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Asterix the Gaul (1967)

Posted: 12/26/21 09:50
by bunniefuu
Two thousand years
ago and more...

Julius Caesar, as the head of his Roman legion,
came, saw and conquered the land of the Gauls.

after a long and bitter struggle.

The resistance was led by Vercingetorige.
And this valiant young leader...

was forced to lay down his arms
at the feet of Caesar.

All of Gaul was occupied.

No, one little region held out.

One little region surrounded
by the entrenched Romans.

And it is in this village
that we shall meet the hero...

of our tale:
The mighty warrior Asterix.

There he is now, about to go hunting
for wild boar, their habit.

- You'll be back soon Asterix?
- Yes, I'll be back in time for dinner.

Ah, something tells me there are
Romans around here.

- What hit me?
- They're the Gaul's favourite.

The occupation of Gaul, as we see,
was no Roman holiday.

At Ham Sweet Ham, the legion
leader, Caius Bonus, was meditating.

Hail Caius!

The patrol is back.

Hail Patroleum Popus, hail!
Let's hear the report!

- Hail Caius Bonus.
- Hail...

By the gods,
What happened to you, men?

How did you get so badly beaten?
Were you outnumbered?

Well, were we outnumbered?

I wouldn't say that.

There was a boy.

Yeah, there was.
And he wasn't too big either.

By Jupiter, there is a
deep secret to the Gaelic strength.

Well, Asterix,
anything special happened?

Oh, no!

Oh, yes! I crowned four Romans.

- Oh, that all?
- Hey, Obelix, how would you like some roast boar?

Oh sure, just got a couple
of these to drop off.

Yum yum, roast boars.

I guess the Romans were furious.

They are going to attack us
again you'll see.

Why worry as long as Panoramix
can cook up his magic potion.

That reminds me this is my ration day,
let's go see the old Druid.

Come along Obelix?

You know we mustn't waste food.

Hear that! That's him cutting
mistletoe with his golden sickle.

Panoramix, Druid?

- What's the matter Panoramix?
- You scared me, you made me...

cut my finger with my sickle.

Oh! Sorry Panoramix.
I've come to get my ration of potion.

All right, come with me!

With stirring motion I mix the potion
that gives us our magic powers.

The magic potion that increases
your strength a thousand fold.

Exactly what do you put
into that potion, old druid?

The origin of the potion is lost
in the darkness of the ages.

A Druid can only repeat the secret
to another druid. All that I can tell you...

is that it contains mistletoe and lobster.

The lobster is not necessary,
but it tastes good.

- Can I have some too?
- No Obelix, no no you know you can't!

You fell into a pot when
you were just a baby and the effects...

of the potion on you
are permanent, you know that!

Why don't you try out the effects
of the potion for us, Asterix?

Sure, here I go.

It works, old druid, it works!

Those poor poor Romans,
how sorry I feel for them.

And now let us see
what the Romans are up to.

And in spite of our siege,
these Gauls go on defying us!

If they are going to fight
one against four it isn't fair!

They'll make us look bad!

- We have to find out the secret of their power.
- You're right, Marcus Sallibus.

I must have a volunteer.
Who will go and spy on the Gauls?

With so many volunteers,
I have decided...

to choose the spy by
playing musical chairs.

This game, which has come to us
from the Romans,

was played with one chair less
than there were legionnaires...

When the music stopped...

It's Caligolaminus!
It's Caligolaminus!

- No, no, I won't go!
- Caesar will reward you, Caligolaminus!

No, not me!

Either you volunteer
or I will feed you to the lions.

- If you insist, I'll go.
- Make a Gaul out of Caligolaminus.

Meanwhile in the Gaelic village...

Men, it's a long time now since we last
heard from the Romans, that's a bad sign.

We must be vigilant and remember
to get your ration of the potion.

- Hooray for Tunabrix, our chief!
- Hooray for Tunabrix, our chief!

- Chief!
- Yes, Obelix?

Panoramix won't give me any potion,
that's not fair. Because I feel weak.

- You're weak?
- Oh, my! Assurancetourix the bard!

I shall now sing a lay
in honour of Gaelic courage!

Barbarians, they can't
appreciate my art.

- Caligolaminus is now ready!
- Good, lets go and see.

Put him in chains.

You're going for a stroll near the village
of the Gauls, when the Gauls see you...

they'll come and rescue you, and
then you'll be within their gates.

You'll learn the secret of their strength.

- Now how do you like my plan?
- Well just between us, I don't understand.

Take him to the enemy.

Hey, hey, now easy, man! Easy, easy,
will you? I am a fake prisoner.

I'm a real Roman. I'm a Roman!

I'm a real Roman!

I'd like to get into a good fight.

Yeah, but don't count on it, Asterix.

The Romans are staying close to their
camp, they're tired of getting beaten.

What's that?

The sound of chains.
Somebody's arriving. Up the tree.

How long are we going
to have to walk like this.

Shut up! I'll tell you when.

You'll be the only one spared
when the Gauls attack, don't forget!

- Romans coming, they've caught a little Gaul.
- Let's save him!

I feel better.

Why don't we wake them up,
so we can begin again.

- No, come on, it's getting late.
- Come along, little fellow.

Mis... Mis... Mission accomplished.

- Well, lets take off his chains.
- But you can't do it without tools.

Tools? Who needs tools?

Well, who are you?

I am Cali...
Calix... Calix-liminix.

I... I live in Lutetia.

But the Romans and Gauls
live in peace there, don't they?

Well, in there, I... I appear so foxy,
and that they think I must be a spy.

The Romans take you for a spy?
Are they stupid?

The heroic patrol commanded by
Marcus Sallibus...

returns to the camp at Ham Sweet Ham.

Oh hail, the Gauls came they saw
and they freed Caligolaminus.

What a great victory for us!

I hope that Caligolaminus will come
back to us in a single piece.

I hope so for him, otherwise
I'll grind his pieces to pieces.

- And throw the rest
- the lions.

We're approaching the village, there
you'll be safe.

There's only us Gauls.

Oh, great!

- Hey, Asterix and Obelix they brought company!
- I wonder who it is.

You'll have to meet our
chief, the great Tunabrix.

Where are the Romans?
Let me at them! I can take them!

I can take them! I can take them!
I can take them!

Here we are!

I bid you welcome, brother,
and I hope you'll feel at home.

Well, thanks.

And now I shall carol a song of welcome.

- Stroll around the village till supper.
- All right.

I'll find out what sort of tools
these Gauls use to work their metal.

- Hey, come on Obelix, that's all!
- Here it is, coming right up.

Gosh! They really are strong!

There must be a secret to this power.

Caligoliminix! Supper's ready!

- Roast boar.
- Roast boar?

Is there a secret to your
super human strength?

Yup, but we can't tell it.

Why don't you eat?
It'll get cold otherwise.

- Why can't you tell me what the secret is?
- Because it's a secret.

It's not fair!

If we Gauls can't share
our secrets, what's the use?

If I was as strong as you I could get past
the Roman line...

and get back to my home in Lutetia.

- What do you think?
- Well, I say let's finish his roast boar.

- My relatives are probably worried.
- All right, lets go and see the Druid.

Panoramix! Panoramix!


What do you want now, Asterix?

Me, nothing, but our new friend Caligolaminus
want to know why we're so strong.

It's out of the question!
Absolutely out of the question.

But I have to get back home
and go back to work.

What do you work at?

I'm a guide, I guide for Lutetia
by night. National tourism.

No! No! And No!

All right, I get it, you don't want me.

I'll get to Lutetia anyway and
if the Romans throw me to the lions...

At each bite I'll say,
"You can blame Panoramix the Druid!

"You can blame Panoramix the Druid!
You can blame Panoramix the Druid!"

- Oh well, all right!
- Come back Caligoliminix!

Come back, Caligoliminix!

All right, I'll show you the secret of our power,
I'll even give you a portion of a potion.

It's a secret you can drink?

Go call the others, Asterix.

Get your magic potion!
Come and get your potion!

Come and get your potion!

- Potion?
- Potion?

- Come and get your potion!
- Potion?

- Potion?
- The potion?

- Potion?
- Potion?

- Potion?
- Potion!

- Potion!
- Potion!

A portion of this potion, can give you
the necessary strength to return...

to Lutetia.
But the effects of it disappear quickly.

It tastes like vegetable soup.
But I can make it taste like other things...

Clam chowder,
cheese omelette, steak and onions...

The super banana cream pie.

But I don't feel anything special.

Why don't you try lifting up that rock?

But I'd never be able to.

Hey little fellow, you
still have to be careful.

- What are we going to do now?
- Were going to dance.

Lets the dance now begin!

Take your places!

Step to the right!

And step to the left!

Left row forward, right row back!

Mark your places,
reach your partner.

Pull your partner's moustache!

Pull your partner's moustache!

These are removable moustaches,
They are the latest style in Lutetia.

Your are no Gaul,
you're a Roman spy.

Get the Roman!

It's no use Asterix, remember
he just drank the potion.

It's because of your potion he escapes.

By my golden sickle, you are the one
who insisted that I give him some.

Lets forget it, he didn't learn much
and the effect will disappear soon.


Hail Caius Bonus!

I've learnt the secret of the Gauls.
It's a magic potion.

- Where is this potion?
- Here, here, here!

Come along Caligolaminus, I want to see
what effects this potion produces.

Fight them!

Fight them!

Fight them!

Him? Fight us?

By Jupiter, he'll fight us,
we'll make mincemeat.

That's that!

Wonderful! Miraculous!

The trouble is we don't have the potion
so that we can find what it's made of!

No, we don't!

I suggest we cut him open
just like a rabbit.

You just try it.
Come on, you just try it.

Your idea isn't bad,
but Caligolaminus refused to cooperate.

Of course I refuse!

How long is the potion effective?

How long? I don't know.

All right, lift that rock.

There you are.

What a man! Now don't move, when
that rock gets too heavy for you...

it'll mean the effects of the potion
have completely disappeared.

Much, much later...

- Well now, you don't feel quite so strong?
- No, not quite.

If I can find out what's in that potion,
I can become emperor, Caius Caesar.

We leave Caius Bonus to his
dreams and return to the Gauls.

- I'm going to the forest to gather mistletoe.
- Do you want me to come along?

No Asterix, you stay here and
protect the village.

Your strength is due
to my potion,

but your intelligence was yours from
the day you were born.

Anyhow, I won't be very long.

All right.


You Roman nincompoops!

We've captured the Druid, oh, Caius Bonus!

Bravo, Julius Octopus, as a reward...

you can have a pass to go
to Rome and see the circus.

Circus? I'm going to the circus!
I'm going to the circus!

- Druid, tell me your secret.
- The secret? Not on your life.

This man must talk, get me the torturer.

We'll see if he'll talk or not.

- Talk!
- I won't.

Come on, Druid! We've been torturing
you for hours and it hasn't helped.

Surely it has!
It has helped me pass the time.

Druid, tell me the secret,
and I'll make you powerful and rich!

- No!
- You'll have lots of money!

Lots and lots and lots of money.


The magical powers of this Druid
are much too strong for me.

And he's so stubborn,
as stubborn as a mule.

What's the matter Asterix?
You look worried.

The Druid went to gather mistletoe
and hasn't come back.

I'm going to go find him.

Be careful, Asterix!

You had your potion a long time ago.

Well, I'll just have to
trust my intelligence.


Druid, where are you?


Panoramix! Panoramix!

♪ I'm a merchant in oxen ♪

♪ And really very unhappy ♪

♪ If I sell my oxen at the market ♪

♪ Who will then carry me? ♪

♪ I hesitate to sell my oxen ♪

♪ What would I do without them? ♪

♪ It's a real nightmare for me ♪

♪ How will I pull my cart? ♪

♪ I must continue my way ♪

♪ Not letting rot my hay ♪

♪ Without oxen I would toil more ♪

♪ I am certainly a lost man ♪

♪ I'm a merchant in oxen ♪

♪ And really very unhappy ♪

♪ If I sell my oxen at the market ♪

♪ Who will then carry me? ♪

You have nothing to worry about.
Don't sell your oxen.

- Then what?
- Just sell your cart.


Just sell your cart and go
home with your oxen.

What a brilliant idea that is!

♪ I am a merchant of carts
I am the world's happiest man ♪

Stop, stop, too quick!

Tell me, have you seen
a Druid gathering mistletoe?

No but I did see one being carried
in a net,

a group of legionnaires were
taking him to Ham Sweet Ham.


- You take me to Ham Sweet Ham.
- But that is a way out of my way!

Ham Sweet Ham is the biggest market
around and it has a great used cart park.

How lucky for me to have met you.

Ah, look.

Ham Sweet Ham, here we come.

- Why are you hiding?
- To play a joke on my Roman pals.

That's great, I love jokes.

This jackass should get
the laurel wreath for stupidity.

- I want to know what you are carrying in your cart.
- Nothing.

By Jupiter, are you laughing at me?

What is going on here, Cracsus Daris?

This sap is laughing at me.
I'll have to check his cart.

Let him enter! I know him.
He's not dangerous.

Oh, my hell!
That noodle head almost got me caught.

Here we are in camp, are you going
to play your joke now?

No, it's going to be dark.
I'll wait till morning, it'll be funnier.

Oh, sure.


I better start looking for the Druid.
Let's start there.

Lie down and dine, oh Marcus Sallibus, my loyal right-hand.

We two must talk!

Thank you. Oh, Caius Bonus!

We must get the secret recipe the
Druid has for the potion, understand?

And when we do we shall be invincible,
then we shall march on Rome.

And there we shall take
the place of Caesar.

Julius Caesar?

Right, Julius, and the two of us
will form a powerful triumvirate.

I have need of him now but later
I in Rome will be the triumvirate.

I'll have him eaten by a lion in Rome.
I shall become Caesar, just me, all alone.

This is very interesting, but it doesn't
help me find Panoramix the Druid.

Oh, he's certainly being
guarded in that tent.

I beg your pardon, I've come
to free Panoramix, my friend.

Don't let him get out,
he's an unconquerable Gaul.

- I'll go get some help.
- Sure go on.

- Asterix!
- How are you?

Have you gone mad?

Asterix, why did you come here?
You've walked into the lion's den.

Chief! Chief!

These asses can't do a thing
against my magical powers.

I know that. Let's have some fun,
with them. I've got a few ideas.

Chief! Chief!

Chief! Chief!

- Oh, Caius Bonus.
- What now?

We've captured a Gaul, a Gaul, a Gaul
in the tent, tent of the Druid.

We need reinforcements
or the prisoner is sure to get away.

By Jupiter, sound up the alarm!

Surrender, you Gauls. If not, I'll order
my brave legionaries to attack you.

I hope he surrenders.

The suspense is k*lling me.

I toss my w*apon at your feet as my chief
Vercingetorige, tossed his at Caesar's.

Come on, I'm
surrendering. I've got no time to waste!

Seize that Gaul, or I'll have
you all fed to the circus lions.

- Of the circus?
- Fed to the lions he said!

And he means it too.

Hey, what's happening?
The camps been invaded by a Gaul.

Well, he might have waited until
I woke up to begin his joke.

He didn't play fair.
It's not nice either. It's not nice!

So you refuse to speak, do you Druid?
But tomorrow on the t*rture rack...

your friend may be a bit more gracious!

They've no idea how talkative I'll be.
I'll break the record for talkativity.

Shh! They're coming!

Caius Bonus wants to see you.

You, do you know the
secret of the magic potion?

- Me? No!
- For the last time Druid...

give me the recipe
or I'll have your friend tortured.

You can't scare me, Roman.

I have confidence in the
courage of my friend Asterix.

Well, we shall see. I want this Gaul tied
to that table, and go get the torturer.

Here I am, you know my
motto, always ready.

Always ready.

Mercy, please, don't hurt me.
I can't take anymore! Please!

By the great god Titan, enough!

I can't see him
suffer like this, I'll tell you all.

Torturer, desist!

But chief, I didn't even get started.

Oh, mercy, please!

All right, Druid, let me in on the secret.
If not I'll have him finish the job.

I'll prepare the potion in front of you
but I need a number of ingredients...

- that I can only find in the forest.
- What scaredy cats these Gauls are!

You will have what you need. Go with him.
I will hold the other Gaul as a hostage.

I'll need mistletoe...

herbs and a few roots,
and meadow flowers.

- The Druid is back.
- Now he wants a big pot.

Then give him one!

Just a pinch of salt, a tiny touch
of pepper and let it bubble.

- Bubble? Bubble, oh make it bubble fast.
- Something is lacking.

- An ingredient that is important,
- What? What? What?

- Strawberries.
- Strawberries, at this season?

Of course it won't be that easy,
we could wait until the right season.

No, Quick! Send out our fastest messengers.
I want strawberries, strawberries!

Strawberries, strawberries!

- Asterix, you get good ideas.
- You are the one who thought of...

sending them strawberry picking,
while we lounge at Caesar's expense.

The messengers have been gone for
days, not a single one has returned.

The messengers have
come back, Caius Bonus!

That's fine.

- Hail Caius Bonus.
- Hail my legionaries, did you find them?

- No!
- No sir!

No strawberries, Bonus.

And we lost Julius Octopus.

Here I am, Caius Bonus.

I found the strawberries.
I ran into a route merchant...

just back from Greece,
I had to pay their weight in gold!

That's good, you shall have a reward.
I grant you a pass to Rome and you've...

- my permission to go to the circus.
- I'm going to the circus!

Druid, here are the strawberries
you needed for your magic potion.

- What do you think of them Asterix?
- I'm not sure they are of fine quality.

Could be worse.

I've changed my opinion
they are excellent.

Yes, just what I needed for my potion,
send for another basket.

Oh! I've had about enough!
You're driving me mad.

You're not being fair.

All right, all right, take it easy,
don't cry. I'll prepare your potion.

- Stop crying, he'll prepare it.
- Sure! You'll see. I'll make it without strawberries.

Of course it won't be as sweet.

Anyhow, strawberries can give
you a rash.

- It's ready, it's best to serve it hot.
- Me first!

What proof do I have that your potion
is not a poison, by Jupiter?

I'll be happy to taste it
first if you are afraid.

No, if this potion is the real one
it will increase your power...

and you will become invincible.
I want a volunteer!

I said I am calling for a volunteer.

Oh, Caius Bonus, don't risk
the life of a legionnaire,

try the potion on some ordinary person
for the experiment.

Good idea!

- You come over here, friend.
- Who? Me?

How do you do, my good friend?
Are you well?

No, I am not well.
I was told I would sell my cart,

but no one wants to buy my cart.

I need my dreamer's bucks!
And it is all his fault!

I don't quite get what you mean but for
consolation you may have some of this.

No thanks, I don't drink.

Drink it!

What are you looking at me like that for?
Didn't you ever see a cart dealer taking a drink, huh?

After drinking this potion,
you are the worlds strongest man.


You're so funny!
He's a big joker.

- That's what we'll find out. You punch someone!
- But I'm not mad at anybody.

A volunteer for a good wallop!

I would like a bit more enthusiasm
when I call for a volunteer.

- Me, I'll volunteer.
- You, that's an excellent idea.

- Go on!
- Go ahead, hit him!

- Go on, hit him!
- Hit him, you fool!

By Jupiter, its absolutely marvellous.

- Did it hurt much?
- I thought the sky dropped on my head.

Well you don't need me
anymore, so I guess I'll go.

♪ I'm a merchant in oxen
The happiest in the whole world ♪

♪ If I sell my oxen at the market
I can still keep travelling ♪

♪ Finally I can sell my oxen
I'll manage fine without them ♪

♪ For me the nightmare is over
I can pull my cart myself ♪

♪ I will continue my path
And will keep all my hay ♪

♪ I am now the strongest
To me the golden medal goes ♪

♪ I am a merchant of oxen
The happiest in the whole world ♪

♪ If I sell my oxen at the market
I can still keep travelling ♪

There really is something
magical in that potion.

Forward, come and get your magic potion.

The road to Rome lies before us,
oh, Marcus Souerpus, Caesar's days are numbered.

You Druid, you write down the
recipe of the magic potion.

They shall be cooked once it is in our
possession, that will teach them a lesson.

That's a good idea, I guess.

Let us try out our great new strength.

I mustn't overdo it.
I'll try that boulder.

A smaller one.

Yes, this one will do.

I'm strong, I am super strong!

- What great power!
- Yes!

- Caius Bonus?
- Huh?

You need no powers to
lift that little rock.

You're right!

So you tricked me, you Gauls,
this potion is not magic.

Yes it is!

Oh Caius Bonus, lets settle
the hash of these Gauls.

How dare you appear
before me without shaving?

A good legionnaire
should be clean shaven!

You are right but a legionnaire
leader should set an example.

- But, what, what is gong on?
- Look at them!

What's happening here, Druid?

It's an old formula
for a hair growing lotion,

an extremely powerful one.
The hair on you heads and on your face...

will grow and grow
with the fastest pace.

I will have you k*lled.
Give me the antidote for this.

If you k*ll us, who will
make the antidote for you?

Anyhow, we are a little bit tired today.

Yes, we are going to retire to our tent.

Hey, you two! Hey! Hey, wait!

What's wrong, oh, Caius Bonus?

I caught my foot in my beard, imbecile!

I am at the mercy of these Gauls.
It looks like they won.

I'll have to bargain with them.

- Three thousand and seventy five.
- What?

It's a new game we invented, one who sees
a beard gets 15 points, 10 thousands wins.

You've got your goal, you Gaul,
well what do you want?

- Promise not to split hairs about it?
- Don't you mention hairs again, you hear?

- That's for the beards.
- No! No! Wait, please!

All right but don't get in my hair again.

If all that's exact to
a hair, we'll listen!

All right, I give up, just give me the
antidote and I'll let you go free.

Well, you see! I don't feel very
much feel like working now.

He gets a hand for being hair brained.

You wouldn't think
he's just had a close shave.

All right, all right don't get so upset,
I'll do it.

I'll have to go out again and
get all the ingredients in the forest.

Yes, but with an escort.

Why did you accept so fast,
he's up to no good.

The effects of the potion I laid down
aren't going to last very long.

Tomorrow there won't be any beards,
so we'd better try to get out of here.

As soon as I'm rid of this long hair
and this beard, I'll m*rder those Gauls.

It will give me a righteous satisfaction.

We have come to escort you to the forest
so you can gather the ingredients for the anti-dote.

I have a plan.

That would make two of us.
I've got a brilliant idea too.

You will keep off my beard.

Keep your beard off from under my feet.

Come on hurry, our beards keep growing.

I think that now I have got
pretty much what is necessary.

- It's only us.
- That's fine, we'll get to work.

I've been working all morning.

I hope I will be able to take a
rest soon, maybe.

- Where are you going?
- But can I see the Druid prepare the anti-dote?

No, better not, you would hinder us,
you are too nervous.

You guards, watch this tent.
See to it they don't escape.

Ah! Let's go!
You see, Asterix, my friend.

Here in the small pot I have prepared
our real magic potion.

I think we will need your muscles
if we are to get out of here.

And here in the big pot
I have prepared the anti dote.

Water, salt, vegetables and a marrow bone.

Since we have to taste it in front of the Romans,
I thought you would like something good.

The magic potion is ready,
might as well take a big portion.

All right, now call our bearded hosts.

Hey Romans, soups on!

- You bring that pot out here.
- All right, all right.

You taste it first.

- Is it good?
- It's fine, but I like it with a little more salt.

It's your turn, Caius Bonus.

And how will you prove that that drink
will stop our hair from growing?

You really are clever!

Just watch my moustache, you will
see it stops growing.

By Jupiter, it is true. Drink up, men!

They swim like swines.


- Now my guards, seize those two Gauls.
- The pleasure is mine.

Not by the hair of your chinny chin chin.

Let me go, please let me go, help me.

Run, we'll leave while they
are picking up the pieces.

- I was just starting to have some fun.
- Halt you, get back in there.


More Romans!

Many more!

More there! We are surrounded.

Reinforcements, they got here
just in time, what luck.

It's not so good.

Now I've got you Gauls,
I'll have you eaten by the lions.

Oh, Caius Bonus, you are
awaited in your tent. It's urgent.

- Urgent?
- Yes, urgent.

Whose cloak is this, littering my tent?

Remnant of Caesar,
he who is emperor.

- Julius Caesar?
- In person.

I have come to find out exactly what you
are been doing about the Gauls.

And I want to know what has been
going on here to keep your garrison...

from receiving me with all due honour.

Well, uh... I mean, you see, uh!

We've been fighting with...
What I mean is we've been fighting some Gauls.

Fighting some Gauls?
How many Gauls?


By Cleopatra, show me the two man who
are capable of standing up against...

a garrison of my legionaries.

Well, so there are the terrible Gauls?

Tell me just what happened here?

Caesar, Caius Bonus was trying
to steal our magic potion...

so would be invincible, through which
he intended to become emperor.

- Well, well.
- Uh, I... Well, let me explain...

You needn't, bother!

You go and shave, will you?

You and your men will be leaving
immediately for Lower Mongolia.

Are there're other barbarians there,
by fight performance?

Uh, but I could explain everything.

And as for you, in exchange for the
services you have rendered,

I shall allow you your liberty,

but this one only is the moment
whence I pay respect to you, Gaul

We will meet before long.

I'll count on that, Caesar.

By the gods, here they are.

Hooray Panoramix, hooray Tunabrix
our chief, hooray Asterix,

Let us rejoice for our brothers
have reached a decisive new victory.

Hooray for Tunabrix, our chief.

- Hooray for Tunabrix!
- Hooray for Tunabrix, our chief!

Let the festivities start.

Under a star studded sky, the little
fortified village of brave Gauls

celebrated one more victory. Obtained
through the protection of their gods,

their own intelligence, magic and courage.

They knew the future would bring them
further victories over the Roman legions.