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01x20 - Spirit Monkey Business

Posted: 12/30/21 10:34
by bunniefuu
♪ In a kingdom old and grand ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ A princess bravely
rules the land ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ With her family by her side ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ It's a wild and daring ride ♪

♪ Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Myth and mystery everywhere ♪

♪ Loyal friends
are always there ♪

♪ Loyal friends always there ♪

♪ Magic shines from
deep within ♪

♪ Magic shines from within ♪

♪ Let her royal reign begin ♪

♪ Elena, Elena ♪

♪ Elena of Avalor ♪

You ready? - If I had a seat,
I'd be on the edge of it.

Um, I was talking to Elena, Zuzo.

Ready. Turn out the lights.



Way to glow, princess.

Thanks. Not bad.

The more I practice using the scepter,

the less it tires me out.

Show him the new one.

Right. Mateo discovered this
in the Codex Maru.


Hey, look, it's Armando.

Armando, no. No, no, no, no!

No, don't do it!

I wish my scepter had
"unsee that" power.

Who knows, maybe it does.

But right now, let's see you
make it blaze.

You sure you don't want
to see glow again?

Come on, princess,
you've come a long way.

Since you tried blasting Orizaba.

You've had plenty of practice.

Yeah, and it hasn't been pretty.

Hey, you blasted that planter.
- I was aiming for the armor.

That's because you're
all tense and worried.

You gotta be calm.

Be confident, and bang,

you'll hit your target.
Trust me, I'm your spirit guide.

My job is giving good advice.



Mateo, are you...

oh... okay?

That still makes me dizzy.

Don't worry.
I'm all right, Elena.

That's the last time I try that power.

I can't let you quit, princess.

Nope, not gonna happen.

You said I'd hit the target.

I didn't say when.

Zuzo, Mateo almost got hurt.

That power's too dangerous.

Which is why you have
to learn to control it.

Why are your stripes glowing?

It means I've got
some spirit guiding to do.

I have to stop a boy
who's about to steal

his brother's cookies... again.

Wait, you're a spirit
guide to other people?

Yeah, but most people don't get
to talk to their chanuls like you do.

Or like wizards do
when they conjure us up.

Chanuls are like that little voice

whispering in your ear
to do the right thing.

No, no, Gustavo, put the cookies back.

So everyone has a spirit guide?

I think it's about time I met mine.

I wonder what animal your chanul is.

Probably something quick and strong

like a jaguar.

Illuminara Mateo ayohel!

Or a monkey. Yay!

This doesn't look right.

Where are the humans?


It worked. Look, I did it.

So you're my spirit guide?

Who, me?


That's bananas. I'm Bobo.

So you're not a spirit guide?

Yeah, almost.

They kicked me out
of spirit guide school.

But once I show them
that I can help humans,

they'll see they made a big mistake.

That's why I'm here.

Ooh, is this a tamborita?
I've heard about those.

Please give that to me.

It's very powerful.

So's this. It's a mzico.

Magic spirit corn.


Magic corn!

You, seem nice and all, Bobo,

but Mateo really wanted to meet
his own spirit guide, so...

He's all tied up right now.

But I've got a great idea.

I'll send you to
the spirit world to meet him.

What? No, I don't wanna.
- Off you go!

Elena, blast it out of his hands.

You're too close.
What if I miss?

Just do it!

Mzico quitemo pok!



No, wait, bring him back.

Why would I do that?

He wanted to meet his spirit guide.

Now he will.

Okay, off to help some more humans,

and earn my magic stripes.

What did you do to him?!


I'm pleased to report
that the cookies are safe.

Well, Mateo isn't.

He tried to summon his spirit guide,

but some monkey showed up and
sent him to the spirit world.

Are you guys messing with me?
Mateo, come out, come out,

wherever you are.
- I'm serious.

A spirit guide would never send
a human to the spirit world.

It's against the rules,
and kind of dangerous.

Well, he did say he wasn't
exactly a spirit guide.

His name was Bobo.
- Bobo's here?

That's impossible without
spirit guide stripes,

and he doesn't have those.
Does he?

No, but he did have this magic corn.

He had a mzico?!
That explains it.

A mzico can let any spirit in
and out of the human world.

I'm gonna have to
call in some back-up.

But what about Mateo?
- Right, I better find him first.

Wait. Take me with you.

I'd love to, princess,

but only spirits
belong in the spirit world.

I could've stopped Bobo
with my scepter,

but I froze up.
I have got get Mateo back.

I've gotta warn ya.

The spirit world can be
a pretty wild place.

I don't care.
I'll do whatever it takes.

On second thought,
you should absolutely come.

- Hold on tight.


You can open your eyes now.

Wow! Is that tree
part of the spirit world?

That tree...

is the spirit world.

Good spirits to your right.

spirits to your left.

Like Orizaba?

Yep. You better avoid that part
of the tree. She holds a grudge.

Up there, you've got ancestors
and upper management.

Who's on that branch?
- The Zanies.

They're a little bit,
well, let's just say

they're free spirits.

What's over there?
- Our destination.

That's the spirit guide branch.

Spirit guides have their own branch?

Our own branch, our own school,

our own special magic.

Not anyone can be a spirit guide.

Here, let me break it down for you.

♪ Let me teach ya
'bout some creatures ♪

♪ In the spirit tree ♪

♪ They're the few,
the proud, the savvy ♪

♪ Spirit guides like me ♪

♪ See, we watch over the people
in the human world ♪

♪ Overseein' the well-being
of every boy and girl ♪

♪ First we study with a buddy
at chanul school ♪

♪ Learn the lessons ♪

♪ Don't be messin' 'round
or playin' the fool ♪

♪ When we graduate, we get
a set of magic stripes ♪

♪ Then we're off to give advice
to all you human types ♪

♪ We are not seen or heard
but you feel every word ♪

♪ We're like the voice inside
that helps you to decide ♪

♪ When you dream at night ♪

♪ We're there
to steer you right ♪

♪ We're always on your side ♪

♪ 'Cause we're
your spirit guide ♪

Look, they're off to help their humans.

Homework trouble.

Fear of heights.

Fell into a pit of snakes.

♪ So when you're in distress,
we get an S.O.S. ♪

♪ Our magic stripes
lead us right down ♪

♪ To your home address ♪

♪ We're ready day and night
to help you see the light ♪

♪ And when it's time
for droppin' knowledge ♪

♪ Our rhymes are always
nice and tight ♪

Astronomy problem solved.

Climbed her first ladder.

He's alive!
That was a tough one.

♪ 'Cause we're not seen or heard
but you feel every word ♪

♪ We're like the voice inside
helping you to decide ♪

♪ When you dream at night,
we help you see the light ♪

♪ We're always on your side ♪

♪ 'Cause we're
your spirit guide ♪

♪ Your spirit guide ♪

♪ Your spirit guide ♪

Any questions?
- Just one.

Aren't we supposed to be
looking for Mateo?

That's what we're doing.

This is where Mateo's
spirit guide lives,

and spirit guides know where
their people are at all times.

Cacahuate! Cacahuate?!

Hey, Zuzo.

Welcome to the worst day of my life.

Don't worry, buddy.
We'll get you outta there.

Why bother? My humans
are better off without me.

Some of Cacahuate's people
have been having trouble lately,

and he always blames himself.

I see you brought company.

Well, misery loves an audience,

so why not make yourselves at home?


You look like a real human.

That's because I am.

This is Princess Elena.

She shouldn't be here, Zuzo.

Let's worry about that later.
What happened to you?

Well, I caught Bobo
lurking near the mzico st*lks.

The next thing I knew,
he zapped me, tied me up,

and used the mzico to fly off
to the real world.

Well, he also used it
to send Mateo here.

To the spirit world?

Yep, so if you tell us where Mateo is,

I can get everyone
back where they belong.

I can't. Bobo used the mzico

to remove my stripes
so I couldn't follow him.

Without my stripes,
I have no spirit guide powers.

Well, I can fix that.
Be right back.

This is just the latest

of a long line of failures.

I gotta tell you, you're lucky

Zuzo's your spirit guide.

Mateo is a great wizard, so you
must be doing something right.

This should do the trick.

Mzico mistico mas!

There you go.
You have your magic back.

Feel better?
- Not at all.

But you can tell us
where Mateo is now, right?

Unless I messed that up, too.

But okay, here goes.

No, Mateo's in the Loop

with the Zanies.

It's a human.
- What?!

He must be very powerful
if he crossed over.

Look, he's wearing a crown.
- Let's make him our king.

Where am I? Who are you?

You're in the Loop,
and we're the Zanies.

I'm Chavo. That's Chico...
- Hola.

- Hola.

- Hola!

- How ya doin'?

And Steve.
- Yo.

What shall we call you, Your Royalness?

I'm Mateo, but I'm not a...

King Mateo!

All hail Mateo!

King of the Zanies!

Come on.

We need you, buddy.

You have to help us rescue Mateo.

Mateo is better off without me.

You two go ahead.

Guys, Bobo's in the real world,

and his bad advice is causing trouble.

We need all spirit paws on deck.

I'm on my way.

Wait! What about Mateo?

That's why I brought
you here, princess.

I figured you and Cacahuate
could fetch Mateo

while I round up Bobo.

What, are you out of your mind?!

You got yois grab Elenack,
so aland Mateo's hands,

and bring them home.
Simple as that.

But Mateo's in the Loop,

and I'm no match for
a bunch of wild Zanies.

I couldn't even stop Bobo.

Cacahuate, you don't give up the game

because of one bad play.

You two are gonna make a great team.

I just know it.

All right, now go out and get our boy.

I'll see you on the other side.

We're on it.
- We're doomed.

How about a little extra floor wax?

If shiny is good,
then shinier is fin-ier.

Maybe a little extra wax today.

Shinier is fin-ier.

I know. Try jumping on it.

That'll really give it a good whack.

I know. I'll jump on it.

Great minds think alike.

I bet if you turn up the heat,

it'll cook twice as fast.

I'll turn up the heat.

This spirit guide stuff is a cinch.

My pie!!


Hi. Are you here to see
all the great work I'm doing,

and make me a spirit guide?


That's bananas!

Give me one good reason why not.

You give bad advice.
- You have poor judgment.

And leave a trail of destruction
wherever you go.

Sheesh, I said one good reason.

Look, that's the old me.

This is the new and improved Bobo.

Wait till you see
all the good advice I've given.

That'll prove I've earned my stripes.


Ay, abuelo, why did you

even put the helmet on
in the first place?

I cannot get it off.

I'm just saving the best for last.


And you thought a bull in the castle

was a good idea why?

Okay, Bobo go bye-bye.

Follow that monkey!

You asked for it, you got it.

The Loop.

You hear that?

All hail King Mateo!

I'm the royal wizard of Avalor.

You're a royal wizard, too?!

All hail Wizard King Mateo!

You see what we're up against?

If they think he's their king,

they're not gonna let us near him.

Can you move fast like Zuzo?

Yeah, but not if I'm carrying you.

And I need to hold on to both of you
to bring you back to your world.

Well, then you'll have to
get him on your own

and bring him up here.
- But he doesn't know who I am.

He's not gonna let me
just whisk him away.

Okay. I'll just have to
let him know you're with me

without tipping off the Zanies.

Okay, here's the plan.

I'll sh**t my earring
at Mateo to get his attention.

When he sees me, you swoop down

scoop him up, and off we go.

Great! There's only
one thing wrong with that plan.

- I'm part of it.

Come on.
I know you can do this.

Well, that makes one of us.


It's time our king
meets the Shadow Spirit.

Shadow Spirits, Shadow Spirits.

The Shadow Spirits?

They're coming.

We have to hurry.

Practice shot.
Just gotta try again.




Cacahuate, they're getting away.

Go. On three.

One, two...

- How about five?

Just go.

Got him.

What was that?

We must protect the king.


I told you I couldn't do it.

Where are they taking him?

Into the shadow tunnels.

Once they're inside,

they could pop out anywhere,

or be lost forever.

Then we have to stop them
before they get there.

What's the point?

Look at me, look at me!

I'm just a big, furry failure.

Listen, I know you're a spirit guide,

but let me give you some advice.

You're only a failure if you give up.

Don't you care about Mateo?
- I love the kid.

Then be his spirit guide.
Help me save him.

But what if I blow it again?

What if you don't?

You can't let fear of failing stop you.

You just have to believe
you can do this.

Now I vowed to do whatever it took

to save my friend,
so I'm going out there,

whether you come or not.

I can get us over
there quicker, princess.

And I think I have a plan

that isn't a complete waste of time.

Look at you, being all positive.

Ha! Now here, put these on your head.
- What?!

Maybe we could meet
the Shadow Spirits later.

Guys, stop right there!

Who are you?

I am Elena, queen of the Zanies.

Queen? We don't have a queen.

You do now.

Isn't that right, King Mateo?

Yes, that's right,
Princess... I mean,

Queen Elena.

Wow. We have a king and a queen?


And I would like
to take a walk with my king.

Anything you want, Your Highness.

Right after we introduce you
to the Shadow Spirits.

Quick, take my hand.


Bring me back to him.

I can't reach him.

It's now or never.
I've gotta save 'em.

Quick, take my paw, kid.

Stop him!

Ready to go home?

Any time!


I did it.

Hey, you found him!

I'll take that.
- Bobo!

I almost had him.

Use your scepter to find him.
- Right.


He's in the library.

What's he reading?

"How to remove stuck helmet."

Quick, blast the mzico.

Esteban's too close. What if I miss?
- What if you don't?


Elena, watch what
you're doing with that thing.

Hi, cousin. Bye, cousin.

Sorry, Bobo. We're gonna
have to take you back.


I guess I'm not very good
at helping people, am I?

- Terrible.

Worst I've seen.

You know what, though?

I think there's something else
you might be very good at.

All hail the new king of the Zanies!

King Bobo!

I like the sound of that.

Elena figured your kind of advice

would be perfect for them.

Thanks, Zuzo.

Now let's go meet those Shadow Spirits.

Well, that's all taken care of.

Multi-world crisis averted.

Mateo, I'd like you to meet Cacahuate,

your spirit guide.

Mighty chanul.

Thank you for
honoring me with your guidance.

Mateo, your friend here honored
me with the best guidance

I've heard in centuries.

I did?

If it wasn't for you,
I would've given up.

Aw, you helped her, too, you know.
- I did?

You weren't the only one who needed to
keep trying. Till you got it right.

That's why you said I should
come to the spirit world.

You are one crafty spirit fox, Zuzo.

Just doin' my job.

And speaking of that, we better
get back to it, Cacahuate.

You know what, Zuzo?

I'm actually looking forward to it.

That's the spirit.
See what I did there?

Thanks for coming after me, Elena.

Any time, Mateo.