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02x17 - Brew The Right Thing

Posted: 12/30/21 07:41
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

♪ What kind of message ♪

♪ Are we trying to give ♪
♪ Soldiers in the fields ♪

Oh, thanks Shona.

Are you sure you're gonna be OK

flying to Italy all by yourself?

- I'm not a child.
- I never said you were.

- And there will be a pilot.
- Of course there will be.

But honey... I'm a father.

- It's my job to worry.
- I know.

And thanks.

It must be hard watching
your little girl grow up,

flying off to Europe by herself

with nothing but last
year's clothes on her back.

I see what you did there.

And honey,

just because you flash
those pearly whites at me

does not mean that I'm gonna...


- Fine. I give up.
- Ah ha!


Take it all.

- Ah! Grazie mille!
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- I'll hit Queen after school.
- OK, honey.

Have fun. I love you, baby.

- Ciao, Papa.
- Hey, boss!

- Hey.
- Fancy a carpool?

You know what? I can't.
Angie just called,

she wants me to go meet a
couple of friends of hers.

Public transit it is, then.

A little time with the
common man would probably

- do you some good.
- See you in a bit.

See you, Shona.

- Hey!
- Hi.

Why do you smell like strawberries?

It's my hair.

I ran out of the usual conditioner.

Very fruity.

- You're not helping.
- Oh, hey!

I'm going right by that
cool soap shop on Queen.

Oh, yeah? I love their
Rainforest Revival.

- Would you?
- Yeah, no problem!

I'll swing by the agency after I'm done.

You are a lifesaver.

Il piacere è tutto mio

Le... plume de ma tante!


♪ ♪

[ANGIE]: There it is!

- Wayward Wally Brewery.
- Little early to be

- hittin' the suds, isn't it?
- It's noon somewhere.

Like where? Reykjavik?

We're not going to day drink.
I wanted to introduce you

- to the brothers who run it.
- Friends of yours?

Yeah, from the old neighbourhood.

Oh. So who is this Wally
who went Wayward and why?

Their dad. One day, he just up and left.

Seems an odd thing to commemorate.

Yeah. The guys found a recipe

for an IPA in their dad's old stuff,

figured they'd give it a
go and five years later,

- they've just won a Golden Tap Award.
- Well, that's impressive.

Yeah! They're great guys.

- I thought you'd like to meet them.
- And?

And they could use a
celebrity endorsement,

- and the only celebrity I know...
- Is me?!

Yeah. I use the term
"celebrity" loosely.

No, no. It's on the record now.

As a celebrity,

I feel it would be irresponsible of me

to endorse a product that I
couldn't stand behind fully.

And you also need to know

that I have a very sophisticated palate.

You're gonna like their beer.

And you'll like Miles and Dylan.

They're hardworking, friendly...

Miles, how could you do this to us?!

How is this my fault?

Well, I'm not the one who
closed up last night!

- You're saying I'm incompetent?
- You heard what he said, Miles.


Well, maybe we can get a
second insurance inspection.

Hey, guys. What's going on?

Oh, Angie.

Miles forgot to lock off
the valves last night.

They were locked up before I left.

Then explain to me why
thousands of gallons of beer

- literally have gone down the drain.
- I don't know, Dylan.

Maybe somebody broke in
and opened the valves.

Are you saying this was intentional?

- Well, yeah. What else?
- Prove it.

He doesn't have to.

We will.


Angie, that would be amazing.

Uh... guys, we'd be happy to help you,

but why don't you just
file an insurance claim?

We tried. You just passed
the adjustor on the way in.

He's calling it negligence.

Yeah, which means we're out of pocket.

- So you just brew more beer!
- It's gonna take at least

two weeks to get a fresh
batch, and we had...

contracts that were
expecting delivery today.

Not to mention we lost
about grand in product.

That kills the reno plans.

- You guys were planning to expand?
- Yeah.

After we won the Golden
Tap, we scored a contract

to supply the upcoming
Summerfest Music Festival.

The plan was to expand into
the rest of the building...

and increase production by %.

The dream was an experiential brew pub.

Looks like that's down the drain too.

Well, not if Angie and Matt here

can prove that it was a
targeted attack, right?

So what time did you
close up last night?

I did the final taste test at... p.m.

I got in at to find the
place completely flooded.

So that's about a hour window.

Speaking of windows,

what kind of security
system do you have here?

Well, we're strictly a
lock-and-key outfit at the moment.


Have a look at this.

Yeah. The dust on the
sill's been disturbed.

There's scratch marks on the latch.

So it was a break in.

This won't be enough to convince

the insurance company.

What about you guys?

Our interest is... brewing.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin' the lines
when you're makin' a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies
'cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you ♪

♪ ♪

Hope you didn't mind me jumping in

- and offering our services.
- Oh, of course. If we can help

the brothers out, why wouldn't we?

Jerry's Rigs

is in the same building
as Wayward Wally.

The boys' expansion plans
are pretty ambitious.

They'd be taking over the entire space.

And putting Jerry out of business.

I wonder how Jerry feels about that.


- Nice rig.
- Oh, thanks.


All the kids nowadays want side pipes

and dual exhaust systems.

I blame those damn

Fast and Furious movies.

I put my foot down on nitrous oxide.

Nobody needs that stuff.

The freedom of being an independent.

My name's on the garage door

so I get to say what's what.



So what do you say about

Wayward Wally's expansion plans?

You're not here about a
custom job, are you?

Everett and Shade.

We're private investigators.

We're looking into a break
in that happened next door.

A break in!

And you think I did it?

No. We're just asking around.

I've known those boys for years.

I worked with their
father in this very shop.

Mind you, back then it
was the whole building,

but... I taught Wallace
everything he knew.

Sounds like you got a
lot of history here.

Oh, yeah.

I'd be pretty upset if
my life's work was being

displaced by a beer tasting room.

You're crazy! I got a double wide down

in Florida waiting for me to retire.

So you're happy about the expansion?

I'm thrilled!

In fact, the truth is I
would've left years ago

except the boys were young and

struggling and my rent covered
'em over a few rough spots.

Were you here after p.m. last night?

Home every night by seven.

Wheel of Fortune.

And this morning?

Open at eight, like clockwork.

Although this morning

when I came in, the boys were yelling.

I just thought they were
brothers being brothers.

Someone broke in, drained the vats.

They lost all their beer.

- Damn. That's bad.
- Yeah.

Maybe don't pack up
for Florida just yet.


So, what'd you think of
our Snowbird back there?

He doesn't strike me as
the cat burglar type.

If he wanted to go South so bad,

he could've gone any time.

Why sabotage the brewery now?

Why right after their Golden Tap win?

Well, the local craft
brew scene's exploded

in the last few years.

Maybe someone's at loggerheads

with the new kids on the block.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Just give me a second.

When we asked you to start researching

the local craft beer scene,

- this isn't what we meant.
- I did the research online.

I just wanted to be extra thorough.

Because you're dedicated to your job.

You betcha! There are a lot
of players in this game.

But it's all about flavour profile.

Now, there's filtered,

unfiltered, seasonal, hoppy,

- wheaty...
- Grumpy, Sleepy.

It's a big, beautiful
beer world out there.

And here's a big, beautiful black coffee

to bring you back to our world.

So, I narrowed it down
from the master list

and came up with five
different competitors.

And, unlike the trend
of the last decade,

they're also not overly hoppy.

- But you circled one.
- That's the one that makes

the most sense: Girl on a Bike.

I mean, I don't usually drink beer

or any alcohol of any sort, but
that's actually really good.

- That's pretty good!
- Right?!

Ladies! It's not even noon yet!

It is in Halifax.

Other than flavour profile,

what makes Girl on a
Bike a likely suspect?

They won the Golden Tap Award

the last three years in a row.

This year was their first loss.

It was a pretty big upset.

Upset enough to sabotage Wayward Wally?

Maybe the competition
between these rivals

has finally come to a head.

And you wonder why we drink.

♪ ♪



You must be the girl on a bike.

Rosie, master brewer and owner.

- Have you had a sample?
- I would love one.

- Nice logo.
- Thanks.

It's also tattooed on my cheek.


Golden Tap Award winner, huh?

Three years running.

When is this year's competition?

Ugh. It just happened.

- Did you win?
- No.

Wayward Wally did.

I don't agree with the judging,

but the brothers worked hard for it.

Yeah, except all that hard
work is now down the drain.

- Literally.
- Oh, the lost batch.

I heard about that.

Rookie mistake. I thought
Miles was better than that.

He is.

We think someone broke in
and sabotaged the vats.

Another competitor, maybe.

What? No.

No crafter would do that to another.

- We're a community.
- Except business is business

and the market'll only
bear so many pints.


Who are you people?

Just a couple of beer lovers

trying to help out our friends.

Well, I would never do
that to Miles and Dylan.

Because crafters are
one big, happy family?

And I have nothing to gain.

Not following you.

Can you keep a secret?

Look, I'm not exactly an
independent brewer anymore.

I sold out to Laughlin Brewers.

Laughlin Brewers? But they're a...

A big corporate conglomerate?

I know.

I know.

But after my third win in a row,

their acquisitions team
kept coming around.

Wouldn't take no for an answer.

- So you took a buyout?
- Well, not at first.

But suddenly, my distributors
started falling off.

I lost out on a couple big contracts.

Outlets started denying me shelf space.

And you think Laughlin was
responsible for that?

Well, I can't prove it.

All I know is that

once I signed that paperwork,

all my problems evaporated.

Laughlin Brewers wanna
take over the craft game

from the inside out.

If anyone tried to mess
with Miles and Dylan,

my money's on them.

♪ Let's get down tonight ♪

♪ I said ♪

♪ Let's get down tonight ♪

♪ I said, let's get on down ♪

♪ Tonight ♪

Maybe we should just let her sleep.

No. I need her expertise.

It'll be faster this way.

- Wake up!

What's up, boss?

I've got a plan,

but I need your help.


- This one's a little more fruit forward.
- All right. Good.

Do you two mad scientists really think

- this is gonna work?
- Sure! It's just like

when a wine maker mixes
different grape varietals

together to make a blend.

Except it's beer.

Oh, ye of little faith.

- You wanna try it before we go?
- Definitely not.

Let's go.

[MAN]: Matt Shade!

I'm surprised. I thought you
were more of a wine guy.

Oh, no. I still am, but I have to admit

the craft scene has stolen my heart.

- Guy Brant.
- Oh, Sarah Piece.

Pleased to meet you.

Sarah's been working with me
and I think we've come up

with something here
that is truly special.

It's a delicate combination
of barley, malt,

hops and a couple of other things.

I'm perfectly content to
keep my little operation

small and contained, but
Matt has been trying

- to convince me otherwise.
- Is that right?

Well, with corporate
backing, we'd be able to

focus our time on coming
up with new recipes.

Besides, rumour is that Laughlin Brewers

has been buying out the
independent breweries

quite aggressively.

I have to admit, I wanted to see

behind the curtain for myself.

I can assure you, we respect

the independent craft breweries

and what they bring to the market.

That's why we're so interested

in growing our craft profile.

Yeah. That's good to hear, Guy.

So, uh... Girl on a Bike
is one of yours, correct?

You guys must have an inside source.

Yes, it's true.

Girl was one of our
acquisitions last year

and we couldn't be happier with them.

Even after they lost a

Golden Tap Award to Wayward Wally?

Who, incidentally, was just
the victim of vandalism.

What? Wait.

Do you know how bad the damage is?

You hadn't heard?

No. They haven't called me yet.

Why would they call you?

After Wayward won the Golden
Tap, we made them an offer.

Miles asked for a few
days to think it over.

But enough about the competition.

Let me get a taste of the beer

Matt Shade is gonna
stake his reputation on.

Ah ha ha!


Agh! Ugh!

Yeah, you better stick
to wine there, Shadow.


[ANGIE]: So, Laughlin
Brewers made Miles an offer

and he never mentioned it.

- Neither did Dylan.
- Maybe Dylan doesn't know.

Why would Miles keep something
like that a secret?

Because he wants out

and he's afraid Dylan
won't take the deal.

And what better way to force a sale

than to sabotage your own brewery?

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Oh, hey.

How's it going? Any leads?

Yeah, one.

When were you gonna tell us about

the Laughlin Brewers offer?

- What Laughlin Brewers offer?
- Oh, you know.

The one where they
offered to take you on

under their craft umbrella.

Salary, swag, shiny new digs.

Wait. Miles, is this true?

You didn't think to tell me?


Come here.

I'm sorry.

I should've told you about it.

Just... I know it's
been a tough five years

and we both worked our asses off.

I just thought after the Golden Tap win

- that we had a real shot.
- We do, OK?

And I want this just as bad as you do.


Look, does Whitney know about the offer?


No. I know what you're thinking, but no.

- There's no way she would do this.
- Dude, listen to me.

- You know I love Whit.
- Dude, no.

You can't deny that she wants
you to be rid of this place.

You know what?

I'm not having this conversation.

All right? I've got work to do.


What was that all about?

When we started Wayward,

Whitney was super supportive.

OK? Nobody really understood
the time commitment

- this place would take.
- She didn't sign up

to never see her husband.

You really think she'd
do this to you guys?

I don't know. I don't...
You know what? Just...

I'm sorry. I'm upset.

Just forget I said anything, OK?

[WHITNEY]: Yeah.

Dylan can sh**t his mouth off sometimes

but he's not wrong.

You realize what you're saying?

Look, when the boys first moved

in to their dad's old
shop, we were kids.

It was fun,

but how was I supposed
to know it would consume

every waking minute of Miles' life?

And the Laughlin Brewers offer
would free up all that time.

Yeah! The boys could take
the buyout and walk away,

or take the perk package,

have the infrastructure
to hire more bodies.

And you'd get your husband back.

Yeah. Well, I thought Miles should

at least talk to Dylan about the offer.

But he didn't.

So you popped by the brewery

and opened the taps to force his hand?

What?! I would never do that!

No. The decision has to be Miles'.

Where were you last night after p.m.?

- I was at the office.
- Until?

Ah... late.

I was working. I'm a graphic designer,

so I freelance.

Can you be a little more
specific about the time?

I think I got in around .

I really don't know, guys.

Are we done?

Sure. For now.

- I'd say we struck a nerve.
- Yeah.

She was not working late at the office.

So where was she and why lie about it?

At the brewery, opening the taps?

Not unless they have valet parking.

This is dated yesterday
but no company name.

Piece of cake.

How many valet companies

can there be in Toronto?



Can no one park their own car anymore?

Ah, it won't be so bad.

We'll split the list up.

Come on, there's three of us.

I love those little red valet blazers.

OK, two and a half.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

I'm so jealous.

I can't believe you get to go to Italy.

Hey, you could've come too!

If I hadn't flunked science,
I'd be right there with you.

I heard it's so easy to get wine there!

And all that pizza and all those boys!

Jealous, jealous, jealous.

Yeah, Well, when you put it that way,

it does sound pretty great.

- Oh, sorry!
- Sorry!




How are you?

I'm... I'm... I'm fine.

And you?

I'm fine.

Just doing some last minute shopping.

Oh, for Italy.



Just shopping.

I just needed a new grip
for my lacrosse stick.



- Uh... I should probably go.
- Yeah, me too.


- Bye.
- Bye.

Oh, my God.

Is that the first time
you guys have talked

since the big breakup?

It is, isn't it?

- Um...
- Wow.

That was like... awkward,

even for me just watching.


Yeah. You said that already.


Are you OK?

I don't know.

Back again?

We know you weren't at
the office last night.

You valet parked your car
at a restaurant not too far

from the brewery.

Close enough to run back
there and open some taps.

All right, fine. I lied.

So you did sabotage the brewery?

No. I told you, no matter how much

that place drives me crazy,

I would never do that to Miles.

So where were you?

I was having dinner with Evan.

And he is?

The boys' uncle, a
guardian angel of sorts.

He used to work with their father and...

really picked up the slack
when Wallace walked out.

So if you were just out
having dinner, why lie to us?

I don't know. I was...

I was embarrassed, I guess.

I'm trying to get Evan on my side.

To try to convince Miles
to take the buyout?

Yeah. He was one of
the initial financers

for the brewery, so I figured

if he could just talk to Miles, then...

Look, I don't...

You should just talk to Evan yourselves.

♪ ♪

[SHADE]: Thanks for coming to meet us.

Oh, anything for the boys.

They're my brother's kids and...

ever since their mom passed,

we're all the family we got left.

Whitney said that you two
were having dinner last night?

Yeah. She wants me to talk to Miles

about selling the brewery
to the big g*ns.

- What'd you say?
- I said I'd try,

but Miles is stubborn and...

Dylan is too.

They're fighters.

They didn't have that
much of a childhood.

They had to grow up pretty fast.

You mean with their dad walking out?

Well, this was my big
brother and my hero.

Jerry and him and I, we spent years

working in that shop and then one day...

he's gone.

I was gutted.

I can only imagine what
it was like for the boys.

Whitney said you were

like the boys' guardian angel?

Oh, yeah. Like, I try to
help out where I can.

I made some good investments.

I helped get them through college.

And you loaned them the
money to start the brewery.

Yeah, I did and they
worked their butts off.

I can't believe that somebody just like,

comes and tries to destroy it all.

Do you know of any
enemies they might have?

No. They're local heroes.

I guess there's always somebody

trying to stick it to the
good guy though, right?

Oh! Well, here's a local hero now.

Hey, Dylan.


OK. Hey. Calm down.


Hey. Where are you?

All right. I'll be right there.

Something happen?

Yeah. There was another
attack at the brewery

and Miles has been hurt.
He's in the hospital.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

That's quite the lump you've got there.

You sure you feel up to talking?

Oh, sure. It's my ego that
took the brunt of it.

So what happened?

Well, I was staying late to finish up

a batch so we could fulfill
our Music Fest contract.

I went to the back office
to do some paperwork.

And then I heard a noise out front.

[ANGIE]: Did you see anyone?


I went to check on the vats,

and... that's when I
got hit from behind.

When he didn't answer his phone,

I went over there. Found
him on the floor.

- Yeah, I thought for a moment...
- Hey, hey.

Let's not go there.

That damn brewery,
Miles, is gonna k*ll you.

Hey. Come on, babe.

It's gonna take more than a hit

to the head to keep me down, all right?

Well, it's a good thing
you have a thick skull.

Hey, how's the equipment?

A total loss.

- What?
- Yeah.

- No.
- The coolant lines are down,

damaged beyond repair.

Air regulators, filtration
systems, everything.

- What time did you find him?
- It was around p.m.

And the w*apon?

It was a wrench. I left
it where I found it.

The police are sending
over a forensics unit

to see what they can find.

That's all well and good

but you gotta start lookin'
at the signs here, OK?

That old place is a jinx.

All right?

Maybe we gotta seriously consider

the Laughlin Brewers offer.

They're gonna set you
up in a new facility.

It's a bigger profile. You'll
get more foot traffic.

Evan, no.

There are people out
to get you over there.

Just because the going
gets a little bit tough

doesn't mean we need to up and quit.

You're not your father, Miles.

And no one's gonna think
lesser of either of you.

We need the money.

Let me call Laughlin Brewers,

tell them we'll take their buyout offer.

Come on, Miles.

We could all use the money

to get back on our feet.

Maybe they'll let you stay where you are

and you won't have to give
up on your expansion plans.


♪ Why don't you call me ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Why don't you call me ♪

♪ ♪

- Hey, Jules.
- Hey.

How was shopping?

Um... about that, actually.

I'm sorry, but I didn't
get a chance to make it

- to the store for you.
- Oh, no worries.

I can smell like fruit
salad for another day.

Did you buy any cool travel dresses?


- I didn't get anything.
- Nothing?

Man, if my dad gave me

a lot of cash, there's no way

I'd be bringing back change.

What is it?

What happened?

I, um...

bumped into my ex-boyfriend, Liam.


Ever since then, I've just felt...


or sad,

or maybe... empty.

I don't know.

Even though you're broken up.

I thought I was over it.


But we weren't supposed to
talk at all before I left.

That was the deal.

You know? A clean break.

Breakups are never clean.

So I'm learning.

Well, do you still feel
like you have stuff

you wanna say to him?

Like what? What would I say?

How about everything you just told me?

We rollin'? Say hi to
your Uncle Evan, there.

Hi, Evan! Hi.

Ready to get measured?

- Hey, what about you?
- Hey, Dylan.

We just thought we'd
stop by with an update.

The police only found fingerprints

from you and your brother,

Whitney, Jerry and Evan.

So... no leads there.


What are you watching?

Look at what you're up to.

You're gonna be taller
than your Uncle Evan is.

- Really?
- Do you know that? I know it!

I know it! Come here!

Say hi to Uncle Evan!

Dad left shortly after
this video was taken.

What's wrong?

It's over.

What's over?

I just got this this morning.

Laughlin Brewers are
rescinding their offer.

[ANGIE]: Why?

They just got tired of waiting
around for an answer.

They moved on.

I'm so sorry, Dylan.

There's no way to keep
Wayward Wally going?

Well, it's just we don't
have enough money to

pay out our existing
contracts, let alone rebuild.

- You know, it's...
- What are you gonna do?

We have to sell the building.

Yeah, it's just the last asset we have.

Is there any way we can help?
We know a couple of agents,

probably get you a good price.

Thanks, but it's already in motion.

There's a company that's interested.

Wow. You move fast.

Oh, no. They've been after
this building forever.

- Who are they?
- Some numbered company.

We get an offer from
them about once a year.

You don't say.

When exactly did this
last offer come in?

Just this morning.

Yeah. It's perfect timing, I guess.


Maybe a little too perfect.

And why a numbered company?
What are they hiding?

Could be these att*cks
weren't about the beer at all.

Someone's been after their
property but the boys

keep turning down their offer.

So this company tries to
bankrupt the brewery,

then pretend to ride in on a white horse

- to secure the sale.
- Hold on.


Hey Zoe. Any luck?

I talked to the real estate agent.

He doesn't have a name for
the numbered business.

Oh, well. It's probably a shell anyway.

He did have an address.

Texting you now.

♪ ♪

Hello. We'd like to speak to the person

in charge of the Wayward
Wally's Brewery purchase.

That's the Westfield CFO.

I'll let him know you're here

- if you'll just have a seat.
- Thanks.

Now it all makes sense.

When will this city's appetite
for flipping finally die?

Not until they've torn down

the last real neighbourhood

that has any soul left at all.

That strip where Wally's is,

I wouldn't be surprised if Westfield's

trying to buy up the entire block.

Yeah. I'd like to give this monster

a piece of my mind.

♪ ♪


When my brother Wallace left,

the boys were really
young and their mother,

she was in no condition to
keep the business afloat.

- So you offered to buy her out.
- Yeah.

And she refused. God bless her.

And I can't say I blame her.

A lot of good memories in that place.

But Jerry decided to open
his own shop in there,

so that kept some rent
money coming in the door.

So how do the boys figure into this?

Well, about five years
ago, the boys said

they wanted to open a brewery

in their father's honour.

I thought it was sweet,
if a little ill-conceived.

- But you let 'em go for it.
- Well, it's their building.

I can't exactly stop them.

So why offer to buy it now and

why be so secretive about it?

Because the boys are proud.

And they're stubborn.

They're just like their father

and just like their uncle.

They hate charity.

As for the timing, I mean,

it's kind of appropriate,
don't you think?

Maybe a little too appropriate.

Do you think I have something
to do with the sabotage?

Maybe with Jerry retiring,

you thought it was the right
time to squeeze the boys out.

That's ridiculous.

The place has sat empty for years.

Why would I want to redevelop it now?

You didn't.

Boys said they get an offer every year.

OK. I can see how this looks

from the outside, but those boys,

they're like sons to me.

I make that offer every
year as a sort of check-up,

and I'm actually secretly proud

that they keep turning me down.

If you'll excuse me, I actually
do have a conference call.


Why do I feel like there's
more to his story?

It's the old too-good-to-be-true
caution flag.

And the annual check-up thing,

does that even make sense?

So what do you think he's hiding?

I don't know,

but I bet there's a certain
mechanic who might.

Well, Jerry, looks like
you'll be taking that trip

down to Florida a little bit
sooner than you expected.

Yeah. Dylan told me that
they've given up the brewery

and they're selling the
building. A damn shame.

Did they mention who
they were selling it to?

- No.
- Evan.

Well, at least they know
they'll get a fair price.

He's a good man.

You have known him for a long time.

Yeah. Wallace brought
Evan in as an apprentice.

He was determined to
turn his little brother

into a world-class mechanic.

But Evan was more about the numbers.

So he handled the money?

Well, it worked out that way once

it was clear he was no grease monkey.

Was Wallace disappointed?

No, it worked out for the best.

Once Wallace left,

Evan put up this wall,
split the joint in two,

allowed me to stay on.

He's done a lot for those boys.

More than he'll let on.

Mind you, part of it could be the guilt.

Guilt over what?

Oh, he and Wallace used to fight a lot.

- Fight about what?
- Oh, money mostly.

You know, despite the fact
that we were doing well,

we always seemed to be struggling, so...

The last time we all saw Wallace,

Evan had it out with him and
they had a real knock-down,

drag-'em-out battle. I stayed out of it.

And do you think that's
why Wallace left?

Evan clearly thought so,

'cause from that point forward,

he was committed to keeping
that family whole.

I see the steam coming out of your ears.

- What have you got?
- Something about that story

Jerry told us.

Yeah, it struck me too.

Evan never mentioned handling

the finances of Wallace's shop.

A lot of business coming
in, not a lot of money

- to show for it.
- And then an argument

about money the day Wallace disappeared?

What does a -year-old
argument have to do

with the brewery or Miles or Dylan?

I guess it's time we
brew up a new theory.

OK. So years ago,

Dylan and Miles' father walks
off after a fight with Evan.

Evan spends the next two decades

secretly helping his nephews:

managing the shop,
sending them to college.

Even helping them start the
brewery five years ago.

Exactly. He's an investor.

How does it help him to
destroy the brewery?

A choice piece of real estate?

What, at the height of the market?

It'd be the worst business
decision the guy ever made.

So what's the trigger, then?

What's changed?

Winning the Golden Tap?

The Laughlin Brewery offer?

Jerry wanting to fly South?

Or something about the building itself?

It's gotta be the brewery expansion.

What are we looking for?

I don't know, just...
something different.

Well, they're goin' big:

- shop, café.
- Lots of natural light,

real open concept.

That's it.


What's missing from this picture?

The wall that separates
Wally's from Jerry's.

It's being knocked down
as part of the expansion.

And when did Jerry say it went up?

Right after Wallace left.

He built it to separate
the building into two.

Well, why would anyone
care about a wall?

Why go to all that trouble

to prevent it from being torn down?

I can think of one reason.

Yeah. And if you're right,

we're not looking for a saboteur.

We're looking for a k*ller.

♪ ♪

- Hi.
- Hi. How's your patient?

Growing impatient.

I think that's a good sign.

Come on in, guys.

Miles, can I get you anything else?

How 'bout a new brewery?

Oh, baby.

I would if I could.

- I never wanted it to end like that.
- I know.

Don't tire him out.

- OK.
- We won't.

Things seem to be
getting back to normal.

Yeah, gettin' there.

Who would've thought all it took

to knock some sense into me

was a third degree concussion?

Actually, there's something
we wanted to follow up on.

Do you have any paperwork

from the shop from before
your dad disappeared?

Like account ledgers, blueprints, bills.

Yeah, my father was a real pack rat.

It's a trait that I unfortunately
inherited from him.

What's this for?

It's just a theory we're working on.


Look, I'm sorry, but...

it's over. Whoever did this,

- they won.
- That's funny.

I never pegged you for a quitter.

Nice try.

But even I have to face the
facts every once in a while.

It was a nice dream.

I'll tell you what, Miles. How
about you leave the facts to us

and don't give up on
that dream just yet.

You're sure this is not
a load-bearing wall?

Sure I'm sure.

And you got your
contractor's license from?

Hours of watching the Property Brothers.



here goes nothin'.


♪ ♪

What the hell do you
guys think you're doing?

Uncovering a -year-old m*rder.

What are you talking
about? Your message said

there was a breakthrough in the case?

Oh, we did have a breakthrough.

Unfortunately for you,

forensic science has come a
long way since the ' s.

It's not gonna be too hard

to figure out who put
Wallace in the wall there.

You don't understand.

Oh, no, no. We do understand.

Most of it, anyway.

Back in the day, you, Wallace, Jerry,

you all worked together right here,

in this building.

The boys said he trusted you.

He must have been really upset

when he caught you skimming the books.

You k*lled your own brother
to make a quick buck.

No, it was an accident.

We were arguing, sure.
And he shoved me and

I shoved him back and...

he fell over on the...

lift and it...

... broke his neck.

So why didn't you call ?

Because there was money missing

and people knew we were fighting and...

no one was gonna believe me.

I never meant to k*ll him.

Was it you who att*cked Miles
last night in the brewery?

I was just trying to destroy the t*nk.

He came out of nowhere!

Yeah. Save it for the police.

Do Dylan and Miles know?

They will shortly.

This is what I dreaded the most.

I spent my whole life
taking care of these kids.

Guilt can be a strong motivator.

I've given those boys everything.

Everything except the truth.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ And carry on ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ But don't say a word ♪


How you guys holding up?

I can't believe Dad never left us.

Yeah. How'd you guys find out

about the embezzlement?

Well, we searched through some of those

old ledgers you gave us.

Shortly before your dad disappeared,

there was a slight
variation in his signature

on the company cheques.

You know, I spent my whole
life hating the wrong person.

Hey. It's over now, OK?

The insurance money should

come in in a couple of days.

And you could use it to

pay off your debts or

start over new someplace, if you want.

I think we should stay here.

All this... it's gotta be for something.

♪ ♪

[JULES]: Thanks for coming.


Um... how was the rest
of your day with Carly?

Short. We went home right after

we ran into you.


Sorry if I...

- ruined your shopping trip.
- No, no.

I guess I'll just go shopping in Italy.

So... some coincidence,
bumping into you.

Are you sorry it happened?

What? No! Why?

- Are... are you?
- No!

No. Um... just the opposite.

Me too.

I think.

But, um, what do you mean?

I thought I was good.

You know, with us not being us...

... but I'm not.

Me neither.

I mean, as soon as I heard your voice...


But I'm still going to Italy.

Nothing's changed.

Maybe we could just... talk sometimes?

Just as friends?

I don't...

think I can just be friends with you.

I don't think I can be just
friends with you either.


where does that leave us?

♪ Hey there, love ♪

♪ Tell me, are you ♪

♪ A dreamer like me? ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Even after sleep ♪

♪ You believe in your soul ♪

♪ In love, no one's alone ♪

♪ ♪

Hey you two, you got a sec?

Yeah, what's up?

Hey, babe.


I have something to show you.

- Oh, my God.

Babe, it's perfect.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

You know what?

- I think Dad would like it too.
- Yeah.

♪ Ooh ♪

Recycling day!

Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Hold on! I got it!

No, no! I can...

No, no, no. I got it.
It's the least I can do.

- Thanks for talking to Jules.
- Oh, that.

It's no problem. She's a good kid.

Plus, girl stuff can be hard sometimes.

Tell me about it.


Don't tell me about it.

I'm just happy she's happy.

What are you doing
here? Get out of here!

- Go enjoy your weekend.
- Copy that, boss.

♪ Hey there, darling ♪

♪ Well, everybody, they
can play for life ♪

♪ ♪

♪ We can live like we're alive ♪

♪ And running free ♪

♪ You know, true love follows dreams ♪

♪ ♪

- Hey.
- Look what I have here:

the last case of the original brew.

- How'd you score that?
- Well, let's just say

the brewery has a new
celebrity endorsement.

Oh, Shade.


Those guys really deserve a break.


So this is a bona fide
collector's item, huh?

For special occasions only.

Like this one?

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ ♪

To a job well done, partner.

I'll drink to that.

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Hey there, love ♪

♪ Tell me, are you a dreamer like me? ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Even after sleep ♪

♪ You believe in your soul ♪

♪ In love, we're not alone ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Let me ♪

♪ Be the one, oh ♪