19x22 - Earthshock - part 4

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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19x22 - Earthshock - part 4

Post by bunniefuu »



Part Four

Original Air Date: 16 March 1982
Running time: 24:28

CYBERLEADER: My army awakes, Doctor!

The Doctor looks cowed.

Many multiple men (Cyber) march magnificently and menacingly. Thanks to image processing.

CAPT BRIGGS: This is piracy!


BERGER: The ship is in warp drive. Interfere with the navigational system and we will disintegrate!

CYBERLEADER: Your technology is primitive compared to ours, mistakes will not be made.

He punches some buttons.

Elsewhere, Tegan shoulders her w*apon. She comes out of hiding and very carefully and slowly approaches a corner, around which she takes a cautious peek.

A Cyberman is there, leading two others on what seems to be a house-buying tour. They are interested in the silos.

Tegan gulps.

On the scanner in the TARDIS, they see two

Cybermen on watch.

PROF KYLE: What was that?

NYSSA: I don’t know. A robot.

PROF KYLE: They’re huge!

The lieutenant’s party is hiding under the high school bleachers. He sighs.

LT SCOTT: Where’s Tegan?

Back on the bridge, the Cybermen are having a programming party.

CAPT BRIGGS: What are they doing?

BERGER: I don’t know. They’ve incorporated a machine of their own.

DOCTOR: I suspect the ship is now on a locked off, fixed coordinate.

ADRIC: Are we still going to Earth?


BERGER: Well then, why lock off the coordinates?

DOCTOR: Because I think they’re turning us into a flying b*mb.

Meanwhile, the silo tour continues.

Tegan leans back out of sight a full three inches, then forward again.

Back on the bridge.

CYBERLEADER: Your TARDIS has been found, Doctor.

DOCTOR: I didn’t know it was lost.

CAPT BRIGGS: You’re mad if you think Earth’s security will let you crash into the planet. They’d sh**t the ship down.

CYBERLEADER: There will not be time. You have a security transponder with clearance for Earth.

ADRIC: Yes, but why do it? On impact, the ship will destroy everything, the planet will be useless!

CYBERLEADER: There is a conference about to take place on Earth.

DOCTOR: The reason for the red alert.

CYBERLEADER: Yes. The heads of many powerful planets will be present.

DOCTOR: So, you destroy a few presidents in a needlessly destructive way.

CYBERLEADER: It is more than that. The purpose of the conference is to sign a pact uniting their military forces in a w*r against the Cyber race.

DOCTOR: Of course. A w*r you couldn’t possibly win.

CYBERLEADER: Their combined forces would be too great.

DOCTOR: Destroy the conference and you destroy the unity.

CYBERLEADER: It will be a great psychological victory. The strength and might of the Cyber race will be confirmed.

DOCTOR: So the freighter replaces the b*mb.

CYBERLEADER: Yes, Doctor. In spite of your interference, we will still triumph!

Out by Tegan again. She sneaks around the corner, then dashes across to the other side of the corridor. Then there’s another corner to peek around, with another Cyberman on patrol. She’s moved a few feet and is in the same situation.

Back to Lt Scott’s party.

LT SCOTT: Scott to TARDIS, come in please.

NYSSA (o.s.): This is Nyssa.

LT SCOTT: We’re coming back to the TARDIS. The hold is crawling with robots.

NYSSA (o.s.): Any of you hurt?

LT SCOTT: No. But we got separated from Tegan.

Back to the bridge. What’s a bridge for?

DOCTOR: If the freighter crashes into Earth with you on board, won’t that make it rather difficult for you to carry out your task? I mean, you would be very crumpled.

CYBERLEADER: I shall not be on board, Doctor.

DOCTOR: You don’t surprise me.

CYBERLEADER: My function was leader of a squad to eliminate those who survived the b*mb.

CAPT BRIGGS: Now your transport has replaced the b*mb.

CYBERLEADER: I shall join a secondary force to complete the task.

CAPT BRIGGS: Are they all so dedicated?

DOCTOR: Compared to some, this one is positively flippant.

Back to Scott’s party as they come down the bleachers, all these bleachers look the same to me.

Elsewhere, Tegan has to move again to hide from more Cybermen. She makes it across to the next row of silos.

Just then, a Cyberman walks out from between the rows. It doesn’t see her, but she frantically grabs at her w*apon, trying to ready it to defend herself. Another Cyberman comes from behind and grabs her and the g*n.

Lt Scott comes out somewhere near more bleachers. He holds up his hand to those following.

LT SCOTT: Gently.

They have the TARDIS in sight.

Tegan is being Cybermanhandled up the steps toward the bridge.

The girlies see Scott’s party on the scanner screen as they break cover and head toward the blue box.

PROF KYLE: They’re safe!

NYSSA: And those two robots have gone.

She operates the door control.

Outside, Scott reaches the outer door, which opens. He ducks inside. The others follow, but the last one is grabbed from behind by a Cyberman. She shrieks.

Inside, Scott and the others back in, preparing to attack the Cyberman.

LT SCOTT: Wait ‘til it’s near, then concentrate your fire!

The dreaded Cyberman lumbers in, w*apon raised. Nyssa looks like she wants some lemonade.


The three soldiers open fire on the Cyberman. It falls to the floor, dropping its g*n.

LT SCOTT: There’s another one!

Nyssa reaches for the door control. The inner doors close on the incoming Cyberman, but it is half way inside and has its g*n at the ready. The soldiers block it from getting in, as it fires its w*apon randomly.

The console explodes in a shower of sparks.

PROF KYLE: Nyssa, get back!

She dives down to retrieve the g*n from the first fallen Cyberman. When she rises to aim at the Cyberman trying to get in, it fires first. She drops the g*n and collapses to the floor.

Lt Scott manages to wrestle the g*n out of the

Cyberman’s hands. Hard to believe, but there you go.

He fires and the Cyberman begins to slide down to the floor, held up between the two doors.

Nyssa crawls over to Kyle.


Lt Scott checks on her for a pulse.

LT SCOTT: It’s no use.

He helps Nyssa get to her feet.

LT SCOTT: She’s dead.

Outside the bridge, Tegan struggles against the Cyberman’s grip as it leads her onward. It’s got her by the upper arm, that legendary weak point on the female body.

As they arrive at the demolished bridge door, she sees her friends.

TEGAN: Doctor! Adric!

DOCTOR: Where did you come from?

TEGAN: That thing caught me!

ADRIC: Where’s Nyssa?

TEGAN: She’s safe, she’s in the TARDIS!

CYBERLEADER: Who is this woman?

DOCTOR: An Earthling, no one of consequence.

TEGAN: Thanks a lot.

DOCTOR: Be quiet.

CYBERLEADER: She’s one of your crew.

DOCTOR: In a manner of speaking.

CYBERLEADER: I see that Time Lords have emotional feelings.

DOCTOR: Of sorts.

CYBERLEADER: Surely a great weakness in one so powerful?

DOCTOR: Emotions have their uses.

CYBERLEADER: They restrict and curtail the intellect and logic of the mind.

DOCTOR: They also enhance life. When did you last have the pleasure of smelling a flower, watching a sunset, eating a well-prepared meal?

CYBERLEADER: These things are irrelevant.

DOCTOR: For some people, small beautiful events is what life is all about.

The Cyberleader looks at Tegan.

CYBERLEADER: You have ... affection ... for this woman?

DOCTOR: She’s a friend.

CYBERLEADER: And you do not consider friendship a weakness?

DOCTOR: I do not.

The Cyberleader addresses one of his squad.

CYBERLEADER: k*ll her.

The Doctor has an oh shit expression.

Tegan begins to back away toward the wall, Adric too for some reason. The Cyberman approaches them slowly.

The Cyberleader watches with relish. An emotion, probably.

The Doctor is undecided. His agitation increases rapidly until he gives in.


The Cyberleader calls off the other.

CYBERLEADER: Such a reaction is not a disadvantage?


CYBERLEADER: You are mistaken. I now have control over you, Doctor. All I need do is thr*aten the woman’s death for you to obey me.

The Doctor knows he’s right. Back in the TARDIS.

LT SCOTT: At least we have two of their weapons. Might make them easier to k*ll.

NYSSA: You’re not going out again.

LT SCOTT: I haven’t much choice.

NYSSA: The Doctor won’t thank you for throwing away your life.

She opens the door and the troops exit ... including the

female one who was grabbed by the Cyberman outside a short while ago.

Back on the bridge, the Doctor is in close, unsupervised conversation with Tegan.

CYBERLEADER: I return your ship to you, Captain.


CYBERLEADER: You will continue your journey to Earth. The ship will function normally.

CAPT BRIGGS: We’re to stay on board?

CYBERLEADER: Yes. Although your presence isn’t needed, of course. The control of your ship is now totally a*t*matic.

DOCTOR: This isn’t necessary, let them go.

CYBERLEADER: And deny them the feeling of fear, the ultimate in emotional response?

DOCTOR: You’ve already proved your point quite adequately.

CYBERLEADER: A final demonstration might convince any doubters.

CYBERMAN: We have finished, Leader.

CYBERLEADER: Excellent. Instruct all regenerated Cybermen to evacuate the ship. You will return to Cyber control and inform main fleet of our intention.

CYBERMAN: At once.

Out in the freighter again, Lt Scott is trying to lead his troops without being seen.

They make their way forward one at a time. Nearby, the Cybermen are preparing to leave. The

airlock controls beep as one operates them.

Scott stops his troops to watch them near the airlock door.

LT SCOTT: They’re leaving.

Back on the bridge.

CYBERLEADER: You two will remain on the bridge. Should any of the crew attempt to interfere with navigational equipment, they are to be restrained.

CAPT BRIGGS: Why don’t you k*ll us now?

CYBERLEADER: I want my guards to observe your reactions.

TEGAN: That’s sadistic.

CYBERLEADER: No. Scientific. If we are to fight Earthlings, it is better we understand their weaknesses.

Freighter hold. Lt Scott leads his troops further. The woman is missing now.


CYBERLEADER: We leave for your TARDIS. The Earth woman as well.

TEGAN: The name is Tegan.

He has her by that vulnerable spot, the upper arm. They all begin to leave, but the Cyberleader has other

ideas. He stops the boy in the pyjamas.

DOCTOR: I want Adric, too.

CYBERLEADER: The boy stays here.


DOCTOR: I need him to help me fly the TARDIS.

CYBERLEADER: I know that it only requires one person to pilot the TARDIS.

DOCTOR: I’m not going without him.

CYBERLEADER: The boy will stay here. If you do not cooperate, I shall have the Earth woman destroyed.

TEGAN: We can’t leave without him!

The Cyberleader throws her toward the destroyed door. Meanwhile, Adric decides to try acting.

ADRIC: Take Tegan with you. I’ll find my own way. Please.

CAPT BRIGGS: The boy’s right. There’s a chance. Leave now.

ADRIC: Please, Doctor.

CYBERLEADER: There is no chance.

ADRIC: Just leave!

The Doctor looks as if he is in pain, then steps over to

Adric and offers his hand.

DOCTOR: Good luck, Adric. They shake hands.

ADRIC: Goodbye, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Good luck to you all.

ADRIC: Goodbye, Tegan. I’ll see you soon.

She declines to say goodbye, then is pushed through the door by the Cyberleader.

Out in the corridors, the troops move.

The party bound for the TARDIS go down some of them bleachers.

Back on the bridge.

CAPT BRIGGS: Nice to see where we’re going.

BERGER: We know where we’re going.

CAPT BRIGGS: Nice to see when we arrive.

At Cyber control, the Cyber scout reports.

CYBERMAN: The freighter has been evacuated.

CYBERLEADER (o.s.): Excellent.

CYBERMAN: And a ship is being dispatched from the main fleet to collect you.

CYBERLEADER: The fleet is too far away. I will use the Doctor’s TARDIS to observe the impact.


CYBERLEADER: You will meet me there.

The scout heads off.

A control lever moves by itself.

A plastic-wrapped Cyberman begins to stir. Have we gone back in time?

The Cyberleader’s group go down more steps.

TEGAN: You won’t like Earth.

CYBERLEADER: Like or dislike does not come into much consideration.

TEGAN: It will when you start going rusty!

Nobody laughs.

Back in the TARDIS, Nyssa grabs a communicator off the console as it beeps.

LT SCOTT (o.s.): This is Scott.

NYSSA: What’s happening out there?

LT SCOTT (o.s.): I don’t know! Those robot things seem to have left the ship.

NYSSA: Is there any sign of the Doctor?

LT SCOTT (o.s.): No, not yet.

NYSSA: Well, be careful. That magnetic field is functioning again.

She looks down at a display. Back on the bridge.

ADRIC: How much time have we got?

BERGER: Not long. The ship is on maximum drive.

ADRIC: Could we undo what the Cybermen have done?

CAPT BRIGGS: Given time, I’m sure.

ADRIC: But even if we could just divert the ship a degree or two, at least we’d miss Earth.

CAPT BRIGGS: We have to cope with those things, first.

The Cyberleader meets up with the scout.

CYBERMAN: Leader! The main fleet has acknowledged your intentions.

CYBERLEADER: Do they agree?

CYBERMAN: Yes, Leader. As soon as the freighter impacts, a small force will follow through, and under your instructions, subdue survivors.


They move on.

Elsewhere, Lt Scott keeps moving.

LT SCOTT: Marshall, you stay here and cover us. Brooks, come with me.

The three of them ascend the nearest stairs, but

Marshall stops on the landing.

In the TARDIS, Nyssa reacts to the Doctor entering unexpectedly.

NYSSA: Doctor. Where’s Adric?

DOCTOR: He’s safe.

TEGAN: For the time being.

The Cyberleader and his two troops enter the TARDIS

behind them.

Nyssa whirls around and sees them and thinks about a meal she ate once when she didn’t care for the sauce.

Lt Scott and Brooks keep moving, carefully, looking around corners. They stop just outside the destroyed bridge door. Scott motions for Brooks to stay, and he steps over to the door.

Adric sees him, but Scott holds up a hand to prevent the boy from making his presence known.

One of the Cybermen must have noticed the movement, as he moves toward and through the door opening.

Lt Scott is waiting there with Brooks. They ambush the Cyberman, sh**ting it in the back. It groans robotically.

The two men move onto the bridge, and Scott sh**t the other Cyberman.

Scott approaches the Captain.

LT SCOTT: Lieutenant Scott, Captain.

Back in the hold, the TARDIS wheezes and groans and vanishes.

For no reason we are shown a static shot of Cyber control.

Then, Cybermen begin breaking out of silos. Lights on the control console blink. Cybermen wake up and begin marching.

Back in the TARDIS, the freighter is on the scanner screen.

CYBERLEADER: Have you locked on to the freighter’s coordinates?


CYBERLEADER: You will follow the freighter to Earth. I wish to witness the planet’s final destruction.

TEGAN: You’ll ruin your own plan doing that. The radar on Earth will pick up the TARDIS.

CYBERLEADER: It is too small. Its image will be swamped by that of the freighter.

CYBERMAN: Everything’s been considered.

CYBERLEADER: Search this ship.

The Cyberman heads for the inner door. Back on the bridge.

BERGER: The override on the navigational control. My instructions are instantly countermanded.

CAPT BRIGGS: It’s this thing that’s causing it.

LT SCOTT: Can’t you disconnect it?

CAPT BRIGGS: It’s probably booby-trapped.

ADRIC: Maybe so, but it can be disconnected.


ADRIC: Solve the three logic codes.

BERGER: That could take forever.

ADRIC: Well then I suggest we start at once.

Keeping watch on the stairs, Marshall sees Cybermen approaching from all sides, and retreats.

Adric fiddles with the Cyberboxes.

g*nf*re can be heard, and the Captain runs off to investigate.

The Cybermen are climbing the stairs. (I think that’s

Marshall, dead, there.)

Lt Scott is setting up a flimsy barricade.

LT SCOTT: It seems we have very little time, Captain.

He and Brooks continue working.

On the TARDIS, the Cyberleader watches tv.

CYBERLEADER: The time draws near.

DOCTOR: It isn’t necessary to taunt her.

CYBERLEADER: It is simply a fact, Doctor.

TEGAN: Can’t you do something?

DOCTOR: Not at the moment.

CYBERLEADER: Do not mislead the Earthling. This time, we will not fail.

On the bridge, Adric is confident.

BERGER: Is that right?

ADRIC: Has to be. It’s the only logical answer.

He goes over to a keyboard and starts keying. On the TARDIS.

TEGAN: I don’t have to watch this.

NYSSA: She doesn’t have to be here.

DOCTOR: Gently, Tegan.

TEGAN: Gently! This is my planet they’re about to destroy!

She jumps at the console and hits some random controls. The room tilts wildly.


He makes corrections with great difficulty. When things are upright again, he grabs her elbows.

DOCTOR: You do things like that, we’ll all finish up dead!

The Captain and Lt Scott are in position behind some boxes as the first Cyberman comes around. They sh**t it.

The Captain comes back into the bridge as Adric shows off.

ADRIC: That’s it! The first one’s solved!

CAPT BRIGGS: We’re running out of time! The troopers can’t hold the Cybermen much longer!

BERGER: We’re working as hard as we can. It’s very complex.

ADRIC: It worked! See if it’s released anything!

Berger works the keyboard.

Lt Scott fires at more Cybermen.

LT SCOTT: The power in these things is running out!

BERGER: Stand by!

She spins a control, then pushes a button.

The whole ship lurches sideways, throwing humans and Cybermen around.

On the scanner screen, the freighter seems to be fading away.

NYSSA: What’s happening?

TEGAN: Where have they gone?

DOCTOR: The freighter’s jumped time warps.

CYBERLEADER: You will follow.

DOCTOR: Where?

CYBERLEADER: Follow them!

(Shakes fist, or would if he was Homer Simpson)

Lt Scott takes advantage of the confusion to sh**t a disoriented Cyberman.

BERGER: We’re travelling backwards in time.

CAPT BRIGGS: That’s not possible!

ADRIC: It is when you have an alien machine overriding your computer.

On the TARDIS.

CYBERLEADER: You will board the freighter.

DOCTOR: I can’t.

The Cyberleader grabs Nyssa’s upper arm. She is instantly helpless.

CYBERLEADER: You will do as I say!

DOCTOR: It’s physically impossible. The freighter is no longer on a fixed course, the coordinates are constantly changing. That’s why it keeps fading. I’ve got nothing to lock on to.

The Cyberleader releases Nyssa’s upper arm. On the bridge, the soldiers are back.

LT SCOTT: Rest there a minute. (he walks over to them) Some bump!

CAPT BRIGGS: It’s bigger than you think!

ADRIC: Well if we can crack the remaining two logic circuits, we may be able to do something about it.

Back on the TARDIS.

TEGAN: At least the Earth is safe now.

He says nothing.

NYSSA: Doctor?

TEGAN: Don’t tell me it isn’t?

DOCTOR: Although the freighter is spiraling backwards in time, it’s still locked on to the same spatial coordinates.

TEGAN: Earth?

CYBERLEADER: This is excellent news, Doctor! Earth will be destroyed! It will never exist, as you have known it!

TEGAN: Is that true?


Inside the freighter, an injured Cyberman crawls up the stairs. He’s determined, this one is. He keeps going and going.

Adric fiddles some more with his equipment. Uhhuh. Ping!

ADRIC: That’s it! The second logic code!

CAPT BRIGGS: We’ve come out of warp drive!

On the scanner, the freighter is seen approaching


DOCTOR: Earth.

CYBERLEADER: Excellent. Hold this position. We shall observe from here.


The Doctor shushes her.

The wounded Cyberman continues crawling up the stairs, bit by bit, inch by inch.

On the bridge, Berger has opened the door to the escape pod while Adric continues working.

CAPT BRIGGS: Come on, we’ve done all we can do!

ADRIC: This is your planet!

CAPT BRIGGS: I know! And I realize the consequences of this freighter crashing into it!

ADRIC: There is still time to crack this last logic code!

CAPT BRIGGS: No, there isn’t! Come on! It’s only a few minutes before we enter Earth’s gravitational pull!

LT SCOTT: You’ve done all you can, Adric.

ADRIC: I can crack this code!

CAPT BRIGGS: Come on, Lieutenant, and you, Berger.

BERGER: Adric!

ADRIC: You board!

CAPT BRIGGS: Come on, lad!

Scott grabs his upper arm, that most vulnerable spot on females. Explains a lot.

LT SCOTT: And that is an order, Adric.

He drags him to the escape pod hatch.

ADRIC: Of course, that’s it!

As the door slides shut, he jumps out. Nobody has time

(or inclination) to stop him.

He returns to the keyboard. The Earth looms large on the monitor.

The TARDIS scanner shows the escape pod launching from the side of the freighter.

NYSSA: An escape pod!

CYBERLEADER: My guards evacuating the ship.

DOCTOR: It may be of some small consequence to know we’ve travelled backwards in time some 65 million years.

TEGAN: Big deal.

DOCTOR: Think about it.

NYSSA: Do you recall the fossil dinosaur bones in the cave on Earth?

TEGAN: What?

NYSSA: And why it’s believed they died out so quickly?

TEGAN: Earth collided with a meteorite.

NYSSA: Or something.

Oh. Right.

TEGAN: The freighter?

DOCTOR: The antimatter vessel will split open on impact. There will be a tremendous expl*si*n!

TEGAN: The freighter was the meteorite?

DOCTOR: Seems inevitable. As is your history as we know it.

CYBERLEADER: You lie, Doctor!

DOCTOR: Not at all. You’ve lost! The Earth is safe.

Adric keeps trying. I guess that thing he thought of as the escape pod door closed wasn’t right after all.

ADRIC: I can do it.

He looks up at the big Earth.

ADRIC: I must do it.

The wounded Cyberman is now limping toward his fate as Adric’s destiny.

The communicator on the TARDIS console squawks.

LT SCOTT (o.s.): Scott to TARDIS! Scott to TARDIS! Come in please!

NYSSA: This is the TARDIS! We have Cybermen on board!

The leader takes the radio from her.

LT SCOTT (o.s.): We’ve managed to escape from the freighter. But Adric’s still on board!

The Doctor fingers Adric’s gold star. Adric’s Destiny Cyberman approaches. Adric doesn’t look so confident now.

LT SCOTT (o.s.): Scott to TARDIS. Scott to TARDIS.

The Cyberleader squishes the radio.

DOCTOR: You’ve failed, leader.

CYBERLEADER: You will not enjoy the victory. I shall now k*ll you, Doctor.

While the Doctor fingers the gold star, Tegan gives the Cyberleader a bear hug from behind.

The leader throws her off to the floor, but the Doctor grabs him from behind and begins to scrape the gold into the leader’s chest unit.

I didn’t know gold crumbled.

Leader gasps and groans. The subtitles say that.

DOCTOR: Get down!

The leader goes a little mad. He begins whirling around, firing his g*n randomly. Sparks fly.

The Doctor jumps up and grabs the g*n and turns it on the leader, firing.

And firing again.

The leader collapses to the floor with a scream. The Doctor fires yet again. Point blank.

The Cyberleader’s chest unit explodes. Meanwhile, Adric is stalling.

ADRIC: There’s something missing. There’s something I’ve forgotten.

NYSSA: Please hurry, Doctor, we must get Adric off the freighter!

DOCTOR: The console’s damaged!

NYSSA: We must save Adric, there’s so little time!

Earth fills the monitor on the bridge. Adric’s Destiny Cyberman gets nearer.

It staggers around the corner and into the bridge, very


ADRIC: Of course! That’s it!

Adric’s Destiny Cyberman raises its g*n, while Adric prepares to protect himself from the small expl*si*n he knows is about to happen.

The Cyberman sh**t. The console explodes. Adric jumps back.

The Cyberman, his destiny fulfilled, begins to laugh uproariously.

It’s so funny that he dies. The keyboard is destroyed.

ADRIC: Now I’ll never know if I was right.

Back on the TARDIS, the scout returns to the console room from the inner rooms.

TEGAN: Look out!

DOCTOR: I must save Adric!

Nyssa grabs the Cyber g*n and unenthusiastically fires it at the looming Cyberman.

It groans and collapses.

Tegan runs over, then is distracted by the scanner.

TEGAN: Look!

The freighter looks normal.

NYSSA: Adric!

He can’t hear.

Adric holds his belt.

The freighter hits the Earth.


Adric and a Cyber head are thrown from the expl*si*n in the atmosphere.

Adric cries out as he flies and lands face down in the dirt.

He pushes himself up.

ADRIC: Blimey. That was lucky.

A noise is heard, a gurgling, hungry noise. Adric’s eyes go wide and bug out.

The giant eye of a reptile is seen.

Adric begins to panic, waving his arms wildly, and whining.

The dinosaur bends down and crunches Adric in its mouth.

As the dinosaur leaves with its puny meal, the Cyber head rolls upright.

CYBERHEAD: Excellent.

Back in the TARDIS, Nyssa looks away and clings to Tegan.

Tegan squeezes Nyssa’s shoulder, then moves over to the Doctor.

TEGAN: Adric?

The Doctor is dumbstruck.

TEGAN: Doctor!

He says nothing. Tegan begins to cry. Nyssa hugs her.

The Doctor looks sort of sad, but more surprised than anything.

Then the dance music kicks in and everyone parties!

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Matthew Waterhouse

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

Lieutenant Scott
James Warwick

Professor Kyle
Clare Clifford

Captain Briggs
Beryl Reid

June Bland

Steve Morley

Suzi Arden

Ann Holloway

Trooper Baines
Anne Clements

Second Trooper
Mark Straker

David Banks

Alec Sabin

Mark Hardy

First Crew Member
Mark Fletcher

Second Crew Member
Christopher Whittingham

Assistant Floor Manager
Nick Laughland

Dinah Collin

Bernard Lloyd-Jones

Film Cameraman
Keith Hopper

Film Editor
Mike Houghton

Incidental Music
Malcolm Clarke

Joan Stribling

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Jane Ashford

Production Associate
Angela Smith

Script Editor
Antony Root

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Fred Wright

Studio Sound
Alan Machin

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Steve Bowman
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