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03x34 - Stacia, the Goddess of Creation

Posted: 12/29/21 11:18
by bunniefuu
Monday, July 6, 2026 5:10 PM

Are you ready?


Anytime you're ready, please.

Ms. Asuna.

You'll be using the superuser account 01,
Stacia, the Goddess of Creation, 'kay?

Although this account gives you admin rights to
run the unlimited landscape alteration command,

since there's so much data being transferred
between the STL and the Main Visualizer,

it can seriously overload your Fluctlight,

So please try not to alter
the landscape recklessly.

If you feel a headache starting while using
the command, stop doing it right away, 'kay?


Ms. Yuuki. I'm counting on you
to take care of Kirito.

Of course.

Dark Territory Shrubland
Human Army Supply Corps

Stacia, the Goddess of Creation

So this is the side effect
of landscape alteration.

Where? Where are you, Kirito?

Lady Stacia?

Are you... a god?

No. I'm sorry. I'm not a god.

But... But you just performed a miracle
and saved my life!

You've saved the guards, the monks
and Kirito-senpai, as well.


I've come here just to
see him... to see Kirito.


Where is he?

Let me see him!

Please take me to Kirito!

- Right.
- Right.

- This way.
- This way.


Kirito, it's all right. That's enough.

Thank you.
You've been protecting Kirito, haven't you?

Um... if you're not Lady Stacia,
then who are you?

My name is Asuna.

I'm a human being, just like you.

Just like Kirito,
I've come from the outside world.

In order to fulfill the same goal.

- The same world as Kirito-senpai?
- The same world as Kirito-senpai?

D-Do you mean the Divine Realm?

The Celestial Realm where the three goddesses of
creation, the gods of the elements, and the angels live?

Not that. Although it is a world
that exists outside of this one.

I'm sorry. I can't really
describe it in one word.

I'd like to explain it to the people in
command here, so could you take me to them?

Y-Yes. Understood. Please come this way.

It's all right. Everything's all right now,

Just leave the rest to me.

L-Lady Knight! Please stop!

She's not the enemy! Lady Alice...


Who are you?

Why did you go near Kirito?

Why, you ask?

Because Kirito belongs to me!

What are you talking about, you savage?

Now this is truly a
magnificent sight to behold.

Two beautiful flowers bursting into bloom.

Man, it's glorious.

Why would you interrupt me?

Uncle, she must be an enemy spy.

I don't think so.

Because just as I was about to meet
my untimely demise in battle,

it was this young lady who saved my life.

I saw it.

So they're here.

A rainbow of light came
down from the heavens,

and the earth split open 100 mel wide.

Even those pugilists were flustered
because they couldn't make the jump.

That we were this close
to being wiped out in one fell swoop

and this young lady saved us
is an undeniable fact.

Then are you saying
that this person isn't an enemy spy,

nor an immoral imposter dressed like
a divine entity depicted in holy art,

but rather the real goddess, Stacia?

I don't think that.

If this young lady were an actual god, then
she'd be scarier than the pontifex, wouldn't she?

She'd hurl someone rude enough to attack her
at first sight into the depths of the earth.

Yes. As you say, I'm not a god.

I'm a human, like all of you.

But I do have some knowledge
of the situation you're in right now.

The rest of your story should be heard
by the other knights and guards, as well.

Let's talk about this over tea.

Very well.

Right, now that that's settled.

You young ladies over there!

Could you get us some hot tea,
and some liquor for me?

You should listen in, too.

- Yes, sir!
- Yes, sir!

I want to make one thing clear.

From now on, you are not to enter
that carriage without my permission.

As it is my duty to ensure Kirito's safety.

You, too! Stop referring to my Kirito
in such a familiar way!

Did you say something?

No, nothing.

It looks like things are
going to get intense, huh?

Come on,
we need to boil some water right away!

The liquor jug's in that carriage
over there, right? Let's go, Ronie!

He's my senpai...

It's nice to meet you all.

My name is Asuna.

I've come here from the outside world.

By "outside," I don't mean that this world
that you all live in, the Underworld,

is psychically connected
to the real world I came from.

They're totally separate worlds.

And now, in a specific location in the real world,
two forces are fighting for control of the Underworld.

I was sent from Rath, one of those forces.

Then did you come to
this world to rule over it?

The opposite, actually.
My objective is to protect the Underworld.

And the objective of the force opposing us is
to extract a single person from the Underworld,

and then destroy this world completely.

Destroy this world?

That's ridiculous.

In the first place,
what's this "outside world"?

It's the same thing.

Outside the Human Empire
lies the Dark Territory,

where a colossal force of tens of thousands
has been more than eager to invade us.

That's a fact that no one, including me,
has ever given any serious thought to.

So what if there's one more world
on the outside now?

It's not a big deal.

So this force that's intent on destroying this
world, who's the single person they want to seize?


I see. So that's what this
"Priestess of Light" is about, huh?

There isn't much time left.

The only way to prevent the Underworld's annihilation
is to take Alice to the real world with me.

Once they know that Alice is no longer here, the
enemy should stop interfering with this world.

Y-You must be joking!

Run away? Me?

Abandon this world and everyone
who lives here, to go to this real world?

That will never happen!
I am an Integrity Knight!

Protecting the Human Empire
is my gravest and only duty!

Then that's all the more reason.

If the enemy, not the land of darkness, but
the invaders from the real world capture you,

then everyone who lives in this world, the
land, the skies, everything will be erased!

The enemy could attack this place
at any moment!

Whoa. About that,
your information's outdated, little Asuna.

It seems like these guys you call the enemy
are already here.

Now it all makes sense.

The Priestess of Light
and the Dark God Vecta, who's after her.

This god, Vecta, who's leading the enemy force right now,
must no doubt be a human from the real world like you.

Dark God...

My goodness. Then the superuser accounts for
the Dark Territory must not have been locked.

Um, m-may I ask something?

What exactly is the Priestess of Light,

And why do these invaders from the
real world want Lady Alice so badly?

Because she broke the
Seal of the Right Eye.

Y-You knew about that,
Lady Sheyta? But how?

Whenever I think about it,
my right eye hurts.

The hardest thing in the world,
the indestructible Central Cathedral.

If I could just slash the whole thing,
what fun that would be.

Well, I bet there are others here
who've experienced the same thing.

I referring to how the slightest doubt about the
pontifex's authority or the Axiom Church's system

triggers a flashing red light in your
right eyeball, along with a searing pain.

Normally, the pain is so severe
that you'd lose that thought,

but should those blasphemous thoughts
continue, the pain intensifies drastically,

and the right side of your
vision turns red. Until finally...

Your entire right eye explodes completely.

Then, Lady Alice...

I fought Prime Senator Chudelkin,
as well as the pontifex, Administrator.

In order to muster the resolve to do so,
I temporarily lost my right eye.

Come to think of it...

when I fought Administrator,
there was something about my right eye...

I believe it was Code 8... 7...

That's right! Code 871!

That's what the pontifex
called the Seal of the Right Eye.

She said it was Code 871,
imposed by "that person."

At the time, I didn't know what she meant.

But could this, too, be a word from the real
world, rather than an ancient sacred term?

Code... 87... 1?

That seal was put in place on the
other side... by someone from Rath?

But no, it would only get in the way
of their objective.

Rath's goal is to create an AI
with true intelligence.

Mr. Kikuoka and Mr. Higa
created the Underworld for that purpose,

and they've continued
the simulation for centuries.

Since Mr. Kikuoka deliberately created an
environment for the AIs to violate the Taboo Index,

having a code to force them into obedience
would defeat the purpose of the experiment.

No way!

Is the Seal of the Right
Eye a means of sabotage?

Is it the enemy that's attacking us now?

This is bad! There's a
mole among the Rath staff!

On this side of the bulkhead!

I have to let Mr. Kikuoka on the outside
know right away.

But how am I going to do that
if there are no system consoles nearby?




Is something wrong?

No. I'm fine.

As Alice said, Code 871, the Seal of the Right
Eye, was set up by someone from the real world.

Someone on the enemy side.

Isn't there any way to disable that code,
aside from blowing up the right eye?

I don't think it's something that can
be disabled from inside the Underworld.

In other words,
this enemy you're talking about

wants to get their hands on someone who
broke the Seal of the Right Eye on their own.

Let me ask you something.

Do you real-world folks have the same seal?

No. I have no such seal.

Most likely, whether or not we're
absolutely forced to obey laws and commands

is the one thing that sets apart
the real-worlders and the Underworlders.

The enemy feared the one who
would break that seal in the Underworld.

That the Priestess of Light, as they call her, would
appear, and then fall into the hands of others.

That's because the Priestess of Light can very
well become extremely valuable in the real world.

That's what I can't understand.

If the only difference between us
and you real-worlders

is whether or not we have
the Seal of the Right Eye,

doesn't that make the Priestess of Light, in other words,
little Alice, an existence equal to a real-worlder?

Then why are they obsessed
with the Priestess of Light?

Whether it's the enemy or your people,

what exactly do they want little Alice to do
once she's been taken to the outside world?


I'm sorry. I can't tell you now.

Because what I want is for Ms. Alice to see the real
world with her own eyes, and then decide for herself.

It's not a divine nation in any way,
nor is it a utopia.

Far from it. Compared to this world,
it's way uglier and dirtier.

But that's not all there is.

There are so many people there who want to
protect this world and be friends with you all.

That's right, just like Kirito.

Very well. I won't ask
you anything else for now.

However, we should first defeat
the enemy before us,

and establish peace
with the Dark Territory.

The outside world can wait till afterwards.


Now that I know that
the Dark God Vecta is from the real world,

it could be dangerous for you and me
to leave this unit by ourselves.

I'm going to join you in this battle.

Please let me take care of Vecta.

Sure, that would be a huge help, but can you
do that ground-splitting thing without limit?

Unfortunately, I can probably only perform
large-scale land alterations once or twice more.

How can we rely on an outsider's help
to protect our own Human Empire?

It's our turn now to show what we can do.

Right... that's right!

Asuna's not a god. Didn't she
just say that she's a human like us?

So we should be able to fight
just as well as her!

I, too,
would like to fight that pugilist again.

The knights are absolutely right!
Let's do this ourselves!

I'll protect this world that
Kirito loved and lived in.

From those mysterious attackers...

and from Rath as well.

I figured you'd come.

Let's make a deal.

I'll let you see Kirito.

And I'll tell you everything I know.

In return, you need to tell me
everything you know about Kirito as well.

That's fine!

But it's a really long story.

It might take more than one night.

How long have you spent with Kirito?

Let's see. I fought as
his partner for two years.

And then we dated for a year and a half.

During which,
we lived together for two weeks.

I fought by his side for a full night.

After that, I cared for him day and night for
six months while living under the same roof!

Is that so?

Excuse me.

Um, I-I cleaned Kirito-senpai's room
for about two months,

and I also learned sword skills from him,

not to mention that he treated me to honey pies
from the Prancing Deer Cafe more than once!

Compared to you two,
I was with him for a much shorter time,

but, um,
I'd like to trade information, too.

All right. You're one of us,
then, Ms. Ronie!

This information exchange...
would you allow me to take part as well?

I saw you in that meeting just now.

I am Norlangarth Imperial
Knight Sortiliena Serlut.

I was going to wait
until the battle was over,

but as I, too, have a close relationship with
Kirito, I couldn't stop myself from coming here.

And what kind of relationship
would that be, Chief Guard Serlut?

If you like, please call me Liena,
Lady Knight.

At the Norlangarth Imperial
Swordcraft Academy,

Kirito waited on me as my
primary trainee page for a full year.

In addition, I believe I was able to
pass on some of my sword skills to him.

In that case, you must also
have plenty of information yourself!

Please join us.

What's wrong?

"Dual-wielding Kirito."

That's what people called
him on the other side.


Then why don't we start there?

Next time: Heartless Choice.