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02x03 - Talent Showdown

Posted: 12/28/21 06:53
by bunniefuu
I'm Doctor Cartwright's replacement,

do I need an appointment, Lanky?

You can't put this whole hospital

at risk because of this woman.

MERYL: Hayley, go and burn those boxes.

It's illegal to handle them if
you are not an AEC official.

I know it might cost you the election,

but we need to hand these in.

I'm in Whyhope.

Floyd ran away. He'll be fine,

he just needs one friend
and everything'll click.

I'd like you two to adopt me and
to raise me here in Whyhope.

- No.
- I love you.

- What happened?
- Lightning.

- Workers comp?
- You are better off in Bali.

Your breath stinks of garlic.



This is the past.

Yep, yep, yep...

Right, Charlie and I are gonna go home.

I don't want any of this
talked about ever again.

- Wow.
- How was it?

A sin, Charlie. A sin!



- Hello?
- You're following me again.

No, I'm just driving this way.

Two hours early for work?

Fine, you got me.

What are you going to do
when I start driving to school?

I'll be sitting next to you.

On my motorbike?

You are not getting a motorbike.

Okay, bye, Mum.


- Morning.

Hey. What's in the box?

I'm moving my stuff to the bachelor pad.

Going through my room and
I found some of your things.

You don't have to move out, Craig Brady.

No, I need my privacy.

I can't exactly entertain
as I would have wished

with old Jimbo wandering
the halls at night.

AM the other morning he knocks
on my door asking for Tic Tacs.

- Do you have Tic Tacs?
- No. But I do have

a Easter egg I stole from
you when you were .

I knew you stole that.

Please don't eat that.

- Too late.
- Oh, my God.


- Your book.
- Oh...

What book?

I wrote a book, just for fun.

You wrote a book? Wow, you
never said. Give us a look.

Is there no privacy in this family?

Well, our bathtub is on the
verandah, so no, not really.

Just eat your egg.


♪ I'm going up the country,
babe, don't you wanna go ♪

♪ I'm going up the country, ♪

♪ Babe, don't you wanna go ♪

♪ I'm going some place
where I've never been before ♪

♪ I'll leave this city ♪

♪ I've got to get away ♪

♪ I'm gonna leave this city, ♪

♪ I've got to get away ♪

♪ Always fussing and fighting ♪

♪ Man, you know, I sure can't stay ♪




- Are you enjoying home sweet home?
- Oh, sort of.

Oh, is that where you work?

- Is the fish all right?
- It's fine.

Just a little rearranging to do.

If you say so. I still think
we should try long distance.

- It never works.
- Could work. We're doing it now.

Nice try.

But, I better get going.

All right, well, I just wanted
to wish you a good first day and

I guess I'll see you around.

Yeah, see you round.


- MERYL: Yes, is this good?
- And head up.

- More here?
- That's perfect, just a bit further...

- Look up.
- And that's great, fantastic.

- Mm-hmm.
- Beautiful.

- Hail, Madam Mayor.
- Oh...

Hello, David.

Minnie, oh you dear things.

Welcome home. I'm having my

portrait painted for the Hall of Mayors.

Which pose do you think is best?

Or this one...

- This one.
- The first one.

What about these two?

A happy day indeed.

Two adopted children
brought together by God

to bring forth a multitude.

We'll have kids very quickly.

Not a multitude, right? Just three.

Hey, relax.

Well here's to Ajax and Hayley.

We're just so proud of our Hayley.

Such a good girl,

so many girls are not whole

when they arrive at the altar.

- Whole?
- Mum, please.

- Maybe we should...
- Intact.


You mean a virgin.

Clear up.

And God can see straight through them,

into that sin on a day
that should be pure.

But when he looks down on you two,

he will sign his love into your hearts.


God loves all

and he's forgiving of
the stained, I'm sure.

It's perfect. All right, one more time.

Now, Penny is gonna walk
in through those doors

and when she does, altogether...

ALL: Welcome back, Penny!

What do we think?

Too late to get confetti?

I brought some just in case.

Always one step ahead.

And you've got the
present for her, right?

- Yes, I haven't lost it.
- Ken...

Welcome back, Penny.

You're here?

Sorry to ruin the surprise,
I thought I'd come in early.



Thanks, Ken.

It's good to be back.

So, what did I miss?

I've done a sweep of the hospital

and I should let you know that
we are currently breaking

hospital code violations.

Nora I can't have left
things that badly.

The CT is out of order, the ECG is MIA

and we're still waiting on the
CPM, the UPS and the PCA.

Eight light bulbs are
broken, the corridor fire

extinguisher is missing

and I've yet to find a clock
that reads the correct time.

Well, that last one can't be true.

It's : and there's another thing,

I did a stock take of oxycodone
and we're missing half our supply.

What? That's over tablets.

Count them again, we need to make sure.

Oh and one other thing.

I found this in my desk.
Was Nora supposed to

send it off for testing?
Who's Jack Howley?


Think of how we laboured over this book.

Oh, I know.

So many days cutting out dresses
and shoes together and now...

- It's here!

I get so excited when I think about it,

I have to count backwards
from just to calm down.


- Oh, no.
- They've eaten it.

Our plague of moths.

And the plague shall cover the surface

of the world if you abandon me.

Oh, it's just moths.

You haven't abandoned God
and he didn't put moths

- in your book.
- I'm just little tense.

Don't worry.

It'll be perfect.

You're perfect.

- I'm not, Mum.
- To me you are.

Stop saying that, I'm not.

Hayley! I know you're
not, none of us are.

I don't always do the right thing, Mum.

The older I get,

the harder it gets to know what that is.

I've done things.

Then you ask God to forgive
what you can't change

and you repent and you make
amends for what you can.



Oh, how sweet.

The moths have left the
desert section alone.

How odd.

The things you've done, not sex is it?



- You wrote a book.
- Yeah, stupid.

- Can I read it?
- No, you can't.

All right.

Actually, you can read it.


- I wrote it in four weeks.
- Quick.

Yeah, just fun, just report back
what you think. No pressure.

- What pressure?
- No, there is no pressure,

it's just stupid, just
fun, just read it.

Yeah, I will.

Well, you can read it now if you like.


Yeah, nothing is going on,
I've got the bar. Come on.

All right.






- Jack Howley?
- Yes!

I'm Doctor Cartwright,

I'm afraid we've run
into a slight problem

with your tests, but we should

- have the results later today.
- What?

I want to talk to the person in charge.

- That would be me.
- No.

You know who I mean, the blonde
woman. Yeah, the one who...


It's all right.

I've got it.

It could be sun stroke.

That's not sunburn.

A package for Hugh Knight..

We need to control the inflammation

and give him something
to stop the seizures.

Ken, help Mia get him into bed four,

until we get his bloods is back.

I know you're busy and
all, but can somebody...

Three, two, one...

What am I signing for?

Oh, it's just the remote,
I'll get the rest.

Build it yourself sauna.

You're frowning, what does that mean?


I didn't... Was I?

- Yeah.
- What's going on?

First impressions?

It's cool.


It's like Star Wars,

- but...
- Better?

Than Star Wars, it's different.

It's like a family in space,

- right?
- Keep going.

I have to go finish fencing with Ajax.

Well, make him drive and you can
read it in the truck on the way.

- What's going on?
- Nothing.

- AJAX: Hey.
- Hey.

- You ready?
- Yes!

- Yeah.
- You're driving.

What? No, he never lets me drive.

Am I driving?

So, we've got this new
version of hexatrophamine

and they've adjusted the dosage of

Evanol, so it doesn't have any of those

- weird side-effects anymore.
- Uh-huh.

- So do you want to buy anything?
- Not really.

'Cause technically, when
I'm here I'm on business.

Kimberly! Can we just...

- You know?
- Okay.

- Okay. Okay.
- Okay.


How much for the earrings?


- Hey.
- Oh...

- Hi.
- Hi, Penny.

- Welcome back.
- Thanks.

- Well, I guess I'll see you next time.
- Mm-hmm.


Oh, finally!

You bought a sauna?

Oh. Very nice.

Are you living here?

Yes. Come on in.

My house is your house.

No, your house is my hospital.

You can't stay here.

I think you'll find
my lease is in order.

This can't be legally binding.

Oh, I had my lawyer look over it.

Signed on behalf of the hospital
by our good friend Nora

and valid for the length of my
probation. Which, by the way is

days, nine hours and four minutes.

We've got work to do.

- We need to talk about Nora.
- What's to talk about?

It's all sorted.

The insurance claim.

You can't honestly expect
to go through with that.

Where are you going?



Claims already been lodged.

Nora was attending an
accident on the golf course

when she was struck
by lightning. End of story.

It's fraud and I'm not
covering for you this time.

You need to tell Nora to drop the claim.

Okay, I mean, she's nothing
if not reasonable, right?

I'm sure if I explain the situation,
she'd happily give up

her million dollar trip to Barbados.

But I hear Tasmania is just as nice.

I'm not having this hospital

caught up in insurance fraud.

Okay, sure.

I'll leave you to tell her, shall I?

Oh, Penny. Welcome back.

Now, let's talk room service.

This is unintelligible.

Zyrgon meets the hologram

in the quirzon antechamber.

I mean, come on.

- What are you going to say?
- I don't know. Something.


All right, we're out of wiring.
I'll go down and get some more.

- You keep tightening up.
- Okay.


You have to drop the insurance claim,

otherwise you'll get caught for fraud

and bring this hospital down with you.

I'm not getting caught.

Your story is full of holes.

Who were you treating?
How old were they?

Janet Goldman, years old,
dislocated her shoulder

on hole , attempting to tee off

with a five iron, any more questions?

You owe us. We saved your life.

Yeah, cheers for that.

Also, I want my own room.
I'm sick of comatose

over there, hogging the window.

Are you shagging her yet?

- She's been back for hours.
- What?

No. We're not...

She's not... You know...

I have a radar for sexual tension,

the radar is never wrong.

We had one, almost date.

- See?
- Yeah, that was different,

we were both in Sydney,
she wasn't my boss anymore.

I'm not your boss anymore.

You may need to get
that radar looked at.


- What's wrong, you're fidgeting.
- Hmm?

Nothing. I'm fine.


I did a reckoning.

- A reckoning?
- With Mum and Dad.

You sit and pray and
examine all your sins.

How fun.

I thought about the


and the ballot boxes.

Thought about?

You don't reckoning out aloud, do you?



Let's walk.

The boxes are gone, Hayley.

As, not to be too delicate
about it, is your virginity.

I know, I just...

We did sort of steal the election.

But we don't know that,
we might have won.

- True, but...
- Hayley, you made a choice.

I want you to go and sit in the audience

and know why we made that choice.

Your parents are wonderful.

But people are not perfect.

Life is not perfect.

Yes, Meryl.

And I'm an insomniac,
so most of the time,

I am preoccupied with the question

'Why don't I look good in fuchsia?'


But when I put that to rest,

another question rattles
around in my mind.

How do we control our destiny?

So, one night, I googled

'Save small town.'

And there it was,

a Finnish company is looking for a site

to store its nuclear fuel
rods from their plants.


We can be that site.

Look, I know the words

'Nuclear waste' are not pretty,

but I believe that's based on ignorance

and I don't believe we're ignorant,

I believe we're smart.

Smart enough to see an
opportunity good enough,

and I'm not saying

that Whyhope's going to
be Saudi Arabia Ridge

and we're all gonna be
driving around in BMWs,

but we probably will.


I've researched this for two years.

I'm convinced that we
can be the visionaries

and we can secure our future

in one stroke of genius.

This is a moment for us

to seize our destiny.



I think they came around in the end.

A little bit.

Well, it's going to take
a little bit of time.

This is my legacy, Hayley.

What about you?

Did you come round?

It is

a visionary idea, Meryl. I know that.

And we can do it, Hayley.

Unlike Rod, who wants to open
a bar called 'The Pretty Titty.'

So did we do the right thing?

I guess so.

Yes, Meryl.



- I'm a genius.
- Hello.

Forget about the heart,
that ship has failed.

This is better.

And what does that look like?

An earring.

We're going to start making jewellery.

What? No, look at the shape of it.

It's a helix, right?

- Sure.
- So,

think about blood flow in the aorta.

That is not straight, is it?
It flows like a whirlpool,

but the stents we put in are straight.

What if I designed a stent

shaped like a helix?

Might work, but who's
going to fund it, Hugh?

We're all washed up, no one
will invest in us anymore.


That does seem like a problem

Solve that, will you?


Mr. Howley, your results are back.

I'm afraid you have Lupus.
It is an autoimmune disease.

Is that why I'm cold all the time?

Yes, it's one of the side-effects.
We're going to put you on

some steroids for a few days,
to reduce that inflammation.

All right, fine, whatever.
How many pills?

None. Tablets won't work fast enough,

- you'll need an injection.
- Hey, whoa, needle?

- Yeah.
- Nup. I'm fine.

- Don't worry, it's only tiny.
- No, don't

come anywhere near me with that. No.


Ah, wait, wait, wait...

Maybe you could do it

if I had a drink first.


Ken, I need you to fill this for me.

This is for beer.

- Nora?
- Ah, Gus.

It's me.

Sorry, I've got to fix my name
on the door. Take a seat.

Actually, I wanted to see Nora.


no longer practising.

But I can help you.

Oh, right.

I have, um, chickenpox...

Gus, I don't think you have chickenpox.

Yep, I don't.

- Never mind, I'll go.
- Gus...

What are you here for?


You want a narcotic?

Nora owes it to me.

I already paid her for it.

Nora's been dealing you oxycodone?

I didn't expect to have
to use it on you, Penny.


No, enough.

- Give it to me.
- But...



Get out.



This isn't the beer I asked for.

No, it's the beer I asked for.



I can explain the um...


Rough day?

Did you know anything about Nora dealing

Oxycodone out of the hospital?

[SCOFFS] Ah, no,

but nothing that woman
does surprises me anymore.

Well, Gus came in looking for it.

I'd call the police, but we don't

have any evidence that it was Nora.

And Gus would never testify.



I don't buy it, just so you know.


This whole act you've
got going on there.

That you're happy to be back.

There was no way your content
being stuck back here.

Well, I am.

And I'm going to turn this place

into the finest rural medical
facility in the country.

Besides, what do you care?

You've only got
days or whatever left.

Ah, days, four hours,

five minutes and half a beer.



Hey, I was looking for
you, what are you doing?

Turn your torch off.

I couldn't see them in Sydney,

too many lights.

That's Orion over there.


Up there, see?

You mean the Saucepan?

It's Orion.

He's a fearless hunter.

I think he's a Saucepan.

How was your first day back?

It was great.

Timmy took my seat when I was away,

so they had to move me

and now I'm finally on the cool table.

Oh, I'm so thrilled for you.

I'm going to miss this.

Show me another.

Well, that's half of
Centauri over there.

He's really cool.

He's like,

my third favourite or something.


what do you think?

Oi, the book.

Unvarnished truth,
right between the eyes.

- It's awesome.

I knew it.

Okay, let's talk about the
ending, 'cause it worries me.

Does it feel like Zyrgon
does the right thing,

or does it feel unsatisfying?

I haven't quite finished it.


- Fencing, tired...
- Oh, of course.

- Yeah.
- Sorry.

Of course.

I'll get you a coffee and
you can finish it right now.

sh*t, where is it?

JIM: Have you read this yet?


Is that Charlie's thing
that Ajax was reading?

Yeah, It's just this
character called Mij.

- Mmm.
- His farm is going under.

I thought it was set in space.

Yeah, it's an asteroid farm.

There's this character, Mij,

he runs it with his sons.

Doesn't it all sound a bit familiar?

Does an asteroid farm sound familiar?

No, I can't say it does.


This is terrible.


Sorry, ah...

Yeah, I'm just a bit tired

from fencing.

- Where are you going?
- I can't stay the night,

now my parents are back.

Oh, yeah.


- CHARLIE: You lost it?
- MATT: Absolutely not.

- Ajax took it, he technically stole it.
- I can't believe you.

I'll get it back.

You didn't like it, did you?

- Yeah, I did.
- But not enough to finish it

and not enough to hang onto it.

When you like a book, you
can't wait to get back to it.

It was awesome.

Are you about to lie to me?

I... Look, it was just a little
bit hard to follow, Zyrgon and...

Hard to follow, what
are you talking about?

Vanzina's craft crashes
in an asteroid belt

and he's rescued by Zyrgon and
taken to Lystad to recuperate

- while the project circle...
- That's what I'm talking about though,

what's the project?

The space warlords ruling the galaxy

with an iron fist like but
gas and telepathic voices

- demanding firstborns and loyalty
- Oh, my God.

- You hated it.
- You said it was just stupid fun,

wrote it in a month.
No big deal, ha, ha.

- I do not laugh like that.
- Well, clearly it was a big deal,

which you lied about.

That four weeks I thought this is it.

I found my thing, I loved writing it

and then I sent it out and got rejected,

so I felt humiliated and I stopped.

Well, you never told me this.

No, I never told anyone,
that's how humiliated I was.

But then I read a few pages
and I felt it again,

electrified, like maybe
it is great after all.

So I needed an objective view.

- Me?
- And I got that.

Thank you for your honesty.



AJAX: So, it's amazing.

It's like the world is this dark

oppressive regime and evil and stuff

and then there's this family
who run this asteroid belt

and they fight off invaders
and the girl crash lands there.

That's why I hate these kind of books.

It's not reality. Crash
lands into an asteroid belt?

It's a metaphor.

It's like the power of a tight unit,

fighting against a larger force.

Escaping a society,
but Zyrgon rescues her

and at first you think
that she likes him,

but then there's this like,
whole undercurrent thing

that she wants Bedjue.

He's quiet and he runs
the asteroid plantation.

Asteroid plantation? Really?

Really, how do they harvest them?

Shut up about the sci-fi
thing, dude. It's you.

All right, it's about how she came here

and she was falling for you,
even though she was with Hugh.


Look, she probably didn't even know, but

you can see it when you read it.

- Really?
- Yes, just read it, dude.

Excuse me.

It's very good.

- What?
- It's very good.

It's a sort of meshing of Philip K. d*ck

- and the Blade Runner is there...
- Yes!

Exactly, you got that, Meryl.

I used to read a lot of sci-fi
when I was in boarding school.

They used to take the
romance novels from us,

got us riled up and we'd
break into the boys school.

- Right.
- It's us, isn't it?

- What?
- Yeah, it's clearly the family farm.

It's an asteroid belt,
what are you talking about?

Run by a taciturn man with three sons.

- And he's scheming politician wife.
- Oh, no,

that's where it didn't make sense.

I didn't think she was scheming.

She is an octopus like
creature with one eye.

Well, it rang a few bells.

Plus, Mij is Jim spelt backwards.

Oh, that's not...

We're leaving that aside,

- you liked it?
- It's a cr*cker.

I'm only halfway through it,

but I think it's really very, very good.

[WHISPERS] Oh, thanks.



Penny Cartwright.

Oh, no. I'm afraid you've
got the wrong person.

I'm no longer working at St. Vincent's.

You'll have to speak to my replacement.

- Thank you.
- There's been a car accident

- on Freeman Road.
- Okay.

Is that it?

It just looks like a bad park.

Is it terrible that I'm
kind of disappointed?

It's the first big accident
I've been called to.

Some days get to save lives,

other days you get nine cases of eczema.

Don't worry. Your time will come.



- You called in a car accident?
- Yes.

I didn't know what else to call it.

WOMAN: He just rolled to a stop.

How weird.

- Mia, get around here.
- Coming.

Can you hear me, mate? Can you hear me?

- What happened to him?
- I have no idea.

His potassium levels are really high,

up his fluids and administer
sodium bicarbonate.

Pupils equal

and reactive, no sign
of neurological damage.

- Hey, Penny...
- I don't think this is just a minor

head wound. We're missing something.

His kidneys are shutting down.

Traumatic rhabdomyolysis?

Has crush syndrome?

How is that even possible,
that car wasn't crushed,

it was barely even scratched.

I don't know, but it
explains everything.

We need to find the crushed limb.

There it is.

There's splinters in his fingertips.

Yeah, he had logs of wood
in the back of his van.

So what if he was cutting down
a tree when it fell on him?

He must have dragged
himself back to his car.

I've got a pulse here, is he crashing?

No, I've got a pulse here.

It's the leg. No blood flow.

The pressure is building up
and we need to release it.

Somebody page Hugh!

Hold on, mate.

KEN: This is fabulous.

I'm never getting out.

Now, as a doctor, I
can't recommend that.

It's like it's evaporating
all my worries away.

The missing oxycodone,

the insurance fraud,

- the asbestos in the ceiling.
- Uh-huh.


Maybe I should convince
Penny to put her grant

into a Whyhope Rehab Centre and Spa.

Penny has a grant?

Yeah, it's from Sydney.

I've got a whole list
of projects to pitch her.

Penny wants to do a
beginners hypnosis program,

but I think we should build

an ear, nose and throat centre.

Not exactly ground-breaking
stuff though, is it?

Ear, nose, throat and teeth.

Is that your pager?


Oh, sh*t. I've got to go.

All right, no more than minutes, Ken.

- People have d*ed in those things.
- Fine.




WOMAN: Whyhope Police
Station, how may I help you?


I have some information

on the Whyhope local election.

What kind of information?

There were some boxes of
votes that weren't counted.

- I've seen them.
- Where did you see them?

They're in the Town Hall.







-year-old male, crush injury,

leading to compartment
syndrome in the right leg.

- No pedal pulses.
- I'll be in the fasciotomy.


- Blood Pressure?
- It's...

Not good!







I need help.

What is it?

I never destroyed the ballot boxes.


I couldn't do it, I was going to,

but it's fraud, Meryl.

Let's just take a deep breath, shall we?




Where are they?

- In my car.
- Where's your car?

Outside the Town Hall.

I was going to put them back,

but the scouts are trapped in
there because of the storm.

There's something else.

Oh, really? There seems
more than enough so far.

I called the police.

I told them that they
were uncounted votes.

I thought that I could just
put them back in the hall

and everything would be fine.

And they'd never know that we took them

and then maybe we'd win

and we'd do nuclear fuel rods

with pure hearts and minds

because that had always been God's plan.

Oh, but it's all gone wrong.

I'll just drive them back to you.


Stay there, I'll come to you.

Don't bring them back here.

[SOFTLY] Okay.


PENNY: Why hasn't the
backup generator come on?

The ventilator's gone out.
Mia, start bagging him.

Hugh, close him up.

I've only just started.

We have no power, close him up, Hugh.

If I stop now, he loses the leg.

Come on, you're not in Sydney anymore.

I've got torches.

Okay, then.

Betty, try and find out what
happened to the generator.

Mm-hmm, okay.

Go on, admit it.

You love this,

- breaking the rules.
- This, this is medieval.

Maybe, I bet you didn't
save any lives in Sydney.

I swerved to avoid a
pigeon once, that counts.



I've designed a new stent.

It's shaped like a helix.

- It sounds interesting.
- It's revolutionary.

'The inventor of the helix stent'
will be written on my tombstone.

So, what's wrong?

No one will invest in us anymore.

We're a laughing stock.

If only we had some sort of...

Funding or


Oh, cut the crap, Hugh.

You know I have a research grant?

Fine. I may have heard
something about it.

Then ask me the question.

Penny Cartwright,

will you find my stent?

Ah, sorry, can't.

I've already decided to find

a research program into foot fungus.

- Oh...
- Could make some real breakthroughs.

Come on.

This is a really good idea.

I don't know, I'm just not
hearing enough begging.

You missed a bit.





Nothing to worry about.

Unless you count the fact that we might

all be heading to jail
for insurance fraud.

Should've just let Nora die, hey?

I was joking, of course.

I know.

But I've got an idea.



- You've got a new plan?
- Got no plan.

We take the boxes out of
town and we burn them.

Only this time, the job gets done.

- I'm sorry.

No, no, no, it's my fault,

I should never have asked you to do it.

You've got too much guilt in you.

I should have done it myself.

Or we should have just
come clean to begin with.

Well, we politely disagree.

Is that Tugger?

Just relax, everything's fine.

[PANICKING] What do we do?

What we always do,

remain impeccably calm.


Open the window, Hayley.



Didn't expect to pull you two over.

What can we do for you
tonight, Chantelle?

In this, ooh, this miserable night.

Random breath testing,
won't take a moment.

We get a lot of people
coming along here,

avoiding the main road.

Not us. We're not avoiding anything.

Why you have ballot boxes in your car?




I'm sorry that I didn't read your book

and I lost it.

It's okay.

You know the family all love it?

Yeah, so that worked out for you.

You wanted the truth and I lied to you.

Well, I don't think I
really wanted the truth,

I just want you to tell
me that you loved it.

I wanted to, but...

Well, it's not your thing.

- There were bits that I liked.
- Yeah?

Like you and Bedjue.

You think that's you, don't you?

It's not based on anyone,
your family are mad.

You should publish it.

- Even though you don't like it?
- People do, others will.

I don't know.

I do love it.

I made it into an e-book

- and a website for it.

All you have to do is push that button

and it goes live.

If you want.



That's it.

You're a published author.


Hope you don't mind your new neighbour?

The cold room is being cleaned.
He won't be here long.

Not the first dead body
I've woken up next to.

What did he die of, anything contagious?

Oxycodone overdose.

Apparently there has been
a surge of oxycodone use

in Whyhope in the last month.

It's tragic.


Now there's been a death,
the police will be

crawling all over the place.

But don't worry, we'll
be back for him soon.

sh*t, Gus.

Sorry it's late.

- Oh...
- Welcome back.

Oh, thanks, Betty.

So, tell me everything about Sydney

and by everything, I mean Toke.

Tell me about Toke.

Oh, he's lovely.

He was lovely.

We're not going to try long
distance, it's too hard.

Not true.

I had a relationship with
a man in Bulgaria once.

He was a nice guy.

- Sorry, back to you.

It's over.

I'm here now.

I need to keep my head here.

I bet you wish you were there.


I guess I just...

I really felt like I was
making progress there,

you know?

Like I was doing something important.

And my job there was wonderful,

they even gave me a research grant.

Betty, I think I made a mistake...

Coming back.

I mean, I know it was the
right decision for Floyd...


Do you think it's possible

for it to be the right decision

and still be a mistake?


I don't even know why I'm crying.


I'm discharging myself.

Oh, what happened?

Change of plans?

I can't stay in this cesspool

of a hospital any longer.

I can already feel a staph
infection coming on.

- Where are you gonna go?
- None of your business.

Although, when you think of me,

picture me in Hawaii, in a
grass skirt with a Mai Tai.

I will do that.

Or picture me naked.

Probably the first one.

- Get that open, would you?
- TAXI DRIVER: Hello, Madam,

- how are you?
- Don't bang the golf clubs.

- I'll put the bags in the back.
- I nearly forgot.

Good news, the generator's not broken.

The fuel was just drained.

What on earth could drain
all the fuel like that?

Well, it seems it was some kind of

self-built Chinese
manufactured sauna device.

You did this.

You and that bloody sauna.

How was I supposed to know?

Look, can we just focus on the fact

that we are finally free of Nora.

Thanks to me.

Well, it was a team effort.

We're partners now, remember?

Like, Bonnie and Clyde or

Bert and Ernie.

Hey, Bert?

You told Gus he could
stop playing dead, right?



MERYL: You can keep that.


Still cold?

- Nah.


Light plane crash,
clicks east of the highway.

We're going up at a light plain,

to a light plane crash sight.

Am I the only one who
sees the irony here?


- Hello.
- What are you doing here?

He's much more handsome
in real life, don't you think?

You drives me crazy.


My advice?

Don't let him out of your sight tonight.

Let's end it, Grandpa.

You're down for electoral fraud,

theft, corruption.

You have to get a lawyer,
this guy is serious.

Eldest son inherits the farm.


He's leaving the farm to Hugh.

In all the things that have been
not right about this family,

this one's the worst.

Okay, there's no pulse,
I'm gonna start CPR.

C'mon mate, stay with me.

C'mon, mate!