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02x05 - A Spy in the Palace

Posted: 12/30/21 11:32
by bunniefuu
♪ In a kingdom
old and grand ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ A princess bravely
rules the land ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ With her family
by her side ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild
and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Myth and mystery
everywhere ♪

♪ Loyal friends
are always there ♪

♪ Loyal friends
always there ♪

♪ Magic shines
from deep within ♪

♪ Magic shines
from within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪


[NAOMI] And we'll hang
the welcome banner over there,

hand out jaquin masks
on the docks,

and serve jaquin-themed snacks
on the boardwalk.

Ooh, I know just
what to serve!

Anoki berry agua frescas?

Exactly! Great minds
think alike.

- Uh-huh.
- Now, we still have

to figure out where
to put the Golden Jaquin.

Golden Jaquin?

No one told me anything
about a Golden Jaquin!

It's one of the oldest statues
in the treasury!

I thought, as a part
of the Jaquin Festival,

we'd find a special place
in the kingdom to put it.

You know, as a thank you
to the jaquins.

Uh... Ooh, why don't we
put it over there

so it greets all visitors
to Avalor?

And that's why I made you
the festival planner!

Hey-hey! Action jaquins
comin' through!

Skylar, where did all
your anoki berries go?

Uh... some of them fell?

Yeah, into your mouth.

Thanks for bringing these
all the way from Vallestrella.

Hey, it's not every day
you guys throw a festival
in our honor!

It's the least we can do
to thank you

for everything
you've done for Avalor.

We couldn't have defeated
Shuriki without your help.

Thank goodness
she's gone for good

and won't be cooking up
any more trouble!



That potion smells horrible.

When will it be ready?

Once it smells disgusting.

Ugh, what smells
so disgusting?

A shapeshifting potion.

You'll drink it
and be transformed
into a total stranger.

And why would I do that?

So you can go to the palace

and pretend to be someone's
long-lost relative!

Try Armando.
He's an easy mark.

Once you're inside,

you'll find a way
into the treasury

and steal
Elena's mother's tiara!

The one
with the magical jewel!

Yes, child.
I'll use its magic

to make a new wand

and take over Avalor
once again, ha ha ha!

And make us malvagos.
Don't forget that.

How could I?

You both constantly
remind me.

Now, if you don't mind,
I have a potion to finish.

Ach, Carla!

Always on the outside
looking in.

♪ My whole life ♪

♪ People have
always kept me down ♪

♪ If you met me as a kid ♪

♪ You would've surely
seen a frown ♪

♪ Every time I stood up ♪

♪ They would treat me
like a clown ♪

♪ Not for long, though ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm coming
for the crown ♪

♪ For the crown ♪

♪ My whole life ♪

♪ I couldn't have called
just one place home ♪

♪ Dad and I were on the move ♪

♪ We would always have to roam ♪

♪ Only thing that didn't change
is that I would feel alone ♪

♪ Not for long, though ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm coming
for the throne ♪

♪ For the throne ♪

♪ From weakness
to masterly power ♪

♪ From lightness
to dastardly dark ♪

♪ Once these underdogs
are malvagos ♪

♪ I assure you
they will feel our bite ♪

♪ And our bark ♪

♪ Don't look now
but it's all about to change ♪

♪ 'Cause we're coming back
oh, so strong ♪

♪ Don't look now
things are gonna get strange ♪

♪ When we prove
the haters wrong ♪

♪ Don't look now
but we're finally on the move ♪

♪ And it's time that we act
on our malice ♪

♪ We're ready, and how,
for our luck to improve ♪

♪ And soon we're gonna trade
our shack for a palace ♪

It's ready!


Hey! I still
look the same.

Only in the mirror.

But to everyone else,
you look completely different.

Stay away from mirrors,
dear Carla,

and you
will fool everyone.

I'll do more than that.

♪ From weakness
to masterly power ♪

♪ From lightness
to dastardly dark ♪

♪ Those who treated us
like nobodies ♪

♪ Are finally gonna
feel our bite ♪

♪ And our bark ♪

♪ Don't look now
but it's all about to change ♪

♪ 'Cause we're coming back
oh, so strong ♪

♪ Don't look now
things are gonna get strange ♪

♪ When we prove
the haters wrong ♪

♪ Don't look now
but we're finally on the move ♪

♪ And it's time that we act
on our malice ♪

♪ We're ready, and how,
for our luck to improve ♪

♪ And soon we're gonna trade
our shack for a palace ♪

♪ Soon we're gonna
t♪ For a palace ♪


Enough lollygagging!

Time to go
to the palace, Carla.

The name's Rita.

Naomi, I know you want
the festival to go well,

but you don't have to paint
the banner yourself!

- I don't mind!
- Ahem.

There's a visitor
for the chief of the castle.

- For me?
- Armando!



Oh, I missed you
so much, primo!

Primo? We're cousins?

You don't remember me?

I'm Rita Perez,
your grandfather's sister's

husband's uncle's
wife's son's daughter

on your mother's side,
which makes us...


Welcome to Avalor, Rita.

I'm Princess Elena.

Your Highness!

And I'm Naomi.

I hope you'll stay here
at the castle

while you visit
your cousin.

Oh, I wouldn't want
to impose.

Don't be silly!
Familia is always welcome.

I still can't believe
my big shot primo

lives in an actual palace!

Maybe you can
give me a tour?

- Sure, right after...
- Great! Show me everything.

Are you kids prepared
to be amazed?

- Yes, papa!
- Oh, yeah!


Are you prepared

to witness the greatness

of the guardians of Avalor?

-I am, Papa!
-I am!
-Me too!

Are you prepared...

To stop flapping your gums
and start flapping your wings?

'Cause we gotta practice
our festival flyover.

Oh, right.
Let's do this.


Your kids
sure are excited!

They've been talking
about the flyover all week,

so we'd better be great!

Here they come!

[ALL] Whoo-hoo!

Oh! So, what'd you think?

That was it?

Uh, yes.
It's a flyover,

and we flew...

Aw, we thought you were
gonna do more stuff.

- Like tricks.
- Yeah, like tricks.

Tricks? Yes.
Yes, well.

Actually, we were
just getting warmed up.

Uh, we were?


So you're gonna do more?

Oh, yes, much, much,
much more!

Now, you kids fly along

while we practice
the rest of the routine,

and we'll show you
the whole thing later.

- Can't wait!
- See ya, Dad!

What you talkin' 'bout, Migs?
What routine?

The one we're about
to come up with!

We've got to make
the flyover more impressive!

Add some loop de loops,
rolls, spins!

I'm already
getting dizzy.

Mm-mm, I'm not flying under him
if he gets airsick.

Both of you,
pull it together.

This is important!

Oh! I think I have
an invention that might help.

This feels so right.

Uh, I'm not sure
you're allowed to sit...

Okay, what's next
on the tour?

How about...
the royal treasury.

Oh, I'm sorry, prima.

Elena only opens it up
when absolutely necessary.

But tomorrow they'll fetch
the jaquin statue

for the festival,
and you'll get to see that.

And who's doing
the fetching?

Naomi! She's
the festival planner.

Anyway, let me
show you your room.

Wait till you see
the view!


Uh, I've seen enough.

Thanks for the tour, primo.
See you later!

Whew. Now all I have to do
is convince Elena

that Rita would make a better
festival planner than Naomi,

and the tiara
will be mine.

- Thanks for offering!
- There's a lot to do.

See, it's all
going to take place
at the port, and...

What a great idea!
Especially if you aren't
expecting many people.

We're expecting
the entire kingdom.

Huh. All crammed
onto that narrow boardwalk?

Oh. I hadn't thought
about that.

You know, as I was riding
into the city,

I saw a large stadium.

I bet it could hold
a big crowd.

And it looks a lot nicer.

Oh, that's a good point.

You're the festival planner.

What do you think?

Yes, I'm sure
you know best.

I love your outfit,
by the way.

Uh, thanks.

Well, it'll be tough
to move everything,

but we have to be sure
there's room for everyone.

The stadium it is!

for the great idea, Rita.

Oh, that's just
what I do.

Always helping.

I call these Sky Painters.

Sky Painters?

You just pull on this

to release a trail
of colorful smoke.

Wow! We can make
designs in the air?

All right!


No, you should wait
until you take off.

Excuse me
while I paint the sky!



This is just
what we need, Princess!

Luna, Skylar!

This'll work once you fly
exactly where I say

so we can make
the perfect smoke patterns.

Now, first we'll do
a barrel-roll braid,

then we'll fly
in a giant circle, then we'll...

Or we could just fly
circles around you!

- Stop it, you two!
- ♪ Ring around the Migsy ♪

I mean it!
This is serious!

Skylar, Luna!

♪ ...jaquins,
we all fall down ♪


That's it!
I'm not doing the flyover.


Come on, Migs, we're just
having a little fun!

Aw, you can't quit!

Commence Operation
Bye-Bye Naomi.

- Step one, redecorate.

Everything's been moved
from the port to the stadium.

[GASPS] What happened?!

I don't know!
I came in here

to work on the banner
and found it ripped!

Oh, Naomi,
all of your hard work!

Not to worry!
I made a new one.

Oh, that was fast.

Really fast.

Thanks for fixing this
before it became a problem.

It's what I do!

By the way, nice outfit!

Huh! You and Naomi
could be twins!

Elena, can I talk
to you a minute?

And while you two chit-chat,
I'll go write up the music list.

The banner was fine
when I left here last night,

and Rita was the only one
here this morning.

It feels like she's trying
to make me look bad.

Naomi, ugh,
I don't think that's true.

Not only that,
it's really strange
that she's dressing like me.

She looks up to you.

That's why
she's working so hard.

If you say so, Elena.

Step two,
no more anokis.


Nothing like
the taste of vinegar!



Step three,
adios, jaquin masks.

Operation Bye-Bye Naomi

[ELENA] Good morning!

Is everyone ready
for the festival?

is A-okay!

Your dress is
absolutely gorgeous!

Thank you!

Your Highness,
the anoki berries went sour!

Wh... That's impossible!

They were just picked

I take that back.

It is possible.

We'll never get
more anoki berries in time.

They're really hard to find
outside Vallestrella.


Give me some
good news, Armando.

Sorry, I only
have bad news.

The jaquin masks
never arrived!

But the festival's
in an hour!

An hour!
What are we gonna do?!

Oh, no! Things are just
completely falling apart!

It's okay.
We can fix this.

Uh, I'll see what other fruit
we have in the kitchen.

And I'll try to come up
with a backup plan.



What if,
instead of jaquin masks,

we had jaquin face painting?

Now, that's a great idea!

And instead of anoki berry
agua frescas,

we can made
jaquin-shaped cookies!

That's an even better idea!

Uh, hold on!
I just remembered

that on my way
to the palace,

I saw a big patch
of anoki bushes.

You did? Where?

At the... glen!
Near the waterfall!

Enough to make agua frescas
for the festival?

More than enough!

Oh, I can only imagine

how relieved
Princess Elena will be

when I return
with the anoki berries

and I save the festival!

Actually, why don't
I get them.


What are you still doing
here, Migs?

We need to head
over to the festival
for the flyover.

I told you,
I'm not doing it.

Aw, why not? Your babies
were all excited about it.

Exactly! That's the problem!

Meet you
at the "fiesta-val"!

Can't wait to see
the super-cool flyover.

Those little jaquins
really look up to me.

They think I'm super cool,
and... oh.

I don't want
to let them down.

I can only think of one way
you can let them down.

If you don't show up.

So, what do you think?

I think you'd better
put this on me

so we can get
to the festival.

All right!
And after that,

we can practice that routine
you keep talking about!

- You mean it?
- Uh-huh!

We're gonna give
your little ones
a show to remember.

You know, I think
we should move

the jaquin statue

To right after
the flyover?

Exactly. Great minds
think alike!

That's our thing!
Our great minds think alike!

Naomi! Are you okay?

Did you find
the anoki berries?

No! I did not find
the anoki berries

because there were
no anoki berries
growing in that spot!

That's okay, because Rita
had some great ideas

like jaquin face painting
and jaquin-shaped cookies.

[GROWLS] Those are my ideas!
She stole them!

-Don't you see
what's going on, Elena?

She sent me
on a wild goose chase

to get rid of me,

she stole my ideas,

she stole
my signature vest look,

and I am sure,
I am just positive

that she stole
those jaquin masks, too!

Who, me? You think
I took them?

I know you did,
and I'm going to prove it.


Those jaquin masks
are hidden somewhere in here,

I just know it!

Ah-ha! Huh?

They're gifts
for each of you,

to thank you for being
such great friends.

I still don't buy it.

I know it's frustrating

that so much has gone wrong
with the festival,

but none of that
is Rita's fault!

She's done nothing
but help us.

- It's what I...
- Do. I know.

I can't believe
you're taking her side!

You're supposed to be
my best friend.

I am! And that's why
I'm worried about you.

I think you're under
too much pressure

with all of
the festival planning.

If that's how you feel,

maybe I should step down
from the job.

- Naomi, no!
- I'm clearly getting in the way,

and you obviously think Rita
has all the answers,

so I'll make things
easy on you and leave.

But that's not
what I want!

Please come back!

I'm going after her.

Oh, I wouldn't.

It looks like she needs
a little time to cool off.

You're probably right.

But, if you like,
I'm happy to step in
as festival planner...

Until you two patch
things up, of course.

Oh, well, that would
be great!

You're a lifesaver.

It's what we do.

Mom? Dad?

Are you home?

Ugh, great.

They already left
for the festival.


Señorita Naomi!

I found this crate
addressed to you.

I'm not sure
how we missed it.

[GASPS] Rita didn't take
the masks after all!

I can't believe Naomi
really isn't coming.

It's sad, I know,
but I'm here,

and I'm ready to do
whatever you need,

like fetch
the jaquin statue!

[GASPS] Oh, right!
I totally forgot.

Do you mind going back
to the castle and getting it?

- It would be my pleasure.
- I'll get a guard to escort you.

- Oh, I don't need a...
- Lieutenant Villalobos!

Please take Rita
to the Royal Treasury

and help her bring the statue
to the festival.

Right this way,

Elena! I really need
to talk to you.

I'm so glad you're here!

You are?
After everything I did?

Of course!
You're my best friend!

[SIGHS] I wasn't
acting like one.

We found the jaquin masks.

You were right.

I blamed Rita
without any proof,

and I shouldn't
have done that.

You were just worried
about the festival.

It was more than that.
I was jealous.

I was afraid Rita
was taking my place
as festival planner...

and as your best friend.

You never need
to worry about that.

Nobody could ever
take your place.

Thanks, Elena.

Where's Rita?

I should apologize
to her, too.

Oh, you just missed her.

She's on her way
to the palace

to get the jaquin statue
from the treasury.

I'll find her.

Come on, hurry up!

I mean, would you
like some help?

There it is.

Stop! I have to disarm
the booby traps first.


Good thinking!

That is one sparkly rock!

Uh, señorita,
the statue's over there.

So it is!

Oh, but it looks too heavy
for one guard to carry.

I don't think so.

I'm sure so!

And Princess Elena
put me in charge,

so please go get
another guard. Now!

Right away!

That was too easy!

- Rita!
- Naomi! What are you doing here?

I just had to find you
and apologize for how
I was acting earlier.

Oh, that's not necessary.

Yes, it is.

I was accusing you
of terrible things, when...

Apology accepted!

Now, why don't I just meet
you at the festival?

I brought the backup!

Oh! Great.

Well, we better get
the statue to the festival.


Come on, Rita.

Coming, Naomi!


Welcome to Avalor's
first Jaquin Festival!

Now, please turn your attention
to the skies above

for a very special
jaquin flyover!


That's your cue, guys!

Look, my dad came!

He's sitting next
to Chief Zephyr!

[LUNA] And Cruz
is here, too!

He's gonna be
the next jaquin chief!

And there are the
most important guests of honor,

my kids.

You're gonna
be great, Migs.

Wings up, amigo!

Okay. Ugh!

Wings up!

Look at that, Zoom!



[LUNA] Strike a pose!


[SKYLAR] Ho ho ho!
Listen to that applause!

We're a hit, Migs!

We'll see.

Do it again, again!

When I grow up,
I wanna be just like you, Pops.

Oh, well.

Skylar and Luna
were pretty good, too.


I almost had the tiara,

but Elena's pesky friend...
Forget it.

I'll come up
with another plan.

You better hurry.

That shapeshifting potion
won't last forever.

- It won't?
- No.

So I want to see less sulking
and more scheming.

And now we would like
to honor our jaquin friends

by placing this Golden Jaquin
at the Port of Avalor.


You sure know how
to put on a festival, Naomi.

Ooh, do we make
a great team or what!

We certainly do.