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02x04 - Crimes of Fashion

Posted: 12/30/21 07:32
by bunniefuu
It should feel totally new.

Fresh. It should scream out

"This is and right
here is where it's at."

No more lifestyle TV for you.

Hey, what's the point of redesigning
the agency if we're not gonna make

- bold and exciting changes?
- Well, first of all,

I don't want to redesign the agency.
Second of all, your idea

of bold, exciting changes looks like
something out of my grandma's kitchen.

Hey, it's called mid-century modern,

and it's exactly the kind of statement

we need to make if we're
gonna land the big fish.

Ha! OK, easy there, Captain Highliner.

I say we keep it simple.
New coat of paint, same colour.

New upholstery. Same furniture.

Are you honestly pitching
"keep it the same"

- as a new vision?
- If it ain't broke...

Who redesigns a space to make
it look like it already does?

Who changes something just
for the sake of change?

Time out. Both of you.

There's a person here with
a very aggressive undertow,

claiming that she used
to be married to you...



What are you doing here?

You're welcome.

- For what?
- I got you two a job.

Clothes? You want us

to drive clothes across town?

Not just clothes.

- Sonia Valero originals.
- We're Pls.

- Not FedEx.
- Oh, there's Sonia

and her brother Pietro.
Sonia is the "it" girl

in fashion right now. In two days,

her first solo collection
is going to be showcased

at the closing night

of Toronto Women's Fashion Week.

Anyone who decides anything
is going to be there.

I'm covering it live on
Breakfast with Becca.

I don't know, Becca,

it's not exactly what we do.

Those clothes are going
to launch House of Valero

as a major international brand.

I know hiring security
may seem like overkill

to "fashion pedestrians" like
yourselves, but trust me,

the industry is literally
dying to see these clothes.

You guys need to get them
from here to the venue

- without being seen.
- Becca!

Sonia, I can take the clothes myself...

No, I need you here.

We're so behind. Thank
you for doing this.

This collection is
deeply personal to me.

It's unlike anything I've ever done,

and yet it's like my soul
is sewn into every fabric.

Even the poly-cotton blends?

They're my life.
Please guard them with yours.

Happy to help.

- Shade?
- Yes. Right. Happy. Happy now.

You seem very in command

of yourself. Have you ever modelled?

Actually, I did a long underwear
campaign in Japan once.

I was talking to her.

(both laughing)

- We should go.
- Yeah.

Alright, let's get the racks!


- It's easy money.
- I'm happy for the paycheck.

I just don't get the "world".
If I can't throw it in the dryer,

- I'm not buying it.
- What's not to get?

We all put on a
thirty-second fashion show

every morning when we
decide what to wear.

Thirty seconds at home is one thing,

but a / obsession,
that's something else entirely.

Well, I for one respect
the way designers

take exciting risks

to try to create
something fresh and new.

Taking risks

is all well and good,
but I prefer designers

who define the word
"classic" by creating things

that stand the test of time.

- Whoa!
- (tires screeching)

Open it!

- Open it!
- OK, take it easy, take it easy...

They know there's just clothes
in there, right?

So much for easy money.

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin'
the lines when you're making a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you ♪

OK, which of you two
called the fashion police?


OK, so, have any kind
of look at these guys?

They were wearing masks.
Not to mention the g*n in my face.

Happened fast, but I think one
of them may have been a woman.

- Plates? Make? Model?
- There was a sticker

on the back window.
It looked like a unicorn.

Oh, right. It was dancing on a rainbow.

Unicorn dancing on a rainbow.

Right. Did you perchance

hit your heads on the pavement
when you fell out of the van?

Maybe the vehicle was
stolen from a family.

Well, I'll check the database,
start canvassing for witnesses.

Well, you're all over
this laundry heist.

Like a dirty shirt.
Nobody pulls a g*n on my friend.

Friend? Singular?

Speaking of laundry, you might
wanna tell the owner of the clothes.

Yeah, we'll break it to her gently.

How could you let this happen?

The SUV came out of nowhere.
We had no chance

- to avoid it.
- You need to find

that van. That collection

is our livelihood.
Without it, House of Valero shuts down.

- Can't you just postpone the show?
- To when?

We were lucky to get
a closing night slot.

If Sonia bows out now,

everyone will say she choked.
Her career will be over.

Do you have time to
recreate the designs?

Some of those pieces
took weeks to build.

The fabric comes from six
different countries alone.

Hey, don't panic.
Just give us a little time.

We don't have time.
The show is in less than hours.


We'll find the clothes, OK?
Just stay the course,

pretend it's business as usual.

(Shade): Thanks for your help.

That was Maz. None of the vehicles

in the stolen-car
database match our SUV.

And I called all the nearby businesses.

No surveillance cameras.
Those guys knew what they were doing.

I keep thinking about
that unicorn sticker.

It was pretty distinctive.
Like an art piece.

- You think it's traceable?
- I got something!

Take a look at this.

I found an underground fashion blog

called "Stitch Warrior".
There's a photo here they're claiming

- is part of Sonia's new collection.
- I remember that dress.

- When was this posted?
- An hour ago.

We need to find out who Stitch
Warrior is, get an address.

Kylie Larue. She's an online
Anna Wintour type

with a rep for having
the dish in fashion

before anyone else.
Sending you the deets.

I'll get my coat.

Hey, uh, Angie respects
your opinion, right?

I think so...?

Alright, this redesign of the office...

I may need your help
getting Angie onside.

Complacency is like a band aid;
you need to rip it off

so the healing can
begin. Are you with me?

I would hope

the answer to that question
goes without saying.

Let's go. Anytime, Shade.

I believe that in order to comment

honestly on fashion, you need to reject

anything resembling rules.

Astute critique can
only come from chaos.

Mission accomplished on that.

You said you had some questions?

The photo you have on your blog

of the Sonia Valero dress.
Where did you get it?

I can't reveal my sources.

That goes against the blogger code.

Sonia's entire collection
was stolen this morning.

That photo makes you the prime suspect.

Maybe you'd like to try the
"blogger code" line on the cops.

I can see this is an important issue.

I suppose I can make an
exception just this once.

I got it from an intern at Vista.

- Vista?
- The fast-fashion house?

Whenever hot new clothes

hit the runway, companies like Vista
put out cheap copies within days.

It's just accepted practice.

If you create something good,
places like Vista

will copy it.

Maybe they were trying to get the jump

on copying Sonia's debut collection.

You didn't hear that from me.

I don't care if it's monsoon season.

I want that fabric on my factory
floor by Monday or you'll be back

to pulling fat Americans
around in a rickshaw.

Kevin Avery,

Production Supervisor.
What's this about?

We'd like to ask you a few
questions about Sonia Valero.

Brilliant designer. Love her stuff.

That's quite the understatement,

wouldn't you say?

- Excuse me?
- Care to explain this?

Where did you get that?

That's not important. What's important

is that we can trace it
back to one of your interns.

And even more important,
it's from Sonia's latest collection,

which was stolen earlier today.

- The entire collection?
- Mm-hmm.

Joel, I need you to halt production
on the red dress with the black lace.

- [Are you serious?]
- Yes, I'm serious.

Did... did you just admit to
stealing Sonia's collection?

- No.
- But you stopped production.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean I stole it.

OK, forgive me if I'm not convinced.

Since you're clearly new to this,
let me explain it to you.

Vista makes knock-offs of
popular designs. In order

to become popular, they need to be
seen in a high-profile fashion show,

otherwise there isn't any demand.

You following the bouncing ball?

If you didn't steal the clothes,
how did your intern get that photo?

You know what? We're done here.


I'll just call my buddy
down at the labour union,

tell him how cooperative you've been.

Maybe he'll stop by and check
out the conditions around here.

This is not an admission of guilt.

It's not illegal to receive a photo.

This is the original version.

Wait, is that

- one of Sonia's models?
- Yeah.

It is.

- Estella?
- It looks like a selfie

taken in one of your change rooms.

That makes no sense.

Why would she betray me after I
made her the jewel of my show?

I can't process this right now.

Do you think Estella is capable
of setting up a heist like this?

Why? What would she
want with my collection?

Where can we find her now?

She's staying at the
Kerwin Arms, Room .


(Angie): All this trouble
over some coloured thread.

You still don't get it, do you?

Fashion isn't about clothes.
It's about the moment.

I had to make thousands of public
appearances during my hockey career,

and sometimes I wasn't feeling it.

But you throw on your best suit,
or leather catsuit,

if that's your thing,
and suddenly you're "on".

And it's that moment

when you step out into
the world and say:

This is the best of me.

- Clothes make the man, is that it?
- Tragedy is,

most people never get to
experience that moment

because they're too afraid to go for it.

Excuse us!



(muffled screams)

Wild guess?

She doesn't have the clothes.

(Angie): Tell us what happened.

Two big fat guys broke into my room
and started asking me about a van.

- The stolen van?
- How do I know?

They were asking me where it was,
who stole it, did I hire them...

And what did you tell them?

I didn't know what they
were talking about.

I didn't steal any van.

- Then what happened?
- Then they put me in the closet.

- You poor, poor girl.
- Client. Picture. Stolen dress.


Why did you send a picture of
Sonia's new piece to Vista?

How do I put this?

For money.

I'm going to be soon.
Retirement is right around the corner.

If I don't think about
my future, who will?

So, what do you think?

I don't buy that she set up the robbery.

She was just about to
star in Sonia's show.

How does it help her
"retirement" to cancel it?

Not to mention, that selfie was taken

in Sonia's dressing room
before the van went missing.

What about those two
guys leaving her room?

Obviously we're not the only
ones looking for the van.

How many people

want to steal these clothes?

I'm starting to wonder if
it's about the clothes at all.

- What do you mean?
- You heard what Pietro said,

if the show doesn't go forward,
it'll destroy Sonia's career.

So you think someone's out to get her?

Yeah. Estella betrayed her.

Maybe we need to take a
look at her inner circle.

I'll have Zoe bring up a
list of Sonia's employees.

Maybe someone has a grudge
we don't know about.

- (door opening)
- Hey, Matt.

- Past your curfew. Grounded.
- (chuckling)

I was at the diner.

Shona asked me to help insulate
the windows for winter.

- Shona, huh?
- Don't get cute.

It's a bit late for arts and crafts,
don't you think?

I'm trying to get Angie on board
with my vision for the redesign.

Hey, is this too rough?

- You making underwear out of it?
- You're no help. Where's Jules?

- I don't know, I just got here.
- I assumed she was with you.

- I thought she was with you.
- What time is it?

(door opening)


- Thank you for walking me home.
- Not a problem.

Goodnight, Mr. Shade.

- Mr. Shade.
- See ya.

- See ya.
- Hi!

Sorry, um,

I was at Liam's and
I lost track of time.

Are Liam's parents cool with
you being over there this late?

If they're not, they're too polite to
say anything. Either way I'm golden.

Alright, how about you
just call me next time, OK?

Yeah, sure.

- OK. Tired. Bed. 'Night.
- 'Night, sweetie.


No yelling, no drama.

I got this parenting thing.

Oh, yeah.

You got this, son.

This is everyone that's
worked at House of Valero

in the past year.

- And?
- No one says a bad word

about Sonia. In fact, they all say

- she's too nice.
- OK.

I went on a bunch of vendor sites

and printed off every
sticker with a unicorn on it.

- Anything look familiar?
- That's it.

- Unicorn dancing on a rainbow.
- I knew I wasn't crazy.

Vendor's based out of Vancouver.

I'll give her a call and
see if I can find a list

- of anyone who bought it here.
- Shadow?!

- Oh boy.
- Oh!

Oh, thank god you guys are OK.

Now, how could you let this happen?
I mean, what kind

of security detail can't taxi
something from point A to point B?

Becca, calm down.
We're looking for the clothes.

Shadow, you don't understand.
My job is on the line for this.

I had to convince my bosses
to let me do an entire episode

on Sonia's debut.
The promos are airing right now!

Well, help us, then.

Can you think of anyone that might
have a vendetta against Sonia?

We think someone may be
sabotaging her career.

Oh... What about Stephan Caras?

Why would he be mixed up in this?

Who's Stephan Caras?

Legendary designer. Sonia was
head of his creative for years.

And when she left to go solo,

House of Caras stumbled.

I don't think Steph would
do something like this.

- Steph?
- Yeah, we go way back.

- Wait, you know Stephan Caras?
- Know him?

He carried me home
after an absinthe bender

- after the Fashion Awards.
- Then what are we waiting for?

- Let's go, you drive.
- Whoa, hey, hey, hey, hey.

There's no "we" here.
We don't do this together.

Oh no, Shadow, I am going with you.

This is my career on the line.

Sonia's career. Is what I meant to say.

Don't look at me.

I'm gonna go, uh,
dig deeper into Sonia's financials.

Yes, ma'am.

It is going to be an amazing episode.

Game-changer doesn't even cover it.
It's going to be

a world-changer. It's going to be
a universe-changer...

OK then. Bye-bye.

- Oh god, I am so fired.
- We'll find the clothes, Becca.

I love my new job,

but sometimes I think it's
going to swallow me whole.

A far cry from being the
weather girl on Channel , huh?


- Right.
- Honestly, Matt, sometimes

I wake up and I can't
remember going to bed.

And I haven't had a sustained
conversation with our daughter

- in days.
- Jules is fine.

You haven't noticed how much time
she's been spending at Liam's lately?

Actually, I have. So what?

So, it doesn't bother you?


No! Come on, it's Jules
we're talking about.

She's !

And how old were you when you started

fooling around?

I'm gonna k*ll him.
I'm gonna stuff him in a foot locker,

rent a boat, drive miles offshore...

OK, calm down.

The worst thing that we
can do is to demonize it.

You should talk to her.

- Me?
- Well, she's your daughter too!

And did you not just hear everything
I said about how busy I am?

Here's a list of people who
bought the sticker in Toronto.

I'm gonna start calling
to see if any of them

drive a grey SUV. What's wrong?

I just spoke with a
few of Sonia's vendors.

House of Valero is racking
up some massive bills.

Well, it's not uncommon for a start-up.

And Sonia's famous for
using the finest materials.

That's bound to come back and bite you.

Not always.
During Sonia's heyday at House of Caras

the price of his clothing went way up,
but so did his profile.

Except Sonia doesn't have any sales yet,

so where's the money coming from?

- Maybe an investor?
- Oh, Zoe, wait.

I need your help.

You and I have to join
forces to steer Shade away

from what he's proposing
for the redesign.

I'm trying to be objective,

but it's like he wants to pull
the pin on a crazy-grenade

and just toss it into the
middle of the room. Am I right?

I would hope the answer to that question

goes without saying.

These sales numbers are terrible.

- You can do better, Lisbeth.
- I will, Stephan. I promise.

Shadow. How are you?

Good to see you again, Steph.

What's this I hear about you becoming

- a private investigator?
- Right place,

right time. Steph, I don't
think you ever met my ex-wife,

Becca. Becca, Stephan Caras.

- Channel weather girl, right?
- Meteorologist.

But I have my own show now.

It's so great to meet you.

- I am SUCH a fan of your work.
- Naturally.

Wow. It's one of mine, isn't it?

From two seasons ago.

Sonia's work. Gorgeous.

Stunning. Actually,
that's why we're here.

Someone stole her entire
collection yesterday.


So we're talking to
anybody who knows her.

And who knows her better than you?
She was your star pupil.

Who's about to become your
stiffest competition. Stephan,

- we have to ask.
- I would never do that to Sonia.

Sonia is a star. I would never
do anything to harm her.

- Why did you go after him like that?
- Isn't that why we came?

You're the one who told me
he's the most likely suspect.

- That was before I met him.
- A little flattery goes a long way, huh?

(tires screeching)

Is Stephan Caras doing a
seriously-plus-sized collection for men?

Yeah, we've met before.
In the hotel hallway.

Boss wants to have a
little chat with you.

Oh yeah?

What happens if we decline?

What happens if they decline?

It'd be a lot better if they didn't.

You know I'm going to
lose my job, right?

Is that really your
primary concern right now?

Hello. I'm Max Zangrilli.

Pleased to meet you.
I'm Shade, this is...

Where's the van?

- You're asking me?
- Yeah.

You're the one they hired as
'security' to keep it safe,

so either you're totally incompetent

or you're in on the score.

Either way,

I need to know what you know.

We're looking for it, just like you.

How'd a guy like you get
connected with Sonia, anyway?

A guy like me?

What does that mean, "a guy like me"?
What are you saying?

- Never mind.
- He means "mobster".

- Right? You mean mobster, right?
- Shh...

It's the last name, right?
It's the last name. I'm an importer

of high-value goods. I'm a businessman.

And just like all businessmen,
I will do anything it takes

to remain a businessman.

- Oh, like roughing up a helpless model?
- Hey.

- Sonia told me.
- Look at their necks. Look at their faces.

They went to ask her a few simple
questions, she went berserk.

- She started hitting and scratching...
- And biting.

We were scared for our lives.

How did you guys get to her

- before we did, anyway?
- That's not your concern.

Your main concern right now should be:

Where is that van?

I have no idea. I swear.

Look, we both want the same thing,

so why don't you let us go and
we'll see what we can dig up.

You do the same and we'll get
together later and share information.

OK. OK, but getting that
van is time sensitive.

You have six hours.

And then I will come looking for you.

They could have at
least called us an Uber.

(Angie): My god. Who were those guys?

The leader's name was Max Zangrilli.

And Becca? Is she OK?

Yeah, she said if her fashion
episode falls through,

she's gonna do a piece on incompetent
investigators who should have

- their licenses revoked.
- So... fine then.

Why would someone like Max
Zangrilli want to find the van

so badly? He's obviously not
interested in the clothes.

Maybe there was something
other than clothing in there.

How would Sonia get mixed
up with someone like that?

Sonia doesn't take care of the
business side. That's Pietro.

Speaking of which,
I looked into their financials.

House of Valero isn't leveraged
like a typical start up,

they've been maxed-out on credit for
months. It's not clear how they're paying

for anything.

I think it's time for
a talk with our client.

(cars honking)

That was an awfully
red light back there.

- Are you OK?
- It's Jules.

Becca thinks that she
and Liam might be...

- Oh.
- I mean, she's .

She's not even thinking about that yet.

You know,

it really looks like it's gonna rain.

Have you seen that new
Ryan Reynolds movie yet?

Is it hot in here or is it just me?

You know something.

All I can say is, you shouldn't worry.

You've got a smart girl there.

What does that mean?
Smart how? Worry why?

Just drive, Shade.

(Shade): Who's Max Zangrilli?

Let me guess. Money's a little short,

so you decided to reach under the
table to try and find some more?



Did you think all these
people worked for free?

Not to mention the cost

of booking the closing night gala.
And the clothes!

Persian silk, Limerick
lace, Angora wool.

You're worth it, Sonia,
but you're very, very expensive.

- What are you saying?
- Our only shot

was to make this debut show a sensation,

and appeal to the buyers.

I needed to do that,
I needed to make that happen,

so I made a deal with Zangrilli.

What kind of deal?

When we imported the
fabrics from overseas,

we also brought in... other goods.

- Smuggled them in, you mean?
- For a cash infusion.

You told them about Estella.
That's why they got there first.

How could you do this?

Hey, I believe in your
vision with all my heart,

but vision costs money. I had no choice.

What kind of goods are we talking about?

The "don't ask don't tell" kind.

I was supposed to deliver
the van to Zangrilli,

but then Sonia hired you

to deliver the clothes. Sonia, wait...

- Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
- (cell phone buzzing)

If Zangrilli had something
illegal in there,

we just picked up a whole
new whack of suspects.

Zoe found a match on the vehicle
the robbers used. Grey SUV,

unicorn sticker. She texted the address.

You sure we shouldn't call Mazhari?

You think two masked gunmen live here?


There. That's the SUV.

Can I help you?

- You did say one of them was a woman.
- Is this your vehicle?

- Yes.
- Any chance

you have a violently unquenchable
thirst for high fashion?

We're private investigators. Has your SUV
gone missing in the last couple of days?

- No.
- Never left your sight?

It was at the garage.

- The brakes were being done.
- Which garage?

McLuhan's. On Castlefield.

- Thank you.
- Cool sticker.

(cell phone buzzing)

It's Zoe again. "Call me ASAP."

First of all,

they both have completely different
tastes and styles. And second of all,

I don't know whose
feelings get hurt more easy

and who's really more
invested in this stuff.

- I just started here.
- (phone ringing)

- Everett Investigations.
- [Everything OK?]

[Hey, Angie. Sorry, it's all good.]

You have a visitor.

Italian guy. Slightly intimidating,

but maybe it's just confidence.

Did you find the van?

Mr. Zangrilli, I presume. We know
about the deal you made with Pietro.

- So what?
- [We'll tell you what we know, ]

but you have to promise not
to hurt Sonia or her brother.

You know what?
Right there, that's profiling, alright?

I am a businessman.

I am not... what you think I am, OK?

I just want my merchandise.

Alright, we tracked the SUV
down to a pregnant suburban mom.

She says the car was in a
repair shop during the robbery.

Good. What's the plan?

Well. If it isn't Dork and Mindy.

If you want a woman's opinion, I think
you both looked better with the mask on.

You made a big mistake coming here.

Before you take another step,

it's important that you
have all the facts regarding

- your current situation.
- What the hell are you talking about?

- See? I told you not to use big words.
- (door opening)


So, first of all,

who hired you to steal the van?

We were contacted anonymously and
told to leave the van at a drop site.

And where exactly is that drop site?

- I can't believe it.
- Check the spare tire.

Oh, thank god.
Alright, take it, put it in the car.


Wait. We can't just
let you leave with...

whatever you have there.

Look at the bright side.
At least you know for sure

that the robbery was about the clothes.


Now that's a nasty business.

Dad, I'm late for school, I'll see ya.

Jules, hang on a sec, will ya?

Hey, honey, um,

I spent yesterday with your mother.

- I sense a disturbance in the force.
- (chuckling)

We were comparing notes about how much
time you've been spending at Liam's.


You have the right

to a certain amount of privacy,
but we're your parents

and we also have rights.

And at the end of the day, I get it.

New feelings...



And in this... burgeoning,

things sometimes




- in the stream.
- What are you talking about?

- I have no idea.
- Um...

You're right.

I don't know what's going
on with me, it's like...

it's like I'm on fire

and Liam's the only thing
that can put me out.

(laughing) Seriously, Dad?

I've just been over there

to eat dinner a lot and watch movies.

- Dinner and movies, that's it?
- Yes, yes, that's it.

'Cause you can tell me,
sweetheart, you know that, right?

Mm-hmm. Look, the other night,

when I was super late?
It was because we got

into an epic game of Trivial Pursuit,

and once you start a game...

- You finish it.
- You taught me that.

But it was me and Liam
and his whole family,

including his baby sister,
who calls me "Oolz".

- That's pretty cute.
- It is.

So you and Mom can take a breath, OK?

- OK.
- OK. I'm so late. See you later.

Sonia? Where is everybody?

I got greedy with my vision.

That's why this is happening.

I pushed for too much. This is fate

pushing back.

- You didn't cancel your show?
- Not yet,

but in a few hours it
won't make a difference.

- Unless you found the van?
- We did, but your clothes

- were gone.
- Where's Pietro?

He's with Stephan,
finalizing the details of his offer.

- Stephan Caras?
- What offer?

He's agreed to pay our debt.

- Gee, that's awfully nice of him.
- What's the catch?

Stephan wants me to go back with him.

My brother and I always dreamed

of opening our own house.

Now that we've had a
taste of independence...

going to work for somebody else
is gonna be close to t*rture.

Sonia, don't pull out of your show yet.

Wait until you hear from us.

What if this was
Stephan's idea all along?

Ruin Sonia's show and then
swoop in like the white knight

and save her. Buy out
her future at a cut rate.

I don't see it. He seemed so
sincere when I talked to him.

Don't let your friendship
cloud your judgment.

(Stephan): This is wonderful.

Truly. Unlike anything you've ever done.

- That means everything.
- It looks like the beginning

of a new collection. Congratulations.

- Shadow!
- Hey, Stephan.

Every time you come in here,

- you're always with a beautiful woman.
- This is my partner,

- Angie Everett.
- Please sit.

Thank you.

These are impressive.

Show enough faith to your people
and they might just surprise you.

That was a very generous
offer you made to Sonia

- this morning.
- If I bail her out,

it's with the understanding that
she will come back to work for me.

So it wasn't entirely an act of charity.

Any way you slice it,
Sonia's ruin is your gain.

You don't get it.
Destroying Sonia's show

doesn't make any sense.
Her name will be synonymous

- with failure after this.
- And you don't care about that?

Listen, I believe in
Sonia. I always have.

She has never been
just an employee to me.

- She was always like...
- A daughter. You know what?

Thanks for your time.
Hope we didn't bother you too much.

- Always a pleasure.
- Thank you.

- What are you doing?
- The design sketch

- on the table looked very familiar.
- How familiar?

Like it's from Sonia's
stolen collection.

You think Lisbeth stole her designs?

Wouldn't Stephan be
able to spot her work?

Maybe not.

Sonia said it was like
nothing she'd ever done.

We can't go right at her,

she's gonna deny everything.
Then we won't find the clothes

- in time for the show.
- Alright, so what's the plan?

We're gonna have to do the
last-minute hockey thing.

Pull the winger and put the
defence guy in the penalty box.

That's not a last-minute hockey thing.
I don't even know what that is.

Meh. Point is: we've got one shot.
Let's make it a good one.

Hi, who am I speaking to?

Lisbeth? My name is Angie Everett,

I was just at your office.

Can you give him a message from me?

It's for his ears only.

Sonia's collection has
been found. I know.

It is wonderful.
Someone obviously had second thoughts,

because they left the entire collection

outside the venue, prêt-a-porter.
Can you just let him know

that Sonia's going
through with the show?

Thank you.

You really think this is gonna work?

You tell me.

OK, calm down.

- Is that Sonia?
- [I can't calm down!]

You told Sonia not to cancel her slot,
but you still don't have the clothes?

We're getting close.

[Stephan's show is almost over.
Sonia is up soon.]

And have I mentioned that my
entire career rides on this?

- Once or twice.
- [I promise you, Shadow, ]

if all this comes crashing down,
the only thing I'll have

to fill my days with is
making sure you suffer.

So, status quo?

- What'd she say?
- In half an hour

Stephan's show will be over, and at that
point it won't matter if Sonia cancels.

Because if we don't have the
clothes by then, then our client

will suffer unprecedented
public humiliation.

Pretty much.

- You take the front, I'll take the back?
- Sure.

Well, that's one way for
inspiration to strike.

You set me up.

The police are on their way.
There's nowhere to run.

- Lisbeth, don't!
- I'll do it. I'll burn them all.

Just talk to me, OK? Help me understand.

Sonia and I started at the
same time with Stephan.

But from day one, it was all about her.

I could barely get him
to look at my stuff,

much less appreciate it.

Everything she did was perfect,
down to the last detail.

OK, take it easy.

I thought it would get
better once she left.

But it got worse.

He resented me even
more for not being her.

You're not thinking clearly.
You don't wanna do this.

If I'm going down, she's going
with me! (screaming)

Think you used enough foam?

Zangrilli was right.

Fashion's a nasty business.

- (sirens approaching)
- Let's get her clothes out of here.

- (dance music)
- (applause)

Welcome to Toronto Women's Fashion Week!

They'll be here, just, um...

Ms. Beker!

- Jeanne. I am such a big fan.
- So nice, thank you.

- You look fantastic.
- You're that weather girl...

Meteo... You know, I would
love to hear your thoughts

on Toronto Women's Fashion Week so far.

I think it's been an amazing week.

Just extraordinary, really.

- (ruckus)
- What the hell is going on?

Excuse me! Excuse me!

- Coming through!
- Coming through, guys!

You found them. I don't believe it.

Oh, thank god. Stop rolling.

Nancy! Nancy, get these
models dressed now.

Helen, tell hair and makeup we're a go.

- I need to talk to the lighting guy.
- I'll get out front and stall. Thank you.

- Looks like everything was forgiven.
- Pietro and Sonia

may have different visions on how to run
a business, but at the end of the day,

they make good partners.

Can you feel that? That buzz in the air?

This is it. This is my breakthrough.

- Sonia's breakthrough, you mean.
- Absolutely.

House of Caras, by Stephan Caras.

Let's have a big hand for Stephan Caras!

OK, everybody, that's it!

- It's showtime!
- Sonia!

I'm down a model. Estella, remember?

Oh, uh...


Please do me one more
favour. Be in my show.

- Oh, no. I couldn't...
- Please.

- I have the perfect dress for you.
- Come on, Everett.

Doesn't get more 'moment' than this.

The House of Valero!

(funk music)



Ladies and gentlemen, Sonia Valero!

(cheers and applause)

(Shade): Everett, this is incredible!


Great job, Sonia.

- When did you...?
- Over the past week.

- Angie set it up.
- Zoe helped.

Plus I had a hand with
labour and materials.

That was nothing.
I just called in a few favours.

Here. A token of friendship.

For helping me recover
my missing merchandise.

- No, I can't...
- White gold,

I call this. Wait 'til you try it.

- Truffles?
- Yeah.

What did you think was in there,
dr*gs or something? Gee!

Ah, mannaggia! Those are imported

directly from Italy.
The finest you'll ever taste.

They're banned in North America

'cause some hack politician
has a trade agreement.

The only real crime is keeping things

that delicious out of people's mouths.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

You know,

one day, you might call upon
me for a favour.

And I just want to let you know,

that's gonna be an offer I can't refuse.

Oh, come here.


I have to say, partner,

I am impressed.

This definitely has the
look of a timeless classic.

And yet it feels like something new.

(chuckling) Oh!

Crap, I gotta go. I'm hosting a
dinner tonight for Jules and Becca.

- No problem. We'll see you tomorrow.
- OK.

Hey, um, you wanna join us?

- Oh, no, I can't crash your family dinner.
- You're not crashing,

I just invited you. Besides,
you're part of the family now.

Yeah. Sure.

- You sure you wanna wear that?
- Shut up.


- (laughing and talking)
- (Liam): Can I take your plate?


You're such a sweetheart, Liam.

Thank you, ma'am. So are you. I mean...

just thank you. And thank you, sir,

for inviting me into
your home and for dinner.

All the better to keep
an eye on you, Liam.

Come on.

Lay off him.

I'm kidding.
I'm keeping an eye on both of you,

- simultaneously.
- Jules, how about you and Liam

- help me bring out dessert?
- Yeah, sure.

I'll help too.

Thank you.

This is nice.

What gave you the idea
to throw a family dinner?

I don't know. Just felt overdue.

You were right.

You OK?

I knew this new job

would be overwhelming,
but I didn't know how much.

I don't have as much time

to spend with Jules as I'd like.

And it's not fair to her.

Or you.

What are you getting at?

Well, if you're willing...

I was thinking that it would be good

to switch to a straight
/ split custody.

Are you serious?

I want our lives to work, Shadow.

You've got a strong support
system in place as well.

- (laughing)
- Thanks.

That means a lot.

- What are you guys talking about?
- Uh, I'll tell you later.

But in the meantime,

who wants to play Trivial Pursuit?

Oh yeah! You're going down, old man.

I mean... sir.


♪ Oh... ♪

♪ And honey you should know ♪