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02x16 - Look Who's Stalking

Posted: 12/30/21 07:40
by bunniefuu
This week on Breakfast with Becca,

we've got makeover
magic with Emily Fleet

and a visit from
nutritionist Bob Leonard.

OK, great. Let's cue up the next one.

Hey, I got your text. What's up?

Becca left me a voicemail

saying she needed to
see us after her show.

- She seemed upset.
- Shh!

And be sure to tune in on Friday

when I sit down for an exclusive chat

with City Councillor Samantha Bowman.

She's running for mayor

and the old boys' club
is running for cover.

See you then, 'cause no
breakfast is complete

without Becca.

OK, cut! That's a wrap.

Here you go, Ms. D'Orsay.

- Change this.
- It doesn't seem

- like there's a problem.
- Sometimes Becca's idea of a crisis

can be somewhat overblown.

Oh, come!



Great to see you!

When are we gonna book you
as a guest on the show?

I'll have to check my schedule.

That's what you said the
last nine times I asked.

I'm gonna make this happen,
Matt. You mark my words!

Great show, Bec.

Where are we with the
Samantha Bowman interview?

I submitted the interview
questions yesterday.

I'm waiting to hear back.

Keep it light though, right?

This isn't "gotcha" TV.

I gotcha!

Love this girl! Love this girl.


I had to bend over backwards

to get that interview approved.

Maggie's great but she's never met

a piece of fluff she didn't like.

Is she the reason you called us?


But she is one of the
reasons I need you guys

to keep this to yourselves.

Any hint of a scandal

and Maggie'll break into a rash.

- Keep what to ourselves?
- Shh!

Follow me.

- Your water, Ms. D'Orsay.
- Thanks, Tina.

And pick up that dry
cleaning for me, all right?

Already done!

And I only asked last Tuesday!

Ah, millennials.

Your wish is their when I feel like it.

Oh, hey Becster!

Great cooking segment this morning.

Colour me amazed!

Thanks, Jeffrey.

And may I say your weather
report this morning

made the downpour seem
like a guilty pleasure.

Calls himself a meteorologist.

He wouldn't know a cold front
if it smacked him in the face.

Becca, as fascinating as it
is to get a glimpse inside

your glamorous world of
sugar-coated insults,

could we get on with this, please?

OK, so I got to the studio
this morning as usual.

Came to my room

to leave my things here and
go to hair and makeup...

and then I found this.

I don't get it.

Aren't flowers in a
dressing room a good thing?

Was there a note?

"You will be mine."

What am I gonna do, Shadow?

Am I missing something?

It's my stalker.

He's back.

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin' the lines
when you're makin' a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies
'cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you ♪

You better fill her in.


Well, Shade and I had
just started dating.

And I had my first
meteorologist position,

delivering the weather on
Channel 's morning news.

And that's when the flowers
appeared in your dressing room.

Always with notes in
powder pink envelopes.

At first, the messages
were pretty innocent,

you know? Like old-fashioned valentines.

But then they got scarier and scarier.

Until they became outright threats.

I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat.

I lost my concentration at work.

Finally, my doctor had
to prescribe medication.

It was a pretty horrible time.

Did the police finally catch the guy?

Yeah. His name was Harvey Stanwell.

There was a trial; he was convicted.

They gave him a restraining order

and some community service.

Wait, that's it? After making
your life complete hell?

The prosecutor said we were
lucky to get a conviction at all.

- OK. So, where's Harvey?
- I have no idea.

I haven't thought about him in years...

until this morning.

It's OK. We'll find him.

We should contact the officer

in charge of the case back then.

Yeah, Sergeant... O'Donnell.

- He worked out of the th...
- No. No police.

No one can know about this.

- Becca...
- The last time this happened,

the story was all over the press.

And you've seen these guys in here!

They feed on gossip like this.

Not to mention I don't
want Jules getting upset

right before she's going away to Italy.


No. I just want this guy stopped

and I want to move on with my life

- like nothing happened.
- OK.

We'll be discreet.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Well, according to his
court-appointed attorney,

Harvey Sandwell completed
his community service

and hasn't been in trouble
with the law since.

So why is this guy suddenly
stalking Becca again?

She's back on the air for
the first time in years.

Maybe seeing her sparked his obsession?

Did we find a way to contact him yet?

His Ameechee page says he
volunteers at his community centre

Mondays and Wednesdays.

He should be there now.

All right. Text me
the address. Let's go.

Zoe, see if you can track down

where the flowers were ordered
from and more importantly...

Who ordered them. On it.

[MAN]: I'd been fine
for weeks and then...

one day, I just couldn't stop
thinking about my ex-girlfriend.

So I got in the car.

I was gonna drive over
to her apartment...

But you called your sponsor.

- He helped me realign my thinking.
- Good work, Dale.

Thanks for sharing.

OK. Let's take a five minute break.

Stalkers Anonymous?

Which one's our guy?

The leader of the group. That's Harvey.

Hey! Harvey!

Mr. Shade... what're you doing here?

I think you know exactly
what I'm doing here.

Whoa. Whoa.

I'm Angie Everett, a
private investigator,

and Mr. Shade is my partner.

How can I help you?

You can start by leaving Becca alone!


I haven't had any contact
with her in years.

So you're denying sending flowers

and a threatening message this morning?

- What?
- It showed up in her dressing room,

- just like the old days.
- I had nothing to do with that.

And why should we believe you?

Because I'm not that person anymore.

I feel terrible about everything
that I did back then.

But now I take medication
and I'm helping

other men who are struggling

with the same obsessive tendencies.

Where were you between
midnight and a.m.?

At home...

with my wife and kids.

- You have a family now?
- Yeah.

And I wouldn't do anything
to jeopardize that.

You know we'll be checking
that alibi, Harvey.

Please do.

You won't find anything.

Mr. Shade...

I know you don't trust me.

But you have to take this
situation very seriously.

And why is that?

Not only is this person
stalking your wife,

but they've gone to the
trouble to copy me.

Whoever this person is,

they need help.

Well, yeah, that's why they cancelled

Bring Your Daughter to Work Day.

All right. Bye.

Oh, hey! Does one of those
happen to belong to me?

It could...


you run a credit card number for me.

Are you attempting to
bribe a police officer

with a glorified milkshake?

What if I sweeten the deal with...


Oh, I'm going to hell. OK, I'll do it.

Sure. Do I still get the coffee
too or is it like a trade?

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

So what's the story with this?

Becca has a stalker.

- Yeah.
- Hm.

He left a bunch of roses in her
dressing room this morning.

I tracked down the florist,
got the credit card number

but it was an online order
and the name was fake.

Jeez, a stalker. Serious business.

All right, this'll just take a second.

Hey! You didn't tell me
there's a blood drive here.

- We should donate!
- Yeah, you know what?

This actually got cancelled.
I don't know why

I had that on my desk.
Hey, the number's up!

All right.

Let's find this cardholder's name.

O... M... G.

After meeting Harvey, I
have a hard time believing

he's stalking Becca again.

He seems to have really
turned his life around.

A leopard that crazy

- can't change his spots.

There's Becca.

This is Zoey.

- I'll catch up with you later.
- All right.

- Hey...
- Shadow!



I'd like to introduce you to
Councillor Samantha Bowman,

a hero of mine and this
city's next mayor.

Well, I hope you're right about that.

Nice to meet you. Aren't you
the one who got arrested?

- Shadow!
- No, it's fine.

Look, I will take the recognition
wherever I can get it.

Yes, I was part of the protest

to prevent the destruction
of parkland in my ward.

As you know, the environment's
really important to me.

I've based my entire campaign around it.

Samantha stopped by so we
could discuss the interview.

We're gonna go with a
more intimate format

so we can really dig
in to those questions.

Samantha, we're on a
pretty tight schedule.

I'm sorry, this is my campaign manager,

Simon Murphy, also known
as my task master

and my right hand man.

Nice to meet you.

Now, if you'll excuse us.

I'll show you to the board room.

You'll want to follow me. Join us, Bec.

- I'll be right there.
- OK.

So did you track down Harvey?

Well, the jury's still out on him.

We're gonna stay on top of it.

Hey. What's wrong?

Was Zoey able to find
out who sent the roses?

Yeah. Let's go talk about it.

Talk about what?

Who was it?

The name on the credit card was...

Becca D'Orsay.

[BECCA]: I can't believe

you think I'd actually
stoop so low as to pose

as my own stalker? I mean, for what?

The publicity?

Look, you have to admit
you have been known

to seek attention from time to time.

Yes, I can be a bit dramatic.

- A bit?!
- OK. Even if I did pull off

a stunt like this to raise my profile,

I wouldn't be stupid enough

to use my own credit card!

Yeah, you're right.

I'm sorry.

OK, look.

Someone is obviously
trying to make you look bad

as they drive you crazy.

You guys really don't think
that Harvey did this?

He runs a support group
for other stalkers

and he has an alibi.

Yeah, but all the details were the same.

The original stalker trial

is the third thing that comes
up if you google your name.

- You googled me?
- The roses, the pink envelope,

the note. It would be really easy

for someone to find out the
details of the original attack

- and just mimic them.
- So anyone could be my stalker?

Can you think of anyone
that might have accessed

- your credit card information?
- Not at the studio.

I always keep my wallet
locked up in this drawer.

Here's the credit card right here.

Any chance you forgot to
lock this drawer yesterday?

Well, no... I... I guess.

What is it?

Well, I...

I had a fling, recently.

It was nothing serious,

- it was just a boy at the gym.
- A boy?!

He was more of a... boy toy.

He's a personal trainer.

Better and better.

Does this boy toy have a name?

Lance Masters.


I leant him my credit card
because he broke a veneer

and he needed a new one
and he couldn't afford it.

Can't have a boy toy with
only one front tooth.

Apparently not.

I mean, I guess Lance could've copied

my credit card number.

I broke up with him two weeks ago

and he wasn't very happy about it.

He's gonna be less happy
when he talks to us.

Where can we find this Lance?

He works out of a gym
next to a vegan juice bar

in Liberty Village.

Of course he does.

Tina! Tell Maggie I'm coming!

♪ ♪

[SHADE]: I can't believe
Becca's dating a gym rat.

That is such a double standard,

like you haven't dated a few... wow!

What? What? "Wow" what?

Nothing. I just, uh...

I found Lance's profile picture.

Let's see.


Maybe I should get a boy toy.

So much muscle, so little time.

Do you think you can pull
yourself out of dream land

for five seconds and
come up with a plan?

Already done.

You search Lance's car and...

- I'll search Lance.

[MAZ]: Hey! What are
you doing back here?

I thought we were supposed
to meet at the restaurant.

I got off work early

and I thought I'd pick you up this time.

- Oh, wow!
- And I'm glad I did

because it looks like that blood drive

- wasn't cancelled after all!
- Oh. Yeah.

Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking.

Oh well! We can do it next time.

Wait. Why not now?

I mean, we still have time to
donate blood before dinner.

Yeah, I...

I... I can't.

Why not?

All right, look. I don't like to

talk about this too much,

but I was on a police
exchange in England

a few years ago back when
there was an outbreak

of mad cow disease.

No, I don't have it.

It's not like... I wasn't exposed

but the upshot is that...

I can't give blood.

Ever. That's it.
Doctor's orders. For life.

- That's awful.
- Yeah, I know. I mean,

you think I don't wanna donate,

you know, while I can?

It feels good to give!

I'm a charitable guy, right?

So... yeah, it sucks.

Yeah, I'm sorry I hit a sore spot.

Oh, that's OK. Let's just go to dinner.

Strangely, I could m*rder
a steak right now.

Yeah? Well, let's get back

- at those mad cows!
- Let's!

Come on, Angie!

Big waves! Slam!

- Slam! Slam!

How about sit?

- I really need a drink of water.
- Sure, sure.

- Absolutely.
- Oh, thanks.

You know, you are really good at this.

It's a gift.

Well, you're doing really great.

Some of the women I train
aren't half as ripped as you.

Well, which half would that be?
Because I am sore all over.

So... is there a special
someone in your life?

Guy like you must get
swiped right a lot.

Oh, you know.

I have my moments.

Come on. Who is she?


It didn't go so well.

Oh. What happened?

She was everything I ever
dreamed of, you know?

Pretty, in great shape,

a celebrity... which could've been great

for my personal training image.

That is so romantic.


And then she ruined
everything by dumping me!

Oh, wow. You're running a bit hot, huh?

It's the protein powder.

Yeah. Sure.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪




I had a whole plan, you know?

She was gonna introduce me
to her celebrity friends.

I could have really made
something of myself.

That's just the way the
power bar crumbles.

Hey, Lance.

Does this look familiar to you?

'Cause it's familiar to me.

My daughter gave it to my ex-wife Becca

for Christmas.

Hey, you're Matt Shade.

Wait. You two know each other?


We're private investigators.
We're looking into

a stalking incident
directed at Becca D'Orsay.


Wait, you think I'm stalking Becca?!

Stalkers are known to
covet personal items

from their victims. How
do you explain this?

- But...
- You just admitted you're upset

over Becca dumping you.

I'm an intense guy!

Women find it sexy.

No. They don't, Lance.

Lance, the scarf?


I took the scarf.

The night Becca told me it was over,

I lifted it from her purse.

But I just wanted to make her

call me looking for it, OK?

Look at me.

I'm not used to rejection.

[SHADE]: Oh, come on!

That guy had motive, opportunity

and he was hoarding a souvenir
of their relationship.

He is suspect number one.

There's no way that that guy

had the idea to look up the details

of Becca's previous
stalker and copy them.

We've gotta be missing something.

Well, let's call her and let
her know what's going on.

- He had my scarf?!

Ugh! That was couture!

I... I think you're missing the point.

We haven't ruled Lance out as a suspect

but he's definitely not looking like

a shoe-in as your stalker.

Are you sure?

I mean, he was really upset

when I told him that we were through.



- Bec?
- Becca?


You OK?


- _

♪ ♪

I feel terrible!

Someone must have stolen
Mrs. D'Orsay's extra fob

when I stepped away
from the security room.

Please, tell her I'm sorry.

Well, maybe next time
you go for a pee break,

you'll remember to lock the office. OK?

Thanks a lot, Gus.

All right, we're gonna
take the bear and the note

back to the lab, see if we
can't find any trace elements

of the stalker's DNA.

Do you think that's likely?

Seems like he really
knew what he was doing.

Avoided the cameras, snatched
the fob from security.

How's Becca handling this?

I better go check on her.


[JULES]: Mom!

Are you OK?

I can't believe this is happening.

I'm fine.

- Hey, Don.
- Good to see you safe, Becca.

Stay as long as you like.

Grandpa told me about the first stalker.

That must have been awful.

I don't want you to worry about me.

That's my job.

We can talk about it in the morning, OK?

Right now I just wanna get some sleep.

Put it out of my mind for a bit.

- OK. Goodnight.
- Goodnight.

- Love you.
- Night, sweetie.


Hey, this way, honey.

- Thank you.
- Goodnight.


Do you need any help with those bags?

No, it's all right, Dad. I got 'em.

OK. See you.

Can I get you something? A drink, maybe?


Yeah, I could use one.


You're safe here, Becca.

- You know that, right?
- Oh, yeah.

I know.

It's not that.

It's just sometimes I wonder
if this is the universe

telling me to get over myself.

What do you mean by that?

When this happened the last time,

I was the Channel weather girl.

Perky and smiling.

Standing in short skirts

next to the big green screen.

And here I am

years later and I'm doing
the exact same thing.

But you've got your own show now.

But is it really any different?

I try so hard to make it
about real issues, Shadow...

but all anyone wants me to
do is give my opinion on

fashion trends or

workout tips or

how to stuff a throw pillow.

But you got that big interview.

Samantha Bowman's the
real deal, isn't she?


Yeah, she's amazing.

Did you know that she
implemented a pilot program

in her ward to improve the
quality of curbside recycling?

She held an open bid

and she chose the company
with the greenest profile.

- You did your homework!
- Exactly!

But all Maggie wants me to ask her is

where she shops and what she eats

and what the name of her
Labrador retriever is.


How did you do it?

How did you change who you were and...

and actually make it stick?


I had help.


Angie's pretty great, isn't she?

Don't you dare tell her I said that.



Well, thanks for letting me know.

Yeah, see you.

Oh, hey! That was Maz.

There was no DNA on the stuffed animal

or the note left in Becca's apartment.

So we're back to square one.

Afraid so.

What's wrong?

What do you think the chances are of Maz

actually developing mad cow disease?


Well, he told me this story about him

being in the UK during the epidemic

and I looked it up and

the virus can lay dormant

in your spinal column for years.


Maz hasn't been to London, Ontario,

let alone London, England.

He was havin' a laugh, as they say.

He lied.

Ugh. I can't believe this.

Well, what prompted this
little confession of his?

I went to meet him for dinner.

I suggested we donate blood.

And he got out of that one big time.

Oh, my God.

Is Maz afraid of needles?

Uh, yeah! Like terrified!

When we were in grade school,

it took both of the gym teachers

and school nurse to wrestle
him into a booster shot.


Mad cow disease. That's a good one.



Hey. You're up and dressed early.

Yeah. Turns out sleeping
wasn't as easy as I thought.

Besides, I have the interview
with Samantha today,

so I wanna get there and get ready.

You're gonna get through this, Becca.

You know that, right?

Of course.


You're trending.


Yeah, the stalker story.
It's all over social media.

Let me see.

Including the fact that my
previous stalking incident

caused a mental collapse,
forcing me off the air?!

Who would leak something like that?

Jules, can you find who started that?


Ah, OK. It all started with...

@partlycloudy .

Can I see that?

"Becca D'Orsay has a stalker.

Colour me amazed."

Take me to the studio. Now!

♪ ♪


Morning, Hank!

Morning, Missy! Sarah! Good to see you.


What have I told you
about being late, Tina?

It won't be tolerated, Ms. D'Orsay.


- Jeffrey!
- Ow!

How dare you expose

my personal struggles on Twitter?!

I do not know what you
are talking about.

Oh ho ho! "partlycloudy "?

God! You couldn't even be bothered

to come up with a decent alias?

Well, I thought you'd
appreciate the shout out.

Every tweet is a good
tweet, as they say.

Nobody has ever said that! Ever!

Oh, yeah. If you think

some second-rate cloud caller like you

is gonna rattle my cage

with a cheap move like this?

Did you send the flowers, too?

What?! Absolutely not.

But you knew about them.

Tina told me.

You're trying to wreck my career

because you're jealous.

Jealous of the big interview,

jealous of the fact that

I made it out of the weather
racket and you didn't.

Jealous of you? Oh, please!

There is a storm front
coming for you, Jeffster.

And it is gonna smack
you right in the...

right in your cheap, little...

Becca, calm down.

I can't breathe.

You OK?

Hey, Becca!

- Becca?

Call !

Becca? Becca!

Hey! Hey!

Look at me! Becca!


- Becca D'Orsay?
- Yes.

This is my ex-husband, Matt Shade.

As I suspected, Ms. D'Orsay,

you suffered an anaphylactic
reaction to peanuts.

Peanuts? But that's impossible!

Becca's known about her peanut allergy

since she was a little kid.
She's always extremely careful.

And the studio is strictly peanut free.

Yes, we called them to check

but we also tested the water

you were drinking before the attack.

It tested positive for peanuts

even though there are none
listed in the ingredients.

You mean someone laced
my water on purpose?

The police have been notified.

Thanks for lettin' us know.

"If I can't have you,
no one can." Shade...

the stalker's following
through on his promise!

All right. I'll let Maz know.

Maybe he can assign an
officer to you at the studio.

- Becca, where are you?!
- Maggie!

- What are you doing here?
- Becca!

Thank God you're OK.

Oh, I was worried!

Oh, yeah!

I'm totally fine.

And completely capable to do the show.

No, no. I just got off
the phone with Simon,

Ms. Bowman's campaign manager.

OK? And given the circumstances,

he thought it best just
to cancel the interview.

No! No, Maggie, you
can't let them do that!

- I've done all this preparation...
- I'm sorry, Becca.

There's nothing I can do.

I scheduled a rerun for this morning.

Listen, listen.

Down the road, maybe, if we
decide it's a good idea,

we can reschedule it then.

OK? In the meantime,

I need you to rest and
look after yourself.


Becca, this is just
temporary. You know that.

Do I?

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

I'll call you when I know somethin'.



Hey! I got your message. How's Becca?

She's demoralized.

Samantha Bowman backed
out of her interview.

Maz just brought Becca's
assistant Tina in

for questioning. Zoe's gonna update us

if she hears anything.

This is serious now, Ange.

We gotta find this guy before
he tries somethin' else.

I put a timeline together.

It's all the stalker incidents,

people's various alibis,

and any relevant events in Becca's life.

So, who's obsessed with Becca enough

to try to take her life?

I don't think anybody is.

What do you mean?

We already know the culprit started out

by mimicking the stalker from years ago.

The red roses...

The pink envelopes, the notes, yeah.

So if the new stalker

got all those details off the internet,

they also could have learned

that Becca took time
off work to recover.

You think the reason for all this is to

try to keep Becca off the air?

The Samantha Bowman interview
was scheduled for today,

but now it's canceled.

Check this out.

The flowers showed up the day after

Becca submitted her
questions for approval.

Maybe there was somethin'
in those questions

the future mayor didn't
want to be asked about.

We just need to find out what.

Thank you so much, Detective.

It feels so good to get
all that off my chest.

It's just part of my
job. It's totally fine.

OK. Yeah.

You take care now.

That's Becca's assistant.
You're letting her go?

I really should have been a therapist.

I just spent the last hour
hearing about how Becca

helps her improve her performance.

But do you think she had
anything to do with the as*ault?

Becca keeps her water in a mini fridge

in her dressing room
with her name on it.

Anybody could have had access.

It's gonna be impossible
to pin somebody down to...


What's wrong?

I'm sorry.

I just really wish we could
donate blood together.

I know you're not allowed

and I feel bad for bringing it up

but it's really important to me.

It is?


In college, I volunteered at a hospital

and one night, this kid came in

and he'd been in a really bad
car accident and needed blood.

He was O negative and believe it or not,

the hospital was out.

- Oh jeez, that's terrible.
- I know!

But then this guy in the waiting room

stood up and said, "I'm O negative!"

- Wow.
- It's just a simple act,

but to me, that guy was a hero.

It's not your fault.

I know you'd be a hero if you could.

But... you can't on account of the cows.

You know, I actually talked to my doctor

after we spoke, and...

it turns out they got
the dates wrong. So...

- What do you mean?
- Well, mad cow disease wasn't

really a thing when I
was in London, so...

Last time I go to that
doctor, right? But, uh...

apparently, uh... I'm good
to go as far as donating.

- That's so great.
- Yeah.

You know they're still taking people?

- Great!
- And you even get a free donut

and a glass of orange juice.

Lucky! OK!

Let's go! Let's go! Yeah!
Nice! Wonderful! Thank you!

- OK.
- All right!

[SHADE]: Turns out politics
isn't very interesting

without the scandals.

There's gotta be something
in these questions

that made Samantha back
out of the interview.

Becca wasn't exactly going for zingers.

Topics of the interview include:

Samantha's love of knitting,

her two dogs,

the heartbreak of selling
her family cottage.

What about this one?

The recycling program that
took place in her ward.

Well, it's not exactly breaking news.

The contract was awarded six months ago.

Exactly. No one else is asking about it

because it's a done deal.

Maybe Becca inadvertently
picked at an old wound.

Yeah. It may be worth
a fishing expedition.

It's the only nibble we've got.

Let's check out the recycling company.

You OK?

Yeah. Totally. Top notch.

Just marveling at the
intricate process involved

in jabbing a metal tube in one's arm

and then extracting the fluid
necessary to sustain human life.


You know what?

Let's not do this.

Sorry. Sorry.

No, it's fine.

It's important to you. We can do it.

It's just a needle, right?

Takes seconds. Goes
in and out. Right?

Well, actually it takes
about eight minutes.


OK, Maz. Really, we can come back.


It's fine. I just have to concentrate

- on not dying.
- OK.


- Detective?
- Yeah.

Are you OK?

- I'm a detective.
- Yeah, you... are you OK?

- I am a cop and detective.
- OK, wait, stop.

Get away from him.


It's fine.

I'm sorry!

I knew you lied about mad cow and

I thought I could trick
you into giving blood

and overcome your fear

by telling you the hospital story.

Which was stupid

because you clearly do have a phobia and

I totally underestimated it.

You made up the hospital story

in order to help me get
over my fear of needles?

I know.

I'm the worst girlfriend ever.

It's actually kind of sweet.

I mean, I shouldn't have lied
to you in the first place.

I mean, mad cow disease?

I was dead in the water.

Thank you for letting me
get away with that one.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

So what do we do now?

You totally do not have
to go through with this.

No, I... want to.

As long as you're here with me.

I might throw up on you.

That would be unfortunate.

[ANGIE]: According to news
reports from six months ago,

five companies were
given the opportunity

to bid on the recycling contract.

It was eventually awarded to a newcomer,

Trafalgar Recycling.

- Never heard of 'em.
- The CEO is listed as...

Huh. That's weird.


Well, back when this was
published, the CEO was this guy,

Jason Phillips,

but now he's not on
the website anywhere.

Well, maybe he got fired.

Six months after scoring

the largest contract in
the company's history?

That is a little odd.

Yeah! Somethin' stinks...

and it ain't the recycling.

I'm thinkin' maybe we
should have a little chat

with Mr. Phillips.

[MR. PHILLIPS]: I didn't
do anything wrong.

Do you know who says things like that?

People who did something wrong.

How did you lose your job

as CEO of Trafalgar Recycling?

I can't talk about it.

Well, you can talk to us or

you can talk to the cops. Your choice.

Look, I was just the front man.

The front man?

All I had to do was smile and

say the right things on camera

and when the deal was awarded,

I got paid and left.

You're saying that Trafalgar
paid you to be pretend CEO.

Why would they do that?

You don't get it.

There is no Trafalgar.

- But their website is...
- Is fake,

along with everything else.

The carbon neutral processing plant,

the hybrid electric recycling trucks,

the forest restoration project,

they just did whatever they
needed to to win the bid.

Who's "they"?

Grand Ridge Waste Management.

I know that name.

They were in the news

for dumping toxic waste in
the lake a couple years ago.

Who at Grand Ridge actually hired you?

It wasn't them. It was some other guy.

I don't know his name.

He wired me the fee.


Don't leave town.

- What do you think?
- I think Samantha Bowman's

got some explaining to do.

Why would she rig her own
pilot recycling project?


Takes cash to run a campaign.

Grand Ridge does have deep pockets.

Not to mention it'd give them
an in with the future mayor.

I'm really starting to
regret admiring that woman.

♪ ♪

- [BECCA]: You sure about this?
- [SHADE]: Sort of.

But we haven't been able to
find any concrete evidence

that Grand Ridge rigged the bid

or that Samantha took a kickback
from it, but a backroom deal

would explain why she wanted
to cancel the interview.

I can't believe this.

I was her biggest supporter!

I'm sorry, Becca.

Well, this really changes everything.

What do you mean?

An hour ago I called Samantha personally

and begged her to
reinstate the interview.

She agreed. We're going
live in minutes.

Are you planning on confronting her?

You're damn right I am!

Didn't you hear what I said?

We don't have any evidence yet.

And didn't you just say
that Angie's getting some?

Yeah, but what if she
doesn't get it in time?

Think about this, Becca.
If you're wrong,

it could ruin your career!

And if you're right?

If she did a dirty deal
with municipal money

to get a kickback for her campaign

and I sat there with her
talking about fruit smoothies,

- I'd look like an idiot.

Makeup's asking for you Ms. D'Orsay.

I'll be right there.

So what're you gonna do?

Welcome to Breakfast with Becca.

We are live today with an exclusive

one-on-one with mayoral candidate

Samantha Bowman.

- Welcome, Samantha.
- Thank you.

- You look wonderful.
- Oh, isn't that nice

- of you to say! Thank you.
- First question.

- Who are you wearing?

Hey. Anything?

[ANGIE]: Not yet, but
when I was staking out

Grand Ridge, I saw a bunch
of their dump trucks

headed to the Port Lands.

It seemed odd. I'm following one now.

Keep me up to date.

I'd like to talk to you

about the recycling program
in your home ward.

Yes. Now, that's a cause

that's very near and dear to my heart.

We engaged a company called Trafalgar

with a commitment to efficient

and affordable waste management.

And this is the CEO of Trafalgar?

Jason Phillips?

I don't know, actually. I've
never met him personally.

- [WHISPERED]: What is she doing?
- [SAMANTHA]: Is there a reason

- you brought him up?
- What is she doing?!

Jason Phillips isn't who you
think he is, Ms. Bowman.

He was hired to pose as the CEO

of Trafalgar just long
enough to win the bid

for the recycling contract in your ward.

In fact,

Trafalgar doesn't even exist.

It was an elaborate front
for the true recipient

of the contract, Grand
Ridge Waste Management.

Can you explain that?

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

- You don't?
- No.

As far as I'm aware,
Trafalgar won that bid

fair and square. If
there's any deception,

I certainly don't know about it.


Please tell me you found something.

You're not gonna believe
what I'm seeing right now.

I'm sending you a video. Just stand by.

You said a moment ago that you
never met Jason Phillips.

- Why is that?
- Because I wasn't personally

involved in vetting the candidates.

That was handled by my chief of
staff, now my campaign manager,

Simon Murphy.

Hey Fred, can you swing
camera two around

to get Mr. Simon Murphy, please?

What the hell is happening here?

Mr. Murphy, were you responsible

for the backroom deal

that resulted in Grand
Ridge Waste Management

being awarded the recycling contract

in Ward ?

And for posing as my former stalker

and for trying to poison me

in order to scare me out
of doing this interview?

That is ridiculous.

Samantha, you know this isn't true.

You'd better have proof
of this, Ms. D'Orsay.

OK. OK. Just cut to a
commercial. Right now!

No. No, wait. Put this on the screen.

Oh, my God.

Are they just dumping
waste into the woods?!

That's what it looks like to me.


Please tell me that what I'm
seeing and hearing isn't true.

We needed money for the
campaign, Samantha.

- Grand Ridge was offering...
- I don't care what they were offering.

Look at what they're doing.

You took something that
was important to me and

you destroyed it!

- Samantha...
- No!

Ms. D'Orsay, I am so, so,

very sorry about this,

and I wanna make it clear

to everyone watching that
I take full responsibility

for what happened.

I will get to the bottom of this

and I will make sure that
it never happens again.

And that's a promise.

Well, you heard it here first.

We'll be right back

after these very important
messages from our sponsors.

♪ ♪

Well, Maggie looks happy.

Nothing like a takedown
on live television

to drive up the ratings.

Simon's denying it, of course,
but with all the execs

at Grand Ridge rushing to point fingers,

the proof will be out soon enough.

Plus, there's surveillance
video of Simon's car

parked down the street from your condo.

You know what I still can't figure out?

How he got your credit card number.

I made a contribution to

Samantha's campaign three months ago.

He had it the whole time.

Simon can run...

a campaign, that is, but he can't hide.

How long you been sittin' on that one?

Oh, my God! Bec!

The head of the network was watching

and she wants to talk
about transitioning

Breakfast with Becca into a mixed-format

of news and talk!

Are you serious?

Yes, I'm serious!

Look out, Katie Couric!

And Matt, don't think that this counts

as an appearance because
I'm still comin' after you.

Well, congratulations,
Becca. You deserve this.

Well, none of this would have
happened without the two of you.

And thanks so much for
your help, Shadow.

You were really there for
me when I needed you.

Yeah. What are ex-husbands for?

I'll tell Jules everything's OK.

Well, I better get back to work!

I'm researching a piece
on climate change called

Don't Sweat It: Fighting Global
Warming Through Fashion.



It looks fine.

It's not clotting.

What's it called when
your blood doesn't clot?

What? Hemophilia?

- Yeah.
- You do not...

no, you do not have hemophilia.

Well, Maz, did you really

overcome your mortal fear
of needles to give blood?

He was incredibly brave and
only bit the nurse twice.

Oh, she had that coming.

Hey, we're gonna go grab some
food. You guys wanna join?

No, thanks. I gotta get home.

- I'll take a rain check.
- Not hungry?

- Ew!
- Not hungry?

All right. See you tomorrow.

What's your biggest fear?

Hot yoga.

What's yours?

Watching you do hot yoga.

What? Why would you... Ah.

Where you goin'?

None of your business!

But don't wait up.


I did not see that comin'.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪