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05x07 - Smart Home Alone

Posted: 12/29/21 08:33
by bunniefuu
♪ I've been waiting ♪

♪ Oh, such a long time ♪

So there I am,
staring down the business end

of a p*stol,
wondering when my life is gonna

- start flashing before my eyes...
- Stop.

Stop. How do you find
this all so thrilling?

Angie just got shot
a few months ago.

Yeah. She didn't let that slow
her down. She k*lled the lights.

I dove for cover.
No one got hurt.

And I got
this super cool... souvenir.

It got lodged
in the book that saved me.

Whatever happened to good
old-fashioned infidelity cases?

Insurance scams? More paperwork,
less life-threatening peril.

Well, when a client calls,
you never know where the case

is gonna take you.
Besides, a little danger brings

a little... spice to life,
don't you think?


Great sense of humour,
excellent butt,

everything I ever wanted
in a boyfriend...

but dodging death?!
(Matt chuckles)

- Come on. I've got a daughter.
- I'm never gonna put myself

- in any real danger.
- And yet, this is it for you?

For the first time since...

I don't know, maybe... hockey,

I can't really see myself
doing anything else.

As difficult
as my job can be...

- I could never give it up.
- Exactly.

(phones buzz and ring)

(phone beeps)
(phone rings)


- Uh-huh. OK.
- I'm on my way.

(fast-paced music)

Good morning, ladies.

You know the markup on store-
bought coffee is criminal.

Right? That $4 a day adds up.
You put that 120 bucks a month

into the market
or even an ETF and boom!

Next, you'll be coming
after my avocado toast.

No, please. Let us millennials
have something good.

Zoe, our new case wouldn't
have anything to do

with a financial advisor
or accountant,

- would it?
- She prefers the term

financial health coach.

Her name is Laila Maxton,
aka the Money Maven,

specializes in helping couples
manage their money

- and their relationships.
- Hm.

And what does she need
our help for?

Well, she wouldn't say
over the phone.

And she was whispering,
which was weird.

I can't seem to find
any intel on Laila

before six years ago.
No socials,

no alumni university records.

Someone's protective
of their privacy.

It's all very mysterious.

(upbeat music)

(dog barking)

Pull up here on the right.

Penelope symbol. It's on all
the neighbouring houses too.

Protective of her privacy
might be an understatement.

Rich person, big house,
electric fence. Is it bad

I'm hoping
she cloned a dinosaur?

(Matt chuckles)
(metallic clanking)

(tense music)

(bird chirps)

(birds chirping)
(distant dog barking)

(door opens)

(robotic female voice):
Welcome, Mr. Shade,

Ms. Everett.
Laila has been expecting you.

Oh. That's... nice?

Not creepy at all.

Ms. Maxton, it's so nice to...

(inaudible speaking)

- Thank you, Penelope.
- That will be all.

Thank you for coming.

- Is someone in the house?
- No.

Well, yes. Penelope. She is

my smart house voice service.
I just thought it'd be better

that I prepare you out here
rather than in there.

I'd hate to offend her
if I'm wrong.

I called you because I don't
trust the police not to laugh me

- out of my own house.
- And why would they do that?

I deal in finance...

numbers, logic, reality.

What I'm about to tell you
may come across

as... paranoid.
(eerie music)

It's Penelope. I think my smart
house is trying to k*ll me.

(rising music)

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin' the lines
when you're makin' a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show
to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies
'cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes
They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you ♪

(intriguing music)

(birds chirping)

(Laila): Every home in
the community are smart houses.

A month ago, the tech company
offered us the chance

to be beta testers
for a new upgrade: Penelope.

- (Penelope): Hello, Laila.
- How can I help?

That will be all, Penelope.

Each time you say her name,
she listens and responds.

That's why I didn't
wanna discuss

the thing in front of her.

I was always curious about
how these smart homes work.

Penelope, what's in my fridge?

(Penelope): Two organic
smoothies, one container

of pickles, four bottles
of Sauvignon Blanc.

I'd lie and say I was
preparing for company,

but you two are investigators.

- No judgment.
- Can it turn off the lights?

Penelope, turn off
kitchen lights.

Penelope, you can
turn them back on.

(electrical buzzing)

(tense music)

(fire whooshes)

Penelope, turn ovens off!

Damn! Has she
done this before?

Every day's
a different kind of crazy.

And the last two
have gotten worse.

Well, if you're
beta testing the house,

maybe these are just glitches.

Everything was fabulous
until earlier this week.

The alarm just started going off
every hour on the hour.

Did you call the company?

They have no record
of the alarms.

No record either
of the lights that started

going on in my bedroom
in the middle of the night.

Or the speakers
that started crackling.

my closet door slammed

while I was walking through it,
knocked me down and smacked me

on the back of my head.
It felt deliberate.

Is the house only
controlled by voice?

You can use this too.

It's supposed to keep
a record of all commands.

And as you can see...

We noticed
your electric fence.

Is that standard on all
Penelope smart homes?

I'm more cautious than most.

Millions worth of art
will do that.

Can you think of anyone
that would wanna mess with you?

A successful woman
in the financial sector can

always still ruffle feathers.

- Boys club, you know?
- Yeah.

And has anything
out of the ordinary

happened in the last week or so,
before all this started?

(Laila): No.

Who's that?

Georgina Longford,
my nosy neighbour.

And how well do you
get along with her?

(Angie sighs)

The house is trying
to k*ll me. That's a new one.

- I like her. I get it.
- No one's gonna take

financial advice from someone
who thinks their house is

- a mastermind of doom.
- Hey.

- (Angie): HEY! WAIT!
- Hey! Private investigators!


Don't think I stopped

because I felt I had to.

- I know PIs aren't cops.
- Georgina Longford?

- Obviously.
- I'm Angie Everett.

This is Matt Shade.
We're investigating some...

suspicious activity
in the neighbourhood.

Started with Ms. Maxton,
did you? Good call.

She stays up all hours
and makes sure I do too.

Every light in the house on,
music blaring.

- And this started when?
- Two nights ago.

I was up. I'm on a cleanse.

Couldn't get back to sleep
after her cacophony.

Ms. Maxton says
you've been giving her

the cold shoulder. Did she do
something to offend you?

She's loud. She's aloof.

She never comes
to my Labour Day barbeques.

- Maybe she's just busy.
- Too busy for crudité?

- Please.
- Why were you

- just watching her house?
- I don't need to justify

myself to you.

(receding footsteps)

- (Angie sighs)
- People in the neighbourhood

go missing, I know whose
backyard I'm checking first.

Yeah. She did confirm
Laila's story about the music

and the lights though.
(alarm beeping)

Is that the security alarm?

Sounds like a smoke detector.

- Come on! PENELOPE!


- (beeping stops)

Penelope, is there
a fire in the house?

(Penelope): All smoke alarms
are in perfect working order

and will alert you
to any dangerous situation

- involving fire.
- I swear she's trying

to drive me crazy!

(Matt): I don't even know

where to start
with this smoke detector.

Can't switch it off with
a broom handle, that's for sure.

There's no record
of the alarms. Tech support said

- they'd send someone.
- Do you ever think

about selling this place?
(electricity buzzing)

- Or hiring an exorcist?
- I would never sell this house.

I've spent six years making it
my home, my safe haven.

I can't just start over.

- (doorbell rings)
- (Penelope): Welcome, Bryce.

- It's nice to see you.
- Hey, Penelope.

- How's it hangin'?
- It's hanging just fine,

thank you. Are you here
to service me?

Ugh. Really gotta get
the coders to change

the script on that one.

Hi! I'm Bryce

from Penelope Intuitive.
I hear you have a glitch?

(tense music)

OK. So I have
some good news, but, um,

it's not really good news,
I don't think, because, uh...

You can't find anything wrong.

- Penelope is fully functional.
- (Penelope): Functional,

punctual, and always turned on.

- Isn't that right, Bryce?
- At the risk of sounding

like a grandmother,
couldn't we just...

- Uh, short answer: No.
- What's the long answer?

- Absolutely not.
- Part of the upgrade means

that everything in the house
is fully integrated

with the Penelope system,
from the electrical,

the plumbing, the appliances.

You turn Penelope off, and all
you've got is a playhouse.

I also agreed to keep
Penelope running for six months.

Contractually, I'm obligated.

I was gonna gloss over all
that legal-eagle stuff, but yeah.

Ms. Maxton, can you grab me
the upstairs tablet?

- Sure.
- Thanks.

Excuse me.

Look, um... I didn't wanna
say this in front

of Ms. Maxton 'cause she seems

real high-key
stressed out, but...

98% of glitches are user error.

Any chance
her Penelope is being

- controlled by someone else?
- What, like hacked? No. No way.


OK, I could get fired
for saying this, but...

the system is new.
All right? It's a beta.

Duh. And definitely vulnerable.

Would you be able to tell
if it was breached?

I'm not cleared to make
that kind of deep dive.

- But I can put a work order in.
- How long would that take?

Well, it's Friday,
so... maybe by Wednesday?

(intriguing music)

- Hm? My energy drink!
- Mine! Mm!

Tell me you've gotten out
of that chair in the last

three hours?

One does not simply go down
one Reddit thread.

I watered it down an hour ago

and added some
of your green juice powder.

Thankfully, my hours of wading
through AI conspiracy theories

have paid off. I think I found
Penelope's Achilles heel.

Remember when my neighbour's
phone accidentally synced

- to my Bluetooth speakers?
- Yes. Three days of Zoe

with Nickelback stuck
in her head.

Crazy times.

Anyway, according to some
of the chats that I lurked,

the same thing could be
happening here:

One smart home accidentally
syncing to another.

So someone else's signal could
be controlling Laila's Penelope?

Maybe that's why nothing's
showing up on Laila's tablet.

It's not her Penelope sending
signals to the house.

(together): Georgina Longford.

(rhythmic music)

Penelope's glitches are
like classic t*rture techniques:

Sleep deprivation, starvation.

Keeping a woman from her wine.

She must've discovered
that her house was linked

to Laila's and took
the opportunity to retaliate.

That must have been
some crudité platter.

I don't know. I think
smart houses are overrated.

Too many bells and whistles.
Something can always go wrong.

But for your freezer to tell you
when you're almost out of ice cream?

For your front door
to lock automatically? Come on.

No. Nothing worth having
is easy.

Spoken like someone who's
never had a pizza pocket.

- Gate's open. That's weird.
- Shade, look at the house.

(eerie music)

(electricity buzzing)

(Penelope): Ms. Everett,
Mr. Shade,

what a pleasure to see you.


- Penelope, where's Laila?
- (Penelope): It's been

a tough day.

Laila is relaxing
in her steam room.

Please, won't you come through?

She'll be most happy to see you.

(machine humming)
(water dripping)

- Laila?
- (steam whooshing)

- Looks like a '90s music video.
- Or a horror film.

Nothing good ever comes
out of the mist.

(ominous music)


open the steam room door.

(Penelope): The door is open.

See what I said
about the mist?


- Angie?
- No Laila.

open the steam room door!

- (Penelope): The door is open.
- The door to the steam room is

not open. I should know. I'm
standing right in front of it.

Ah, now I'm talking to a house.

- Ooh. All right.
- So this is how we're gonna go.

Yeah. Steamed to death.

At least our corpses
will be wrinkle-free?

(rising g music)

(tense music)

(steam whooshing)

My clothes are sticking
to me everywhere.

Hey, remember that time
we got stuck in the freezer?

- Doesn't seem so bad now.
- Last time I was this hot,

there were palm trees
and mojitos.

- Ah, and a red bikini.
- What?

Yeah, you showed me
the pictures. Remember?

Oh. I need to take
my shirt off.

- Yeah, me too.
- (both exhale heavily)

- Let's sit down.
- Conserve energy.

- (Angie exhales heavily)
- How can you be so calm?

I'm too hot to be
anything else.

Besides, we'll get out of this.
(steam whooshing)

- And why is that?
- Because we always do.

- Yeah, we're good that way.
- We sure are.

You're the best.

I mean... we're the best.

Ah, you're cute
when you're not making sense.

Oh, stop!

- Don't look at me like that.
- Like what?

(steam whooshing)

Those eyes... so blue,

like... like water,

like... cold, cold, cold water.

Oh, yeah.

(steam whooshing)

- I gotta take my pants off.
- Oh, God. Me too.

(Angie sighs)
(zipper unzips)

(objects clatter softly)

Oops! Did I just... was that?

- Sure was.
- Sorry.

- It's OK.
- (footsteps)

Damn, still no cell service.

- Ugh, this stupid door!
- (knocking)

- And stupid Penelope.
- (Penelope): The door is open.

- (Angie and Matt): Shut up!
- (steam whooshing)

(Matt): Laila's got
all this security. Why?

- Maybe she's been hurt before.
- Living in fear is no way

- to live.
- Yeah.

- Breaking down walls can be hard.
- Yeah, tell me about it.

What are we talking about?

- I'm not exactly sure.
- My brain is melting.

Mine too.

Matt! Angie! What happened?

I don't think your house is
just trying to k*ll you.

- What?
- It just tried to k*ll us too.

(tense music)

- (distant honking)
- (Angie): Well,

I'm officially done
with spa days.

On the plus side,
your skin looks fantastic.

- (chuckles)
- Thanks. Let's put some

of those sulphites and acids
back into our system.

I think we've earned it.

- I'm so sorry I wasn't there.
- It was a last-minute meeting

- with a client.
- We're just happy

you came home before we went
the way of dumplings.

- We need to get you into a hotel.
- No kidding.

I'm not going back to my home
until you figure this out.

I'll get you the codes
to the house, the gate.

You two will
figure it out, right?

Uh, we still need to eliminate
your nosy neighbour

- as a suspect.
- Can you think

of anyone who would wanna
hurt you? Someone with a grudge?


Well, maybe Kenneth Mayweather.

- The entrepreneur?
- Yeah.

He tried to sue me
two years ago. He said

that my first book stole
from his blog posts.

It barely made it to court
before being tossed out.

- He doxxed me right after.
- Doxxed?

Published my address
on the internet.

It scared the hell out of me,
but nothing came of it.

Well, it says here Mayweather

just invented an app called
Abounding Life.

Apparently, it's
quite profitable.

So he knows his way
around a computer.

I'll say. Maybe I'll pay
Kenneth a little visit tomorrow,

see if he's gotten more creative
with his revenge plans.

You wanna take
another run at Georgina?

- Oh, yeah.
- Looking forward to it.

(soft music)

(birds chirping)

(disquieting music)

(metallic clank)

- Stop!
- AH! What are you doing here?

- This is private property!
- So is the fence

you're about to prune.
Destruction of property is

- a serious offence.
- Fine. I'm guilty.

But I think I'm justified

given my deep personal loss
as a result of her stupid fence.

OK. Um, now, I'm at a loss.

Lady Paw Paw.

My cat.

- Oh, dear.
- She rubbed

herself up against
this spot here.

Must've given good scritches

for a few seconds, and then...

And you've been taking
vengeance ever since,

using your Penelope system
to mess with Laila's,

keeping her up at night,
trapping me and my partner

- in the steam room.
- Now, hold on a minute!

The only thing I've done

is try to cut power
to this monstrosity!

Then you won't mind me seeing
your Penelope system.

Happy to.

- Really?
- On one condition.

Talk to Ms. Maxton
about her fence.

My opinion? Someone with voltage

this high has something to hide.

(intriguing music)

(siren blaring)
(vehicles honking)


(door shuts)

Well, this place is
definitely a front.

OH! You scared me!

Sorry. I was
plugging in my phone.

Are you guys, um, moving?

- Remodeling?
- Oh, we're downsizing

to... basically me.

But... who knows how much longer
I have left after the sale.

Abounding Life sold?

Yep! Finalized this week
sometime. They won't tell me when.

Obvi. My life?
Totally flying apart right now.

OK. Uh, well, I have

a meeting with Mr. Mayweather
in five minutes.

- You're lucky!
- He only makes contact

- once a week.
- Makes contact?


- [Hi. You've got Kenneth.
- Who am I speaking to?]

- Matt Shade.
- I'm a private investigator.

[Yeah. A cool line of work.]

[Anyone ever tell you you look
like that hockey player... ]

I am that hockey player.

Listen. Have you had any contact
with Laila Maxton recently?

[Laila Maxton. No, I haven't.]

Uh-huh. Do you know anything
about Penelope Smart Homes?

- [Not much.
- Is Laila in trouble?]

- [Did she make a bad investment?]
- There's been a few incidents,

and, given your history,
I thought... - [Whoa.]

[OK. That was in the past, man.]

[I'm 3000 clicks
from Toronto. This is]

[the only spot
where I get reception.]

[I'm off the grid. But, uh...]

(birds chirping)

[You ever look
into the rumours?]

- What rumours?
- [About Laila's past, ]

[who she really is.]

(intriguing music)

- Did you find something?
- Was it Georgina?

Zoe scanned through
Georgina's logs.

Her Penelope system's clean.

She barely uses it
to do more than turn on lights.

What about Kenneth?

No. He's in the middle
of the B.C. wilderness.

- Not our guy.
- Then why am I here?

You... kept something
from us, Laila.

Your real name: Laila Myers.

The same Laila Myers who,
six years ago, was kidnapped.

(soft music)

Ernest was
one of my first clients.

I didn't know the money
he invested was earmarked

for the down payment on a house.
The investment was high risk.

It tanked. He lost everything.

When he followed my advice

and told his fiancée...
she left him.

And... he blamed you
for all of it?

He didn't just blame me.

He abducted me...

took me to his apartment...

and tied me up in a chair.

(Laila breathes shakily)

I was able to...

use my foot to pull
a blind off a window.

Thank God someone saw me...

and called the police.

That explains all the security
in your house.

Ernest was sentenced
to 10 years in prison.

I have four more years
until he's released.

That's why there's
no information on you

beyond six years ago.

I moved, rebranded...

changed my name.

I didn't want my new business,
my new life,

to be about surviving
a kidnapping.

And you didn't trust us
to keep your secret?

- I don't trust anyone.
- Plus, I thought

if I told you,
you'd think that I was

just a traumatized woman
being paranoid.

I knew I couldn't let
that son of a bitch define me.

It's hard enough as a woman,
never mind a Black woman,

to make it
in the world of finance.

And everything I've done since
then has been to make sure

that nothing like this
happens again.

And now, look.
Sometimes, I wonder...

- is it me?
- You didn't do

anything to deserve this.

We're gonna take you
back to your hotel.

And you're gonna stay there,
and we are going to solve this.

- OK?
- OK.

(fast-paced music)

That guy grabbed her from
the entrance of her own condo.

No wonder she built
herself a fortress.

Yeah. Imagine living
like that...

always afraid
it'll happen again.

Do you feel like that?

Because of the sh**ting, I mean.

I did.

Only because I wasn't
dealing with it.

Uh, don't tell anyone, but...

...I've been keeping a journal,

and... it actually helps

with feelings and all that.


Only you would think that
keeping a journal is so radical.

Stop it! It is to me.



if this job actually
scared me, I don't...

think I'd be able
to do it anymore.

You two are
careful though, right?

Of course. Always.

Life, cases, I mean...

you never know
how it's gonna go down, and...

...we can't predict everything.

- (door opens)
- Zoe? Take a deep breath

and repeat
what you just told me.

- Laila was right.
- Ernest Coleman wasn't due

to be released
until four years from now.

I'm sensing a "but."

He got out early
for good behaviour.

And guys... he's in Toronto.

(ominous music)


[The agency said he's
somewhere on the fifth floor.]

(phone ringing)
(cell phone beeps)

- Ernest Coleman?
- Jeez, man!

Don't come at me
from a blind spot!

I've got this desk
booked 'til 10, so.

- Where were you today?
- OK.

Back up, pal.
I'm gonna need

a name or something before
you start interrogating me.

Matt Shade,
private investigator.

Currently, I'm being employed
by Laila Myers.

Oh, man. Uh...

Well, I haven't seen
her for six years,

and, legally, I'm never allowed
to see her again.

- Because you kidnapped her.
- 'Cause I lost hundreds

of thousands of dollars
and, yes, I blamed her.

(computer beeps rapidly)
One sec. Mrs. Lewis!

Hi! How are you?
Hey, can we circle back

in a couple of minutes?
Aw, thank you.

(mouse clicks)
That's a client.

Mister, uh...

Shade, is it?

Look, I got two things
out of prison, OK?

Counselling and an education,
so I know that I'm responsible

for my own financial ruin.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

But I'm also responsible
for making my own future.

And what kind
of future is that?

Graphic design.

I'm, uh, kind of a wiz.

And people don't ask freelancers

for criminal checks, so this is

my second chance, and I will not
be screwing it up.

Still haven't told me
where you were today.

I have a deadline,
so I was here.

And if you don't believe me,
you can ask my parole officer.

She can track my every move.

(spooky tone):'s everywhere!

(phone ringing)

Mrs. Lewis, sorry about that!

Hey. So Ernest Coleman's

parole officer confirmed
he was at work all day.

[I talked to the guy myself.
Apparently, he's a new man now.]

- Yeah. Um, listen.
- Shade... Laila's missing.

- She's not at the hotel?
- I just came from there.

I told hotel security I thought
Laila was in danger, so they let

me into her room. Her computer
and her suitcase are still there.

- So maybe she went out.
- Her steak's half-eaten.

Her napkin's on the floor. I
don't think leaving was her choice.

Do you think
someone forced her?

- I don't know.
- Can you meet me at her house?

She wouldn't go back there.

- [Not alone.]
- Exactly.

It's the one place we'd
never look, which might make it

the perfect place to hide her.
I'll see you soon.

(engine roars)

(fast-paced music)

(keypad beeping)

(gate clanks)

- Laila!
- Laila?

- Penelope, where's Laila?
- (Penelope): Hello, Mr. Shade.

Laila isn't here right now.

- Yeah, right. LAILA!
- Wait.

(engine running)
You hear that?

That's Laila's car!

- The car's still running.
- We gotta get her out.

Laila? LAILA!

(suspenseful music)

Laila, stay with us!
We'll get you out!

(doorknob rattles)
Stay with us!

Hold on, we're coming! No.

No signal.
House must be blocking it.

- There's no keyhole!
- It's an electronic door.

(electronic buzzing)

(door creaks)

- Angie, come on!
- No! We have to turn the car off!

- I'll be right behind you.
- Hurry!


(car beeps)
(engine stops)


- I'm feeling better. Thanks.
- Yeah.

Did you turn off
the car remotely?


- Someone did.
- Laila, why on earth

- did you come back here?
- Shade texted me this.

(tense music)

"We found the glitch in the
house. Come as soon as you can."

- I didn't text you this.
- What?

Whoever hacked Penelope must
have found a way to mirror my phone.

What happened
when you got here?

I parked in the garage,
as usual.

As soon as I got out,
the car door locked

and the engine started up again.

I couldn't get out
of the garage.

This has gone way beyond
someone trying to scare you.

- No kidding.
- Someone wants me dead.

- Your painting's gone.
- What?


(Matt and Laila):
Someone's in the house.

We need to get
out of here. Now.

(dramatic music)

- What's happening?
- The house has gone

into lockdown mode. It's to
prevent anyone from getting

- in or out.
- So we're stuck in here?

With a k*ller.

reverse lockdown mode!

- No signal.
- No, me neither.

Penelope, reverse lockdown!

(man): [Penelope's not
here anymore.] - Who are you?

- [An interested party.]

[We're about
to have so much fun.]

(metal music plays loudly)

- This can't be happening.
- It's happening.

Laila, nobody knows this house
like you do. How do we get out?

We don't.

We go further in. Come on.

(softly): Come on.

After Penelope Intuitive
retrofitted the house,

I hired an independent company
to build a panic room.

It's on a completely
separate system.

Penelope doesn't know it exists.

(man): [Let's not
go that way.]

The hacker's tracking us.

Not for long. Come on.

- This is your panic room?
- Good times.

Through here, guys. Come on.

(tense music)

- I'll be in touch.
- Wait. What? Shade!


(Angie sighs)

Well... this is
the nicest panic room

- I've ever seen.
- The sofa converts

into a sleeper. Food and
essentials for three days.

- And then, there's this.
- Hello, Houston.

(softly): Hey, how are
you guys doing in there?

Why would you pull
such a bonehead move?

With me out here and you in
there, we have a better chance

- [of taking this creep down.]
- You're right.

But, Shade... I swear to God,
if you die, I'm gonna k*ll you.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Love you too, Everett.

- Are my new...
- Or were you two ever...

- Oh, no! No, no, no, no.
- He's just...

thinks he's some kind of action
hero who can never get hurt.

- You want?
- Oh! No.

I, uh, need
to keep a clear head.

OK. Yeah. Maybe one finger.

You know what? Make it two.

All right. How do I
steer this ship?

So... this right here,
it switches

between all the cameras
in the house

- and the microphone's here.
- There's Shade.

Hey, I've got your 20.

[Warn me if I'm about
to run into a k*ller.]

Working on it.

Hey, Hackmaster, how'd you like
our disappearing act?

[Panic room. Someone's not
playing by the rules.]

It's not your house,
not your rules.

[What happened
to being honest?]

[So much for number four,
eh, Laila?]

Oh, no.

Angie, he's gotta be
a former client.

I have a list of 10 things
to create financial cohesiveness

in a relationship.
Number four is be honest.

How does that make him
a former client? He could've

- read that in your book.
- No.

In my book, it's number 10.

- I've met this guy.
- Wait.

What's he doing?

He's taking my Tui Tan!

- Is it worth anything?
- I paid $8000

for it 10 years ago.
It's now worth $100 000.

Oh. That's why this panic room
is très chic.

Art is a sound
financial investment. I wrote

- about it in my second book.
- Well, how much would you say

- your collection's worth?
- 40 pieces...

nearly 4.5 million.

- Maybe this isn't about you.
- Maybe this is about art.

I mean, 40 pieces would
take time to move.

He needed me
outside the house.

And now, with us in the panic room,
the hacker thinks he can take his time.

- And with Matt out there...
- We've got the upper hand.

Shade. I've got your guy.

- Am I close?
- [So close.]

Just go left through the door.
He's 30 feet in front of you.

- (whispering): All right.
- Going offline now.

(suspenseful music)

What is he up to?

Shade, stop! Stop!

Finally, we meet face to face.

(electricity crackling)

- from Penelope Intuitive.
- You got me.

Laila was calling your company
for help, and, all the while,

it was... - Your friendly
neighbourhood technical wizard.

- Look at you.
- Prison handle all ready.

- Time to give up, Bryce.
- Shade!

[Get out of there right now!]
(door slams)

(ominous music)

(Bryce): [You really should've
stayed out of this.]

- Where did that wire come from?
- What's it connected to?

- The inspection hatch.
- Bryce has access

to all the wiring in the house
from the inside.

(Matt): [What is this,

There's gotta be enough power
in there to shock someone

- pretty damn good.
- Yes.

And I led Shade right to him.

(Matt): You after
her art collection?

Penelope Intuitive pay
is crap.

Plus, like, zero benefits.
(electricity crackling)

- Sorry.
- Sorry to who?

Laila Maxton has to admit
what she does to people.

- Which is what?
- She gives them false hope.

It's her turn to feel
that hope slip

from her sadly single fingers,

[and the pain
of watching her life]

- [circle the drain.]
- No.

It's not possible.
Angie, the hacker...

- it's Ernest Coleman!
- You're right.

- It... it's not possible.
- [What are you saying, Bryce?]

[It doesn't even sound like you]

- [who's saying it.]
- Unless...

Unless he and Bryce
are working together.

- Whoa, whoa. Are you crazy?
- What are you doing, man?

- You're working with someone else.
- No. Whoa, whoa! Back up, man!

This is what you want,
isn't it?

When I asked about
shutting Penelope down,

Bryce said it'd
shut down everything. Right?

- Including the power, yes.
- Can we do that from here?

- (rapid beeping)
- Damn it.

(audible voltage drop)
(rapid footsteps)

You sprung for night vision.

With the emergency lighting,
Matt won't be able to see much.

Yeah, well,
neither will Bryce.

And Shade... has one thing
that he doesn't.

- Us.
- [Damn.]

I lost him.

(tense music)

(softly): Something's off
with this guy.

As in he wants to k*ll you?

- That's the thing.
- I don't think he does.

OK, I got him. Just...

put a pin in that until
after you kick his ass. OK?

OK, wait. Stop.
Back where you came from.

[Turn around.
Go down the hallway.]

[Go through the door
on the right-hand side.]

[Now stop. Get to the right side
of that door.]

[He's coming.]
(door opens)

- (whispering): OK.
- I've got it from here.

(suspenseful music)

- (grunting)
- All right! Don't hurt me!


(Angie): Shade?


(intriguing music)

- (Ernest): [Hello?
- Hello, hello?]

[Come on! Hello? Hello?]

- It's off. We can talk now.
- Bryce has been

livestreaming the cameras
in this house to another device.

When we shut the power down,
it k*lled the signal.

- What is it?
- Buy me 30 minutes.

- (whispering): Go now!
- (suspenseful music)

- (Ernest): Bryce? Hello?
- Can you hear me?

Hello? Hello?
Come on, what the...

(keys clacking)

Hello?! Come in!

Hello? DAMN IT!

- What the...
- (Angie): [Go back! In here.]

- [He was right behind us.]
- [No! Don't touch]

- [the door!]
- Bryce, are you there?

Are you... what the hell is going
on in there? I lost visual!

- (Laila): [Sh. He's coming.]
- (Angie): [No!]

- [Laila, don't move!]
- [We have to get out of here.]

- (screaming)
- Don't k*ll her!

- Don't k*ll her! Not yet...
- So!

Bryce was a proxy
all along, huh?

- Hey, Angie. You there?
- [Yeah. You got him?]

- Yeah, I got him.
- Nice performances, both of you.

[Bryce admitted everything. I
think he's ready to make a deal.]

So the promise

of Laila's art collection
was enough

to entice Bryce
to do your dirty work.

Well, once we discovered
he was livestreaming a feed

from inside the house, we knew
who was really behind this.

She ruined my life!

I lost my job,

my girlfriend, my condo!

Wait 'til you check out
your new digs.

Well, I'll get out. Again.

But she'll always be trapped.


Take him away, boys.

(rising sinister music)

(light music)

Yeah. OK.

I'll be here.
(door opens)



- How are you holding up?
- Well, I felt a lot better

after I made my appointment
with my therapist.

It's gonna be
a long road to healing.

You don't get over
this kind of thing in one day.

- You sure don't.
- And if you have the right people

in your life, that road is
a whole lot shorter.

Ernest is being prosecuted with
everything that they can throw at him,

given that this is the second
time that he's come at me.

He's gonna be
in his own personal panic room

for a very long time.

Wanna buy
a fully outfitted smart house?

- (laughing)
- You're selling?

Uh-huh. It's time.

I need to start
dismantling the walls...

- not building them.
- So you're not

- playing it safe anymore?
- Hell no!

It almost got me k*lled.

Here. Here you go.

It's a little gesture
of my appreciation.

It's called The Lovers.

- You take care, you two.
- Thanks.

♪ The sky tonight ♪

♪ Take a rocket to the moon ♪

♪ Spin our favourite ♪

♪ '80s tunes all night ♪

- Wow.
- It's beautiful.

♪ Can you see it in my eyes,
don't you feel ♪

- ♪ Those butterflies ♪
- Hey all.

Oh, hey. Um, I'm almost ready.

Yeah. Uh, Matt, could I talk
to you for a minute?


♪ We're falling
from the sky tonight ♪

♪ Falling from the sky ♪

♪ We didn't make it
through the honeymoon phase ♪

♪ We're so accustomed
to the digital age ♪

♪ Are you feeling lost
right now ♪

♪ Do you need to find yourself ♪

♪ I just need to know ♪

OK. What's going on here?

- (Angie sighs)
- Just something Laila said.

Being safe
nearly got her k*lled...

as if not taking risks was
an enormous risk in itself.

Well, I once didn't
take a risk

and regretted it ever since...
investments, pharmaceuticals.

If I had taken one bite, I'd be
in the hundreds of thousands.

Yeah... but then,
you wouldn't work here,

and... I'd miss you.

- No. I'll never quit.
- You are stuck with all of this.

Heh. Maybe I should
start taking risks.

Please. You are
the most badass woman I know.

You ride motorbikes,
you're a crack shot,

and then there's that high kick.

- Right.
- (door opens)

(Matt and Jada laughing)

- Finally! I'm starving.
- You guys wanna grab dinner?

- Um... That might be weird.
- Uh... Yeah.

Oh. Yeah. Third wheel. Got it.

No, no. That's totally not it.

- Um... we broke up.
- Yeah.

Oh. That's... awful.

You were laughing,
like, a minute ago.

Well, we kind of broke up
at the same time.

I respect what you two do,

but I can't take the stress
of someone I really like

- being in danger.
- Yeah. And it's a big part

of who I am now, and I'm not
prepared to give it up.

There. That was basically it.

And we mostly talked
about what fans we are of yours,

and that the thing
we had most in common was you.

So count me out for dinner.
But, um... next week?

You and me, Ange? You do know
where the best enchiladas are.

- You got it.
- I'll see you later, ladies.

And, uh... I'll see
you around, Matt.

Yeah. Bye, Jada.

Uh, hey, Jada? Give me

- a ride to the subway?
- Yeah, come on.

♪ The sky tonight ♪

♪ We're falling
from the sky tonight ♪

Well, I guess
it's just you and me.


- You got plans?
- I do.

Dinner. You invited me.

Oh, no. Jada was
the main attraction there.

- You were just the tagalong.
- Hey, as long as you're paying,

- I don't even need to talk.
- Oh, you will sing

for your dinner.
I'd like to hear more

about this Angie person
you're such a fan of.

Ah, see, that might have been
a slight exaggeration.

- Hm. I'll throw in dessert?
- Deal.

♪ You're
my purple candy high ♪

- Hey, we should book a spa day!
- I actually think

- that steam did me some good.
- Don't push your luck.

♪ We're falling from
the sky tonight ♪