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02x11 - Long Live the King

Posted: 12/30/21 07:37
by bunniefuu

- What time is it?
- [I couldn't sleep.]

Ken's over.

- You could have woken him.
- [You told me that guy]

can sleep through a hurricane.

Besides, you answered on the first ring.

Are you done being impressed
with yourself yet?


[What's up? Did Jules get
her acceptance letter]

- for her Italy trip?
- [No, not yet.]

Man, it must be k*lling her!

Yeah. She says it's like
Russian roulette every time

she goes to the mailbox. But
that's not why I called you.

Oh. Let me guess. You were
thinking about the Ellis case.

- I think he's innocent.
- He was caught on camera

jacking cars from the
airport parking lot.

- Yeah, but I've got a theory.
Two words: Twin. Brother.

Did you seriously just
pitch me the "evil twin" theory?

[It's not as crazy
as it sounds.]

I tracked down an old friend
of his, and he had some

- very interesting things to say.
- [Lay it on me.]

But we are not staying
up 'til four am again.

[We can sleep in!]

Zoe can hold down the
fort for a couple hours.



Can you hold, please?


Apologies, slight technical glitch.

Ahem. What time is the meeting?

OK, they'll see you then.

Did you burn toast,

- or am I having a stroke?
- My rice cake got stuck.


- put a rice cake in the toaster?
- Don't ask.

I was up all night staring at my phone.

- Oh. Maz didn't call, huh?
- Maz?

Who said Maz? I was watching TV on it.

Great new show about crooked cops

who are stupid and losers.

- Hm.
- Late night for you, too?

What makes you say that?

It's : AM
and you left your glass

by the case board.

I was waiting up

for Ken. He got here super late.

That's weird. He left
a couple of hours ago,

looked fresh as a daisy.

I was right!
Joe Ellis had a twin brother!

John Ellis, born six minutes later.

Here's his birth certificate.

He tracked Joe down.
He used his key card

to access the parking lot after hours.
I'm good.

You're alright-good.

Who's "Lucien"?
And why is he on a Post-it note

- with five exclamation marks?
- Oh!

He's your new client.

- And he needs Pis because...
- Um...

He... Oh, where did I put it?

Urgently needs to meet. He's
worried for his safety.


Someone wants to...

k*ll him.

Apparently he's some kind of royalty.

Real royalty,
like William and Kate?

Or pretend royalty,
like Beyoncé and Jay-Z?

The first one.

- Why would he call himself?
- I know.

It sounded weird at first, but
by the end I believed him.

You're meeting him in an hour.

- Wait, you accepted?
- You weren't here!

Who was I to say no to a king?

OK. Where are we
meeting this Lucien?

There's a gala today in
his honour. There's the address.

Shall I fetch the royal carriage?


Ladies and Gentlemen,
rejoice in the arrival

of the ruler of our fair land.

The benevolent and gracious

King Lucien!




We need a new assistant.

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin' the lines
when you're makin' a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes
They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you ♪

- Lords and ladies,

welcome to The Imperial King's Court.

Join me, as fierce warriors

battle for their King's honour!

My trusted Knight Sir Toby

faces his first challenge.

Let the games begin!




- Okay. I've seen enough. Let's go.
- Yeah.



Remove him!

How dare you thr*aten your King's life!

Take him to the dungeon.

I... I... I shall have your head!



That didn't look like

that was part of the show.

Maybe something's rotten
in the state of Denmark.

Excuse me, Lucien?

- I'm Angie...
- Everett! Of course!

And you! You must be
the esteemed warrior

Matt Shade. The internet tells me

you were a famous hockey star.
I'm so happy you came.

Treacherous ears may be listening.

For the purpose of
staving off suspicion,

we should refer to each
other simply as friends

until we are able to
speak in private. Hm?

- S... sure.
- OK.

Squire! Your King
is entertaining

friends. Bring us ale.

Uh... We don't
have any ale, Bob.

Bob? I... thought
your name was Lucien.

I think there's some
peach iced tea in the fridge.

Curse your impudence!
If you value your job,

- you'll bring us ale!
- It's OK. We don't need ale.

Very well.

Right this way, please. Make haste.

So... that was
a pretty close call

- out there today.
- Sir Larry, the blue knight,

does not like me wearing this crown.

Any chance it was an accident?

I have been in The Imperial
King's Court for two years,

working my way up from
Squire to Knight to King,

leapfrogging dozens who
have been around longer.

They are jealous, and
they seek retribution.

- What kind of retribution?
- Last week,

while riding my horse to greet
the crowd, my saddle came apart.

I fell. I nearly broke my neck.

Do you think Larry
was responsible for that too?

No. No, it's not just Larry.
There is a larger

conspiracy afoot. People
whisper when I enter a room.

Some insult me to my face.

Did you thr*aten their jobs
for not bringing you ale?

The Squire is supposed
to serve the king.

I wear the crown. I earned it!


Someone in my kingdom is out to get me.

Sooner or later, they will succeed.

OK. OK. We'll ask around.

Very good. Very good!

Thank you! Come, come! Ah!

- Yes!
- OK. He's a hugger.

- Yeah.
- OK.

(ANGIE): So, you really think
someone's really after him?

Well, I don't know.
He seems pretty caught up

in the role of king.

On the other hand, he's clearly
terrified of something.

There's Sir Larry
dialoguing that girl.

So, what is a comely lady like you

doing in a dreary dungeon like this?

Does that line ever work?

You tell me, milady.

Care to see

my longsword in action?

I've seen all the action
I need, thanks.

It must be a pretty sweet gig,

being a knight in a place like this.

The chicks love the armour.

There's always one or two who come,

hang back with us after the show.

We call them Ladies of the Knight.

Knight spelled K-N-I-G...

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, we get it. Pretty
dangerous though, no?

Horses, swords... deadly chandeliers.

- What, are you guys cops?
- We're friends of Bob's.

It was an accident.

Chad and I, we had that whole
fight worked out, and Bob,

he came in at the last minute
and changed the choreography.

Sir Toby's real name is Chad?

Chad was supposed
to parry, not duck.

Look, I tried to apologize
to Bob backstage.

He just yelled at me.
Called me a "saddle-goose."

I don't even know what that means!

Why would Bob think
that you were out to get him?

How should I know?
Look, ever since he was given

the king's crown two weeks ago,
he's gone off the deep end.

Barking orders at people. He's
talking about his kingdom.

- It's starting to piss everyone off.
- Enough to hurt him?

No! Bob may have
become a d*ck,

but back when we were both knights,

we were best buds.

We have a code: Knights not Fights.

That's with "knights."
It's spelled K-N-I...

- Yeah, yeah. Got it.
- Yeah, no. We understand.

We heard that somebody tampered
with his saddle last week.

I don't know about that.

Well, whose responsibility is the gear?

That would be
the stable Squire. Aubrey.

The whole chandelier thing
was a total fluke.

I watched Chad and Larry
practice before the show.

Well, what about
Bob's saddle? He fell

- during a show last week, right?
- Oh, yeah. That was hilarious.

Landed on his ass. Right
in some horse crap, too.

So, what did
happen with the saddle?

Well, we get all our saddles
used from the rodeo,

the police force, Kijiji, I
mean, wherever's cheapest.

But you buy cheap, you ride cheap.

Like, um... Take a look at this leather.

It's worn through.

Too much tension and it snaps.

You're saying that Bob
just had a lousy saddle?

Well, the knights need
the sturdy ones for battle.

The King just does one ride around the
perimeter during the opening number.

- So...
- Did you report any of this?

Of course.

HR looked into it, determined
it was a total accident.

But Bob didn't like that.

So, he screamed at the whole cast.

I seriously think that guy has
some kind of mental illness.

(SHADE): Thanks.

How about this one?

"Dissociative Identity Disorder.

"Characterized by disparate
personality states,

memory impairment and delusions."

Sounds like what people
are saying about Bob.

- I thought you believed him.
- I'm losing faith in the crown.

Yeah. We are seriously
wasting our time here.

Let's get back to real life.

Yeah. Let's let him down easy.

Parry, Sir Toby! Parry!

If you let your guard down,
Sir Larry will strike

- with an empty fade.
- Ahem!

Friends! What news do you bring?
Have you uncovered the villain?

We... talked
to your colleagues,

and looked into the saddle.
I'm sorry, Bob, but...

There's no evidence anyone's
trying to k*ll you. We think

this might all be in your head.

(SIGHING) In my head?

Maybe you should take
some time off. You know, rest.

This is the name of a friend
of mine who's a therapist.

He might be able to help you.
Good luck, Bob.

I always knew
evil would wear a smile.


You want me to abandon my throne.

You are the true conspirators
behind these att*cks!

- Bob, calm down.


You want my life?
Then come claim it!



Bob? Call an ambulance!



- Thanks for coming.
- No problem. I just cut my

Krav Maga class a little short.

- Oh, you take Krav Maga?
- Teach.

- Of course.
- How's he doing?

He's stable. But he's going
to be out for a while.

His system's in shock.

Are seizures common with
dissociative identity disorder?

- Who said he had DID?
- Um... Angie saw something

on the internet.

Do you have any idea
what's happening to him?

Not really. His respiratory
rate is all over the place,

as is his temperature

and his blood pressure. It
could be a drug overdose.

- A drug overdose?
- We won't know until the lab

runs a tox screen. But in
the meantime, I suggest

you ask around, see if
anyone knows what he's on.

The sooner we identify it,

the sooner I can start treating him.

Thanks, Ken.
I'll see you later, OK?



Hey, Dad.

- Hey, honey.
- What're you up to?

Oh, I'm just
researching what dr*gs

- induce mania.
- Planning a "stay-cation"?


- So, where's Mel tonight?
- She's still in court.

But she asked if she could
take us for sushi again.

- Cool.
- Speaking of cool,

guess what I found

when I got home tonight?

- My acceptance letter
for the Italy trip?
- Congratulations!

- That must feel pretty amazing.
- Yeah... um,

it's gonna be great. I'm
gonna go call Liam, OK?




I hope your evening
is less confusing than mine.

[I'm afraid not.]

I just checked in with Ken.
There's no change

- in Bob's condition.
- [How can it be that we're]

both in relationships and still
spending our evenings alone?

- We're dating workaholics.
- [You live above your office]

and I'm Googling corticosteroids.

Maybe we're the workaholics.

Listen, Bob's gonna be out
for a while. I say we go back

to The Imperial King's Court
tomorrow and see if we can

- find out what dr*gs he's taking.
- [Yeah. Sure.]

We may have to search
his house, too.

Alright. See?
Done for the day.

Who says we're workaholics? Well, uh...

I should go to bed.

Yeah. Yeah, me too.

[Um, I forgot to tell you, ]

Jules got accepted to Italy.

- Oh, that's great, Shade!
- [Yeah!]

Except she's not that excited
about it, and I don't know why.

Huh. Well...

teenagers are emotional Rubik's cubes.

Do you wanna talk about it?


[But we can't stay up all night!]

Have you ever seen
Bob taking pills?

- Or something else?
- Bob?

No way! He's straight edge.

- No drinking. No dr*gs.
- Are you sure?

I've offered him hits
more time than I can count.

- And I can count really high.
- Your parents must be so proud.

What about Bob's food? Could
that have been tampered with?

Nah. Every cast member
gets the same catered meal

before a show. If it was the
food, everyone'd be sick.

I know everyone said Bob is a jerk,

but... no one here would
actually try to hurt him.

We're a medieval family, jerk or not.


- I'll go high. You go low.
- Yeah, sounds good.


Hey, uh... Did you
believe what she said?

About the fact that no one

- really wanted to hurt Bob?
- Well...

People around here don't

- seem particularly violent.
- Ha ha! Unless they're

trying to k*ll each other
with broad swords and lances.


Oh, wait. Angie, look.

Is that Champagne?

Sparkling apple juice.

Maybe Bob's as straight edge

as they say he is.

"May your show be
glorious, Your Highness."

A gift from
a secret admirer, maybe?

Someone close enough to him
to know he doesn't drink.

You think there was
something in the bubbly?

I don't know.
It's a bit of a stretch,

but... there's nothing else here.

I'll take the bottle
to the hospital, get it tested.

OK. I'll try to figure out
who came to see Bob

- bearing gifts.
- Alright.

Here you go, the Imperial
King's Court security footage.

- How did you get this?
- I got a friend

who's a LARPer. He knows a
mechanic, who knows a stunt guy,

who knows the IT guy who works
at the Imperial King's Court.

And this...

is the day of the show.

There's Bob,

arriving for work.

Wait. Who's that?

Doesn't look like she works there.

Is that a bottle she's carrying?

Not anymore.

I think we just found
our Guinevere. Oh.

- Hey.

Yeah, what's the address?

I'll be right there.

Shade just found Bob's house.

Good news

- or bad news?
- Bad news.

Well, the bad news
is Bob's still unconscious.

No word yet on the tox screen results.

Oh. What's the good news?

The good news is they
fast-tracked testing the bottle.


Oh, we still won't know for hours.

...I thought that was pretty good news!

Huh. Bob's got a real flair

- for interior design.
- Let's spread out.

Look for any signs of this woman:

- jewelry, photos, hair ties.
- Alright.

This is a bachelor bathroom

if I've ever seen one. No lady stuff.

- No dr*gs.
- There's no one else

in these photos, either. If
he knows this mystery maiden,

he's not showing it.

Wow. Look at that.

- Bob has some serious talent.
- Yeah.

Hold on a sec.

Protein powder...

office supplies... a coffee mug.

- This is a boot box.
- A what?

You know, a box for your stuff
when you get the boot.

- Bob got fired.
- "Effective immediately,

Robert Sterling is terminated from
The Bright Star Toy Company".

This is dated two weeks ago.

I didn't know Bob had another job.

Well, maybe someone at his
old job can shed some light

as to why he broke down at his new one.

Janet Lonnegan, VP Strategy.
Please, come this way.


I've got to admit,

I thought I'd see more
toys at a toy company.

Bright Star may be a toy company,

but we are a business
first and foremost.

You said that Bob hired you?

Yes. We are
private investigators.

Bob is having a bit of
trouble at his other job.

We understand you guys
let him go two weeks ago?

I felt so bad for him.

Bob worked in the mail room for years.
Nice guy.

Kept to himself. But then he had

a rather public breakdown
with our CEO, Wendel.

- What happened?
- I don't know the details.

I just know that Wendel was
pretty upset by it. Anyway,

I'd love to chat, but I have
an important presentation

to prepare for. We're
launching a new product.

Really? Any spoilers?

All I can say is that it's
a female action figure.

I'm very proud of the work that
we're doing here at Bright Star:

breaking barriers, empowering
young women everywhere.

- Excuse me.
- Yeah.

Public breakdown.

- Sound familiar?
- And yet no sign of dr*gs,

poisons, toxins...
Something doesn't add up.

(ANGIE): Look!

It's the mystery woman.
What's she doing here?

I don't know, but it's about
time we introduced ourselves.

We were gonna bring champagne,

or would you prefer
sparkling apple juice?

I... I'm sorry.
Can I help you?

- We're friends of Bob's.
- The ex-coworker

- you've been stalking.
- Stalking?

Yeah, I... I knew backstage

was for talent only.
Did Bob get my note?

You don't know, do you?

Know what?

Bob's in the hospital.

- He collapsed.
- Oh, my God!

Wait a minute. You think I had
something to do with this?

When we saw you breaking in
to drop off the juice,

we thought maybe you
laced it with something.

It was a gift!
It's one of our inside jokes.

Once a week, Bob would

bring a bottle of sparkling
apple juice to work and we'd

pretend we were celebrating
some successful quest.

- You guys are friends.
- Yes!

Bob would always leave
funny sketches of me

at my desk.

I miss him.

We understand that Bob lost it
on the CEO here. Any idea

- why he would do that?
- Bob started acting paranoid.

He was convinced that
everyone was out to get him.

One day, Wendel caught him at his
desk going through his computer,

and Bob claims that
Wendel was spying on him.

I mean, the whole thing
was a misunderstanding.

Do you think that

whatever made Bob sick is
what made him paranoid, too?

We're not sure,
but it's a good theory.

I want to see him.
Can you take me?

- Yeah.
- Sure.

- I'll get my coat.
- I'm gonna stay behind,

- dig into Wendel a little deeper.
- You think he's involved?

I don't know, but... this is where
Bob's first outburst happened.

On with the bloodletting,
bring in the leeches!

- Hey, Bob.

- How you feelin'?
- My loyal servant.

Come. Come, come.

...The nursemaids

are out to get me. I suspect

- they might be spies.
- Bob.

Fey! My fair maiden.

Oh, you have returned!

And brought with you
an end to my madness.

We must be as strong as celestial night.

Uh huh?

We will be.

I'm not going anywhere.

It is so good to see you.

It's good to see you, too, Bob.

Excuse me!

Do you know where the copier is? I'm...

I'm super late to close this file!
I don't want to get canned

- by the boss.
- Who are you?

I'm Angie. I... I'm new.
I just got hired in HR,

and I... I have no idea
what I'm doing here.

I'm Wendel Silvie.
I own this place.

Oh, my God.

That is very embarrassing.

Please, just forget
everything I just said.

No, it's fine.
What are you working on?

I'm actually trying to close
an employee discharge file

for a...

Bob Sterling. This dude
totally yelled at...

- Me.
- I did it again.

Excuse me,

I'm just going to go before
I put my foot in my mouth...

No. How can I help you?

I wouldn't want you to get
canned on your first day.

Really? Thank you! Um...

I just need the final
details of what happened.

You know, Bob...
was a sweet guy,

but he was becoming an
increasing disturbance

in the workplace. I
came in here one day,

I found him going through my files.
He accused me

of some insane conspiracy.
I had to fire him.

I mean, I had no choice.

(SIGHING) That's tough.

Well, I think that's all I need, so...

Thank you. You know,

those are the first toys I've
actually seen in this place.

These Japanese tin robots.

They're called kinzoku.

After World w*r II, my dad worked

with Japanese manufacturers
to bring their toys

to North America.

These tin robots

were the first toys I ever played with.

That's an amazing legacy.
Thanks for your time,

- Mr. Sylvie.
- You're welcome, Angie.

[Hey. How did it go
with Wendel?]

Nice guy, but... it seems
like he's hiding something.

Did you get a look
at his computer?

No, but Zoe managed to track down

some of the company's
annual reports

on the web. I'm just
checking it out now.

- [How's Bob?]
- He's crazy, but awake.

As soon as he saw Fey, he calmed
right down. It was sweet.

[Let me know if you find anything, OK?]

- Will do.
- Matt?

Matt, are you here?

Mel! Hey!

What are you doing here?

Hi, Angie, I, um...

Well, I got out of court
earlier than I expected,

so thought I'd be spontaneous
and surprise Matt.

Oh! Well, he's at the hospital
with our client.

That's why you always
schedule spontaneity.

(SIGHING) So much for unwinding.

Have you ever wanted to
throat-punch a client?

More times than I can count.

Bottle came back negative.

- No toxin of any kind.
- Well, that makes sense.

The person who sent it is
being fed poetry by the king.

What about his tox screen?

Bob's blood contains
high concentrations

of Zolestis. It's an ADHD drug.

- Can you overdose on it?
- If you don't have ADHD, yes.

Acute toxicity due to
methylphenidate overdose

can result in delusions, anxiety,

- manic-like states.
- Well, Bob was acting like this

two weeks ago when he got
fired from his other job.

- Would a dose last that long?
- No.

He must have been
ingesting the drug over

and over without knowing.

I was sitting in my car
in the alley

and then, BAM! He falls
right on the hood!


I didn't know your cases
could be so exotic.

Oh, yeah! As they say:

- variety is the spice of life.
- Mm.

It sure sounds more interesting
than hours in court.

Eh... We're two sides
of the same coin.

I might catch the criminals,
but you're the one

that puts them away for good.

Jules asked me what it's like
to be a lawyer.

It was pretty cool that
she was so interested.

She's really mature for her age.

More grown up than her dad.

- No.

No, seriously. She's...
she's brave and smart.

Shade just needs to
stop worrying so much.

She's gonna be fine in Italy.

Jules is going to Italy?

Shade didn't tell you?

He didn't.

Oh, I... I'm sorry, I probably
shouldn't have said anything.

He's been like this
since the beginning.


I have the feeling that he has
trouble opening up to people.

- Or is it just me?
- No!

No, it's not just you. I mean...

Ken and I go through that all the time.

- Really?
- Yeah! I mean, one minute

he's telling me about his
dream to open a tea hut

in the Hindu Kush and then
the next, he's got his head

so wrapped up in a patient
that I can't even get him

to pick a pizza topping.

- Do you have any more of this?
- Hell yeah.

(FEY): Bob's asleep.

- Hi. I'm Dr. Ken Graham.
- Fey.

Do you happen to know

if Bob has an attention
deficit disorder?

Was he taking a drug called Zolestis?

- Mm... no, I don't think so.
- Two weeks ago, when Bob got

fired, had there been a change
in his routine or lifestyle?

Yes, actually. He started
going on a diet. He...

wanted to be a more svelte king.

- Was he taking supplements?
- A protein powder.

Um... Fortablast Chocolate Cherry Craze.

How often was he drinking it?

Uh... Twice a day,
every single day.

That's it, that's
how it got in his system.

- Someone drugged that powder.
- Yeah.

Bob was poisoning himself
and had no idea.


- Oh, my G...

Please tell me
you had company last night.


Mel stopped by.

That's where she was. Wait.
What did you guys talk about?


Thank you. Coffee. Ooh.

What did you find out?

Uh, well, the lab confirmed

that Bob's protein powder was
laced with an elephant-sized

- dose of Zolestis.
- Zolestis?

Like the ADHD drug?

Side effects for those without
ADHD include paranoia,

disorientation, and believing
you're a th century monarch.

It was in Bob's boot box,
which means he had it

at Bright Star, too. What did
you find out about Wendel?

Oh, uh... The North American

toy market is valued
at over $ billion.

Everyone's chasing that
one golden product

because if you hit it, you can
be set for a very long time.

- What was Wendel's hit?
- He released a series

of shape-shifting cowboy toys.

He made about $ million,
but that was years ago,

and sales have been sagging ever since.

- Then how's he keeping the lights on?
- That was my question, too.

Fey said Bob got fired
after Wendel caught him

on his computer. You think maybe he saw

some financial information
he wasn't supposed to?

Shady accounting, stuff like that?

Maybe, but then why the drugging?

To discredit Bob

against any claims of
wrongful dismissal?

Yeah, I guess. Let's
take a closer look

at this titan of Bright Star. Ooh!

After an aspirin.

I thought you said he was
going to the chiropractor at .

- That's what Fey said.
- So where is he?



- Hello?
- [Hey.]

What's happening?



Wendel's just finishing up his
meeting with Janet. Stand by.

- He's tied up with Janet.
- Well, she did say they were

getting ready for a big product launch.
Maybe that has something

- to do with it.
- Well, if he doesn't

leave soon, we're gonna miss our
chance to access his computer.

- So you and Mel, huh?
- Ugh!

What's that about?
Anything I should know?

Is it possible for two women
to spend time together

and not talk about you, Shade?

We discussed each other's cases,

and how she became a lawyer. My Dad.
Jules going to Italy.

- The Kardashians...
- You told her Jules is going to Italy?

Ugh! I didn't mean to.
She was saying

how wonderful it was to get to
know her and it just came out.

I didn't know you hadn't told her.

It's no wonder she hasn't
answered any of my texts.

- Did she seem upset?
- She wasn't thrilled. I'm sorry.

Wait. There he is.


Alright, it's go time.

Um, I just missed a call
from our Quebec distributor...

OK, Wendel.

What's your password?

Mother's first name?

- No. Um...

Name of your son?



Wife's name?


- Dog?




- Yes!

- [How's it goin' in there?]

Hey. I'm, uh,
I'm copying everything now.

Oh, sh**t!

- This is gonna take a while.
- [The chiropractor's office]

is minutes away.
You got lots of time.

Uh oh.

- What's "uh oh"?!
- He's back. Abort.

What?! No, I can't!
It's still downloading.

Angie, get out of there! Now!


Oh, come on!

Come on!


Sir? There's an urgent call
for you at reception.

- I forgot my wallet.

Yes, but it's urgent!
I think it's your wife!

In a minute! Yeah, it's OK.

Oh, dear. Ahem.

(CHUCKLING) Unbelievable, my memory!

Oh, yeah. Um...

I think so, or...

Well, that was exhilarating.

I've never been part of a heist before!

Uh... For legal reasons,
let's not call it a heist.

These financial records
have a number

- of "off-the-book" accounts.
- Can you make sense of it, Fey?

Well, let me see.

There's a list of transfers

from several numbered companies.
Ones I've never heard of,

and not small amounts, either.
That can't

be right. Wendel's pulling
money out of Bright Star?

He's using it as his own

personal piggy bank. It's the
oldest trick in the book.

No. He's withdrawing it
as "salary"

and then diverting all of it

back into Bright Star through
the numbered companies.

- So he isn't stealing?
- He's using

his own salary and bonuses
to keep the company afloat.

Seems like all the cash
is going into

the development of a new toy: Celeste E.
L. Knight.

There are designs here.


We gotta go see Bob.

Zoe, send it all to me.

Bob, do you know what this is?

That's Celeste E. L. Knight!

She's an intergalactic Knight
of the Star-Station Templar,

which orbits the living
planet of Solomon.

I swear I'm not still crazy.

This sketch was on Wendel's computer.

He's creating a line
of toys based off it.

But... that's mine!
I... I drew that!

We saw your sketches.
We knew that this could have

only come from your imagination.

Is this because I yelled at
him? I couldn't control myself.

And now they're making
my toy without me?

Janet said it wasn't
right for the company.

- Janet?
- I showed her those sketches.

Told her about my idea for a
play set based on Celeste

E. L. Knight, but she said
knights were too old-fashioned.

Did you show your sketches
to anyone else?

Gosh, no! I... I don't
share my drawings with people.

Angie, look.
This is a royalty contract

for the creation of Celeste E.
L. Knight.

The designer gets percent of
the gross profits. Look whose

- name is on the dotted line.
- Janet.

She must be the one
who dosed the protein powder.

Making it easy
to discredit Bob if he ever

tried to claim authorship of Celeste E.
L. Knight.

- Where is Janet now?
- She's pitching to

the distributors to sell the toy.
If this goes through...

It'll be like Bob's work
never existed.

minutes to show time.
How are you feeling?

Primed and ready, boss. This
has been a long time coming.

- You wanna do a dry run?
- Great idea.

Ladies and gentlemen,

may I present: Celeste E. L. Knight,

an intergalactic heroine
for the modern age.

Now, market research suggests an uptick

of science fiction figures in girls ages

- to ...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

But why does she have a hammer?

I'm sorry?

Well, don't knights carry swords?

It's not a hammer.

It's a maul.

Bob! What are you doing here?

- And why did you bring HR?
- They're not HR.

I was in the hospital
and they saved my life.

- Are... are you alright?
- I almost died,

but I'm better now. Thanks.

That's great news.
Wendel? The presentation.

Yeah. Of course.

I... I... I'm sorry Bob,
you're gonna have to leave.

You might want to hear this first.

- Who are you?
- We're private investigators.

Bob hired us because he thought
someone was trying to k*ll him.

- That's ridiculous.
- At first, Bob did sound crazy.

But then, that's exactly how
you wanted him to appear,

- right Janet?
- What are you talking about?

You didn't create
Celeste E. L. Knight. Bob did.

Is that what he told you?

Bob isn't well, Wendel. You remember

how he blew up at you in your office?

The doctors found a large dose
of Zolestis in his system.

It's a drug used for ADHD.

Only Bob doesn't have ADHD.

Anyone took what he was given,
they'd act a little loco, too.

Janet, doesn't
your nephew have ADHD?

Wendel! You can't possibly
believe any of this.

You drugged Bob,
and you waited for his behaviour

- to get him fired.
- This is a joke!

How long did you wait
to pitch the toy? A day?

- A week?
- The same day.

When was the last time
you had a home run pitch, Janet?

You hear rumours about
the company being on thin ice.

That there may be cut backs.
You desperately need a win

- to hang onto your job.
- And then you come across

a sketch of genuine inspiration

and you just can't resist.

- You can't prove any of this.
- Really?

If you are the creator, then
you would have a sketch

- of the original drawing, no?
- Of course.


Signed with my name and dated.

Bob, could I see

your sketch book?

Bob, this looks
like a sketch of Fey!

Who's Fey?

She works here.

Why would you create
a character based

on one of Bob's best friends?

Not so creative now, huh, Janet?

- Wendel...
- Leave.

Just leave. You're fired.

I don't know what to say, Bob.


Oh, gosh!
The distributors. Oh...

What the hell am I gonna do? I gotta...

Um, if I may offer a suggestion?

Why don't you give Bob a shot?


No, thank you.

Not the response I was expecting.
Just, uh, give us two minutes.


Bob! Bob! What are you doing?
This is your chance!

To what? Have my idea
shot down again?

It's not gonna get shot down.
Wendel loves it.

Yeah, when Janet pitched it!
I'm a -year-old

former mail room clerk
who draws cartoons

in his spare time. I'm a nobody.

Bob. You're a king.

- That was just a costume.
- Not true. Being a king

has nothing to do with what you wear.

That toy in there
came from your imagination.

Turning imagination into reality,

that's the power of kings.

That was a nice thing to say.

Now, get in there!
You don't need a crown.

Because it's been inside me
the whole time?

No. We just don't have it. We
left it at Imperial Kings Court.

Now get in there! (CLAPPING)

- Come on!
- Come on, big man!

Why does she have, um, a hammer?

It's a maul.

It has the density of a dwarf star,

designed to destroy planets
with a single strike.

But, the Knight only uses it for good.

So, that's neat.

Ladies and gentlemen, I
apologize for my late arrival.

My name is Bob Sterling,

and I would like to regale you

with the tale of Celeste E. L. Knight,

the last crusader of the cosmos.

Sold to countries

- worldwide and counting.
- Mmhmm!

Bright Star has never
had an order this big

on any product, ever.
And Bob is the official

designer on the entire Celeste E.
L. Knight series.

Congratulations, Bob.

To think, it all started
with a hostile drugging.

I should've almost died sooner.

Speaking of which,

what's going on at the
Imperial King's Court?

I decided to give up my throne
to make way for King Larry.

He deserves it, and, uh...

I'm just more comfortable being me.


Ah, come here!

OK! Yeah, yeah!

OK, big fella! Yeah, there it is!



Oh, hey!
I've been calling you.

Busy day.

Right. Um... Listen, about
Jules going to Italy.

- It's fine, Matt.
- No.

No, it's not. Look, I wasn't hiding it.

I was just trying to
wrap my head around it,

and... I'm used to doing that alone.


maybe it's time you remember
you're not alone anymore.

...I know.

I'll work on that.

I promise.

♪ What if we could ♪

♪ Would we get to choose
What if we fade ♪

♪ All we've got to lose What if we run ♪

- ♪ What if we run ♪
- Honey?

In here.


Hey, honey...

can I talk to you about Italy?

Are you gonna talk me into going?

Not if you don't want to.
I just... I wanna know

- what happened.
- It was just a silly "what if?"

It's not important. Let's get a pizza,

watch Eat Pray Love. It's
basically the same thing.

No. It's not, honey.
It's not the same thing at all.

You were gonna dip your toes

in the Trevi fountain with
Ruby and Ariel. What changed?

They backed out...
I'm the only one

- in my class going.
- So?

So? I've never done
anything like this before.

- What if I can't do it?
- Are you kidding me?

For years,

I've watched you lay
waste to every challenge

t-hat comes your way.

Honey, life will
always throw things at you

that you've never dealt with before.
And if you're always

focused on failure, you'll
never have the chance

to know what success can feel like.

Thanks, Dad.

Where'd you get that one from?

- Mutual fund commercial.
- Nice.

I love you.

Yeah. I love you too, honey.

♪ I want to be closer ♪

♪ I want to feel closer ♪

♪ Closer to you ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh O-o-oh ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh ♪

♪ O-o-o-oh ♪