observatory!

Good thinking, Isabel.

Yeah! Just like
a real college student.


But that doesn't
solve the problem

of getting the building
materials up the mountain.

Those boulders are huge.

Absolutely right, Javier.

- [Javier] I know.
- But now, instead of figuring out

how to get
around the boulders,

you have to figure out

how to get those boulders
up the mountain.

So fire up those brains!

Ooh! We could
lasso the boulders

and pull them
up the mountain!

There's not a rope
strong enough to do that.

It's okay, Elena.
Tomiko and I will-

We could get the whole town
together and push!

I really don't think...

Or we could ask the Jaquins
to carry them!

They couldn't even dig
their claws into the rock,

- let alone lift them.
- Or... - Hold on.

What if we built
a giant mechanical claw

that could grab
the boulders

and lift them up
the mountain?

Something like this?

Wow, you draw fast.

Yes! We just need to anchor
it on the mountaintop

and create a counterweight
that can lift the boulders

and swing 'em over.

So we'll need a sturdy
base, metal rods...

A clamp to hold
the claw together.

Rope, weights, wood,
bolts, and a spring coil.

- I'll go get 'em.
- That's okay, I'll do it.

- Elena!
- It'll save time.

You two work out
the details

of whatever it is
you need to calculate,

and I'll be right back.

Uh... okay.

Coils, coils, coils.

Did I hear you say
you're looking for coils?

Yes. Why?

Looks like they're all out.

Ah! Tough break.

Hmm, I wonder
what else Isa could use?


Okay, there's no coils,

but I did find
a bunch of, uh, do-hickeys.

Actually, these gears
might work even better.


Great! Now
how do we build it?

That's upside down.

Oops, sorry. [laughs]

Just trying to help.

Tomiko, can you start
building the base

while I figure out
how to work in the gears?

I'd be honored!

Need anything?

I'm good.

- How about you?
- Just a little space.

Look at you two.

Shining bright
like a pair of photons.

Quick, work faster!
Shine brighter!

Are you sure
there's nothing I can do?

Uhh... you can hold
the design.

Ready, willing, and...


Okay. The gears fit
in like this.

All that's left
is the claw.

You hold the teeth,
I'll get the clamp.

Now we'll tie this rope
right here.

And tighten
this clamp, and...

We're done!

Ha! We're done!

We are done.

You're done? Before us?!

Are you ready
to show it to the class?

Mm. I think.

So ready.

- Oh!
- What was that?

How did that happen?

[students conversing]

Hmm, that was unusual.

[nervous chuckle]
Sure was!

Now let's see the princess' big
boulder-lifting machine in action.

First we lower the arm,
like this.

Next, the claw
picks up the boulder.

And, finally,
we'll move the boulder

to the top
of the mountain.

[gears clicking]

- Whoa!
- No!

- Aah!
- Oh!

Whew! I'm going
to have to start

a helmet in class.


That's a shame.

Maybe you should stick
to guinea pigs.

Uh, we can
rebuild it.

What's the point?

Professor Ochoa told me
I had to do better,

and I did worse.

She's going to kick me
out for sure.

Don't worry.
I'll talk to her.

How 'bout that?

I have a harder head
than I thought.

- [tapping]
- I'm so glad you're okay.

Look, I know Isabel's
had a few, uh, mishaps?

But she does belong
in your class.

Oh, I agree.
But does Isabel?

What do you mean?

where are you going?

Class isn't over.

It is for me.

I can never show my face
in there again.

You don't mean that.

You've been talking
about going

to the Science Academy

That was before I hit my
favorite scientist in the head.


Mm, first day jitters?

I'd hate to see what I would
do to her on the second day.

Javier is right.

I don't belong here.

Just because you made
a couple mistakes?

Science Academy students
don't make mistakes.

You saw them.

Everything they do
comes out right...

unless I'm their partner.

Okay, look, if you want to
quit, that's your decision.

But you should tell
Professor Ochoa in person.

It's the right thing to do.


Go on.

Isabel. I was wondering
where you went.

Professor Ochoa?

I... I just wanted to say, thank you
for letting me take your class.

But I'm obviously
not cut out to be here.

I'm sorry I let you down.

How did you let me down?

I failed all day,

and I'll probably
just keep on failing.

Of course you will.

That's how you succeed.


Isabel, take a look.

- [groaning]
- The other students all failed, too.

They did?

When I tell my students
they have to do better,

I mean they have
to learn from their mistakes

and then try again.

Trying again is what makes
a scientist a scientist.

So the only way you can let
me down is if you quit.

Welcome back, partner.

All right.
Where do we start?

Uh, Elena? Thank you for
always being here for me,

but you can't
do this for me.

I need to prove
that I can do it.

You're absolutely right.

Good luck.


Hey, what happened
to the clamp

that was holding
the claw?

Hmm. Must've broken off.

I'll get a stronger one.

Ah, wouldn't you know it?

The supply room
is fresh out of clamps.

Now what are we
going to do?

Learn from your mistakes.

[gasp] The rubber sling!

- What about it?
- That's what we need!

This goes here.
That goes there.

And, done!

A slingshot
catapult thingy!


Professor Ochoa,
we're ready to try again.


Okay. Now I'm ready.

Would ya look at that.

You broke your boulder
to bits.

That was the point.

We calculated
the exact angle

to purposely break up
the boulder

so it'll be easier to carve the
pieces into building blocks.

That is...


Isabel and Tomiko.

We are going to use
your machine

to help build
the observatory.


I have
the best lab partner ever!

And not just because
you're a royal.

I'm not gonna lie,

that part is awesome!

You can't choose
their machine, Professor!

She's just a kid!

Ohh! Unh!

Hey, that's the missing clamp
from our first machine.

How'd it get under there?

Because Javier took it.

That's why
the machine broke!

I don't know
what you're talking about.

I think you do.

Javier, you're suspended from the
observatory project indefinitely.

What?! But I'm
the best student in this class!

Fine! I'll go!

But I'm keeping
the lab coat.

[door opens]

- You knew I'd come back
- [door closes]

if you said I could quit,
didn't you?

Well, I may not know
much about engineering,

but I do know
my little sister.

Hm. You ready
to go home?

Class isn't over yet.

Oh. Yep, got it.

You don't need me
to stick around anymore?

I'm okay.

Well, I guess I'll go.

Goodbye, Princess Elena!

I love you! [giggles]

All right, class.

Let's put those brilliant minds
back to work.

Open your Physics books
to page .

The conservation
of momentum.