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03x11 - Family Fire

Posted: 12/24/21 08:24
by bunniefuu
BOB LEE: Previously, on "sh**t..."

So you're not gonna shut them down?

For what? All we got are a couple

of unregistered firearms
and an illegal fighting ring.

Bob Lee had that photo of Semtex.

It wasn't there. The torches were empty.

Go, before he comes back.

I'd wish you luck but I wouldn't mean it.

Same here.

You won't do this.

This is what you want.
There's a yellow hard drive

with all Atlas' plans, not just the one

that concerns the card.

Must be Atlas operations HQ,
where they keep the files

on all their missions and operatives.

Got it. My dad's file.

WOMAN: Please state
your phone identification.

RAY: Ray Brooks, Operation Windmill.

BOB LEE: Brooks k*lled my
father, I'm gonna k*ll him.

We gotta go, now.

ISAAC: We gotta get that drive.

What's the final check

on absolute power in government?

- The Supreme Court.
- They're split - .

NADINE: Atlas is trying
to tip the balance.

Why don't you and your men
take up defense positions?

This is my team, Brooks.

Well, you know what they say, Swagger.

Three people can keep a secret

if two are dead.

Ladies and gentlemen,
our next Chief Justice

of the Supreme Court, Ray Brooks.

EARL: Whatever it is they're planning,

it won't end until someone stops them.

- Are those listening devices?
- Yes.

We're not safe here anymore.

EARL: You shouldn't have had
to see your old man like that.

You don't treat people that way,

especially your wife.

You hear me?

I been dealing with some stuff, lately.

That's probably why
I've been so hard on you.

Can I help?


JULIE: Don't come home.

Not until you're ready to stay.

You know, there are a lot of ways

that you're like your dad.

There's plenty of ways that you're not.

BROWN: Go, Bob, go.

YOUNG BOB LEE: It was my fault!

- Let's go! Go!
- No!



There had to have been more
than a dozen Atlas recruits

at the campus. You only brought three?

They weren't exactly
lining up to be taken in.

Anything on those files we salvaged?

Personnel records,

descriptions of training exercises.

Not enough to indict Atlas,
especially now

that the campus no longer exists.

You can thank our leader for that.

[SIGHS] We need these guys to talk.

- Leave it up to me.
- They're trained.

You can't just beat
the information out of them.

The clock is ticking.

We don't have many moves left.


Follow my lead.


Forgot your water bucket.

That's the plan, right?

- t*rture us for intel?
- Not exactly.

But that option's still on the table.

We know you have extensive training

in enhanced interrogation,
and to be honest,

we don't really have time for that.

So what do you want with me?

To offer you a job.

- I'm already employed.
- Really?

Have you seen your old workplace lately?

Atlas as you know it is over.

This is some kind of test, right?

Russo looking through that camera?

Russo's dead.

We're the new management.

- Why me?
- You tell us.

We know Atlas is planning
an attack on D.C.

You give us the information
to help stop it,

you get to work for us.

And if I don't?

Atlas likes to have leverage
over its members.

Pretty sure there's things in there
that you want to keep a secret.

I'm just a recruit.

I don't get intel on ops.

Then tell us where to find it.

Every operation is siloed.

The only people on the planet
who know the details

of the mission
are the ones who order it...

And the person executing it.

The order would have
to be relayed somehow.

We haven't found any trace of it.

Then it's tier-one.

Means everything's face-to-face.

Tell us how these tier-one missions work.

If this is a job interview,

I believe this is where
we would discuss compensation.

Name your price.

, .


And a boat.


I'll help you guys out...

but then I get to walk away.

No questions asked.

Welcome to the new Atlas.

Sorry, sir.

You missed a call.


WOMAN: Please state
your phone identification.

RAY: Ray Brooks, Operation Windmill.


WOMAN: Confirmed. Mission complete?

RAY: No.

Target in sights.

but there's someone else here.

Hey, nice to see you.

RAY: A kid.

In the back seat of the police car.

Abort or proceed?

So we have the press over there.

Your assistant said that
that's where you wanted them.

Feel free to adjust the microphone,

test anything out.

Test, one-two, one-two.

Let me know if you need a glass of water.

RAY: Thank you.

WOMAN: Your call, Agent.




NARRATOR: Concentrate
every minute like a man

on doing what is in front of you...

and free yourself
from all other distractions.

Do everything as if it were
your last thing in your life

and stop being aimless.

Stop letting your emotions override

what your mind tells you.

Stop being hypocritical,




JACK: I'll be right there, Sister.

NARRATOR: You see how
few things you have to do

to live a satisfying and reverent life.

Hope I'm not disturbing you.

Oh, I'm just doing some work on the bus.

The air conditioning in the front office

is out again.

I'll be right in.

Thank you, Eli.


You're... you're paying off
Atlas agents now?

We have a play.

Does your new band of
mercenaries have a name, yet?

'Cause "The A Team's" taken.

You... you cannot be okay with this.


Thank you. Someone reasonable
finally shows up.

Harris, I need you to get me
in to a Congressional hearing.

Oh, I fu... ing hate you guys. Jesus.

- What's going on?
- Can you do it or not?

Uh, yeah. With the right paperwork, yes.

They'll check you for weapons.

Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

Until you're staring down

the man that k*lled your father.

Bob Lee, we've tried
taking out the heads of Atlas,

and that still hasn't stopped the attack.

That needs to be our focus.

Brooks is the only person who can give me

the answers I want.

I'm just gonna talk to him.

Harris, let's get it going.


It's amazing how much power resides

in such a small group of people

who can never agree.

Good thing we'll have you
as a tie-breaker.

If I can get that far.

First they come at me
with Earl Swagger's affidavit.

Now his son...

is marking me.

Well, then maybe instead
of measuring drapes

in your new office,
you should go to your hotel

where I can protect you.

That sounds like an order.

Well, it's not a suggestion.

Red, I don't answer to you.

Russo and Gold may be dead,
but don't expect me

to call you "sir."

There are more things
at stake here than ego.

Your being on that bench

dictating the law of the land
in this country,

that's the only thing
that keeps us protected.

Keeps Atlas on the right side of history.

Then do your job.

Put Swagger down.

I am dealing with that situation

as I see fit.

If I didn't know better, I'd say you lost

the stomach for k*lling.

Maybe that's what happens to a man

after he buries his son.

The campus is gone...

and the days of crazed gunmen
like Solotov running around

on behalf of Atlas are over.

Soft power.

Second and third order effects.

All the upside with none
of the blood on our hands.

But if you want to see k*lling,

you talk about my boy one more time.


There's the Red I know.

You finish your meetings,

and you go to your g*dd*mn hotel room.

Why'd we stop here? I thought you said

- we were going to Yosemite?

We are, but New Mexico is on the way.

Plus, this place is awesome.
It has a pool and everything.

[GASPS] I call this bed!

- I definitely call this bed.
- Okay.


- Is Dad still coming?
- Uh, you know what?

Daddy is on a mission, but...

we have a mission of our own.

- We do?
- Mm-hmm.

I... I think she missed the briefing.

- You guys had it without me?

Do you want to know
what our mission objective is?

- Yes.
- Eh...

- Please, please, please!
- Our mission objective...

- is to have fun.

- Do you accept?
- Oorah.


Thank you, Mr. Walters.

You and I must be headed
to the same place.

Actually, I'm here for you.

Little reckless to try
and make a move here.

You mean like going for Brooks?

That's something your dad tried

but failed at.

You're not in my sights right now.

Keep talking.

Don't be your father.

Don't be the man who ruins
not only his life

but the lives of those around him.

Tell that to Red Jr.

If I'm willing to make that sacrifice

with my family,

what do you think
I'd be willing to do to yours?

That'd be a very bad move.

But one you seem to have anticipated.

Putting them on the road was smart.


Oh, you didn't know?

Well, they've got the right idea

getting as far away from you as possible.

They're in Albuquerque.

If you do anything to them...

Doesn't matter where you are,
doesn't matter

how safe you feel,

your body will hit the ground
before you even hear a g*nsh*t.

You know I'm willing to take that chance.

Are you?


- This is Julie...
- Shit.

You know what to do.


Sweetie, why don't you have some cereal

or a muffin or something.

- Okay, you get that.
- Yeah?


Actually, just get her

whatever she wants...
I'll be right back, okay?

Whatever I want?

Yeah, she said whatever you want.

- Hello?
- Hey, why are you...

why are you using the burner?
Where are you?

- I'm out, why?
- Are you in Albuquerque?

- How'd you know that?
- I didn't.

Red Bama knew.

Look, they bugged the house.

They got inside,
so we couldn't stay there.

I packed up the car and we left.

Okay, I'm on my way. Where are you?

- Don't bother.
- Don't bother?

It won't make a difference
anyway, all right?

You're in D.C., and I'm in New Mexico.

It'll take you half a day to get here.

Julie, I'm serious.

I'm coming to get you. Where are you?

Please just trust me.

I have to relocate us now.

Okay, just promise me you'll call me

- when you're safe.
- I will.

- MARY: Mommy, look what I got!
- Wow.

I have the time it takes to grab a coffee

before my boss starts
wondering where I am.

All Atlas recruits.

All explaining what Atlas is
and how it operates.

Where'd you find them?

You see that nuclear waste
site that went up in flames?

It was an Atlas training ground.

That's all the hard evidence
you need to show Atlas exists.

Great. Well, I'll start

building a case,
and we'll slap collars on them

in two years.

Don't give me that look.

You brought me a home video
and an ash heap.

With this, we should at least be able

to get warrants to tap phones
and put surveillance

on Red Bama and anyone else

who comes close to touching Atlas.

We know they operate in the shadows.

If we shine a bright enough light,

we can isolate them and then stop them.

Last time I put myself
on the line for you,

we raided a glorified
frat house and I got jack shit.

This attack is gonna happen any day now!

I'm not about to cowboy up
and go after an Undersecretary

and a Supreme Court nominee
and hope something sticks.

That's why I still
have my job, and you two

are riding around like Uber drivers.

What do you need?

A body and a smoking g*n would be nice.



- BOB LEE: Harris!
- Jesus...

Yes, yes.

- Where's Isaac and Nadine?
- Uh... busy, I don't know.

All right, come with me.

Are you hungry? 'Cause I was just...



Margo was right.

We still have the three Atlas recruits.

We'll just press them harder.

Even if they have
the information that we need.

It could take days to break them.

Follow my lead.

Perotta, you're free to go.

Where are we with the Semtex?

You found the expl*sives?

Means we no longer need you.

- You have your freedom.
- Just like that?

Well, it's not that simple. Disappear.

I don't want to be looking
over my shoulder.

What part of "disappear"
don't you understand?

Line is baited.

How can you be so sure
he'll lead us to something?

He's the only one
who didn't want to get paid.

He's not switching sides;
he's trying to double up.

The first thing he's gonna do?

Report that we know about the Semtex.

We gotta find out what room Brooks is in.

All right, what do you need from me?

Moving through the lobby
and the first floor

should be fine, but there's
no way we're gonna ride

right up to the front door of his suite.

So what we need to do... Harris!

Hey! Harris!

- Hey, what's up, bro?
- Hey, man!



The Nats better lock up
Harper long term, right?

That's all I'm saying.


Okay, uh, Brooks is in
the Presidential suite.

He's been there for the last three days.

There's a service elevator
that goes directly

to a back room in the suite,
but you're gonna need

a special key card that security's

been changing out every day.

First thing you learn when you're an aide:

Make friends with the staff.


Think your friend has access
to a wheelchair?

I can ask.

Go put your swimsuit on.


You packed it, right?

- Here you go.
- Thank you.

Whoa, what are you doing?

I'm avoiding family fire.

If we need it, g*n's in the safe.

Magazine's under the mattress.

Like I know how to use it.

I'm asking you what happens next.

We lay low 'till this thing blows over.

[SCOFFS] That's it.

Anne, we don't know
who we can trust, okay?

- This is insane.
- This is my reality.

I-I'm sorry that you're caught up in it.

I'm doing the best that I can.

Does Bob Lee know
how to stop these people?

Bob Lee's on the other side
of the country.


We have to take care of ourselves.


All right, up ahead,
push the chair into that guard.

- You do it.
- Harris.

Fine, fine, fine. Fine, fine, fine.


- Ah!
- Oh, God.

- Oh, I'm so sorry...
- What the hell?

I'm so sorry, sir. Are you okay?

I... I just didn't see where I was going.

Our... our uncle's having surgery.

Sorry again.

Calm down. You calm down!

I told you, I hate this shit.

What... what was the point
of that, anyway?



All right, leave the chair here.

You can go wait in the car.

Hey. Say no more.



You need anything else, sir?

Wait downstairs by the door.

If I need something, I'll call.



You got nowhere to run.

How long do you think
it's gonna be before the others

know you've got me?

You think you're gonna get out of this?

You didn't plan this very well,
did you, Sergeant?

You said you were just
gonna ask him some questions.

He's nominee for Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court...

there's not even a word
for what we're doing right now.

Stop talking.

- Plus, you lied to me.
- Pull over here.



Beautiful day to die.

No. No, no, no. No, no, no, no.

Look, I helped you.

If you k*ll him, I go to jail, too.

I threatened you. You had no choice.

Come on, man, this isn't you.

BOB LEE: Move.

Stay here.


NADINE: Hey, what's up?

HARRIS: The Texan took the snake

into the woods with a shovel.


The Texan...

took the snake... into the woods...

Speak English.

Bob Lee took Brooks
into the woods with a shovel

and I think he's gonna k*ll him!

Are you with him now?

No, he... he told me to wait
here, so I called you.

NADINE: I'll get there as soon as I can.

I'm sure they're tracking Brooks.

Where are you?

HARRIS: I don't know, I...

I got distracted thinking about being

an accessory to m*rder.

Um, east off of , by...
by an old shack.

I'll find you.

Get to Swagger, warn him
that Atlas is coming.

And Harris?

You have to stop Swagger

from doing something that he'll regret.

I'll be in touch.



NADINE: Isaac, you copy any of that?

Let me guess: Bob Lee stopped
Atlas and solved health care.

I have to peel off and handle this.

Can you stay on Perotta?

- Got him.
- Okay.

You're on your own. Be careful.


Pick up the pace.

Turn here.

Threatening death only works

if a person is afraid to die.

Courage is for the living.
Everybody's scared in the end.

Sounds like we're gonna
find out who's right.

Regardless, you're gonna be disappointed.

'Cause unlike your coward father,

I won't break.

Get digging.


You got my message, sir?

Now, you say what you've got to say,

and it better be more than "I'm sorry."

I surrendered to get inside
their operation.

They think I'm a recruit.
They don't know I'm active.

So I'm supposed to think
that you're still useful?

I've completed dozens of missions.

- I am loyal to Atlas.
- Loyalty is one thing.

Value is another.

They know where the expl*sives are.

Did they mention how
they found the expl*sives?


We can't allow them to intercept it.

PEROTTA: How would you
like me to proceed?



Holy shit...


Gotta hand it to Swagger.

If only his brains
were as big as his balls.

I'm gonna need gunmen to finally settle

this Swagger situation.

Do you have access to other agents?

PEROTTA: Yes, sir.

You want to prove your value?

Go deal with him.

So you think we're being watched now?

I'm not sure. We have to pretend like

everything is normal until
I can figure out our next step.

ANNE: All right.

- Mom?
- Yes, sweetie?

The pool's too cold,
and I forgot my towel.

I-I can get it for you, sweetheart.

Do you know where you left it, Mary?

No, no, no, I'll get it. All right?

You two stay here.




Hey, Bob Lee.

I was hoping I would catch you.

I just wanted to let you know
we're checked in

to the Desert Lodge
for the next two days.

Yeah, we're... we're looking forward

to seeing you I'm...
I'm just wondering what your...

your schedule is.

When you're gonna...
when you're gonna get here.


Don't forget to...
to bring Mary a present.

It'll really help with everything.

Okay, um, talk to you soon.

I love you.

- Anne.
- What?

- We need to go now.
- But my wallet and my ID...

- Everything's in the room.
- Let's go.

- Come on, Mary.
- Okay...

Come on, let's go, sweetie.

Let's walk to the car.

Don't run. Let's go.





Come on...

These are suede...

Son of a bitch!

Well, at least I found the car...



They went north.


Why'd you k*ll my dad?

You already know the reason.

No, Atlas could have had
anybody pull that trigger.

You took the risk.
You shot a man you served with.

Don't give me that "brotherhood" crap.

He was trying to do what was right.

He was gonna tell the truth
and expose you.

He had a guilty conscience.

He was about to come clean
on what he had done.


Your dad was running black ops

before I ever came along.

He quit because of what you did!

He and you are not the same.

It sounds to me like you're trying

to convince yourself.

On your knees.

What do you want me to say?

That your dad was a good guy?

That he was a hero?
He died fighting the bad guys?

- That's not this story.
- He was following orders.

So was I!

If you and my dad are so much alike,

how come he didn't sh**t you
when he had the chance?

Because he was weak.

That's why I'm here and he's not.

You're wrong.

My dad was a lot of things,
but he wasn't a m*rder*r.

That's why you're here and he's not.

I found you!

They're here!


Hold your fire.

We can't hit the Judge.

Hey, hey...


Harris, stay low.

They'll have you surrounded
in under a minute, son.

Don't call me "son," assh*le.

Harris, we have to get to higher ground.

The park road's up there.
You gotta come to me.

I... I'll get shot!

I can't hold them off with eight rounds.

You'll get shot anyway.

Okay, what? Like a "one, two, three, go?"

Just move!


Whenever I say "move,"
we move together, okay?

- Okay.
- Ready?


Turn around!

Unless you want your man dead,

I suggest you lower your weapons!

You're never gonna get out
of these woods alive.

All right, we're gonna
head up that hill, okay?

- Ready?
- Yeah.


They're breaking for higher ground.

Beat them to it.

All right.

Harris, we're gonna move
to that next tree, okay?




He only has five b*ll*ts left!

- Don't do that again.


I can't get to the other guy.

I need to draw him out.




- Good work, Harris!
- Thanks!

All right, now I need you
to go get those g*ns.

Oh, come on, man!

You could have stayed
in the car like I told you!

- Okay, all right, all right.
- All right, I'll cover you.

But... hey, one condition.

- We move on me.
- Just... today.

- Okay, ready?
- Yeah.



By my count,

you have one b*llet left.

Is it for you?

Or for me?


NADINE: Please leave your
message after the tone.

Hey, Memphis, I think I have a location

on the expl*sives.

I'll ping you the address.

Don't move.

You pull that trigger and I will, too.

Alive or dead, the three of us

are leaving here the same way.

Harris, come to me.

He's got one b*llet left, sh**t him!

One more step and I'll do it.

If he had the balls,
he'd have done it already!

sh**t him, God damn it!

Drop your weapons!

You are surrounded by Federal agents!

Everyone step away from Judge Brooks

or we will open fire!

It's over, Perotta!


Don't do it.



- Stupid.
- Brave.

Once the FBI connects these g*ns to you,

you're going to prison,
not the Supreme Court.

You really are your father's son.

You're God damn right, I am.



Stand down!

This is how a patriot dies.





BOB LEE: You and Isaac were right.

I really almost lost everything.

Wanted to pull that trigger so bad.

But you didn't.

Brooks did say something
about my dad, though.

Just reminded me of something that...

I forgot along the way.

My dad made a lot
of mistakes in his life, but...

He was a good man.

I'm gonna go home.

Take down Atlas, Nadine.

With Brooks gone, we've won
a really important battle.

Uh, little help here, guys?

Come on, I'm... I'm one of the good guys.

I... I got shot at, for Christ's sake.

Bob Lee Swagger?

We need to take you in.


Margo, what the hell?

Tell me that you didn't let
the file you had on us slip.


Who ordered this?

Special Agent-In-Charge Biller.

Got a problem, you take it up with him.

I will.


I need to get to my family, Nadine.

- I'll find them.
- Tell them I'm coming.




RED: We need to meet.

This is not the time to play mute.

You listen to me, God damn it...

There are protocols to follow.

You shouldn't have called.

Brooks is dead.

There are no protocols
if there is no Atlas.

Now, like it or not, we need each other.

- Is the package still safe?
- I've done my job.

- Good.
- That makes one of us.

You and I are not finished.

I never said I was.

You're sure about this?

Yeah, look, she runs great,
she's got GPS,

satellite radio, the works.

Piece of shit you just traded
for's got none of those things.

I know. Thanks.

Come on, let's go!

- Finally.
- Check it out.

Buckle up, buttercup.


Where are we headed?
Do you even have a plan?

Bob Lee always says

Marines don't plan, they improvise, so...

Come on.




MAN: ♪ Now we're all alone at night ♪

♪ She's been sitting ♪

♪ All the time ♪

♪ Close your eyes ♪

♪ And let me be ♪

♪ Close your eyes and dance with me ♪