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03x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 12/25/21 07:32
by bunniefuu
♪ Oh, darling ♪

♪ I'm so lonely without you. ♪

Come on, snake hips, dance with me.

I don't dance.

You didn't tell me that
when I agreed to marry you.

I had to keep a few secrets.

- Gotta keep you on your toes.
- Come on.

- No.
- Yes.

- No
- Yes!

♪ But if I had the chance to start all over ♪

♪ I would be wishing
today on a four leaf clover ♪

♪ And leaving you would
be the last thing on my mind ♪

♪ If I could turn back the hands of time ♪

♪ Baby ♪

♪ Oh, darling, I can't
hold out much longer ♪

♪ Oh, the pain's getting deep ♪

♪ Oh, the hurt is getting stronger ♪

♪ But if I had just one more try ♪

♪ I'd be yours alone until the day I die ♪

♪ And we would have a love so divine ♪

♪ If I could turn back the hands of time. ♪

♪ Oh, remember, I love you ♪

♪ I need you, boy ♪

♪ I want you. ♪

Can we have a quick word
before your next set?


Leon's organising a group
of entertainers to go

to Vietnam and entertain the troops.

Oh, bully for Leon.

I told him you'd be perfect for the gig.

He wants you to go.


♪ You think that I don't feel love ♪

♪ But what I feel for you is real love ♪

♪ In other's eyes I see reflected ♪

♪ A hurt, scorned, rejected, love child ♪

♪ Different from the rest. ♪

Leon has financed a few tours,

organised entertainers to go over
and do their bit. It would only be

for a month, which would work
out fine with the pregnancy.

Here, have a read of the contract.

He's paying pretty well.

More than you'll earn here.

Just give me the word and
I'll get the ball rolling,

get your visa and flights
organised. You'll need vaccinations.

- Why are you doing this?
- Because you're good.

And because I think you need an
opportunity to spread your wings

before you have this baby.

It might be your last chance.

I thought you hated the idea of Vietnam.

Well, you'd be going over to sing.

Maybe spread a little sunshine.

Johnny would like that.

When do you need an answer?


End of the week at the latest.

It's the Sydney Tower office building.

Tell me more. Will you be site manager?

Shit kicker, but it is a job.

You can be my site manager.

Yes, Doctor.

Mr Marsh, as your doctor,
I detect some vasodilation

- of the corpora cavernosa.
- Oh, should I be worried?

No, but I think I should.

- What?
- I want us to make plans.

Yeah, like what?

I want you to finish your residency.

- Mmm.
- I want to build us a house.

A great big one.

Describe it.

It'll have a pool.

And an office where
you can see patients.

- Mm-hm.
- Mm-hm.

And five bedrooms.

Ooh, five bedrooms.

Sounds like a motel.

And fill it with kids.

I want to make you happy.

You do make me happy.

I've been making lists in my head.

Like pros and cons, trying to work
out how I can make this happen.

What's to think about? You say, "Yes."

It would mean that I'd have to
leave Deanna for a whole month.

- Patty will look after her.
- And what if she can't?

If you want to do this,
Annie, you'll find a way.

I would be able to save
everything I earned over there

so I'd be able to support Deanna
and myself till the baby comes.

See, now you're talking.

Have you got the map?


See, here.

Nui Dat, this is where Bernie is.

That's where all of the
Australian troops are.

Bernie says it's really hot, sticky
hot, and he says it smells like

mangoes and incense and
the beaches have white sand

as fine as baby powder.

And the oceans have
different shades of blue and green.

- Just imagine.
- Oh, god, Annie.

You're gonna have such an adventure.

Soiled hospital linen has been
identified as the number one

source of pathogenic organisms.

Who here can tell me what
a pathogenic organism is?



- Very good.
- But my name's Maggie.

Now, we must use extreme vigilance
when handling the hospital linen.

It will be soiled with blood, body
fluids, secretions and excretions,

all festering with pathogenic
organisms. Many factors come

into play when striving for linen
that is free from microorganisms.


Excuse me. Including
the use of detergents,

enzymes, chlorine, bleach, the
mechanical action of rinsing,

the temperature of the water,
the drying process. Girls!

- You gonna give it a name
- Dunno.

How about Kitty?

That's original.

Alright. What about Sunshine?

I want her to be comfortable.

All the girls are comfortable.

And safe. I want Maggie
to have her own room.

I don't play favourites.

You did with me.

The first time you were here

you had no special privileges.

The second time you paid me.

I'll pay you this time.

Maggie won't benefit
from special treatment.

And she won't be separated
from her friend, Cynthia.

I don't want her to think no-one cares.

Is this a philanthropic mission,

or would you prefer Maggie
know who her benefactor is?

Because right now, while
Maggie is in Stanton House,

I am her legal guardian.

Unless you'd like to consider

applying for guardianship?

- No.
- ♪ Ya can't roller skate ♪

♪ In a buffalo herd. ♪

Can you dance? Can you
be a buffalo, Walter?

Be a buffalo. Yeah? Be a buffalo.

♪ Ya can't take a shower in a parakeet cage ♪

- ♪ Ya can't take a shower in a parakeet cage. ♪
- Hi.

You should give me lessons.


maybe in the 'Hokey Pokey'.

What time do you think
you'll pick him up?

Oh, I'm going for a job,
so it's probably going to be

Joan doing the drop-offs
and pick-ups from now on.


Well, at least you've got
work though, that's great.

Yeah, it's better than sitting
on my ass feeling useless all day.

You're not useless.

I know about all that work you
did to save those people's homes.

That's really heroic.

You know, if you closed down
for a day there'd be chaos.

Lives would be ruined. See ya, mate.

Good luck today!


Going to a country that's in
the middle of a w*r endemic,

with cholera, typhoid, malaria
it's not a good idea.

Will the immunisations hurt the baby?

There's some risk, yes.

Well, how big a risk?

There have been cases of
miscarriages, birth defects.

Well, I just won't have them then.

If you're serious about going
it's better to have them.

The diseases are far worse than
the risk of the vaccinations.

I mean, are you sure
you want to do this?

Sorry, I'm sorry.

Rehearsal was supposed
to start half an hour ago.

I'm sorry, I'll just get my song list.

You made up your mind yet?

About Vietnam?

Sorry, love, not open.

- Beg your pardon.
- Mum!

What are you doing here?

I'm here for your father.
He wants to see you.

How long's he been sick?

A few months.

It's his lungs.

No surprises there, I guess.

Why have you waited
this long to tell me?

You're the one who ran off.

We had no phone number, no address.
It's only because a friend of mine

saw your picture in a magazine
that I was able to find you.

Yeah, well, you didn't really
want me hanging around Newcastle.

Dad wanted me to give you these.

In case you couldn't come.

They're your snow domes.

I told him he was being silly,
that you wouldn't want them.

Of course I want them.

I want to see him too.

Maybe in a couple of
weeks I can come up,

once I've organised some stuff here.

We'll have buried him by then.

Does Doctor McNaughton know you're
seeking fertility treatment from me?

No, and I'd prefer to keep it that way.

Patrick won't be the father,
if that's what you're thinking.

I have a friend. He's not my
first choice but he understands.

At this point in life it's alarming
how quickly your options diminish.

I'll need you to time the length
of your cycles and there'll be

frequent blood tests to check your

oestrogen and progesterone levels.

I'm assuming you're ready to start?

Tubulation is prepped for
am, I want you there.

Yes, sir.

And the Dunphy baby delivered last
week, the parents want to proceed

- with surgery.
- Great, great.

I'm not sure that's how they see
it. What's wrong with you today?

Uh, sir, I have some news that I'd
like to share with you.


The, um, the finalisation
of the divorce.

It just needs your
signature and a witness.

- Yep, of course.
- And, um,

you can send it to the solicitor,
or if you prefer I could pick it up.

No, I can do that.

- You said you had some news?
- Uh, no, no. No news.


Look, Deanna.

Look at the snow. Hey?

I haven't been home for nearly a year.

They don't know that I've kept Deanna,

they don't know that I'm pregnant again.

So tell them.

Come clean.

They wanted me to give her up.

Ah, people change.

Death puts things into perspective.

Give them a chance.

Might be surprised.

I guess Maggie showing
up out of the blue's

given you a new perspective on things.

I'll get that.

- Annie
- Dad! Mum.

This is Deanna, your granddaughter.

She must be teething.

Does she do anything?

I don't know, Ronnie, why
don't you poke her and find out?

- Don't poke her.
- Bill...

What's her name again?

- Deanna. Be careful, Dad.
- She won't break.

You walking yet, De?

Not yet.

You were walking at nine months.

That's 'cause I always
wanted to get away.


- Hi!
- Hey! I got the job!

- Congratulations! Oh!
- Thank you.

- Yeah, I start tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?

I'm back in the residence
quarters tomorrow for my shift.

- How's that going to work with James?
- Well, I don't know.

I thought you'd organised James
before you went for the job.

I did. You were gonna
stay home with him.

You know my work is
unpredictable. Oh, well...

I mean, is it that important
for you to haul bricks around?

- Huh?
- I can support the three of us

while you work on your legal case

and we'd save a lot of money
not having to pay Patty.

I should just cut off my balls
now and save you the trouble.

- Don't be ridiculous.
- You could always give up work.

It's my career, Jim.

Where are you going?

Aren't you a beautiful little creature?

little fingers

and little toes.

Hey, Viv, this came
for you from Vietnam.

Oh, it's from Bernie.

Can you open it for me?

It's from my brother.


Can you read it for me?

Dear Viv, things are not good here.

This place is driving me crazy.

I don't think I'm going to make it home.

Can you make sure Mum
and Dad get the film?


I think Doctor McNaughton
has a projector.

I wish you wouldn't smoke.

(COUGHS) Bit late now.

Thanks for the snow domes.

I'd forgotten all about them.

- Remember that trip to the Big Banana?
- (LAUGH) Yeh

Six hours driving, me and Ronnie
in the back seat of the Mustang

in the middle of summer

'cause you wanted to...

..break the car in or something.

Bloody good car too.

It was degrees, I had to peel

my legs off the back seat.

It wasn't all bad.

- You got a snow dome out of it.
- Yeah.


Oh, Dad.


What'd you do with that car I gave you?

- I sold it.
- It was a good car.

Yeah, well, I had to buy baby stuff.

Listen, go easy on your mum.

She's having a tough
time of it at the moment.

Yeah, I know.

I'm sorry, Annie's not mentioned you.

But my daughter is, if nothing
else, a box of surprises.

- Please, Annie, don't be angry.
- Don't tell me how to be.

You just took off,
Chris, without telling me.

I had no idea if you were coming back.

And then you just show
up like a bad penny.

I cocked up, yeah, big time.

You have got no idea how
difficult it is with my parents.

I know. I know, and I'm sorry,

and I'm going to go back
on the first train, but...

Yeah, you are. I'm gonna
drive you to the station now.

Annie, please, let
me show you something.

It's called Sea Scape.

You see the ground
floor one on the right?

It's two bedrooms, kitchen
with all the modcons...

Why are you showing me this?

Because I've applied
to get a lease on it.

- We can't afford that.
- I've been working,

I've been working hard.

I don't trust you.

I want you to come home and marry me.

In your dreams.

I mean it.

Well, at least... At least

let me come inside for lunch.

Your mum did invite me.

Why did your brother send you this?

He says he's not gonna make it home.


Play nice.

Oh, this looks fabbo, Mrs Carmichael.

What a treat!

Pretty nice to be back on
my old stomping ground too.

- You from Newcastle?
- Born and bred.

I left here about years ago.

I wanted to work in the mines

but my old man wouldn't
have a bar of it.

Your old man had some sense.

What work do you do, Chris?

I'm a manager. Yeah,
small business, but, uh,

when we move to Maroubra
I'm gonna buy a surf shop.

You're moving in together?

Yeah, yeah. Hey, these look amazing.

Annie's favourite. Oh.

- No, thank you.
- You don't look well.

Yeah, she's had the
flu lately, haven't you?

Oh, I thought it was food poisoning.

Actually I'm pregnant.

Oh! Not again!

I'm the father. We're looking
at getting married, um,

and I wanted to lease a
place at Maroubra Beach.

It's this one on the right. Excuse me.


I used to see that same
intense look on Patrick's face.

Must be difficult dividing your time
between here and having your baby.

I manage.

I don't think I could be a
good mother and hold down a job.

Which is ironic, because I have neither.

Your blood test results show
that you're due to ovulate

in the next hours.

I've been thinking we should
arrange our appointments

around Patrick's schedule.

Early mornings or late evenings.

Early mornings will work best for me.

Right, a list of symptoms
I want you to watch out for.

If you experience any of them

you have to come to the
hospital immediately.

I'm sure that won't be necessary.

If you want this treatment from
me, protocol must be followed.

These are my rules, alright?

So if I don't follow your rules
I lose my chance to have a baby?

This is about your health, Eva.

And your reputation.

You're in a very
enviable position, Doctor.

A husband, a baby,
no doubt more to come.

You have no idea.

So please,

no more ultimatums.



♪ What a day for a daydream ♪

♪ What a day for a daydreamin' boy ♪

♪ And I'm lost in a daydream ♪

♪ Dreamin' 'bout my bundle of joy ♪

♪ And even if time ain't really on my side ♪

♪ It's one of those days
for taking a walk outside ♪

♪ I'm blowing the day
to take a walk in the sun ♪

♪ And fall on my face ♪

♪ On somebody's new-mowed lawn ♪

♪ I've been having a sweet dream ♪

♪ I been dreaming since I woke up today. ♪


The patient list for tomorrow.

You both look so happy.

Our honeymoon, six weeks of sunshine.

I'm sorry things turned out this way.

- Is there anything else?
- No.

See you next time, thank you.

- Hi.
- I thought Joan was picking him up?

- Change of plan.
- How was your first day?

Yeah, I got the boot. They
found out I was on bail.

That's not fair, do
they know who you are?

I think that's the problem.

I'm so sorry.

Don't worry about it.

Um, so I don't know
where... He had a teddy.

- I don't know where that went.
- Yeah, it'll turn up.

Come on, matey, let's get you home.

Radio: The army helicopters are
able to get the soldiers

to the hospital within
minutes of being wounded.

The hospital is located in
the logistics of the Hawkesbury

complex which was built
in , replacing...


I put Chris on the train.

Least this one wants to marry you.

I don't know if I want to marry him.

In your current position

I don't think you have
the luxury of saying no.

It'll work out, love.

I've buggered everything up.

No, you haven't.

I'm proud of you.


I've been asked to go to
Vietnam and sing for the troops.

Fair dinkum?

I haven't said yes.

Well, you bloody better.

- Hello.
- I've come for the divorce papers.


I'd like to pick up a
few things from the house

if that's alright with you.

Of course, tonight if you want.

- No, tomorrow's fine. You
- could stay for dinner.

Ah, I've, um, I've made arrangements.

Maybe another time?

Gary was absolutely miserable today,

I'd think about keeping him
home tomorrow. OK, thank you.

Joan, um, he's gone.

I mean, well, Jim picked
him up. Is everything OK?

Uh, everything's fine. I should,
I should pay you while I'm here.

Oh, no, don't worry about it.

- Another day.
- Patty,

I'm here, I'm going to pay you, alright?

What time did he come by?

Uh, it was early, I don't remember.

I think he was a bit upset.

Um, he lost his job.
They found he was on bail.

Oh, I didn't know that.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

I hope he's alright.

I'm sure he'll be fine.

Hey. Patty told me.

I'm sorry.

Your work is important, I
shouldn't have said that.

You being happy is important.

Hey. Shh.

There you go.

A veritable smorgasbord.


Go on, shoo.



- I'll need you in theatre at .
- Yes, sir.

Oh, and Bowditch, I hear
congratulations are in order.

Yeah, thank you, sir.
We're very excited.

Yes, well, I'm sure I'm not
telling you anything but, uh,

there are people here who won't be.

Doctor McNaughton,

thanks for letting
me use your projector.

Have you learnt anything more
about your brother's situation?

No, which is exactly what I wanted to

talk to you about.

Sunny! Please, Sunny!
Sunshine, where are you?

She's going crazy!

- Sunshine, where are you?
- Maggie?

- Sunny? Are you here?
- Maggie?

Just leave me alone!
Just leave me alone.

It's OK. Stop!

OK, sweetheart, sweetheart,
you need to calm down.

- I'm just trying to find my cat.
- Come here. Maggie?

- I can't find her.
- It's gonna be alright. Maggie...

Don't touch me!

Sunny? She's got to be here somewhere.

Sunshine, where are you?

I've got your tea, Dad.

Deanna! Hey, come to Mummy.

Oh, sorry, Dad.

Dad? Dad?


Mum! Mum! Dad?

Hey, hey, Dad. Mum!

Mum! Dad!

No! Dad!

No! Mum! No!


Maggie's a very sad little girl.

- Because of me.
- I'm not laying any blame,

I just think you should know.

I don't know what I can do about that.

I was an impossible -year-old.

Incapable of making even
one sensible decision.

I know. I feel like that now.

- Stupid and selfish and incapable.
- You're none of those things, Shirl.

I'm no mother of the
year, that's for sure.

Well, that makes two of us.

You are a wonderful mother to James.

Am I? We'll see in a few years.

The way you fought for him?

You may as well have given birth to him.

- I'll never know that.
- No, you will.

Once you've had babies of your own.

I don't know if I can.

My tubes are rubbish.

Does Jim know?

Don't tell him.

♪ Now that I've lost everything to you ♪

♪ You say you wanna start something new ♪

♪ And it's breakin' my heart you're
leavin', baby, I'm grievin' ♪

♪ But if you wanna leave, take good care ♪

♪ Hope you have a lot of nice things to wear ♪

♪ But then a lot of nice things turn bad out there ♪

♪ Ooh, baby, baby, it's a wild world ♪

♪ It's hard to get by just upon a smile ♪

♪ Ooh, baby, baby, it's a wild world. ♪

Here, Sunny! Here, Sunshine.

♪ I'll always remember
you like a child, girl. ♪

- Here, Sunny.
- Maggie?

♪ You know I've seen a
lot of what the world can do ♪

♪ And it's breakin' my heart in two ♪

♪ Because I never
wanna see you a sad, girl, ♪

♪ Don't be a bad girl ♪

♪ But if you wanna leave, take good care ♪

♪ Hope you make a lot
of nice friends out there ♪

♪ But just remember there's
a lot of bad and beware. ♪

♪ Ooh, baby, baby, it's a wild world ♪

♪ It's hard to get by just upon a smile ♪

♪ Ooh, baby, baby, it's a wild world

♪ And I'll always remember
you like a child, girl. ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la ♪

- ♪ Baby, I love you. ♪

♪ But if you wanna leave, take good care ♪

♪ I hope you make a lot of
nice friends out there. ♪

I changed my mind about dinner.

♪ But just remember there's
a lot of bad and beware ♪

♪ Ooh, baby, baby, it's a wild world ♪

♪ It's hard to get by just upon a smile ♪

♪ Ooh, baby, baby, it's a wild world ♪

♪ I'll always remember
you like a child, girl. ♪

Doctor at Tarremah used to put
the bad girls in a place like this.

Sorry, I just wanted to
show you my secret place.

When I was pregnant with
you I used to come down here.


To be alone, think.

Dream, make plans,

get away from Matron.

I wanted to be like them,
beautiful and carefree,

where nothing sad could ever touch me.

I was just a girl,

like you.

I want you to dream of a happy
life, because when you get out

of here you can make that happen.

♪ Ooh, baby, baby, it's a wild world

♪ And I'll always remember
you like a child, girl. ♪

I wish I hadn't been so
afraid of what they'd think.

I wish I had gone back sooner,

given Dad more time with Deanna.

We should have your mum and brother
come visit the new place, you know?

Have them stay.

- Annie? Annie! I'm going with you!
- What?

Doctor McNaughton's arranging
it, I'll go as a volunteer nurse.

To Vietnam.


Oh, you haven't?

No. Sorry, I'll talk to you later.

I don't want to move to Maroubra.

I'm going to Vietnam
to sing for the troops.

♪ Hearts gone astray,
deep in her when they go. ♪


Sunshine, Sunshine. Come
on, come here, Sunshine.


I missed you so much.

♪ You won't regret,
I'll come back begging you ♪

♪ Won't you forget,
welcome the love we once knew ♪

♪ Open up your eyes, then you realise ♪

♪ Here I stand with my everlasting love ♪

♪ Need you by my side. ♪

- ♪ Girl to be my pride ♪

♪ You'll never be denied everlasting love. ♪

♪ From the very start, open up your heart, ♪

♪ Feel that you've fall ♪

♪ Everlasting love ♪

♪ Need a love to last forever ♪

♪ Need a love to last forever ♪

♪ Open up your eyes, then you realise ♪

♪ Here I stand with my everlasting love ♪

♪ Need you by my side ♪

♪ Girl to be my pride ♪

♪ You'll never be denied everlasting love. ♪

- Hi.
- Hey.

If you're looking for the formula,

it's in the fridge.

I thought I'd take James to a park

and get him out of the
house, do something wild.

- You're not gonna take him to Patty's?
- No.

Jim, I...

While you were in prison

I had an operation for an
infection in my fallopian tubes.

And a long time ago I had a termination.

My tubes are scarred.

I don't know if I'll ever
be able to fall pregnant.

Say something.
