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02x09 - The Scepter of Night

Posted: 12/30/21 11:42
by bunniefuu
♪♪ [Theme song plays]


- ♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪
- ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ A princess bravely rules the land ♪
- ♪ Elena ♪

- ♪ With her family by her side ♪
- ♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪


- ♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪
- ♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪

- ♪ Loyal friends are always there ♪
- ♪ Loyal friends always there ♪

- ♪ Magic shines from deep within ♪
- ♪ Magic shines from within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪


♪ Elena of Avalor ♪




[Elena] Shuriki?



Those pages are blank!

Or are they?


[gasps] What does it say?

How we can defeat
Princess Elena.

What is all that?

A hidden message
from my grandfather.

The Scepter of Night?

Okay, let me get this straight.

Shuriki and Fiero
stole the pages

so they could find
another magic scepter?

Yes. The Scepter of Night.

According to
everything I've read,

it's just as powerful
as Elena's Scepter of Light.

But we found a secret message
from Mateo's abuelo, Alacazar.

Show her.



[Naomi] Whoa.

I suppose everyone knew about
this new scepter power, too?

- Yeah.
- Kind of.

Hmph. Last time
I take a day off.

So, what does it say?

Alacazar found
the Scepter of Night

and wanted to make sure
it would be well protected,

so he broke it
into three pieces...

The staff, the mount,
and the jewel.

He left the staff
right where he found it,

and hid the other two pieces.

- Where?
- We don't know yet.

When you find one piece, a hidden
riddle leads you to the next.

Man, you wizards never do
things the easy way, do you?

Hey, if it keeps Shuriki from
getting the Scepter of Night,

I'm all for it.

So what's the first riddle?


"In the City of Pyramids,
look into the eye of the place

where macaws crawl
and tortoises fly."

Ohh. City of Pyramids.

That's gotta be Tepet Muul...
The capital of ancient Maru.

[Gabe] But what about the rest?

Tortoises don't fly; Macaws fly.

This doesn't make any sense.

That's what makes it a riddle.

I just hope Shuriki
doesn't figure it out first.

All right, then,
I'm going after her.

What?! Elena!

Man, is she fast!

[Carla] Where tortoises
fly and macaws crawl?

Argh! Who came up with that?!

Someone who was obviously much
more clever than all of you.

Here. Let me see those pages.

You must have missed something.

I miss nothing!

Says the man who got turned
into a statue by a teenager.

[both laugh]

Shuriki, we will cover more
ground if we split up.

Yes, yes. Anything to stop
your incessant chatter.

Excellent. Shuriki and I
will go this way,

and you two... go that way.

We should go with Shuriki.

No, no, this is fine.

Come along, Carla.

Fiero acts like
he's so much better,

but if it wasn't for us,
he'd still be a bird perch.

And how he's gonna be
her Royal Malvago,

and we're nothing!

That is why
we're splitting up, Carla.

So you and I
can find the scepter

and prove to Shuriki
we are superior.

Then she will finally
make us Malvagos!

But Fiero will still
be her number one,

and we'll be number two.

One scheme at a time.

Right now, we have
a riddle to solve.

[Victor] We must find the
scepter before Fiero.

Elena! You're not supposed
to leave the palace, remember?

But we know where Shuriki's going
and she has a head start.

The Royal Guards wouldn't get there
in time. But me, on a Jaquin...

You have to consult
the Grand Council first.

I wonder what kind of powers
the Scepter of Night has...

Mateo! Focus.

My family's in Cordoba firming up
our alliance with King Juan Ramon.

But Naomi's here.
What do you think?

Uh, I'm not sure. Gabe does
have a point, but so do you.

I would sure love to
get a hold of that scepter

and see how it works.

But it's not the whole scepter.

It's only the staff.

We can wait until
the rest of the council is back

to discuss this.

Gabe's right. You should stay.

But the scepter's too powerful.

We can't let Shuriki
get any of it.

Mateo's right. You should go.

Well, that's two council
votes right there.

Now, normally I'd wait
for the others,

but this is an emergency
and we don't have time.

I can't let
something happen to you.

I say that as Captain
of the Royal Guard.

And... as your friend.

- Then come with me... all of you.
- What?

We make a great team.

We beat Shuriki, Fiero,
and Victor before.

We can do it again.

And get that scepter.

Arghh. Fine, on one condition.

I run point on this mission.

It's for your own safety.

Which means you all
have to follow my lead.

- Got it?
- Got it.

- I'm in.
- [Elena] Mateo?

Huh? Right, sure.

Okay, Gabe. Lead the way.

All right. Move out!

Unhh! Ow.

[Migs] All right, Jaquins,

square up and fly tight.

I want all eyes
scanning the ground.

Ooh, Migsy, I love it
when you're so serious.

Not here, pookie-face.

No! No, no, please go on,

pookie-face. Ha ha ha!

Look sharp, everyone.

We're there.

[Mateo] Tepet Muul.

The Pyramid City of Maru.

I don't see any sign of Shuriki.

Good, then we can figure out
that riddle and find the staff.

Ah, not so fast.
It's a big complex.

First we need to do
a thorough search

to make sure
she's not already here.

- But it...
- Gabe's calling the sh*ts, Mateo.

And I agree with him.
If they're here,

I'd rather surprise them...
Not the other way around.

- Exactly.
- Yeah, but if we just...

No! We'll start at the far end

and follow a standard grid
pattern as we work our way back.

Hut, hut, hut!

Luna, I need... I mean, we need

to get that scepter
before Shuriki.

I don't know, Mateo.

We're supposed to follow
Gabe's lead on this.

Look, whoever wields that
scepter will have a power

unlike any the world's seen.

If I collect the pieces first,
I could beat Shuriki myself!

Hmm. Maybe you're right.

I know I'm right.
I must find that scepter.

♪ Hidden deep within a temple ♪

♪ In the heart of Old Maru ♪

♪ There's a scepter
so mysterious ♪

♪ No one knows what it can do ♪

♪ I can be the one to find it ♪

♪ Learn the power
that it hides ♪

♪ I'll discover
all the secrets ♪

♪ That are locked away inside ♪

♪ I can't wait another second ♪

♪ To be sure
the coast is clear ♪

♪ I can feel it
in my wizard bones ♪

♪ The pyramid is near ♪

♪ I just have to solve
the riddle ♪

♪ I just have to
crack the clue ♪

♪ I will find the staff
whose magic ♪

♪ Only ancient wizards knew ♪

♪ Just like my abuelo,
Alacazar ♪

♪ I'll be renowned
as a magical star ♪

♪ It's the chance
of a lifetime ♪

♪ When the mystery's unfurled ♪

♪ I'll be the wisest wizard ♪

♪ In all of the world ♪

- Whoa! Luna, hold up!
- What now?

Look at that pyramid.

Tortoises... and macaws.

Just like the riddle!

This must be the place!

The scepter's gotta be hidden
somewhere inside.


♪ Tortoises left ♪

♪ Macaws on the right ♪

♪ This must be the way ♪

♪ To the Scepter of Night ♪

♪ The tunnel is dark,
but the future's so bright ♪

♪ If I only keep going
the end is in sight ♪

♪ The Scepter of Night,
the Scepter of Night ♪

♪ Even the name
makes me shiver with fright ♪

♪ Who would prevail
if it came to a fight? ♪

♪ Is it as strong ♪

♪ As the Scepter of Light? ♪

♪ Just like my abuelo,
Alacazar ♪

♪ I'll be renowned
as a magical star ♪

♪ It's the chance
of a lifetime ♪

♪ When the mystery's unfurled ♪

♪ I'll be the wisest wizard ♪

♪ In all of the world ♪

♪ The wisest wizard

♪ In the world ♪

♪ World ♪





It has to b...

Where's the staff?

It was supposed to be here!

This must be the wrong pyramid.


[Shuriki] Another empty pyramid.

You're supposed to be
a great Malvago,

and you can't even
figure out a children's riddle.

There must be more
to the riddle.

It said, "When you see macaws
crawl and tortoises fly,"

but that doesn't make any sense.

[Carla] Or does it?

Look over there.
See those macaws?

They're not up top
like the others.

They're down at the base.

They look like they're crawling.

[Fiero] And the tortoises
are at the top.

They look like they are flying.

The scepter must be
in that pyramid.

I figured it out. I did it!

What?! I did it!

No! It was I.

And now I will get the scepter.

Not if I get it first!


[Elena] Mateo.

We've been looking
everywhere for you.

We agreed to stay in formation!

Sorry, but I was trying to find
the scepter before Shuriki does.

We all want to do that.

But you have to follow the plan.

My plan. Remember me?
The one in charge?

Uh, guys? Look!

That pyramid has tortoises
flying and macaws crawling.

[gasp] You found it!

You're welcome.

Let's go!


The plan! Arggh!

[Elena] Mateo, slow down!

- Mateo!
- I have to...

[both gasp]

Boqato, Boqato, Boqato!


[Gabe] Everyone take cover!


I have a plan.
When I give the word,

run to the carriage and
wait for me in the jungle.

What about the Scepter of Night?

That's part of the plan! Now go!

This better work.


Look out!

[all coughing]

[Luna] Ohh!

And I was having such
a great feather day.


Bl... Where'd they go?

[horse whinnies]

We can still catch them!

Skylar, let's fly!

Wings up!

But the staff is this way!

We'll come back for it later.

No! You guys go after Shuriki,
I'm getting it now.

But we need you!
Shuriki and Fiero have magic!

Gabe's right!
We're stronger together.

I have to find it!


Now what are we going to do?

Everybody just wait here

and keep an eye out
in case they come back.

I'll go get Mateo.

What?! Elena!

She said to wait, Gabe.

Arghh! Mateo!



Hmm. There has to be
a way to get in.

Hey, this stone is sticking out.

Mateo, stop! Ohh!

OK, what do we do next?

What are you doing here?

I thought I told you to leave!

You appear to be outnumbered.

You may need a hand, my friend.

You are mistaken, not-my-friend.

Nevertheless, where
you go... ha ha... I go.

Ay. Very well.

Just don't get in my way.

[both panting]


Ohh! Looks like a dead end.

Good, 'cause we're supposed
to be looking for Shuriki,

like we all agreed on?

Yes, but finding the staff
is more important.

If we have both scepters,
we'll be unstoppable.

This is the best way
to beat her.

Trust me.

[sighs] OK.

What was the riddle again?

"In the City of Pyramids,
look into the eye

of the place where macaws
crawl and tortoises fly."

[Elena] Hmm.

The eye.

What are you doing?

[softly grunting]

Looking into the eye.

There's something inside it.



This has to be it.

Mateo, wait up!

We got it!

The first piece of the scepter.

- First piece?
- Shh.

But where is... Uhhh!

Don't you ever...


Now, where's the riddle
to the next piece?

Well, if your grandfather made it, he
wouldn't have left it out in the open.

Of course! It would be hidden!


[gasps] Mateo? The floor.

"In the Valley of Stars, find the
sun that sparkles inside the moon."

Another doozy. OK, let's...

[Fiero] Boqato!

[both grunting]




I've got it from here,
my friend.


Mateo, come on!

I can't believe it.
I led them right to it.

What was I thinking?

Well, you were thinking
about what you wanted,

and not what was best
for everyone.

But now you have the chance
to make up for it.

Because they're getting away...?


[footsteps approach]

- Did you hear that?
- Yeah... Uhh!

Thank you.

Thank you.


Aaah! Skylar, catch!

Get the staff out of here!

You got it!




Goin' somewhere, Delgado?

Uhh... aah!


Hey-hey! Nice move, pookie-face!


- Yes!
- Give me that!

- Let go!
- You let go!

[both grunt]

I'll take care of it! Vetzi!

[both exclaim]



- Unnhh!
- Ah-ah-ah!

Naomi's in trouble!

Get the staff!


ah... oh... ah...




You fool!

Thanks, Mateo.

Of course.

Ohh... whoa!




- Circle back!
- Hang on!



Where'd they go?

They just disappeared!

[sighs deeply]

At least we got the staff.

What's taking them so long?

[both grunting]

Did it work? Did you get it?

I had the staff,
until he got in the way.

No. It was I who had the staff.

Staff? What are you
talking about?

The old royal wizard broke the
Scepter of Night into pieces

and hid the rest of them
somewhere else.

Fortunately, I heard the riddle

that leads to the next piece.

If only you had the intellect
to solve it.

Oh, I have the intellect.

Silence! We must locate
the next piece immediately!

Then we can take the first
piece from the princess

when she comes for it.

There may be hope
for you yet, girl.

You two, get in.
There's no time to waste.

- Ahh!
- Oww!


[Fiero, Victor yelling]

The good news is,
we have the first piece...

and the second riddle.

It's too bad Shuriki got away.

But they heard
the second riddle,

so we know where they're going.

- If we can figure it out.
- [Mateo] Uh, guys?

I owe all of you an apology.

Are we getting it anytime soon?

I was so fixated
on finding that scepter

and learning its magic,

like somehow that would
make me a stronger wizard.

I should have
stuck with the plan.

But I was selfish,
and I put you all in danger.

I'm sorry, and I promise,
it won't happen again.

That was worth the wait.

I don't know.
If you were in my squad,

I'd still make you drop
and give me twenty.

If that's what it takes.



Uhh. Ahh. One.


Just get up. You're forgiven.

So, Gabe,

what's our next plan?

Well, I think we should
solve that second riddle.

As soon as someone
tells us what it is.

Gather around.

It's gonna take all of us
to figure this one out.

Ready when you are, Princesa.

♪♪ Theme music playing...







