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02x09 - The Good Soldier

Posted: 12/30/21 07:36
by bunniefuu
(music and applause)

And this is Sammy.

He's a two-year-old squirrel
monkey from Costa Rica.

Oh, Sammy!

He's so cute! You know,
he kind of reminds me

of my high school boyfriend.

- Can I feed him?
- Absolutely.

There you go. Oh, they
don't want your muffin.

Just like my high school boyfriend.


We will be right back
with more cute critters

and Jimmy Orlando right after this.

- That was cool. Thanks, Dad.
- Yeah.

Here, step down.

Figured you could miss
school one morning

to hear your mom in action.

Um, about missing school,

do you remember Monica Chelsey?

I think so. Is she the girl
with the nasally voice?

She's applying for a
semester in Italy next year.

- Italy? What for?
- I don't know. It sounds cool.

That country is nothing but
fast cars and tight Speedos.

What kind of parent would let
their -year-old do that?

Oh, you made it!

- You were great, Mom. So good.
- You think so?

I can never tell.

I think that cooking segment
was a bit of a bore...

You kidding me?- Who knew you could

use dental floss to cut a layer cake?

(chuckling) What was that about?

Oh, the network wants to do a segment

that coincides with
National Fitness Week.

That was my producer telling me
they rejected my latest idea.

- Sorry.
- Yeah.

(phone chiming)

If I don't come up with something soon

they're going to pre-empt me.

Oh, but you guys don't
need to hear me whine.

Text from Angie. New client
coming into the office.

Go. I can take Jules to school.

- You sure?
- Yeah.

Alright, see you soon, baby.


- You were amazing. So good.
- I'm so glad you came!

- Got here as quick as I could.
- This is my partner, Matt Shade.

- Grace Caplan.
- Hi.

- Hello.
- Her son is missing.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

When did you discoverhe was gone?

I got a call from his section
commander this morning.

His section commander?

Oh, sorry. My son is a
private in the Army.

He missed roll call. Apparently

he went off base last night
and he never made it back.

I have a picture of Pete here.

I know what you're thinking.

He's ; he got drunk and
ended up crashing somewhere.

But my son isn't like that. He...

Well, the army is his life.

And besides, he left me this.


Shaky voice: [Hi, Mom. I
just wanted you to know... ]

[you may hear some things in the next
few days, but just... just know]

[that I always tried to do the
right thing. I love you.]

Please. I know Pete.

He's in trouble.

You have to help me find him.

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin' the lines
when you're making a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you ♪

- So where's your better half?
- Asked to stay behind,

said you were still pissed at her
for saying your Tinder photo

- looked like Ali G.
- Those were cool glasses.

Look, usually when a cop
pulls a favour for a PI,

he's supposed to get something
in return. Bottle of scotch,

concert tickets... I can't
even get a latte out of you.

I got something for ya.
Yeah, here you go.

One free smoked meat
sandwich with the purchase

of a second sandwich of
equal or greater value.

You're lucky I'm hungry.

Got the credit card records
on your soldier boy.

You would not believe what
I had to do to get that.

- Call the credit card company?
- Long distance.

Most recent charge

was at a bar called Murphy's
in Drummond, Ontario.

That makes sense. You said
he was off base, right?


- Spent over bucks.
- Must've been some party.

Alright, thanks, buddy.
Cuban cigars next time.

Yeah, right.

Hey, this is expired!

Yes, I understand that. Alright,


That sounded less than promising.

That was the public affairs
officer at the base.

They won't discuss matters
under internal investigation.

They wouldn't even confirm Pete
was a soldier. What do you got?

A hankering to join the army.

You should see the abs on this guy.

Every photo Pete's posted

since he started serving is him on duty.

He tweets so much positive army stuff
they should put him on a billboard.

- Talk about be all you can be.
- Seems weird that a guy

like this would just up and
quit, don't you think?

Who knows? People have secrets.

Who's the guy on the left?

Joe Howard. Pete and
him are pretty tight.

And also another soldier, Tom Wallace.

I call them The Three Amigos.

Or "Ab-migos".

(giggling) You know, 'cause...

Alright, I'm still working
on the nicknames.

Can you send me a picture
of those three? Shirts on.

- (cell phone ringing)
- Oh. Hey, how's it going?

Just finished up with Mazhari.
Looks like our buddy Pete

[dropped and change at a
bar in Drummond last night.]

Well, let's get up there
and check it out.

Pick you up in twenty?

Fine. But I choose the
podcast this time.


Fancy meeting you here, soldier.

Interesting choice of words.
What're you doing here?

Well, I got caught trying to
knock off a liquor store.

They're trying to clear out
some holding cells and I need

to review some paperwork.
It's really boring.

It's not boring at all. The
suit would look good...

No, no, not here. I'm supposed
to be an authority figure.

And I'm supposed to be a good
boy, but that never stopped me.

Well, we will continue

this conversation over
dinner on Friday night.

You know what? Friday, I can't.

It's a Jules night for me now.
Becca switched on me last minute.

Ah, the mysterious daughter.

- Yeah.
- Well, I'm late. I should go.

Then she gives me this look

like I just clubbed a baby seal.

I mean, you'd think she'd
be happy to be with a guy

who wants to spend time with
his daughter. Am I wrong?

How long have you two been dating?

Two months.

- Uh-huh...
- What does that mean?

Two months is like an eternity
in today's day and age.

She's probably just
wondering where it's going.

It's going down the normal
path of a relationship,

that's where it's going.

Have you met any of her family?

Uh... yeah, her brother.

Her mother. Oh, and her
great-aunt Louella.

Oh, you think she's upset

because I haven't
introduced her to Jules?

- That's exactly why she's upset.
- She said she was fine

not meeting Jules. Besides, I
don't think Jules is ready

- for it yet.
- (cellphone ringing)

Jules, or you?

Go ahead and get it. I'm
very good at not listening.

- Oh, I know that about you.
- (chuckling)

It's fine. I'll call him later.

Haven't seen the good doctor in a while.

Did one of you pull the plug?

No, it's all good. He's been

at a conference all week.

- Oh, really? About what?
- Um, doctor...

- medical devices.
- Doctor medical devices, hm?

He didn't elaborate, OK?

Just keep your eyes on the road, please.

(rock music playing)

Ah, this is my kind of bar.

A place where everybody knows your name.

(chuckling) Hey.

- Do I know you?
- Yeah, Matt Shade.

Former hockey player?

(chuckling) I'll take
two bottles of beer.

Whatever's popular.

- Smooth.
- Thanks.


Holy crap!

You were saying?

How you doing?

What are you doing here? Good, man.

We're looking for a guy
who was here last night,

Private Pete Caplan.

Oh yeah, sure. He was here.

- With a couple of his buddies.
- These guys?

Yeah. You guys were playing
pool with them, right?

We might have taken a
couple of games from 'em.

What's this about?

I owe Pete some money
from some memorabilia

he sold me a couple years ago.
Did he say where he was going?

- I assume back to the base.
- We checked, he didn't make it.

- That's weird.
- Did you guys talk to them at all?

Oh, they were pretty trashed
by the time they got to us.

I think they were celebrating something.

Here you go.

Thanks. Here, these are for you guys.


- Hey man, cheers.
- Yep.

What do you think?

I don't know. Seems
like a normal night out

with your buddies.

Those guys at the bar said
they were living it up.

Maybe Pete was throwing
himself a farewell party.

- To go where? Do what?
- Excuse me?

I couldn't help but overhear.

Those soldiers you were asking about?

I don't think they were celebrating.

Why do you say that?

I was there when they paid the bill.
The first two guys

wanted to pay cash,

but the third guy insisted
on using his credit card.

- It got pretty heated.
- Like they were arguing

over who was gonna pay? That's a first.

They came out here and
startedshoving each other.

I saw 'em through the window.

- Did you happen to see them leave?
- Yeah, the first two guys

got in a cab and drove off.

They left the third guy standing there.

- This guy?
- Yeah.

He started walking back towards
the base. Last time I saw him.

Huh. Thanks.


The last two people to see
Pete were Tom and Joe,

right after they got into
an argument with him.

We need to talk to them.

How? We can't just walk
onto a military base

and start interrogating them.

I may know a way.

But I'm really wishing I didn't.

This is so exciting!

The network loved your idea, Shadow.

They said it's the best way to
celebrate National Fitness Week.

That's great, Becca.

Welcome to Drummond.

You're in the army now, soldier.

I'm not sure how you pulled
this off, Ms. D'Orsay.

Well, it turns out the
head of my network

is friends with General Parker,

so we pitched him on a piece
for National Fitness Week...

"Can former hockey star Matt Shade

take on the Army's best?"

- He loved it.
- Well, I've been ordered

to offer you my full cooperation,

but that doesn't mean I like civilians

traipsing around my base.

We have rules here.

Number one: Respect the
command structure.

Number two: Stay out
of restricted areas.

And number three...

Have fun?

Oh, you're one of those, are you?

Well, looks like this might
be enjoyable after all.

Corporal Craig will help you get set up.

You'll be embedded with Kilo company.

Kilo company. That's your
most elite unit, right?

Private Joe Howard, Tom
Wallace, Pete Caplan?

- How did you know those names?
- All part of being a good assistant.

Right this way.

Fire four! Fire five!

Cease fire!

- (whistle)
- Fall in!

Sergeant, this is Matt Shade,

- mBecca D'Orsay, and...
- Angie Everett.

Angie Everett.

Well, well, well. We have
a celebrity among us.

The "Shadow" was a bit of a
pest back in his playing days.

He worked his tail off on the ice.
I admired that.

But that was then and this is now.

I'm the pest here and...

- this is my arena. Am I right?
- (all): Yes, sergeant!

We're gonna show him

that we are no after-supper soldiers.
We're no dirtsucking

ground pounders. We are
Four section Kilo company,

the most elite infantry unit

in this entire g*dd*mn army!
Is that clear?

- (all): Yes, sergeant!
- Thanks, guys.

Looking forward to...

You don't talk when I talk, sweetheart.

- Sweetheart?
- Are you sassing me, cornflake?

Get down and assume a push-up position.

Go, .


Now, this is Becca D'Orsay.

I'm a big fan of her show, and
from this moment on, you are too.

You will cooperate with her
and her assistant here

and answer any and all of her questions.

(grunting) What now, coach?

Get those Cadillacs in gear. All of you.



Just relax. We'll start with
something simple. Tell me your name.

Private Jessie Page, X-ray-five-three,

three-four-niner, niner-zero-one.

What do you like most
about being a soldier?

The chance to be with everyone here.
They're like my family.

- Do you ever fight with each other?
- I mean,

there's the odd disagreement.

- About what?
- You know.

Stupid stuff. People
stealing each other's gear,

dogging it in training.

There was a big disagreement
a few days ago,

after the mapping compass
training exercise.

- Tell me about that.
- It was a standard field exercise.

The entire company was
sent into the woods

about an hour north of here.

Each group had a different
mission to accomplish.

Who was in your group?

Joe Howard. And, uh, Pete Caplan.

Pete Caplan. I heard he
holds all the base records.

Yeah. Pete's the king.

- Where is he today?
- I think he's sick.

The three of you are pretty
legendary around here.

The three amigos.

We've had a good run.

Except the other guys said
in this latest exercise

your team was the last to check in.
Two hours late.


All good things come to an end.
Like this interview.


You know I actually have to compile
a segment from this, right?

Oh, Angie-poo, would you mind

grabbing me a sparkling soda
from the vending machine?

- Oh, come on.
- Chop chop.

You got all that, right?


God, you're an angel.
That guy's the devil.

Who thought this "National Fitness
Week" story was a good idea?

It's like I'm eleven years
old again and Coach Kroll

won't let us off the ice until
one of us soils himself.

You had a complicated childhood.

I talked to Tom and Joe. Three
days ago there was this...

Mapping compass training exercise. Yeah,

everyone's talking about it.
You think something happened?

They were two hours late.

The problem is we have no way of
knowing what slowed them down.

Maybe we do have a way. The
guys said that each team

was given a handheld GPS so they
could find their checkpoints.

So maybe they were tracked, even
logged, during their exercise.

Does that mean we get to go home now?

Not yet.

Hey, winky-dink! Enough
with the jibber jabber!

I swear to God, I can
only make out about

half of what that guy says.

(helicopters whirring)


At ease, corporal.

What can I do for you, ma'am?

Are the interviews going alright?

Yes, um, but a couple of the guys

have been mentioning GPS units.

Standard issue for
extended field exercises.

Right. Unfortunately our
audience won't understand

what that is, so I was hoping that
you could walk me through it?

For example, the last
compass training exercise?

Sure. Uh, that would be...
this one here.

See, each three-person team

had a GPS unit that
logged their movements.

So you map their coordinates over time

and then you know exactly
where they were at what time.

See? Not so tough.

You've been so helpful.

Can I ask you one more favour?
My boss, Becca,

is desperate for a sparkling water. Is
there any chance you could rustle one up?

We call it "officer water".
I'll see what I can do.

Thank you.


I have new respect for our
troops, that's for sure.

We got a lot of great stuff today, Matt.
Thank you.

- I hope you find that boy.
- Yeah, me too.

I don't know what I'd do if
Jules ever went missing.

Oh, she'll be fine on her own.
It's only a semester.

What's only a semester?

- Her trip to Italy next year.
- What trip to Italy next year?

She didn't tell you? I
thought she was going to.

She's fifteen!

Do you honestly think it's a
good idea to send her to Italy?

Look what going abroad did for me.
I'm a whole new person.

She doesn't need to become a new person!

She's great the way she is!

OK, you're tired

and your ego's taken a beating.

Let's pick this up tomorrow.

What did I miss? (chuckling)

Let's go.

I was able

to pick out coordinates
from the photos you took.

Pete's group was assigned to go
here to complete their mission:

collect a code from an
a*mo can tied to a tree.

But somehow they went off course

and stopped... here for
close to two hours.

- What's there?
- Nothing. Just woods.

So why spend two hours there?

Whatever broke up the Three
Amigos happened on that trip.

Which means the key to finding Pete

is somewhere in those woods.

Hey, Mrs. Caplan.

Yeah, we'll be in touch as
soon as we know anything. OK.

Hey. What's this,

you're auditioning for
"Ice Road Truckers"?

Angie and I are heading
out for the woods,

see if we find clues
about that missing kid.

- Speaking of kids...
- Yeah. Tread carefully.

You're not her favourite
person right now.

Hey Jules, can I talk
to you about something?

You mean Italy? No need.

Mom already told me you
don't want me to go.

It's not that I don't
want you to go, honey.

I just don't think you
should go right now.

Why not?

What's the worst that could happen?

Two words:

- Amanda Knox.
- Dad, seriously.

Yes, seriously. You're
barely fifteen years old.

Yes, and all my friends applied.

Rita's sister is going, she's fourteen!

This isn't about anybody else, honey.
This is about you.

Traveling to a foreign
country is a big deal,

and I just don't think you're
ready, especially since...

Especially since what?
What, because I'm blind?

Honey, take it easy.

- Is that really what you think?
- That's not what I meant.

Guys, guys, what's going on?

Grandpa, can you give me a
ride to school? Apparently

I'm too disabled to get myself around.

Jules, hang on!

Hey Zoe, have you seen my... phone?

Warning texts only work when
you keep it on you, boss.

- Right. Zoe, could you...?
- Mail a letter?

Grab supplies? Take up Tae Kwon Do?
All of the above.

- You want some coffee?
- I'm good.

Look, Angie, about the other night...

- That's salt.
- Oh. Yeah, I know.

It's a new thing. Like the
butter fad from a few years ago.

- Butter?
- Put butter in your coffee.

Look, Angie, I know you found

your old engagement ring at my
place, but it's not what you think.

The truth is, I didn't
know what to think.

I dug it up the first
night that I saw you.

I guess I was feeling
a little nostalgic,

but that's it. I wasn't gonna
propose to you or anything.

That'd be ridiculous.


Look, I'm not here to
put pressure on you.

I just...

I thought things were going well
and I don't want to lose you

over some stupid misunderstanding.

Hey Ken, how was the medical conference?


What was that about?

Let's go. We have a long drive.

So there I was, telling her she
shouldn't go, and blaming it

- on the fact that she's blind.
- Oh, you didn't!

I did. It just came out.

The one thing I swore I'd never do.

OK, well,

- everyone gets one slip-up.
- I can't help it.

I'm worried. Italy might
as well be on the moon.

How can I protect her if
she's , miles away?

Can I make an observation?

Only if it's % in agreement with me.

You're not afraid she'll
get lost in Italy.

You're afraid you'll lose her to Italy.

I mean, it's a big step,
letting her go off on her own.

Maybe she handles it well.

Maybe she handles it so well

that she wants more.

It's called growing up. I

don't think I'm ready for that.

What's that old saying? If you
love something, set it free.

Whoever said that didn't have kids.

Well, this is where

they started the mapping exercise.

From here on in, we're
following the coordinates.

Two hours in, two hours out.

Alright, let's hit it.

Wait, you hear that?

- I don't hear anything.
- Yeah, exactly.

No traffic, no pedestrians
yelling, nothing.

Just you and me.

That's incredibly creepy.

Come on. The path is through here.

Huh. Is there supposed
to be a road here?

It's not on the map,
but this is the spot.

The last recorded coordinate on the GPS.

There's nothing here.

What would keep 'em here for two hours?

Maybe they met someone?

Went for a ride and shut off the GPS.

Or maybe it malfunctioned.

Or maybe they just left it
here and went somewhere else.

- Whoa!
- I guess we head back the way we came...

see if we missed something.

Shade?! Shade?!

Oh my God! Don't move, I'm coming down!

Not moving.

- Are you okay?
- I've been better.

Oh my God! I turn my back for one
second! How did this happen?

What are you doing?

Making you a donut bandage.
To keep it from moving.

Are you crazy? I'm not
leaving this thing in there!

- No, wait, don't...
- Argh!!

- Or you could do that.
- So much better.

You're gonna need a dressing on that.

OK, we need to get you back to the car.

Can you walk?

Not for two hours.


Don't pretend to be all manly
and say that you're fine.

- No, look.
- What the hell?

Looks like it's been here for years.


What do you think happened to this guy?

Nothing good.

- Whoa...
- What is it?

Exploding dye pack.

I think I know why our Three
Amigos went off the grid.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Shut the door!

Oh yeah, 'cause it's way warmer in here.

I couldn't get a signal. This whole area

- is a dead zone.
- So no Uber then, huh?

What about you? What'd you find?

"Simcoe County Savings Bank."
This van was obviously used

as a getaway vehicle for a bank robbery.

Simcoe... I remember that.

It was like twenty years ago.
My dad used to talk about it.

Two gunmen went into the Simcoe
County Savings Bank in Drummond.

One of them got shot by the police

and the other one made off
with millions of dollars.

Let me guess: he was never seen again.

It became a local legend.

I think they even made a
documentary about it.

Huh. So when the dye pack went off,

the driver lost control of the
van and went off the road.

The money's just been
sitting here ever since.

Until Pete and his buddies showed up.

We were at the right place,
just the wrong elevation.

My guess is they took the usable bills

and stashed them somewhere nearby.

Which explains why

they were two hours late.

And why they were suddenly
at each other's throats.

- But then where's Pete?
- Well,

a few millions dollars is a
pretty good motive for m*rder.

Now if we could just tell someone.

We'll never make it to
the car in the dark

with your leg. We'll just
have to stay here tonight.

In the morning I'll follow the
road until I get a signal.


- We'll be fine.
- Yeah, we'll be fine.

- Dad? Angie?
- Hey, Jules. What's up?

- Hey. Have you seen my dad?
- He's not back yet.

He texted me to say he
wanted to talk tonight.

I canceled plans.

- You want me to try his cell?
- No, I've left three messages.

What about Angie?

- Yeah, thanks.
- [This is Angie.]

- [Leave a message.]
- Voicemail.


Ah... there you go!

How's that, better?

Much better. I was freezing.

- Now all we need is some food.
- (Angie sighs.)

You wouldn't happen to have a
rotisserie chicken in that bag

- of yours, would you?
- I told you not to eat

- all the trail mix.
- Couldn't help it, it was

the M&Ms!

Ah, it's just one night. We're
gonna be fine, Everett.

(He sighs.)

(Click! and cry of a loon)

♪ Winter ♪

What are you doing? You're
gonna waste the battery!

No, I got plenty of charge.

♪ Please cover with your whiteness ♪

- I love this song.
- Yeah.

Though I never would have
pegged you for a jazz man.

I keep telling you, I'm more
than just a pretty face.

♪ There was ♪

- What?
- Oh! It...

just reminded me of something.

- ♪ Ooh-ooh ♪
- We got all night!

My first date with Ken,

we went to listen to a jazz singer.
Can't remember her name.

All I remember is that
he really hated it.


Ken wasn't at a medical
conference, was he?

♪ Winter snow ♪

The other night... I was
looking through a drawer

at his place, and I found

my old engagement ring.

- Really?
- Yeah.

According to him, it
was there by accident.

Some accident!

It sounded true when he said it.

So... what are you gonna do?

I don't know.

The last time I was with
Ken, I ran out on him.

I can't do that this time, you know?

I have to be sure.

(The music has stopped. We
hear the fire crackling.)

And you're not?

(A pop song comes on.)

- K-Pop? Really?
- (chuckles)

It's Don. He and Jules
are obsessed with K-Pop

and he keeps putting it on my
phone 'cause he doesn't know how

to connect his with the
Bluetooth speakers.


Look, I can understand

you wanting to be sure about Ken, but...

you don't have to be sure
about him right now.

If he makes you happy, who cares?


- What about you?
- What about me?

Well, do you plan on
introducing Mel to Jules

- sometime in this century?
- Ugh...

I don't know.

I was hardly there when Jules
was growing up, and...

I don't know, it seems
that we're just finally

in a good rhythm, and...
if I add somebody else

to the mix, it might dilute it somehow.

Yeah, but then, you'd get to
spend more time with her.

You wouldn't have to divide
your time between her and Mel.

Plus you might find

that adding someone to your
lives makes it... even better.

And you might be right.

- We should get some sleep.
- Yeah.

- Goodnight, Shade.
- (sigh)

Good night, Everett.

No, I know my dad, he would
have called if he was

- gonna be away this long.
- Well, maybe his phone died.

And Angie? Her car wasn't there,

I knocked on her apartment
door this morning

- and there was no answer.
- What were they doing

on a wilderness hike in the first place?

It was for the missing kid case.
They were following a map

- through the woods.
- OK, I will contact

the Feds, and get them to
keep a lookout for the car.

No, that's not good enough. You
need to call the Army base.

For what?

Tell them to send someone
out looking for them.

Tell them to? What are you, Napoleon?

I can't just tell the Army what to do.
You know, besides,

I have a job already that
does not include babysitting

two grown adults who, I mean,
if we're being honest here,

have a real proclivity
for getting in trouble.

But they could be in danger!
They could have gotten

lost in the woods or injured
or att*cked by an animal.

Maybe they got adopted by
wolves, you don't know.

They could be very happy.

What did you just say to me?

What do you mean, about the wolves?

Did you just make fun
of me for being blind?

What? Hey! No! What are
you talking about?

I cannot believe that
an officer of the law

has this kind of prejudice.
I have rights, you know!

OK, this is just a joke.
We're kidding around.

- (arguing)
- Could you stop it, please?!

This is my dad we're talking about.
Make the call.

OK. Just... please, don't do that again.

(nature sounds, birds chirping)

(more bird cries)

(She blows out some air.)

(sound of zipper being opened)

- Sorry.
- Hm... No, it's OK.

How's your leg?

(groaning): Still hurts but...
I think the bleeding stopped.

OK. Sit tight, I'm gonna
head up to the road,

- get some help.
- (voices)

Sh... someone's coming.

You better not be riding me, kid!
It's cold

out here and I'm losing patience.

- It's Pete! He's alive!
- What the hell?

- It's those guys from the bar.
- And they have g*ns.

We gotta get outta here.

(moaning and panting)

OK, what are we doing? I
can't outrun those guys.

- We just have to hide...
- We're not going to make it.

- What? No!
- You need to leave me.

Go, get in cell range to get help.
You know I'm right.

- Go.
- I'll be back.

OK, I know you will. (panting)

- (twig snapping)
- You hear something?

Sounds like it's coming from over there.

There it is. I can't believe it.

- (panting)
- Watch him.

Where's the money?

I told you, I don't know.
Joe and Tom hid it.

Stop messing with us, kid.
You know that we've got

- your mother's address.
- Shut up.

Someone was here. Recently.

Whoever you are... show yourself!

(percussive suspense music)

(bird cries)

Check it out.

Must be injured.


(little groan)

(flapping of wings close by)

(impact and grunting)


Let him go, or he dies.


(loud grunt)

Shadow! Shoulda stuck to hockey.

Get on your knees.

(panting and groaning)

You heard them talking in the
bar about the money they found.

Shut up.

And you grabbed Pete on
the road, didn't you?

You always had a mouth on you.

- What're we gonna do 'bout him?
- We got no choice.

- He knows who we are.
- Whoa. We didn't

- talk about k*lling anybody.
- What did you think

- was gonna happen?
- Stop!

Think about this.


- (cocking of g*n)
- Drop it.

- Angie...
- I got this, Shade.

- sh**t her, Des!
- I don't know, Gord.

She's not gonna sh**t us.

You're not gonna sh**t
us, are you, Princess?

No, she's not! But I will!

(sound of radio comms)

- This way!
- Come on,

- hurry up! Hurry up!
- Drop the w*apon!

- Do it now!
- Go! Go! Go! Go!

(indistinct shouts)

It's OK, buddy. I got you.


You found this during
the field exercise?

- Yes ma'am.
- But you didn't report it

- to your section commander.
- No ma'am. We decided

to hide it, until we could
figure out what to do.

Joe and I did. Pete wanted
to report it, ma'am.

Tom, don't.

It's OK. There's no
point in lying anymore.

And after the fight in the bar
we thought Pete changed his mind

and ran off with the money.
I'm sorry, buddy.

In the boys' defense, Colonel,
when push came to shove

- they did the right thing.
- Don't get me started with you.

You've done nothing but lie
to me since the beginning.

And it goes without saying I
am deeply disappointed in you.

Report to the Master Steward. Dismissed.

Not you, Private Caplan.

The one thing these two did do right

was convince me to issue you a
leave pass for the weekend.

Seems someone is very eager to see you.

(little groan)

- Hey!
- Oh my god!

- Mom!
- You scared me so much!

I know. I'm fine.

- (sobbing)
- Hey, uh...

Cuban cigars for real this time.
If you hadn't

made that call to the base,

I don't think things would have
turned out so well for us.

I'll take the cigars. But
if I'm being honest,

it was that daughter of yours.
She made me do it.

- Really?
- Oh yeah!

Yeah, she can be
surprisingly persuasive.


- Are you OK?-
- Oh yeah, I'm fine.

Back on my feet in a couple of days.


(indistinct chatter)

What does a missing
army soldier have to do

with a -year-old robbery?
Find out this week

on a very special Breakfast with Becca.

- Hey, Matt!
- Hey!

- Pretty exciting stuff!
- The network was so thrilled

they scheduled an extra hour for her.

Great! I'm gonna start dinner.

And by that you mean,
"I'll go in the pantry

and eat all the pretzels"?

Hey! It's just part of my process.

- Hey, Honey.
- Hey!

I heard you were throwing
your weight around down

- at the police station.
- Uh, I was scared.

I'm sorry.

No, don't apologize. It was brave.

And it made me think that, um,

maybe I've been underestimating you.

So... I got you something.

What is it?

- An Italian phrase book?
- I never want you to feel

like there's anything holding you back.

Especially me.

Thank you. Thank you, thank you.



Hi Ken. I know things have
been weird lately. I thought

I'd come by so we could talk.

Lemme know if that's a problem. Bye.

- Oh hey, you're still here!
- Hey! Yeah,

- we were just, uh...
- Talking.

Talking, yeah. We were
just talking about, uh...

- Current events.
- Current events, you know.

It's a crazy world out there, eh?

And in here, apparently.

- Zoe, lock up for me, please?
- Mm-hm! No problem!

See ya!

(door closing)

Did I just get you in trouble?
Is that what just happened?

(cellphone ringing)

- Hey, Mel!
- Hey!

- Are you OK? I just heard.
- Ah yeah. it's just a scratch.

Well... are you free?

I feel like I need to see you.

- Um...
- It's a Jules night.

- I'm sorry, I forgot.
- [Um... ]

Call me tomorrow, OK?

[OK, I will.] Bye.

- (Beep! and sigh)
- ♪

- (Click!)
- ♪ Winter ♪

♪ Snow ♪

♪ Please cover up ♪

♪ The traces ♪

♪ Of all romantic places ♪

♪ That we used ♪

♪ To know ♪

♪ The ivy wall ♪

- (sound of laughter)
- ♪ The waterfall ♪

♪ The wishing well ♪

♪ When lips were warm ♪

♪ And stardust fell ♪

♪ Winter snow ♪

♪ Please cover with your whiteness ♪

♪ The fire and the brightness ♪


♪ That once ♪

♪ Were here ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh ♪