19x19 - Earthshock - part 1

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*
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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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19x19 - Earthshock - part 1

Post by bunniefuu »



Part One

Original Air Date: 8 March 1982
Running time: 24:22

Long shot of the quarry.

Some people in coveralls rappel up the side of a hill. Lieutenant Scott reaches out to help Professor Kyle over the top. She gasps.

They run away from the camera towards another hill where some other troopers are standing guard.

They run past an oval-shaped, blue tent to where some other troopers are standing, and stop. Scott looks around a bit, the moves forward again. He heads towards a "tunnel" entrance where some more troopers are standing.

Kyle and Snyder are looking into the entrance as Scott walks up.

SNYDER: Nothing.

Kyle turns around and walks away from the tunnel entrance very slowly.

PROF KYLE: How does this thing work?

WALTERS: It focuses upon the electrical activity of the body-heartbeat, things like that.

LT SCOTT: But only of mammalian life form. Everything else is excluded.

Scott walks off and Kyle follows ... slowly again

Scott stands near Walters, who begins to operate a futuristic, high-tech scanner.

Walters switches on the scanner and it begins to hum. He types on the futuristic keyboard, and looks intently

at the screen There’s nothing on it.

WALTERS: Nothing.

LT SCOTT: Could they have been shielded from the scanner in any way?

WALTERS: A lead screen. Some of the newer alloys.

PROF KYLE: There isn’t anything like that in the cavern.

Kyle walks away distraught, wringing her hands,

PROF KYLE: They’re dead, aren’t they?

LT SCOTT: It does seem likely.

PROF KYLE: Such a pointless waste.

LT SCOTT: We’ll find out.

PROF KYLE: They can’t be far. I radioed immediately I left the cavern.

LT SCOTT: You’ve done all you can. Don’t upset yourself. Walters, scan again. Maximum amplification.

WALTERS: Right, sir.

PROF KYLE: How many of you were down there?

PROF KYLE: Eight of us.

PROF KYLE: What were you doing?

PROF KYLE: A survey. The particular cave system we were in has just been discovered. It’s proven to be rich in fossils.

LT SCOTT: Are you all paleontologists?

PROF KYLE: And geologists.

LT SCOTT: It doesn’t make sense.

WALTERS: Scan complete, sir. Negative. No sign of life.

In the cavern two lithe, shadowy figures walk past the camera in the darkness.

LT SCOTT: Right, get your gear together. We’re going down.

Scott walks over to Kyle.

LT SCOTT: I realize going down again must be hard.

PROF KYLE: The caves are uncharted. You’ll never find the bodies without my help.

LT SCOTT: I’m grateful! Snyder, I want you to stay here with Walters.


LT SCOTT: Walters, I want a constant scan.

WALTERS: Right, sir.

LT SCOTT: Let me know the instant you see anything, all right?

MITCHELL: Troops ready, sir.

LT SCOTT: Sergeant Mitchell.

They slowly walk off to the side.

LT SCOTT: Do you believe Professor Kyle?

They look over to where she’s standing.

MITCHELL: I think she’s telling the truth. As far as she knows it, that is.

LT SCOTT: I agree. All right. Put the troop on full alert.


LT SCOTT: Oh, and just in case she is lying, we’ll have her up front where we can see her.

Inside the cavern the troops walk by the camera in long shot.

Now we see them walk by in close up. They move past the camera slowly. As the sexy androids move past behind him. He finally turns around to look, but it’s too late. He moves on.

Back outside Kyle looks at the monitor.

SNYDER: The party’s making good progress.

The scanner flares.

SNYDER: Is that supposed to happen?


SNYDER: There was a sort of flare. It only lasted a second.

WALTERS: Ahh, probably nothing. This equipment’s ancient.

There’s another flare.

SNYDER: There!

WALTERS: Ghosting.

SNYDER: Shouldn’t we tell Lieutenant Scott?

WALTERS: It isn’t worth it.

The sexy androids walk down a tunnel.

Inside the TARDIS the Doctor, holding a book, knocks

on Adric’s bedroom door. When there’s no answer he opens the door and walks in.

DOCTOR: You must read this, Adric. The Black



DOCTOR: It’s fascinating. Such scholarship!

He sets the book down in front of Adric.

ADRIC: Why should that interest me?

DOCTOR: What’s the matter?

ADRIC: I’m fed up.


ADRIC: I’m tired of being considered a joke.

DOCTOR: Oh, no one thinks that.

ADRIC: Then why am I constantly teased?

DOCTOR: Well, everyone is teased from time to time.

ADRIC: Yeah, but not as often as me.

DOCTOR: That’s not true.

ADRIC: No, and I suppose neither is the fact that when Nyssa or Tegan ask you a question, you always find time to answer it, but hardly ever with me.

The Doctor ignores him and r*fles through the stuff on

Adric’s desk.

ADRIC: Doctor, how am I supposed to learn if you never find time to explain?

DOCTOR: Time? We have spent many hours discussing and debating endless topics.

ADRIC: I’m just fitted in when it’s convenient for you.

DOCTOR: All right. I’ll make more time.

ADRIC: No, you’ve said that too often before, Doctor. There’ll always be some distraction to prevent it happening.

DOCTOR: I give you my word.

ADRIC: Just as you gave your word to Tegan.

DOCTOR: That’s not fair.

ADRIC: No, it never is when you’re being criticized, is it? Just as it’s never your fault when something goes wrong.

DOCTOR: Have you quite finished?

ADRIC: There’s lots more.

DOCTOR: Well, it can wait!

ADRIC: Yes, but I can’t. I’m tired of being an outsider, Doctor. I want to go back to my own people.

The Doctor looks at him.

In the cavern Scott crawls through an opening. He helps Kyle to her feet.

LT SCOTT: Is this the only way down?

PROF KYLE: The only known way.

LT SCOTT: You must have had some fun getting the gear through there.

PROF KYLE: This expedition was cursed form the beginning.


PROF KYLE: We had endless problems. Even lighting the tunnels was a nightmare.

MITCHELL: In what way?

PROF KYLE: All sorts of things. Annoying things, Tools would go missing. Small but important components were discovered smashed.

LT SCOTT: Sabotage?

PROF KYLE: I didn’t think so at the time. Someone who wanted to wreck the expedition could have been far more positive about it.

LT SCOTT: As ultimately they were.

The sexy androids move into a cavern.

Back in the TARDIS console room Nyssa writes something on a pad of paper as Tegan watches.

NYSSA: There.

TEGAN: I’ll never learn how to do that properly.

NYSSA: It isn’t that difficult.

DOCTOR: No, Adric. I will not do it.

ADRIC: You’ve done it before.

DOCTOR: The TARDIS is not designed for E- Space. Nyssa, tell him!

NYSSA: Tell him what?

DOCTOR: He wants to go home.

NYSSA: To Alzarius?

ADRIC: No, to Terradon.

DOCTOR: That would involve the TARDIS is going back into E-Space.

NYSSA: The Doctor’s right. It would be very dangerous.

ADRIC: I could plot a course.

DOCTOR: How do you calculate negative coordinates?

ADRIC: I have the mathematical skill.

DOCTOR: It would also involve passing through the CVE. Now, you can’t calculate random coordinates.

ADRIC: The monitor on Logopolis indicated they were not random.

DOCTOR: You do not have the monitor’s skill, Adric, and even if you did, I am not going back into E-Space!

ADRIC: Then I will find someone who will take me.

DOCTOR: E-Space is another universe. There isn’t a taxi service goes back and forth.

ADRIC: Once I calculate the course, the journey itself would be simple.

NYSSA: It won’t.

ADRIC: Romana’s still in E-Space. Once I get there, she can help me.

TEGAN: Is it really that dangerous?

DOCTOR: Do you really think I’d be making all this fuss if it weren’t?

ADRIC: Can I use your computer?

DOCTOR: Oh, help yourself. I’m not waiting around while you plot the course to your own destruction.

Back in the cavern the troopers slowly trudge onward.

LT SCOTT: How much further?

The lights flash, and there’s a strange sound. Bane trips.

LT SCOTT: What caused that?

PROF KYLE: I don’t know. They’ve never done it before.

MITCHELL: Trooper Bane’s hurt, sir.

BANE: I damaged my shoulder.

MITCHELL: Nothing broken.

LT SCOTT: Can you walk?

BANE: I think so.


He contacts Walters via radio.

WALTERS: Walters.

LT SCOTT: Bane’s had an accident. I’m sending her up.

WALTERS: Right, sir.

LT SCOTT: She’ll need medical treatment.

Is interrupted by a weird jangling sound.

LT SCOTT: What’s that?

Back on the surface Walters studies the scanner.

WALTERS: I don’t know, sir. It’s causing the scanner to flare as well.

LT SCOTT: See if you can trace it, will you?

The jangling sound stops.

LT SCOTT: Too late.

PROF KYLE: I heard that noise before.


PROF KYLE: A few minutes before we were att*cked.

The sexy androids move through a tunnel and stop. In another tunnel the TARDIS materializes.

Inside the TARDIS console room the scanner slides open.

NYSSA: Where are we?

DOCTOR: Earth.

TEGAN: Oh, not again.

DOCTOR: 26th century.

ADRIC: The year is 2526 in the time scale you call Anno Domini.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

TEGAN: Why have we materialized underground?

DOCTOR: Why not? Adric wants to use the computer. I want to go for a walk.

NYSSA: Why not help Adric?

ADRIC: I don’t need his help, thank you very much.

DOCTOR: You see?

NYSSA: Please, Doctor, it’s gone far enough.

ADRIC: Do you; know I think since his regeneration he’s become decidedly immature.

Tegan walks over towards the Doctor.

DOCTOR: I’m going outside now. I might be gone some time.

He opens the door and walks out.

TEGAN: I’m gonna talk some sense into the Doctor.

Nyssa walks over towards Adric.

NYSSA: Oh dear, it’s all getting rather silly, isn’t it?

ADRIC: Oh, I didn’t mean to be so rude.

NYSSA: Why don’t you calculate the course home? Show the Doctor it can be done, then when he’s calmed down we can all talk to him.

ADRIC: But will he listen?

NYSSA: Of course he will.

Nyssa walks out. Adric smiles.

Mitchell and Bane slowly crawl back through the tunnels towards the surface.

Back on the surface.

WALTERS: This is the main group here. This is the wounded party.

The camera pans over to three new white dots.

SNYDER: Where have they come from?

WALTERS: I don’t know.

Snyder plays with her radio.

LT SCOTT (v.o.): Scott.

WALTERS: One of the readings is ectopic, sir.

LT SCOTT (v.o.): What does that mean?

WALTERS: That one of the life forms has two hearts.

In a cold tunnel the Doctor tries warming his hands. Nyssa and Tegan walk up to him.

DOCTOR: It’s so peaceful and cool down here.

TEGAN: Breathe deeply and relax.


TEGAN: Now, go and make it up with Adric. Please?

DOCTOR: All right, but I am not taking him back into E-space and that’s my final word on the matter.

NYSSA: Look at his calculations before you decide. It may be possible.

DOCTOR: All right, I’ll look, but I’m not promising anything.

NYSSA: Of course not, Doctor.

In a different tunnel.

LT SCOTT: You’re sure the life form’s alien?

WALTERS: Positive, sir, I’ve re-checked the scan. The reading is true.

LT SCOTT: Let me have their position as soon as possible.

WALTERS: Working it out now, sir.

Scott turns his radio off.

LT SCOTT: Unshoulder arms.

They do so.

LT SCOTT: Set them on stun.

Scott walks off.

In another corridor the sexy androids walk off.

In yet another tunnel the Doctor mutters to himself whilst standing outside the TARDIS.

He walks over to her.

TEGAN: Doctor!

TEGAN: There’s something wrong.


TEGAN: Well, haven’t you noticed?

NYSSA: What are you talking about?

TEGAN: Well, it should be totally dark, but we can see. The doctor runs his finger along the wall, then across Tegan’s nose.

DOCTOR: Phosphorescence.

NYSSA: And something else.


NYSSA: Lots of bones.

Back in the TARDIS Adric is writing on a pad of paper. He glances at the scanner and see the Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa. Bored he looks back and flips a page.

Back on the surface.

WALTERS: I’ve worked out the position of the three intruders. Their lateral coordinates are 0, 3. 9 by 4, 0, 1, Depth coordinates 23.336 meters. Reference 1, 9 by 74.9.

Back in the tunnel, Kyle, who’s been typing on her wrist pad, stops.

PROF KYLE: By my reckoning your alien life form is in a small tunnel alongside the cavern where we were att*cked.

The wounded party moves through the tunnel slowly.

BANE: I must rest for a moment.

She moves away and sits against the tunnel wall. Back on the surface.

SNYDER: Look at the wounded party. They’ve hardly moved. I’m going down.


SNYDER: They may need help.

WALTERS: I’ll let them know you’re coming.

He acts as if he’s going to say something into the radio, but never does.

Snyder enters the tunnel. In another cave.

DOCTOR: Fascinating.

NYSSA: They’re huge! What sort of creature had such bones?

TEGAN: Dinosaurs.

DOCTOR: An amazing species.

NYSSA: Are they your ancestors?

TEGAN: I hope not.

DOCTOR: Well, you should be proud if they were.

TEGAN: Thank you very much. Most of them had a brain the size of a pea.

DOCTOR: They were also the most successful creature ever to inhabit the earth.

NYSSA: In what way?

DOCTOR: Fossilized remains have been found all over the planet. Not bad adaptation for a creature with the brain the size of a pea.

NYSSA: How long did they exist?

DOCTOR: 100 million years or so. They seemed so secure and yet they died out overnight.

Back in the tunnels the troopers are running again. Kyle trips and Scott helps her up.

LT SCOTT: Come along, Professor.

Back with the ones from the TARDIS.

TEGAN: It’s like a graveyard.

NYSSA: How could such a successful species die out so quickly?

DOCTOR: Initially hypothermia, then starvation.

NYSSA: Caused by what, an ice age?

DOCTOR: Something equally as devastating. The earth collided with something from space.

TEGAN: An asteroid?

DOCTOR: Could be. I don’t know. I’ve always meant to slip back and find out.

Snyder walks through a tunnel. Then speaks into her radio.

SNYDER: Snyder.

WALTERS: You should be near the wounded party.

SNYDER (v.o.): I can’t see anyone.

WALTERS: They’re on your level, about 30 meters away,

SNYDER: Advancing now. Will leave communicator on.

She advances.

In another tunnel the wounded party stumble along, They come to a junction where they see one of the sexy androids.

BANE: Is that you, Snyder?

Snyder walks through the tunnel.

SNYDER: Are you sure they’re on this level?

WALTERS: Positive. They should be very close. Hang on, the scanner’s flaring. The flaring’s very heavy.

SNYDER (v.o): See if you can get a fix on it.

The troopers continue to run through tunnels. Mitchell stops and yells at some stragglers.

MITCHELL: Come on. Keep up. The exercise will do you all good!

They continue running.

On the surface Walters messes around with the scanner. He picks up his radio.

WALTERS: Snyder, do you hear me?


WALTERS: It’s no go, The scanner registers the flare, but the computer doesn’t. It’s weird.

SNYDER: Keep trying.

WALTERS: You must be very close to the source.

There’s a loud scream in the background. Snyder heads off towards it.

Outside there’s a flare on the scanner and the wounded party’s lights go out along with Snyder’s,

WALTERS: Snyder? Snyder? Negative emission. Snyder, do you hear me? Get out of there. Bane and Collis are dead.

In the cavern the camera slowly tilts up as Walters continues to call out. There’s a pool of green slime with a communicator lying in it. Eventually we see the two sexy androids standing nearby.

WALTERS: Do you hear me? Snyder! Get out of there! Snyder!

In another cavern the doctor finishes making a dinosaur drawing in the sand on the floor with his hat.

TEGAN: Things have collided with Earth before. What was so different about the one that destroyed the dinosaurs?

DOCTOR: Size. It was gigantic.

TEGAN: But how could one asteroid wipe out all the dinosaurs? It just isn’t possible.

NYSSA: You’re forgetting displacement.

DOCTOR: The impact would have caused millions upon millions of tons of earth and rock to be fragmented and the hurled up into the atmosphere, enveloping the whole planet.

NYSSA: The storm it created must have lasted for months.

TEGAN: Would it have blocked out the sun?

DOCTOR: To such an extent that the surface temperature would have dropped radically.

NYSSA: And without warmth reptiles cease to function.

TEGAN: Poor old dinosaur.

In another tunnel Kyle trips and falls for the hundredth time.

LT SCOTT: All right. All right. Take it easy.

PROF KYLE: I can’t keep the pace up.

LT SCOTT: We’ll rest here for a minute.

Scott’s communicator beeps.

LT SCOTT: Scott.

WALTERS (v.o.): Snyder and the others have ... just gone off the scanner.


WALTERS: The screen flared again and their scan lights went out. They’re dead.

LT SCOTT: Have you checked the scanner for faults?

WALTERS: Yes, it’s working perfectly.

MITCHELL: Could be a rock fall that k*lled them.

LT SCOTT: Any change in position of our alien friends up ahead?

WALTERS (v.o.): None.

MITCHELL: Shall I take a couple of troopers and go back, sir?

LT SCOTT: Carry on, Sergeant Mitchell.

MITCHELL: Carter, Bailey!

Back in the console room Adric continues scribbling;

he looks at the scanner.

ADRIC: Don’t wander too far, Doctor.

Back outside.

LT SCOTT: Professor Kyle, we must go on.

PROF KYLE: I’m fine now.

Kyle helps her up for the hundredth time.

LT SCOTT: Right. Prepare to move out.

Back with the Doctor.

TEGAN: It’s weird. It all happened so long ago.

DOCTOR: 65 million years.

TEGAN: I wonder what evolutionary stage my ancestors were at?

DOCTOR: Primitive, Tegan. Very primitive.

Mitchell and the two troopers walk through a tunnel.

MITCHELL: Come on.

They walk a little further.

The main group of troopers run through more tunnels. Outside the scanner flares.

WALTERS: Not again. Please, not again. Mitchell and co. are walking. Her communicator beeps.

MITCHELL: Mitchell.

WALTERS (v.o.): The scanner’s flared again, Sarge.

MITCHELL: Whereabouts?

WALTERS (v.o.): Very close to you.

The main group move into a large cavern.

PROF KYLE: There’s been a rock fall.

LT SCOTT: Where are the three aliens?

PROF KYLE: In the tunnel down here.

LT SCOTT: Right, take cover.

They scatter and hide behind rocks in the way that only characters in DW could hide.

Back in the console room Adric continues to scribble. He looks at the console several times and writes stuff down on his pad.

Mitchell and the two troopers move through a tunnel. The lights flicker as mist rises in the foreground.

MITCHELL: Come on.

They move forward. Suddenly One of the troopers steps in the green slime where Snyder’s name tag is lying.

TROOPER: Look, Sarge. What sort of w*apon could do that to a person?

MITCHELL: I don’t know, and I don’t care. I just want the people who did this.

They slowly stand up as the sexy androids move in. Back outside.

MITCHELL (v.o.): We’ve got company. Two of them.

WALTERS: That’s not possible. There’s no reading.

MITCHELL (v.o.): Just take my word for it. There here all right, and they don’t look ...

She screams.

The three lights go out on the scanner.

WALTERS: Sergeant? Sergeant Mitchell? Sergeant Mitchell!

The Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa move into the cavern where the troopers are "hiding".

TEGAN: Look, Doctor. Mining equipment.

DOCTOR: Uh, I don’t think we should go any further.

NYSSA: I can’t see anyone.

Scott and Kyle come out of hiding.

LT SCOTT: Hold it there!

TEGAN: What’s going on?

LT SCOTT: Shut up! Do you recognize any of them?


DOCTOR: How do you do? I’m the Doctor. This is Tegan and Nyssa.

LT SCOTT: I said shut up.

DOCTOR: What are we supposed to have done?

Scott’s communicator beeps.

LT SCOTT: Scott.

WALTERS (v.o.): Sergeant Mitchell and her troops are dead, sir.

LT SCOTT: Are you sure?

WALTERS: Yes, sir. She was reporting in when she was k*lled.

LT SCOTT: How many hostiles were there?

WALTERS (v.o.): Two, sir.

LT SCOTT: Where are they now?

WALTERS: I don’t know, sir. They didn’t show up on the scanner.

LT SCOTT: That’s impossible.

WALTERS (v.o.): I know, sir.

LT SCOTT: All right, keep searching. Let me know when you find anything.

DOCTOR: Anything we can do?

Scott garbs him by the shoulders.

DOCTOR: Obviously not.

Scott pushes him over towards the cave wall and pins him on a rock.

LT SCOTT: Too many people have died for you to play the fool.


Back in the console room Adric is still scribbling.

ADRIC: Now where have you gone?

Back in the cavern.

LT SCOTT: Where have you hidden the bodies?

DOCTOR: What bodies?

LT SCOTT: Seven people were m*rder*d in this cavern!

TEGAN: We didn’t do it!

DOCTOR: We only just arrived.

NYSSA: Let me show you how we travelled here.

LT SCOTT: Don’t waste my time. Where have you hidden the bodies?

PROF KYLE: The rock fall.


PROF KYLE: The bodies must be here.


LT SCOTT: Shall we look?

The sexy androids mobilize.

In the console room Adric looks around. He hears a noise. He sets his bad down and walks to a different panel of the console

ADRIC: What is it?

He flips some switches.

ADRIC: Where’s it coming from?

He flips some more switches.

Back in the cavern Tegan and Nyssa move some rocks and uncover a metal hatch in the cave wall.

LT SCOTT: What’s that?

Nyssa taps on it.

NYSSA: I don’t know.

LT SCOTT: Seaton, Foster, help them clear the rocks away.

PROF KYLE: Lieutenant!

Scott walks over to Kyle.

PROF KYLE: These belonged to Doctor Khan, my assistant.

The sexy androids are running now!

Scott taps on the hatch then turns to the Doctor.

LT SCOTT: Is this why you k*lled them?

DOCTOR: I know nothing about it.

TEGAN: We’re telling the truth.

LT SCOTT: Open the hatch.

DOCTOR: I can’t.

LT SCOTT: I said open it!

NYSSA: I’ll try.

DOCTOR: Nyssa.

LT SCOTT: You stay where you are. I want him to do it.

The Doctor moves towards the hatch slowly. Just as he reaches it the sexy androids arrive and start sh**ting energy bolts from their hands. There’s much commotion.

The Doctor moves away.

The androids sh**t again, and everyone moves towards the rocks.

LT SCOTT: Behind the rocks!

We see a blaster, and tattered clothes lying on the floor,

An android sh*ts another energy bolt. Scott ducks down behind the rocks.

The android sh**t again, and the troopers begin blasting them.

PROF KYLE: Who are they?

DOCTOR: Androids. That’s why they didn’t register on your scanners.

LT SCOTT: Androids? Are they yours?

DOCTOR: No, and if you want proof you’ll find they’ll k*ll me as willingly as they’ll k*ll you.

An energy bolt strikes a nearby rock.

The androids stand with their palms facing forward.

DOCTOR: See what I mean?

An android fires another energy bolt. The troopers fire at them.

PROF KYLE: That’s them. I recognize that sound.

LT SCOTT: Those are the things that att*cked you?


DOCTOR: Do you know why?

PROF KYLE: No, there isn’t a reason.

DOCTOR: Whoever’s controlling the androids thinks there is.

Close up of android.

We see the cavern form the androids point of view. It’s tinted red. The view shakily zooms in eventually centering on the Doctor’s face.

Three Cybermen stand around a control of some sort.

CYBERLEADER: Destroy them. Destroy them at once.

The Doctor
Peter Davison

Matthew Waterhouse

Janet Fielding

Sarah Sutton

Lieutenant Scott
James Warwick

Professor Kyle
Clare Clifford

Captain Briggs
Beryl Reid

June Bland

Steve Morley

Suzi Arden

Ann Holloway

Trooper Baines
Anne Clements

Second Trooper
Mark Straker

David Banks

Alec Sabin

Mark Hardy

First Crew Member
Mark Fletcher

Second Crew Member
Christopher Whittingham

Assistant Floor Manager
Nick Laughland

Dinah Collin

Bernard Lloyd-Jones

Film Cameraman
Keith Hopper

Film Editor
Mike Houghton

Incidental Music
Malcolm Clarke

Joan Stribling

John Nathan-Turner

Production Assistant
Jane Ashford

Production Associate
Angela Smith

Script Editor
Antony Root

Special Sounds
d*ck Mills

Studio Lighting
Fred Wright

Studio Sound
Alan Machin

Theme Arrangement
Peter Howell

Title Music
Ron Grainer

Visual Effects
Steve Bowman
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