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05x04 - Gone in 60 Minutes

Posted: 12/29/21 08:30
by bunniefuu

Ah! The suspension
in that truck

- is non-existent.
- Thanks for driving, Angie.

Apparently, I have to get
an eye test in order

- to renew my licence. Who knew?
- No problem. How's it going

with the campaign?
Is there anything I can do

- to help the cause?
- Yeah! I have to get

the vote out. If you wanna
hand out flyers,

you can have
bottomless poutine all day.

Uh, sold!

Ooh. I wonder
if I stocked enough truffles.

- Truffles?
- For a car show audience?

- Classic car show audience.
- Big difference.

Matt and I have been coming
to these since he was a kid.

- Father-son tradition.
- So you're responsible

for his obsession
with old, expensive cars.

Guilty as charged.

You shouldn't be on your phone
while you're driving

I'm actually parked

at the Convention Centre,
so this hunk of metal outpaced

your fancy fast car.
Remind me again

why you didn't drive
your dad's truck here?

Nobody drives my baby but me.

See you soon.

Sir, I would be happy to park

- your car for you.
- That's OK.

- It is what I get paid to do.
- And I'm sure

- you're great at it.
- Cameron.


I have an accident-free
four-star rating.

- That's great. But listen.
- Under no circumstances are you

- to move this car.
- Are you aware this spot is

technically outside
the Platinum Valet parking area?

- I'm sorry.
- Did you say something?

Nothing at all, sir.

Glad we understand each other.

You think
you're taking this whole

"nobody parks my baby but me"
thing a smidge too far?

I had a very specific
parking spot in mind.

You'll notice that this spot is
very near the entrance

where the show cars
get detailed.

Ah. A riff-raff free zone.

- Exactly.
- I'm gonna go earn my poutine.

Hey, guys!

Well, look at
that handsome specimen.

Well, hello, Nicola.

And no, my car is not for sale.

Oh. 1969 911, mint condition,

celebrity owner.
You know that I am

the best luxury car broker
in North America.

I could get you three times
what it's worth. In fact,

I have a client in Florida
looking for one right now.

- You know what's funny?
- Last year, you said you could

get me four times book value.

Did I say three? I meant five.

You know my answer, Nicola.

It's not for sale.

I'm here all week.

This is a lot of shiny metal.

Oh, it's a thing of beauty,
isn't it?


- What's the matter?
- Your b*llet wound acting up?

- It was weeks ago, Shade.
- I'm fully healed. I'm fine.

Look, this one's up from Texas.

Yeah. A lot of them seem
to be from down south.


- Hey, it's your car's twin!
- No, no, no, no, no.

See, that's a '74.

Mine is a '69.
Much more elegant car.

What other human being
would even notice that?

It's identical.

Like what you see?

Uh... I've seen it all before.

I doubt that.

I'm Mark Lyte,
former hockey superstar.

But everyone calls me Lytnin'.

- Of course they do.
- This is your car?

- You must be so proud.
- I'd be even prouder to have

a gorgeous lady grace
the passenger seat.

Thanks, but I already know
one former

hockey superstar with
an obsession for fancy cars.

- Isn't that right, Shade?
- Get away from my partner!

- Get away from my Porsche!
- You call that a Porsche?

- Matt Shade! Gloves off.
- Whoa, whoa! Enough!

Back to your corners
or penalty benches.

- Box. - Whatever.
- You know this guy?

- Yeah. We work together.
- My condolences.

Oh, that's funny
coming from you.

- Is there a problem here?
- No.

We were just leaving.

Come on.

So I sense a story here.

- Yeah, it was a long time ago.
- Apparently, not long enough.


Where's your car?

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowin' the lines
when you're makin' a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show
to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies
'cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes
They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you, watching you ♪

♪ Watching you ♪

The Porsche is missing?

The Porsche? Yikes.
Is Shade freaking out?

That might be

putting it mildly.

Well, I assume you've
done all the basics?

The car show won't get
involved. Park at your own risk,

et cetera. The valet is
conveniently away from his post,

so... when can you get here?

- Oh, Angie, I'm sorry. I can't.
- I'm up to my eyeballs

in open cases. I could open
another file. What's one more?

You can't spare a few minutes?

I can send a uniform,
um, but, uh,

a missing car is just not at the
top of my priority list today.

No, I get it. Believe me.

Um... forget the uniform.

We'll do some poking around
and let you know what we find.

OK. Roger dodger.

Roger dodger?

What's this all about?

Or do I wanna know?

Becca! Are you
a classic car buff too?

Oh, I'm here to scope out
some wheels for myself.

You know, I always wanted
a little vintage beauty,

and Matt would never
let me drive his, so.

Yeah. Some things
never change.

But am I ever happy to see you.
The Porsche is missing.


So this makes
so much more sense now.

Does it? I mean, I know
he's attached to the car, but...

No, it's more than just a car.

It was the first thing
he bought when he turned pro.

Oh. He never told me that.

To him, it's a symbol of all
his hard work and success.

Now I feel bad

for all the mocking.

- Oh, hell no.
- Don't stop the mocking.

That's part
of what he loves about you.

So... you're not just here
window shopping?

I renegotiated my contract,
and it now includes

full compensation
for the car of my dreams.

- Which is?
- That's a good question.

Muscle car, convertible,

- full James Bond.
- Hey. Is Danica on her way?

- Shade, I'm so sorry.
- Anything I can do.

Thanks, Becca. Why not?

She can send a uniform,
but... priorities.

Fine. I don't even
need any cops.

I know exactly
who stole my Porsche.

Uh-oh. I haven't
seen that face

- in years.
- What's that face?

The kind of face he used
to make right before he sent

some guy from the other team
to the hospital for stitches.

- Hey.
- Hey!

Hey! That's Matt Shade!

Shadow and Lyte,
together again!

Yeah, just like old times.
Right, buddy?

- Just like old times.
- Hey, can I

- get both of your autographs?
- Yeah!

Know how to write
your own name yet?

Do you wanna know
how to spell yours?

- What's the story?
- He won't tell me.

They used to be so close.

Came up through the hockey
youth ranks together.

Got drafted
to the pros together.

When I met Matt,
they were inseparable.

- Obviously not anymore.
- Here you go, bud.

Then, out of nowhere,
Lytnin' got traded

and wouldn't take Matt's calls.
They only time they did have

contact was the all-out,

gloves off brawl every time
they met on the ice.

- What happened?
- I don't know.

I tried to get it
out of Matt for years,

but he wouldn't tell me.
Whatever it was,

I don't think
he really ever got over it.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah. Um...

I... thought the backfire
sounded like a g*nsh*t.

You know,
you're allowed to be not OK.

No. I mean, I... I should be
over this. I mean, physically,

I'm... I'm completely recovered,
and I don't know why

my brain just... reacts.

I'll figure it out. Heh. I will.

Where did they go?

You know damn well
what you did!

Hey! What the hell
are you talking about?

- What am I talking about?
- MATT! Stop it.

- Hey, Becks.
- Well, don't you look amazing.

Oh. Well, you held up
pretty well yourself.

- No, no, no, no.
- You guys can exchange

pleasantries later. WHERE IS IT?

Shade's Porsche. It's missing.

- No, it's not missing.
- It was stolen!

He thinks you might have
something to do with it.

- I don't think it. I know it.
- That's insane!

BOYS! Enough!

That's mom voice.
Works like a charm.

Lytnin', tell Matt
what you know.

- Nothing. All right?
- A man's car

disappearing is no joke.
I'd never do that to anyone.

I swear on my own Porsche,
I had nothing to do with it.

To do with it.
Besides, outside of visiting

the autograph table,
I haven't left my booth all day.

- That's a good alibi, Shade.
- Think about it.

- There are more likely suspects.
- Like who?

- Valet, for example.
- Cameron? No.

- We had an understanding.
- Right.

You parked your car
somewhere that no one would

notice if it left
for a little joyride.

Have you never seen
Ferris Bueller's Day Off?

What kind of a valet
steals a car?

The kind who wasn't allowed
to drive the car

to its parking spot?

It's on the log, which means
he wasn't trying

- to hide it. Hook 24.
- Gone.

Well, at least
it wasn't hot-wired.


Sorry. I'm doing an Anne of
Green Gables quiz, and I am...

Zoe, focus!

I sent all your info
to Danica, your insurance

and license plate. Any news?

- A prospective lead, actually.
- Can you look

into a valet company,
A Plus Gold Valet Service?

Am I looking
for anything in particular?

Yeah, a valet named Cameron.

- Check out his history.
- Yeah, and while you're at it,

see what you can dig up
on Nicola Hawthorne.

She's a classic car broker,
been trying to get me

- to sell my car for years.
- Got it, boss. Bosses.

All right. I'm gonna go
check out security.

OK. I'm gonna go sniff around
that broker, see if she heard

anything about your car suddenly
popping up on the market.

Wait. You're gonna
go undercover

- as a classic car buff?
- What, I can't be rich

- and bored?
- You don't know the first thing

about these fine specimens
of vintage craftsmanship.

But I do know someone
currently in the market.


I'm hoping you can
help me out, Seth.

Yeah, I can't understand
how this could've happened.

But you parked close
to where we've been detailing

the cars that are
a part of the show?

Look, there are
protocols in place

and a very strict schedule
for the movement

of each individual car.
I checked with my staff,

and they swear it's impossible
yours would've been taken

- by mistake.
- But what about that valet,

- Cameron?
- I have my team out searching

- for him. We'll find him.
- Is he the only valet working today?

Yeah. It's a weekday, so it's
not busy enough for more staff.


That's, uh,
everything from today,

all the cameras
we've got on the exterior.

Unfortunately, the valet section
of the parking lot

isn't covered. You know,

maybe check with Russell
over at the detailing garage.

It's below where you parked.
Maybe he saw something.


Ladies, are we
buying or selling?

- She's buying.
- I'm just here for support.

Ah, well, always good
to have a friend.

I don't really know
what I'm looking for.

Oh. Well, the car is
an expression of you,

or what you want
people to think of you.

You can go bold, fun,

classic, extravagant.
The sky's the limit.

- And budget, you mean.
- I want it to say:

Here is a woman
who made it on her own.

- What about a Porsche?
- Always in style.

- Any particular model?
- Yeah, I... I don't know

- if a Porsche is for me.
- Really?

1969 911?
You've always liked that car.

Oh, yes! Ah. What a car.

That's a bit expected. I think
you're more of an Alfa Romeo.

No. '69 911. In silver.

- They're very hard to come by.
- I'd have to see what I can find.

So you don't have
one currently?

If there was one available,
I would know about it.

I've been trying to get a local
owner to sell me his for years.

But I think we can
find you a better fit. Here.

Take a look around.
Come back to me. We will find

your soulmate on four wheels.
I have no doubt.

- Thanks.
- Mmhm.

It seems whoever stole
Shade's Porsche is laying low,

at least for now.

Good. And then you bring
the Caddy in.

After this, I'll be
back in a few.

Hey. You're, uh,
Russell Tims, right?

- Have we met?
- No, but I certainly know

who you are: Detailer
and mechanic to the stars.

- Ah, well, not anymore.
- Now, I travel

with this show.
It's, uh, much less stressful

shining up a few cars than
fixing them for fussy owners.

Ah. That's why I can't get
an appointment with you.

Listen, I own

a silver '69 911 that I parked

right by the entrance
to your detailing tent.

- Now, it's gone.
- Oh, well, I hate to tell you,

if it was stolen,
it could be in a million pieces

- by now.
- Man, don't say that!

No one would chop her up.
She was a classic!

I hear of it happening
more and more.

Oh. I don't suppose
you saw anything?

No. Me, I'm, uh, swamped
down here, detailing the cars

for the show.
I feel terrible for you.

- Yeah. Well, thanks anyway.
- Yeah.

You know what?
Take the insurance.

You'll find another car. One
you'll love even more, I bet.

I don't think I could
replace her that easily.

- But, uh, thanks anyway.
- You bet. Good luck.

- Sorry about your baby, son.
- I'll keep my eye open.

But, in the meantime,
there's nothing like

a fresh brew
in a time of crisis.

Looks like you're getting
the message out, Don.

- Well, thanks to you.
- People do seem to be listening.

Of course, that doesn't mean
they're gonna give me

their vote. I mean,
Marcy's been the City Councillor

- for the last two terms.
- All the more reason

- it's time for a change.
- Well, I know that,

and you know that.
But, uh, soup and a smile's

not gonna win this thing. Heh.

- How are you holding up?
- Ah, I'm doing OK.

- It's just a car, right?
- Becca told me

- what it means to you.
- Do you think it's dumb?

No! No, not at all. I have

plenty of sentimental
attachments to material goods.

- Hey, Zoey.
- I got the files. I'll start

- combing through them right away.
- All right, good.

Oh, and I did find something
on that valet, Cameron.

He seemed
like such a good kid.

- How much did you tip him?
- The valet?

You know, earlier today, a valet

came running around this truck
like a bat out of hell.

- Running? Not driving?
- Which way?

He went to the neighbouring
parking lot, right over there.

I don't believe
I ever saw him come back either.

But... don't you want your food?

Councillor. Come to check up
on your competition?


Then to what do I owe
the, uh, pleasure?

Actually, I'm here
on an official capacity.

My office received a complaint
regarding your food truck.

My truck? What...


- Mr. Shade, is it?
- Yeah!

I need to see your licenses,
business and drivers, please.

Well, actually, I don't have

my driver's license right now.
I have to renew it.

You're driving
without a license?

No! I had
somebody drive me here.

Look, I must have left
my wallet back at the diner.

- It's been a bit hectic.
- Mmhm.

You know, Mr. Shade, if you
can't manage your own affairs,

how can your constituents

trust you to manage theirs?

Nice picture, by the way.


Guys, wait! Wait.

Hah! I've been chasing you
through the parking lot.

I found a great car.

We're a little
busy here, Becks.

What are you guys doing?

Searching for a missing valet.

Why would a valet run
into this wasteland?

- I don't know.
- Meet his partner?

Yeah, well, then who was
driving the car?

- I don't know anything anymore.
- It's just a big empty lot.

Even if the Porsche was here,
I don't know how we could

- confirm it.
- Everett, what's that?

That's Cameron!

Look, he's been shot. Becca!

- Call 911.
- Yeah.

Cameron's stable,

but he's in a medically induced
coma. The b*llet just missed

- his vital organs.
- Thank God.

Yeah. It's a good thing
you showed up when you did.

He lost a lot of blood,
and the surgeon said

- he was looking pretty rough.
- Getting shot'll

- do that to you.
- I hear you guys

have a copy of yesterday's
CCTV footage from the exterior

of the car show.
I'm gonna need it, all of it.

- Yeah, Zoe's got it.
- She's going through it now.

You guys need
to take a step back.

- Danica, we can help.
- I know,

but whoever shot Cameron was
sh**ting to k*ll, OK?

This is bigger than a car theft.

Please let me handle this one.

- We're not stopping, right?
- Of course not.

Code Blue.

Time to go.

You OK?

Yeah, I know. You're fine.

OK. You're sure
that's everything?

Yes, but since I'm here
and you're here and I've already

- watched it all all night long...
- Fine. Show me what you found,

but then that's it.
Then you're off the case.

- OK?
- Absolutely.

- Can I sit?
- No.


So, there were
no cameras covering

the lot where Shade parked
his Porsche,

or near the food trucks
where Don saw Cameron running,

but... check this out.

- OK, what am I looking at?
- That's the drive

from the main parking lot
onto the back service road.

- And that's a silver car.
- I can't confirm

that it's Shade's Porsche,
but the timing fits.

And check this out.

The back service road ends at
an overflow parking area here.

And that's the parking lot
where Cameron was shot, so it's

a pretty safe bet whoever shot
him drove the Porsche away.

It's too bad that there
weren't any more cameras.

Oh, there are more cameras...

at every major intersection
all across the city.

I hope
Cameron's gonna be OK.

Oh, I got your fries!

Why did the thief try
and k*ll him?

- Was he double-crossed?
- Well, why would he be

chasing the car on foot
if he was involved?

Maybe Cameron was trying
to stop him.

Whatever the reason,
Danica's right. This can't

- just be about your car.
- Yeah, that's true.

There are way more expensive
cars here to steal. I'm gonna go

- take another look around.
- OK.

- Oh, hey! Ange!
- Hey!

How's it going? How's Matt?

Oh. He's, uh, more traumatized

about his car being stolen
than I am from being shot.

Maybe you're just better
at squashing your feelings down.

Come on, Ange. Talk to me.

- I really was OK.
- But then, yesterday,

and... and today,
at the hospital...

And I'm guessing you haven't
talked to Shade about it.

- He's being really patient.
- He's just waiting for me

to handle... whatever it is
I'm trying to handle.

You know, you don't
have to do it alone.

- I know.
- Maybe it's easier

than accepting
what you actually need.

- You know what I need?
- It's to confront it.

Just like I did
with my fear of heights.

I can't afford to freeze
in critical situations,

not when I have other people
to worry about.

Well, promise me that when
you're confronting this fear,

it doesn't involve stepping
in front of another g*n.

Scout's honour.

OK. The next sighting is
at Queen and McGee streets.

There's a cemetery
right there. Is that where

it went yesterday?

Detective Powers. OK.

OK, let me know the second
the report comes in. All right.

So the b*llet that shot Cameron
came from a Glock 9 mm.

- Is that good?
- One of the better known

street g*ns. But, if we're
lucky, it'll be in the system.

The Porsche just turned east.

The car turns into a driveway
right before the next light.

- But there's nothing there.
- Just an alley.

Thanks very much for your help, Zoe,
but let's not tell anyone you were here.

Roger that.

OK. And don't tell
Shade and Angie.

Definitely not. I would never.

At least give me
a five-minute head start.

I know where the Porsche is.

Man. I didn't emotionally
prepare myself for that.

- Russell was right.
- Your baby's being prepped

to sell part by part.

You OK?

Surprisingly... yeah.

That's a nice shiny piece
of evidence.

- Made a good dent in this wall.
- At least it didn't make

- a dent in either of us.
- You know, I can't believe

Zoe wouldn't wait five minutes
before she called you guys.

- Oh, she did.
- We were just a lot closer,

- that's all.
- Sure.

I'm gonna take this
to ballistics. Odds are

it'll be a match to the g*n
that shot at Cameron. I guess

they figure it's easier to sell
part by part than as a whole.

Yeah. Not to mention
more lucrative.

Still, it's been gone
a whole day.

That's plenty of time to take
what you need and move on.

It makes no sense to leave
the parts here out in the open,

even if we are in the warehouse
that time forgot.

Why didn't they take
the steering wheel

and the gearshift knob? Those
are the real high-ticket items.

I'll follow up with any
of the chop shops on our radar.

You two... go home.

I can't believe
you found it.

Yeah. I was starting
to think I was never gonna

- see it again.
- Well, whoever did this knew

what they were doing.
There's barely a scratch

- on any of the parts.
- You're sure they're all there?

Yeah. Right down
to the tiniest screw.

Look. Russell, I know you're
busy with everything here,

but, uh, my guy's out of town.
Could you help me out?

- Oh, yeah. Don't worry, Shadow.
- I can put this baby

- back together. Good as new.
- Thanks.

Mr. Shade...

What a traumatic experience
you have been through.

Look, my offer still stands
if the stress of this is

- just too much.
- Ah. You're very kind.

I was actually
on my way to see you.

Were you looking
to sell my whole car,

or just a few parts?

I would never... dismantle

a beautiful specimen
like this for parts.

I mean, I could see
someone in desperate need

of money doing
something like that.

You got anyone in mind?

Well, I am not
one to sell and tell...

...but your friend, Mr. Lyte,

did approach me a few weeks ago
about selling his car,

either whole or in parts.

His words.

Yeah, that does
sound desperate.

I'm afraid so.

I offered him 90 000 cash,

but he said
it wasn't enough. He...

He needed 150.

- Which is what my car is worth.
- Maybe more if you sold

the parts for top dollar.

- I'm really sorry.
- I hope it isn't true.

Angie, what are you
doing here?

Apple fritter! Your favourite.

Get your sticky hands
away from my desk

because you're gonna
ruin my system.

OK. I just thought
you might wanna know

that we discovered
a potential suspect...

who has a grudge
against Shade and might be

- in a bit of financial trouble.
- Really?

What's the name?

Mark Lyte.

OK. Well, I need a minute to
get access to his bank records.

Is there anything else
you can tell me?

Turns out the g*n
that shot at the valet,

Cameron, is indeed
a match to the one

that shot at you and Shade.
It's in the system,

and it was used
in a major drug raid last year.

What? This is about dr*gs.

But... what does Shade's car
have to do with dr*gs?

OK. I'm in.

Mark Lyte's bank account.
Let's take a look.

This is interesting. He had

$100 000 deposited
into his account

- last week.
- From who?

- It's a numbered account.
- Looks like an offshore code.

I'm gonna put a trace on it.
Half the money disappears

almost immediately.
Cash withdrawal.

If he's going through money
at that rate, then he probably

- is desperate.
- He was gonna sell his

beloved Porsche, and then Shade
turned up and Lytnin' saw

- another way.
- Never tell Shade this,

but he was right.

Looks like Lytnin's been
behind this all along.

Lytnin's car is gone,
which means he's gone.

The coward took off.
He was too chicken to face me.

Who you calling a chicken?

- Oh, my gosh! Oh!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

- You OK?
- Agh!

- Hey, take it easy.
- Agh!

Are you sure you
don't wanna go to the hospital?

Nah. Thanks.

- OK.
- I've been concussed

by much better men
than whoever did this.

- OK. From the top.
- I...

I went to the main stage
to make sure my car had been

moved there
before tomorrow's panel.

It wasn't there.
So I went to my booth,

and it wasn't there either.
And then, something really heavy

- whacked me on the head.
- You're sure

- you didn't see anyone?
- No.

No, not until I woke to hear
this guy calling me names.

What? I thought
you'd left the country.

How am I supposed
to leave without a car?

- So we're not gonna find your prints on this?
- No way. I'm the victim here.

OK. I'm gonna get
the forensics expedited.

All right. Now, the cops
are gone. You can cut the crap.

- What?
- You set this up!

You need money. We know
you tried to sell your car.

- That's insane!
- You had a big deposit put

into your bank account, half of
it disappearing right away.

- You guys investigated me?
- Yeah.

And it doesn't look good.

Yes. Nicola appraised my car

when the show was down
in Florida. But then,

the show owner offered me
a big advance

against my appearance
and photo fees,

provided I sign on exclusively
for the season.

So what happened
to the 50K in cash?

My sister's sick.

Kidney disease.

She's on a transplant list,

but it's getting to the point
where she needs fulltime care.

I bought her a dialysis machine,
but there's a lot to pay for

- that goes with it.
- And no car means no money.

I don't know
what I'm gonna do.

Can you... think of anyone
who wanted your car?

Or maybe someone who just...
wanted to get back at you?


Look, I know we have a past,

but it's obvious
you're a good PI.

You found your car.
Can you find mine?

- This is a disaster.
- Two cars stolen

in two days and a valet shot?

Yeah, can we get back
to Lytnin's Porsche, Seth?

I got a call
on my walkie last night

saying the schedule had changed
and not to move his car.

- From who?
- Well, I assumed it was

my boss, but he's saying no,
and now I'm thinking it must

- have been the thief.
- Well, who has access

- to your walkies?
- Just my security team, but...

I guess it wouldn't have been
hard to grab one of the extras

- when I'm out of the office.
- And what about your team?

No! No way. They've been with
the show for at least two years.

They're all bonded, and I ran

thorough background
checks myself.

All right. Well, can we take
a look at your schedule,

including the car movements
and who was driving what?

- Be my guest.
- Thanks.

- Oh. Thank you.
- Thank you so much.

Well, luckily,

my truck passed the inspection
with flying colours.

I just can't believe that Marcy
would play this dirty.

I mean, the only reason
to play dirty is if you think

- your opponent might win.
- Jules is right, Dad.

- You got her scared.
- Well, maybe so, but...

Marcy has low friends
in high places.

Who knows what kind of stunt
she's gonna pull next.

It doesn't matter. You've got
a few tricks up your sleeve too.

- I do?
- Jules, for one.

I bet she's got a ton of ideas
Marcy would never think of.

- Angie's smart.
- Listen to Angie.

OK. Let's go, sweetie.

All right, you two, listen.
Lock up when you leave,

and, uh, don't think I haven't
counted the pies in the fridge.

- OK? Have a good night.
- Bye, guys.

Bye, guys.

Two cars stolen in two days.

Both Porches. Both silver.

Is it possible they were after
Lytnin's all along?

Why would they target
Lytnin's car over mine?

- His is newer and less rare.
- And even if it was a mistake,

why leave
your Porsche abandoned?

With the door dismantled.

Danica said the g*n
that shot Cameron was also used

in a drug deal. Maybe...

this is less
about the car itself,

and more about something
inside the car.

They hid the dr*gs
in the driver's side door.

- That's why it was taken apart.
- But they didn't find what they were looking for.

Because they had
the wrong Porsche.

Wait. Is... Lytnin'
smuggling dr*gs?

No. If he was,
he wouldn't have hired us.

Look at this.
Lytnin's car has

- a different itinerary than most.
- OK. It looks like

the only time Lytnin's car
leaves its spot in the show is

to go to the main stage.
Before that,

it's supposed to stop
at the in-house detailer

for... three hours?

- That's excessive.
- Most of the other cars

only go there for half an hour.
That's more than enough time

- for a buff and shine.
- Wait.

There's other cars scheduled
for three hours,

and... they're all from Florida.

Just like Lytnin's.

How do cars get
from show to show?

Dedicated classic car
transport company.

Hide dr*gs in vintage cars,

and then bring them across
the border in proven transport

- with legitimate paperwork.
- It's kind of genius.

I'll text Zoe, get her to track
down the transport company.

You know what? Seth is wrong.

It has to be someone
on his security team.

They can move the cars around,
take them offsite,

have the dr*gs removed,
and no one's the wiser.


Hey, Danica. We have a theory.

Come on, chatty Cathy.
Get off the phone.

Do something suspicious.

For the love of God,
get off the phone!

Do you ever think
about switching to decaf?


We're following
the suspect now. Call us.

We should've taken my car.

- Oh, yeah. That's a great idea.
- We'll just tail the guy

who stole your car in the exact
same car that he stole.

Damn, you two are hilarious.

Seth can't see us in this SUV
'cause it's invisible,

unlike a shiny silver Porsche.

Wait. Head of security
stole my car?

Yeah. Lied to our faces
about it.

Although, what can you expect
from a guy who hides dr*gs

- in beautiful old cars?
- Someone put dr*gs in my car?!

- Why did you let him come?
- It's the man's car, Angie!

I thought
you understood this by now.

- Yeah. Besides, he owes me.
- For what?

Oh, he hasn't told you?

- Too embarrassed, I bet.
- Well? What happened?

- Shadow here got me traded.
- I did not!

Yeah. Forced me
off of my dream team.

- He's full of crap.
- OK, boys. Just... talk it out.

- Why should I?
- 'Cause it's your fault!

Don't make me use
my mom voice.

- You're not a mom!
- You don't have a mom voice!

What are you,
four years old? Grow up!

OK. For the record,

- I was trying to help him.
- By shipping me off

- to the worst team in the league?
- They were the only team

- that would take you!
- Yeah, after you ratted

- me out to Coach!
- Hey! You were partying

way too hard. The team was tired
of picking up your slack.

And, for the record,
I told Management

to help you, not dump you!

- You never told me that.
- I never got the chance!

Every time I saw you after that,
you just wanted

to drop the gloves.


I... I didn't know.

Look, I was sorry then,
and I've been sorry ever since.

OK then.

All right.

Well... looks like we're here.

- My car!
- What did he do to it?

There's your answer.

Let's go.

Angie. Don't move.

Might be more effective
if you had a g*n.

You mean like this one?

Come on, man. I won't tell
anyone about this. I swear.

- Shut up.
- Don't move another muscle.

You have no idea
what you've gotten into.

Actually, I think I do.

Poor Seth here does too. I think

he probably figured out
the same thing I did.

It doesn't take three hours
to get a car detailed.

I... followed his car
and found Russell

unloading bags of cocaine.

- He saw me and pulled the g*n...
- Shut up!

Both of you
get up against the wall!


- The old Boston takedown, huh?
- Yeah. Just like old times.

So this is the guy
who bashed me over the head?

- You were supposed to be gone for the night.
- Happy to return the favour.

I can't believe you took
my car apart, Russell!

- I put it back together for you.
- For a hefty fee!

- Yeah, how'd you mix up his car for mine?
- They're practically identical.

Oh, it all makes sense now.

I left my car right next
to where the cars

were lining up
to get detailed, the same spot

where they left the special cars
for you to drive away.

Well, that's what you get
for not letting the valet park

- your car.
- It wasn't until you took my

car apart you realized you had
the wrong car, so you dumped it.

What's going
on here?! Thanks for

the heads up. You guys should've
texted me ages ago.

- Check your voicemail!
- Voicemail?

Old school.

I'll be out by tomorrow.

I highly doubt that,

since I'm guessing
that g*n matches all the b*ll*ts

we found, including the ones
inside Cameron. Do you

remember him, the valet
you shot? Yeah. He's alive,

and he's awake. And pretty soon, he's gonna
be singing like a bright yellow canary.

Obviously, you didn't pull
this off yourself,

so who was in on the racket
with you?

I'd rather be
in jail than dead.

Hey, Zoe.

and all the Florida cars:
Classic Cross Country.

by Hawthorne Heritage Cars.

Nicola Hawthorne could be
halfway to Florida by now.

I'll get an APB out
to Border Services.

We need to know who's on
the buying end of these dr*gs.

Yeah, I don't think
she's going anywhere.

There's still something
here she wants.

- Hey!
- I need your thumb print.


Yeah, that worked.

What the hell, Russell?

You know I'm supposed
to be kept out of this.

- Hey, Nicola.
- Where's Russell?

- What is this?
- A proposal...

for a new partnership.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

- Oh, come on, Nicola.
- You stole my car.

And I forgive you.
But... you owe me.

I don't owe you anything.

- Well, you owe someone...
- quite a lot, by my count.

- Shakedown?
- If you like.

- It's not up to me.
- Then who's it up to?

Odds are we're already in business
with whoever's on the receiving end.

The Goncharovs don't work

- with people like you.
- The Russian mob.

Which is why I can't have

a couple of amateurs
bungling it up for me.

I have a system.
All I need is someone who can

take apart a car,
find a place to hide a few bags

of dr*gs and put it
back together, which I imagine

is not part of your skillset.
Where is Russell?

You'll be seeing him
soon enough.

Nicola Hawthorne,
you're under arrest

for drug trafficking,
accessory to attempted m*rder,

car theft and, honestly,

- I'm sure a few other things.
- I want a lawyer.

Yeah. Russell's got one too,
working on his plea deal.

And let me tell you, ratting you
out is a big part of it.


Well... I guess that's that.

- Yeah.
- Is it always like this

- with you two?
- Pretty much. - Never.

There's just one thing
that still doesn't

make any sense.

What did that Boston move
have to do with hockey?


Nothing. That was a bar fight...

- Yeah.
- ...that Shade started.

- I started?!
- You started that bar fight!

Dude, you need to get
your head checked.

This thing is
like a steel trap!

- A steel trap?
- Yeah!

Dude, you started
that fight in Boston.

I did not start that fight
in Boston! I might've started...

- I finally found it, Ange.
- It's the car of my dreams.

A 1984

British racing
green convertible MG.

Wow. Sounds cute.

- It's not cute.
- It's sexy as hell.

Mm! And I'll let you drive it
whenever you want.

- Oh!
- Hey, Jules.

Someone's got a secret.

- What are you up to, Jules?
- I wanna show Grandpa

that his fundraising profile...
I set it up when he announced

he was running,
and the current total...


- Oh, honey! That's amazing!
- He'll be thrilled.

Yeah. I told him
people would support him.

I can't wait to tell him.

- I'll text him now.
- She has a gift, you know,

for making people believe
anything is possible.

Speaking of gifts...

A book...

...with nothing in it.

It's a journal,
and you fill it.

- With what?
- With your feelings.

All your feelings.

We're just business partners,
nothing more.

You only regret the sh*ts
you don't take, Ange.

We'd better get out there
before the neighbours complain.

Let's go.

So... I guess you were right.

I was out of control, and...

...actually, getting traded,

it set me straight.


- Thanks.
- Anytime.

Listen. I, um, I called
some of our old crew,

and they're on board
to play a charity match

for kidney disease
in honour of your sister.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

- Thanks, Shadow.
- I always liked your sister.

Hey. Hey! What does that mean?

Nothing. Sisters are out
of bounds. Everybody knows that.


What about partners?
Or are you and Angie...

No, no, no. Nothing like that.

So you won't mind
if I ask her out?

Let's pretend
she is my sister.

Sounds like you two
are having fun out here.

Yeah. What are you
talking about?

- Um... Dad!
- Hey! You put that swill away.

- I brought the good stuff.
- What's the occasion?

Thanks to
my brilliant granddaughter,

you're now looking at
a major player for City Council!

Here's to grassroots support!

- Ah, man! What a day.
- Just when you think

you're hitting a dead end,
you know, this whole

other road opens up.
So... so here's to...

here's to
unexpected adventures, huh?



- Whoa!
- Hey, hey, hey!