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03x10 - Episode 10

Posted: 12/25/21 07:35
by bunniefuu
- Flowers for the pews in the church?
- Me.

Can you make sure
they match the bridesmaids?

We've been through this.

Many a slip twixt cup and lip. Rice?


Shirley. Can you double-check
that because...?

- I'll buy a bag.
- Mmm.


Oh, Deanna is grumpy.

She's teething, poor baby.

Have you tried that gel
you rub on your gums?

Yep. And I've tried lullabies
and I've tried warm milk.

Ooh! I think it's that clown
that juggles here sometimes.

He's really good.

Has anyone got a hacksaw?


- Or some boltcutters?
- Oh!

I've got a meeting.


Hey. This is Michael.
It's my... best man.

Is it?

♪ You think that I don't feel love ♪

♪ What I feel for you is real love ♪

♪ In other's eyes I see reflected ♪

♪ A hurt, scorned, rejected ♪

♪ Love child, different from the rest. ♪

Thank you, I'll be continuing on.

I can't go in like this.

I'm meeting a priest.

Give him your clothes.


Do as you're told or I'll
kick you both out right here.

He's normally very punctual.

Sometimes he gets called into
emergency surgery

at the last minute.
He has a very responsible job.

He has people's lives in his hands.

I hope... I'm sorry, I got caught up.

I have a baptism in half an hour
so we should move this along.

- Definitely.
- Yeah.

So, Simon you are happy to convert
to the one true faith?

Yes, thank you, Father, I am. Thank you.

Tell me, what does your faith
mean to you, Simon?

Simon finds a great inner strength
and a moral compass in his belief.

Can I speak to Simon by himself?

I don't know where Jim is.

A lot of people hate him. I'd run too.

We want to offer Jim a deal,

protection in return for information.

What he knows about corrupt
business links to government.

Suddenly you're interested.

He's been screaming
about that for months.

Helping us will play well
for your husband.

Can you get his manslaughter
charge dropped?

Nah, trial's up and running

but we can get him a reduced
sentence if he is convicted.

Gentleman. I'd like my doctor back.

My number, in case he calls.

I'll set up a meeting, just him and us.

If he doesn't like what we're offering,

he can walk away.

Hey! Viv! Um... just one sec.

Hey. Let's go out to dinner tonight.

I'm sorry, Pete, I can't.

Well, hey, hey. Um...


Lunch then, tomorrow? If you're free.


You really believe your husband will
be k*lled if he shows up in court?

- Jim believes it.
- k*lled by whom?

Developers who are
paying off politicians.

They're afraid he'll name names
if he's put on the stand.

- Will he?
- He might.

They had him beaten
when he was on remand.

Are you OK?

I've just been tired lately.

- Maybe we should do a blood test.
- Later.

You're supposed to be on leave.

I've taken myself
off the surgical roster.

Life doesn't run on
straight lines, does it?

It's circular.

Maggie, come through.

Your baby's moved.

As the birth gets closer,
the head moves downwards.

It's a good sign.

It means it will be born soon.

Have you noticed the baby kicking?

Maggie, don't be scared.

When the time comes, I'll be there.

Is Maggie not speaking at all?

It's a defence mechanism.

Have you told her that she won't be

sent back to that prison she was in?

Yes, she'll go to a church home.

If I can get her a job as a domestic,

will that keep her
from going to another home?

I don't know.

You can do better than that.

I'm not a magician.

Now, do you want anything?

No, thanks.

Listen, try not to worry about Maggie.

We'll find a way.

The police wanna make a deal.

Oh, it's amazing!

Wow, Pattie.

- Where did you learn to do this?
- School.

It's a bit loose there.
Don't worry, I will fix that.

Is that an engagement ring?

- Viv?
- Oh, Vivien Maguire, you dark horse.

How long have you had that?

Pete gave it to me today.

But he doesn't want me
to have contact with the twins.

- What?
- Why not?

Because they're not his.

- You can talk into it.
- Yeah, he'll come around.

Martha, you look stunning.
Viv, can I have a quick word?


Now, we'll take it off
and put it back in the box

so you don't rip it
like you did with mine.

I'm just saying.

Annie, what is it?

Hello Simon. Are you feeling better?

Yeah, thanks.


I'm not sure Pete's the man
you think he is.

Spoke to Father Bryant.

Turn around,
you're not allowed to see the dress!


You spoke to the Father?

Martha, I'm a terrible liar.
He doesn't believe I believe.

We rehearsed that meeting for weeks.

He says he won't marry us.

The P... Pope won't allow it.

I'm gonna make some tea.

We'll find another priest or a minister.

And get married on the sly somewhere?

Like an embarrassment.

Oh no, we're not an embarrassment.

I knew this nun on the mission
Sister Mary Joseph.

I loved her.

She told me that church
isn't just a piece of scenery.

It's a place where sacred things happen,

where people come together

to share the biggest moment
in their lives

with the people they love.

That's what I want... for us.

What happens if this deal
is complete bullshit?

I don't know.


If I run again I'm gonna lose you.


If you want to run, I'll come with you.

I will come with you,
I said I'd do that before.

- You can't.
- I can.

A few weeks ago,
I was in Lake Macquarie.

It reminded me of this place

I used to muck around
with my brother as a kid.

Called it 'The Oyster'.

'The Oyster'?

It's on the rocks.

On the Harbour side of South Head.

It's got a beautiful view of the water.

And you say you're not romantic.

The three of us running around
the country is a shit life.

It can't be any worse
than lying in bed all night,

worrying if you're dead or not.

- We can call the police from here.
- No, I want to use a phone box.

Actually, let's go out the back. OK.

Oh, Jim.

Pattie. How are ya?

I'm very well, thank you. You alright?

Yeah, yeah.

That's good.

We need to go.

♪ I get loving by the hundred ♪

♪ And I get loving by the pint ♪

♪ Got me doing the camel walk In my sleep ♪

♪ Make me do the James Brown
Every time I get on my feet ♪

♪ Listen to me ♪

♪ What a man, what a man ♪

♪ What a man What a mighty good man ♪

♪ What a man, what a man ♪

♪ What a man, what a mighty good man ♪

♪ Yes, he is. ♪

Know anyone who's looking for a nanny?

Live-in cleaner?

Do I look like someone
who knows people like that?

Well, I think you know a lot of things

and keep most of them secret.

I need to find a domestic position
for a young friend of mine.

Give me a kiss and I'll think about it.

♪ What a man, what a man
what a mighty, mighty good man ♪

♪ What a man, what a man,
what a mighty, mighty good man ♪

♪ What a man and deep inside I know it ♪

♪ What a man. And I'm not ashamed to show it ♪

♪ What a man, what a man, what a man, ♪

♪ What a mighty, mighty good man ♪

♪ Sing it again now ♪

♪ What a man, what a man,
what a mighty, mighty good man ♪

♪ What a man, what a man, what a man, ♪

♪ What a mighty, mighty good man ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ What a man, what a man, what a man, ♪

♪ What a mighty, mighty good man ♪

♪ Yes, he is ♪

♪ What a man, what a man, what a man, ♪

♪ What a mighty, mighty good man ♪

♪ What a man, what a man, what a man, ♪

♪ What a mighty, mighty good man ♪

♪ What a man, what a man, what a man, ♪

♪ What a mighty, mighty good man. ♪

- You getting enough iron?
- Yes.

Red meat, cereal, eggs.

I know my food groups.

So, I... I hear that Jim might
present himself for his trial

after all.

You'll be asking me to give evidence.

Anxious about that?

Ah, yes.

Are you?


He's going to surrender to the police?

Not yet.

He wants to meet with them and see
what sort of deal they're offering.

And you trust those police?

That's Jim Marsh's car.

Jim doesn't want to meet
out in the open.

- He wants to talk to you in his car.
- That's not what we agreed.

- He wants Pete.
- No, I don't like it.

Then he'll drive away.

Get out of the car.

Put your hands in the air.

It was a crazy thing to do.

- You could have got yourself shot.
- I know but it was worth it.

Now you know the truth.


Why didn't you tell me what you
and McNaughton were cooking up?

You would have stopped me.

Let me come with you.

No, there's no time.

Do you want me to take James?
He'll slow you down.

No. You sacrifice too much already.

I love you.

Jim, it there something
you're not telling me?

Tell me.

I've been unfaithful to you.



I'm sorry.

You know I love you.

You need to go now.

- Hey...
- Go!

I will tell you where I am.




There's someone here see you.

- Just up there.
- Thanks.

Got your money for the taxi.

You're a very irresponsible person.

Come on, Simon's allowed
one last little hurrah.

A fine hurrah

that leads to the priest
refusing to conduct the wedding.


The Pope says Catholics aren't
allowed to marry non-believers.

Yeah, they can if the bishop approves.

Simon didn't have his wits
about him and I blame you.


Can you please put that out?
It'll irritate the children.

And if the wedding ever happens,

don't make a speech for the bridesmaids.

I'm not interested.

Alright, I'm just gonna leave this here.

Just go, please.


Hey, I might be able to get
the bishop to approve the wedding.

Oh, yeah?

My dad's a theologist.

I'm gonna make a phone call.
Alright? Let me fix this.

- Paddy?
- What?

- Oh, no.
- What?

No! Oh!

No! You idiot!

This fabric was imported from Italy!

It's all ruined. (CRIES)

Hey, Vivien.
Have a seat.

- Thanks.
- I'll, uh, grab some menus.

I can't stay.

Annie told me you were at that
street fight where she fell.

Yeah, I arrested the organiser.

Annie was hurt. She could
have lost the baby.

It was chaos. I tried to help her.

But you didn't.

Viv, she shouldn't have been there.

I tried to make sure she wasn't.

Anyway, let's...

Where's your ring?


We wouldn't make each other happy.

No, we would.

We really would. I love you, Viv.

If that was true, you would
want me to know my babies.

We have become very different people.

I'm sorry.



Remember how you wanted to find
a job as a nanny and the cleaner?

I know that didn't work out, but

I think I've found you
a domestic service job.

Matron's asking the welfare
department if you can do that

instead of going back into a home.

Maggie, please speak to me.

What about my baby?

When it's born, I'll apply to adopt it

and when you turn
you can come and live with us.

I promise.


Can you mind Deanna for a bit?
I've gotta work.

So do I, Chris.

I know.

It's just Pattie's place is full

and Annie's been up
all night with Billy.

Why is the child upset?

She's got teeth coming through
and she is tired

'cause she won't sleep, will you?

It's OK. It's OK.

You look weary yourself.


She's quieter if you jiggle her
up and down a little bit usually.

Does Annie know you're
leaving her here with me?


Off you go.

Oh, there's a bottle of milk

and stuff to change her
into it she gets...

Thanks. See you.



Are you really that stupid?

MARTHA: Pattie!

Is Pattie in?

- WOMAN: Um, in the office but...
- MARTHA: Great.

Pattie, Martha's coming in.

Yes, thank you.

The priest changed his mind,
he's gonna do the wedding.

Oh, Martha, that's wonderful.

Get your cummerbund
ready for action, Mikey.

Thunderbirds are go!

That's your doing then, is it?

Who's a clever boy, then?

Alright, clever boy, how I make
a new wedding dress in hours?

Wedding's back on.

Was it ever off?

Well, the priest thought I
was a heathen but he's forgiven me.

Still coming to the wedding?

Of course. I wouldn't miss it.

Hey, just in case I don't
get a chance to tell you,

I think you're a great person.

- (CLEARS THROAT) Sorry to interrupt.
- Yeah, I'm going.

Thanks for what you did.

Oh, least I could do.

I owe you my sanity.

So, I've made a statement to the court,

saying that I was responsible
for Greg Mathieson's death.


Jim needed the trial aborted,

so I said that I gave Mathieson
a shot of adrenaline by mistake.

You could lose your job.
Why would you risk that?

Your blood tests.

Obviously, one of your eggs was able
to... navigate the obstacle course.

I'm pregnant?


- Have you got the $ ?
- Yep.

- In cash?
- That's right.

No-one's here. It's closed.

There's gotta be someone else
in the city that sells it.

I had it imported especially.

You can't just get Italian silk
at the supermarket.

You're going back and telling Martha
exactly what happened

because it's not my fault

and I refuse to take responsibility

for you ruining a
beautiful, beautiful dress

that I spent hours and hours
of love and blood and sweat...

Oh... What are you doing?

You can't do that. Michael!



It's alright.

♪ Just relax me, baby ♪

♪ Don't overtax me, baby ♪

♪ Just relax me, baby, relax ♪

♪ Oh oh, yeah ♪

♪ Relax me, baby ♪

♪ Don't overtax me, baby ♪

♪ Just relax me, baby ♪

♪ Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby,
baby, baby, baby, baby, baby ♪

♪ Relax me, baby. ♪

♪ Relax me, baby, relax. ♪

That's it, I'm counting to
and then I'm walking away.

One... two... three... and four.

- Is this it?
- Oh, yes!

No, no, no, you can't do that.
No, this is stealing.

Michael. Oh, no.

I left the money
and a note on the table.

Whatever you don't use,
we'll bring back tomorrow.

Just here for Deanna.

Yes. She's here.

- How long's she been down?
- A few hours.

She hasn't slept that long in days.

What did you do?

An old witch's spell.

She can stay there if you'd
rather not wake her, I don't mind.

May I?



She's exquisite.


Chris said he's asked you to marry him.

Yeah. A few times actually.

I hope you're not saying no because...

It's not because of you.

The world's changing.

People don't need to be married
to be happy.

And I'm not sure
I'd want all the hullabaloo.

Weddings make people crazy.


Curious how it's considered
a license to abandon commonsense.

You're very good for Chris.

You give him purpose and stability.

He's never had those things.

Thank you.


So, what's this called again?

A 'toile'. It's a template for the dress.

I made it before I made the real thing.

Why do I have to wear it?

- Ah... you can take it off now.
- But I just put it on.

I just wanted to see you in it.

Oh, you've gotta be joking.

If your time at Stanton House
is good for anything,

it should teach you responsibility
and self-discipline.

If you find yourself
with an infectious illness,

it is your responsibility to inform me

so that you don't infect everyone else.

Is that clear?

ALL: Yes, Matron.

Is that clear?


Have you had any contractions?

A tightening of muscles
in your abdomen?

I'll have a nurse check on you

Tell her when the contractions begin.


You can't be in here.

So, why did you call me, then?

I thought you would want to know.

Contractions haven't begun.
There's still a while to go.

- Can I sit with her for a minute?
- No, it's not allowed.

Two minutes. Please.

Two minutes.


Don't be afraid.

- Your contractions have started?

How many have you had?


- I have to tell the doctor.
- No!

I don't want anyone to steal my baby.

You need to cut
exactly along those lines.


- You like Latin music?
- It's for the wedding reception.

♪ When marimba rhythms start to play ♪

♪ Dance with me, make me sway ♪

♪ Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore ♪

♪ Hold me close, sway me more ♪

♪ Like a flower bending in the breeze ♪

♪ Bend with me, sway me now ♪

♪ Sway me smooth, sway me now. ♪


Maggie's gone.

Gone were?

I was hoping you might know.

We have to find her.

Try not to panic. She'll turn up.


Martha. Have a lovely day tomorrow.

Thank you. I will.



Alright, that's it, Maggie,
you're doing really well.

Push again. Deep breaths.


OK, Maggie, deep breaths.
Breath in. Push down.


One more push for me.

One more push. I know you're tired.

That's it, good girl.

Push down.



It's a girl.


Jim, how much corruption is there

- in the development business?
- JIM ON TV: It's everywhere.

Developers consider
pay-offs to politicians

- as a cost of doing business.
- You have evidence of this?

Yeah, I have seen it.

Blokes with boots full of cash

giving it to politicians
for land being rezoned.

Why you doing this now?

Because honesty
and transparency is important.

Someone has to say it.

Some people would say

it's foolish to be so public
with this information,

especially now that the manslaughter
case against you has been dropped.

- The case has been dropped?
- Yeah, I figure I'm safer.

But you're still planning to lie low?

Of course. And tomorrow
I'm going to The Oyster.

Did you really k*ll that man?

One way or another.

Why did you do it?

Doctor Miller will get to
be with her husband now.

- That's good, isn't it?
- Yes.

She deserves to be happy.

You wish she was happy with you.


Martha! I've got it! Don't panic!

You are supposed to be here
an hour ago!

Oh, no point crying over spilt milk.

- God, I hope it fits.
- Why wouldn't it fit?


She's usually very punctual.

She said the same thing about you.
Should be perfect for each other.


I can't believe this is happening.

You have to believe this only.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you
for joining us on this day.

This beautiful day in the holy
matrimony of Simon and Martha.

Martha, please take this ring
as a sign of my love and fidelity.

Simon and Martha, I now
pronounce you man and wife.



Is there a luckier man in the world
than me right now?

Apollo astronauts.

- They've got nothing on me.
- Let's talk honeymoon.

We're a bit short of money,
don't think we'll get very far.

Suits me.

I was thinking three weeks in bed.

Your mother thinks I'm good for you.

She's a wise woman.

- Chris?
- Yes, pretty lady?

I'll marry you on one condition.

Name it.

We elope.


- What do you think?
- Yes. (LAUGHS)

- You dance very well for an idiot.
- Thanks.

You're looking happier.

How could I not be?
Martha looks so beautiful.

You should give me a shot
at making you happy.

Oh, yeah? And how do
you plan to do that?

I'm doing you some favour
with this wedding reception.

What is this shit music?

It's Latin. Go with it.

PM, everybody leaves
and takes the music with them.

I need a couple of days off.

- What for?
- I've got... grandmother issues.

Leon? Martha.

- Nice to meet you.
- We've met.

Anyway, I want to ask
if Annie can sing a song.

She doesn't sing here anymore, love.

It's my wedding.

Consider it a present.

♪ I, I give, I give you, I give you love ♪

♪ Give you lovin' all the time
Give you kissin' just like wine ♪

♪ Does her lips taste sweeter than mine? ♪

♪ No, no, no ♪

♪ I'll make you happy
Just like your Mama says to me ♪

♪ If, if you, if you don't,
If you don't think ♪

♪ If you don't think I'm your gal ♪

♪ Find somebody if you can
Ask her then to hold your hand ♪

♪ Not me, me, me ♪

♪ I'll make you happy
Just like your Mama wants ♪

♪ I'll make you happy
Just like your Daddy said ♪

♪ I'll make you happy
Just like your Mama said to me ♪

♪ I, I give you love ♪

♪ Give you lovin' all the time ♪

♪ Does her lips taste sweeter than mine? ♪

♪ No, no, no ♪

♪ I'll make you happy
Just like your Mama said to me. ♪

Hi, Joan, you didn't make
it to the reception.

Things to do.

This is Michael.

- Hi. Nice to meet you.
- Hi.

You OK?

Looks like you've made
a very good choice.


Joan. Please listen. Listen, please.

What happened yesterday...

You and Jim should never
have been put through that.

I just want to let you know that
I would never betray you like that.

OK. Thanks.

Are you gonna meet with Jim?

I know you know where he is, Joan.

He's in a lot of danger
after what he did last night.

- No more than he was before.
- No, he is very wrong about that.

We're talking about people
with plenty of money

and plenty of patience.

If he runs, he will be found.

She's so hungry.

That's good.

You're lucky she's feeding so well.

You should eat too.

What's going to happen to us?


Did you find her?

I've brought you some paperwork.

An application to adopt.

What did Maggie have?

A little girl.

Frances, she can't go back to a home.

The welfare department has approved
her working in domestic service.

But she and the baby
will need to return to the hospital

to finalise the arrangements.

Thank you.

Oh. Don't cry.

It's . Laughing is the new crying.

Tomorrow morning, no later.

Annie and Chris have eloped.

Not in the mood for the reception?

- No.
- Me neither.

They make a radiant couple, don't they?

Mmm. Do you think it will last?

Hope so.

I've heard some marriages do.

You going somewhere?

That's the plan.

Have you told Jim
about... the pregnancy?

No, not yet.

Have you heard anything
about your witness statement?

Yes, the board has asked
for a 'please explain'.

See how that goes.

What will you say?

I'll think of something.
You always said I was a good liar.


I didn't think you'd come.

I nearly didn't.

I've got some money

and some mates in Brisbane
who'll help us.

MAN: Hey!

I've come to say goodbye.

- Joan.
- No, you have to go without me.

It's better this way.

It is.

I've done this.

No, we did it together.

We did everything the wrong way round.

I wish I'd gotten to know you better
before I'd married you.

If you had have known me

you might not have married me at all.

Then you wouldn't have him.

- People are still after you.
- Are you sure?

I'm sure.

- I can't leave him.

I know.

You have to keep him safe.

- Promise me.
- Yeah, I will.

You have to promise me you will.

I promise.

I'm sorry.

I'm not judging you.

God knows I've made enough
mistakes to last a lifetime.

- You have to go.
- I got you.

You're a great dad.