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02x10 - Kissing the Canvas

Posted: 12/30/21 07:36
by bunniefuu

Sloan, I'm coming right down!

This is a stakeout,
not a sleepover.

Ugh. I wasn't sleeping.

You were snoring!

- Late night with Mel?
- Not in the Biblical sense.

Ahh... she's winding down a big trial.

I was helping her with her
closing arguments all night.

Look at you.

Look at me? Look at you!

You and Dr. Ken seem joined
at the lip these days.

What can I say? The doctor
has a lovely bedside manner.

- Oh.

- It's mom.
- Well, tell Nora I said hi.

Did you just press
ignore on your mother?

- Yeah!
- I thought you guys

- had patched things up.
- We did... mostly.

It's just when things are
going great in my life,

she gets all... girlfriend-y.

Maybe she just misses you.

I know. I'll call her back.





Hey boys! What you got there?

- Not so fast. I got here first.
- Oh, the hell you did!

- Forget you ever saw this idiot.
- And who are you?

I'm an interested buyer
looking to acquire

some quality, imported electronics

for a reasonable price.

I'll give you $
for the whole truck.

- You a friend of Sammy's?
- No, she's not. But I am.

He told me to take care of you boys.
How does grand sound?

For everything?

You know what? I just want
those laptops back there.

You guys keep the rest for yourselves.

Sorry sweetheart. Come on.


- I'll call Maz.
- Alright.




- Hi.
- Hi! Uh...

You forgot these in my car.

- Yeah, uh... thanks.
- There you go.

- Yeah.

- Hey, so, uh...
- Oh, good morning!

- (SHADE): Hey!
- (ANGIE): You get my message?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, I had the
night shift send a unit over.

- So... they got your note.
- Just a couple of superheroes

keeping the citizens
of Metropolis safe.

Great, except now, I can't
get the image of you wearing...

red spandex out of my head.

Ugh. Thanks for that.
Are you here to see me?

No. Uh, yes. I, uh...

I was here to see you. Done that,

so... that's it for this point
in time I'm gonna get...

going 'cause I gotta... I gotta mosey.

I got a lot of other things to do.
I gotta go. Uh... yeah.

- OK... What was that about?
- I don't know!

Who cares?

Anyway, new client.

Beth Jacobs.

Urgent. Go!


You're throwing muffins!
Come on!

- I'm trying!
- Don't try! Just do it!

Put that hip!

- Looking good, Jacobs!
- Thanks, Hank.

Gotta keep your chin down
when you throw that, man.

- That's it!

Take it you two
aren't here to work out.

No. We're looking
for Beth Jacobs.


Let me take .


Throw it like you mean it!
Let's go!

(ANGIE): Hey, Beth Jacobs?

And you're Matt Shade.

It's an honour. My dad used
to watch all your games.


I'm Angie Everett.
What can we do for you?

My manager said
you might be able to help me.

I'm fighting the regional
championship on Friday.

I win that, it's one more
step toward the nationals.

OK, so why do you need Pls?

My qualifying match

was against Denise Perez,
but the fight was rigged.

Look, Beth, nobody
likes to lose, but that

- doesn't mean your fight was rigg...
- No! Listen.

I didn't lose
the fight against Denise. I won.

Then what's the problem?

Integrity! That's her problem.

Just my luck, managing a
fighter with a conscience.

Hey buddy...

- SHADE! What the hell?!

Angie, meet Murray Clavin,

my former manager.

The guy who stole all my money.

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin' the lines
when you're makin' a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies
'cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes
They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you ♪♪

- Alright, time! Time!

That's it, Jerry! That's it!
Keep going! Keep it up!

- Sorry you had to see that.
- Hey, I would've done

the same thing. He cheated
you out of millions.

I could never actually prove anything.

Oh, come on.

He always claimed it wasn't his
fault, but all my investments

- went south.
- Yeah. With him.

To the Caymans. Let's go.

Shade, you're not actually considering

- taking this case.
- No! Of course not.

You know, we were
together for years.

He spotted me when I was a kid.

Took me under his wing.

We'd be on the road
together for weeks. He...

kind of became a second father to me.

Yeah. A father
who betrayed you.

Yeah. And it hurt, but...

I've grown. Matured.

OK, whoa. Let's not
get carried away.

What do you wanna do?
We can walk out of here

right now.

Yeah, you're right.
Life's too short.

I'm gonna tell him we
can't take the case.

Bet you been wanting
to do that for a while.

- years, months, days.
- Yeah, well...

With friends like me,

who needs enemies? Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, come on, Shadow! I used
to be able to crack you up.

You remember that time in Pittsburgh,

bought you a strippergram
for your st birthday?

Ha ha! Oh man, were you surprised!

As I recall,
it was Sudbury, I was ,

the table dancer had an
Adam's apple, and yes,

- you could say I was surprised.
- Alright, look.

The point is, we have history.

You can't turn your
back on history, right?

- What was that all about?
- I'm fine.

It's just his way of saying
hello to an old friend.

- Uh, Murray, listen.
- Uh oh.

We got a pretty heavy caseload
these days, so...

Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
I get it.

I don't. What's going on?

They're not
gonna take our case.

- What? Why not?
- We just don't

have the time to fully invest
the resources of our agency...

No. You can't walk out on me.
If word gets out

the fight was rigged, everyone's
gonna think I'm a dirty fighter.

I'm sorry, Beth.

Shadow, please. If I make it

to the championship, I
want it to be on my terms

because I earned it.

I can't have this hanging over
my head the rest of my career.

- I'd hang up my gloves first.
- You hear that, Shadow?

Kid's got an honest heart.

Reminds me of someone I used to know.

- Murray...
- Alright, look. I know

I messed up in the past, but
she shouldn't have to pay

for my mistakes.

You don't take this case,

she may never fight again.

(ANGIE): Fastest southpaw
in the Golden Horseshoe.

(HANK): Until my shoulder
started to give way.

(SHADE): That's pretty
impressive, Hank.

Years later, I hung up the
boxing gloves and opened up

this gym. Fighter to
businessman overnight.

- You got to adapt, right?
- You know it. Life goes on.

- How long have you known Beth?
- A couple of years.

She's still green, but
she's got staying power.

She don't back down for no one.

And her opponent, Denise
Perez, how would you rate her?

More experienced.

- But not better?
- Would've thought so,

'til that fight. Beth's
been training pretty hard.

She's got a k*ller combination.
Looks like they're payin' off.

Is there any chance
the fight was fixed?

No way.

I'm one of four gyms in this city

that's authorized to
hold qualifying bouts.

- I run a clean shop.
- So, you don't put any stock

in Beth's suspicions?

Listen. That girl
would never tell you this,

but she's been through the ringer.

Mother ran off early.

First punch she ever
threw was at her father.

Bottom line is, that
girl could use a break.

She should just take
the win and be happy.

Would you mind
if we talk to the ref?

Be my guest.

Megan calls them as she sees them.

Anything hinky went on in that ring,

she'd know about it.


Filterless, huh?

I never used to smoke
or drink,

and would you believe it?
I was a vegan.

Wow. Now you seem to have
had a change of heart.

So, to answer
your next question:

No. I can't be bought.

So in your mind, Beth's fight
was totally legit.

That's the way I called it,
didn't I?

Yeah, but back in my pro days,
refs would make calls

all the time that were... let's say...
less than accurate.

I remember watching you play.

You deserved every damn penalty

- they threw at you.
- Now hold on a second!

And I bet you got away
with a lot of crap, too.

Stuff you pulled when the
ref's head was turned.

- Well...
- Exactly. I only got two eyes.

But as far as I'm concerned,

Beth Jacobs knocked her out,

fair and square. Don't take
my word for it, though.

Check out the video.

- What video?
- City Sport's Channel shot the match.

They'd have the tapes.


Mhm. No problem. Mmm!


OK. I'll see you in a bit.


Check out this move. That
was seven kinds of awesome.

Huh. I didn't know
you were into boxing.

I wasn't, but it looks like
a good way to get out some

pent-up frustration. You know,

all the anger and resentment
that festers in your gut until,

one day, you think you're gonna explode

and just punch someone right in the...

Plus it's an elegant and classic sport.

Hey. There. Knockout punch.
Rewind that.


Did you see that?

Beth's punch barely
connects with Denise.

Yeah. The glove
just grazed her cheek.

And the ref wouldn't be able
to see it from that angle.

So... the fight was rigged.

There's one person
who knows for sure.

(SHADE): Hey, Denise!
That's pretty impressive.

Day after a knockout
and you're hard at it.

- Do I know you?
- Angie Everett and Matt Shade.

We're private investigators.

- Happy for you.
- You know, back in my day,

when I got cross-checked
into unconsciousness,

the doctors would make me wait days

before resuming training. Of
course, now, the protocols

- are even tougher.
- What are you gettin' at?

Just... surprised that you're
back at it so quickly.

- Yeah. The doc cleared me.
- That, or you took a dive.

- What did you say?
- We saw the footage

from last night's fight.

That was no knockout punch.
Beth barely touched you.

You don't even know me.
You come here,

insult me to my face.
I don't need this.

I got roadwork to do.

Looks like we struck a nerve.

- You think?

Let's dig into little
Miss Non-Congeniality.

Text from my Dad.
Says he wants to talk.

- Sweet.
- No.

That's suspicious.


- Hey, Dad... what's up?
- Hey!

- How 'bout some lunch?
- It's four o'clock.

- Coffee?
- Dad, I'm working a case.

Yeah, I'm glad
you brought that up.

I hear Murray Clavin's back in town.

- Ugh! Not this again.
- I don't trust that guy

and neither should you.
I don't!

Then why'd you take the case?

It wasn't for Murray. It
was for this young fighter

- of his, Beth.
- Look...

Murray thinks that you're a soft touch.

- So what's his real angle?
- Ugh! Dad...

I'm a full-grown adult. I
can look after myself.

I got this. Trust me!

This is the last of Denise's
financial statements from Maz.

Wow. This girl

is $ in credit card debt.
Man, these minimum payments

- are k*lling her.
- No spike in her bank account.

And as far as I can tell, she
hasn't bought a Tesla recently.

If Denise was bribed
into taking a fall, then where

did the money go? You checked
her social presence, right?

Oh, my God. If I see
one more duckface...


Wait. Wait, hold on. Isn't...

that Denise?

An online boxing forum

for underground fights.

- Denise had a fight last week.
- An unsanctioned fight.

That's it. That's all

- the leverage they needed.
- "They"?

(ANGIE): If the commission
ever found out

that Denise was in an illegal
fight, she'd be banned for life.

That's a pretty dangerous secret
to keep. Do you think someone

found out and blackmailed
her into taking a dive?

Missing the regional

is better than never
fighting again.

Hey, Denise!



Are you OK?
I'll call the police.

- No!
- You know who was driving that car.

- Just back off!
- Look, we know about

the underground fights. If
someone's threatening you,

- we can help.
- Help me? You almost got me

k*lled. Just stay away from me!







- Huh?
- Ahh! Oh. Take it slow.

Take it slow. How many
fingers am I holding?

- Thursday.
- OK, I'm calling the doctor.

I'm kidding!
I'm kidding. Three,

- and you need a manicure.

- Ah, thanks.
- What happened?


It was just a six-foot blur
with a man-sized left hook.

- OK. Well, give me the keys.

To the Porsche?

I'm not letting you drive.
You're still cross-eyed!



Woo hoo!


(MAZ): So much
for being a superhero.

I'm fine, by the way.

You couldn't get anything
out of Denise?

Bupkus. She claimed
nothing happened.

- That's crazy. We saw the car.
- Did it really look like

the driver was trying to k*ll her?

No. He swerved at the last
minute. Probably just trying

- to scare her.
- It worked.

Yeah. Well, I ran
the sedan plates. Stolen.

I ordered a print team, but I
wouldn't get your hopes up.

Well, call us
if you find out anything more.

OK. Um, can I... talk to you
for a second? This one here?

It's guy stuff.

I'll... be in the car.

Maz, I've got a headache
the size of Nunavut, man.

That's OK. I just, uh...
I just need a small favour.

- Sure. How much?
- No, it's uh...

It's about Zoe.

- What about her?
- Well, we kinda went on a date.

I mean, I... at least I
think it was a date.

You're not sure?

We went for coffee, you know?
And then, uh, I drove her home.

- And...
- And I said goodnight.


Then she said goodnight
and I went home.

- No kiss?
- I know, right? I mean,

normally I would just drive
right to the hoop on that.

- Yeah, I heard that about you.
- Yeah, but with Zoe it's

different, you know? She's...
she's smart, she's funny.

It's... I mean, there was
definitely a window,

but I... froze.

I didn't know what to do. I
didn't know what to say.

You didn't know what to say?
Wow. This is serious.

Yeah. Anyway, since then
it's just been radio silence.

No calls. No texts. Nothing.

- Have you called her?
- Of course not!

I mean, what if I misread this
whole thing? I mean, what if...

and this sounds crazy, I know,
maybe she's not into me.

Well, I wouldn't panic
just yet.

One thing I've learned about
Zoe is she likes routine.

Maybe she just wants to take it slow.

- You think?
- Yeah. Yeah. Give her some time

to process the incredible Maz-ness

of it all. She'll come around.


Yeah. Yeah, that's... that's...


Good talk.


That's good. Maybe you are a superhero.


Take it easy.

Hey, it's not my fault
that the clutch slips.

Alright. That's it.
Pull over. I'm driving.

I am trying to do you a favour
here, OK? You just got walloped.

Oh believe me,
this hurts more.

So. You and Maz.

- Guy talkin'.
- Yeah, you know...

chicks, fast cars, cigars.

OK, fine. Don't tell me.


What do you bet
whoever was driving

that black sedan is the same person

- who rigged Beth's fight?
- Easy odds.

But if Denise is too terrified to talk,

then where does that leave us?

Well, let's go back to basics.
What's the number one reason

to fix a fight?

- Money.
- Bingo.

OK. So say I place a large bet
on a fighter

- with long odds, i.e. Beth.
- If the underdog wins,

you get a big payout.
OK. So then we just need

to figure out who made a
bundle off Beth's win.

And how do you suggest we do
that? Last time I checked,

there wasn't a "Bookie"
section on Yelp.


I may know someone
who can help.



- Hey, mom.
- Angie!

I was so pleased to get your call.

- Nora.
- A pleasure as always.

The pleasure's mine.

You know, maybe this was
a bad idea after all.

We don't need your help.
We can figure out

- something else.
- Look at her squirming, huh?

She thinks I'm gonna fall
off the wagon again.

Honey, I have been in Gamblers
Anonymous for a year now.

I'm clean. And, as a matter of
fact, I just became a sponsor.


- didn't know that.
- Well if you called

once in a while, you would know.

Sorry. I've...

- I've been really busy.
- Oh, busy, busy, busy.

You need to relax. We should
go shopping some time.

You could use some new clothes.

Or dinner. We could
go out for dinner.

Bring Ken. I'm sure
he's handsome as ever.

I'd love to get together and catch up.

This time, I'll... I'll
pick the restaurant though.

Uh, Nora, do you

- really think you can help us?
- Oh, absolutely. Yes.

This is perfect, actually,

because I needed some chicken...
Come on!


Oh ho ho!

What a sight for sore eyes.

- Been a while, Rory.
- Yeah.

- Hey. How are you?
- Well, what can I tell you?

I got pig ears and chicken feet,
but I got a helluva juicy rump.

That's our old joke.

- Funny.
- Ahem.

That's, um, my daughter, Angie.

Of course she is. Look at her.

You're gorgeous, just like your mother.

- And her friend, Matt Shade.
- Like, as in the Shadow?

Yeah, that's right.
Why, you a fan?

I was... up until
that playoff in Seattle.

What a mess. I lost a bundle

'cause of that goal you
scored in overtime.

- Win some, lose some, right?
- I don't like to lose.

Rory... Ahem. How's business?

It's a bloody mess.

Not this business.

Nora, I didn't know
that you were still in the game.

Oh, I'm not. I'm not,

but my daughter needs some information.

My partner and I
are private investigators.

Nora... I don't
know about this.

You can trust them. I promise.


You run a bookie joint

- out of the back of your shop?
- No. I don't.

Right. Got it.

OK, let's see.

Here we go. Perez versus Jacobs.

- That's it. Any big winners?
- No.

- There was one big loser, though.
- Really? Well, that's interesting.

- Why is that?
- Because maybe Denise's

- attacker wasn't her blackmailer.
- Maybe he was a high roller

that got fleeced when the
favourite took a dive.

And if that
was a revenge attack,

then Beth could be next on his list.

Look at you. You are
your mother's daughter.

So, does this big loser
have a name?

- Yeah, uh... Elvis.
- Not his real name.

But luckily the guy's
gonna come by tonight

to settle up his debt, so...

- What if he doesn't show?

"What if he doesn't show!"

- What's so funny?

Nobody likes

to disappoint Rory.



Hey. Looks like we're about to
have our first Elvis sighting.

And we've got
a front row seat.

It's too dark. I can't see who it is.

Come on, let's go.





Look, Shadow...

This is not what it looks like.

Really? 'Cause it looks
pretty bad.

Alright. If you need me,

I'll be in the back...

- sharpening my knives.
- So you're Elvis.

Isn't it illegal for
managers to bet on fights?

Can't wait
to hear you spin this.


OK, Shadow. I made a bet
on a fight.

No, Murray! You bet against

your own fighter. You remember,

- the one with "the honest heart"?
- And the dishonest manager.

Beth trusts you
to take care of her inside

and outside of the ring.
You violated that trust.

You're right. Yeah.

I'm ashamed.

She's the best thing that's
ever happened to me...

since you.

Please tell me you had nothing
to do with the attack on Denise.

I swear on my mother's grave.

Your mother's still alive!

She has one foot in the grave.


Look, why would I attack Denise?

I wouldn't get my money back.

Maybe you were afraid we'd
convinced her to come clean.

Look, Shadow...

I might be a lot of things,

but I'm not a k*ller and you know that.


- Hey!
- Hey.

You burnin' the midnight oil?

That magical jar of peanut
butter is calling my name,


I am resisting.

Hm... Is there something
on your mind? Wait.

Does it have one syllable
and rhyme with jazz?

- That obvious, huh?
- None of my business.

- We went for coffee.
- OK...

As in... a date?

No. Maybe.

- I don't know.
- You don't know

if it was a date?

Well, I thought it was a date.
It felt like a date.

- And?
- Afterwards,

he drove me home. We said goodnight.

- And...
- That's about it.

No kiss?

I thought maybe he'd
make the first move.

- Oh. And he didn't.
- No.

And after that, it's just been
me and the peanut butter.

I'm thinking of switching
to chunky style.

OK. Whoa. Let's not do
anything drastic.

Has he at least called?


You've been there.

Zoe, everybody has been there.

It's just... part of the dating game.

You don't want to be
the first one to call.

You're not sure
if he's into you...

So he's not into me?
What did he say?

- Nothing! Nothing.
- OK, but you guys are friends,

so... What's your best guess?

Maz is probably taking it slow
because he likes you.

That sort of scares some guys.

Just... play it cool for a while.

Give him a little time to...

work up the courage
to ask you out again.

Are you sure that's it?

That's it.

And until then,

you know what's better
than peanut butter?




- Lookin' good, champ.
- Thanks.

- I feel strong.
- Well, uh...

That's all that matters.

Why do I feel you guys are
softening me up for a body shot?

Beth... we've, uh...
run out of leads.

We may never be able to prove
if the fight was fixed or not.

- I'll go talk to Denise myself.
- Even if you could find her,

- she's not gonna talk to you.
- The championship match

is tomorrow night. I need the truth.

Am I the real deal,
or just some stooge?

Hey. You're the real deal,
kid. You've got all the tools.

Everyone says I won't make it
past the first round.

I don't stand a chance.

What if they're right? What
if I'm not good enough?

Hey, Beth.
You love boxing, right?

More than anything
in the world.



everything makes sense
when I get in the ring.

Well, then you get in that ring

and you prove to everyone
that you are good enough.

Shade's right. If you win
the title bout, no one

is gonna care if that fight
with Denise was rigged or not.

So no pressure, huh?

Nothing you can't handle.

Thanks, guys.

I'm gonna go hit the showers.

HEY! Jacobs! What the hell

- are you playin' at?
- Get out of my face!

I'm gonna kick your ass
in the ring tomorrow.

So you can take your candy
ass threats and shove 'em!

- Hey, hey! Ladies, ladies!
- What the f...

Cool it. Cool it. Come on.

Take a dive in the fourth

and make grand. Don't be a hero.

- I found that in my locker.
- You think I put it there?

You didn't deserve to qualify,

and you know you don't stand a
chance with me in the ring.

- You're crazy.
- Better crazy than a cheater.

- Cut it out!
- Ladies!

I'm not taking any dive.!

Better get ready,
'cause you goin' down.


Has it occurred to you that
someone's maneuvering our client

- to win the title?
- I was thinking the same thing.

First Denise takes a dive,
allowing Beth to move up

to the championship.

And then Cynthia's offered
abribe to go down in the fourth.

So the title bout
was the real goal all along.

Man, someone's playing

a long game, hoping
to cash in big time.

What do you think they're
gonna do when they

find out that Cynthia won't tumble?

There's a lot money at stake.
They may get desperate.

I was afraid you'd say that.

You have got to be kidding me.

- I shouldn't have told you.
- That son of bitch Murray

bets against his own client?

And he's drags you into
the middle of this mess?

I could k*ll him.

Yeah, wouldn't help.
After the apocalypse,

Murray'll still be here with
the rest of the cockroaches.

You know, I never should have

let that scumbag take
you under his wing.

All that time gaining your trust,

- just waiting to rob you blind.
- It takes two to tango, Dad.

Murray was there for
me when I needed him.

- Oh, and I wasn't?
- I didn't say that.

Yeah, you kinda did.


I did not mean what you think I meant.

All those years, I stayed home
to work. I was making money

so that you could have a shot.

Yeah, I know that, Dad.
And I appreciate it.

Yeah, so what are you
doing here, Matt?

I watched that guy drag you
through the wringer once.

I'm not gonna let it happen again.

I've got the situation
under control.

I hope you do.


(SHADE) Hey, guys...

Looks like the press conference
has already started.

before fight time.
And her opponent:

current Bantamweight champion,

Cynthia "The Hammer" Flores.

She still looks angry.

She was born angry.

Cyn! You were training
to fight Denise Perez. What was

your reaction when Beth
got the unexpected win?

Pity. Now I gotta
k*ll this kid.

Beth Jacobs.
There were rumours

you were going to back out of
this fight. Are you still in?

I'm going to fight.

And I'm leaving with the title.

- Gotta admit, she's got spunk.
- She's gonna need

- more than that.
- This is five-time heavyweight

champion, and two-time world
heavyweight title contender...

the one and only George Chuvalo.

George, what do you think
of the underdog's chances?

Well, I know
why she's the underdog,

because she's fighting
one heck of a fighter.

The champion has a terrific record,

and is extremely difficult to
fight because she is a southpaw.

- That's an advantage?
- Oh, you kidding me?

You ever try to shake hands
with your left? It totally

- throws you off.
- Definitely. You're always...

- What? What is it?
- Well, in the alleyway,

the guy who hit me, he
was a southpaw too.

You... you don't think
it could've been Cyn?

No, it was definitely a man.

He had at least six inches on her.

But he hit like a pro.

Or maybe... an ex-pro?


Anytime, Everett!

The fights are gonna start soon.

And voila!

"The Fastest Southpaw
in the Golden Horseshoe."

Hank owns the gym,

so why would he start fixing fights?

Look at these bills...

electricity, rent, car payment.
All months overdue.

Judging by his last
bank statement, I think

- Hank has tanked.
- A big payday

would get his head above water again.

Yeah, but he's
taking a big chance,

risking everything. I mean,

there's no guarantee that
Beth will even win tonight.

- Maybe there is.
- What is it?

Looks like Hank's
got a little insurance policy.

- Mercury?
- Yeah. He's injected metal

into her gloves. I think Hank's
planning to turn our client

into a m*rder w*apon.


A huge crowd has gathered

tonight and they're ready for a fight.
It's the old story

of an underdog newcomer
up against a seasoned pro

and what might happen
is anybody's guess!





You got this, girl!


Ladies and gentlemen,

welcome to tonight's
regional championship

main event. Tonight's official

- is Megan Carr.

In the blue corner,
our reigning champion, weighing


- Cynthia Flores!

And in the red corner,
weighing pounds,

Beth Jacobs!

OK, ladies...

anything landing on the
belt, I'll rule as low.

Fight clean. Fight well. And good luck.
Touch gloves.

Come on,
my million dollar baby!

- So what are you thinkin'?
- I'm thinkin'

she is one brave girl.

I just hope that's
enough to keep her safe.

We are seconds away from the
opening bell on what promises

to be a very exciting match.

I got this.

She's green and she's scared.

And she's going down.

Both ladies look primed
for battle here, George.

Well, the talk
around the ring this evening

leads me to believe that
Jacobs is gonna have a problem

- going the distance.
- Jacobs, yes.

- Maybe we should've told her.
- No, it just would have messed

with her head. She
needs to stay focused.


- So when do we make our move?
- Not yet.

- BOX!
- And there's the bell!

- And the main event

is underway, both fighters exploding

out of their corners.
Jacobs giving Flores

a wide berth. Looks like she's

playing it safe off the top.

Flores is not out of the corner
and she's not standing still.

A jab. Another jab! Jacobs
moving in fast and hard.

She's got Flores backed
up into the red corner,

and she's not letting up.

Flores is taking her time.

Letting Jacobs whale on her,
start to wear herself out.

A common mistake among young fighters.

They start off hard and
fast, giving it everything

they've got, to find out
they can't go the distance.

- Damn.
- Beth's making a comeback.

That's it! That's it!
Set her up! Set her up!


And there's the bell.
Looks like rookie Jacobs

has made it past the first round.

And we're into the second round.

Jacobs coming out strong,

and it looks like her opponent
is as shocked as we are.

- She's starting to sag now.
- Nah. It's too early to get tired.

It's the old rope-a-dope.

Beth's lettin' Cyn tire herself out.

For someone with their client
on the ropes,

you seem pretty relaxed.

Murray, you didn't!


- How much?
- You're nuts.

- How much did you bet on Cyn?
- You bet against your client again?

I'm sorry, buddy. I tried.


- Leopard can't change his spots.
- You're no leopard, Murray.

You're a weasel.

Looks like Flores has decided
to stake out her territory.

She's hitting back and hitting hard.

This is one lady who has
the power to do just that.

This has been an amazing match so far.

No one expected Jacobs to make it

this far, least of all her opponent.

Round three and Flores is
coming back hard and strong.

She'll be feeling that
one later this week.

She's got sizzling
hand speed, but Jacobs

is absorbing the blows. But it looks

- like they're taking their toll.

And things are not

looking good for Beth Jacobs.


And we're back in the fourth,

both fighters stalking each other,

looking for an opening.

- Let's go talk to Hank. Let's go.

Flores is trying to make
Jacobs come to her.

- Flores is back in the game.

She's moving in with a
series of jackhammer jabs.

Beth Jacobs has the heart of a lion.

- This girl just won't give up.
- Cyn's really comin' on.

Looks like it might not be
Beth's time after all.

- Why so nervous, Hank?
- I mean, it's not like you bet

- a wad on Beth winning the title.
- What're you talking about?

Sure, the huge odds
must've tempting.

But that would be crazy, right? You
said yourself she's the underdog.

Unless you figured out some
way to guarantee the outcome.

Only you didn't have anything
on Cyn like you did on Denise,

which is why you tried to bribe her.


What are you talking about?

Jacobs is trying to get away
as Flores reaches

with her right hand again.

Come on, Beth!

The ref moves in again, breaks
them up, starts the count,

but Jacobs is determined.

- I'm good! I got this!
- BOX!

- Gonna be a close one, Hank.
- We know you're deep in debt

and you could actually lose your gym.

- What's that?
- It's an old fighter trick,

right, Hank? You inject
the gloves with mercury.

Liquid metal. Turns 'em
into battering rams.

Beth wouldn't realize her gloves
were rigged until it was too late.

If they didn't stop the fight
in time, it could turn lethal.

Of course, that was the way
it was supposed to play out.

But we called ahead and
changed Beth's gloves

right before the fight.

Beth is gonna win or lose
this title on her own terms.

Which is all she ever wanted.

Right hook followed by a left.
The punch connects!

Jacobs strikes back
but Flores lands one.

WHOA! Jacobs is hit hard!

She definitely felt that one!

Looks like things just got real.
The ref is moving in.

Yes, Jacobs has been cut.

We're waiting for the ruling...
and there it is!

- The fight is over!

And it looks like we have our winner

by technical knockout, Cynthia Flores!

Unbelievable! The champion
maintains her belt,

but the underdog made it way
further than predicted.

We had her going down in the
first round, but she not only

made it all the way to the fourth,

she gave the champ a run for her money!

We've got your fingerprints

on the mercury bottle, the
syringe, and the gloves.


- Maybe we can make a deal.
- No.

- Not this time.

The only deal you're gonna
be makin' is a plea bargain.

I'm sorry. I feel like
I let you guys down.

Not at all.

You gave it your best
shot and you fought

- fair and square.
- And I lost.

Just one battle. Not the w*r.

And you never went down!

You proved yourself out there tonight.

But the most important thing is,

- your name has been cleared.
- To think I trusted Hank

and Murray... All they
were doing was using me.

Take it from me, Beth.
Put all that in the rear view.

Talent like yours?

Anything is possible.

Thank you guys...
for everything.

Don't put those pens away
just yet!

- Hey Maz!
- Is that our statement?

All I need's your John Hancock
and we can close this file.

- Ahem. Detective.
- Hello.


Uh... time for me to go.

Got some big plans

with my peeps on the Ossington Strip.

Oh, "peeps."
That's a coincidence,

'cause as soon as Angie finishes...

Yeah, I'm headin' to the
East End for cop-aoke.

That's cop karaoke. It's...

Excuse me. Please enjoy your...
uh, social event.

You as well.

- Night!
- Well, that was

painfully awkward.

It's a shame
when two people can't see

what's right in front of
them, don't you think?

Ah, it's a damn shame.

- Say hi to Mel.
- Yeah. Say hi to Ken!





Uh... Shame about Beth.

Yeah, I can see
you're all busted up

about it. How much money did
you make on her opponent?

Ahh! A mere pittance.

Hey, if this about your money...

now maybe I can pay back
some of what I owe you.

I just gotta find a
couple of tax loopholes,

slide some into...

Save it, Murray. You
don't have any money.

- Say what?
- I told Rory

to pay out your winnings
to Beth directly,

to pay for her training.

Now who's punch drunk?

If the commission finds out

that you were betting on
or against your fighter,

they'll blackball you for life.

Wait a minute.
What's this about, Shadow?

I got Beth a new manager.

Someone she can trust.

After all we've been through?

Because of all
we've been through!

Oh, come on.

Look, I know you're
pissed about the money...

You know what, Murray?
Actually, I'm not.

That was a long time ago.

But this isn't about the money.

This is about doing the
right thing for Beth.

You always were a sap.

So, uh...

What is this? Goodbye?

Yeah, it's starting
to look that way.

I'd offer you some, Clavin,

but I know you can't stay.

Take care of yourself, Shadow.

I'll see you around.

Not if I see you first.

Listen, son,
about what I said before...

- Forget it, dad.
- I was just upset.

Hey, Dad, you may not
have been there in person.

But... all I ever wanted to do was...

make you proud of me.

That's what spurred me on.
That's what kept me goin'.

Don't be an ass.
I was always proud.

I am proud.



♪ Let me try to let go ♪


♪ I've got a long way ♪

♪ To get to you ♪