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03x33 - Sword and Fist

Posted: 12/29/21 11:14
by bunniefuu
My name is Alice!
Integrity Knight Alice Synthesis Thirty!

Proxy of the three gods who protect
the Human Empire, the Priestess of Light!

All those who stand before me,
brace for my holy authority

to vanquish every last one of you!



This time... This time
I have to capture her!

I have to seize the Lightcube
where that girl's Fluctlight is stored,

and savor it to my heart's content.

All troops, prepare to move!

With the pugilists guild in the lead, followed by the
dark mages guild and the supply corps, head south!

Capture that knight,
the Priestess of Light, unscathed!

Sword and Fist

The Dark God Vecta sure
seems obsessed with you.

He's planning to come after you
with his entire army.

I suppose we should be happy about that.

It's better than being ignored, at least.

So about our strategy going forward.

The raid unit and I will keep leading the
enemy away, and reduce their force's numbers.

Does that sound right?

Yes. We've already annihilated half
of the invading forces,

which leaves only the enemy's main force
of the dark knights and the pugilists.

We'll wear them down to a certain point,
and if we can defeat the Dark God Vecta,

it's highly likely that the remaining
enemies will be open to a truce.

The problem is, who will be leading
the enemy when that happens?

If only that Shasta brat were alive.

you think the dark general is already dead?

Yeah. I can't detect him
in the main enemy force.

I did have a feeling that maybe...

Allow me to report,
my lord Knight Commander.

There'll be no problem using the designated
spot in the south for our ambush.

All right. Thanks for checking.

Have the units prepare to move out.

Your dragon must be exhausted.

Be sure to give it
plenty of food and water.

Yes, sir!


Oh, it's just that...

Robbing people of their memories, and freezing
their life to create Integrity Knights...

I agree the Synthesis
Ritual shouldn't be allowed.

But it'll be a shame not to have young fellows
like him joining the order anymore, you know?

I don't believe that having your
memory altered and your life frozen

is the only way
to become an Integrity Knight, Uncle.

Even if none of us are left standing,
our souls...

our purpose will be inherited
by those who come after us.

That's what I believe.

Something's coming.

That has to be the pugilists.

They're going to be a handful.

They'll gladly take injuries from a bare fist, but
they absolutely refuse to be slashed with a sword.

What? Refuse?

The more training those pugilists undergo,

the more they're convinced
"a blade is nothing to be afraid of."

That becomes their willpower,

and they literally harden their
physical bodies to deflect any blade.

Either way, we'll need to prepare ourselves
to defend against them.

I shall go.

Pretty soon, I'll get to fight an
Integrity Knight... someone powerful!

Who the hell are you?
What are you doing there?

I'm here... to keep you from advancing.

You couldn't even stop one brat.

Or wait... are you a knight
who can only cast arts?

I'm not skilled in the formal arts.


Yotte, fight her.

You got it!

Only one?

That's what I'm saying, you beanpole!

Shut up and draw your sword!

What the hell is that?

Don't mess with me!

I'm told that you always keep to yourself.

Why is that?

You don't care for other people? Or...

are you afraid that you'll
end up slashing them?

Your desire to slash is
written all over your face.

You'd like to slash everything in sight.

It's like you're cursed
with a murderous impulse.

Oh, not that I'm scolding you.

And besides,
I'm sure this is quite good news for you.

You brought this back from your last
reconnaissance mission of the Dark Territory.

This flower has absorbed massive amounts of the
spatial resources generated on the b*ttlefield.

I'm going to turn it
into your Divine Object.

A sword with the highest priority
that can slash anything.

This sword is a manifestation
of the curse carved into your soul.

A curse known as "murderous impulse," created by the
distortion of your inherited characteristic parameters.

Slash... slash... slash on and on.

Only at the end of that blood-smeared path
will you find the key to breaking your curse.

At least, you might.

What a savage style of fighting.

That said, for how violent her att*cks are, I'm
not detecting a murderous impulse from Lady Sheyta.

Not even hostility.

Don't think about it.

I've known her for over a hundred years, and
I still have no idea what she's thinking.

Not a clue.

It's fine if we leave this to her.

The enemy's main force will catch up soon.

We have to get ready for their attack.

Yes, sir.

The units are in position.


According to the knight commander, the
pugilists are vulnerable to the sacred arts.

There might not be enough spatial resources
on the empty grasslands,

but since there's some growth here,

the monks should have enough sacred power
to launch a concerted attack.

And then if we can use our five dragons
to burn the confused enemy forces...

That reminds me, where's the Supply Corps?


They're standing by at a distance from the front
lines, so as not to get caught in the battle.

Got it. Thank you.

Dark Territory Shrubland
Human Army Supply Corps

1 hour before the raid unit advanced

Hey, bro!

Isn't it about time we stop delegating
and wreak a little havoc ourselves?

Then you go and wreak some havoc first.

Let's see...

Stand by in these woods.

So if I stay there,
something fun will happen?

Go and have fun. PK-ing, that is.

Five down.

Don't get so...

...full of yourself, dammit!

To my fists...

your armor is like paper!

Damn you, woman,
your appearance is totally misleading, huh?

I'm... older than you.

Well, of course you are.

You Integrity Knights are monsters
that don't age for decades, right?

So should I call you grandma instead?

I'll allow it.

Because you're remarkably hard.

I can barely find any places to slash.

What are you talking about?

Still, I guess all those rumors about the Integrity
Knights being crazy powerful like demons were true.

Just look what you did to my comrades.

Damn you, you're holding back, aren't you?

Treating us like we're your training
dummies... That's unforgivable.

No matter what, I'm going to crush you!

Here I come!

Don't think that the only move
a pugilist has is punching!

Take that!

You're starting to look
like a real fighter now.

But you don't have nearly enough muscles.

Eat and train more, woman.

You, too. Just now,
you became a bit softer.

What the hell did you say?
I'm not going easy on you anymore.

I'm going to show you what's it like
when I go all-out!

So you go all-out, too!

And would you stop looking so sleepy?

Well, that's the spirit... then.

Yeah, that's the spirit.

I've never fought anyone like her before.

Seriously, she's getting me fired up!

I wonder why I'm doing this?

This pugilist's attack...

I was startled to see him display willpower
worthy of an elite knight,

but he seemed soft everywhere
except his arms.

Just cut off his head and finish it.
That's what I should do. But...

It's unbelievably hard.
Will I be able to slash it?

This is fun.

What the hell? You couldn't look more frail, and
you're a well-bred lady from the Human Empire.

But you're the same as me after all!

No good, huh?
I'm getting overpowered here, too?

Nothing I can do.

Well, this isn't a bad way to die.

Dampa! What the hell are you doing?

Time's up, Champion.
The main force has caught up to us.

Woman! Don't think this means you've won!

Calling me "woman"...

I want you to stop.


First of all, how are you going to
get out of a situation like thi...

You little...

Hey! At least tell me your name
before you run off!

I'm not running off. I am...

Sheyta Synthesis Twelve.

That's right. Keep
coming straight this way.

Hey, baby. How'd you spot me?

My senpai taught me not to rely on my eyes,
but to sense everything.

S-Senpai, did you say?

Enemy attack! Enemy attack!

You guys... time to work!

The enemy's behind us?

Dozens of them?

This is bad! If they burn our supplies,
it would immobilize the whole army.

Not to mention, those three are behind us.

I should call for backup. But if we move the raid
unit now, it'll give away our strategy to the enemy.

No, our ambush has already
been compromised, right?

Then we should send the entire force south—

Who would've thought they figured out our
plan to head south, and placed soldiers here.

My lord Knight Commander!


Give the order to retreat.

Little one,
rush over and help the Supply Corps.

I'll hold off the enemy
coming from the north.

Yes, sir!

You say you'll hold them off...

but Uncle, the enemy pugilist guild
numbers close to 5,000.

Well, I'll find a way. Now get going!

Uncle. Good luck.


This is it! This feeling!

The pleasure from playing with someone's
life, their bonds, with the tip of your sword!

No wonder I can't give up player k*lling!

Lady... Stacia.

Wh-What's going on? The ground!

Are you kidding me? Hey,
are you kidding me?

That face. That hair. That presence.

That has to be the
KoB's... "Lightning Flash"!

Next time: Stacia, the Goddess of Creation.