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03x06 - Lines Crossed

Posted: 12/24/21 08:21
by bunniefuu
ISAAC: Previously on "sh**t."

Your former boss was holding
on to something of mine...

A decryption device.
We call it the God Box.

- If we don't have it.
- Then Gregson does.

Show me the card.


Still doing their dirty work, I see.


She slipped it to me.

That card is all Atlas wants right now.

Whatever it is, they're gonna
turn over the world to get it.

Why did you pay Rick Culp

to help Jimmy Poole escape from prison?

No idea what you're talking about.

Now, if you and your daddy
don't give me the cash,

I'm gonna tell Swagger
everything I know and then...


I served with a kid
not much older than you.

A Corporal named Gutierrez,
shot himself in the leg

horsing around one night.

I was looking for some
information on a Marine

wounded in Vietnam in .

Uh, Corporal Gutierrez.

Who is this?

RAMON: Ramon Gutierrez.

Patricia Gregson said you
wanted to talk to me.

For all this trouble,

this guy better know something
about Atlas.

Gregson made sure to put us in
touch with him before she died.

- Had to be a reason.
- It's risky.

BOB LEE: Gutierrez won't meet with us

unless we follow his instructions.

All right, you go right, I'll go left.

We'll meet up at bus to Bloomsville.

And if there's trouble?
Handle it, and we'll meet

- back at the bunker in D.C.
- Copy that.

Yeah, there it is.
Silver Spring. Come on.




Where the hell are you?

Yo, yo! Hold up, hold up!

I got on the wrong bus. Sorry, man.

Cutting it close, no?

I wanted to make sure we were clean.

Ladies and gentlemen,
I apologize for the delay...

Now what?

All Gutierrez said was

get off at the stop
in Bloomsville, Maryland.

So we just sit tight.

I don't know if I can...

I can't... I don't think I can do this.

This decryption card says
"Titan Incorporated."

Your friend, Rebecca Simmons,
works for Titan Incorporated.

I know, but I've barely spoken
to her since college.

We just like each other's posts

and wish each other happy birthday.

She's just gonna be suspicious
that I wanna see her

all of a sudden.

Not if you pretend it's a dinner date.

Flirt and ask her if she's seeing anyone,

then guide the conversation to work

then the decryption card.

I don't like toying
with people's emotions.

You're not doing it to be cruel.

You're doing it to survive.

Because if you can't
put your contacts to good use

and make this happen, then you're not

worth our protection.

Who are you, again?

- A friend.
- Um, okay.

Well, no offence, friend,
but that's not the kind

of protection I want, okay?

Is she one of us now?

Harris, you said you wanted to help.

- So help.

HARRIS: Well, I guess it's too late now.

There she is.

Okay, make sure you sit by a window,

- otherwise we can't protect you.
- Okay.

And keep your phone on.
We'll be listening.

- Okay.
- And don't mention the card

right away. Be smooth.


Even if Rebecca has intel,
Harris doesn't have the skills

to extract it.

I know.

So what are we doing here?

We need to keep an eye on them.

CLARITA: You know, I get why
you wouldn't tell him

the whole plan,
but why keep me in the dark?

Because I don't trust you.

You notice?

This bus just got on
a highway headed south

when Bloomsville is north.

I'll go ask the bus driver
if he got lost.

No, I'll go.

I don't want you sh**ting the
guy for making a wrong turn.


- Isaac...
- Don't.


Nice to meet you.


Where the hell did you get this?

Your online dating profile.

Said I was looking for a man in uniform.


You don't think that's me in the photo.

But... you can't change the past.

You can't hide from it, either.

Accidental discharge
after a drunken celebration

one night post-mission.

Your father tell you that story?

All that would be in a file
somewhere for Atlas to have.

[CHUCKLES] That's true.

Which is why I've been hiding

since Earl Swagger was assassinated.

Well, if you're that scared,
you must know

why they k*lled him.

I wouldn't endanger my associates

by letting them hear my secrets.

Follow me.

So you're not Atlas,
but you're a drug trafficker?

I needed an income
when I went off the grid.

And this is medicine, not heroin.

BOB LEE: So, what's the plan?

You gonna lecture us
on the healing powers of weed,

or can we get down to business?

We're not doing anything
until I know you're not

being tracked.

RAMON: Change your clothes.


These don't look my size.

You could have a device
sewn into the fabric.

Come on, man, we got nothing
to be ashamed of.

I'm being modest for your sake.

I wanted to reach out when
I heard Senator Hayes died,

but I just figured you
probably needed space.

Yeah, yeah, that was...
that was difficult.


I'm glad you called.

[LAUGHS] It just always felt like

you were one of the good guys.

HARRIS: Oh, well, you know, I try.

- You know how D.C. is.
- Yeah, oh, my God, right?

Down is up and up is down.
Yeah, it's bad.

I... I found something
when I was going through,

uh, Hayes' stuff, cleaning it out.

Um, this little card thing.

Real smooth, Harris.

- Do you know what that is?
- Yeah, and there's no way

you should have this. This is
way above your clearance.

Okay, well, what are you doing with it?

I am taking this key to HQ
and reporting you.

Otherwise I'm getting fired,
maybe even facing prosecution.

Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on.

I came to you in good faith, okay?

Just... what is it? What is it?

Why didn't you turn this in
with the rest of Hayes' things?

Because the Senator told me to keep it

in case, you know,
something happened to him.

But he didn't tell you what it does?

You're a shitty liar, Harris.



You come with me. Now.


We're on our way.


Come on, let's go.

All right, there you go.


What do you got there?

Oh, Bob Lee is being asked to give,

uh, an official statement
in a missing persons case.

Wait, who is missing?

Mmm, Rick Culp.

Says that he was a guard at the
Wilson Prison and Bob Lee was

one of the last people to speak
to him before he disappeared.


Well, this... this law firm is no joke.

Has he ever gotten one of these before?

No, but, I mean,
people come after Bob Lee

in so many different ways.

Always seems harmless at first,

but I've learned to see
through the smoke screen.

So, what do you do?

You just ignore it?

I would if it came
from some two-bit lawyer,

but it is the biggest law firm
in Texas, so...

There's money behind it.


Okay, we jumped through all your hoops.

Now talk.

Why did Atlas k*ll my father?

Your father was gonna tell
the world about them.

Not just that they existed,
but how they operated.

Where they got their money. Everything.

What do you mean by everything?

We already know that his dad
was one of Atlas'

- founding members.
- He was indeed.

He was also living proof

of some of Atlas' earliest w*r crimes.

Your father had innocent blood
on his hands.

You're trying to say
he was a w*r criminal?

Come on, man, he ran one black ops unit.

There were probably
dozens of others just like it.

But those units didn't go on
to become Atlas.

Your father's did.

Yeah, but he didn't know that.

If he had, he... He would have done what?

Stopped it? [LAUGHS]

Pull your head out of your ass.

Deep down you know he had
a darkness inside him.

w*r puts a darkness inside of everyone.

There's w*r,

and there's what we did...

which was a whole new level of evil.

Your father wasn't just following orders.

He was vetting targets,

volunteering his tactical expertise.

And no one had to twist his arm to do it.

You gotta give us some names and dates.

Intel we can verify.

July, .

By then, our orders weren't coming down

through the chain of command.

BOB LEE: Well, where were
your orders coming from?

RAMON: A shadow faction
inside the Pentagon.

Not the kind you find on any org chart.

Sergeant Swagger.


You should know that I consider

this meeting unnecessary.

I'm only here because
the secretary insisted.

EARL: He must place a high
value on this target, then.

RAMON: Katherine Mayfield.

Top of her class at MIT.
Kissinger recruited her.

She was the brain behind our operations.

Tell me I didn't just travel , miles

for you to show me stick figure drawings.

The missions you're sending
us lack an understanding

of what's really going on here
on the ground.

They've been successful by my count.

Because I've been able to improvise

around your lack of imagination.

Your math is good at picking missions,

but it's horrible at predicting

how things will go down in combat.

For instance, our next mission,
Dat Van Thieu.

You got us backed up against this river,

and you've bet our asses
on him being in his bedroom

when we arrive.

He will be. I've studied his routines.

It's almost a certainty.

The only certainty is that
things will go sideways

once b*ll*ts start flying.

What do you suggest?

Katherine Mayfield spent
the next years

planning Atlas missions.

Thanks to your dad, she
learned how to trap targets

no matter which way they tried to run.

Nadine and I learned that Atlas uses

probability calculations
to position their assassins.

How do you know my dad met
with this Mayfield person

at all if you weren't there?

Earl told us in
the mission brief that night.

And then we went out to do the job

using our new operating principles.

Everything changed. No uniforms.

No dog tags. Non-American weapons.

Our target was a VC general
who slipped across the border

to secure black market weapons
for the Vietcong.





RAMON: Earl and I were responsible

for k*lling the general.

One glance around the target's room,

and I knew something was off.

Yeah, there were guards outside,

but he didn't have any
military gear or weapons.

Just some fancy-ass suits and shoes.

EARL: What are you waiting for?

This guy is no general.

This guy is the mission.



Check it out. I'll cover.

RAMON: Oh, my God.

EARL: What?

- We need to report this.
- What good would it do?

What's done is done.

Let's go.

This crazy old man has wasted our time.

What reason would I have
to make any of this up?

Hey, you gotta listen to this

like he's not talking about your father.

Yeah, but he is.

And I know who my father was.

He was a guy who seemed to enjoy Vietnam

way more than he liked
raising his family,

and his way of dealing
with that was running off

and being a hero all the time.

But he had a code.

There were lines he wouldn't cross.

Yeah, he was a hard ass,

but deep down he was a good man.

You've got no clue what it's like.

Your father's entire focus
was to complete the mission

no matter the cost.

Over and over and over again.

That type of grind...

it'll have you doing things
you never imagined.

Trust me.

Give us our stuff back
and point us in the direction

of the nearest town.

You want to leave, fine.

But I won't have you
compromising our location.

Give me some time to make arrangements.

Next time you wanna blame the fog of w*r

for all the shit you pulled,

JUST REMEMBER: when you sold me out,

you'd been out of the Corps for years.

Becca, I'm sorry. I didn't...

I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

Someone tried to k*ll us.

We have got to go to the police.

- We can't trust the police.
- Who the hell is she?

Her name's Nadine. She is sort of FBI.

Sort of FBI?
What have you dragged me into?

What is this card?

It's a decryption key.

To a government communications network.

But you have to access
Titan's internal system

- to know which one.
- Any computer in Titan?


All that stuff happens
on the seventh floor.

- Could you get up there?
- Yeah, I could, but I won't.

Hey, that's my stuff.

Not anymore. You need to go into hiding.

- That's insane.
- I can get you somewhere safe.

Why would I go anywhere with you?

Rebecca, you have every right
to be mad at me.

But for your own safety,
you have to trust them.

I'll take my chances on my own.


I guess you look similar enough.

You're prettier, though.

This is what you were
actually after, right?

Seems I don't have to explain
things to you after all.

If you impersonate her,
you'll have to go in unarmed.

Don't worry about me.

I'll get what I need.

How the hell did you get back here?

Oh, I just smiled and told
your men that you summoned me,

and they ushered me right this way.

Well, why don't you take
your fake-ass smile

and get off our property?

Go fetch me a brush, Junior.

This mud's a lot tougher
than I thought it would be.


I believe you'll find one in the shed.

I apologize for my son's lack
of hospitality, Ms. Swagger.

What can I do for you today?

I was wondering if you could
explain this to me.

RED: Well, I must confess my confusion.

This letter would indicate
a problem with the Culp family.

Yes, but I asked around today
and it didn't take long

to learn that you're the one
paying for the investigation

into Rick Culp's disappearance.

Well, that's some impressive
investigating on your part,

Ms. Swagger.

Try to keep my charitable
efforts anonymous.

Why do you care about Rick Culp?

His family came to me for help.

They fear he might've been m*rder*d.

I'm just trying to be a good neighbor.

What would happen
if I just balled this up

- and threw it away?
- Ooh.

Well, if Bob Lee didn't respond,

I imagine that the missing
man's family would be...



And if any harm came to Bob Lee,

folks would point the blame
at the Culp family.

That's a horrible thought to
even contemplate, Ms. Swagger.

But I do see the logic in your thinking.

Now, as nice as it's been meeting you,

I really should get back to my work.

I know you can find your way out.

I don't understand why
her husband is still alive.

You know, I had hoped that by this time

you would have learned to use your mind

before your mouth
just every once in a while.

When these are clean,
I'll see you inside.

Ma, I can't because it's a secret.

If I tell you, it won't be a secret.

Yeah, I'll try to call you in a few days.

No, Ma, no, I'm not gonna
tell you from where.


- Your ride's here.
- BOB LEE: Hey.

This photo's dated July, .

That's the same month that you
said you saw my dad

k*ll civilians.

My accident occurred
the night we got back

from that mission.

Couldn't have been too
disturbed by what you saw

if you partied all night
and smiled for the photo.

I smiled because your father
was sending me home.


Really? Thanks for waiting on me, guys.

- Took you long enough.
- Oh, come on, now.

- Oh, shut it.
- Here.

Where's my whiskey?

One of you guys gonna deal me in?

Sure, sarge. Pull up a chair.


You're looking a little glum

for someone who just survived
a su1c1de mission.


You forget what you signed up for, Ramon?


This unit is responsible for taking out

anyone who threatens the w*r effort.

Collateral damage is unavoidable.

Collateral damage?

Hey. Look at me.

Look at me, God damn it.


You don't like it,

there's only two ways out of this.

One of them's in a body bag.

The other is you keep your ass in line.


Choose wisely.

RAMON: I knew Earl was right.

I got myself into the situation.

And only I could get myself out.

- Your father acted surprised...

RAMON: Let the guys believe
it was an accident.

Then he signed paperwork

saying I was injured during the mission.

In exchange...

I smiled for the picture the next day

and kept my mouth shut.

Years later, I learned
that our mission in Cambodia

wasn't even about the w*r.

The general was a drug smuggler
who wouldn't share his routes.

That woman we k*lled was a prost*tute.

- That's bullshit.
- ISAAC: Bob Lee...

No, there's no way my dad
would have encouraged

- that kind of cowardice.
- Cowardice?

sh**ting myself was the single
bravest thing I did

during the w*r.

Your father even said as much
when he called me years later.

He called you?

Just a few weeks before he died.

He said he wanted to expose Atlas.

Well, did he say why he was
finally ready to come clean?

No, he was k*lled before we could meet.

What do you know about Atlas now?


But there is someone else
you could talk to.

Katherine Mayfield.

After Vietnam, she became something

of a dark lord in the Pentagon

until she retired abruptly
a few years back.

Where is she?

Last I heard,

she was committed to
a psychiatric hospital upstate.

So she's crazy?

[CHUCKLES] Not necessarily.

Well, either way, we should talk to her.

It would be much wiser to disappear.

There's no sense in running.
We got something Atlas wants.

They're not gonna stop coming after it.

My advice... give it back to them.

Or get as far away from it as possible.

The more you dig, the more you'll suffer.


The vehicle is clean.

Shouldn't have any problem
getting where you're going.

I always thought drug traffickers

- prefer flashier rides.

Only if they wanna get caught.

Something on your mind, son?

You left Phoenix, but my dad stayed.

Presumably kept doing horrible things.

I'm just wondering why.

Your father loved his country.

And like a lot of people,
he'd lost his way.

Take some comfort in the fact

that he wanted to make it right.

He just... never got the chance.


ANNE: Hey.

- Hey.
- Hi, I'm headed into town.

- Do you need anything?
- Oh, no, I'm good.

Thank you.

Wow, Bob Lee's really
making some progress.

Yeah, well, he thinks he can do anything.

That's not new, Julie.

You know, I distinctly remember
you saying that you liked

that about him when you guys first met.

Yeah, that's true.

I guess I thought after all
this time, though,

you know, we would take on
the world together

instead of him doing it all by himself.

My mistake was wishing and hoping

instead of making it happen.

But I did figure out that Red Bama

had that letter sent today.

Yeah, I had him explain
it to me, and he, uh,

well, he showed his hand a little.

The cattle rancher?
How is he mixed up in all this?

Yeah, he's the only one
who knows the truth about

who k*lled Bob Lee's father.


- Hi, Rebecca.
- Hey.







Don't answer. Could be Atlas.


Hey, I'm trying to get a hold of Nadine.

- Why won't she answer?
- It's Bob Lee.

Uh, yeah, she won't pick up
because she's in Titan,

which blocks all electronic
communication inside or out.

You sent her in blind and alone?

No one sent her.
Nadine's calling the sh*ts.

All right, just text us your location

and we'll be there soon.





Back when Earl was k*lled,

Red Bama owned two slaughterhouses

with cattle on acres.

He was just a... a pissant upstart.

So how is it Red pulled the
strings behind Earl's m*rder?

I don't think that Red
was at the center of it.

Well, if that's the case,
how do you connect Red

- to the m*rder?
- Well, through Jimmy Poole.

Look, I don't think that Jimmy
escaped prison work detail

at Bama's slaughterhouse.

I think that Red helped get him out.


[SIGHS] Okay.

- You want the facts.
- I do.

Three months after Earl dies,
Red gets a sweetheart deal

for , acres of government land.

Within a year, he gets appointed

under-secretary of the
Agricultural Department,

despite being unqualified for the job.

It's thin.

But it's something.

How far are you willing to go with it?

All the way.




Don't think I've seen you around.

It's my first day.




BOB LEE: Hey, what's the situation?

Nadine is blown.

She needs some help getting out.

Plus some cops just walked in
that did not look like

typical DCPD.

You got a clean phone?


- , what's your emergency?
- There's a b*mb inside

the headquarters at Titan Incorporated.

It's about to go off.



Ladies and gentlemen, please proceed

to the nearest exit.


Ladies and gentlemen, please
proceed to the nearest exit.

Hey, hey, I'm with Homeland.

You gotta leave the building immediately.

- Sir, you can't come in here.
- There's a b*mb.

Did you hear me? There is a b*mb

- in this building.
- I don't care...

It's been confirmed.
We all gotta evacuate.

BOB LEE: You hear that?

People, there's a b*mb in this building!

It could go off any minute!
Let's move, move!

This way, this way, everyone. Come on.



Unit three, we're headed up
the north stairwell.

Copy that.

Step aside.

MAN: Come on, people, move it.
Clear a path.

Hey, you, hold it!



Sir, you have to evacuate immediately.

I left my keys in the desk.
I gotta go grab them.

No, I can't let you do that, sir.

You're carrying a Maxim .

Is that standard issue for a c...



Clear the th floor.
She hasn't left the building.


At least the authorities
are taking our b*mb threat

pretty seriously.

ISAAC: It would be disturbing
if they didn't.

Shouldn't have let Bob Lee
talk me into staying out here.

You're not the first person
he's done that to.

Hogging the hero spotlight
is one of his many talents.

So now what?

How's Atlas likely to respond to this?

They'll send in half a dozen hitters,

activate any sleeper agents who've been

working at Titan all along,
and send an extraction team

for when it's done.

So somewhere around here,
they have people waiting

- to pick them up?
- Yeah.

- Let's find them.
- Get out.

If Nadine escaped,
she'll need a ride, ASAP.

Right, yeah.





I'm in pursuit of target
on the sixth floor.

All agents converge on the sixth floor.

Code green. You're authorized
to terminate target on sight.


That's the fifth time
that police van's circled by.

You're right.

Or else we're about to start
a w*r with legit cops.

Why would legit cops be
circling around outside

the security perimeter?

I'll get in position.






DCPD on sight. All agents pull back.

I surrender. I'm unarmed.

All right, just keep
those hands in the air.

MAN: Slowly.

NADINE: I'm unarmed. I surrender.

MAN: Okay. That's far enough.


While you were gone,
two dozen more cops showed up.

How does this end well for Nadine?

CARLITA: It doesn't.


Ms. Swagger.

After thinking about it for a bit,

my son would like to apologize to you

for the way he spoke to you before.


I'm sorry for cussing you

and insulting you, Mrs. Swagger.

I actually think you have
a beautiful smile.

Thank you.

I hope you'll accept my apology as well.

I should have raised him better.

Well, apology accepted.

Especially since I thought you
were here to talk me out

of a wrongful death suit
that Sam was filing

against you today.

I'm not real big
on wasting time, Ms. Swagger.

And given your husband's stubborn nature,

I don't imagine I can talk
a Swagger out of anything.

I was just here to speak with Sam...

- to reason with him man to man.
- Well, Sam is out.

I can see that.

And it looks to me like the rumors

about Sam closing up shop might be true.

Yeah, he is retiring.

Good for him, good for him.
He deserves a rest.

It seems kind of odd to me
that he'd take on a new case

this close to the end.

Well, Sam's always had
a knack for picking good cases.

Maybe he wants to go out with a win.


Well, I think you're gonna
have a hard time coming up

with any evidence to back your
claim after more than years.

Yet here you are.

Makes me wonder why.

Maybe a jury will wonder too.


Know that if you go forward with this,

I intend not only to win,

I intend to make everyone
involved very sorry

that they bothered.

You tell Sam I dropped by
to wish him well.

Not many people in this life
make it to retirement.

He should consider himself
one of the lucky ones.


All right, let's think.

All right, if the real cops have her,

she's probably here at central booking.

If not, she's already dead.

Let's assume she's alive

and figure out a way to get in there.

So what, we're... we're gonna
as*ault a police station?

Not we, Harris.

This is insane.

All we need to do is get Nadine back.

Then she can tell us what's on the card.

I'm afraid this whole
discussion is pointless, guys.

I mean, that police station is
more secure than the Pentagon.

HARRIS: She's right.

After - , all
the D.C. government buildings

got a major security upgrade.

You'd need a t*nk to get in there.

If we can't get in,
Atlas can't get in, either.

There's no official ID Atlas can't spoof.

I'm sure they're already inside.

Then we sit on the place
and see if they move her.

What if they already have?


Get up. You're being moved.

- Moved to where?
- Hands through the bars now.

I want a lawyer.

Non-compliant inmate. Now!


Hey, look, I'm FBI,

and you don't understand
what's going on here.