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02x07 - Between a Doc and a Hard Place

Posted: 12/30/21 07:34
by bunniefuu

(little moan)

Hey, where'd you go?

You're awake.

And you're... leaving already.

I have to be in court in minutes.

I can work with minutes.

- I need to be... dressed.
- Well, you wear robes, right?

(little chuckle)

- It was fun last night.
- Last night was fun.

Tuesday was pretty good too.
Are we still on for tonight?

Absolutely. I was thinking...

- maybe we could go out tonight.
- And leave this room? Why?

I don't know,
maybe have our first "real date".

You don't have a problem
with that, do you?

No! Why would there be
a problem with that?

- I don't know!
- (chuckle and alert)

Ah... It's Angie.

Apparently we snagged a new case.
I better get going too.

You haven't told her
about us yet, have you?

(with a chuckle): Yeah,
that, uh, could be

an issue, and Angie's got a
thing about dating clients.

- But I'm a former client.
- And a potential future client.

OK. But you're still gonna
tell her about us, aren't you?

- Yes.
- As in, today.

- Absolutely.
- Great.



(revving engine)

If I'd known you were gonna be so late,
I would've taken a cab.

- What kept you?
- Oh, I got a phone call...

from my dentist. Guy could
talk for hours about bicuspids.

So what's the new case?

Maz left me a message.
Some walk-in clinic

from the Danforth Village
got broken into last night.

He asked if we could help out.

He wants our help on
a B&E? That's weird.

It is weird. So is the fact

that you smell like hazelnut coffee.

I just wanted to try
something different.

- What's with your hair?
- Something wrong with my hair?

You're wearing the same
shirt as yesterday.

(gasping): You're dating someone!

- What? No!
- And keeping it a secret.

Now that's interesting.
Why all the mystery?

And you got quite an imagination.
Look, there's Maz.

This must be the place!


(indistinct chatter)

Hey good, you're here! Uh...

let's go inside. Yeah.

You know what?
Let's actually... stay out here. Yeah.

- What's going on?
- What are you talking about?

Just handing over a big juicy
case to my best bud, as always.

- How 'you doing, Jake?
- Maz.

Why aren't you investigating it?

Got a couple of statements,
but, uh, the department's

not making B&E's a really
high priority these days.

Besides, I think the doctor that
runs this place would really

- appreciate your involvement.
- Doctor..?

He's back, Ange.

In the flesh.

- Oh, Maz, you didn't.
- Who's back?

- What flesh?
- Look, just understand

that I did this for your own good, OK?
I mean, what are

the odds, really? Right?
I mean, you're gonna thank me for this,

one day. I promise. Maybe. Hopefully.



Hi, Ken.

Who is that guy?

That is the one and only Dr. Ken Graham.

Also known as the one that got away.


♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin'
the lines when you're makin' a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies
'cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes
They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you ♪

(indistinct chatter)


Look at this place.

It was fine last night when I left.

Must be difficult to take in.

Since I got back,
I've been working the nightshift

in the ER.
I usually get here by eight but...

Since you got back from where, vacation?

For the last five years,
I've been working with an NGO,

treating orphans in the Nigerian jungle.

HIV, that sort of thing.

It's a tragedy of epic proportions.

- Huh.
- I got back last month

and I decided to open this place.
Free clinic

serving the neighbourhood.
We treat new immigrants,

refugees mostly.

- And you work in the ER.
- Only five nights a week.

Huh! Same old Ken.

Uh, I'm Matt Shade, by the way.

- Ken, this is my partner.
- Matt Shade...

Yeah, as in "The Shadow"?

I used to play professional hockey.

Sorry, I never really
made time for sports,

what with med school and
residency and volunteering...


So, what were the thieves after,
do you think?

Um, all of the computers are here...
dr*gs, maybe?

They were disappointed if they were.
Like the sign up front

we don't keep any dr*gs on the premises.

Is there somebody else that
might have a better idea

- of what's missing?
- My colleague, Sayid

He always arrives first.

So you don't watch hockey at all?

Oh, hey! Lemme give you a hand.

I've got it.


Sayid, this is Angie Everett. She's...

ah... an old friend.

- It's nice to meet you.
- Angie's a private investigator

and this is her partner...

- Matt Shade.
- Can you believe this?

The clinic's gonna be closed for days.

We'll get it up and
running sooner than that.

Patients are going to be
scared to come back now.

We'll figure it out. We always do.

This cabinet's been jimmied open.
What was in here?

Some... gauze, bandages...
Nothing really.

You sure?
The thieves pretty much cleaned it out.

There may have been some
petty cash in there.

- What is it?
- It's a... press-on nail.

It's not from anyone who works here.

Sayid, did you see anybody
when you got here this morning?

I saw the smashed window
and I called the police.

No, first the spray paint and now this.

Our patients don't deserve this.
They've been through enough.

Wait, are you saying
the graffiti out front

- was a separate incident?
- Yeah. About a week ago.

- We got the worst of it off.
- The words were far from welcoming.

Can you guys think of
anyone who's unhappy

about the clinic being here?

Who is it?

The café owner across the street.

He blames the clinic for attracting

- the "wrong kind" of people.
- OK, we'll check it out.

Angie, you really...
don't have to take this on.

No, I insist. It's on us.

We're going to figure
out who's doing all this

- and put a stop to it.
- Same old Angie.


Trashing a free refugee clinic.

- That is the lowest of the low.
- I couldn't agree more.

Ken is a bit much though, isn't he?
Talk about delusions

of grandeur.
"It was a tragedy of epic proportions"?

It's not delusional if
you're actually doing it.

is this because he doesn't watch hockey?

No! It's because he was all cagey

about what was really in that cabinet.

OK, now who's being delusional?
Ken is the most...

- honest person I've ever known.
- You don't think it's strange

that absolutely nothing was
missing from the clinic?

Not if someone's trying
to send a message

- to shut the clinic down.
- I think your judgment

is being clouded by McDreamy back there.

Exactly how long did you date
the good doctor for, anyway?

It was five years ago, and...
fleeting at best.

So, no lingering feelings then?

Absolutely not.
In the distant rear-view mirror.

- ♪ Oh baby blue ♪
- This looks like the place.

It's a bit hipster for around here.
Think this guy

bet the gentrification
would spread east?

If he did, he's losing big time.

- (song going on)
- Hey! How many times

do I have to tell you
to get off my sidewalk?

OK, back off! This is my spot.

- Go.
- Hey! Let's take it inside.

Yeah, stick it in your man bun, loser!

- (guitar twanging)
- Sorry. It's just, the people

in this neighbourhood,
they're driving me into bankruptcy.

Looks like a short trip.

If it's not that street
musician blocking my doorstep,

it's the sweet old lady
who comes in and steals

all my raw sugar packs. Or the jackass

who parks himself in that window
for days and just lights up

these disgusting cigars.
What is it, ?

And that clinic across the street.
That can't be helping!

That place should be shut down. Yeah.

Those people. It's a
magnet for all kinds.

And none of them drink cappuccino.

Mind if I use the facilities?

I'm feeling a bit sick
to my stomach suddenly.

Yeah, it's in the back.

You guys are gonna buy something though,

- Oh yeah.
- Yeah? How about

- a beet and ginger smoothie?
- You read my mind.




That's... really... something.

Yeah! And it goes great
with a gluten-free scone.

I bet it does!

Whoa, whoa, whoa! What are you doing?!

Doesn't that look like the
same paint that's all over

the front of the clinic?

It does appear to be a similar colour.

- Who are you guys?
- We're private investigators

looking into the break-in at the
"magnet for all kinds"

- across the street.
- You wouldn't happen to know

anything about that,
would you? I don't know

what you're talking about. Hm!
The label says it contains

citrus oil. Bet that'd
pop in a lab test.

Let me just call my good buddy,
Detective Mazhari.

OK, uh, look, stop. I... I...

I admit it, I tagged the clinic.

But I was really, really pissed off,

OK? Every cent that I have is sunk

into this place and those
people are ruining me!

"Those people" are your neighbours.

Maybe you should embrace the
community you're living in

instead of charging $ .
for a shortbread cookie.

Well, maybe if you should
checked out the price of organic

rice flour, you wouldn't be so judgey!

I'm sorry.

Oh my God, I am losing it, aren't I?

- Ya think?
- Honestly?

I feel really,
really bad about the graffiti,

and I will never do that again.

But I swear,
I had nothing to do with that break-in.

Why should we believe you?

Because it was obviously
the protection guy.

- The "protection guy"?
- Yeah, you know?

Thugs who make you pay them
money not to trash your place,

- pretending it's insurance...
- We know what a protection guy

is. You're saying there's
one in the neighbourhood?

Yeah. I don't know his name,

but, uh, he stopped by a
couple of days after I opened

and said if I didn't pay up,

something bad might happen here.

That guy is bleeding me dry.


Protection guy, huh?

Makes sense. Ken's not the type of guy

to give into extortion.
He obviously refused to pay

- and took the consequences.
- But why not just tell us

he's being threatened?
Why try to blame it

on the Bitter Snob café?
He's clearly hiding something.

Just because you don't like him

doesn't mean we can start
throwing accusations

- in his face.
- Is there something about you

- and Ken that I'm missing?
- I'm going to go talk to Maz,

see if he knows who this
extortion guy might be.

- Wh... I can drive you.
- No, I'm good.

I'll meet you back at the office.


(indistinct police radio coms)

OK, look, before you do
whatever you came here to do,

lemme just remind you
that I bruise easily.

You're smiling.

Wait, is that a good
smile or an evil smile?

Good smile.

It went well. (hushed) I knew it!

I know I should've told you beforehand,

but if I did, you never would
have gone through with it

by yourself, am I right? Especially...

- after what happened?
- Water under the bridge

for both of us,
don't give it another thought.

- Thank god.
- I'm just here for a name.

It looks like there's an
extortion racket going on

in Ken's neighbourhood.
Businesses are being threatened

- if they don't pay up.
- Extortion?

So you think this is more than
just some kids busting windows?

I could lean on the department
to take this more seriously.

I just need to rule it out. Chances are

- there's nothing to it.
- Well, that part of town,

it could be a couple of people.

My money's on Alessandro Kostopoulos.

Very serious customer. He hangs out

at a barbershop down the street
from the clinic, but Angie,

you need to watch your
step around this guy.

- OK, I will. Thanks.
- My pleasure.

Hey, by the way, do you remember

Channing VonKlempt?
Obsessed with you in high school,

went to the same college
so she could be close?

"Stalker Channing"?
Yeah, I remember her... Wait, why?

Well, turns out that she's still single.

And I just sent her a warm
personal message from you.

Angie, what have you done?

Oh, this email is just emojis. What is

with the deranged
Chihuahua sticker pack?

How did you even get my
login information? Angie!



(inaudible exchange)

Well, that doesn't look too shady

If Ken's in trouble with this guy,
I wanna know.

Stay close and follow my lead.

Mr. Kostopoulos? I'm
Sally Cubit, this is

- my husband Calvin.
- What can I do for you?

Calvin and I are opening a
store in the neighbourhood.

- Store? What kind of store?
- Knick knacks. Sally's got

quite the chutzpah when
it comes to tchotchkes.

We were told to talk to you first

about "additional insurance".

That's wise of you. Basically

I provide protection
for things that aren't

- covered under your policy.
- Such as..?

Oh, fires, robberies, vandalism...

Terrible things can happen
to a business overnight.

Especially if the owners are,
let's say, negligent

- in their bill payments.
- Oh! So, is that what happened

with the free clinic across the street?
Maybe the doctor there

refused to cave to your
not-so-lightly veiled threats?

Are you accusing me of
trashing the clinic?

- Should I be?
- I for one think

- maybe we shouldn't be.
- I don't know who you are

or what business it is of yours,
but I want to make myself

perfectly clear:
Dr. Ken is a friend of mine.

- You understand?
- A friend of yours? How's that?

That is definitely
none of your business.

And if you're smart,
you'll keep it that way.


Face it, Ange! That guy

called Ken a friend.
You know what that means, right?

Ken is connected. To organized crime.

Come on. I've known Ken for years.

He would never be
involved with criminals.

Maybe the Ken you knew before wouldn't,

but that was a long time ago.
Five years, right?

- What are you suggesting?
- Maybe, just

maybe, Ken's working with Alessandro

and they're selling
dr*gs out of the clinic

and the break-in was
some sort of retaliation.

- That's ridiculous.
- Is it?

You only went out with
him for a short time,

and then he suddenly left for Africa.

- What made him just leave?
- He had a good reason, OK?

- Just leave it alone.
- You're not telling me

everything. Did you suspect
him of something back then?

- Was he in some sort of trouble?
- No. Just let it go, OK?

Ken Graham is not a
suspect in this case.

Let's pick this up tomorrow.

What'd I miss?

Nothing. Um... I have

a special assignment for you.
Just between you and me, OK?

- As in don't tell Angie?
- Exactly.

I need you to investigate

Dr. Ken Graham.


I hope you like this place.

They have an excellent duck tartare.

Yeah, sounds good.

And they also have a really
great monkey brain fondue

with these delicious horsehair croutons.


(little chuckle)

I'm sorry. I just...

I can't stop thinking
about this case that Angie

and I took on this morning.

Talk it out! I'd love to hear
what you're investigating.

OK. Um...

There was a break-in at a medical clinic

in Danforth Village. And the client...

(sighing): I don't know,
I just get a bad feeling about the guy.

- Who is he?
- Some old boyfriend of Angie's

who she thinks can do no wrong. But...

the guy's not telling
us everything he knows.

So, is her judgment clouded or is yours?

Definitely hers, no question.

Mm-hm. Maybe you're
being overprotective?

- I mean, she is your partner.
- Hm, woulda been hard to tell

today. She bit my head off three times

before lunch,
and that's one more time than usual.

Well, hey! Do you want some
advice from an excellent lawyer?

- Why, do you know one?
- Uh-huh!

Don't harbour any preconceived
notions about this guy.

Just follow the evidence.

Unless, you know, there's some reason

why you wanna knock this ex-boyfriend

off his pedestal...?

No, I can't think of one.

(chuckling): Would you
like some more wine?

- I would, please!
- Good!

(knocking at the window)

(metallic clinking sound)

(whirring of the electric window)

- Late night surveillance?
- Something like that.

I was just headed out. House call.

Hop in. I'll drive you. I wanted

to talk to you about something.
Someone, actually.


I met a guy who said
he's a friend of yours.

- Oh yeah? Who's that?
- Alessandro Kostopoulos.

I see.

And you're wondering how
the two of us got so close.

So he is a friend.

Oh, this is my patient's
place right up here.

- I hope you brought an appetite.
- You want me to come in?

You haven't even
answered my question yet.

It's actually more proper
to have a woman present.

Farah is devout.
You'd be doing us both a favour.

And I promise you I will
tell you all about Alessandro

after. Deal?


(miscellaneous night noises)

- And out.
- (someone breathing out)

- (breathing in)
- Again.

If I knew Ken was bringing company,

- I would have made baklava.
- This all looks amazing.

I gain ten pounds every time I come.

Sound's good. Everything
is under control.

How long have you
lived here, in Toronto?

Six months. I arrived last summer.

- You came alone?
- Yes.

It was a difficult journey but...

the man I was married to
was not easy to live with.

- Oh. I'm sorry.
- You did what you had to do.

She was very brave.

Now you can start over again.

You are a lucky woman
to have a man so good.

Oh... Angie and I aren't a couple.

She has a private investigation
firm with her boyfriend.

No I don't. No... I mean,

I have a PI company,
but Shade and I aren't...

Then... Ken and I aren't...

I see...

Angie and I used to see each other.

But that was a long time ago.

Let me get you some more tea.

Thank you.

Is she OK? Should I help?

Let her... let her gather herself.

She'll be fine.

This is very sweet of you.

Farah doesn't get to see
many people except for me.

- Why not?
- Post traumatic stress.

Farah downplays the amount
of abuse she suffered,

but... Halfway across the world

from her husband and
she's still terrified.

So that's why you come here.
She's afraid to go out.

Being a doctor means
taking care of people

wherever they are
and... whoever they are.

Like Alessandro Kostopoulos?

His nephew had an "accident"

cleaning his g*n, and he landed
on my doorstep, bleeding out.

And you saved him.

Did you report that g*nsh*t
wound to the police?

- It's the law, you know.
- I know.

But I can't have my patients
worried that I'm gonna turn them

in to the authorities. I'm a doctor,

and that means...
working outside the rules sometimes.


Would you like to come in for a drink?

I'd love to... talk, catch up.

You're a client.
I have rules about those things.

You really don't have to keep
looking into the break-in.

Places get hit around here all the time.

Just last week,
a specialist down the road got robbed

Wait. Another medical clinic
got broken into recently?

- Yeah, but...
- I gotta go.

- Now?
- Yeah.

Oh, Ken... Your friend Alessandro.

He's squeezing your neighbour,
the cafe owner,

for every cent he's got.
There's no clear end with guys like him.


(incomprehensible chatter
and phone buzzing)

Oh. It's Angie. I gotta take this.

- Mm-hm. Yeah!
- Excuse me one second.

- Hey, what's up?
- Hey.

Ken just told me that another
doctor in Danforth Village

got broken into last week.
That's two medical places

in three square blocks
in a matter of days.

- [There has to be a connection.]
- You were talking to Ken?

Yes. And he had a perfectly
reasonable explanation

for Alessandro calling him a friend.

He pulled a b*llet out of his nephew.

I'll have to remember that
perfectly reasonable explanation

- next time I'm late.
- Ken isn't who you think he is,

Shade. Believe me. He took me to
see one of his patients, Farah.

[She's too scared to
leave the house... ]

(popping sound)

I'm sorry, are you out?

- Uh...
- (gasping): The mystery woman!

- You're on a date!
- No!

No, that was... That was Don

teaching Jules how to
make that popping sound

when you... put your
finger in your mouth,

like... (popping sound) [Like that!]

[Nice one, Jules!] (chuckles)

You're not buying any of this, are you?

[Not even a little.] I'm gonna go talk

to the doctor from the x-ray clinic.
Someone must know something.

(indistinct chatter,
music and popping sound)

(little laugh)

I... meant... to tell her.

Just... today... wasn't a good day.


I like you.

(sighing): The truth is,

I could come to like you a lot.

So if you're not seeing things that way,



Check, please.

Thank you so much for meeting me,
Dr. Thomas.

My receptionist told me you're
investigating the other break-in

near my clinic. You
think they're connected?

It's a possibility.
Could you tell me what happened?

I arrived and found the place trashed:

drawers emptied, cupboards cleared...

And what did the thieves actually take?

Thief. Singular. They caught the guy.

- They did? When?
- Two days after the break-in.

But I'm told he's already been released.


Despite an array of computers
and expensive equipment

at his disposal,
all he took was a bunch of x-rays.

Like this.

Hardly the crime of the century.


Separate break-ins at
two medical clinics

on the same block,
and all that's missing are x-rays?

Why would someone steal x-rays?

The person looking to prove malpractice,

Building evidence for a lawsuit.

- But why a walk-in clinic?
- Ken does work the nightshift

at the ER.
Maybe he botched some guy's treatment

- and the guy's looking to sue.
- OK, all roads lead to Ken

for you. So the guy doesn't
watch hockey, so what?

Oh come on! Who doesn't watch hockey?

Besides, it doesn't explain
the break-in at Ken's clinic

or the press-on nail
we found at the scene.

I'm gonna go talk to Maz.
We need to find the guy

- who stole the x-rays.
- (door closing and footsteps)

Hey! Hi! You're back!

- Just leaving. What's up?
- Nothing at all. Zero.

Have you thought about trying yoga?

Breathe, Zoe. Just breathe.

You found something
didn't you? Ken's got

a secret identity.
Gambling debts or something.

At first, all I could
find were accolades.

So many humanitarian awards
and citations of honour...

- Yeah, OK, OK...
- But then I started

going back through
his Ameechee timeline,

looking back at the months
before he went overseas.

Never trust a man with
an open profile. And?

Nothing. He deleted it all.

Every post, every
picture: gone for months.

- So what's he hiding?
- I asked myself the same question.

So I went through his friends' sites,

Did you know he knows the
Prime Minister of India?

- Zoe just get to the point.
- OK.

Look. To the wedding

of Dr. Kenneth Graham and...

Angela Susan Everett.


This is the guy Maz said

was arrested for the great x-ray heist.

- Uh huh.
- What's with you?!

You were acting strange
the whole way over here.

Nothing! I just... found something out

about a friend of mine.
Something I never knew.

Something they never told me.

OK! Anyways, he was
released pending trial.

Apparently, he works this neighbourhood,
asking for change.

- Hm...
- Hey look. Is that him?



Mr. Ledford?

We were hoping you could
answer a few questions for us?

Cheeseburger and a double espresso.
That's my going rate.

You got it.

This guy comes to me,
offers me bucks

to go in and grab as many
x-rays as I can find.

He just... approached you on the street?

Standing right there
where you found me today.

Why would anyone want x-rays?

No idea. I got arrested
and I never saw him again.

So he didn't hire you to
break into Ken's clinic too?

do I look like a career criminal to you?

It was a one-time deal.

You remember what this guy looked like?

Dark eyes, dark hair,

and he was smoking horrible cigars.

Right. Didn't Ryan just say
something about a guy smoking

- disgusting cigars at his café.
- One of his many complaints.

Would you be willing to sit
down with a sketch artist?

Buy me another round and you're on.



Yeah-yeah-yeah, that's the guy.

Yeah, he sat at the window a
bunch of times over the course

of a few days, and then he was gone.

- How long ago?
- Last time I saw him was

- about a week ago, maybe?
- So before the break-ins.

Hey, check it out.

That's Ken's clinic over there
and if I really crane my neck,

I can just make out the x-ray place

But nobody would be able to see him.


Uh, ahem! Hey! Hey,

um, I got a surprise

insurance rebate from
the protection guy.

Was that because of you?

More like a friend of mine.


I sent the pic

to Ken's clinic, but no one
who works there recognizes him.

So our mystery Smoker cases

of both clinics for a few days

- making sure he isn't seen.
- Then he hires Darin

to break into the x-ray lab
and steal some old film.

But Darin gets caught,
so he hires someone else

for Ken's clinic... Who leaves behind

a press-on nail with
some weird flower on it.

- What is he after?
- I don't know.

But if he follows the same M.O.,
he'll look for...

another street person
to do the second job.

Looking for a... female
panhandler, maybe?

- What is it, Zoe?
- The flower

looks familiar somehow.

Oh! It's not a flower.
It's a Chinese character

for music.
They just made it look like a flower.

What'd I say? Was it good? Bad?

It was good, wasn't it?
Hm! Yeah! One for the Zo!

♪ Another colour over
you Oh baby blue ♪

There she is.
Music plus panhandling equals...?

Street musician with an attitude.
What do you think?

- That amp looks new.
- I bet it costs about $ .

♪ You little sleepy head ♪

- Sounding good today.
- Thanks! Heh!

Oh! Wow! Thanks, there.

- Nice nails.
- Thanks! Yeah, they're good...

- good for playing.
- Except you're missing one,

and it looks a lot like this.

You want to tell us about
the guy who hired you

to do the break-in? Umph! Really?

(panting and groaning)

Let me go!

- Dammit!
- Last chance!

Who is he?

I'm not saying nothing
about that clinic, OK!

We didn't even mention the clinic.
Call the police,

- get them to come get her.
- Hold on, she dropped these.

Oxy, some other pain k*ller...

But look at this: no doctor's name,

- no prescription number, nothing.
- Did you get these from the clinic?

That guy put me up to it.
I found them in his cabinet, OK?

Didn't Ken say they
don't keep dr*gs on site?

He lied to us.


Thought you didn't keep dr*gs here.


- I can explain.
- The same way

you explained about Alessandro?
Are you selling on the side?

Is that why that thug
calls you a "friend"?

Why he gave the money back to the
cafe owner after you asked him to?

- You know me better than that.
- Do I?

You want the truth? Follow me.


- Hey! I was just, uh...
- It's OK. Just open it.

You're right.
We have been secretly distributing dr*gs

from the clinic. But not for profit.

Then why?

dr*gs are expensive.
Lots of people in this neighbourhood

- don't have coverage, so...
- We started an underground

program where leftover
medication could be donated

back to the clinic,
for other patients to use.

Redistributing medication
is against the law.

- I'm a doctor first.
- Even if it means working

- outside the rules.
- There are other people involved.

My patients.

I understand.

I gotta admit,

you're a far more forgiving
person than I would be.

What's that supposed to mean?

The guy lies to your face
and you shrug your shoulders.

After everything else he's done.

- Everything else?
- I know about the engagement.


- Who told you?
- It's amazing what you can

- find out on the internet.
- I expressly asked you

- not to look into Ken.
- I was concerned!

And for good reason, it turns out!

- Oh, is that right?
- Yes, that's right!

How can you trust that guy
after he left you at the altar

and took off for Nigeria?

(little chuckle)

You find out that we were engaged

and you assume that Ken ran off on me?

Isn't that what happened?

No. I called off the wedding.

I left Ken at the altar,
not the other way around.

But Maz said he was
the one who got away.

He did. Cause I let him go.



I'm sorry. Forget I said anything.

Just drop me at the police station.


(indistinct radio coms)

OK, so this guy just
approaches you on the street,

asks you to break into a clinic...

Aren't I supposed to get a lawyer?

You had a lawyer.
You fired him the second you met him.

Mm-hm. I don't like suits.

What about orange jumpsuits?
Do you like those?

This guy told you to break into
the clinic and steal dr*gs.

No. I just found them.

- He wanted stuff with names.
- Patient names?

Yeah. So, I checked through
the files and all they had

were these ID numbers.
I mean, who the hell does that?

And then, I found the drug cabinet,
and there was a book

- inside with them.
- What kind of book?

A notebook with names and addresses.
I showed it

to the guy, and he got really excited.
He took that,

a bottle of pills,
and then he gave me bucks.

- When was this?
- It was a couple hours ago.

I was supposed to meet him
after I broke into the clinic,

but then, bunhead owner chased me off.

So, I just kept going back,
and then, B-I-N-G-O, cigar guy

- was there.
- So, he's after patient names.

The x-rays in the other
clinic had names on them too.

Yeah, but if he only took
one pill bottle, then maybe

- he's only after one patient.
- We need to figure out

whose pills are missing.
I'll call Ken. What did you do

with the rest of the dr*gs you stole?

- Uh, he said I could keep them!
- I need those dr*gs, Maz.

I'll send a unit to her apartment.


They took the ledger, too.
It had all the patient info in it.

We think they're looking
for someone specific.

Someone who you might give dr*gs to.

What was supposed to go out that day..?

What if it's someone that
went to both clinics,

- Ken's and the x-ray place?
- Why go to the trouble

of paying people to break in?
Why not just watch

for the patient from the street?

Because he already did
and it didn't work.

He sat there for days,
at that café, and he never saw her.

- Her?
- Yeah! Farah's supposed

to go for check-ups at your clinic,
but she's too afraid

to leave the house.

Did she ever go to the
x-ray place down the street?

I've been begging her to go
for an angio, but she always

- cancels her appointments.
- But someone close to her,

someone that knows she has a
heart problem would expect her

to go there regularly.
And to your clinic.

Her millanium's gone.
For her heart condition.

And her address is in the ledger.
He couldn't possibly

have followed her back to Canada...

Look. It's Farah's page from back home.

That's the Smoker, alright.

Omar Javadian. Farah's
abusive ex-husband.

He's traveled halfway across
the world to hunt her down.

Maz! I need you to get a squad car
over to the address I texted you ASAP.

Angie, a unit's on its way.
It'll be there in five minutes

- Five minutes!
- She didn't answer the phone.

- She never leaves home.
- [Do not get involved, ]

If this guy is there, ] he's dangerous.

(tires screeching)

Stay here. Wait for the cops.

- Farah, you in there!?
- Farah, it's me, Angie.

She has to be home,
she's afraid to go out.

(fracas inside)

Stand back! (groan)

Hey! What are you
doing? Get out of here!

- We're not going anywhere.
- Angie please...

What are you doing?
I came all this way for you.

- Buddy, take it easy.
- Get out of here!

- This is none of your business!
- Omar, just listen...

Shut up! You caused enough trouble.

the police are on their way right now..

You called the police? She's my wife!

She doesn't want to be with you anymore.

Let me go.

- (scream)
- Hey, buddy,

Think about what you're doing.
You don't want to do this.

She married me. And then she left.

You have no idea what
I've done to find her!

- She's coming home with me.
- You can't make someone

- love you.
- She left me with nothing.

- I have no one now!
- And I'm sure that hurts.

A lot. But you can't force
someone to be with you.

That's not how this works.
I think you know that.

Do you hear that?
They're gonna be inside any minute.

Let her go before it's too late.

(groaning and grunting) Shade!

Are you OK?

(panting and groaning)

Stay down! Stay down!
Hands where I can see them!

Come on!

Hey thanks, Ken! We'll
take it from here.

- Yeah.
- OK buddy, up you go!

See that? This guy is great!



She doesn't have to be scared anymore.

A real second chance.

You guys wait right here.
I'll be right back.

- You OK?
- Yeah.


(indistinct chatter nearby)

I'm sorry I didn't tell
you about the dr*gs

from the beginning. I
should've trusted you.


But I understand why you didn't.

After... everything
that happened before.

It was good to see you

- Good luck with everything.
- Yeah.

You too.


- OK!
- OK what?

I know you're dying to find
out why I called it off

with Ken, even though it's
none of your damned business.

(chuckling): So...?

I wasn't ready.

I didn't know who I was
yet or what I wanted,

and if I married Ken,
I would've just ended up being

Mrs. Dr. Perfect.

Yeah, his light does
shine pretty glaringly.

Then my dad opened the agency
and offered me a job...

and suddenly,
I knew what I wanted out of life.

- So you backed out.
- Yeah.

- Three days before the wedding.
- Ooh!

Ken was great about it, like he's...

great about everything. And then,

two days later,
he accepted the job overseas.

But you know who you are now, right?
There's no...

chance of you getting
lost in his shadow.

You could always give it another shot.

If he really is the one that got away.

Nah, it's too late.

He'll never trust me again
after what I did to him.

And trust is everything.

By the way, um...
I have been dating someone.

- And that someone is...
- Mel Parker.

- You knew?
- Well, I figured

there had to be a reason you
weren't bragging about it.

- (little chuckle)
- Plus I saw

a spark between you two since day one.

And yet you're not mad.
I mean, this could affect

our future dealings with
the Prosecutor's office

I-f things end badly.
Well then, make sure

things don't end badly.


I'll... do my best, boss.


So what brings you here?

Not exactly sure,
to tell you the truth, but...

you're obviously someone
that Angie respects a lot

and I just get the feeling
we got off on the wrong foot.

You played for Chicago, in the s.

I saw the game where you won
the division championship.

- You scored on a penalty shot.
- So you do watch hockey?

Yeah. If we're telling the truth,

I thought there was something

going on between you and Angie,
so I got a bit... defensive.

- Really?!
- Yeah, it's stupid, huh?

Seems ridiculous now.
Who'd think she'd ever go for someo...

OK, OK, OK, I got it. I got it.

Anyway, I'm glad we cleared the air.
I get the feeling

we're gonna be seeing
a lot of each other.

Yeah, I doubt that, actually.

I lied to her. And she hates that.

There's no way I'm getting
that second chance now.


- Thanks for stopping by, though.
- Yeah.

Ken! Hold on a sec.


Angie's changed a lot since you guys

were together.

- You should give her a call.
- Are you sure?



Yeah, I'm sure.

Call her.

♪ Hey ey ey ♪

- Hi.
- Hi.

You look ravishing.


Hey, you know, I'm going out with her.

Melanie Parker, Prosecuting Attorney.

You're such an idiot!

We are so not staying for dessert.


(inaudible conversations)


I hope it's not too late.

- Your door was open.
- Huh!

It's only... one in the morning.

I was just delivering twins in a cab

and I thought I'd swing
by on the way home.

- Seriously?
- No. The twins

- were born in the hospital.
- (chuckles)

I owe you an apology for
what I did back then.

Don't worry about it.
Five years in the jungle

almost cured me.

I made some really hasty
decisions and I think about th...

Hey! You remember in your car,

back when I said that I wanted to talk?

I was lying.
