Fishtales 2 (2017)

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Fishtales 2 (2017)

Post by bunniefuu »



♪ Come on ♪

♪ Yeah,
these are the best days ♪

♪ Everywhere I go
I feel so alive ♪

♪ The best days ♪

♪ These are the best days ♪

♪ These are the best days ♪

♪ These are the best days ♪

♪ Of our lives ♪

♪ Of our lives ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ These are the best days ♪

♪ Oh, these are the best days ♪

♪ These are the best days ♪

♪ Oh, these are the best days ♪

♪ These are the best days ♪

♪ Oh, these are the
best days of our lives ♪

♪ Of our lives ♪

♪ Yeah ♪♪

NARRATOR: In the big,
wide ocean lies Fishtail Reef

where Fifi and her friends
have adventures oh so sweet.

Every day they
go to fish school,

laugh, and have so much fun.

Come explore the sea with us!

Happy days have just begun.


Someone help me.

Please, can you help me?

I'm trying to find my
way to the sunken ship.

Which sunken ship?

There is more than one
sunken ship?

Oh yes sirree.

Lots of sunken ships down here.

Can't say how many, never
counted 'em.

I am lost.

I just moved to a sunken ship
a few days ago with my family

and I can't find my way home.



That's terrible!


Sorry, can't help you right now.

Gotta get to the surface
for air.

NARRATOR: Fifi, Finn,
and her parents too,

live in a seashell painted
purple, yellow, and blue,

amid colorful coral, squishy
seaweed, and sandy beach.

The Fish family loves
living in fabulous,

fun-filled, Fishtail Reef.


Fifi, you okay?

I was havin' a bad dream.

I was lost and I couldn't find
my way back

to Fishtail Reef.

I was alone and it was so scary.

Oh honey, it's okay, Fifi.

You're not lost!

It was just a bad dream.

It felt so real, Mama.

There were all these
mean sharks.

They were going to eat me!

Who was going to eat
my sweet little Fifi?



In my dream.

It was very scary.

I'm sure it was, but
not all sharks are mean.

Like, like Professor Shark?

Well he's the best teacher
in the whole wide ocean.

He is a big friendly shark.

Papa, tell us again how
to scare away mean sharks.

Okay, Finn, I'll tell you and
Fifi how

to scare away mean sharks.


You look them right in the
eye and shout "goonches!"





Goonches are big sea monsters
that eat sharks, right Papa?

That's right, Finn.

Yell "goonches" and sharks swim
away fast.


Fell better, Fifi?

Oh yes, it's going to be a
great day.

It's the first day of school!


How do I look?

I like your pink bow, Fifi.

How do I look?


Your hip-hop-happening.

I like your baseball cap.

Thanks, sis.

We gotta look cool on
our first day of school.

You both look very nice.

Did you finish your breakfish?


Since it's the first
day of school,

Mama and I are going to swim you
to class.

You ready?

Let's go!



Look, it's my best friend Lily.

Thanks for swimming me
to school.

See you later, fishenators.


Have fun!

We'll be here after
school to swim you home.

Lily, it's so good to see you.

How was your summer?

My grandma and
grandpa are nice.

They are always eating.

How was your summer?

Super duper fun!

We played lots of games
in the reef.

Oh look, there's Petal!

Petal, how was your summer?

I learned a lot.

Did you get to walk on land?


What was it like?

I did walk on land.

It was a very sandy beach and
the sand tickled my flippers.


This is so much fun.

I love being friends.


It's Principal Barrowing Whale.

School is about to begin.

Who do you think we'll
get for our teacher?

I hope it's Professor Shark.

I heard he takes his class
on a lot of field trips.

I heard that too!

I hope Professor Shark
is our teacher

and we're all in the same class.

NARRATOR: As the early
morning sunshine beats down

in the sea, the young fish wait

to hear who their
teacher will be.


PRINCIPAL: The next fish
will report

to Ocean Reef Cove Four



That's me!


We're together!



I'm so happy.





And lastly Hazel, Chopper, and

Oh no! Ugh!

My brother is in my class.

All of you report to class
Cove Four.

Your teacher will be



Professor Shark!

ALL: Yay!

Good morning, class.

Welcome to class Cove Four.

My name is Professor Shark.

ALL: Good morning,
Professor Shark.

I'm so happy to have
all of you in my class.

I have rows and rows of
sharp teeth in my mouth

but I am very friendly.

I have been teaching for
many years and I love my job!

I'm very excited to
meet all of you.

We're very excited
to meet you, too.

What is your name?

My name is Fifi.

Nice to meet you, Fifi

I have a very exciting
announcement to make.

Would you like to hear it?

Oh yes!

Would everyone
like to hear it?


For our first day of school
we're going on a field trip!

I've never been on
a field trip before.

What is a field trip,
Professor Shark?

What is your name?

My name is Chopper.

Well Chopper, a field
trip is when our whole class

travels together to a new
place to explore and learn.


I love exploring new places.

Me too.

This is going to be so much fun.

There are a few
important things we must do

to prepare for our field trip.

Like what?

My name is Finn, I'm Fifi's

Hi Finn!

I will tell you what
we need to do.

First, each of you needs
to be paired with a buddy.

You will swim next to that buddy

at all times during
our field trip.

I hope I get to
be with you, Lily.

I hope I get to be
with you too, Fifi.


Okay Fifi and Lily, you will
be our first swim buddies.

Oh yippee!


Who is next?

How about me and Sammy?


I am Sammy Swordfish.

Finn and me like to swim
through Fishtail Reef together.


I'm Trigger.

I think going on a field trip
on our first day of school

is fish sticks!

Fish sticks?

That means cool.

Who would you like to
choose as your swim buddy?

I would like Chopper
to be my swim buddy.

I would like that too,

Very good!

Trigger and Chopper
will be swim buddies.

Hi Professor Shark,
my name is Petal.

I was really hoping you
would be my teacher.

I'm glad you're my student,

I would like Kiki the
pufferfish to be my swim mate.

I'm glad you chose me, Petal.

That leaves me and Tang.

My name's Diesel.

And I'm Tang.

Diesel and I like to
race through the reef.

Excellent, you're already swim

What an interesting
group of sea animals.

Is everyone ready to swim

deep down to the bottom of the
sea to visit a sunken ship?

ALL: A sunken ship?

Maybe we'll find
some buried treasure.

Oh yippee!

That would be funtastic.

Fishy swishy bubbleyishy cool!

This is going to be
our best adventure ever!

NARRATOR: The fish form
pairs to keep them safe

while the deep dark sea
can be a dangerous place

but our little fishes
need not fear

for Professor Shark and soon,

an assistant teacher
will be near.

Before we leave for the
sunken ship adventure,

I have one more surprise!



Class, I'd like you
to meet Alba.

Hi class.

Alba is a white seal.

She is my teacher's assistant.

What is that?

A teacher assistant is
someone who helps

a professor in the classroom.

Alba is studying to be a

- Hooray!
- Yay!

How do you learn
to be a teacher?

It's not easy,
I had to work hard

to get accepted into the
Aquatic Mammal University,

better known as AMU.

I am also going to learn a lot
by helping Professor Shark,

the best professor in the sea.

ALL: Yay!

I'm very excited to
be joining you

on this special
first day of school

and on your very
first field trip.

ALL: Yay!

I see you are
already in pairs.

Are we ready to go,
Professor Shark?

One more important thing
before we go:

there are dangerous
creatures out by the wreck

including a sly shark named
Toothy Magrue, but don't worry,

Alba and I won't let
anything happen to you.

NARRATOR: The students
swim, they bob and dip,

eager to start their
fun field trip.

They're going to
see a sunken ship.

As we swim to the sunken ship

I would like each of you
to tell Alba your name

and a little about yourself.

I will go first.

I'm Fifi, I'm a pink pastel
fish with big goldfish eyes.

I love to play games and
swim through Fishtail Reef.

Hello Fifi, it's nice
to meet you.

My name is Lily,
I'm a blue whale.

Whales are not fish,
we are mammals.

I can breathe air!

I love to each and I'm going
to be very big when I grow up.

And Lily is my best friend.

And Fifi is my best friend.

Nice to meet you, Lily.

Whales are very
special marine mammals.

My name is Finn,
I'm Fifi's brother.

I'm a blue pastel fish
and I want

to be a scientist
when I grow up.

I love learning about the sea!

So do I, Finn!

We are going to learn a lot

I'm Sammy Swordfish.

Do you know a lot
about the sea, Alba?

I do, and I can't
wait to teach

you everything I know, Sammy.

Tell me more about you.

Chop chop, I have a
really cool sword as a nose,

I can swim really fast,
and I like to tell jokes.

Telling jokes is a very
special talent.

Can I tell a joke now?

Where does Alba like to eat?

A joke about me?

I don't know, where does
Alba like to eat, Sammy?

At a dive-in (LAUGHS)
you get it, yeah?


That was funny, Sammy.


That's funny.

And you are?

I'm Trigger.

I'm a seahorse,
a very special fish.

I have a head shaped
like a horse

and a really cool tail that
can wrap around seaweed.

I see you have four flippers
(LAUGHS) that's fishadocious!


That's right, Trigger.

I do have four flippers!

Semi what?

Oh, my name is Kiki.

Semiaquatic is a
very big word, Kiki.

It means I live part
of the time in water

and part of the time on land.

I'm a pufferfish so
I can't go on land

but I can blow my body
up into a big round ball.

I have a lot of sharp
spikes on my body.

I love to play ocean soccer.

I like to play soccer too!


I am so sorry
to interrupt your class

but it's an emergency.

What's wrong?

It's my daughter.

She's a little stingray and
she's lost.

Have you seen her?



We're on a field trip
to visit a sunken ship.

If we see a little
stingray we will

make sure she gets home safely.

We are very worried.

ALL: Oh no!

What is her name?

Her name is Cherie.

She is too little to be out
in the ocean all by herself.

Don't worry, we'll find her!

Yes, we will find her.

ALL: We will find Cherie!

Thank you so much.

I think I can help find
Cherie, the lost stingray.

You can?

How can you help us
find a lost stingray?

I am a detective.


Tell us more.

My name is Petal and
I'm a sea turtle.

Some turtles are semi, uh,


Yeah, what you just said.

I'm that too!

Sea turtles are reptiles,
I can breathe underwater.

I can also crawl onto the
land and let my hard turtle

shell soak up some sun.

That's right, Petal.

Some turtles live part
of the time in the sea

and part of the time on land.

I can help find Cherie,
the lost stingray,

because I'm not
just a detective,

I am a very good detective.

I can see you are very smart!

How can we find Cherie?

I'm going to solve
the mystery of Cherie,

the missing stingray,
by looking for clues.

That is a very good idea.

We can all look for clues when

we get closer
to the sunken ship.

My name is Diesel,

I can help find Cherie the
stingray, too.

How can you help us
find Cherie?

I'm a manta ray.

I have a really flat body
so I can swim super fast.

Can you swim fast, Alba?

Yes, but, maybe not as fast as

I wanna be a singer.

♪ A, E, I, O, U ♪

Oh my, you sing beautifully!

What a wonderful voice!

I'm Chopper,
I'm an angler fish.

I have really sharp teeth
like Professor Shark,

only my teeth are long and thin.

But don't worry,
I'm friendly too!

I'm glad to hear that,

I want to be a deep
sea diver like my dad

and find buried treasures!

Maybe we will find
buried treasure today!

I'm Tang,
I'm a bright yellow fish.

I have a really cool feathery
crested fin.

I want to be a fish groomer.

The sea needs
good fish groomers.

What an interesting
group of fish.

I'm really looking forward
to teaching you this year.

Me too!

I am lucky I was
sent to this class.

ALL: Yay!

Ahoy there, class Cove Four.


I'm Dudley Dolphin.

I'm your tour guide today!

I'm here to tell you
everything you want to know

about sunken ships!

ALL: Hi Dudley Dolphin!

Professor Shark, Alba,

is it okay if I ask your class

a few questions
about sunken ships?

Of course, Dudley.


Okie Dokie Doo,
my little troopers!

Can any of you tell me
what is a sunken ship?

It's a big boat lying at
the bottom of the ocean.


Yes, that is true!

A sunken ship has
something to do

with the creatures
called people.

You know, the ones that
live on top of the water.



All those earthy creatures
with skin!

People have really
long flippers

that smack the water
when they try to swim.

They move all around but
they don't get very far.




Earthy creatures.

People don't have flippers,
Petal, they have arms.



That's a funny word.

ALL: People arms?

People arms flop and
splash because people

have to keep their heads above
water so they can breathe.


This is one smart
(STUTTERS) class!

Why are we talking
about people?

What do people have to
do with sunken ships?

People can't breathe
underwater so they build ships.


Oh correctamundo, oh
smart fish in the sea.

People build ships to
(STUTTERS) sail across the sea.

If the ship sails on top of
the water

how come we're going
to visit a sunken ship

lying at the bottom of the sea?

How did it get there?


That is a most excellent

People do build boats to
sail on top of the water

but sometimes boats don't
stay on top of the water.

They sink to the bottom
of the sea.

Why do ships sink?

Don't people know how to keep
ships on top of the water?

There are many
reasons ships sink

to the bottom of the ocean.

Strong storm winds can blow
a ship in the wrong direction

and people get lost.

I would not like to
get lost in the ocean.

Me too, Fifi.

It would be scary to be
all alone in the ocean.


I'll tell you something scary:

lightning can break
a ship into two!

Even scarier: the bottom
of the ship can hit

a rock that people don't see!

A rock punches a hole in
the boat and the boat sinks.

And scariest of all,
sometimes ships get att*cked

by angry sea monsters!

ALL: Sea monsters?

Don't worry!

We're not going to
see any sea monsters.

Do sea monsters
live in sunken ships?

They doodley doodley
doodley do!

Dudley Dolphin, you're
scaring my students!


Don't be frightened.

Mostly we are going to see fish,

all kinds of fish live in
and around sunken ships.

Maybe one of
the fish that lives

in the sunken ship saw Cherie.

I heard about that
little lost fish.

I hope the sea monsters
don't eat her.

Sea monsters eat fish?


Oopa Oopa Oopsy!


Did it again.

Are there a lot of
sunken ships in the ocean?



That's a really big number.

Are there a
million sea monsters?

I can't even count to a million!

I think we've heard
enough about sea monsters.

Okie Dokie Doo.


The tour is almost through
and you lucky buckaroos

are about to see a sunken ship

at the bottom of the ocean blue.

ALL: Hooray!

Thank you Dudley Dolphin.

We will swim the class
the rest of the way.

ALL: Bye Dudley!

G'day my little baddoos.

Stay safe, swim two-by-two,

or the sea monsters
will eat you.

NARRATOR: The students
continue their fun field trip

thinking of sea monsters and
sunken ships.

Will there be any sea
monsters that eat little fish

on the sunken ship, Alba?

Of course not.

Dudley Dolphin
is just being silly.

Sea monsters do not
eat little fish, Fifi,

but we do need to swim together.

There are some sharks,

including one very goofy
Toothy Magrue who might.

Let's not think about
sea monsters and sharks.

Let's be on the lookout for
that little missing stingray.

She must be really scared.

Don't worry, Alba, I,
the great Inspector Petal,

am going to find Cherie and
everyone is going to help me.

ALL: Yay!

I'm Inspector Petal's
assistant, Doctor Kiki.

I think we should start
looking for clues.

Good idea, Kiki.

What are clues,
Inspector Petal?

Clues are important
that we find

to help us solve a mystery.

I will look
very closely at everything

in and around the sunken ship!

We will find Cherie.

Lily and I will help you.

NARRATOR: Everyone
stares at the sunken ship.

It is big and shiny,
the top of it dips,

one object catches all their
fish eyes:

a trail made of lots of
gold coins that shine.

Look at all these gold coins.

How did they get here?

Fish play, my dear Tang.

Inspector Petal is here to solve

the mystery of the gold coins.

What do you think,
Inspector Petal?

Do you see any clues?



I think the sunken ship
is a clue, Doctor Kiki.

The sunken ship is a clue?

That is a really big clue!

It is, but look, Doctor Kiki,

there are some coins
on that deck,

on the main part of the boat!


The main part of the
boat is called the hull,

right Professor Shark?

That's right, Diesel!

The main part of a boat is
called a hull.

Continue, Inspector Petal.

See those gold coins
in the hull?

The coins left a trail.

A trail that leads from the
boat to the sandy bottom.


I do see a trail of gold
coins, Inspector Petal.

Then you can see that the
treasure chest

fell off the ship when it sunk.

It fell off the ship and hit
the ground.

It hit the ground
and broke open.

And that is why there's a
trail of coins

on the sandy bottom near the
sunken ship.

You did it again,
Inspector Petal!

You solved the mystery.

Fish play, my dear Fifi.

ALL: Hooray!

Now we know why the treasure
chest landed on the ground.

Yes we do, Tang.

Very good, Petal, you are going
to make a great detective.


Petal, I don't think
I've ever met

such a smart sea turtle.

Shall we explore some more?

ALL: Hooray!

Let's go inside.

explore the sunken ship.

There are plants, and wheels,
and chairs, and boots.

There's pictures of pirates,
world globes, and maps.

They even found a captain's hat.

Chains and masts,
gold on the floor,

but wait, they're about
to discover so much more.


So much to look at.

What's that, Professor Shark?

It's called a globe.

It shows all the land
and oceans of the Earth.

What's the Earth?

It's where we live!

That globe looks like a
ball I use to play soccer.


What's that?

That is a pirate.

What's a pirate?

It's a people that lives above
the sea,

right Professor Shark?

That's right, Lily.

A pirate is a person that sails
the sea

looking for gold and treasure.

Looks like this pirate
found a lot of gold.

Or maybe sea monsters
leave a trail

of gold coins for little fish
like us

to follow when we're
inside the sunken ship

so they can eat us!


Don't worry guys, I'll
poke the sea monsters

with my sword nose.

Did you see that?

Something moved!

I did see something move.

Do you think it's a sea monster?



Hurry Fifi, swim faster.

Don't let the
sea monster catch us!

FIFI: I'm swimming
as fast as I can!

LILY: That sea
monster's right behind us.

What are we going to do?

FIFI: I don't know.

We are swimming away from the
sunken ship.

I don't see anyone
from the class.

I don't see anything but...

LILY: Open ocean!

Quick, in here.

Follow me.


We lost the sea monster.


Are you Cherie?

Yes, how did you know?

Your mama and papa
are looking for you.

Everyone is looking for you!

They are very worried.

I miss my mama and papa.

How did you get lost?

I was swimming near
the sunken ship

when a sea monster started to
chase me.

He was yellow with
sharp pointy teeth.

And one eye is bigger
than the other eye?

That sea monster chased us too.

The sea monster chased
me and I swam so far

I could not find my way
back to the sunken ship.

That is what happened to us.

Have you been hiding in
this cave the whole time?

No, I swam through
the cave and found

an opening on the other side.

I swam through that opening
and this funny looking shark

started to chase me!

First you were chased by a
sea monster then by a shark?

It has been a very crazy day.

Then what happened?

I swam back into this
cave which is too small

for the shark to fit in.

Where did you see my
mama and papa?

We were on our way
to see a sunken ship.

We are on a field trip.

It is the first day of
school and Professor Shark...

A shark?

He is a friendly shark.

The best teacher in the whole
wide sea.


Oh no, it's the sea monster!

Quick, follow me.

Do you know where we are?

I'm not allowed to swim
this far from Fishtail Reef.

Do you know where we are, Lily?

No, I have never explored
the sea beyond Fishtail Reef.

My mother told me
a lot of sea animals

that live in open ocean
like to eat little fish.


Oh look, three adorable
little fish baits.

Fish baits?


Fish baits.

If you don't wanna
catch anything very big.

What's wrong?

I have a terrible toothache.

Very bad.

Very painful!

It's from the top of my fin
to the bottom of my tail.

Which tooth?

You have so many.

Can we do anything to help?

Help me?

Ha, you little fish bait want to
help me?

♪ Haven't you heard
I'm a mean old shark ♪

♪ I take what I want
without a second thought ♪

♪ Anything is food to me ♪

♪ Even garbage from the sea ♪

♪ I prefer to eat a
nice live dish ♪

♪ Filled with
all sorts of fish ♪

♪ Small fish, big fish,
fat, and slimy eel fish ♪

♪ Tail fish, bike fish,
skinny, rather smelly fish ♪

♪ Hot or cold, I eat 'em all ♪

♪ My appetite is
definitely not small ♪

♪ I'm the one they know and
call Toothy Magrue, that's me ♪

♪ The craziest shark
in the sea ♪♪

Are you going to eat us?

Well, normally I would but,


my tooth is k*lling me.

I have a row of flat
round teeth to eat

little fish along the reef.

I have rows of sharp teeth
that cut through bone

and those are the ones that
are making me moan and groan.


It must've been
that big pile of garbage

I ate this morning.

I was so hungry I
just chomped into it.

It had a lot of bones,
must've got a big sharp bone

caught between my teeth.

I have thought of
becoming a vegetarian

but the meat side argues
with the veggie side.


The only good thing is I
might lose some weight.

Do you think I'm fat?

I try to watch my weight
but I love food.

I have heard that sharks
grow back their teeth.

We do, but I got something
stuck right

between these two right here.

Called the shark dentist,
he can't be reached.

He's playing the back nine on

the underwater fish
croquet course.

And the pilot fish, they
usually clean my teeth,

but they're on
vacation in Hawaii.

Poor Toothy Magrue.

Maybe we can help you get rid
of the teeth that hurt you.

How can you help me?

I heard Professor Shark
once bit down

on a seaweed sandwich and broke
a tooth.

A really hard little rock
fell into the seaweed

and his tooth fell out.

Professor Shark, you say?

He's our teacher.

He's the best teacher
in all the ocean.

He took us on a field
trip to the sunken ship

on our very first day of school.


Well well well, my old
friend, Professor Shark.

Still teaching little sea
animals in Fishtail Reef.

He bit down on a hard rock,
you say?

It was a whale of a
fish story.

A big deal in the reef!

Everybody wanted that tooth.

Shark teeth bring fish luck.

Of course they do!

I saw some very hard
rocks outside the sea cave.


Well, well, well, my little
fish bait,

you did help me after all.

You gave me a good idea,
I'm going to find a rock

and bite down hard.

Since we helped you,
maybe you can help us.

Do you know how we can
find the sunken ship?

We are lost.

Oh, lost little fish bait.

Sorry, can't help ya.

Haven't seen a sunken
ship in quite awhile.

If you're lost, I can't let you
swim here,

you'll have to take
your little fins

right back through
that sea cave.


One of the sharks is
having a birthday party.

There's lots and lots of
sharks swimming all around here

and they aren't
friendly like me.

You mean they
don't have toothaches.

Exactly, they have
hungry, rumbling bellies.

Hungry, rumbling bellies?

We had better swim
back into the cave.

Thanks, Toothy!

Had a blast,
little fish baits.

Hope you find the sunken ship.

When you see Professor
Shark tell him he owes me.

Owes you?

For not eating his students.


Oh, we are stuck in this cave.

If we go that way
there are sharks.

If we go this way
there are sea monsters.

And we are lost, we don't
know where the sunken ship is.

What are we going to do?

I don't know.

This is all your fault, Fifi.

You saw something
moving in the seaweed

and we stopped swimming
with the class.

Professor Shark said we should
stay together at all times.

We didn't listen!

You did not have to look
at the seaweed with me.

You could've kept swimming with
the class.

I did not know we were going to

be chased by a sea monster!

Fifi and Lily, I am so
happy you were brave enough

to look in the moving seaweed.

I am happy you were
chased by a sea monster.

Why are you happy we were
chased by a sea monster?

That is how you found me!

Thank you so much
for finding me.

I was very afraid to be alone.

I'm glad we found you too,

It is scary out here.

I'm glad we are together too.

Three sea animals
are stronger than one.

We will figure this out

I agree, Lily,
and I have an idea!

What is your idea, Fifi?

Okay, we will swim
to the end of the cave.

When we get there, Lily
will use her special sonar

to call the sea monster,

she can also make a loud

I understand why you
want me to (MOANING).

Whale calls can be
heard from far away.

Professor Shark and Alba
will hear me (MOANING)

and come save us!

That is a good idea.

But why do you want
me to use my sonar

to call the sea monster
into the cave?

Well, I thought if the
sea monster chases us

we could swim to the
other end of the cave.

Then the sea monster will
follow us out of the cave exit

where Toothy and all the
other sharks are swimming.

Oh, I get it.

The sharks will see the
sea monster and chase him.

Sharks would much rather
eat a sea monster

than little old fish bait like
us, right?


The sharks will chase the sea
monster and leave us alone.

That is a great plan, Fifi.

You are so smart.

That is why you're my best
friend in the whole ocean.

And you're my best
friend in the entire sea!

How about me?

You are our friend too,

Our new best friend,
and that is very special.

Where are you from, Cherie?

I am from a reef far far away.

We just moved here.

What is it like in your reef,

It is a bit warmer
and greener.

You live in the sunken ship?

Yes, I am a stingray.

My parents said it is good
to live in a sunken ship.

There are some yummy
plants to eat.

There are also many
plants that are soft

and make a nice bed to sleep on.

You are a stingray?

We have a manta ray in our
class, his name is Diesel.

He sings really good.


Do you sing, Cherie?

I sing sometimes but then
all the fish swim away.


Stingrays are like manta
rays but I have a stinger

at the end of my tail.

I come from a place where
there are lots of stingrays.

You are both in the same class
at school?

Yes, we are on a field trip
with our class right now.

Except we are lost.

We are from class Cove Four,

the best class in all the ocean.

I have friends in my reef
but they live far far away now.

We are your new best friends.

Yes, let's all three
of us be best friends.

When we're together...

Everything is better!

Got to stick together...

Through sun and
stormy weather...

Even when we're chased
by sharks?

Even when we're chased
by sharks.

Best friends forever!

Even when we're lost at sea?

Even when we're lost at sea.

Best friends forever.

Will you always remember me?

Yes, I'll always remember you.

What if I live in a
dirty old shoe?

Gotta stay together.

Best friends forever.


That sounded like one,
two, three, four, five,

six, seven, eight...

Only eight!

We are missing two.

Where's Fifi and Lily?


They were swimming right in
front of me.

They were swimming
in front of you

but when I asked you a

I remember!

You asked me a question
about the sunken ship's

steering wheel and I (STUTTERS)

I don't know what
happened to Fifi and Lily.

It's okay, Alba,
we'll find them.

I just heard Lily
send a sonar call.

She sounded far away.

Another mystery
for Inspector Petal.

We must find our lost
classmates right away.

Let's look for clues.

That's a good idea, Petal.

We will swim back through
the ship and look for clues.

I hope Professor Shark and
Alba heard all my (MOANS).

Me too, but don't worry,
Lily, we will be okay.

First we will help our
new best friend, Cherie,

get back to the sunken ship.

Then we will find our
way back to Fishtail Reef.

I would like to visit
you in Fishtail Reef.

You will!

Best friends forever.

Best friends forever.


How away a sea monster!



You're afraid of this guy?

Have you taken
a good look at him?

Let me introduce Glurp.


He's sayin'
hi in sea monster talk.

You talk sea monster?

Of course, don't know what
the brainy Professor Shark

taught ya, but let me, Toothy,

teach you a little bit
about sea monsters.

Sea monsters are not scary.

They're not?

Not anymore.

They used to be, well, monsters.

Scaring and eating all the
little fish

then a whale...

Like me.

Like you but bigger.

Started feeding 'em
and petting 'em

and slowly, I mean very slowly,

like a few hundred years later,

sea monsters turned from
wild sea animals

into big floppy sea pets.

Sea pets?

We heard sea monsters
like to eat little fish.

Most sea monsters are tame.

Like I said, we fish turned
'em into cute little pets.

There are a few wild
ones left in the sea.

Those guys will eat ya.

They'll eat anything,
even sharks.

Those sea monsters are
called goonches.

They're a lot bigger and very
very strong

but there aren't many
of 'em left.


My papa said...


Calm down, there are no
goonches here.

Pet sea monsters don't like
ya to talk

about their nasty cousins.


My tooth is still k*lling me.

I tried biting on a rock,
didn't help me at all.

My tooth won't stop hurtin'!



What are you talking about,

Sea monsters eat weird
stuff like barnacles

and mold and all kinda parasites

that no one else wants
to put near their mouth.

These guys, nasty stuff is yum
to them.

So I asked Glurp here if he
could remove

that pesky bone from
between my teeth.

Can he?


ALL: Yay!

Sea monsters are
our new friends.

Toothy Magrue is our new
friend too.


Yes, you!

♪ When we're together ♪

♪ Everything is better ♪

♪ Gotta stick together ♪

♪ Through sun
and stormy weather ♪

♪ Will you always forgive me ♪

♪ Even when we're lost at sea ♪

♪ Best friends forever ♪

♪ Even when a friend's in need ♪

♪ Especially then,
we're there indeed ♪

♪ Best friends forever ♪

♪ Will you always remember me ♪

♪ Yes, I'll always
remember you ♪

♪ You'll remember Toothy Too ♪

♪ The best shark
in the ocean blue ♪

♪ Best friends forever ♪

♪ What if I live in
a dirty old shoe ♪

♪ Best friends forever ♪♪


Enough singin', fish baits.

My tooth!


I hope Glurp can get
this bone outta my tooth.


He will!

And we're gonna find our
way back to the sunken ship.

If I were lookin'
for a sunken ship

I'd go see the sardines.

Those guys are like sea maps,

they know every
inch of this reef.

What is it like to
live in Fishtail Reef?

It is the best place
in the ocean!

We have our own merry-go-round
and the best school.

All the sea animals come to
our school:

sea horses, pufferfish,
turtles, manta rays.

And whales like you?

Hey, didn't we pass
this exact rock before?

Oh no, are we swimming
in circles?

We'll never get home that way.

What would Inspector
Petal and Doctor Kiki do?

They would find the
sardines and ask them

to show them the way
back to the sunken ship.

Who is Petal and Kiki?

They're in our class.

Petal is a sea turtle,
Kiki is a pufferfish.

Soon you will meet them too.

They play a game about
how to solve mysteries.

That sounds like fun.

We are lost in the sea,
we are the mystery.

Let's find those sardines!


Look, Doctor Kiki, I see
something moving in the seaweed.

Yes, there is something
moving in the seaweed!


What's that?

It's a baby sea monster.

He's a tootie badootie cutie.

He doesn't look big
enough to eat us.

He's a baby sea monster.


Sea monsters don't eat fish.

They want to be our friends.


His name is Slurp,
he's saying that he saw

his cousin Glurp
follow a pink fish

and a blue whale
into the open ocean.

The open ocean?

Oh no!

You speak sea monster?


Let's go class, quickly!

Slurp said they went this way.

What do you know
about sardines?

Grandma whale said
sardines swim close together

because it is safer.

They are little fish and many
sea animals like to eat them.


Sardine school?

Why do sardines
swim close together?

Grandma whale said
sardines swim close together

because it is safer.

They are little fish and many
sea animals like to eat them.


It's easy to catch one

but not very easy to catch
a big ball of sardines.

I can't wait to meet them.

Do you think they'll talk to us?

Hi sardines!

My name is Fifi.

I'm sorry to disturb your
beautiful dance but we are lost.

We need your help!

Can you tell us how to
get to the sunken ship?

Look, it's a beautiful square!


LILY: Oh no,
they're swimming away!

FIFI: Don't go,
sardines, we need your help!

Maybe they did try to help us.

They danced into a square.

Why did they form a square?

I think it was a clue!

A clue?

What did it mean?

Well, windows are
square, tables are square,

what else is square?

Hmm, a box is a square.

In my reef there lives
a yellow-spotted box fish.

I have never seen a
yellow-spotted box fish.

I don't think the
sardines were telling us

to find a yellow-spotted fish,

Why else would they
swim into a square shape?

A square has four sides.


Isn't there a place
called Sweetwater Square?


Seawater Square is a
place where lots

of sea animals meet!

A meeting place?

I think the sardines
were telling us

to go to Sweetwater
Square to meet someone.


I don't know.

LILY: How do we get to
Seawater Square?


Look, maybe he can help us!

Hi, I'm Fifi.

I'm a pastel fish from
Fishtail Reef.

I'm Lily, I'm a blue whale.

I'm Cherie, I'm a stingray.

I'm Jimmy, I'm a crab.


Why are you lost?

We were on a
field trip with our class.

A sea monster chased us.

We thought sea monsters ate
little fish.

Then we met Timothy Magrue.

He's a really big shark.

He has a lot of teeth.

Rows and rows of teeth!

He had a really bad toothache.

He taught us that
most sea monsters

do not eat little fish.

Sea monsters are friendly!

How do you know I'm friendly?


Yeah, I'm very friendly too.

I like makin' new friends.

We are trying to get
to Sweetwater Square.

Do you know how to get there?

Everybody knows how to
get to Sweetwater Square

but you can't go there.

Why not?

I am a crab.

I have legs,
I have lots of legs.

You don't have any legs.

Why do we need legs to
get to Sweetwater Square?

The only way to get to
Sweetwater Square

is to go through the cave
of the skeleton fish.

I can crawl through the
sand, I can use my legs

to bury myself in the sand.

I can hide from the
skeleton fish.

Why do you have to hide?

What are skeleton fish?

They are very scary.

I'm not allowed to go to the
cave of the skeleton fish,

fish ghosts live there.

Fish ghosts?

It is a very spooky place.

Is that the only way to
get to Seawater Square?


Then we have to go.

We have to get Cherie
home to the sunken ship.

We have to get back
to Fishtail Reef.

I want to get Cherie back
to the sunken ship too.

Then we're off to the
cave of the skeleton fish.

You are very
brave sea animals.

How do we get to the
cave of the skeleton fish?

Keep swimming and you'll
see a big ol' cave openin'.

Thanks Jimmy, you are
a very nice crab!

Fish ghosts?

Do you think there are really
fish ghosts inside the cave?

I hope not!

Sounds scary.

Maybe we shouldn't go.

Don't be afraid, Cherie.

How come you aren't afraid,

I had a really scary
dream that I was lost.

I was so scared.

In my dream I swam
into the open ocean

and sharks chased me!

Did you get away from the

It was a bad dream.

I woke up before
the sharks could eat me

but it was a really scary dream.

I could not find my way
back to Fishtail Reef.

I was so scared!

Now you are lost and there
are lots of sharks around.

Aren't you scared?

I'm not scared like
I was in my dream.

Why aren't you scared?

In my dream I was alone,
here I am not alone.

I have my two best friends
and I have an idea.

Tell us your idea!

We will swim like sardines.

That is a very good idea,

If we swim close together we
will be safe.

One little fish is easy to eat

but three fish together...

Can not be beat!

We will swim like a big
ball of sardine fish.

♪ When we're together ♪

Everything is better!

Got to stick together.

Swimming past ghosts in
skeleton cave.

We will make those
fish behave.

You are very smart and brave.

I am lucky you found me.


Stay close.

I don't see anything.

Maybe there are
no skeleton fish.

Who goes there?

Who disturbs our slumber?

My name is Fifi, I'm a
pastel fish from Fishtail Reef.

We are lost!

The sardines told us to
get to Sweetwater Square.

Jimmy Crab said we have
to swim through this cave

to get to Sweetwater Square.

Please don't eat us!

Yes, please don't eat us.

Why not?

Little fish taste delicious!


You cannot eat us!

We have to get Cherie
home to the sunken ship

to see her mama and papa.

We have to get home to
Fishtail Reef.

Very brave.


We could eat you!

We could open our big
mouths and in ya go!

But you would just swim
back out again.

Everything goes right
through us.


So we can swim
through the cave?

We didn't say that (LAUGHS)
we cannot let you pass.

Why not?

you must answer a riddle!

A riddle?

A question.

What question?

What do sea monsters
like to eat?

Toothy's sea monster
likes to eat barnacles and...




Sea monsters like to eat
what I do: skeleton fish.

Toothy Magrue!

My little fish baits.

How are you feeling?


Glurp ate the fish bone
stuck between my teeth

and no more toothache!


ALL: Yay!

You helped me so
I'm gonna help you.

The sardines said we need
to go to Sweetwater Square.


Sweetwater Square is right
through there.

♪ Now I must go, I'm hungry so ♪

♪ But our friend Glurp
will swim with you ♪

♪ His home is in the
sunken ship too ♪♪

We will miss you,
Toothy Magrue.

You're not a mean old shark,
you're our toothy fish pal.

I will miss you too,
fish baits.

There are so many sea animals,

how do we know who we
are supposed to meet?

Maybe everyone knows how
to get to the sunken ship?

No one knows how to get
back to the sunken ship.

Little stingray, I've been
lookin' all over for you.

You have?

I had to swim to the
surface for a breath of air.

I got some air, swam back to
help you, but you were gone.

Can you help us get
back to the sunken ship?

Is that where you wanna go?

The sardines told me
you were lookin' for me.

The sardines told us to
meet you in Sweetwater Square.

Those sardines know
I always hang out here.

My name is Gramps, I'm an old
brown seal.

I'm Fifi.

This is Lily and Cherie.

And this is Glurp, he
is a pet sea monster.

Nice to meet all of you.

You must be on
quite an adventure.

Glurp chased us.

We didn't know he was friendly.

We made friends with a shark.

It's been very exciting.

Tell me all about it as
we swim to the sunken ship.

Everyone stay close together.

I don't want to lose anymore

Professor Shark.

Where are we going,
Inspector Petal?

We are going to find
Slurp's cousin, Glurp,

he chased Fifi and Lily
into the open ocean.

Dudley Dolphin said
sea monsters eat fish.

Dudley Dolphin was
just being silly.

Sea monsters are friendly.

They make very nice fish pets.

Then why was Glurp
chasing Fifi and Lily?

We're going to find out.

Don't worry, Chopper, I
have a sword for a nose.

And I have very sharp teeth.

And our teacher is a
tooth monster.

Yeah, we're not afraid of
sea monsters!

Is the sunken ship
much further?

Not too far!

I'm getting tired.


Hold on, dear.

I need to swim to the
surface for some air.

Don't go anywhere,
I'll be right back!

Uh oh, those sharks
don't look very friendly.

What should we do, Fifi?

Stay close together.

CHERIE: Maybe one of
them has a toothache.

I don't think so!

They all look very hungry to me.

Everybody, look those
sharks right in the eye

and yell goonches as
loud as you can.

- Goonches!
- Goonches!

- Goonches!
- Goonches!

Look, Fifi, the sharks
are swimming away.

Papa was right.

He told me if I want
to scare a shark away,

I just have to yell goonches.

Toothy Magrue said goonches
are big, mean sea monsters

that eat sharks.

Fifi saved the day!

ALL: Yay!

Alba, is that you?


I'm so happy
you found each other.

Happy to be
part of your adventure.

I'll see ya later.

I knew you would find
them, Inspector Petal.

We found Cherie and Fifi and
Lily too!


Fish play, my dear Kiki.

Fish play.

Oh, Cherie!

We just saw Gramps.

He told us you were rescued.

Mama, I have so much
to tell you.


A sea monster!

Stay away from us.

His name is Glurp, Sammy.

He's really nice.

Keep away from my sister.

He is yellow like me.

Squiggly wiggly, a
sea monster with one eye

bigger than the other?

How do you know
which one to look at?




Sunken ship, here we come!

I am so glad I met you.

I hope to visit you in
Fishtail Reef very soon.

Best friends forever?

Best friends forever.

And ever and ever and ever.

Time for us to head
back to Fishtail Reef.

Aren't you going home
with Cherie

to the sunken ship, Glurp?


That means no.

I think you have a new
pet sea monster, Fifi.

Wanna come home with me,



NARRATOR: As the sun
sets on the ocean deep

class Cove Four swims to
Fishtail Reef.

Their first field trip
over and done.

What an adventure,
exciting and fun.

A lot to talk about for weeks
and weeks.

But now they just want
to go home and sleep.


Good morning, class!

ALL: Good morning,
Professor Shark.

I have a wonderful
surprise for you today.

I love surprises!

Are we going on
another field trip?

Something even better!

Meet your new classmate,
Cherie Stingray.

Cherie is going to be
in our school?

Best friend Cherie in class
Cove Four.

That is the best news ever.

ALL: Hooray!

NARRATOR: In the big,
wide ocean lies Fishtail Reef

where Fifi and her friends
have adventures oh so sweet.

Every day they
go to fish school,

laugh, and have so much fun.

Come explore the sea with us.

Happy days have just begun.

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