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Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo (2006)

Posted: 12/25/21 09:16
by bunniefuu
What are you, crazy?

Get out of the way.

Since you're new in town,

we're going to make this
very simple.

Stop now.

Yeah, man. The locals
don't like it

when you blow up their stuff.

Put your hands in the air and...

Hands in the air, dude.

Not your whole body.


Titans, go.

Anybody got a clue
what this genius is after?

Who cares what he wants?

What he's getting is a helping
of grade-A butt-whoop.

All right, team, let's see
what he's made of.

Okay. Am I the only one
who's sick

of these "explode-y" things?

Does this look like
a taxi to you?

No. It's way too flat
and circular.

I know you're not
throwing that in my car.

How did he do that?

Oh, man.

Uh, excuse me,

but I did not wish to do this

when you were not looking.


You okay?

I am now.

Then hang on.

But he went...

Down a dead end.

Starfire, fly.

- Think we scared him off?
- No.

He's headed straight for...

Titans Tower.

You're gonna lose a lot more
than an arm this time.


Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos.

Our house.

Look what he did to our house.

Dude, I need a vacation.

Who are you?
What do you want?

Um, either that wasn't English,

or I think I have a concussion.

What a mess.

Aw, I really need a vacation.

I can rebuild my car.
I can repair my tower.

But my sofa?

I can't even look.

Here, here, Cyborg.

- Huh?
- Huh?

Well, this place isn't
gonna clean itself.

Dude, seriously...

when was the last time
we took a vacation?


We're heroes, Beast Boy.
We don't take vacations.

Basic systems are back online.

If anybody needs me,
you know where to look.

Translation computer on.

You must let me go.
I am Saico-Tek.

You are not to stop me.

Only he may stop me.
I belong in Tokyo.

Then why are you here?

You att*cked my home,
endangered my friends.

And if you wanna see tomorrow,

you're going to tell me why.

I was sent.
My mission.

He made me do it.

This tower, no choice.

Who sent you?

No! No!

I am not supposed to speak.

You are not supposed to
catch me.

He is worse than any criminal.

Angry. Cruel.

He will erase me.

Who sent you to attack
our tower?


This doesn't make any sense.

People don't just disappear.

I don't know
what to tell you, man.

The crime scanner's
one of the only things

we got working in this place,

and it can't find him anywhere.

I can't make psychic
contact either.

Perhaps this Saico-Tek

possesses the power
of teleportation?

If he could teleport,
he would have done it

the moment he was caught.

Oh. Oh!

Maybe he just wasn't waterproof.

I know. Not helping.

So if the dude vanished
into thin air,

how are we supposed to find him?

By tracking down his boss.

This Brushogun ordered an attack
on our headquarters.

He nearly destroyed our home.

He will be brought to justice.

Pack your things.
We're heading for Tokyo.

Sweet. We're
going on vacation.


We made it.

Told you it was
a left at Hawaii.

Oh! The city lights
are like

a million tiny phenorbla flies.

It may look nice, but
there's something rotten down there.

And we're going to...

Woo, yeah!
Hello, Japan.

So when do we get to go see
the Great Wall?

It's in China.


But you know what is in Tokyo?

The world famous, number one
greatest, most awesome

Japanese comic book company,
Wakamono Shukan.

Hoo! Oh! We gotta
take the tour.

Now. Please?

Oh, we can't come here
on vacation and not...

We are not on vacation.

We're heroes, not tourists.

Our mission is
to locate Brushogun

and bring him to justice.

And since we're guests
in this country,

we need to be
on our best behavior.

So let's just do our job

and try to stay out of trouble.

Come on.

How much trouble could we
possibly get in?


the Teen Titans
have come to Tokyo.

Saico-Tek must have talked.

Most unfortunate.

Don't you agree, my friend?

But you needn't worry.

I will soon give these heroes

a good reason to leave.


So, where to now?

The roughest part of town
is in the Shinjuku District.

We'll start our search there.

Which way is that?

I don't know.
I can't read the signs.

No problem. We'll just
ask for directions.

Um, hi. How do we get
to Shinjuku?

Uh-huh. Mm-hmm.

Okay. Thanks.

I have no idea what he said.

Perhaps I may be of assistance.


It is this way.

Um, Starfire?

Why did you just...

kiss that guy?

Oh. The people of my planet
are able to learn any language

through lip contact.

So you speak Japanese now?


That's great.

Yeah. Great.

What are they saying?

"Run. The monster is
attacking the power lines."

Titans, go!

Same power as Saico-Tek.

Because it works
for Brushogun, too.

Where's a gas guzzler
when you need one?

I hear baseball's big in Japan.

Well, get ready
for a grand slam.

Hey! Over here!

Your mother was a salamander!


How am I supposed to pick up
hot Japanese girls

with a big green stain
on my shirt?

Your skin is green.

You have fangs.

And your ears are pointed.

You're really worried
about the shirt?


Chicks dig the ears.

Hey, wait. Gah!

Troopers, charge!

We have got to get one of those.

Ah. You are
the Teen Titans, hmm?

Welcome to Japan.

I am Commander Uehara Daizo
of the Tokyo Troopers.

Tokyo is a unique
city, my young friends,

with its own unique dangers.

Of course, I am sorry
you had to learn this

the hard way.

We're used to danger.

But we appreciate
your help, commander.


No, no, no, no.

You may call me Daizo, hm?

We are friends.

I will honor you with a tour
of our headquarters

and our home.

I founded the Tokyo Troopers

to help keep the city safe.

We're not too different
from you Titans,

except, hm-hm,
we are all grownups.

My operation is a triumph

of Japanese culture,
technology and design.

Living units are efficient
but comfortable.

Hourly training sessions
keep my troopers in peak form.

My highly advanced
command center

has reduced crime in Tokyo
by 200 percent.

Not bad, hmm? Hmm?



Don't touch anything.

With your permission, Daizo,

I'd like to use this equipment
to complete our mission.

Ah. Certainly,
my young friend.

And what, may I inquire,
is your mission?

We're tracking a criminal
who calls himself Brushogun.

Forgive me.

But you are ignorant
of our culture.

Brushogun is an urban legend,

a myth.

I'm afraid you've come

a long way for nothing.

As you can see,

my troopers have Tokyo's
real criminals

well under control.

But Saico-Tek said...

I'm sorry.
I don't know who that is.

Uh, someone is playing
a trick on you perhaps, hmm?

I... I'm not sure.

Commander Uehara.

Tokyo thanks you.

You've saved our city
once again.

It is my honor
to serve, Mr. Mayor.

Come, commander.
The people want their hero.

And I want to give you
another medal.

Enjoy your visit.
But remember:

Here, you are just tourists.

Leave the law enforcement to us.



this was a fairly impressive
waste of time.

I don't understand.

How could this whole thing
be a wild-goose chase?

I feel like an idiot.

No, please.
Do not blame Robin

for the wild chasing
of the goose.

I can't even find my way
around in this town,

much less catch a criminal.


Dudes, I got it.

I totally know
where we need to go.


Wakamono Shukan?

The comic book place?

I thought you were leading us
to a clue about Brushogun.


Daizo said
he's not real, remember?

But as long as we're here,
we gotta take the tour. Ugh!

The sign says


No fair!

Come on.
Let's just go home.

Are you out of
your spiky-head little mind?

We are in Tokyo, man.

We gotta look around,
see the town.

Yeah. After all,

that's what vacations are for.


They are no longer
looking for me.

But I will be watching
their every move.


There it is.

The only Japanese
I need to know:

"All you can eat."

This was the only place in Japan
I wanted to see.

It's like paradise
for comic book geeks.

Did I just call myself a geek?



I think that means I'm cute.

I know English, German,
Latin, Romanian,

ancient Sumerian and Sanskrit.

Do you have anything I can read?

"Super Twinkle Donkey Gum."

Brushogun's a myth.

So why do I feel like he's
still out there somewhere?

Uh, Robin... about that boy

and the lip contact?

Yeah. Is that why you
kissed me when we first met?

To learn English?

On Tamaran, this signifies

merely the transfer
of knowledge.

But on your world,
it means... more.

Or so I've heard.

Oh. More. Ha. Right.

L-I mean, yes.
Lip contact is...

I... I've heard that too.




Yes, Robin?

You know you're my...

best friend, right?

And you are mine.

I never want anything
to get in the way of that.

Nothing ever could.

I know.


we have nothing to fear.


Saico-Tek was afraid
of someone. Terrified.

And whoever they are,
they're here in Tokyo.

Everyone may think
Brushogun is a myth.

But to Saico-Tek, he was real.

But even if he is real,

the Commander Daizo

and his troopers
can surely handle...

Well, if they can handle it,
then what are we doing here?

I believed us

to be having the fun.

There's nothing fun
about looking like

a bunch of stupid kids.

We're heroes, Starfire.
We don't take vacations.

We don't make mistakes.

And we don't have time for...

For what?

For this.

Must we always be heroes?

Are we capable of nothing else?

Can we not, for a few moments,

be something more?

There is nothing more.

A hero is what I am.
And if you don't like it...


I like it more
than you'll ever know.

Thirty million people,
100,000 stores,

and in this entire city,
the only thing to read is gum.


Anybody here?

This is probably a bad idea.

You... You... You go now.

You eat too much, you.

You will put me out of business.

But the sign says,
"All you can eat."

And I can eat more.

You can eat more?

Can you eat...


Yes, I can.


Hey. Wait up.

I'm otaku, remember?

Where did she go?

- Huh?
- Go. Go. Go.

Go. Go. Go.

Go. Go. Go.

Go. Go. Go.

Go. Go. Go. Go.


Wait. Uh, the lyrics
are in Japanese.

♪♪ I will obey
The traffic rules ♪♪

Teen Titans ♪♪

♪♪ I will eat everything
Without likes or dislikes ♪♪

♪♪ Teen Titans ♪♪

♪♪ Earthquakes, lightning
Fire, dad ♪♪

- ♪♪ Grammar, math, science
Social Studies ♪♪ -

♪♪ There is nothing
I am afraid of ♪♪

♪♪ Teen Titans, go ♪♪

♪♪ Holler my name ♪♪

♪♪ Teen Titans ♪♪

♪♪ Half your troubles
Will be gone ♪♪

♪♪ Teen Titans ♪♪

♪♪ Father
Schedule control, uh ♪♪

♪♪ Mama's weight control ♪♪

♪♪ Wishes are ended ♪♪

♪♪ Teen Titans, go ♪♪

♪♪ One, two, three, four, five
Teen Titans ♪♪

Good night, Tokyo!

I love this town.

As I suspected.

The child continues
to investigate.

Yes. He is persistent.

But Saico-Tek will
take him off the case.


It's not much,
but it's the only clue I've got.

No screws, no seams.

What's this thing made of?




I want answers.
Real ones.

What are you?

I am sorry, my young friend,

but you leave me no choice.

I must place you under arrest.

They just don't make heroes
like they used to.

Hmm, my friend?

Please. I didn't mean to.

He had a power.
He could regenerate.

And this. It isn't blood.

He wasn't human.

Neither are most
of your friends.

Whatever this Saico-Tek was,

he was alive.

And now...

I couldn't have.

I would never...

This isn't happening.
This can't be real.

It has to be some sort of
sick joke or a setup.

Oh. Really?

And who precisely do you think
would wish to frame you?


Brushogun does not exist.

Tokyo does not
tolerate vigilantes.

And you, my friend,

are in very deep trouble.


Welcome to my shop, young lady.

Uh, looking for something
in particular?

I'm trying to find
a book about Brushogun.

But there's nothing
in fiction or mythology.

Well, of course not, my dear.

Although few people today
believe it,

Brushogun was no myth.

Um, heh.

Okay, ladies. Uh, you're
all great,

and I want your phone numbers.

But there's this girl
I was looking for,

and it's getting kind of hard
to breathe in here, so...

Raw eggs?

Pickled sea cucumbers?
Cow eyes.

Old shoe full of wasabi?

What's for dessert?

Who's chasing you?

- Girls!
- Chefs!

Are you sad about something?

No, thank you, please.

I am sad about nothing.

And I do not have
the boy troubles.

- Okay.
- Oh.

I am not even certain
that I have a boy

with whom to have the troubles.

Since the day I met him,

I have had...

the feelings.

I have waited most patiently

and had hoped that someday...

Perhaps I was foolish to hope.

Perhaps we are just heroes
and nothing more.

But no, we are more.

I feel this.

And he does also,

even if he fears to admit it.

And I shall not let him go

without a fight.

Oh, I thank you for this talk.

You are most insightful.

I must go find...


- -Was apprehended at the scene
by the Tokyo Troopers.

His associates, the Teen Titans,

are ordered to
turn themselves in

or leave Tokyo at once.

Titans, emergency!

Cyborg, Raven,
Beast Boy, please.

Starfire, what's wrong?

Robin has been...

arrested for a terrible crime.

Girl, are you crazy?

Robin would never commit a...


And he was telling us
to stay out of trouble.

Do we know where he is?

No. I have tried to reach him,
but he does not respond.

All right. I'm
transmitting rendezvous coordinates.

Let's regroup
and figure this out.

Hurry, please.
We need to help Robin.

But you shall
never get the chance.

Erase them.


Starfire. Raven.



Hot girl.

Don't go away. I just
gotta help my friend.

Then I'll be back to take you
on the best date of your life.

On second thought, uh,

maybe we should just be friends.


Brushogun is real.

And I have to find him.


There is a criminal
on the loose in our city.

Bring him in

or bring him down.

Think you can make
a meal out of me?

You don't have the guts!

Or maybe you do have the guts.

Yo, B.

I could use a hand here!

Yo, B.

Come on. How can I think
of a good comeback

when I don't even know
what you're saying?

Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos.

The book.

Go away now, please.

You are a mean little boy,

and I have no time
for your games.

I must find...


If everyone's looking for Robin,

then I can't be Robin anymore.

Give me your money.

- Speak English?
- Yes.

Good. This is
the worst dive

in the worst part of town,

so I'm guessing you know
a little something

about Tokyo's criminals.

I'm looking for Brushogun.


He's just a myth.

Troopers don't like us talking
about him, all right?

They say it inspires
more criminals.

Inspire me.

He was real and very bad...

with s-strange powers.

Where is he now?

Nobody knows.

One day he just disappeared.

That's when all
the new criminals

s-started showing up.

Tokyo Troopers.

And I doubt they're here for me.

Give up, my friend.

You cannot win.

You are not the only one
who has been pursued.

We each were att*cked

and barely escaped
with our lives.

But we believe
this place will be safe.

- For the moment.
- Thank you.

I shall give you time to...


What's up?

Man, are you ever glad
to see us.

- I am?
- You're gonna be,

once we tell you the news.

We went back to the crime scene

and found a sample of
that ooze from Saico-Tek.

I ran a full molecular analysis,

and after a few thousand
comparisons, I got a match.

That wasn't blood
on your uniform.

- It was ink.
- Ink?

Yeah. Just like
the stains on my armor...

the streaks on Raven's cloak...

and the lipstick from that girl
who kicked BB's butt.

She was a cat girl!

So the criminals
are all connected.

Because they were all created
by the same person.

Tokyo's first super-villain.

Once, he was an ordinary artist

who dreamed of bringing
his creations to life.

He tried to make
that dream come true

using Japanese dark magic.

His spell worked...

but at a terrible price.

The darkness stained him.

His skin became paper.
Ink flowed through his veins.

He was transformed into...


Drawings. That's what
we've been fighting.

Then I didn't
actually hurt anyone.

I couldn't hurt Saico-Tek,
because Saico-Tek wasn't real.

- They were ink.
- All of them.

Then Brushogun created him
to frame me.

All right, Titans,
this is our mission.

We're fugitives from the law.

We've got a criminal
on the loose

who can make other criminals.

And the only way
we can clear our names

is to hunt him down

and bring him to justice.

Yeah, um, great plan, but...

there's this one teensy problem:

Everybody in Tokyo
is out to get us!

Titans, go!

Can't you sniff any faster, man?

It's a matter of time
before somebody jumps us again.

Beast Boy... you can stop.

I know where the trail leads.

Brushogun's hideout
is the comic book factory?

Told you we should have
taken the tour.

No guards.

This way.


Brushogun. He's not here.

Uh, I am.


So glad to finally meet you.

You're not the
one behind all this, are you?

- You're just...
- His sl*ve.

He trapped me in this thing.

This cursed printing press

that uses my powers
against my will.

The criminals I create
serve him now.

But you sent the car,
didn't you? You set me free.

And you sent Saico-Tek
to our tower because...

It was the only way
I could call for help.

I knew that if one of my
creations att*cked your home...

it would give us a reason
to come to Tokyo.

A reason to find you.

So you weren't the one
who framed Robin.

Saico-Tek was printed twice.

I sent the first to you
as a messenger.

He sent the second
to Robin as a trap.

He who?

If you're just the brush,

who tells you what to paint?

That would be... me.

I must say...

you Titans have proven
formidable adversary.

Once you are destroyed,

perhaps I shall print copies
of you to serve me.

Show your face, coward.

Who are you?

There's only one person
who stands to gain

from creating criminals:
The hero who catches them.

Isn't that right, commander?

Very good, my friend.

But you haven't caught me.

I've caught you.

So, wait.

If the good guy was really
a bad guy, then that means...

Oh, sweet!
Ha, ha!

We're the good guys again.

And you're a fraud,
Daizo. A fake.

Brushogun was
the only real criminal

you ever caught, wasn't he?

One was enough.

You used his powers to lie.

To make yourself
look like a hero.

And when I started
searching for the truth,

you made me
look like a criminal.

That's a nice little
story, young man,

but I doubt
anyone will believe it

once you're all behind bars.

Troopers, charge!

Titans, go!


Titans, the Troopers.

They aren't real.

Which means
we don't have to hold back!

It also means there are plenty
more where those came from.


Running away?

I guess they just don't make
heroes like they used to.

Give it up, my friend.
You cannot win.

I'd say I just did.

You can knock me down
all you like.

Destroy me if you wish.
It doesn't change a thing.

When this is over,
everyone out there

will still think
you're a criminal.

And the people of Tokyo

will still call me a hero.

I know what it means
to be a hero, commander.

And, trust me, you are no hero.

The power is mine!

That's a lot of ink.

Gonna be one heck of a stain

when this is over.

He may have Brushogun's magic,

but I don't know
how long he can control it.

What must we do?

Erase him.

How do I stop him?

How do I break the spell?

Without me...

he is nothing.

You must remove me...

from this machine.


You saved me.

Brushogun's spell.
It's breaking.



Are you okay?

I am now.

I think I was wrong before.

You do?

Maybe a hero
isn't all that I am.

Maybe I could be...

Maybe we could be...



Stop talking.

Well, it's about time.

So I guess you're not
a wanted man anymore.

Mm. I wouldn't
say that.

One at a time, ladies.

There's enough of B
to go around.


All you can eat.

Well, all right!

Did you also make
the new friends

while exploring Tokyo?

No. But I somehow wound up
as a mascot for gum.

For uncovering the truth,

for pursuing justice
and protecting our city

from a treacherous evil,

I present these medals
to Tokyo's newest heroes:

The Teen Titans.


I guess we have to go
back home now, huh?

You know, Beast Boy,

sometimes even heroes
need a vacation.

Okay, next time,
we're going to Mexico.


♪♪ I will
obey The traffic rules ♪♪

♪♪ Teen Titans ♪♪

♪♪ I will eat everything ♪♪

♪♪ Without likes or dislikes ♪♪

♪♪ Teen Titans ♪♪

♪♪ Earthquakes,
lightning Fire, dad ♪♪

♪♪ Grammar, math, science
Social studies ♪♪

♪♪ There is nothing
I am afraid of ♪♪

♪♪ Teen Titans, go ♪♪

♪♪ Holler, holler,
holler Holler, holler, holler ♪♪

♪♪ Holler my name
Teen Titans ♪♪

♪♪ Half of your troubles
Will be gone ♪♪

♪♪ Teen Titans ♪♪

♪♪ Papa's schedule control ♪♪

♪♪ Mama's weight control ♪♪

♪♪ Wishes are endless ♪♪

♪♪ Teen Titans, go ♪♪

♪♪ One,
two, three Four, five ♪♪

♪♪ Teen Titans ♪♪

Good night, Tokyo