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07x10 - Don't Go

Posted: 12/24/21 08:28
by bunniefuu
Previously on When Calls the Heart...

He sent the first three chapters
of my novel to his mother.

She's willing to send
them to a publisher.

NATHAN: Mounties are
looking for someone.

Elias O'Rourke, you're under arrest.

ROSEMARY: You were sawing a
tree and the tree fell on you.

That's my sister. Her name is Susannah.

We haven't talked in years now.

Do you have any idea where she is?


LEE: Susannah, please don't hang up.

I have to come see you.

Emily ran off for something.
I have to go back for her.

If I hadn't have gotten to
her she might have died.

You both could have died!

About the other night,
I owe you an apology.

I just want you to be safe
because you matter to me.


Now, I want you to take it easy today.

I will, sweetheart.

No need to push yourself.

The only thing I'll be
pushing is pencils, alright?

I promise.

You don't have to take me
to the office, you know.

I'm just spending time with my husband.


You got a telegram this morning.

- Now if this is work related,
- Thanks, Ned.

I want Jesse to handle it.

Well, what is it?

It's from my sister.

What did she say?

She's coming to Hope Valley.

- When?
- Tomorrow.

- Tomorrow?!
- Yeah.

Wha... I... that's wonderful.

- Isn't it?
- Yeah.

Yeah, yeah. It's-it's wonderful.

This outfit looks so cute on him.

Doesn't it?

Thank you so much for
coming early today, Laura.

I'd just be doing chores.

This is more fun.



Would you mind taking him?

Of course not.

Come on.


Thank you.

Look, do you want to wear this one?

This blue one looks good on.

- Lucas.
- Sorry to bother you so early.

It's no bother.

I just received word that Frank Branson

wants to speak to you.

Frank Branson.

Of Branson Books?

The publisher to whom my
mother sent your work?

Oh, my goodness.

Do you think he liked it? Or...

Or is this a rejection?

When a publisher wants to speak with you

it usually only means one thing.

And he's waiting for your call.

Shall we?


ELIZABETH: Thank you.

Hi, Ned.

Oh, Fiona.

Then it's true what I heard?

My boss decided my job here is done.


Well, you literally changed this town.

If it wasn't me it would
have been someone else.

Did you want me to place a call?


Thank you.

OK, here we go.

Relax, close your eyes.
Take a deep breath.




Yes, this is Mrs. Elizabeth Thornton.

Thank you.

Great. Yes.

Excuse me, how much?

Are you getting a headache

from all this concentration?

No, I'm not getting-would you
please go to the dress shop?

- What? Why?
- I have to get some work done.

- Fine.
- Thank you.

I will go.

You know, I wish your sister had
given us more time to prepare.

Yeah, me too.

I don't understand why
you're not more excited

about her coming.

I am looking forward to seeing her.


Well, it's this telegram business.

- I offered to go see her.
- Mmmhmm.

She sends a telegram to
avoid any discussion.


No maybe, that's my sister.


Things were left pretty
cold between the two of us.

Sending a telegram would
leave me to believe

that not much has changed.

Well, Lee, she's coming.


And that's something.



I still have to go?

Yes, you do.

Something wrong with
your breakfast, Henry?

Oh, no, no. It's fine.

I'm just not that hungry this morning.

- Oh.
- Thank you.


Oh, oh!

Sit, sit.

Are you alright, Henry?

I'm OK, I'm just... just a little dizzy.

Two hundred dollars?

And that's just for the advance.

Once it's published, who knows?

I'm getting paid to write.

I can't believe it.

I can, because I've read your work.

Well, I have you to thank for that.

Oh, did I write those chapters?

You encouraged me,

and for that I will forever be grateful.

This is so exciting.

What's exciting?

Elizabeth has just gotten a book deal.

From a publisher in New York.

That's amazing.


Thank you.

I should get going to school.

I wouldn't want to be late.

I'll see you at school in a bit.

Sounds good.

Make a grand entrance.

Practise for when you're famous.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

CARSON: Your blood
pressure is even higher

than it was last time you were in here.

Have you been getting headaches?

No, I'm tired.

I think you're suffering
from exhaustion.

Isn't that just a two-dollar
word for "tired"?


It's more serious than that.

Alright, well I'll make sure
that I get some sleep tonight,

but right now I gotta go.

Thanks, Doc.

Whatever you're going through, Henry,

your health is more important.

Thanks, Doc.


Come on.


Wow, you did all this?


And this is my report on Queen Victoria.

What do you think?

I think that Mrs. Thornton

isn't the only talented writer in town.

I couldn't agree more.

Allie's got quite the gift.

I think it comes from reading so much.

Mrs. Thornton, is it true
that you sold a book?

It is.

Does that mean you're not
gonna be my teacher anymore?

No, no, no. I'm not going anywhere.

I promise.


I have to go get something.

Stay here.



Elizabeth, I was
wondering if you want...

This is the aquatic food chain.


The whole chain.


Come in.


This place is spotless.

Well, Lee's sister is coming.

Oh, that's fantastic.

She changed her mind.

Yes, but you know, there are
some Coulter dynamics going on

between the two of them that I
won't pretend to understand.


Alright, so tell me.

Tell you what?

Oh, Elizabeth.

I can read you like a book.

You are bursting at the seams
with some news, so spill it!

Speaking of books,

you know that publisher
who read my work?


Well, he is paying me an
advance to publish my novel.

- Really?
- Mmmhmm.

[LAUGHING] Oh, Elizabeth!

Oh, that is wonderful!

So I suppose Lucas is forgiven?

It seems I can't stay angry
with him for too long.

You two do have an awful lot in common.

Rosemary, don't start.

Although you and Nathan seem

to have patched things up, as well. Hmm?

What am I gonna do?

What are you going to do?

I don't know.

Well, sooner or later you're
going to have to decide.

I know.

I think by not deciding,

in a way I'm protecting
myself from letting in

either of them.


We all have our own path.

When the time is right
for you to choose,

you'll know.

ELIAS: Hey, Constable.


It says here that the, uh,
Seattle Metropolitans,

the first ever American team
to win the Stanley Cup.

Yes, I heard that.


Is everything OK?

Well, I was looking forward

to staying put for a couple of weeks

but this gentleman's changed my plans.

You got a minute?

His family got him a lawyer

so the trial's been moved to Buxton.


Why Buxton?

Some of his crimes took place there.

He has an alibi witness in the area

so there's a valid reason for the move.

OK. Fine, I'll make the arrangements.

No, no. You gotta be there, too.

The arresting officer has to testify.


Excuse me, Miss.


- Here you go.
- Thank you.

- Hey.
- Hi.

How is Henry doing?

What's wrong with Henry?

Well, he nearly collapsed
in here yesterday.

I can't really divulge his diagnosis.


But it probably wouldn't hurt
for you to encourage him

to take it easy.

She's coming to see you

so she must want to make
amends as much as you do.

Otherwise why would she travel
all the way from Bellingham?

You're right. You're absolutely right.

Of course I am.

Here it is.


It's Susannah.

- Oh.
- Right. Of course.

Uh, Susannah, this is my wife, Rosie.

You can call me Rosemary.

Hi. Is this a bad time?

No, no, no. Not at all.

I just came to check on you.

I heard you had a bit of a
scare at the cafe yesterday.

You know people in this town,
they have a vivid imagination.

- Please.
- So you're alright then?

Oh, I'm right as rain.

Is that...

Oh, that came out of the first well.

I've been keeping it

just to remind us about
where we started.

Seems like a lot of foolishness
to think about it now.

I thought you and Lucas
were figuring out a plan.

I guess he hasn't told
you everything yet.

I thought that my partner
was gonna stick with me

but I just don't think he
has the stomach for it.

What do you mean?

Lucas pulled out.

When did that happen?


I just-I just don't think

that I can keep this
thing going without him.

So you're closing?

It seems inevitable.

That was a great meal. Thank you.

Well, I suppose I'll get
these out of the way.

- I'll help.
- No, no. No, no.

You two have a lot to catch up on

so go right ahead.

Uh... so, Bellingham.


What uh-thank you, hon.

What took you to Bellingham?

Our furniture store. My
husband and I run it.


Did you know that Lee owns a sawmill?

I didn't.


So he provides lumber and you
sell things made from it.


That's a coincidence.

It certainly is.

Thank you, hon.

Um... how is your husband doing?

Jake is good.


And we have a son in college now

and a daughter in her
last year of high school.

- Really?
- Oh.

Already grown.

What about you two? No kids?

Ah, well, that hasn't happened for us.

Not yet.


But there is a little
boy who lives next door

and we are very close with him.

Very close.

Well, it's getting late.
I should be going.

Oh, oh, oh, going where?

To the hotel.

Oh, don't be silly.

No, you'll be staying right here.

I've already made up the guest room.

That's very kind but I think I
would feel more comfortable

at the hotel.

It's alright.

We completely understand.


I'll be right back.

This is a pleasant surprise.

Is it true?

Is what true?

Henry said you're pulling
out of the company.

Are you going to let it go bankrupt?

It's a little more
complicated than that.

Is it true?



So many people in this town
depend on you and Henry

for their livelihoods.

How could you do this to them?

I had no choice.

I've been paying the men
out of my own pocket,

fending off our vendors.

I just can't afford to keep doing it.

Henry didn't mention that.

I'm sure he didn't
mention a lot of things.

The way Henry ran our company,
undercutting the competition,

expanding too quickly.

That is what got us into this mess.

I just can't afford to keep
throwing good money after bad.

I told him the best thing to do would be

to suspend all operation until
we can figure this out.

He wasn't willing to do that.

I'm sorry.

I really shouldn't have
come in here like this.

I should have given you
the benefit of the doubt.

I can't fault you for caring too much.

Henry is just so proud of this company.

All those workers and their families.

It must be such a weight
on his shoulders.

It's no wonder he ended up
in the infirmary yesterday.

I hadn't heard.

Is he alright?

I hope so.

He's up and about.

I wish I could have
done more to help him.

Lucas, you did what you could.

It's not your fault.

Florence, why don't you let Molly know

what the job entails?

Me? But you're the lead operator.

Well, you'll be taking over
so you might as well start.

Are you OK?

I'm fine.


Well, first and foremost an operator

has a strict code of discretion.

We don't listen to any
more than ten seconds

of any telephone conversation.

Of course.

No, I am serious.




Who is it?

Uh, it's me. Leland.



What're you doing?

I was about to get ready for bed.

But it's : .

I'm used to getting up early
with the kids and our store.


Oh, I remembered how much you
used to love sarsaparilla

so I brought you a bottle.

I haven't liked that in a long time.



Come in.

You sure?



You have a minute?

Actually, I'm quite busy right now

given that my partner has
just pulled out on me.

I've heard that you're not feeling well.

I'm fine.

It's not any of your concern.

Despite our current situation

I still think you're a good
man so yes it is my concern.

I'm fine.

I'm just drafting up the terms of
the release of the partnership

which you requested.

That might not be necessary.

How's that?

This company means a lot to this town.

If we go under it doesn't
affect just you and me.

Families will move.
Businesses will suffer.


I will agree to remain your
partner on one condition.

I need to be majority owner.

I'll give you a fair price

for the additional
shares of the company.

You can't be serious.

I am.

Why would I do that?

Because you're a smart man

and you recognize that you're
running out of options.

This is a fair deal.

I suggest you consider it.

I can give you my answer now.

No. And there is the door.


What was I, about four there?

Around that.


I don't remember any of these photos.

I haven't looked at these
in such a long time.

I'm so glad you brought them.

I still miss him so much.

Me too.

Things were just never the same after.

Mom couldn't bear the grief.

Neither could Dad.

I know. At least he got
a couple more years.

But at the end all he could
talk about was Patrick and Mom.

You'd know that if you'd been around.

I didn't know that he was sick.

I wish you would have
said something to me.

At first he made me promise not to.

You should have told me.

I keep my promises, and
don't make this about me.

You're the one who couldn't be bothered

to come home for two years.

You're the one who didn't
make it to his funeral.

I didn't make it back to the funeral

because I didn't get
your letter in time.

I sent it a month before he died.

I was travelling that month.

Good for you. Guess where I was?

At home, caring for our dying father.

Listen, Suse, I...

It's Susannah.

And I'm tired and I'd like to go to bed.

Oh dear.

Would you like to talk about it?


I'm gonna go to bed. You coming?

Just a few more minutes.

We had ourselves a nice little
run going there, didn't we?

You're up early.

Just shaking off the cobwebs
before school starts.

You know, I find it hard to believe

you have any cobwebs up there.

Here, why don't I... let me help you.

Can't have our famous
author hurting her hands.

Ha ha, very funny.

Seriously though, um,

I'm happy the publisher
realized how special you are.


He's not the only one.

Thank you.

Elizabeth, um... I was
wondering if you...

if you weren't...


What I was gonna say is
if you were not uh...



Maybe another time.


Who is it?

It's me. Rosemary.

I hope I'm not disturbing you.

Actually, I was just about...

It'll only take a minute.

I don't know all of what
went on between you and Lee,

but it's time to let it go.

I tried.

Lee almost died last week.

He what?

It was a work accident.

Scariest time of my life.

When he woke up,

he said he didn't want
to leave this earth

without reconciling with you.

Now, I don't know what Lee
was like years ago,

but the Lee I know today?

He's a good man, with a big heart.

I'm heading home.

You came all this way.


There must be a part of you that
wants to reconnect with him.

You already lost one brother.

Do you really wanna lose another?




I made Henry an offer.

What kind of offer?

The only kind that would keep
me in business with him.

What did he say?


Well, I appreciate you
doing what you could.

You know what?

You just made a book deal.

Instead of being sad we
should be celebrating.

Lucas, I just feel bad about
all of those oil employees.

I understand. I do too.

But life is too short not to
appreciate the good things

when they happen.

Can you meet me tonight?

In the library?

When are you leaving?


I'm sorry to see you go.

Eh, it's just part of the job.

Here one day, gone another.

Is this what you want?

Someone needs to install
these new phone lines.

Is this what you want?

I should be grateful to even have a job.


I'm just a very small cog
in a big wheel and...


Now why would you say that?

Because that's what my boss told me.

You are neither small nor dispensable.

You shouldn't let anyone
make you feel that way.

Now are you gonna have a
nice big bite of yams?

Oh, that's not what we want.

You are not eating your yams tonight.

And you aren't eating anything tonight.


I'm just not hungry. That's all.


I wonder who that could be.


Do you want to try a bean?


Hi, Leland.

Hi. Um, please. Come in.



- I'm interrupting.
- No, no, no.

No, no. Please, join us.

Is this the little boy
you were talking about?

Yes. This is little Jack.

He reminds me of my son, Patrick.

You named your son Patrick?


It's a good name.

Thank you for meeting me.

You're welcome.

Shall we?

Now, I know that this is not a date.

But would you say that, as friends,

we toast to your success
with a glass of champagne?

I would like that very much.

However, if this were a date,

I would take your jacket.

Thank you.

I would also pull your
chair out for you.

And I might even gently brush your hand

as I pass you your glass,

and hold your gaze for
longer than normal.

And I would think that was very sweet.

Well, here we are.

I'm not surprised you've
been such a success.

Oh, yeah? Why is that?

I remember how all us
kids in the neighbourhood

would spend whatever we
had on candy and soda

- but not you.
- Yeah.

You were always filling
up your piggy bank.


But then I'd always come running to you

- for a bite of your candy.
- Mmmhmm.

Never more than a bite, though.


No, never more than a bite.

It was hard. Dad didn't
want me to tell you,

he kept thinking he would get better.

No, you do not have to
apologize for anything.

You were there.

Taking care of him.

You did the best you could.

I'm the one who wasn't there.

- That's my fault.
- Leland, I...

No, no, no. I need to say this.

I was so lost.

And so angry.

And because of that

I never got a chance
to say that I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for not being there.

And thank you.

Thank you so much for taking
such good care of our father.

And thank you for bearing that
all by yourself. I can't...

I can't imagine how hard
that must have been.

Oh, Leland.

I wish I could take back
these last years.

You and me both.



Yes, this is Fiona Miller for Mr.


Mr. Nichols.

I would like to talk to you
about how you spoke to me

the other day.


Standing guard?

Kind of, yeah.

Actually, I'm waiting.


For them.


I'm heading out of town for a few days

so Opal's mom will be
dropping Allie off at school.

Well, thank you for letting me know.


Would you like to get dinner with me?

When I get back? Maybe at the cafe?

I'll tell you what.

Why don't you think about
it and you can let me know.

I won't sell you majority ownership.

- Yes, you've...
- Let me finish.

But if you think that you can
run my company better than me,

buy me out.

Lock, stock, and barrel.

Think about it. But not too long.

See you in Buxton.


Let's go!

What? I thought we'd
leave in a few hours.

But now is good, too.

Hold on, let me just get my things.

What's going on?

Henry's out.

Well, I can see that.

No, I mean he's... he's out.

I now have complete control
over Gowen Petroleum.

I don't understand.

Is that what you proposed?


But that's how it ended up.

The thing is

I know next to nothing
about the oil business.

Take out your g*ns!


And throw them down! All of you!

NATHAN: OK. Take it easy.

What's this all about?


I knew you wouldn't let me down.

[COCKS g*n]

Let him go!

OK, look.

Nobody has to get hurt.

Then do what I say!

I'm gonna try to help you out here, OK?

Elias, he's your husband?

Ew, no. He's my brother.


Um... look, your brother is
looking at a few years, tops.

If you break him out
you're both looking at .

Jenny, don't listen to him.

BILL: No, you should listen.

I'm a judge.

Twenty would be lenient in my courtroom.

Look at me. Jenny, you're young, OK?

You're smart.

You don't want any of this.

Give me the g*n

and we'll forget this ever happened.

Cooperating would go a long way, Jenny.

Give me the g*n, OK?

Everything's gonna be alright.

I promise.

[COCKS g*n]

- No! Don't!
- Jenny, watch out!



So, we are not gonna wait
another twenty years

before we see each other again, right?

- I hope not.
- Thank you.

We're actually going to
Los Angeles next week.

That's right.

Maybe we could stop in
Bellingham on our way.


My son will be home that weekend.

You can meet my whole family.

That's great.

Actually, with you there it
will be my whole family.

I love the sound of that.

Thank you.

It's so good to see you again, sis.

Thank you.

My pleasure.

Oh, and tell your kids they're
about to meet the best aunt

in the whole world.

- Lee.
- It's true.

Thank you, Rosemary.

For what?

Just for being you.

You look happy.

Good news?

Good and bad.

What do you mean?

I'm staying in Hope Valley.

Well, that's-that's great news.

What's the bad?

I was fired today.


Maybe I quit.

No, I was definitely fired.


Because I'm not small and
I told my boss that.

Fiona, I am so sorry.

I didn't mean for that to happen.

Oh, no, no. Don't worry about it.

You know, I love it here.

But you never know.

I might leave someday for the right job.

But this wasn't it.

So thanks.

You're welcome.


Yeah, cheers.

Ya! Ya! Ya!


Carson, I got a g*nsh*t wound!

Woah! Woah! Woah!

Ned, Carson needs extra
gauze and bandages,

whatever you have!

Wh-what happened?

Someone's been shot!

Who? Fiona!

MAN: I think it's Nathan!
He's been shot!

Step back, folks. Please.

Step back, give us some room.

He's gone.