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03x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 12/25/21 07:33
by bunniefuu
TV: ...America's
incursion into Cambodia,

a neutral nation since the
Geneva Agreement of ,

and its determination to clear
out the North Vietnamese Army...

Bracey's in Lithgow had one
this big in their window.

But I've never seen one of these before.

Quick, put it back...

You girls should be
finished in here by now.

Oh, and Cynthia, your father is
coming to visit you this afternoon.

I hope by then you would've
made some sort of effort

- with your appearance?
- Yes, Matron.

Those buckets have wheels,
you know. Just kick 'em along.

Save your back.

What is this doing here?

It was a donation for the
Hospital Auxiliary auction.

Clearly. But why is it here, in the way?

And this. What on earth is this?

Seven-function remote control.

I think it means you don't
have to get out of your chair

to change the channel.

You can just use this instead.

How is that possible?

It's like magic.

It shouldn't stay here.

Someone may steal it.




Here at Nui Dat army base,
we're with Annie Carmichael

who's been entertaining our troops.

Is there someone back home
you want to say 'hello' to?

A big 'hello' to Deanna.

And to Ben, who's having
a birthday next week.

Hey, that's you, little man!

You're going to be one!

- So, let me guess, Ben is your boyfriend?
- No!

Come on, you've got to
give me more information.

Do you have a boyfriend?

Um, that would be telling.

OK. Thank you, Annie.

Get off.

Bloody leech.

Annie! Annie!

I've got an appointment with
someone from the Australian Embassy.

They said if I want to take
the baby back to Australia,

I have to adopt him.

♪ You think that I don't feel love ♪

♪ But what I feel for you is real love ♪

♪ In other's eyes I see reflected ♪

♪ A hurt, scorned, rejected love child ♪

♪ Different from the rest. ♪

It was not so long ago

when this country was in
the middle of a depression.

If a job was advertised in the paper,

there'd be to men turn up.

One did not reject the
opportunity of work.

I should've taken the job when
you first offered it to me.

So, why didn't you?

I had other options that paid better.

I take it those 'other
options' have disappeared?

It's just about me proving to Annie
that I can actually be a provider.

- Have you heard from Annie?
- Yes, she wrote to me.

Laid it on the table, I
shape up, or she ships out.

My father was unemployed.

Sometimes there was no food.

I had to go round the neighbourhood,

knocking on back doors,
begging for scraps!

He let you do that?

We had to eat.

There are ways of getting
money if you really need it.

'Treasures of wickedness
profit nobody', Christopher.

I wouldn't let my kids beg. Ever!

Even if the arse was out of my pants.

Wardsman work is no picnic.

You told me. I'm... I'm
looking forward to it.

No need to go overboard.

You can start today. We'll see
how you're going after two weeks.


Excuse me, Matron, but my
father is outside waiting for me.

- He's early.
- Will I tell him to wait?


And where are you going, young lady?

Cynthia said I could meet her dad.

There's sewing to be done,
hospital linens that need mending.

How often do their fathers visit?

Not very often.

Jim Marsh is a kind and gentle man.

I've never known a father
so devoted to his baby son.

He'd never do anything to hurt anyone.

I might even be dead
now if it wasn't for him.

Just tell me what happened.

The other man, he was very angry.

He called me a bitch and he
forced me against the shelves.

And I thought I was about to be hit.

And that's when Jim, Mr
Marsh, came into the room.

And then? What happened?

He told the man to calm down and
go home, and that's when he got hit.

Mr Marsh was just trying to
protect myself and the children.

- You OK.
- Good.


This is where we should go.

Go away for a few days.
Our official honeymoon.

Seems a bit far to go for a few days.

- We could fly.
- Fly?


That would cost a fortune.

I wanna see you in a bikini.

OK. You will. Yeah?

Hey. Hey, how did you go?

He said that I was a
very reliable witness.

Apparently the husband's
a bit of a troublemaker.

They've had some
run-ins with him before.

So they don't want to
interview Jim again?



Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you.

Thank you, Pattie, we
really appreciate it.

Would you like me to take James?

I've got him today.

Thank you. Bye.

See? Everything's gonna be OK.

Name of the child?

Maguire. It's my brother's name.

Christian name?

In order for the child to enter
Australia, it'll need a visa,

passport and citizenship
papers, and a full name.


You'll have to produce some
proof of identify for the child,

to show that it is
actually your brother's.

I don't have any.

- My brother's... dead.
- What about the mother?

The parents were married.

There's got to be some
sort of record of that.

A record of birth?

This is a poor country,
in the middle of a w*r.

No-one's keeping records.

- Well, make it up.
- We just wanna get him home safely.

He's got no family here.
There's no-one to look after him.

If he stays here, he'll die.

He's just a little baby, sir.

One of thousands.


But he's all I've got
left of my brother.

You need to sign a stat dec
saying that you knew Bernie

and you recognise this baby as his son.

- Did you hear me?
- Yep.

Will you do it?

Viv, maybe you should think
about letting the kid stay here.

- In an orphanage?
- At least he'd be with his own kind.

But I am his own kind!


He's tired. Probably needs a feed.

- Well, I've run out of formula.
- Just hold him up to your chest

and let him hear your
heartbeat. It'll comfort him.

Why is this so hard?

I look after babies in
the nursery all the time.

Not for hours a day.

But I thought after you have your own,

- it's supposed to come naturally.

Whoever told you that
was lying! I had no idea.

So, how d'you manage?

Love's a good motivator.

I keep calling Jim's lawyer,
and he doesn't answer.

He's your friend. Where is he?

He does have other clients.

And I bet they pay.

He hasn't asked for money,
and it makes me uncomfortable.

- Are you paying him?
- No.

Well, then I'm even more concerned.

Jim's case will just be shoved
to the bottom of the pile!

He got him released on bail, didn't he?

Also, I want two days'
leave this weekend.

Well, that's very short notice.

It's about time I had my honeymoon.

I'm just dropping off some
donations for the hospital auction.

You should take them
to the hospital then.

Yeah, course.

Well, that's not the
reason I stopped by.

I don't want you to think you
can't bring James to me anymore,

because of... what happened.

It's fine, Pattie. I'm not avoiding you.

I just had a free day.

Oh, good. OK.

I'll see you later then?

Jim, there's something else.


I love you.

- No, you don't, Pattie.
- Yes, I do.

- Oh, you poor little mite.

I've been on a mission.

They keep the baby formula
stashed with the beer supply.

- I could kiss you!
- Go for it.

Yeah, I got some of this too.

- What's it for?
- Crotch rot.

But I figured it'd be OK
to use on his mozzie bites.

- It's not mine.
- None of my business if it is.

So, you already got a kid back home?

I had twins. Girls. But I
couldn't keep them.

Why not?

I wasn't married.

My parents sent me to a
home for unwed mothers.

Had to give them up for adoption.

They made you give 'em up?

I couldn't look after two babies
with no husband and no job.

So how are you gonna
look after this one?

I've grown up.

You'd better get some kip.

I'm right.

- I know you are.

See you, mate!


There... It's alright.

I don't know what to do
with all these donations

to the hospital auction. People
keep dumping them in here!

Eva McNaughton is the head of
the Hospital Auxiliary. Ask her.

- She's not here.
- Oh, for goodness sake.

Use your initiative, girl! Such a cow.

- Martha!
- Let me guess. More donations.

Yeah, just some things getting
in the way at the creche.

So, why not dump them in my office?

I think I've got some Miss
Allure makeup in here actually,

- merchandise that didn't sell that well.
- So...

Hey, 'Frosty Fruit'. What do you
think? That's pretty, isn't it?

Isn't that what you're wearing now?

No, it doesn't suit my complexion.

Do you like it? If you like it,
you can have it. Nobody wants it.

It's still really pretty, I think.
What do you think?

- Are you high?
- No!

- Have you ever been to Luna Park, Martha?
- No

I have. I feel like I'm
on one of those rides

that goes in all sorts of directions,

but I don't know whether to
be scared or excited or sick.

Maybe you should get off the ride.

Maybe! Here you go.

I'd better go!

This stuff needs to be sorted, and
when you've finished with these,

- there are more in the records room.
- What is it?

Stuff for the hospital fundraiser.

You have to package it up
and make it look pretty.

They'll auction it,
along with the telly.

Why me?

I can ask one of the other
girls, if you want?


- D'you like it?
- Yeah. It's alright.

Keep it. In fact, take what you want.

If Matron catches me
stealing, I'll cop it.

You're not stealing.
I'm giving it to you.

- Why?
- 'Cause I'm Santa Claus.

Listen, don't worry about Matron.

I can deal with her.

- Can I have this?
- Yeah, course.

You heard her. We can
have anything we want.

Next time Dad visits, I'll wear it.

How did that go? Was it alright?

Dad said he and Mum want me to
come home after I have the baby.

They're gonna put me in a different
school so I can start again.

I said I would, as long
as you could come too.

What are you doing?

Cover for me.

I need to know who my father is.

You need to get back to Stanton House

before Matron discovers
that you're gone.

- If you tell me who my father is.
- His name is Colin.

- Colin what?
- Colin Ryan.

Tell Colin Ryan I want him to visit me.

Tell him afternoons are good, because
then I've finished the laundry.

Your husband's lawyer is in
Queensland on another case.

I spoke to his wife.
He's back next week.

Great. I appreciate you
following that up.

Oh, and your leave.

It's been approved. Bowditch
will cover your shifts.


I'm offended that you're surprised.

Despite what you may think of
me, I do want you to be happy.

Dr Millar?

Pete Tripodi.

Oh! You're Viv's friend.

Yeah. Yeah. Have you
gone into real estate?

No, no, no, I'm still
a cop. Special Branch.

I heard... I heard Viv's working
here as a nurse. Is she around?

She went to Vietnam as a volunteer.

That's fantastic. Good on her.

- Do you know when she'll be back?
- No, I don't. sorry.

But she... but she is coming home, yeah?

As far as I know. Yes, that's the plan.

So, what's the Special Branch?

I'm a detective.

Does the Special Branch have
anything to do with homicide?

Bugger me. You married him?

That arsehole? Sorry.

It started out as a practical
arrangement, and...

became more complicated.

I guess... I guess you
know what you're doing.

I'd like to think so.


I suppose you've heard about
Jim's manslaughter charge?

- No, it's not my area.
- Jim's trial is coming up in a

few months.

As far as I can tell,
the prosecution case

against him relies wholly on
the testimony of one witness.

You might be able to find
out if there's any more to it?

It's none of my business, Joan, but...

Be careful.

Jim Marsh isn't all he
cracks himself up to be.

That whole green bans debacle? That
was about him feeding his own ego.

Not about helping people.

You should stick these in a vase.


I think the work you're
doing here is fantastic.

Thank you.

You know, the care you're taking of all

- the people in the villages, and...
- Yeah. It's unfortunate people back

home don't get to see the
work we do here on the ground.

Well, actually, that's what
I wanted to talk to you about.

I want to do something
more than just singing.

I want to do something
more... more useful.

I feel like there should
be music or something.

- ♪ Wow, wow, wow... ♪
- Please stop singing.

You're already laughing!


Holy... Gee...

Just promise me I don't have to get
around in this the entire weekend.


Stop it!

Why don't we just pack our bags and go?

We are. On Friday.

I mean, make a new start.

Somewhere nobody knows us.

Are you talking about skipping bail?

It's just a thought.

It's too much time on our hands.

But if they put me away,

I'm not gonna see you or this
little bloke for years.

We aren't gonna let that happen.

I need an intravenous saline
bottle changed at bed three.

- Yes, sir.
- Hey.

The baby's passport and visa application

will be processed within the week.

I've got a list here of all the tests

and vaccinations he
needs before we leave.

'Matthew' Maguire?

I had to give him a name, and
it just popped into my head.

I think it's... it's lovely.

You know what this means?

I'm gonna have to learn how
to say 'auntie' in Vietnamese?

You're gonna be a mum again.

This time for keeps.

What did you have to
do to make it happen?

The results of the Australian
and American civil aid programs

are very important.

The villagers receiving this help
have said that these programs are

one of the major factors in helping
them decide to reject communism.

One villager said that projects are
being completed which the Viet Cong

had promised years before
but have never carried out.

Roller skates!

- Have you ever roller derby'd before?
- What? Let's sneak out of here.

♪ Early in the evening,
just about supper time... ♪

I'm gonna fall! I won't let you fall.

♪ Over by the courthouse,
they're startin' to unwind ♪

♪ Four kids on the corner,
tryin' to bring you up ♪

♪ Willie picks a tune out and he
blows it on the harp... ♪


♪ Down on the corner ♪

♪ Out in the street ♪

♪ Willie and the Poorboys are playin' ♪

♪ Bring a nickel, tap your feet ♪

♪ Rooster hits the washboard
and people just got to smile ♪

♪ Blink thumps the gut
bass and solos for a while ♪

♪ Poorboy twangs the
rhythm out on his kalamazoo ♪

♪ And Willie goes into a
dance and doubles on kazoo ♪

♪ Down on the corner ♪

♪ Out in the street ♪

♪ Willie and the Poor Boys are playin' ♪

♪ Bring a nickel, tap your feet... ♪

The remote won't work on that TV.

It'll only work on
the set it's made for.

You stupid, stupid girls!

Have you paid any thought for
the precious life you're carrying?

Where did you get these... things?

You will go to the laundry. All
sheets, pillowcases, hospital linen

will be washed, dried, ironed...

And when that's done, you
will do it all over again.

BOTH: Yes, Matron.

One day I'm gonna have a
telly and every Saturday

- I'm gonna watch the roller derby...
- Out! Now!

If you'd left the TV in the hospital,

instead of sneaking it back to your
room, this wouldn't have happened.

The Yanks are pulling out
and the NVA are getting cocky,

so it's a good thing you
guys are going home soon.

Gonna miss my little mate.

He's like the camp mascot.

- Everybody loves a baby.
- Maguire, you in there?


The results for the
tests on your nephew.

Positive for TB and giardia?

What does that mean?

He's carrying tuberculosis.
He'll need to go into quarantine.

But he's coming home
with me in a few days.

Until he gets the all-clear for TB,
he won't be allowed in Australia.

It's properly rooted.

The auction is this afternoon!

Well, you can't auction it like this.

The remote control's
what makes it so special.

I deserve this. It was an accident.

That would not have happened
if I hadn't been so covetous.

Well, there's only one thing for it.

You win it.

That's ridiculous. The
television is worth over $ .

Not if I run the auction.

You sure about this orphanage?

Yeah. The nuns run it.

He'll get better in here, Viv.

You can come and visit him every day.

Your mum's here.

I spoke to your father, Maggie.

He can't meet you right now.

Why not?

He... He doesn't want to.

I don't believe you.

I don't think you even spoke to him.

He has a new family.

He wants to start again.

When I get out of here
I'll find him myself,

tell him what a liar you are.

I came to see Maggie.

I heard.

I wish you'd spoken to me

before confronting her
with that information.

- She needed to know the truth!
- Why?

So she can deal with it,

instead of building fantasies
around what might be.

What hope does that girl have
of ever getting through this,

if at every turn she's
met with rejection?

- Was I supposed to lie to her?
- Yes!

Like when you told me you'd found
the perfect family for my baby?

That Maggie was going to a
good family who would love her

and take care of her, in
a way I wasn't able to?

I couldn't know how that would turn out.

I told you what I understood
to be the truth at the time.

I think Maggie's had enough
lies to last her a lifetime.

How is he?

Apparently he has latent TB.

He's infected, but doesn't
have any of the symptoms.

That's great!

Shouldn't you be catching up on sleep?

I discovered if I keep moving, I'm
less of a target for mosquitoes.

I'm ready to go home now.

I need to see Deanna.

I'm gonna stay until
Matthew's clear to travel.

They won't let you.

I can extend my visa.

Have you seen this place?

It's full of children
who've lost everything.

Their families have been k*lled and
their villages have been destroyed.

There's nowhere else for them to go.

When all this ends, and we pull out,

there's gonna be
thousands of kids wondering

who their mothers and fathers are.

Harry says they call them
'children of the dust'.

I'm not gonna let Matthew stay here.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome
to today's hospital auction.

Now, first up, I want to bring
your attention to this magnificent,

state-of-the-art, Pandora
fully remote-controlled,

seven-function television.

Now, normally this would
retail for bucks.

But today could be your
chance to grab a bargain

whilst supporting the hospital.
So, can I get an opening bid?

Anyone? Lady in red. $ .

$ . $ .

$ ? $ .

$ . Going once...

$ . $ !

$ , the man in the tie.

Do we have that kind of money?
You heard him, it's worth $ .

$ .

$ . OK... At bucks.
Going once, going twice...

$ . $ .

Oh, what the hell. $ !

$ ! Sold! Sold to the lady in red.

bucks. Congratulations!

Oh! Congratulations. Thank you!

I'll just get you to sign...


- I don't have $ .
- What have you got?

$ .

- Yeah, I'll cover the rest for you.
- Alright.

Or I can keep my 'treasures
of wickedness' to myself,

let the others find out you're
a welcher who broke the TV.

OK, next item on the agenda...

This ** by HMV

Take those to the records room.

You again! I'll have to warn
Viv you're getting clucky!

The Major Crime Squad know about
your husband's recent as*ault.

His bail's gonna be revoked.

But he was never charged with as*ault.

But he is going to be, because
of the manslaughter charge.

They'll get him either way.

I'm sticking my neck out here.

Viv would want me to tell you.

They're gonna put him
away. For a long time.

Jim's about to be arrested.
You need to call the lawyer.

You need to get him in
Sydney to deal with this.

- Well, where is he?
- I don't know. He... he went to

the travel agent about a holiday, but
he's still not home, and I don't...

Joan... I don't know what to do.

- You can't panic. It won't help.
- You need... to stand up and testify

what you know about Greg Mathieson's
death. That you were there.

That he could've been saved,
that he might've lived.

- Alright.
- I need you to promise me.

I promise. Just give me half an
hour, and I will deal with this.

Mrs Bradley. Perineal tear. Ward B.


Joan's been calling.

Your bail's been revoked.
The police are coming for you.

I spoke with your lawyer. He
thinks you should beat them to it.

Present at the station,
see what they want.

And why's he telling
you this, and not me?

He's been trying to ring
you, without any luck.

Well, then I'll go home and
wait for him to try me again.

Well, then you'd better pray
the police don't show up first!

It'd suit you if I got
arrested, wouldn't it?

Not really.

You see, Joan stands
a good chance of being

one of the best doctors in the country.

If you go to prison,
she'll lose that chance.

None of what is happening
to you is her fault.


Some of it's yours.

OK. Thank you.

Hey, Jim Marsh is here to pick up James.

What? He's early! OK. Thank you.

- Hi, Jim.
- Hi.

It's a beautiful day outside.

D'you know what you're gonna do?

Yeah, not sure yet.

I can make up a bottle for James
in case he gets hungry, for later.

No, we're going straight home.

Got everything you need here?

I'll see you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow.



Joan, I have the plane tickets.

- You need to come with me now.
- I can't!

- Please.
- For how long?

I don't know... for ever.

I'm coming.

Can I help you?

We're looking for Jim Marsh.

- Do you mind opening the door?
- Why?

We have a warrant for his arrest.

I don't understand. What's he done?

Just open the door, Mrs Marsh.

His clothes are gone. D'you
know where he's headed?

If he contacts you, you need
to inform us immediately.

So, you've got two teams,

and they skate around the track
trying to overtake each other.

A team scores a point
whenever a player laps

- another player on the other team.
- She just used her knees!

It doesn't matter.

You're allowed to do
anything in this game.

- It's just you against everyone else.
- Exactly.

You might find there are
some people on your side.

Strength of character and
resilience. That's the key.

♪ If you're happy and
you know it, clap your hands ♪

♪ If you're happy and
you know it, clap your hands ♪

♪ If you're happy and you know
it, then you really oughta show it ♪

♪ If you're happy and
you know it, clap your hands ♪

♪ If you're sad... ♪



What's wrong?

When Jim came to pick James up,
did he leave anything behind?

Um... Oh, just his... his teddy bear.

They've gone.

Thank you.

How's he going to cope
with James on his own?

He has no money, no car...

Could he have gone to family?

I don't know.

What if I never see James again?

I never thought I'd see Maggie again.

Happy first birthday, Ben.


♪ Everybody shake, everybody groove ♪

♪ Boney Moroney's gonna be with Jim ♪

♪ Long Tall Sally's gonna be Slim ♪

♪ And Short Fat Fanny's gonna be there too ♪

♪ Yeah, this is what I'm gonna do ♪

♪ Gonna put a call to you ♪

♪ 'Cause I feel good tonight ♪

♪ Everything's gonna
be right, right, right ♪

♪ Gonna have a good time tonight ♪

♪ Rock 'n' roll music's
gonna play all night, yeah ♪

♪ Come on, baby, it won't take long ♪

♪ Only take a minute
just to sing my song ♪

♪ Gonna have a good time tonight ♪

♪ Rock 'n' roll music's
gonna play all night, yeah ♪

♪ Come on, baby, it won't take long ♪

♪ Only take a minute
just to sing my song ♪

♪ Gonna have a good time ♪

♪ Gonna play all night... ♪

Move, move, move!


Get the girls!


What's happening?

Move! Move! Annie, come on!

- What's going on?
- Annie! Go! Annie!

I need to find my friend!

No! No! She'll be
there when we get there.

Put me down!

Annie! Annie!




Viv! I have to find Annie!

- We're about to evacuate civilians!
- I have to find Annie!

We have to get you out of here, now!
Come on!

They're coming!

(SCREAMS) Viv! Viv!

Viv, get up! Come on!



No! Viv! Viv!

Viv! Get to the truck.

Get on that bird over there!

- Viv!
- Annie!

Viv! Viv!

- Annie, can you...?
- Take the baby.

Thank you.


Just go! I call you when I get home!

You can't take the child!

- No! No! No, no, no!
- He can't leave!

Come on! He can't leave!
Get him out. He can't leave!

- OK, I'll take him! I'll take him!
- He's my baby! You can't take him!

- I'll take him!
- No! No!