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05x02 - School's Out for m*rder

Posted: 12/29/21 08:27
by bunniefuu
I can't believe
ma I agreed to this.r.

But it's my high school reunion,
and I'm not going by myself.

So who are you trying
to impress?

What do you mean?

I'm your celebrity arm candy.

Or vaguely famous former jock

whose... eyes aren't the worst.

- Ex-boyfriend?
- You know what?

This is a bad idea. I don't
think I'm gonna go after all.

- Coward.
- Egotist.

Hey, you're the one
who brought up my amazing eyes.

Hey, Dad!

- Hi, honey.
- Hi, Mr. Shade.


Do you guys want
some leftover Chinese?

- No, we're beat.
- Yeah. Just gonna

- turn in for the night.
- Night.

Good night.

You know, I can hear you
seething from here.

Don't you try
to change the subject.


of your high school reunion? I
thought these people were your friends.

"Were" is right.

I'm probably not gonna even
recognize half of them.

It was 20 years ago.
I mean, what's the point?

a chance like this
only comes along

once in a lifetime.
A wise man

regret the things
you didn't do."

I don't know.

What's with the waffling?
I was right

about the ex, wasn't I?

A bestie. At least,
she was my best friend

until she wasn't, and...

girl breakups are the worst

and the sting lasts forever.

a near-fatal g*nsh*t; I'm
pretty sure you can handle this.

Seize the day.

And there's a do-over prom?

- You didn't tell me that.
- Is that a deal breaker?

Oh, hell no!
That'll be cool!

Uh... why?

Oh, I never made it
to my first one.

Too unpopular.

By the time I was 17,
I was already playing Junior.

Had to take my finals
on the road.

Well, I guess
it's never too late.

Does this mean
I have to buy you a corsage?

Don't push your luck.

Don't worry, I promise to be
on my best behaviour.

That's what I'm afraid of.

So bitter. So cynical.

You know it's really hard
to dance with two broken legs.

My God, it smells the same!

Yeah, all high schools do.

It's that toxic cocktail

of sweat, hormones
and body spray.

Good old 2-0-3.
Man, if that baby could talk.

- What would it say?
- Next time you go

on March break, don't leave
half a cheeseburger in me.

- Um, pretty ripe, huh?
- Yeah.

After a week and a half, could
have walked out on its own.

But even more embarrassing
was when I opened it,

I got hit with
an exploding paint b*mb.

My face was half blue
for days.

Who would pull
a nasty prank like that?

Every class has
one practical joker.

Maz! Looking sharp,

- my man!
- Thank you.

I, uh, found this in my car.

Ange, heard
you got shot.

Welcome to the club.

You didn't tell me
you were coming.

Yeah, well, I just closed
a big case in Montreal.

- Spent nearly a year undercover.
- Impressive!

Un petit peu. Anyway. So I had
a little downtime, I figured

that a high school reunion is
a perfect palate cleanser.

You know, I always forget you
two went to high school together.

Yeah, it's 'cause I look
a lot younger than she does.

- You wish.
- As if.

- Don't even.
- Just like old times.

Except of course
for my...

crippling fear of showering
after gym class.

Thinking of showering...

...smells like cologne.

Did you happen
to know

a certain Madame Michaud
was gonna be here?

She is? That's great.

- Cool.
- Who's Madame Michaud?

Former French teacher
that someone had

a massive crush on.

Hey, Angie, you know,
you should check out

the trophy case
in the athletic department.

I'm pretty sure
that it is still there.

- What is?
- Nothing.

She didn't tell you?

- No.
- Just let it go. Skip it, OK?


- Madame Michaud. Like, actually.
- What?

That's not her.

I don't even think that...
I'll go check, but I don't think

that's her.

Let's get our name tags.

Let's get a drink.

♪ There is no secret ♪

♪ I couldn't keep it ♪

♪ It's so obvious ♪

- ♪ To both of us ♪
- Oh, Maz...

♪ Promises apart ♪

- ♪ We both have our scars ♪
- Oh, is that Zack?

Wow, he really... graduated.

- So was that the ex?
- Would you stop?

Oh, my God!

Hahahaha! Angelina Everett,
is that you?


"Tiffany," it's great
to see you.

- Oh, you look amazing!
- I hear that you're

a private detective now, huh?
Oh, my God! How thrilling!

Hahaha! And this must be
"Mr. Everett"?

- No...
- Why yes, it is!

And I am just thrilled
to be out of the house.

Usually, she keeps me
chained to the stove.

Come on!

Excuse us.

I have never felt
so marginalized.

Why don't you just
shut up and behave.

Oh, come on.
The fun is just beginning.

- Oh, dear.
- Who's that? The ex-bestie?

Why did I let you
talk me into this?

Ange... long time no see.


Hi. I'm Matt Shade.

- Jada Berry.
- Hey.

Angie, I'm so glad you came.

There's something
that I've been wanting

to tell you.

"You'll pay
for what you've done..."

Wow, just like I said,

"The fun is
just beginning."

♪ I see you and you see me ♪

♪ Watch you blowing the lines ♪

♪ when you're making a scene ♪

♪ Oh boy, you've got to know ♪

♪ What my head overlooks ♪

♪ The senses will show
to my heart ♪

♪ When it's watching for lies ♪

♪ 'Cause you can't escape my ♪

♪ Private Eyes
They're watching you ♪

♪ Private Eyes ♪

♪ They're watching you,
watching you ♪

♪ Watching you, watching you ♪

"You're gonna pay
for what you've done."

in glow-in-the-dark paint.

So somebody blew the lights
on purpose.

Somebody with a flair
for the dramatic.

Maybe it was
just a prank.


Oh, I'm offended.

And I'm suspicious.

O ye of little faith.

So you've been a janitor here
this whole time, huh?

- Custodian.
- Right.

31 years.

Phew! So what you think
blew the lights,

- a power surge?
- Yeah,

but it wasn't an accident.
Somebody's been

- at this panel.
- Oh yeah. That looks

like a wireless trigger.

You kids never grow up,
do you, Mr. Mazhari?

You think I had
something to do with this?

I haven't forgotten
about that family of skunks

in the principal's office.
Took me days

- to get rid of that smell.
- I'm sorry,

but this was not me.

- I had nothing to do with it.
- The emerg power's back on;

I'll start replacing
the overheads.

Like, I didn't have
enough to do already.

Yeah, but I...
I didn't do this.

- Yeah, yeah.
- This is not... I'm a...

I'm a detective inspector
in charge

of special... task forces.

All the work that I have put
into organizing this reunion,

- and now this.
- You think someone's targeting the reunion?

- And me.
- Why you?

Because I deserve it.
Back in the day,

I was a bit of a mean girl,

did some things
I wasn't proud of.

Angie, I hope you know
it was never personal.

Felt personal.

My parents got divorced
my senior year,

and home life was... messy.

- You never said anything.
- Oh, I was too embarrassed.

It's crazy, I know,
but everything just feels

so much worse
when you're a teenager.

School was the only place that
I felt like I had any control.

And all the stuff that I was
going through, I just...

I guess I just took it out
on everyone else.

Jay, I wish you would
have said something.

I know. Can you forgive me?

Well, I was the one
who shut you out, so...

OK, so we were both idiots.

I can live with that.

I mean,
the weird thing is

I ended up teaching here,
and now I'm principal,

so... if that isn't karma...

OK. So I talked to the janitor
who still hates me, by the way.

He says the lights
were cut by remote.

- You swear?
- Yes!

Besides, I have more
sophisticated taste than that.

Yeah, like the time
you wallpapered

the teachers' lounge
with photos of animals

- being romantic.
- Yeah. Well, that was

protest art, and my suspension
was overturned.

- Oh, there's Josh Carbon.
- Do you remember him?

- Oh, the spoiled rich kid.
- He's a lot richer now.

Carbon ScienceTech.
Made a bundle

in early cell-phone software,

and now he's into
cutting-edge virtual reality.

Wow! That's him?
He must be worth...

A lot.

But he believes
in giving back. He's, uh...

here to set up
a scholarship fund,

- and he's donating a new VR science lab to the school.
- Wow.

With all the budget cutbacks,
Pleasant Valley is

on the bubble.
There's talk of closing us down

and incorporating my students
into Regional High.

What? It's terrible.

I hated those bastards
from Regional High.

But with a high-profile donor,

we stand a chance
of keeping the doors open.

That is why I need this weekend
to go off without a hitch.

Maz, you're a cop now.

a detective inspector in charge

- of special task forces.
- And Angie's a hotshot PI

- with a famous partner.
- Professional partner.

Uh, strictly business.

Well, I-I need all your help.

To find out who's behind this
and make it stop.

Can you think of anyone
who would have it out for you?

Well, I... jotted down
some names.

Oh, I better go

check on Josh, make sure he's
not freaked out. I don't want

him pulling that new VR lab.
My kids are really counting

on me. All 400 of them.

Well, what do you say
we split up,

see if we can figure out
who's behind this?

- Maz, take Geoff.
- Shade, find Christine.

And I'll look for Zack.

Hey, Geoff.

Oh, hi. Kurtis.

Wow, 20 years, huh?

- You clean up real good.
- Far cry

from those moth-eaten shirts and
ratty sneakers I used to wear, huh?

Yeah. Hmm...
Oh, geez, are those Italian?

Custom made. You like?

Like? Yes.
Afford? Not so much.

So you're still a cop?

Well, I'm...
detective inspector in charge

of special task forces,
so it's kind of, you know.

- You're a doctor?
- Pediatrician in Ottawa.

All those senators' brats.
Not bad for a kid

who brought cheese sandwiches
to school every day.

Must be nice to rub it in
people's faces around here, huh?

- Only those who deserve it.
- Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

- Is Jada on that list?
- We went to public school together.

Then, we get to senior year,
she cold shoulders me.

- I'm not good enough to be her friend anymore.
- That is so rude.

She actually tried
to apologize today.

I told her it was
too little, too late.

Yeah, you did. Yeah.

Did you see the weird warning
in the auditorium?

Yeah. Someone's got
a bizarre sense of humour.

Yeah. Crazy thing is...
it wasn't there

when Jada locked up last night,
so whoever did it

had to have done it
after the auditorium opened

- this morning.
- Hang on. You think

- I had something to do with that?
- No, no. I just...

All right, Detective.
My flight from Ottawa

got delayed. I didn't even get here
until minutes before the lights went out.

- OK.
- If you ask me,

Jada is the one
who needs an alibi.

What better way to ease
her guilty conscience

than by setting herself up
as a victim?

Yeah. That tracks, sure.

Good to see you, Geoff.

♪ At the end,
of a long, long day ♪

♪ There is not
much more to say ♪

♪ Than love ♪

♪ I'm so glad I met you ♪

I... I didn't know
I had an audience.

Zack, right?

Angelina Everett.
Yeah, I remember.

Looks like this reunion
got off to a rocky start, huh?

I'd say someone had
a strange sense of humour.

- You think it was a joke?
- What else could it be?

I heard your new song
on the radio today;

- I really like it.
- Hey, thanks.

Yeah, it's, uh...
it's getting some good airplay.

OK, full disclosure. I
actually have your first two CDs.

- You're a fan?
- OK, well, that's wild.

You've come a long way

from flunking
Mr. Aaron's music class.

Yeah. Oh, my God,
do you remember

- his breath?
- Ugh, I do. Yeah.

Salami and cigarettes.

It's actually why
I gave up the flute.

That doesn't really go
with the PI image.

I looked you up before I came.

Should I be flattered
or creeped out?

I mean, truthfully,
I always had

- a crush on you.
- Really?

You never did
anything about it.

Well, come on,
I was much too shy.

Besides, I don't think

someone like you
would have looked twice

at "Zack Zitface".

- Oh, God!
- Jada gave you that nickname,

- didn't she?
- Haha! Yeah, I mean,

she wasn't the only one
that made my life miserable.

Something like that can
really wear a person down.

You know, truthfully, I put
all that emotion in my music.

You know, now I'm
on another European tour.

So, I think I should thank
everyone who made

- my teen years a living hell.
- Hahahaha!

- Especially Jada.
- Why especially Jada?

Well, 'cause she's the one
who organized the reunion.

- Brought us all back together.
- Yeah.

Seeing you is
all the reunion I need.

Maybe you're not
so shy after all.

- It's Christine, right?
- Yeah.


Look at all those fresh faces.

Yeah. And look
at them now.

Who would have guessed
that Karen Maker

would lose 150 pounds?

Or Steve Pickman
with that ponytail.

- And he's bald now.
- 20 years will change a person.

Yeah. I don't even recognize
half these people anymore.

Like you for instance.

Ah... I am here
as Angie Everett's date.

- I remember her.
- She was pretty.

Yeah, she still is.

She was nice to me.

Not all the pretty girls
were nice.

Really? Girls like Jada?

- Jada was a real teacher's pet.
- She ratted me out,

said that I faked sick notes.

Well, that's not cool.

No, uh... I learned
to steer clear of her

and everyone else.

Aw, kids can be cruel.

Like that writing on the wall.

Even though it was 20 years ago,
seems like someone has a grudge.

Any idea
who that might be?

- Take your pick.
- I wouldn't put that prank

- past any one of these people.
- What makes you think it's a prank?

There were a lot of idiots
in my year,

and although people get

older and balder,
jerks will always be jerks.

So why come to this reunion?

Maybe to see if I've changed.

♪ I'm here for you ♪

♪ I got what you need, baby ♪

- Hey, did you find anything?
- Oh, hi. No.

No, no, not really.

- What's going on?
- Nothing. No. Uh, Maz is here.

Yeah. I thought
I had a solid lead,

but Geoff's delayed flight alibi
checks out, so...

Oh! You're finally
taking it in.

We don't have time for this.

- I think we can make time.
- Well,

look who's front and centre:

Our very own
Angelina Everett.

I didn't know
you were a cheerleader.

- I'm gonna k*ll you, Mazhari.
- What was the cheer again?

We sparkle,
so you can shine.

- Sorry?
- Did you hear that?

I don't think you whisper;
You're supposed to really belt...

- We sparkle, so you can shine!
- Can we please just get back

- to the investigation now?
- Bet your sparkle we can.

- Yeah, OK, I'm satisfied.
- I gotta go talk to more people,

and hopefully find
Madame Michaud. Excuse me.

- We need to update Jada.
- Yes, we do.

Angie! It's been too long!

- Josh! How are you?
- Good.

- This is Matt.
- Shade, of course. I've been following your career for years.

Haha! It's a very generous
thing you're doing

- for the school.
- Thank you. Thank you.

You gotta pay it forward, right?
This place made me.

- Any progress, Ange?
- Uh, no. Um,

everybody in the list
checks out.

Great. Well, I'm about to give
the official welcome speech,

so hopefully, there are
no more... incidents.

Another prank?

Yeah. It's just
a smoke b*mb.

"Your time is up."

- You OK?
- Yeah, fine.

- We lost him.
- Or her.

Christine was wearing earrings
like this in the cafeteria.

Christine did this?

Well, I guess you never know.

We've been looking everywhere;
We can't find her.

You're not gonna go through
with the speech.

I mean, you're
obviously still a target.

- He's right.
- It's not safe.

I'm not gonna let her
ruin this reunion.

This is crazy.
No, I-I'll be fine.

OK, but I'm gonna stay up here
just to keep an eye out.

Yeah. Maz and I will be
in the audience.

Thank you.

Good afternoon,
Pleasant Valley graduates!

It is my pleasure
to officially welcome you

to your reunion!

And as I look out
on all these familiar faces,

I have to say that you are

the lucky ones.
You got out. I'm still here.

And while this reunion
is about

looking back on our past
with nostalgia,

it is also about
looking forward to our future.

And I cannot wait
to catch up

with... every single one of you,

to hear about all the amazing
things that you've been up to.

But speaking of "amazing",

I'd like to bring up
an old classmate of yours

and mine: Josh Carbon.

Josh, I want to thank you for
setting up a scholarship fund

and donating a new
VR science lab to the school!


Thank you very much.

I'm so thrilled
to be able to give back.

Without the education
and inspiration

that I received here
at Pleasant Valley,

I wouldn't be where I am today.
This is our opportunity...

No, it's our responsibility

to honour our past
by investing in our future.

Thank you very much.

- Thank you, Josh.
- We have a spectacular lineup

- of events...
- No sign of Christine yet.

So far, so good.

As far as I can tell,
she hasn't shown.

- Same here, I got nothing.
- I would say to drink

responsibly, but we all know
that that's not gonna happen.

So after the mixer,
we're all gonna have...

Ah... that's
the French teacher,

- Madame Michaud.
- Keep it down.

She's not the French...
She's just...

Her name is Sophie, OK?
And she's not my teacher

anymore. She's just
an adult human, and so am I.

And... you know,
I heard she went

through a recent divorce,
and that's tough

because marriage is not
for everybody.

- OK. All right.
- None of your business really.

- Fine, I got it, I got it.
- And now,

it is time for us
to make some new memories.

And I am so happy

and proud to declare

the Pleasant Valley 20th reunion

officially open!

Excuse me. Get out of the way.

Get out of the way.
Get out of the way.

It's Christine.

She's dead.

Until the coroner gets here,

all I can do is
pronounce her dead.

- All right. Thanks, Geoff.
- Uh, Doctor.

- Hey.
- What are you doing?

She's wearing a wig.- ♪

Hey, Angie, come here a second.

Who does that look like to you?

- Wanda?
- Yes, that's it.

I couldn't remember her name.
That's Wanda Fadden.

But with a wig
and glasses?

And Christine's name tag.

- I don't understand.
- Why the disguise?

So she could sabotage the
reunion, and we'd blame Christine?

- Why would Wanda be out to get you?
- I don't know.

She was always in the science
lab. I barely knew her.

How did she get up
in that net anyway?

There's a ceiling vent
just above it.

Wanda must have gone up
on the roof to try to escape

- and fallen in the vent.
- Why didn't she cry out for help?

Maybe she was knocked
unconscious on the way down.

Oh, my God! When I released
the balloons...

No, stop. You did not
cause her death.

We need to get up
on that roof.

Right there.

Hey! ♪

- Hey! Hey!
- Ah! Ah!

- Ah!
- Rob?

- The janitor.
- Custodian.

- What are you doing up here?
- It wasn't me.

- What wasn't you?
- I was just out on the roof

to look for my tools.

Then why the hood
and the mad dash?

I came up yesterday
to clean up

one of the A/C units,
remembered I left these up here.

- So?
- After I heard about

that woman, Wanda,
falling through the vent,

I didn't want to get blamed
for it. I was down

in the basement working on the
generator when that happened.

Can you show us the vent?

This is the air vent
that feeds into the auditorium.

There's the garbage truck.

I gotta go wheel out
the dumpsters.

Someone broke this lock
and ripped this open.

This was no accident.

This was m*rder.

In the balloon net?

Yeah. Yeah, it's
a first for me too.

Hey, once the coroner is done here, we
should make sure to get the body out of here.

Yeah, and I've
already made arrangements.

And check all the guests
for priors.

- Yeah, that's in process.
- Well, good.

- I'm the detective in charge.
- Yes. It's old habits.

I was her senior before, but
she's clearly got it all. And you know

- to go up and...?
- I'm gonna check the roof.

- Yeah, I got it. Yeah.
- Yeah, great. See?

- Probably want to send a forensics team up there.
- Because?

We don't think she fell
through the vent accidentally.

- Excuse me, detectives.
- Yeah.

I found traces of phosphorus
and paint on her fingers.

So she did write the warnings.

And here's the kicker:
Victim's exhibiting

signs of petechial hemorrhaging,
and her hyoid bone is broken.

- So she was strangled.
- Look, I'll know more

when we get her on the table,
but one thing's for sure:

She was dead before
she fell into the net.

I can't believe
this is happening.

I'm so sorry. I've had
to put the school on lockdown.

Actually, I put
the school on lockdown.

This isn't officially a m*rder
investigation, but we have to

- get statements from everybody.
- The bottom line is

no one leaves until we get
statements from everyone.

- I just said that.
- I think I said it better.

It's not a contest.

- Hey.
- Hey. Oh, my God! That poor woman was really Wanda?

- Yeah, I'm afraid so.
- You know, I used to know her

back in the day,
but with the wig and glasses...

- I didn't recognize her either.
- I do remember once, though,

I found her crying
in the stairwell.

Do you remember
if she said what was wrong?

Yeah. It was everything.

And then she just ran off,
and we never spoke again.

- Till today.
- What did she say today?

She said to be sure
to be there

for Jada's welcome-back speech.

She said she was gonna
lay a bombshell on the crowd.

She didn't happen
to mention what?

No. She just grinned
and said

she didn't want
to ruin the surprise.

- Whatever that means.
- I think it means

that Wanda knew a secret
that got her k*lled.

Wanda may have had
some dirt on someone.

And was going
to expose them in public.

- Jada?
- No. No, this feels bigger than just a high school grudge.

So what are we talking
about here? Blackmail?

Extortion? This does not feel
like a palate cleanser.

Hey, Zoe.

I found
the real Christine Lipinski.

She's sitting on a beach
in Waikiki sipping mai tais.

Wanda must have known that
Christine would be on vacation.

Yeah, it's all over
her social.

But then, why would Wanda need
to disguise herself

as someone else?

she'd be stopped
from carrying out her plan.

Stopped by somebody
at this reunion.

Turns out she had
good reason to be.

Why don't you seal up all the exits,
make sure no one leaves the building.

Monsieur Mazhari?

Yeah. Hi.

Call me Maz.
Or, uh, Kurtis.

- Sophie.
- Yeah. Yeah.

It's so sad to hear what
happened to that poor young lady.

- Yeah, it really is.
- Did you know her well?

No more than
any former student.

You know, I've lost touch
with so many.

I had no idea that you were
a policeman now.

Oh. Yeah. Well, detective in
charge of special task forces.

- Oh.
- It's not...

A lot of undercover stuff.
Kind of hush-hush, you know.

That sounds very dangerous.

- Well, it's what I do.
- Hmm.

- I'll tell you what, Geoff.
- You submit a proposal

to my office; I'll have a member
of my development team

- get right back to you.
- You got it.

Hey, guys.

Did either of you
ever hear from Wanda

- after graduation?
- No.

Can you think of anyone
who would want to hurt her?

No. Not at all.

- Don't think we ever spoke.
- She was always so quiet.

- Like she was...
- Invisible.


Ah... Well,

yearbook photos are never
the most flattering.

- What are you talking about?
- Look at that hair.

Come on! That is

a caterpillar on his way
to becoming this butterfly.


A butterfly, it's exactly
how I picture you.

Thank you.

Well, still no Wanda.

She wasn't part of any clubs
or on any sports teams.

No. From what I recall,
she pretty much

kept to herself.
She liked science, I know that.

Oh, here she is. "Most likely
to get married to a computer."

Well, who are we to judge?


Wanda didn't have
any ID on her,

no credit card, no wallet,

so she must have
stashed them somewhere.

Along with something that
might tell us who she was targeting?

But with no classes
in session, all I'm getting

are leaky pens and...

- rolling papers.
- Ah, that takes me back.

The leaky pens, I mean.

Hey, if school is out,
why is there a lock

on that one? ♪

the glow-in-the-dark paint.

What else is in there?

Is that... her old
science notebook?

That's an odd thing
to bring to a reunion.

- And look. Wanda and Josh.
- Oh, young love,

- that's sweet.
- Why did Josh

tell us he barely
remembered her?

So what? I'd expect to see

a lot of reunion searches
on Wanda's computer.

Yeah, but she was
digging down pretty deep

on one classmate in particular:
Josh Carbon.

The high-tech software guy?

Guru more like it.

I actually own one
of his company's VR headsets.

It's pretty cool stuff.
Players get to design

their own avatars.
Mine is a Flame Empress

- inspired by Yandi...
- As interesting as that is,

Zoe, was Wanda looking


All Josh, all the time.

It's like she was obsessed.

OK. Thanks.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- I'm looking for Josh.
- Yeah, me too. I think

he just finished giving his statement.
We might be able to catch him outside.


Oh, my God!

Help me!

It won't budge!

Get back!

Run! Run!


Someone crowbarred their way
into the chem lab.

This hazardous-materials
locker's also been broken into.

Are you saying
that someone made the b*mb here?

Remember when Dwayne McAlstrum
blew up a frog

using potassium chloride
and sugar?

- Yeah.
- And where is this Dwayne now?

Oh, he became a monk.

- In Tibet.
- So he's probably not

- a psychotic revenger k*ller.
- Yeah. Oh, the b*mb squad

is also sweeping all the cars
in the parking lot.

So what the hell
are we dealing with?

Did someone k*ll Wanda because
they thought she was Christine?

Or was Wanda
the intended victim?

- But then why was Josh targeted?
- For all we know,

your entire graduating class
could be on a hit list.

Man, I can't thank
you guys enough.

Did you know that Wanda was
trolling you online?



My office said that she'd been trying
to get ahold of me the past few days,

but my schedule's insane.
I just figured

- we'd meet up at the reunion.
- And did you?


With the glasses and the wig,
I didn't even recognize her.

So this doesn't mean
that you two had a thing?

No. We never...

I think I barely said

two words to her ever.

I'm afraid that stuff was
just... all in her mind.

So why was Wanda trying
to get in touch with you?

I've no idea.

Maybe she was trying
to warn me about someone.

Seems like I'm the next target,
doesn't it?

So... cheerleader

and reporter for
the high school newspaper, huh?

I've always had
the utmost respect

for the integrity
of journalism.

- Plus the editor was hot.
- Oh.

Still not seeing any connection
between Wanda and Josh.

Me neither.

Josh's family
had money, prestige,

but, from what I remember,
Wanda's was from the other side

- of the tracks.
- And yet somebody had it in for both of 'em.

- Huh.
- You find something?

I'll say.

A photo of you as Juliet.

Oh yeah. Drama club too.


why would Wanda bring
her old notebook to the reunion?

Maybe she was
collecting autographs.

Why would she care? Those
people weren't her friends.

- Something else then. For...
- maybe something "science-y"?

Chem lab?

- You think Wanda made the b*mb?
- Hey. Hold on.

Now you're saying Wanda's
the k*ller? But she's the one

- who got m*rder*d.
- I know. It's crazy,

but do you think
that any of the formulas

in this notebook could be
a recipe for a b*mb?

There's only one way
to find out.

You realize this could
put me on the radar

for several frightening
federal agencies?

OK, just back from the lab.

One crowbar
and one pair of rubber gloves.

Both found stashed
behind the school.

Does the crowbar match
the scratches

on the chem-lab door?

Maz, how did you...

Looks like somebody didn't change
the passcode on my old extension yet.

- Danica:
- Guys, what about the gloves?

So they're covered
in traces of potassium


- What? I am trying to help.
- You think I need help?

The point is we're
talking b*mb making 101 here.

I don't remember my
high school offering that class.

in witness statements here. Maz, actually, if
you want to be helpful, do you want to come

Hmm... You know what?

You got this. I believe in you.
Go get 'em.

OK. Shade and Angie,


OK, so we have a socially
challenged science geek

who's harbouring
romantic feelings

for her former classmate
who she's stalking online.

So Wanda did make the b*mb.

Might explain why she was
hiding her identity.

- Lab results.
- Any prints on the crowbar?

No, but the notes say
it could have been contaminated

- in the dumpster.
- The dumpster?

Yeah. According to this,
that's where the cops found it

along with the gloves.

Like the dumpsters
behind the school?

- When we were up on the roof with Rob the janitor.
- Custodian.

- We heard the garbage truck.
- You're right.

That's why Rob said
he had to leave.

But if the dumpsters were
emptied after Wanda was k*lled,

she couldn't have made the b*mb.

Wanda's notebook...

Please, tell me you found
the recipe for the b*mb.

No, but...

see this equation here?

When I punch it into a
search engine, I get this page.

Wait, look at this schematic.

It's exactly the same
as what Wanda drew in her book.

Yeah. It's a low-power
transistor miniaturized for use

in mobile devices.
But check this out.

It was patented 19 years ago.

And look
at the name on the patent.

- Carbon ScienceTech.
- That's Josh's company.

Who originally made their mark

with mobile devices:
Phones, tablets.

If Josh and Wanda had
a professional relationship,

why didn't he tell us
about it?

Because I think we just found
the motive for Wanda's m*rder.

We are live-streaming this

to all the students and alumni
and recording it

for those who can't be here
in person.

Yo. Hey!


I hope you don't mind,
but after yesterday,

- I brought my own security.
- It doesn't seem

- necessary. I mean I'm here.
- Haha!

I really appreciate all this.

It's very impressive.

And we know
it's a passion project

- of yours.
- Yes, it is. And...

it's all for the kids.

Even though the rest
of the reunion is cancelled,

didn't seem right
to delay the unveiling.

I just hope that this lab

inspires a younger generation
of entrepreneurs.

If you will,
step with me

into the future.

Who's ready to have
their mind blown?

- I'll go.
- I was tired of the old brain anyway.

Haha! OK. Now, I've

uploaded my own avatar in here,
but I can do the same for you.

Actually, my friend Zoe
already uploaded mine

to your online site.
I've already been

- practising my moves.
- Really?

All right.

- You ready to do battle?
- Sure. You, uh,

ready to be taken down?

All right, you guys,
let the games begin.



- Argh!
- Ah!

Nicely done, Angie. How about
best two out of three?


What the hell?

Did you really think
you could silence me?

If this is
some kind of joke, I...

Hmm... The technology
is amazing, so lifelike.

You built your company
on an idea

that you stole from me.
I'm the one that invented

a low-power transistor,

but you're the one
who patented it.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

You took advantage
of my crush on you,

so you could steal my invention
and cheat me

out of a fortune.
You ruined my life!

You're not Wanda!

No, but that was her voice

pulled from various
deposition recordings.

20 years in VR,
and video deepfakes

have finally caught up
to voice tech.

And Wanda's name is
nowhere on that patent!

For years, she tried to
get you to do the right thing,

but you'd styled yourself
as a tech guru, a visionary.

If anybody were
to find out that your empire

was built on a lie,
your stock price

would crumble faster
than your ego.

"You're gonna pay
for what you've done."

Wanda's warnings
were meant for you.

This is crazy. My lawyer

is gonna have a field day
with this. You've got nothing.

We have more than you think.

Years ago, Wanda filed

a lawsuit but it was thrown out.
And then you slapped her

- with a restraining order.
- Yeah.

Who would believe her word
against that of a tech giant?

You said yourself, Josh,
you're not an easy man

to get to, so Wanda came here
to the reunion

- to finally face you in person.
- Excuse me.

I am the victim here.
If you'll recall,

- someone tried to blow me up!
- But you had no intention

of settling with Wanda.
You came here to k*ll her.

When forensics pulls DNA
from these gloves,

who do you think
is gonna be a match?

You thought we were
getting too close to the truth,

so you booby-trapped your own
car to draw suspicion away.

No. I can

- explain that.
- No need. We already know

that Wanda created the
technology for the transistor.

And now that you're
facing a m*rder wrap,

the judge won't dismiss
the case so easily this time.

Josh Carbon,
you're under arrest

- for the m*rder of Wanda Fadden.
- Come on.

Angie, we grew up together.

- You know me.
- Apparently not.

I guess people do change.
Sometimes, not for the better.


♪ One, you're like
a dream come true ♪

♪ Two, just wanna be with you ♪

♪ Three,
because it's plain to see ♪

♪ That you're
the only one for me ♪

You don't have
to worry about me by the way,

I'm totally fine over here.
I got the meats and cheeses.

I don't need to dance. What's
the big deal about dancing?

Hey. Hands at 10 and 2,
Shade, huh?

Hey, Slim, you want to leave
a little room for Jesus?

- ♪ Our work is done ♪
- You know he's

- never gonna stop.
- You were right about that.

OK. So not exactly

the fancy do-over prom
we were all expecting...

- No, this is perfect.
- Guys,

- perfect if you have a date.
- I think I know

- what we all need.
- Please.

Angie, I want to thank you
for everything. Both of you.

For the school, for my students,

- thank you.
- Yeah, we got it.

What are old friends for?

- You're welcome.
- I do hope

that I'll be seeing
more of you from now on.

I think that can
be arranged.

- I'm glad we reconnected.
- Yeah.

Me too.

I have decided
to rededicate the VR lab

to its true visionary:
Wanda Fadden.

That's really nice.

I think she would have
really loved that.

To old friends.

- And new ones.
- ♪ Just wanna be with you ♪

♪ Three, girl,
it's plain to see ♪

♪ That you're the only
one for me ♪ - What?

Oh! Uh...

- Hi.
- I hope you don't mind me crushing your prom.

No. Let me get you
a drink. Hang on.

Um... All right, thank you.

Yeah, there's more.
There you go.

You know, I have
a bit of a confession to make.

- You always had a crush on me.
- It was that obvious?

- Mm-hmm. I'm French.
- Touché.

- Hahahaha!
- You know, obviously, I've

never said that before because
you were married and I was 18.

Not to mention
that a relationship

between a teacher
and a student...

- Wildly inappropriate.
- Uh-huh.

- Yeah. But that was then.
- This is now.

Mm-hmm. And you're an adult

and, you know,
I'm divorced.

Yes, there's still a little bit
of an age difference,

- but, uh...
- It's like the French say, uh...

- Vive...
- Vive la...

- Différence.
- Différence.

- Hahahaha!
- C minus. All right.

You know,

you should put on
one of your songs.

- ♪ Girl, it's plain to see ♪
- I thought you'd never ask.

♪ That one ♪


Even if I could time travel

back to my high school self
and show him this moment,

- I don't think he'd believe it.
- Come on.

Zack Zitface is
sharing this booth

and this glass of wine
with his favourite

Starlite cheerleader. I mean,
that's not in his wildest dreams.

See, but you're the one
who's the star.

A new hit song.
Another overseas tour.

You have adoring fans
all over the world.

- Maybe, but, uh...
- you know what?

A boy never forgets
his first crush.

♪ Till you are the one ♪

So you don't think
your job is dangerous?

Didn't Angie just
get shot recently?

Yeah, but most cases
are pretty routine.

To be perfectly honest,
we hardly ever get shot at.

- For me, once...
- once would be enough.

You know, luckily,
Everett is a tough nut to crack.

- Yeah, don't I know it.
- Mm-hmm.

You guys make a great team.

- Hm, professional team.
- You're sure about that?

Made the team but...


You know, I can't help

but feel like a bit
of a sixth wheel around here.

I never went
to Pleasant Valley High.

How would you like to become
an honorary graduate?

You can do that?

I am the principal,
I can do anything.


You will have to fulfill
certain criteria though first.

- That sounds pretty official.
- Very.

I'd need you to study up
on Pleasant Valley's founders,

- understand its history.
- Hmm... I don't know

about that. History was
never my strong suit.

Ooh... Then,
we do have a problem.

What about

a private tutor?
Someone who could

work with me
late into the night?

Would you happen to know
someone who might be interested

in helping me with that?

♪ Say you will ♪