Norm of the North: Keys to the Kingdom (2018)

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Norm of the North: Keys to the Kingdom (2018)

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, this is exciting.
My first bust on a glacier.

Uh, hey, Dad, should I have
my crown on for this?

I'm on it.

Don't worry, he'll be fine.

Try more royal, Norm!

Hey, thanks, Socrates.
You're a real prince.

Forgot where
I left my crown.

Think it was at
the walrus convention.

It was by the hot tub.

And I'm not a prince.
I'm a duke.

If the crown doesn't fit,
maybe I should quit.

More royal, eh? Uh, uh...

How's this?
King in action! Check me out.

Smooth move, buddy.

Uh-huh, uh, pensive king.

How's this?

Whoa! Look out!


Doh! Ding! Please... Some...

What? Huh?

Could you call
an osteopath?! Oh!

Go, Quinn, go!

Go, Quinn, go! Go, Quinn, go!

Listen up, guys.
You know, I'm Quinn.

This is my bro Chase,
and my kid sister, Maria.

Our dad is gonna be named king
today, which makes me a prince.

But most importantly,

it means you guys need to treat
King Norm with some respect.

He's not some goof ball...

- sliding around on the ice.
- Slow down!



Oh, my back.

- You all right, Dad?
- I'm good!

Never better, kids.

Sorry, Reuben.

Wassup, dudes, dudettes?



Not just yet, kids. The ceremony
is at Pride Ice in a couple of hours.

Tell your friends free snow
cones for everybody, big party.

See? This isn't so hard.

Afternoon, boys!

Mickey, no cheating, eh?

Lord knows where you
hide that extra ace!

That's gonna be
King of the Arctic?

I got
more royalty in my cards.

I mean, look, a Dodo bird!


How long you think
his reign will last?

30 seconds, tops.

He's gonna take one step onto Pride
Ice and fall on his furry butt.

No, but dude, come on,
he's nice!

Yeah, nice to laugh at!

Guys, I'm right here.

Ladies, gentlemen, and caribou,
this is a great moment.

For the first time,
we officially recognize

the ascendency of a new
King of the Arctic. Norm!

Yay! Love you, Norm.

It is Polar custom to...

Can you please
turn off your phone!

Have some respect!

Although, whoever's phone
that is has good taste.

That song rocks.
I got the same ringtone.

Oh, rats, that's
my phone, isn't it!

Uh, just a sec.
I gotta take this.

- Phone?
- Classic Norm.

Olympia, what's up, girl!
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

What? No. No, you didn't!

Olympia just solved
a crossword blindfolded!

Do you have to talk
to her about it now?

No, no, I guess not.
Hold on.

I'm kinda in the middle
of something here, Olympia.

Everyone's giving
me weird looks.

Wait! The reason I'm calling is
because I have huge news.

You ready?

Okay, hold on,
I'll put you on speaker.

Everyone, my friend
Olympia is on the line.

She's got big news!

We just heard
from the mayor.

Norm, you're getting
the Key to New York City!

Who, me?

Yes, you!
You're the King of the Arctic!

It's the highest honor
a dignitary can have.

And since you can talk...

they want to bring you
down here again for a ceremony!

I'm so excited to see you
again! Talk to you soon!

Hey, everyone, my first order
of business as your king...

is to go back
to New York City!

Huh? Yay!

Bad idea, dude!

Don't listen to him, Norm.
This is a good idea.

You can prove to the humans...
and the animals...

that you are a great
and true king.

Mom, I think you should
tell Dad to stay here.

He's got no business
going to New York.

What do you mean, honey?

I'm worried about him.

Is he my dad? Yes.

Do I love him? Yes.

But do I think he'll go to New
York without embarrassing himself?


Don't underestimate
your father.

He's done this once before,
and he can do it again.

He's the King of the Arctic,
after all.

He's just not like us.

He's too human,
and I'm worried that he's

not the type of king
that they're expecting.

They're expecting that!

That! Or That!

But not that.


Bye, honey.

Hey, don't fight
with your sister.

Hey, Quinn, I was thinking
that as the oldest,

you'd like to see The Big Apple,
too. Whadd'ya say?

You want me
to come with you?

Sure do. Next time maybe
Maria or Chase'll come,

but for now, I figure we
need some one-on-one time.

It'll be fun.


All right, little guys, you stay here
and hold down the fort while I'm gone.

No! I don't want to hear it!
I'm gonna have my hands full

without you little fur balls
running around.

I'll see you when I get back.

Love you! 'Cept you, Mickey.

We'll be back soon!

Peace out, Arctic!

Don't let your meat loaf!

All right, well, we're going
to the city that never sleeps,

so maybe we should
get some shut eye.

Got a long ride
ahead of us.

Don't be nervous.
You got this.

What the...

Oh, you guys!

- Tah-dah!
- I said you can't come!

- Oh.
- But no, you don't care.

You just want a free ride
to New York.

You want to pee in the subway,
like everyone else!

Really? You came
to support me?

Of course, Dad.
They love you.

It's okay,
I'll look after you.

Come on, guys.


Vera! Olympia!

Oh, I missed you guys!

Come here! Lemme give you
a proper bear hug!

I missed you, too, Norm,
but can you let us go?

Hard to breathe
in all this fur.

There she is,
my little Einstein!

The smartest girl
in the whole wide world.

And you must be Quinn!

Yes, yes.
Where are my manners?

Guys, this is my son, Quinn.

Quinn, this is Olympia.

She eats rocket scientists
for breakfast.

And this right here
is Vera.

She took good care of me
last time I was here.

Well, I'm impressed, Pop.

It seems like you have
some good friends here.


- What?
- Quinn speaks human, too?

He does!

- I do?
- Yes! You do!

He does?

Oh, yeah, he does.

Oh, just a sec. I can't...

Uh, ah! Okay, good, good.

Good! Got it!

Whoa, this place rocks!

And you haven't even
seen the best part.

We got it all for you guys.

Alaskan king crab, salmon,
dried seaweed...

This is the prettiest sight
these eyes have ever seen!


The next thing I know,

I'm sliding on my butt
for the whole Arctic to see!

No way!

I just want to make sure
I'm actually king material.

I've got the entire
Arctic counting on me,

and I'm not as graceful
as my grandpa, you know?


I see your point,

but you just need
to be yourself.

You're a great king because
you're not totally perfect.

You're just you.
And people like you.

Speaking of people
liking you,

you are doing such
a great job with Olympia.

She and Quinn sure seem
to be hittin' it off.

Hey, here, let's get a picture of the
kids sleepin' on the couch together!

I'll get my phone.

Son of a seal!
I left my phone up north!

I don't know
about this, Maria.

Dad'll k*ll us if he finds out
we were playing with his phone.

Oh, relax.

I just want to see if we can
live stream Dad's key ceremony.

I'm nervous
he's gonna mess it up!

Well, let's try
to track him.

No, lemme see.

We can try and triangulate
his coordinates...

by using a combination of a
peer-to-peer traffic system...

and the City of New York's own
proprietary mapping algorithms.

Excuse me.
Nerd alert.

Got it!

It's really small.

I have an idea!

Man, if bears
could sweat...

that's what I'd be
doing now. Sweating.



Oh, sorry,
sensitive nose.

Oh, that's gonna stain.


- Kids?
- Oh.

What is going on here?

Why do you have
Norm's phone?

Uh... It was Maria!
Maria had the phone!

She made me help her! She's out
of control, I swear! Help me!

Thanks a lot, narc!

I'm disappointed
in both of you.

Your father would not be happy
to see that you did this.

But Mom, we only did it so we
could watch him and cheer him on.

We're nervous for Dad,
and we want him to be okay.

Is this true?


Mickey? You too?

Eh, sorta.

I bet my antlers he falls flat on
his face walking up the stairs.



Good afternoon.

Today is a great day.

First off, I'd like
to thank our great sponsors,

Far North Water,
the purest water there is.

"Water from so far north,

it might as well
be from heaven."


As the leader of the greatest
human city on Earth,

it only makes sense
that I would present to you

someone of similar stature.

I would like to introduce an
individual of great honesty,

of great courage,
a respected dignitary,

the King of the Arctic!

Folks, you already know him
as Norm of the North!

You got this, Norm.


You must be
related to Norm!

Yep. That's my dad.

I'm Mrs. Lieberman.

I'm a big fan
of your father.

Look at him up there.

He's cooler than
a cucumber, isn't he?

Oh, man, I hate stairs.




That's gotta hurt.

Oh, yes! Pay up, baby!

Oh, I mean, oh no,
you got this, Norm!


Can we...?
Oh, you wanna...?

- Okay, so...
- All right. Ooh.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Norm, you are a true example
of leadership and goodness.

You not only saved your
kingdom from destruction,

but also inspired us
to be as courageous,

as good,
and as trustworthy as you.

And as a symbol
of our trust in you,

it is my honor to present
the Key to the City,

the highest honor
we can bestow.

It is a key that opens every
single door in the entire city.

Wow, Mayor,
this is a great honor.

Don't you worry, I'm gonna
guard this thing with my life.

All right now,
ladies and gentlemen,

our great friend
Norm of the North

is now going to dazzle
us with a speech.

Right, Norm?


You prepared a speech,
didn't ya?

Oh, oh.

Just... Okay.

A speech, uh...

Don't worry, Norm!

You got this.

Just imagine
everyone naked!

Wait a minute.

I'm the only one
who's naked!

Sorry about that, everyone.

If I can be honest with you,
I'm extremely nervous right now.

He might not be as
bad as I thought.

I know I'm not
the smartest bear.

I may not be the best looking.

I'm pretty inarticulate.
I'm incredibly clumsy.

If you would have told me that one
day I'd be representing the Arctic

in New York City, accepting
the coolest award ever

from such an amazing mayor,

I would have laughed.

But here I am, representing
the Arctic in New York City

the coolest award ever,

and the only thing
I can do is laugh.


Okay, I have to admit
I'm impressed.

And I wouldn't have been able to do
it without my family and my friends.

Quinn, I love you
like a son, buddy!

I am your son!

And Vera and Olympia,
my very best friends...

I love you like family.

In fact, I love
you all like family!

On behalf of the Arctic, I want
to thank you for this great honor.

Norm, can I offer you and
your entourage a ride home...

in this 40-foot stretch limo?

Tempting. But when in New York,
do as the New Yorkers do.

I think we'll walk home.

Suit yourself, Norm.
See you later.

Enjoy the Key
to the City.

Dad, are you out of
your mind?

Turning down
a ride with the mayor...

you're the King of the Arctic.

I'm a bear of the people,

And you don't become
a bear of the people

by riding around
in fancy 40-foot limos.

Hey-hey, thanks!
Yeah, sure, bring it in here.

Aw, come on,
let's get everybody in.

Yeah! Oh, good. Oh, yeah!

Norm, I'm Mrs. Lieberman.

Would you mind
taking a picture?

For you,
Mrs. Lieberman, anything!

Say "macaroni!"

Norm! Norm! Norm!

Norm, ol' buddy, ol' pal.

Hey, Larry!

Hey, guys, guys,
this is my friend Larry!

You look just like me.

But why do
you look like me?

Since your last triumphant
trip to The Big Apple

the market for Norm
impersonators has skyrocketed!

My career is booming.

I've even got a one-bear play
off off-Broadway.

You almost blew my cover!

Well, I'm happy for you.
It's an amazing costume.

Norm, I know you're busy.

I just wanted to say
I saw your speech and, buddy,

I'm pretty impressed
with the king you've become.

I'm pretty inarticulate.

- If you would have told me that one day...
- Hey, Dad...

it was really cool seeing you with
all the people up there today.

I'm really proud to
have you as my dad.

- You're a great king.
- Thanks, buddy.

Dad! Dad, you gotta
see this!

Ahh! I'm up! I'm up!

Dad, you're
on every channel!

I don't doubt it.
They love me here.

No, in a bad way.

There were a bunch
of robberies last night,

and the entire city
thinks you did it!

- What? This has gotta be a mistake.
- What's going on?

Ahem. Is Norm of the North
a bank robber?

Money has vanished from three banks.
We're looking into it.

We're searching cameras
around the city.

I want to urge everyone to remain calm
until we get to the bottom of this.

Stay calm?
How can I stay calm?

I've lost my entire
life savings.

I'll lose my house!

Poor Mrs. Lieberman.

This doesn't make sense.

Why would anyone
think I did this?

Warning. Norm
shouldn't be trusted.

Let's take a closer look.

I can't find
the key anywhere!

Come on! Where is it?
Where is it?

Someone stole
the Key to the City!

Oh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no, this is bad!
This is bad!

Norm is a lot of things,
but a crook ain't one of 'em.

He's a big goofy bear
with a heart of gold.

Somethin' isn't addin' up.

We have to help!

- He's my dad.
- He's my best friend.

Hey, whoa, stop!

Rewind it back, right there,
when he's on the stairs!

- That's not my dad!
- How can you be so sure?

My dad doesn't do
stairs well.

Plus, he's never stolen
anything in his life.

See? My dad would've been on
his butt after the first step.

Definitely not him.

Good point.
So who is it?

Wait a second. What about
the Norm look-a-like...

with the mustache
who smells like macaroni?

Uncle Larry? No, he'd never do
anything to hurt my dad's reputation.

He loves him.

Well, he's
the only person I've seen

with a suit that good,
so maybe he knows something.

Okay, let's go find him.

Put 'em in.

- For your dad.
- For your best friend.

Larry, there you are!

What's wrong?

What's wrong?
What's wrong?

Uh, I asked you first?

That's what's wrong!

Your dad is public enemy
number one!

What happened
to your new costume?

You're kidding. I can't
wear that thing in public.

I'd get spit on
even more!

Anyway, it's at the dry cleaners,
and it's going to stay there.

It's at the cleaners?

I'll give you the ticket,
you can have it.

I know your dad
is innocent.

Tell him ol' Larry
is firmly on Team Norm!


The costume is gone!

The dry cleaners was
robbed yesterday too,

and someone
took the costume.

- Any clues?
- Not really.

Security footage just
shows a shadowy figure.

Oh, man, we're never
gonna solve this!

Not so fast.
Look at this.

11 pm, Lex Bank
was robbed.

Two am, SoHo Bank.

And then an hour later,
the Christopher Street Bank.

Those are the three
biggest banks in the city.

The fourth is
the Bank of Chinatown.

Ah-ha! So you think they'll
hit that one next?

Yes. And that bank is only a
few blocks from the East River

and the Atlantic Ocean.
You know what that means?

No, what?

It means that the robber is
prepared to make a clean escape!

He's going to rob the bank
and sail away scot free!

Well, we can't
let that happen.

Let's head to the bank
and catch this guy red-handed.

Okay, discretion is key.

We need to be silent,
with stealth, and...


It's my mom.

You're in big trouble,
young lady!

I know, but Mom,
I think we cracked the case.

Vera, we know where
the robber is gonna hit next!

- First we talked to Lawrence...
- Who led us to the dry cleaners...

- Who said the suit was stolen...
- But now we're in Chinatown...

At the bank!

Whoa, slow down.

I didn't follow any of that.
Stay where you are!

- I'm coming.
- We're coming!

Norm, it's too risky. Half
the city is looking for you.


Hi, Mom.

Where's my dad?

I'm right here.

Uh! Oh. Wow.

- Norm?
- It's just a disguise. Relax.

Can we just focus
on the matter at hand, please?

- Yeah. Let's go!
- Good idea.

First, I gotta
get out of this.

It's a little itchy.

Holy shnikes!
He's in there!

He's running away!

I got him!

It looked like something was
beating up the Fake Norm.

What was it?

- Ow!
- Hyah!

More robbers, huh?

No, we're trying
to stop the robbers.

Just like you, Fong.

Hold up.
You know this... thing?

Ow! Cut it out!

Both of you, stop!

This is Fong, the face
of the Bank of Chinatown.

I've heard stories.
Now I know they're true.

You are a financial wizard.

Meh! It's all
in the lucky foot.

Someone is framing Norm of
the North for the robberies.

But he's innocent.

- I know this.
- How do you know?


Robbers' suits
have a zipper.

Real bears don't
have zippers.

Hey guys, look at this.



We got you surrounded, Norm!

I can see that.

Oh, Normie.

Whoa, Quinn, Quinn,
there is nothing you can do now.

Fong will help you.

Fong knows Norm
is a good bear.

You know, you should be
proud of your father.

This Fake Norm
robbing banks is a coward,

and to find him,
we need to find the money.

The East River.

You guys go there.

I will go save
Norm from jail...

and I will take
Norm's helpers.

You're done, Norm.
You'll never get out of here.

You'll never see
your family again.

You'll never see
the Arctic again!

Just when you believe that a
leader has humanity and goodness,

he goes and does
somethin' like this.

You're telling me. I had my
life savings in that bank.

I don't know how I'll afford
college for my kids now.



Who are you?

I am Fong. I know you
have many questions,

but please, do not talk
until we get you out of here.

First, I have a very important
message from your son, Quinn.

Pastrami on pretzel bread.
No pickles. Extra cheese.

Fries. Diet cola.

Oh, wait, that was
my receipt from lunch.

Sorry. Here we are:

"Dad, you've always
been a true king..."

"because you're so human.
You're kind."

"Oh and P.S., stairs are
overrated, and I love you."

That's enough, guys.

all police officers.

There are free donuts
in the lobby.

I repeat, there are
free donuts in the lobby.

That is all.

Hut, hut, hut!

We have Norm.
The walrus is beached.

I repeat,
the walrus is beached.

Hey, really?!

That's great!
We have the barge.

Walrus is
beached here, too.

Uh... On second thought,
the walrus is unbeached.

No beach in sight.

The barge is leaving.

We have to make sure that the
money doesn't leave our sight.

How are we going to stop
the money from leaving?

I have an idea.

I am rich.
I have my ways.



You guys look familiar.

Fong, you and the lemmings get
this boat back to the harbor.

I'll take care
of these g*ons.


- Aah! Wha?
- You!

You took my money!


Get that stupid bear!


Uncle! Uncle!



Oh! Huh?


Oh... huh?


Nice work, team. These
guys aren't going anywhere.

We retrieved all the money.
It's here.

But we still don't know who
calls sh*ts for the henchmen.

Who really stole the money?

Let's return the money
to the mayor.

He'll know I'm innocent!
He'll help us!

Lemmings, turn this boat around!

Mayor Freeman, is it true Norm
was proven innocent?

Any idea who the real
bank robber is?

Does anyone have a waffle maker?

Patience, everyone. There
will be time for questions.

But for now, let's give
a big round of applause...

to the heroes of the hour...

Norm of the North and Fong!

C'mon guys, let's get
a group pic!

I'm just happy that good folks like Mrs.
Lieberman got their money back.

Sorry, sorry. It's the cologne.

It's an acquired taste,
I suppose.

Hey, someone bring us a bag
of Fong's money for the picture.

Wouldn't that be nice, Fong?

Oh, of course. I love my money.

Of course you do.

Wait a minute. That bag,
it smells like...

That bag smells like the mayor.

The money smells like the mayor!

The mayor smells like the money!

Hmm? Hmm...

Well, I-I don't know what
you're talkin' about.

Hey, this is the
Key to the City. My key!

Norm, look up!

The mayor is the bad guy.
We have definitive pr-


ah... ahchooo!!!

Police, stop the mayor!

You heard him, Tony.

Stop him from doin' what?

Oh, yeah, I get it.

Mayor Freeman,
you're under arrest.

Me? Under arrest?

Ha ha!
I'm the Mayor!

I'm as powerful as a king!

I can do what I want!

That's not
what being a king is.

Being a king is the responsibility of
knowing what's right and what's wrong.

And to know that if you do something
wrong, you apologize for it!

Haven't you
learned yet, Norm?

A leader never apologizes.

A leader makes people
apologize to him!

- I'm sorry, Mr. Mayor...
- See?

No. I meant,
I'm sorry...

but you have to
go to jail now.

I don't think so.
Ha ha!


Huh? Huh?

Fong, get as
close as you can.

Norm, what are you
going to do?

I'm gonna make him
apologize to the people.




Don't look down.

Ahh! Don't look down!
Don't look down!

Okay! Okay, yeah!
Yeah, that's high!


Oh, you!


Get him, Norm!

I won't let you down,
Mrs. Lieberman!

You wanna go?

Auto pilot engaged.

Okay Mr. King of the Arctic,

meet The King of the Ring!

- Okay!
- Are you sure you wanna do this

Mr. Mayor? I outweigh
you by like 900 pounds.

You're gonna be locked up
for a long time.

But before that,
you are going to apologize.

Are you ready
to apologize?



How about now?
Are you ready to apologize now?

It has been revealed that
the mayor

was impersonating
Norm of the North

in an elaborate scheme
to steal money

to fund
his presidential campaign.

But in heroic fashion,
Norm tracked down the money

and returned it to
its rightful owners.

This begs the question,
"Should Norm run for mayor?"

Uhh, well...

I don't know
what to say.

Well, that's
a first.

To the wonderful
citizens of New York,

the greatest city
on this earth,

I am embarrassed.
I am humiliated.

I am...

I deserve this.

And I'm sorry for everything
I've done to this great city.

All right boys, take me away.

Speech! Speech! Speech!

Norm for President!

I love you, Norm!

We will be heading back
to the Arctic now.

See you later, New York!

Don't let your meat loaf!

- It was great hanging with you, Olympia.
- Agreed.

You're an awesome kid, Quinn.
I'm going to miss you.

You guys should
come visit us

in the Arctic,
meet the rest of the family.

What do you say?
Maybe Spring Break?

- Well, I don't see why not...
- Count me in!

Love it.

I love it!
Sounds like a great plan!

Dad, come out here,
we're almost home!

Look, it's Mt. Arcmore!

Your face is done!

Wow. I guess
it's true.

The ice does add 300 pounds.

Dad, it's the king
everyone loves.

All right, lemmings, first day
back to work and I feel great!

Looking good, Norm!

Feeling good, Louis!

Congrats on taking down
Mayor Freeman!

You made us proud, Norm!
Glad to have you back!


Whoa, hold on!

Ugh! Traffic jam!

Hey, let's go!

I'm gonna be
late for lunch.

Sorry, chief. It's been
like this all day.

Welcome back,
by the way.

Honk! Honk! Honk!

I wonder what's
holding everyone up.

This gridlock is really...


Where are the cleaning crews?

Are they on strike?

Yeah, you know your brother
loves to have a good time.

Leave him unsupervised,

things are obviously gonna
get a little messy.

This one's on you, big guy.

I get that it's important
to stay hydrated,

but this is a little much.

Where'd these water
bottles come from?

I go away for two weeks
and this place is falling apart!

Lemmings, take me to Stan.

King Norm speaking.

Norm, my friend!
How's the Far North?

Because down here,
things are great!

Since we revealed
Mayor Freeman's plan

and saved people's money,

everyone is moving
their money into my bank!

That's great, Fong.
You run a great bank.

And it's mostly
thanks to you.

You are a true hero
and a good bear.

I'm trying to follow
in your footsteps

and keep the bank extra safe.

After all,

no one can protect
what's valuable to them

like themselves.

I wish the animals
up here believed that.

Maria takes the puck
across center ice,

her stick handling is awesome.

She fakes left, she fakes right.


You're supposed to try
and block it, Uncle Stan,

not let me score!

Easier said than done, kiddo!
You are too good!

Hey, big bro!

Stan, you were
supposed to be in charge

and you're playing games?

I'm having fun,

for the first time
in my life.

Well, no wonder
the Arctic's a mess.

Oh sorry, "King Norm".

Sorry I'm not as responsible
and kingly as you...

Your Majesty!

Yeah, Dad, we're just
having some fun.

Uncle Stan's been
teaching me how to sh**t!

Oh, and I'm glad he is!
You've gotten so good.

Yeah, bro. You're good
at being king.

I'm good at playing hockey.


And these new sticks
are so cool.

I see that.
Where'd you get 'em?

From Uncle Stan's friends.

- Stan.
- Oh, relax, Norm.

It's just a water company.

They're not moving in,
so it's not as bad as it looks.

It looks like they're
taking ice away!

Well, then, yeah,
it's as bad as it looks.

Hey, you!

Da? Oh!

It's Norm of the North,
the famous talking polar bear!

Hey, guys, come see this!

No, that's King Norm to you.

Oh. So, you're not
the famous talking polar bear?

- False alarm!
- Oh.

What? No, I just mean,
I have a title.

I'm the famous bear,
but I'm also a king. The King.

And I demand you tell me,

why are you taking our ice,
and on whose orders?!

Orders from our
Prime Minister.

He runs this company. Look.

"Far North Water.
The purest water there is."

See, his plan
is to get ice

from the farthest
reaches of the North,

which would be
where we are now,

and then melt it, sell it,
and people drink it!

I don't understand.

Oh, well, it's
pretty simple actually.

See, ice is
just frozen water...

I understand how water works!

I don't understand how
you can take our ice.

This is our land.

You can't just come in here
and do this.

Well, we made
a deal with him.

We give you
this hockey stuff, yes?

And in exchange, we get to
drill this ice right here?

Don't worry, ice grows back.

Do we have deal?

Ha ha!

Whoa! Let's calm down
here, Normie.

They were coming up here
no matter what, you know?

Don't worry, "ice grows back!"

We can't let them
steal our home.

Can you believe this?

They're stealing our ice!

It's like my first day
back on the job

and already there's
an emergency.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up.

Who's stealing ice?

These guys!

Norm, uh,

I think I've actually
seen that brand.

Olympia, honey, see
what you can find out

about Far North Water.

Where they get their water.

Oh, honey, click on
that commercial.

Let's see what this company
is all about.

As Prime Minister
of Taknekistan...

it is my job to deliver

my people coldest,

freshest, purest water in world.

That is why
we get our H2Os

from the North Poles.

Does not get more purer
than that.

Am I right?


Hockey is sport of our national.

And take it from
a champion like me,

Benny Voulanov.

And there can be no champion

without water of champion.

Far North.


The people of Taknekistan

clearly love three things:

Water, hockey,
and cheesy smiles.

They have similar smiles
because Benny Voulanov

is the Prime Minister's brother.

And yes, Taknekistan
loves hockey.

They've won
the gold medal

in the last ten straight
Nation Games.

Well, there has to
be some kind of law

against stealing ice, right?

That's what I said!

There actually are laws
that prevent

the removal of ice
from the Arctic

without approval.

So, what they're doing
is technically illegal

since obviously no one
gave them permission.

My brother Stan
gave them permission.

Wait a minute, not so fast.

We're in luck.

According to the footnotes
of Section 2B, Paragraph 3

of the Addendum to the
Arctic Conservation Act

approval must be granted

by a high ranking
government official.

Stan isn't high ranking,
he's not in the government,

and he's definitely
not official.

See Norm, this is great news.
No reason to panic.

No, no, no! He is a high
ranking government official.

Stan begged me to
be in my cabinet

so I threw him
a courtesy title of Vice King.

What was I thinking?

I gotta go talk to Socrates.

Oh no! Socrates, stay with me!

One, two, three, four.

One, two, three.

Come on buddy! Come on!



What are you doing?

Get off me! I'm meditating!

Oh. I assumed death.

Sorry. I'm having a rough day.

I walked up, saw your
lifeless bird body

and immediately went to
worst case scenario.

I need to tell you about...

The water company is stealing all
our ice, and it's Stan's fault.


How did you know about that?

It doesn't matter.
What should I do?

If Stan got you into this mess,
then make him get you out of it.

If there's one word that properly
describes your brother, it's...

Annoying, stupid,
soft, worthless...

Whoa. Sounds like you're
the one who needs to meditate.

I was going to say selfish.

Right. Sorry.
Yes, Stan is selfish.

Stan believes in
nothing but himself.

So you must inspire him
to believe in something else

something bigger than himself.


Give him a challenge.
Use something he's good at.

Norm, you're the king
and he's not...

and that's hard
for your brother.

So make him something.

So basically, I need to
make my brother a hero?


As always, Socrates has
given me sound advice.

I just have to figure out
how to put his advice to use.

Norm, like I told you...

the only people
who can save their home

are those who live in it.

Wow, I must be
losing my mind.

I keep hearing Fong
in my head.

No, Norm, you
butt dialed me again.

- Sorry about that buddy.
- Okie-dokie, then.



Hot Soup! Ha ha ha!

There can be no champion
without water of champion.

Far North.


Water of champions, eh?

Vera! I've got an idea.

Can you get me
a televised press conference

with the Prime
Minister of Taknekistan?

It might be tough for me to get
a hold of the Prime Minister...

but I think I know
someone who can.


As King of the North, and as a
bear actually from the North,

my animals would like to challenge
your workers to a best-of-three

winner-take-all hockey match.


If we beat you,
you leave, for good.

And if you win,
you take the ice.


Are you kidding me?

Okay, King Norm,
you are on.

Hockey, after all,
is our national pastime!

We will crush you!

Are you out of your mind, Norm!

Play the humans?

We can't play the humans!

Yes, we can.
And we can beat them.

This is it.

My bro has gone crazy.
My bro is nuts!

Stan, listen to me.

If we are playing for our home,
nothing can stop us.

And, I want you to be our coach.

Whadd'ya say, Stan,
lead us to victory?

Aw... come here, you!

Listen up, folks.

These are open tryouts
for the Arctic All-Stars.

Decisions will be made by yours truly...
and yours quickly.

We don't have much time to get a
team together to beat the humans,

so please, if you stink...
ha ha ha ha!...

- get out!
- Huh?

Okay, I don't think
Stan means it like that.

Yeah, I do.

If you're no good,
don't waste my time.

There's nothing more serious
than a bunch of different animals

playing hockey together
against a bottled water outfit

from down south...


- Aaah!
- Huh?




Oh, come on, Rigoberto,
not again!

Oh, yes!

Okay, the final
roster is as follows.

Mickey, you're in goal.

Oh, yeah!

Who's so lazy he'll never
amount to anything now, Mom!

Maria, you're my left-winger.

Seals, you're my defense.

And finally, Lemmings.

Alone, you're tiny,
squeaky, and smelly.

But I have to admit it.
You're tough.

That's what this
game is all about.

Maybe if you stack
on top of each other?

Yeah! We can work with that.

Bingo. That's our team.

Ahem! Ahem!

Over here. You got a spot
for your king, little bro?

Nope. Sorry, sport.

Yeah, Norm, we're trying to win
here, not Arctic Shake 'em to death!


Thanks for coming, Fong.

Norm asked us to put together a
marketing campaign for the Arctic

get people on their side
and excited for the game.

They also need help getting
enough equipment and funding.

We've got a few issues.

One, no one on the team
speaks human, other than Norm.

Two, they don't fit
normal human-sized clothing

so we need to be creative there.

And three, the Arctic economy
is a barter system

largely consisting of meat, vegetables,
and the occasional tchotchke.

So, in short, it means
they're flat broke.

And, that's where I come in.

I am the richest hare
in the entire world.

I own over 1,000 bars of gold!

I get a haircut
and massage every day.

I fly in my own
chef from Beijing

to make my dim sum from scratch.

I sleep on the highest thread
count sheets known to man.

Okay, we get it.
You're rich.

Rich? No. Very rich!

And I will fund the team.

Okay, that settles that!

I'll get a news crew
and book a trip up north!


Great to see you again!

Let me show you my home.

We stocked our
fridge for you this time!

I think that is Fong, the
wealthiest animal in the world.

Is he backing their team?

I can hear you!

These big ears serve
a purpose, you know.

And yes, I am Fong,

and yes, I am
backing their team...

and yes, I am the richest
animal in the world!

I do not like that little bunny.

I'm a hare!

And I can still hear you!

Okay, this is perfect.

We'll use this photo for
marketing and branding.

We'll make hockey cards,
action figures.

This picture will
be on cereal boxes.

The sky's the limit!

These mangy beasts have it all.

Marketing. Money.

They even have cheerleaders!

This might not be
as easy as I thought.

Da, but boss,
they are just silly animal.

We're from Taknekistan!

They also have a star.

His ability scares me.
He's too good.

He reminds me of your brother.

Yes. They are similar.

They both only
care about themselves.

No "team".

We can use that.

Fong! There you are!

Oh, I missed you!

Norm, I'm very proud of you.

Challenging the humans was
a very brave thing to do.

Just be sure to remind your team
that they are playing for their home.

So, are you ready
for the big day, Norm?

Just be sure to remind the team
that they're playing for their home.

Yeah, he knows.

I gave him that little nugget of
advice, just before you got here.

And who are you then?

And who are you then? Then?

I asked first, okay?

Socrates, this is Fong,
one of my friends from New York.

Fong this is Socrates,
he's my advisor.

Yeah, hear that, Fong?
I'm his advisor.

Meaning, I advise him on

many, many, many,
many matters, yes.

Well, I'm his advisor, too.

Since you know,
I'm kind of "the advice guy."

That's kinda like, my thing.

Oh, is it really?

Well, that's odd because
I am the advice guy!

- Really?
- Really!

- Really!
- Really!

Whoa, fellas! Fellas! Relax.

These days I need
all the advice I can get

so you can both
be my advice guys.


Okay, little guys.
I'll talk to him.

Stan! Can I have a word, please?

Just pumpin' some iron,
before the game. Yeah.

What can I do for
you, little bro?

You're actually my little
brother. I'm older, remember?

I wanted to talk to
you about your game.

There's no "I" in team.
Or in country, actually.

- And your country is your team.
- Hey!

The lemmings have
been complaining.

And they don't complain about

If we want to win, you're
going to have to pass the puck.

Oh, you're right.

I'm gonna listen to you,
but only because

you're the best hockey
player in the world.

Oh wait, never mind!
That's me! Ha ha ha!

I'm the best hockey player
in the world!

Ha ha ha! Ah,

probably best to leave
the hockey coaching to me.

Ha ha ha ha!

The team looks good, Norm.

But I would advise you to
help Stan play for his home

instead of himself.

I know, I just talked to him
about it, but he didn't like it.

Norm, I want to talk to
you about your brother.

He's not a team player.

He needs to play for his home,
instead of himself.

He knows. I just told him.

Oh, of course you did! Ugh!

Okay. Don't forget,
during the game tomorrow

when in doubt,
pass me the puck.

Okay guys, let's break up into
groups and work on our passing.

Visualize passing
the puck...

to me!

Psst! Hey, bear.

- You know who this is, right?
- Uh-huh.

Benny Voulanov is a household name,
thanks to all of his endorsements.

Would you like to
be just as famous?


Da. Then meet me over by
the ship in five minutes.

On second thought, guys, I
think that's enough for tonight.

Well, we don't want to
burn ourselves out for tomorrow.

Everyone can go home.

Stan will come around.

He's just excited
that he's good.

I think you're right.

I know my brother.

He always ends up
doing the right thing.

Dad, look at this!

Norm, Your brother's
in a Far North commercial!

That is why we get our
H2Os from North Poles.

Does not get
more pure than this.

Am I right?


So much delicious.

Ha ha ha! Hey!

What the...?

I'm a star. I'm a star.

I'm a star. I'm a star.

I'm a big, bright, shining star.

Welcome to the Frozen Pond
for the first ever hockey game

between animals and humans,

the first
in a best-of-three series!

The Arctic All-Stars, led by
the king's kid brother, Stan,

against the fearsome workers
from Taknekistan!

Hello and welcome, folks.

I'm Jim Caribou,
and this is my colleague, Rick.

It's animals versus humans
in what people are calling...

They're callin' it, uh...

What happened to the cue cards?

Oh, no...
What are we gonna do, Jim?

We'll do it live, Rick!
We'll do it live!

Doin'er live, Jim!
Doin'er live!

What did that Caribou
just say?

I'm pretty sure
he just said...


Ha ha ha!



We love hockey!

We love hockey!

We love hockey!

We love hockey!

What is this?
We agreed to play

your workers,
not your National team.

This is rigged!

Oh, Norm, you see,
the thing is,

my company employs
all of these players.

They are on contract
with Far North Water.

Did I not mention that?


Well, this wasn't
part of the plan,

- but, uh, we got this.
- Huh?

That's it. I'm out.
We're gonna get crushed.

I can't stop these
guys. They're big.

They're angry.
They're Taknekians.

Guys! Guys!
Have some faith!

All we have to do is...

Count on me.
I got this, bro.

I'm open, Uncle Stan. I'm open!

Relax. I got this!


He got kicked do hard

it untied his skates.

Heh... Ahh.

Top shelf where Mama
hides the tundra cookies!

I knew she did, Jim.

We love hockey!

We love hockey!

Hey, cap, look for Maria.
She's open on the wing.

Until you can stop
a single shot,

why don't you let me handle
the strategy there, Mick.

Stan passes it to...
Oh no. Hold on.

Nope, he's not passing
it to anyone.

Interesting strategy here from
the king's brother there, Jim.

Holding onto the puck
until it gets taken away.

Interesting stuff.


Ha ha ha hey!


We love hockey!
We love hockey! We love...

Dad, he didn't pass
the puck once!

Why should I pass
if I'm the best player?

Exactly! It's a team!

That's enough!

If Uncle Stan
doesn't start

letting other people
play with him,

then I'm gonna quit.

Me, too.

Stan, let the
others play as well.

This isn't about you.
It's about our home.

Oh, now The Great King Norm
is taking over hockey too, huh?

You couldn't let me
have this one, could you?

Everything has to be about you!

What are you talking about?

This is the first time
in my life

I've been the best
at something!

The first time in my life
I've had my own thing!

You ran the shows
for tourists for years

and loved every minute of it!

That's not the point!

Then what is, Stan?!

You're the king,
the great hero.

"Oh, look at Norm.
He's amazing!"

Well, I'm amazing at hockey,
so deal with it!

We're gonna lose our home
if you don't do something, Dad.

You heard him, he refuses
to play with the other animals.

And he seems to be
really mad at me.

I don't want
to lose my brother.

Well, you can't lose
your home either, Norm.

The rest of the Arctic
depends on you, not just Stan.

You're right.
We need a new coach,

but I don't know anything
about the sport!

Norm, I thought
you'd never ask.

- I would be honored to ...-
- Okay, okay.

I will coach the team.

You will?
Fong, you're a lifesaver!

You know everything
about hockey!

Oh, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you!

Well. I guess I'll just
go pluck myself.

You wanted to see me?

Stan, I know you're
upset right now.

And I'm sorry if I ever did anything
to make you feel... less than me.

It's funny. I spent most
of my life jealous of you.


Well, you were Dad's favorite.

You did the big shows,
you didn't speak human.

Point is, I know what it's like
to feel like you don't belong...

or you're not good enough.

But you are good enough.

You're the best I've ever seen
out there on the ice.

But you can't be coach anymore.
Please understand.

You need to learn
to play for our home,

and the team needs
someone else to guide them.

I'm fired?

Only from coaching.

We all still want
you to play. Okay?

This is a big mistake.
You'll see!

Stan is no longer coach.

Thank goodness.

'Bout time.

May I present the new coach,
the Hockey Hare, Fong!

Thank you, King Norm.

Players, I have
a simple philosophy.

This is your home.

You all live here and together
you will fight for it!


So, pass often, put
the puck in the net,

and let's win this thing!


That was just
on the tip of my beak, actually.

No deal!

Why should the good player
share with the bad players?

That is stupid.

Then you will not play.

You will sit on the bench.

Wait! Fong...

Excuse me? I'm the best!

There is no room for a showboat
or puck hog on my team...

only players willing to pass.

Quinn, you are up!


Well, Rick, Game Two,
and the atmosphere is electric!

I don't know, she looks
dead calm to me, there, Jim.

You're facing the wrong way,
Rick. Turn around.

Turning around now, Jim.


Their best player
is not playing,

so this should be easy.

Let's shred them like
cabbage in borscht!

Maria passes over
to one of the seals.

The seal to, uh,
his seal partner.

Yeah man, these seals really
need names there, Jim.





this team was divided.

Today, they are united.

I don't like this.

We must stop them.

We are bringing
in the National team.

But boss, this is
our national team, no?

The real national team, the
ones that won us all the medals.

There is no other option.

We are one game away.

We can do this.
We can defeat these guys.

Remember what we
are playing for!

Our home!

That was my advice.

I have something I need to say.

I was selfish. I was stupid.

And I almost ruined
it for everyone.

But you guys bailed me out.

I lost sight of
what's important.

I thought sponsorships
are what makes a bear great.

I started blow-drying my fur,
for Pete's sake!

But I was wrong.

That's why I'm turning down
my sponsorships!

All in favor for Stan playing
in the game tomorrow, say aye.


Thank you!

Now, I think we all know
what we need to do:

Save our home!

I'm all for saving
our home, guys,

but we don't have a goalie!
I hurt my hoof!

Well, I nominate the toughest,
coolest, bravest,

most royalest, regalest,
kingly-est bear I know.

Uh... who?

You, Norm!

But I'm no athlete, Stan.
You know that!

Norm, those who
live in the Arctic

need to be the ones
who fight for our home.

There's no one better to fight
for it than you... our king!

I see what you
did there, brother.

You used my words against me.


But I guess you're right.
Okay, I'm in!

Game Three here, Rick,
for all the marbles!

And for control
of the Arctic there, Jim.

That's what I meant, Rick.

Benny Voulanov!

We will crush you.

N-Not if we
crush you first.

I'm sorry,
I don't speak... Bear.

Uhh! Ahh!




Oh! That's another biscuit

in the basket for Taknekistan.

You, seal, pass it
to the... other seal.

No, not that seal.

Y'know, you seals
really need names.

- Huh?
- Hahh!

Hmm. Something's not right here.

I knew it!

Lemmings, over here!

Well, folks, it's the end
of the second period

and it looks like Taknekistan
has regained their mojo.

They lead the Arctic All-Stars
three to nothin'.

One more period until they're the
rightful owners of this big chunk of ice.

Or, should we say,
big chunk

of soon-to-be drinkin'
water there, Jim!

- No Rick, just say "ice".
- "Ice" it is, Jim!

It's not over yet, guys.

Just remember,
if I can change,

then you can change...
everyone can change!


But first, I need to
sit down for a sec

and catch my breath.

Dad! Dad!

The other team is robotic!

Now son, that's a crude,
outdated stereotype.

Sure, these guys are severe,

they don't show their emotions
like us animals do,

but they have feelings
somewhere....under there.

No, I mean literally,
they're robots!

And I think we can use
the lemmings to expose them!


Okay, it's worth a shot.
Let's do it.


You bit me, you rodent!

Voulanov, it's
just like I thought.

Your team is fake!

It is small technicality.

You animals would never be
beating us, no matter what.

- Oh yeah?
- Oh yeah.

Three on three.
Right now.

Me, my brother,
and my daughter

against you, your brother,

that guy!

Who, me?

You want to play me and Benny?

Ha! You are on!

Maybe this was a mistake.
I stink at hockey.

Even Rigoberto would've been
better than me.

Don't worry, Dad,
Uncle Stan and I got this.

We play well together now.
Right, Uncle Stan?


Norm, I am your brother,
and you're my brother.

We're a small band of brothers.

We have brotherly love.

And we're gonna
brother so hard right now,

we're gonna save the Arctic!

Yeah, brother!
Let's go get 'em!

I want a clean game out
of you guys, ya hear me?

No funny business.

First goal wins the Arctic.

Ready? Go!

Ha ha ha!


Norm, Norm,
bringin' the storm!


She sh**t, she scores!

Well, shave my face
with a rusty razor!

I sure could use a hamburger
right now, Jim!

No! No!

How could this happen?

I do not understand!

I... am not surprised.

What is that supposed to mean?

Those animals were
fighting for their home...

they, themselves...
no one else.

They deserved this win.

I will be challenging
you to a rematching!

Actually, I just got word from
the Nation Games Commissioner

you won't be challenging anyone
to a rematch anytime soon.

Because of your cheating,
the nation of Taknekistan

will be stripped
of all their medals

and banned from
The Nation Games for five years!

We love hockey!
We love hockey!

You give good advice, Fong.

I respect you.

Thank you for helping us
save the Arctic.

No-no, you give
good advice Socrates.

I will take advice
from you anytime.

We love hockey!
We love hockey!

We love hockey!

She sh**t, she scores!

We love hockey!

Wow, it's gonna take these workers
days to replace all this ice

and clean up all the machines.

I have an idea.

Just reprogram them.
You can thank me later.

Congratulations, Norm.
You did it. You saved your home!

Ahem! Excuse me.
What am I, chopped liver?

Sorry, I don't speak bear.

He wants some credit.

Okay, you too, Stan.
You saved the Arctic, too.

That's more like it!
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