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02x02 - Royal Rivalry

Posted: 12/30/21 11:28
by bunniefuu
♪ In a kingdom
old and grand ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ A princess bravely
rules the land ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ With her family
by her side ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild
and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Myth and mystery
everywhere ♪

♪ Loyal friends
are always there ♪

♪ Loyal friends
always there ♪

♪ Magic shines
from deep within ♪

♪ Magic shines
from within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪


-I hope we catch them soon.
-Me too!

Tackin' up these posters
is giving me splinters!

[spits] Tell me why
you're not letting

the Royal Guards
put these up.

They're putting up plenty,
but Victor and Carla Delgado

are the most dangerous
criminals in Avalor,

so we all have
to chip in!

We have a lead.

A farmer spotted their carriage
not far from here.

They were heading south
toward the mountains.

Sounds like they're trying
to get out of Avalor.

Migs, Luna, head south
and search the mountains.

I have to hold
an emergency meeting
with the Grand Council.

-Come on, Skylar.
-Don't worry, Princess,
we'll find them.


Whew! All clear.

[horse neighs]

They didn't see us.

Nasty pests!

When I take the kingdom back,

there'll be no more
of those flying rats!

No more Princess Elena!
No more--

[Carla] Ugh!
Wanted posters.

I mean, you can
barely see me,

and I'm just
as wanted as he is.

Kids today.

Oh! Enough complaining.

Since you've failed
to obtain the Jewel of Maru,

we must cross the border
into Paraíso

and find a jewel magical enough
to make my new wand!

-[Victor urges horses]
-[Carla] Whoa!

We think they're
heading... here,

the Kingdom of Paraíso.

Yes, well,
if they enter Paraíso,
they're as good as gone.

The Paraísoans
will never help us.

-Why not?
-Because of our feud.

We have a feud?
What are we fighting about?


No, I can see that.

Some things are worth
fighting over.

It all started
many generations ago

when the King of Avalor
gave a gift

of our finest chocolate
to the King of Paradiso.

But the King of Paraíso
was insulted.

He thought he were saying
that our chocolate is better.

Ours is better.

See what I mean?

Insults flew,
feelings were hurt,

and the next thing you know,
poof, instant feud.

Wow, that is the most ridiculous
thing I have ever heard!

We need to know

the Paraísoans will help us
catch them,

and they need to know
we'd do the same.

Hmm. You make
a very good point, mijita.

I agree.
But how do you suggest

we mend our friendship?

Hmm. Let's invite
the Princess of Paraíso here

and roll out
the red carpet!

By the time she leaves,
we'll have a signed treaty

to protect
and defend each other.

All in favor of offering

the hand of friendship
to Paradiso?


Great. Looks like it's time
to roll out the red carpet.

Here they come!



[glass tinkles]

Greetings! May I present
Princess Elena of Avalor!

And may I present
Princess Valentina Montañez
Torres of Paraíso...

It's a pleasure--

-...defender of the realm...
-Oh, okay.

...the shining light
of the south...

-Welcome to Av--
-...seventeenth heir
to the golden throne...

Manuel, please,
they get it.

I keep trying
to tell Manuel

he doesn't need to
say all that stuff

about how I'm
the Beloved Champion
of the People.

Oh, he didn't say that.

He didn't?!

Oh! Well,
good job, Manuel.

You can just
call me Val.

And you can
call me Elena.

I have really been looking
forward to this visit.

It's so silly
that our kingdoms

let some ridiculous feud
keep us apart all these years.

That's just
what I was saying!

And, you know,
it's more important
than ever that we get along,

because we have two fugitives
who may be heading your way.

I heard! Lucky for you,
our army catches
all our bad guys,

so I'm sure they'll have
no problem catching yours...

once we sign the treaty.

That's very neighborly
of you.

Val, I'd like you
to meet my Grand Council.


[sighs] I'm glad
there are only five of you.

My father has so many people
on his royal cabinet,

I can't remember
any of their names.

Ahem. I suppose Elena
does not need as much help.

Play nice, Esteban.

She must not, if she lets
a kid sit on her council.

-Play nice, Naomi.

My castle is so huge
you could get lost
in there for days.

I'm starting to wish
she would get lost.

Princess Valentina,
we have prepared

a little treat for you
in the parlor.

Please have some
té de manzanilla.

Fresh from my garden!

So kind of you!

But I brought
té de limón for you

from my abele's garden
in Paraíso.

Ah! It's like
your té de manzanilla,

only fuller, livelier,
with a nice little kick.

I'll give you
a nice little--


Abuelo, would you
do us the honor?

Ya! It is
an Avaloran tradition

to welcome
our guests with music.


This is an old
Avaloran favorite.

♪ The gentle rays of morning ♪

♪ Bathe our golden shore ♪

♪ And paint
the lofty mountains ♪

♪ Where mighty jaquins soar ♪

♪ It warms our hearts
to greet you ♪

♪ Our friends forever more ♪

♪ Our open arms embrace you ♪

♪ With joy in Avalor ♪

What an adorable
little ditty!


It has truly
inspired me...

to show you how we play
in Paraíso!

Manuel! [snaps]

[Latin beat]

Where'd that horn
come from?

♪ Your family welcomed me
with open arms ♪

♪ The moment I walked
in the door ♪

♪ And if you come
to Paraíso♪

♪ I'll do the same
and a little more ♪

♪ Your home is lovely,
charming, marvelous ♪

♪ So exquisite
from ceiling to floor ♪

♪ Just like my home
in Paraíso ♪

♪ It's all this
and a little bit more ♪

♪ In Paraíso
the grass is greener ♪

♪ So many wonders
in store ♪

♪ And everything's
just a little cleaner ♪

♪ In case
you wanna keep score ♪

♪ In Paraíso
the sun in shining ♪

♪ A little brighter
than Avalor ♪

♪ And every cloud
has a silver lining ♪

♪ So much like here... ♪

♪ But a little bit more ♪

I will have you know
that Avalor--

Is thrilled to have
such a wonderful kingdom

so close by!

Lunch is served!

Oh, thank you!

Speaking of eating...

♪ Look at this table
that you piled so high ♪

♪ With glorious
goodies galore ♪

♪ But if our baker made this
he would know ♪

♪ It's in need
of a little more ♪

♪ Your silver platters
are so very nice ♪

♪ Your napkins
are fancily rolled ♪

♪ But when you eat
in Paraíso ♪

♪ Your dinner plate
is made of gold ♪

♪ In Paraíso
the grass is greener ♪

♪ So many wonders
in store ♪

♪ And everything's
just a little cleaner ♪

♪ Not that I'm keeping score ♪

♪ In Paraíso
the sun in shining ♪

♪ A little brighter
than Avalor ♪

♪ And every cloud
has a silver lining ♪

♪ So much like here... ♪

♪ But a little bit more ♪

♪ Just a little bit more ♪

♪ Just a little bit more ♪




Well, we're all still basking

in the glow of your song,

what'd'ya say we sign
that peace treaty?

Oh, there'll be plenty of time
for treaties later.

I was looking forwart

of your
beautiful kingdom.

It's only half
the size of mine,

so it shouldn't take
too long, right?

-That's it!
-Great idea.

Let's go!

Not in this old thing!

-[porter screams]

Watch where you're going!

[laughs] Oh, I'm sorry.

I forgot to look down.

Why don't we take
my ride?

As you can see,
it's much roomier.

Are we really
taking their coach?

We are doing
whatever Val wants

because she's our guest,

and we need her
to sign that treaty.


We have to get to Paraíso.

The road is too uneven.

It's not safe.

I said faster!

-[all exclaiming]

Oh, get off me!

Is this your idea
of "faster"?

What happened?

We hit a mud pit
which I did not see,

because we were going
too fast!

Excuses, excuses.

We will have
to continue
on horseback.

Oh, I despise horses!


And this is
our Olaball stadium.

Ooh! I love Olaball.

Stop the coach!

[brakes squeal]

Very impressive.

Let me guess!
Yours is bigger.

You've been there?

I just think it's great

that we have
so much in common!

We all love Olaball!

We won the Olaball tournament
last year.

Pfft, we won our last
five tournaments.

Well, maybe we should play
a game and see who's better.

Gabe, I don't know
if that's such a good id--

Great idea! You and Gabe
versus me and Manuel.

The kid can keep score.

-[Naomi grunts]

A friendly game
of Olaball sounds like fun.

Doesn't it?


Gabe Goalmaker!

Manny Marauder!

[Valentina] Score!

-[Elena] Castle Ca--
-[Valentina] Princess Punch!

[Manuel] Score!

-Power pummel!

[Valentina] Score!

-[Valentina] sharpsh**ter!
-[Manuel] Score!

Flick and fade!

[Valentina] Score!


-[Manuel] Score!
-Valentina victory!


The final score is
Avalor, zero,

Paraíso, too many
to count.

Are you okay?

I will be, after we
win the next match.

Best two out of three,
let's go!

Princess Elena,
the jaquin scouts

found Victor's carriage
on the road to Paraíso.

You were right, Elena,

they are headed
to the border.

We need their guards
to be on the lookout.

We must get
this treaty signed!

What am I supposed to do?

She turns everything
into a competition.

[both] Paraíso! Paraíso!

Ooh! Ooh!

This is true.

So we will just have
to take her someplace

she cannot criticize.


We are going
to visit the Twin Xolos,

two monumental statues that
our kingdoms built together.

It's based on a myth
about twin dogs

that never left
each other's side.

I know this myth.

Of course you do.
You know everything.

Maybe Valentina and I
should ride ahead

so we can get
to know each other better.

I'd love that.

Hey, so maybe later
you can teach me
that Princess Punch.

That's a great move.

Oh, uh, thanks.


There's nothing like the smell
of fresh mountain air.

It reminds me
of my favorite trail
back home.

-Does it?

I try to go riding
once a week

to clear my head
and get rid of all
the royal hubbub.

I know what you mean.

Sometimes it's nice
to just be yourself.

And not have to be
the perfect princess
with all the answers.

[scoffs] Tell me about it.

You know, I've never
really talked

to anyone
about this stuff.

It's nice finding someone
to confide in, isn't it?

What are you saying?
I have no friends?

No, that's not what I--

Because I have
hundreds of friends!

-How many do you have?
-Um, well... Look!

The Twin Xolos.

I'll race you
to the top!

There's no need
to race.

I suppose you're right.

Maravilla is clearly faster.

Canela is the fastest horse
in the kingdom!


Your kingdom.
Come on!

Come on, winner
gets a year supply

of Paraíso chocolate,
the best in the world!


[gasps] Oh, no!

Avalor chocolate is better!


-We gotta catch up. Hyah!

Hold on!

To what?

Yes! Told you
Maravilla was faster.

Ha! We're not
at the top yet!

Mm! Oh!

[gasps] A tamborita?

You know magic, too?

I'm taking lessons.

Watch me magically
get to the top.

Oh-ho, I don't think so!



What did you do?

I was casting
a speed-up spell,

but, thanks to you,
I wound up saying
a wake-up spell!


-What are those?

-They're alive!


-[Valentina] Oh, no.
-Down boys, sit!

Uh, uh, stay!

Aah! He's catching up!


[all screaming]

Naomi, I apologize
for all the bad things

I have said
behind your back.

And I apologize
for the ones I said
to your face!

We have to move the tree.


No, I'll get it.


What is it with you?

What is it with me?

You're the one
who knocked my tamborita.

And you're the one
who turned a trail ride
into a horse race.

Why do you have to make
everything a competition?

So I can finally prove
that I'm just as good as you!

Just as good as me?

I heard stories
about you and Avalor,

and then I come here
and find out it's all true.

Your kingdom's amazing.
You are amazing.

I guess I felt
a little insecure,

so I wanted to impress you.

I'm-- I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, too.

I invited you here
so that we could become friends,

and instead I got caught up
in trying to one-up you.

Well, I didn't give
you much choice.

And the thing is,
it doesn't matter who's better.

All that matters
is that our friends

are in danger
and they need us!

Okay, let's move
this tree.

Wait, I have
a better idea!

I mean not better,
but, you know, easier.

Ever play fetch?

Now I know what
a chew toy feels like!

This is true!

[all screaming]




Go fetch!

I'll get the carriage.

You take care of the Xolos.

You'll need this.





Don't move!
Go, Canela.



[both laugh]
We're alive!

[clearing throats]

We will never speak
of this again.

I don't even know
what you're talking about.


[yells curse]


[Valentina] Huh. I guess now
they'll always be connected.

With this treaty,
the Kingdoms of Avalor

and Paraíso
will always be friends.

And always protect
each other.


On second thought,
I'll use this one.


Now it's official.

Manuel, send word home
with the good news,

and tell them
to double the patrols.

Our friends
need our help.

According to the map,

Paraíso should be
just beyond this...


So much for Paraíso,

and the only other jewel
that's powerful enough

will be impossible
to steal,

so we better
start planning.

But I thought you said
it was impossi--


Now, that's
more like it!

My picture is
as big as yours!

I'm just as wanted.


Hey, wait for me!

I have
a farewell gift for you.

Avaloran chocolate?

I've heard it's
the second-best in the world!


I've heard it
doesn't matter.

See you soon.

I hope so.


Nah, Avaloran chocolate
is still better.

This is true.