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02x08 - Six Feet Blunder

Posted: 12/30/21 07:35
by bunniefuu
Wow. Better than I remember.

- Then you've got a bad memory.
- (laughing)

No. No.

- I have to go to work.
- You mean downstairs?

Oh, stop it. Don't you have
lives to go save or something?

If you're talking about the ER,
this week has been all toothaches

and sprained ligaments. Oh,
and one bout of food poisoning.

Guess you'll have to go back
to Nigeria to get your fill.

Actually, this city is
kind of growing on me.

Keep Saturday night open.

I have a surprise for you.

- (cell phone buzzing)
- Oh.

Everett Investigations.

Oh, yeah.

Sure. OK.


What's the address?

Yeah, that's right. Saturday night.

We're gonna need the whole place.
It's my daughter's birthday.

Alright, I'll swing by and bring
you a cheque later. Thanks.

- It's Jules' birthday?
- Yeah. th.

- You're having a party?
- Just a little something

we're throwing together,
just some Ellard students

and their parents.
You wouldn't want to be there.

Not that you were asking to be there.

- You don't want to be there, right?
- Yeah, no...

Not unless you want me to be.

(cell phone ringing)


- Hey, um, Danon and Brock, minutes?
- What do we got?

I'm not entirely sure,
but the woman on the phone

was pretty upset. She said
it was something about a...

dead body.

- Not exactly what I had in mind.
- Ditto.

Hey, uh,

- what's going on with your hair?
- Nothing.

- I just didn't have time to blow dry.
- Mm-hmm.

And why's that, Ms. Everett?

Whatever. You have
lipstick on your collar.

- Hi. You must be the PIs?
- Yes. I am Angie Everett.

- This is my partner, Matt Shade.
- Hi.

Hi. Jacinta Kalfas.
I need to preface with...

This has never happened
to our business before.

This way.

It was supposed to be
Leo Stewart's visitation

and cremation this afternoon.
Father. Grandfather.

President of his mining union.
Recreational bowling champion...

Right. So what's the problem?

This is not Leo Stewart.

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin' the lines
when you're making a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you, watching you ♪

(funeral music)


That's not Grampie Leo!

That's not Grampie Leo!

- That's gonna require some therapy.
- It was awful.

Why don't you start at the beginning?

Um, OK.

So we got a call from
Leo's daughter Esta.

She wanted us to provide funeral
services for her late father.

She wanted a simple
closed-casket visitation

- followed by a cremation.
- So you had the right body

- until...
- Turns out we never did.

My sister Hanna picked the body up...

- Jacinta?
- Hanna, great, there you are.

These are the PIs that
I was telling you about.

I thought we were
going to talk about this.

- Is there a problem?
- We can't really afford your services.

Hanna, we lost a body!

How are we gonna recover
from that if word gets out?

We're struggling financially.
Our parents retired years ago,

- leaving us the business...
- They don't need to know

- our whole life story, Jacinta.
- What about the Stewart family?

What are we supposed
to tell them? Oh my gosh.

Those poor people.

Fine. I was the one who
picked up the body

- from the hospital.
- And you didn't notice

- you had the wrong guy?
- The toe-tag said Leo Stewart.

We didn't have a picture yet.

And what about afterwards?
Who dressed him?

I did. But it was a
closed casket service,

so I didn't focus on
the cosmetology part.

They're antacids, Jacinta, not candy.

Look, I called the hospital morgue

and they told me the records check out.

So you have no idea who this guy is?


- When's the funeral service?
- Tonight at .

Esta has agreed not to
tell the rest of the family

until we find the body,

but we need him back by tonight.

If you could please,
please keep this quiet...

We'll do our best.

Thank you.

The hospital morgue is downtown,
but traffic is a headache.

- (phone ringing)
- Speaking of which.

- Hello, Becca.
- Did you book the venue?

If you're gonna screw this up,
can you tell me in advance?

Angie's here. You're on speaker.

- Oh, hey, Angie!
- Hi, Becca.

It's Jules' th birthday
this weekend, and I am just

- spread a little bit thin...
- Which is why I told you

I'd take care of it.
And yes, I booked the venue.

- And the cake?
- Ordered it.

- And the DJ?
- My next call.

I gotta go. But Shadow,

Jules is at Ellard now. And this
is vitally important to her.

Don't screw it up!

- Didn't we just establish that I...
- (She hangs up.)

Why does Becca think
I can't handle this?

- Hey, do you wanna come?
- Oh, I would,

but Ken made plans for us.
It's some surprise.

Really. What kind of a surprise?

I have no idea.


What's that supposed to mean?

Well, it just seems like you
guys are progressing quickly.

Not at all. It's totally casual.

- Whatever you need to tell yourself.
- Yeah? What about you and Mel?

You seem to be spending a
lot of time together lately.

- Did you invite her to Jules' party?
- Uh...

Sort of. Oh look, here we are.


I don't really know
what to tell you guys...

Well, could you try
to tell us something?

Like, how this could have happened?

A person dies, they're
brought down here,

the funeral director comes by,
gives me a wave...

- That doesn't seem very secure.
- They're dead bodies,

not bars of gold.

I mean, there's a toe, there's a tag,

they take 'em away.

Does the hospital keep
a log of all the bodies

- that come through here?
- Not really.

I mean, I could pull
the files of all the people

- who died in the last few days.
- Great.

Yes. Good idea. Do that.

Here they are. Oh, um,

but I think they're, like,

- confidential.
- Right. Listen,

how about you just do
us a quick little favour and

- see if this guy's in the morgue?
- Sure.

I kinda envy the guy.

A certain amount of cluelessness
seems like bliss, no?

- Here he comes.
- Nah, man.

Two bodies is all I got.
One brown dude, one grandma.

Thanks anyway. And, uh...

good luck in life.

And what time was his visitation?

OK. Thank you.


Well, I called all the funeral homes

that picked up bodies from
Memorial Hospital that day and

I've narrowed it down to
seven that could have been

switched with Leo Stewart based off
age and closed-casket services.



What's the matter?

All their lives. They're so amazing.

According to his obit,

Larry here traveled to
different countries.

William served in two wars

and Cyril has children

- and grandchildren.
- Perspective, Zoe.

I see vagabond, PTSD,
and a man who farmed children.

What is my obit gonna say?
My life is basically a series

of awkward moments separated
by spoonfuls of peanut butter.

Yeah, that's right,
'Happy Birthday Jules.'

With lots of sprinkles and sparklers.

Yeah. Thanks.

DJ, venue, cake... done.

OK, calm down, Martha Stewart.
Put on your best sad face.

And this tie. We have a bunch
of Funeral Homes to visit.

You think one of them ended
up with Leo Stewart's body?

They had to. And either they're
unaware of it, or not owning up to it.

So we're going to
sneak in, find the bodies

- and check it out for ourselves.
- Hm! Sounds like

quite an undertaking. Heh, heh, heh!


I'm so sorry to hear about your loss.

- What was your friend's name?
- Dr. Ken Graham.

He impaled himself on one
of his humanitarian awards.

- It was awful.
- It's okay, babe.

Maybe take a moment in the bathroom?


(voices approaching)

And just like that,

Mel was gone. I told
her not to wear heels

on the subway platform.

I need a minute.

OK. Zombies aren't real.

Zombies aren't real.

Six funeral homes down, one to go.

Here's hoping. Oh no,
the visitation's started already.

Wait, look.

- It's the John Doe from Leo's casket!
- Carl White.

Bet you Grandpa Leo's in his casket?

You keep watch, I'll take
a look inside the casket.


Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't
realise anyone was here.

- I'll come back.
- No, no, it's fine.

I'm Jon, Carl's son.
This is my wife Katie

and this is Ruby. And you are...?

Uh, Brad Wilson.

- Thank you so much for coming.
- Yeah.

- How did you know my dad?
- Uh... a few years ago,

we crossed paths. It
was brief, but um...

- he really impacted my life.
- Sounds like Carl.

Grandpa lived in our living room

before he moved to the hospital.

I bet you really miss him, huh?

Um, you know,

I'd love to take this
moment for all of us,

to bow our heads and
close our eyes tightly

and reflect on Carl's life.

- Is it our man?
- See for yourself.


What are you doing?

Oh my God.

Where's my dad?

I've been a funeral
director for twenty years,

- this has never happened before.
- Funny,

it's the second time today for us.

- Michael, where's my dad's body?
- He's at the Kalfas

Funeral Home, in Leo Stewart's casket.
We can put you in touch,

but we need your help
getting Leo's body back there.

- Who's Leo Stewart? Who are you people?
- We're private investigators.

There was a mix-up at
the hospital morgue.

Your father's body was taken to the
Kalfas Funeral Home, under the name

- of Leo Stewart.
- And Leo Stewart's body ended up here,

labeled as your father's.
Except now, he's gone.

Who picked up

- Leo's body from the morgue?
- I did.

The toe tag said Carl White. I
double-checked the paperwork.

What about the album of pictures
I gave you for the photo montage?

- Did you double-check those?
- My assistant prepped the body.

Remind me to get my name
tattooed on top of my foot.

Which one of us gets to
tell Jacinta and Hanna?

You're going to make
me do it, aren't you?

See you in an hour.

Michael, who else had access to
the body you prepped?


We've talked to the intern,
the Funeral Director's Assistant,

the janitor... Nothing so far.
Were you able to dig

- anything up on the rest of the staff?
- Nothing yet.

But I have to say,
a lot of strange people work

in the funeral industry. Ooh...

Ooh what, Zoe?

- I can't see you.
- Ooh, Stan, the hearse driver,

- has an anonymous Ding N Deal account.
- If it's anonymous,

- how do you know it's him?
- It's the same handle

as his OKCupid account...
"@olderisbetter ".

He's selling

antique jewelry, accessories...

The items are super eclectic,

it's almost as if...

They were stolen from dead bodies.

Nice work, Zoe.

Excuse me. Who are you?

Angie Everett, Everett Investigations.
And you must be Stan.

What's this about?

Wondering where you
were yesterday afternoon.

- I was with my wife all day.
- Does she know you're on OkCupid?

Yes. We have an open relationship.


Well, can you explain this?

I peruse yard sales.

Can you explain that?

There's four bags of salt missing.

Roughly the weight of a human corpse.

I maintain the parking
lot in the winter.

Come on, it hasn't snowed in weeks.
Where's the body, Stan?

Tell me, or I'm gonna call my very
good friend, Detective Mazhari.

No, wait.

I sold it.

- You sold it? To who?
- This kid,

Greg something. He's a med student,

he needed bodies to practice surgery on.

I figured it was a closed casket,

who's gonna miss it?
It was an easy bucks.

And where's this kid now?

Pathology Lab,

Carlington University.

Thanks, Stan.

Who sells a body?

Don't even get me started. How
did Jacinta and Hanna take it?

- Like death warmed over.
- We're running out of time.

Leo's funeral service is in an hour.

Stop! Drop the scalpel.

I didn't k*ll him. He was
already dead, I swear!

- It's him.
- That's him. Grampie Leo.

- What do we do, call a hearse, or...?
- They'll never make it

across town and back. Uh...

- Here. Put these on.
- I don't like where this is heading.

Oh no! I think the security
guard just saw us. Move it!

This thing's got a wonky wheel!

Could you have parked any further away?

Shut up! Oh!

I am so bleaching this
car when I get home.

It's a rental.

Hurry up!

You've heard of rigor mortis?

- (grunting)
- Ew!

Go, go, go!

Hey, stop!

(muted music and conversations)


Sorry for your lost.

Thank you. Thanks to coming.

Well, that's one grave crisis averted.


Thank you so much. You saved us.

- Happy to help.
- What's happening with Carl?

Michael Lukins just
arrived to pick him up

and he's downstairs
with Hanna right now.

Where the hell is it?

- I have no idea, but you...
- What the hell?

...can't come in here
and start yelling at me!

- How could you let this happen?
- How could we let this happen?

- This is not our fault!
- Hanna!

- Your family is going to pay for this.
- What is going on?

- I'm screwed! That's what's going on!
- Someone broke in

through the garage.
They smashed the window

- and unlocked the door.
- Is anything missing?

Something's missing alright.

The body I was supposed
to be picking up!

Someone stole Carl White's body!

Lemme get this straight.
Two bodies were switched.

One went missing. You found that body,

and now the other one's gone?
What is this, The X-Files?

It's looking more and
more like the original body

- swap wasn't a mistake.
- OK, but why?

Michael, what was supposed
to happen to Carl White's body?

He was supposed to be buried
after his service on Friday.

- And what about Leo?
- He's being cremated in the morning.

- What are you thinking?
- Maybe somebody switched

the bodies so that Carl would
get cremated instead of Leo.

The reason being...?

- Destroying evidence?
- Maybe Carl was m*rder*d.

- Cremation would destroy any forensics.
- Which explains why they came

- back to grab him a second time.
- OK,

do not jump to any conclusions, please.

I will look around, talk to the techs

and I'll get back to you, OK?

- What did the police say?
- They don't know anything yet.

If you don't get Carl White's body
back in time for his funeral,

I'm going to sue you guys for
failing to keep custody of a body.

You'll be finished.

This is awful.

Just try to get some sleep.

We'll stay on top of things
and be in touch tomorrow.


- Let's go.
- (indistinct chatter)

(computer listing names)

- Hey.
- A potato chip, mayo,

and cheese-slice sandwich, huh?
What're you stressed out about?

I'm trying to figure out
the guest list for my party.

Ellard politics.

If I invite Lynn and Skylar,
that means I have to invite

their circle of tight-knit friends,
which includes twelve more girls,

two of which I don't know,
three I don't really like...

- Don't you dare tell anyone that.
- Honey, relax.

I rented Edge Park Hall.
There's plenty of room for everyone.

Edge Park?

- That place is huge!
- Only the best for my baby girl.

Hey, what's wrong, honey?

- Talk to me.
- Nothing.

It's just that I'm used to having

smaller, more low-key birthdays.

But you want this party, right?

Yes. Yes, totally.

Mom's so excited and you've
done all this planning, so of course.

It's gonna be great.


- Hey, Zoe.
- Hey.

What's all this?

My brand new bucket list.

Organized by decade,

separated into categories:

travel, learning, career,

Nice! Wait. You don't
know how to ice skate?

I never learned. See? I've done nothing!

What's all this under relationship?
OK. I can't unsee that.

- I am expanding my horizons.
- I'd say so.

(footsteps approaching)


- No Ken this morning?
- He already left for the ER.

Ah. What's that, four nights this week?

Seems a little more than 'casual' to me.

- Hm. And what about Mel?
- Have you figured out if

- she's coming to Jules' birthday yet?
- (chuckling)


This is all about Carl White, huh?

Yeah, I looked into him.
Machinist for years,

diagnosed with lung
cancer three years ago.

Any other living relatives?

Jon's the only one. Why?

He might have a life insurance
policy through his union.

Huh. We should ask Jon about that.
You know what else?

We should find out
if he had any other visitors

- in the hospital in the past few weeks.
- On it!

OK, we gotta go.

Oh... That one's overrated,
but definitely try that one.


Thanks so much for meeting
us on such short notice, Jon.

Still no word on my father's body?

- No. Sorry.
- I don't get why anyone

would want to steal a dead body.
Especially my dad's.

It's been hard enough losing him once.

This has been a real
gut punch for my family.

- You're an only child, right, Jon?
- Yeah. It was just me and Carl

for a long time. He moved in with my mom

when I was eight.
My biological father was never

in the picture. My mom died
shortly after they were married.

Carl officially adopted
me and raised me alone.

- Did Carl have any other family?
- No.

He was estranged from his family.
And as close as we were,

he was always fiercely private
about his life growing up.

Can you think of anyone
who'd want to harm your father?

- Why?
- We think someone

stole Carl's body to get
rid of forensic evidence,

- possibly to cover up a crime.
- That's ridiculous.

Everyone loved my dad.

I have to ask where
you were last night.

- It's protocol.
- You think I took him?

k*lled him and tried to cover it up?

Maybe to fast-track any inheritance?

Inheritance. That's a good one.

Carl was broke. He spent
everything he had

on experimental cancer treatments.

I've been putting him up for the past
year. Remortgaged my house twice

to pay for his medical bills.

The only thing I'm inheriting is this.

It's the box of Carl's
things I told you about.

- Thank you for bringing it.
- Literally everything he left behind.

"To Vera, will miss you.

"Love, Harriette Olson. ."

- Who's Vera?
- Carl's mother. I never knew her.

- What is it?
- It's a text from Zoe.

Carl didn't have any
unexpected visitors,

but three days before he died,
he asked a nurse to call him a cab.


To Adelaide St. West.

The nurses tried to talk him
out of it, but he was determined,

- despite how sick he was.
- Why would my dad need to go downtown?

(classical music)

(Angie): Donne...
as in Donne's Rye Whisky?

One of the hundred
wealthiest families in Canada.

I did a commercial for
them back in the s.

I'll make fun of that later.

How the hell are the
Donnes connected to Carl?

Can I get you something to drink?

We've been developing a brand new blend.

No, thank you, Mr. Donne.

Reginald, please.

- You can call me Reg.
- Sorry to disturb you,

but we wanted to ask
you about Carl White.

- Who?
- s, former machinist...

- Came to visit you about a week ago?
- Never seen him before.


I guess I thought,
because you let us in

as soon as we mentioned his
name, that you knew him.

No, I...

I heard The Shadow was here.

. You were in a commercial for us.

- "Take the journey home."
- (chuckling)

- That's right.
- Yup.

Look, I'd love to help you out,

but I have no idea who that man is.


- Well, thank you for your time.
- Oh, uh,

take a bottle.

- On me.
- Thanks.

Nice guy, huh? Free bottle
of whisky. Heh, heh, heh.

Something about him.
I feel like he's playing us.

Yeah. Yeah, I get that vibe too.

Whoa. That photo.

That's the same one from Carl's
personal effects. Of his mom, Vera.

"Donne Employee Photo, ."

Carl's mom worked for the Donnes?

There's no way that
that's a coincidence.

Carl was here.
Ol' Reggie just lied to us.

Why would a dying man
come all the way down here

to talk with his
mom's former employer?

I don't know, but we're not going to
get a straight answer out of him.

Wasn't there a name on
the back of Jon's photo?

- Yeah. Yeah, Harriette Somebody.
- OK.

I'll call Jon. Here's hoping
Harriette Somebody is still alive.

Look at how young we all looked!

That's Kathy, Anthony,
Sandra, Betsy, and...

Oh my Lord, Vera White.

Could you tell us about her?

She worked at the desk next to mine.

She was a lovely girl.

Then she left suddenly,
in the spring of , I think.

Yes, that was it.

Poor girl.

- Mrs. Donne all but chased her away.
- What do you mean?

Well, it was all gossip, of course,

but Theodore Donne, the company owner,

used to spend a great deal
of time at Vera's desk.

He was always asking her

to stay late or work on the weekends...

I suspect

that Mrs. Donne found
out and chased Vera away.

Spring of , you said.

Do you remember which month?

Um. Oh, it was early May,

I think. It was not long
after this picture was taken.

Could you excuse us a second?

- What's going on?
- Theodore Donne, Reg's father,

- was having an affair with Vera White.
- Yeah, I got that. So?

Vera was sent away in May of .

Carl was born in October that same year,

roughly six months later.

Wait, are you saying what
I think you're saying?

Carl White was Theodore's son.

Reg's half-brother.

OK, : Vera gets pregnant

with Theodore Donne's child,
and gets sent away by Mrs. Donne.

Six months later, she
gives birth to Carl.

Which means Carl White is Carl Donne.

And entitled to his share
of the Donne family fortune.

- How much are we talking?
- If I had to guess,

- million.
- Holy kumquat!

- A titch off, boss.
- By how much?

- million.
- What? They only paid me five

grand for that whisky commercial!

We need to find that body.

Why wouldn't Carl ask
for the money earlier?

Maybe he didn't want it.

Come on, it's not so crazy.

The Donne family basically
chased his mother away.

Carl probably wanted
nothing to do with it.

So why now?

Because of Jon. Jon had to
remortgage his house twice

- to pay for Carl's medical bills.
- Four-year-old daughter,

- another one on the way...
- If it was me, I'd want to make

- sure my family was taken care of.
- OK,

so Carl goes to see
Reginald before he dies,

asks him to take care of
his family once he's gone.

Except Reg isn't having it. He figures
Carl's on his death bed anyway.

OK, but why doesn't
Jon just go get it now?

Because Carl and Jon
don't share the same DNA.

Carl isn't Jon's biological father,

which is why Reggie
switched the bodies.

You're right.
Because if Carl were buried,

then Jon could dig up
the body at any point

to test for DNA and claim his
share of the Donne fortune.

But if the body gets cremated,

- supposedly by accident...
- The link goes away. Forever.

Well, what're you guys waiting for?

Go get Reginald Donne
so we can find Carl!

We know he's behind this.
We just can't prove it.

So you want me to
execute a search warrant

on one of the most
powerful men in the city,

in the hopes of finding
a dead body stashed in,

- let's say his walk-in humidor?
- Yeah. Exactly.

Like, tonight. His funeral's tomorrow.

This is a great idea.
You know what, while I'm at it,

why don't I build a catapult
so that my boss can literally

launch me into space when
this thing falls apart?

What about the break-in
at the Kalfas Funeral Home?

- What about it?
- There's gotta be something

- to implicate Reginald Donne.
- Here.

Analysis came back a few hours ago.
The scene was clean,

no blood, no DNA, no fingerprints.
The only thing the techs found

was a little latex fiber
on some shards of glass.

- Latex?
- Yeah, from the rubber gloves

- the culprit used to rob the place.
- Wait a minute. The tox screen

shows traces of formaldehyde,
glutaraldehyde, and methanol.

Am I supposed to know
what those things are?

You would if you were a mortician.
Those are chemicals

used in embalming fluid.

I don't understand.

So you're saying the
break-in was staged?

The gloves used in the robbery

had trace amounts of
embalming fluid on them.

Well, Hanna and I are the only ones
who have access to those chemicals,

and we have no reason to
break into our own place.


did Reginald Donne pay you to switch
Carl White's body with Leo's?

That's ridiculous. Of course not.


Say something.



Wait, are you saying...

We've been losing money for over a year!

We haven't been able to
take a salary in months.

We shouldn't have to live like this.

Tell us what happened.

Mr. Donne came to me when
he figured out that we were

one of the funeral homes that
dealt with Memorial Hospital.

He offered me

two hundred grand to switch the toe tags

and take Carl White's body
instead of Leo's.

Did he tell you why?

I didn't ask any questions.

But when I called to tell him that
the switch had been discovered,

he threatened to expose me if
I didn't dispose of the body.

So you made it look like a break-in,
took the body and got rid of it.

- How could you do this?
- I did it for you!

You've wanted to do this
since you were a little girl.

You love this world.
But it was never what I wanted.

- Why did you not say anything?
- What was I supposed to say?

I couldn't just walk out on you
when the business was failing.

- It's better than taking a payoff.
- That two hundred grand

was going to pay our debts,
allow me to move on.

I'd finally be free of
everyone's expectations.

Can you stand, please?

Hanna Kalfas, you are under arrest

for committing Indignity
to a Dead Human Body

and for Felony Disorderly
Conduct in Staging a Robbery.

I can't believe you did this.

Wait... Hanna, what did
you do with Carl's body?

I dropped him off at the crematorium
at Ash Field cemetery.

Uh, can I help you?

- Yeah, where's Carl White?
- He's in the back.

Oh, thank God.

Here you go.

- Okay, thank you for your time.
- Nothing?

Zilch. The hospital room
was scrubbed clean.

I can't believe there's not a trace

- of Carl's DNA left.
- Just like that,

he's wiped from existence with
no proof that he's a Donne heir.

- What is that?
- Oh, right.

I was saving this for
a less depressive time,

but maybe we could all use
a good laugh right now.

(classical music)

Life is an exotic journey.

Always something new to see...

to try... to succeed or fail at...

But no matter how far you go...

Remember there's value in
the familiar things as well.

Take the journey home.

(all laughing)

You know, the best
part is the unlit cigar.

- I think it's the frosted tips.
- (laughing)

- That's it.
- Frosted tips?

The cigar. We gotta talk to Jon.

Life is an exotic journey.

Always something new to see... to try...

to succeed or fail at...

- This is all a bit overwhelming.
- You wanna do what

- with the pipe?
- We're gonna test it for DNA.

specifically passed on

from a male to their male offspring.

Now, if we can prove that
Carl's matches Reginald's...

Then it would prove that Carl is
Theodore Donne's biological son.

And according to the terms
of Theodore Donne's will,

his estate was to be divided
equally among all heirs.

Your father had claim to
part of the Donne empire.

And as his only son,
now that claim falls to you.

Look, here's the number
for a friend of mine,

Melanie Parker. She's
a prosecutor, but she can help

- set you up with a civil attorney.
- But get ready for the fight

of your life, because Reginald Donne

is not going to take this lying down.

You're gonna need money
for legal fees, and lots of it.

Or you could try for a
contingency lawyer,

but they generally ask
for % of your claim.

Hold on.

Sorry. Do I have to do this?

- Come again?
- It's just...

It seems like a long shot.

Reginald Donne is a powerful man.

And I'm already swimming in debt.

All we want right now
is to keep our house.

The stress of a trial...

Isn't worth it for us.

We're fine.


We live a humble life, but...

We're happy.

Are you sure? Do you
want to think about it?

"You only get one life.

"You may as well live it right."

My... my dad taught me that.

Thank you, though.

For everything.

(soft ballad)

I can't say I blame them.

I wouldn't want to take on
Reginald Donne in court either.

Hello, Reg.

Shadow. In the shadows.

- Should I be concerned?
- I just came here to talk.

To tell you

that Jon's family won't be pursuing
any legal action against you.

- Smart man.
- Not just smart.

An honest man. A family man.

Like his father. Your half-brother.

Nice try. Are you wearing a wire?

Trying to get me to admit
something on tape?

- Jon doesn't want your money.
- Then what is there to talk about?

All Carl wanted was to
take care of his family.

How much did he ask you for, Reg?

Three hundred grand? Four?

Come on, that's a rounding error.

All so his kid wouldn't get stuck

with the burden of his medical bills.

It's a sad story, I admit...

You know Jon is barely
hanging onto his house?

He took a pay cut so he could
spend more time with his dad,

despite the fact that he's got
a kid of his own and another one

on the way. That's what families do.

I guess you wouldn't know
anything about that, would you?

Hang on, Reg. I got something for ya.

What's this?

It's Carl's pipe.

One of his most cherished possessions.

And the last remaining piece
of his DNA on this planet.

You decide which of those descriptions

means the most to you.

The venue called.

They said that you forgot
to drop off the cheque.

They've cancelled the reservation.

- Mom, it's fine.
- How is this fine?

There's over a hundred
kids that are gonna be

showing up to that hall in four hours!

And I'll put up a message on
Facebook saying it's cancelled.

- Everyone will survive.
- How could you let this happen?

You were right, Becca. I couldn't handle

it. I dropped the ball.
It's all my fault.

- I knew it! Why did I trust you...
- No. Wait. Mom.

- He did it on purpose.
- What?

- It's OK, Jules...
- No, it's not.

Don't be mad.

I didn't want the party.

- What? But you said that you...
- Yes,

I know, and I thought I did.

But you guys were so
excited to plan it, and...

It's just not me. I'm sorry.

No. No, I'm sorry.

I should have realized.

We both should have. Good news is,

now you can have the party
you really want, right?

How about pizza? And beer.

- (laughing)
- (both): No.

(phone ringing)

Hey, Mel. How's your weekend?

I saw I missed your call, what's up?

(sighing) Listen,

I wanted to explain
about Jules' birthday.


I'm really looking forward to
meeting Jules... when you're ready.

There's no rush.

I appreciate that. Thanks.

You're welcome. Talk to you soon.

We say that the hour of death

cannot be forecast,

but when we say this

we imagine that hour as being placed

in an obscure and distant future.

It never occurs to us
that it has any connection

- with the day already begun...
- What's he doing here?

Guess he had a change of heart.

We are thankful,

we are grateful,

and we are better...

Because of his love.

♪ But we are acting
like we're children ♪

♪ Looking to blame for what we lack ♪

♪ Before we lose everything ♪

♪ We have tomorrow ♪

♪ Can we forget what
went wrong yesterday ♪

♪ Darling ♪

♪ The world isn't over yet ♪

♪ We've still got a
chance to place our bets ♪

♪ We both made a little mess ♪

♪ Nothing our two
hearts can't put back ♪

♪ I'll never love you less ♪

♪ Don't let your worries second guess ♪

♪ We'll start over fresh ♪

♪ Living a life with no regrets ♪

♪ Living a life with no regrets ♪


- Angie?
- Yeah, it's me.

Just open a bottle of
wine, I'll be out in a sec.

♪ Thinking that time
has passed you by ♪

♪ And you're not close to
where you said you'd be ♪

♪ But tell me, who is in this life? ♪

♪ Before we lose everything
we have tomorrow ♪

♪ Can we forget what went wrong ♪

♪ Yesterday? ♪

♪ So darling ♪

♪ The world isn't over yet ♪

♪ We've still got a
chance to place our bets ♪

Hey, so you remember that old
vintage jacket you fell in love with

years ago in Kensington Market?

I was on Queen West the other day,

and you're not
gonna believe this, but...

♪ Don't let your worries second guess,
we'll start over fresh ♪

♪ Living a life with no regrets ♪

♪ Living a life with no regrets ♪

♪ The world isn't over ♪

♪ We can always start over ♪

♪ No weight on our shoulder ♪