Blinky Bill (2015)

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Blinky Bill (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »

RICHIE: Welcome back to
the Greenpatch Cricket Ground.

TONY: Yes, Rich. A few
dark clouds around earlier on.

But thankfully,
they've passed.

RICHIE: Well, what
a thrilling test this is
turning out to be, Tony!

Eight hours of play
and not a single run scored!

You could
cut the tension
with your beak!

If this was any more
absorbing, Rich,
it'd be a tea-towel!

he's giving him the eye,

and he's giving him
the finger too!

Well, this could be trouble.
He's going back
for the long run-up.

Yes, well,
aren't these players

looking delicious out there
this afternoon, Rich?

Yes, they certainly
are, Tony!

I'd lick my lips
if I had any.

TONY: Tommo steaming in
hard and fast now
from the Billabong end.

Well, that's a marvelous
shot indeed!

Yes he's got under
that one and really
given it some stick!

That's a knockout!

That's just not cricket.

Got Him!
Ha-ha! Howzat!

BLINKY: That deadset legend
is my dad, Bill Koala!

Yeah, maybe
you've heard of him.

He's, paws-down,
the best explorer
in the whole outback.

But of all the places
he's ever been,
he reckons our home,

Greenpatch, is the best.
Hi, fellas! Nice!

In Greenpatch,
everyone's welcome.

Hi, Bill!

BLINKY: Furry. Feathered.
Two legs. Four legs.

Even fun-spoiling,
snot-sucking goannas
like old Crankypants.

But dad keeps him in check.



My dad's always going out
into the Great Desert

to rescue lost
and injured animals.

He's a real hero.

Here you go, Bill.
Cheers, love.

Kind of a bit like me!

Son! Getcha fluffy
little butt down here!

I'm heading off.
BLINKY: Coming!
Wha... Ouch!

Oh! Just a sec!

(SCREAMING) Here I am!

Ready when you are, Dad.

Where are we going?
Erm, right.

Your boof-head father's
got it in his head

that the Sea of White Dragons
really exists.

The Sea of White Dragons?

Whoa, Dad,
can I come with you?

Steady on, champ.

I've got this
trip covered.

The desert's not
Greenpatch, mate.

It's a wild, rugged land
full of mystery and danger.

It's no place
for a little koala.

When you're bigger, aye?

But I am big!
And strong. Look.


And I hardly ever
fall over anymore.

Except just then.
Stupid grass!

This is called
the Koala Flyer.

I made it to help us explore.
Whoa! It's like you say,

"The higher you go,
the further you see."

(CHUCKLES) It's great, mate.

But, you know,
koalas can't fly.

We can work on your kite
while your dad's away.

BILL: Cheer up, cheeky chops.

What do us
adventurers always say?

Don't drink
the yellow water?

Yeah, the other thing.

An adventurer
never gives up.

An adventurer always
helps those in need.



BOTH: Keeps his promise!

Too right!

I promise that one day
I'll take you on an adventure.

If you promise to look after
your mum while I'm gone.

And you promise
not to get yourself eaten.

I'll be right, Betty.

(LAUGHS) You know me.

I do know you.

(SPITS) Paws in!

(SPITS) Paws in!

See ya, mate

I'll be back in two shakes
of a bilby's whisker.


BLINKY: But he wasn't.

It's been a year
since he left.


I wish he'd hurry up.

Without dad around,
Cranky's gone troppo.

Thinks he owns the place.

Did I say "stop"?


BLINKY: When my dad
gets back, he's gonna
kick his scaly butt.

But right now,
he's out exploring,

the Sea of White Dragons.

Probably surrounded
by a million hungry
tooth monsters.

Takin' em down to
Koala Town one by one.

Here comes the big one!


Robert, stop doing that!

Kangaroos hop,
lyre birds mimic!
Deal with it.

Splodge, fruit bombs.



Er, thanks.

Operation Goanna Splat is, go!

Hey, kids.
I'm heading out.


Did I hear something
about goannas?

Er, yeah. (STUTTERS)

I was saying we should
go-anna get some lunch.

Blinky, let me
worry about Cranklepot.

Please. Be good.

'Course, Mum.
I'm always good.

I promise.

Come on. Cranky's speech
is about to start.

Yeah... Whoa!
Didn't you just
promise to be good?

Good? (LAUGHS)
I'm gonna be great!

(LAUGHING) Comin' through!

BLINKY: Robert!
Code red!

ROBERT: On it, Blinky!


Marcia! Wind check!

She's slow
and steady, Blinky.

Perfect day to fly a kite.

BLINKY: And rain
on Cranky's parade!


MARCIA: And you really
are sure about this, Blinky?

It says "No climbing!"

Dad says an adventurer
makes his own rules.

But, what if your
kite crashes?

Yeah. Like all the others.

Yeah! It's gonna go...

Your brains will...


And then your mum
will start...


Yeah, thanks, Robert!

Trust me,
there's nothing
to worry about.

I'll show them,
this kite will fly.


Just like you one day.




My fellow

Have no fear,
Cranklepot's here!


Where was I? Oh, yes.

We're all gathered here
to honor me,
your most beloved lizard.



CRANKY: Just a humble reptile.

I hope you like fruit,

(LAUGHS) In your face!

Whoa! Change of plan!

Sure thing, Blinky!

What's the new pla...

Today marks one year
since the so-called
founder of Greenpatch,

the traitorous
Bill Koala abandoned us

like a cowardly
little vegetarian!

Pull your snout in,
Wilberforce Cranklepot!

My husband didn't
abandon anyone.

He went out
into the Great Desert
to save lost animals!

Oh, really?
And where is he now?

I'll tell you where he is,
he's dead.

He's an ex-koala.


Beware, I say!

The saber-toothed
dingo-dogs and flying fang
serpents are coming!

What? (SCOFFS)
Don't listen to him!
He's making it up!

Closing our borders
to the foreign menace
is our only hope!

Don't you dare!
Greenpatch is a refuge
for all animals!

Pah! Bleeding-hearted

I'll give you
you walking handbag!

It's a cold-blooded
world out there, Mrs. Bill.

And it's time
we all embraced
our inner reptile.

Which is why I,
your new leader,
King Wilberforce Cranklepot,

henceforth rename
Greenpatch, Goannasburg.

Behold the
Statue of Lizardy!




Striking, isn't he?
I carved him myself...


Take that, termite breath!


This is not a drill!

That's a drill!

(WHOOPING) I'm flying!

Whoa! I'm falling!




BOTH: Marcia!

(GASPS) Marcia!


What have you
done, Koala? My statue!


Marcia, are you okay?

You know I can't stand
paddy melon juice.


Blinky Bill!

This was my favorite shirt!
Typical Blinky.

See? This is what happens
when someone breaks my rules.

Everyone suffers.


Time to teach you
a lesson, tree-rat.

Have to catch me first!

You malignant marsupial!


The border swamp
is out of bounds!

My dad says
adventure has no bounds!

Stop, fluff ball! (GRUNTS)



CRANKY: I'm warning you!

Leaving Greenpatch
is forbidden!

Forbid this! (FARTS)


In your snout, Cranky!

I am the king
of Goannasburg!

There's no such place
as Goannasburg.

My dad discovered
this valley and
he named it Greenpatch!

But your dad's not here
anymore, is he?

What's so funny?

The look on your face,
in about three seconds.

Three, two, one.







You're a keeper.


So this is
where you went.

Let me go!

It's a disgrace!
As your king, I demand
punishment forthwith!

Cranky, you are not the king.

You're just
a jumped-up skink...

Yeah, with
termite breath. Ouch!

Tell it to the claw, Koalas.
The whole town's
behind me now,

thanks to your
little stunt.

First thing tomorrow,
I'm sealing up Goannasburg
from the outside world.

And then...

I'm turning this tree
into my castle.

You just try it,
you stupid ant-licker!


Where are your manners?

Shut your snout,
you stinking,

scaly, stupid
little ant-licker!

Start packing, Koalas!

I'll be back
and you better be out!

Blinky Bartholomew Bill!

You promised me
you'd be good.
Marcia was nearly squished.

I know. She shouldn't
have been standing there.

But now's not the time
for finger-pointing,

we've gotta go save Dad
before Cranky shuts up
the valley forever.

Greenpatch needs us here.

If we don't stand up
to Cranky, who will?

Dad will! I know
which way he went,

I saw his marker!
Mum, come on.

It's been
a year, love.


We have to go to
the Sea of White Dragons
and save him!

There's no
such place, Blinky.

There's nothing
out there but desert.

It's just a myth!

What if it's not?
I can't lose you
too, Blinky.

I'm sorry.

But I forbid you to go.
That's not fair.

You might have
given up on Dad,
but I haven't.

And Dad says
you never give up!


Never give up!




MRS. BILL: Blinky?
Blinky's not here!

Well, can you
give him a message
that his mum loves him?

I'll think about it.



I'm not giving up.

If the Sea of White Dragons
really exists,

I'll find you.

Blinky, this is crazy!
You don't even know
what's out there!

It's dangerous!
Remember what Cranky said?

That old fossil!
He's just trying
to scare us.

And it worked!
What if the flying fanged
serpents get you?

Or the toothy beasts
with their slobbery teeth?

It's madness, Blinky!

Come on,
this is where Dad went.


MARCIA: This is amazing!

But Blinky,
what if...

It's okay, Splodge.

As long as
we stick to the plan,
everything's gonna be fine.

The plan? What plan?

The plan where you
cover for me, "Blinky".

I'm Robe... Oh.

I remember now.

I sure hope this works.
It'll work, trust me.

Mum won't even know
I'm gone.

(SPITS) Paws in.


Operation White Dragons
is, go.

But you're
just a little...
Trust me, I'll be fine.

Ooh! Didn't hurt!


See ya later, bush potatoes!
In a while, marsupial.

See ya, Blinky.
Please come back.

I bet ya yams
he's back before lunch.

Guys! I can still hear you!

Sorry, Blinky.

Keep going, mate.

Double or nothing.

Ha! Walk in the park, guys!

Whoa! Missed that one!
Oh, yeah.


(STUTTERING) Get it off!

Are you okay, Blinky?

Huh? Oh, yeah! Ha-ha!



(NERVOUSLY) Just walking.

It's not creepy.

Not creepy at all.

Not creepy.

¶ Hey, hey, Blinky Bill,
you'll never catch me
standing still ¶

Whoa. Yes.



Ugh. What animal
did you come out of?

Huh! Water!



The adventure begins.





What happened to you?






You stupid... Ow!



WOMAN: Hans! Beautiful day.

HANS: Sure is.
Let me give you
a hand with that, love.

WOMAN: How have you
been keeping?
Ah, can't complain.

On my own again today, though.
Gert called in sick again.

All that boy does
is party all night.






You know, mother always
said it was rude for me
to play with my food.

But I despise my mother.

There's only one thing
I despise more than her.

Can you guess what that is?




Oh! Good day, little fella!






Hot, hot, hot, hot!





Water, water,
water, water!

I need water!

Water, water,
water, water!




Are you all right?
Let me help you up.



You're up!

Finally! I shall
have my revenge!

But, but I don't
even know you.

My sincerest apologies.

Sir Claude.
Purebred British Shorthair.


Eater of small animals.

Tormentor of birds.
And your
worst nightmare, Koala.



Lunch is served! Yum!





What's going on here?




I will destroy you, Koala.

If it's the last thing I do.

First time? In a truck?


I guess so.


What're you looking at?

Okay, that's
a little too close.

Personal space!
Act cool.
Don't make eye contact.

You're a girl.
Er, last time I looked.

In a cage.
You just say
what you see, huh?

How did you get in there?
How'd you get out there?


Wait a second.

That sweaty unwashed smell...
You're wild!

Are you a stowaway?
Whoa. That's so cool.

You had enough
of the great outdoors, huh?

I know this is
all new and strange,

just sit tight
and the humans
will take care of us.

There's no need
to freak out.

Oh, I'm not freaking out.
You kind of look like
you're freaking out.

Well, I'm not
freaking out.

Well, good.


Wait here.
Definitely freaking out.



Oh, no! It's gonna
gobble us up!

We've gotta
get off this thing! Ow!
Hey! No! What're you doing?

Just stop it! I'm saving you,
it's going to eat us!

What's going to eat us?
Crazy guy back here!
Help me!

I am helping you!

You can thank me later,
just hold on!

No, no, no, no!

Don't you dare.




That was some rescue, huh?


What have you done?

They were taking me
to my zoo!
Your what?


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

You can't go in there.
It's not safe!
You're not safe!

Get off! Stop!

Wait for me!

Oh, she's gonna get eaten!
Okay. Whew. Okay. Whew.

I gotta save her, again.





Oh, no!

No, no, no, no!

This isn't happening.

Happy thoughts.
Deep blue sky.
Deep blue sky.


It's just a cave
with a hole in it.

Come back! Please!
Don't leave me
out here with him!

What is this place?
We are in the middle of
nowhere because of you!

Ah! You know
you're pretty strong
for a cage.



Hey, what's so great
about this zoob anyway?

Zoo, fuzz-nut.
It's just the best place
in the world.

Somewhere you definitely
do not need saving from.

We have heated spa baths,
cafes and movie nights,

manicures and
little leafy treats.


Hey! My dad will know
where your zoo is.

I'll take you to him!

Trust me.
He's the best explorer
in the outback.

Know who's the second best?
You're looking at him.

The name's Blinky Bill!
I'm pretty legendary
around here.

Maybe you've heard of me?

Well, trust me.
Any trouble comes our way,
I'll give it my famous

to the guts. Hyaaa!


You get the idea.

Yes, I do.
(SPITS) Paws in?

I promise,
I'll get you to your zoo.

Okay. Deal.

But if you get us lost,
I smash you.

And if we get eaten,
I smash you.

Okay, okay.

I got it, cagey.
It's Nutsy.

Nutsy? That's your name?

It suits you. Ow!

You make fun
of my name...
You smash me?

You're learning.



MRS. BILL: Knock, knock!
Who's there?

Mum who?

Very funny, Blinky.


Oh, er, don't come in.
I'm very naked.

Blinky, it's nothing
I haven't seen before.

Oh, you'd be surprised.

I'm going to rally
the villagers against Cranky.
I could use your help.

Er, I'd love to, Mum.

But I need to
clean my room.

Hmm? Really?
Are you feeling
okay, Blinky?





Okay! Okay!

Don't get your pouch
in a knot!

(SIGHS) Kids!



What kind of a koala's
scared of heights?

A zoo koala!

The tallest thing
I've ever climbed up
is a concrete stump, okay?

Sorry! Just making

Well, don't! (PANTING)

I know what you're
thinking, anyway!

Zoo koalas can
read minds! Yeah!

Like, right now,
you're thinking...

"Can she really
read my thoughts?"

Hey! How did you kn...


Hmm. Well,
can zoo koalas jump?

'Cause you're standing
on an ants' nest.

What? Ants! Where?
What? Who?
Relax, they're harmless.

Unless they get
into your ears
and eat out your brains.




Ants don't build nests!

(SIGHS) You got a lot
to learn about the wild!

(GRUNTING) Stupid rock!
Where are we going?


Dad says the higher you go,
the further you see!

NUTSY: Ergh!
Can someone please tell me

what's so great
about the Great Outdoors?

you've got dirt, ants,

no toilets,
weird little flies.

The things that eat
the weird little flies.

Did I mention dirt?


Relax, cagey.
You've got to trust
your wild side.

Right now, my wild side
wants to tear you
a new pouch.

Come on,
Hey! Would you just wait?




Dad never said
the desert was this...

Whoa! Beep, beep.

Back the truck up.
You've never been
in the desert before?

I thought you were wild.

I am wild! I can
run and jump
and kick and stuff...

Argh! You're lost!

Admit it! You've got no idea
where your dad is!

I've gotta get
back to the road.

Wait! No, no, no, no!
I really know where he is!

He's at the
Sea of White Dragons.

What sea?
I don't see a sea.

You're just making this up
as we go along!

I promise,
it's a real place.

I can find it.
Pah! You couldn't find
your nose with your finger.

Can too! See!


Shh! Wait here.

What can I say
about dear old Jacko?

Such a great little guy.

Teller of classic jokes.
What a weird little lizard?


But if he had one drawback,
just one little drawback...

It's his
Are you okay?

Am I okay? Am I okay?

I'm great. I'm great.
I'm just hangin' around,

sh**ting the breeze here.
For six freaking days!

She wants to know
if I'm okay?

Am I okay, Jorge?
Jorge says I'm okay.

Where are you
gumsuckers off to?

The zoo.
The Sea of White Dragons.


The Zoo of White Dragons!
I know exactly where that is!

Let me down
and I'll show you.

He's bluffing.

How dare you!
Frill neck lizards
never bluff!

Don't listen to the
lizard-hater toots.
I'm a tracker.

If I can't find it,
it doesn't exist.

Definitely bluffing.
Come on, Blinky,
just get him out.

I suppose. Dad says
always help those in need.

Oh, not the tail!
Very sensitive there! Ah!
Let go! Let go! Let go!

Ah! Why'd you
let go?


See ya, suckers! Ha-ha!

What did I tell you?

Time I hit the trail!



What's that about
my tail, huh?

Nothing, nothing.
I said hit the trail.
Not the tail!

Please, please!
Have mercy. I already
have enough issues!

Oh, poor dear.

Got a reptile dysfunction,
have we?

At least my tail
grows back.


Run Nutsy!

What do we have here?

Entree and main course.

Leave her alone!
Or what?

Or he'll smash you!

This is Blinky Bill.

The meanest,
toughest explorer
in the whole outback.

Maybe you've
heard of him.


Oh my!


Not the Blinky Bill.

Behold the great and
wonderful Blinky Bill!

Whip-kick him, Blinky.


Oh, yes.
Whip-kick me, Blinky.


Okay, you asked for it!

Is that it?




NUTSY: Blinky!

I'm going to
tear you apart!

Run for it!


No one panic.
I'm okay!




No, stop! Stop the ride!
I wanna get off now!

Hey, see anything
you like?

My cage!


Leave it.
We gotta go.

I'm scared, Blinky.

Everybody gets
scared right?


BLINKY: How about you, Jacko?


Are you scared?

Me? Always.

Ha! See?

Now, come on.
Let's get out of here.

Oh. Oh, right.
That's it?
Not even a goodbye?

Don't worry about
little Jacko,
he'll be just fine...


Hey! Hey! Wait for me!
Come on, I'll join you.
I can be your sidekick.

I'm very funny, you know,
I can tell lots of jokes.
I'll keep you laughing,

I'll keep it amusing,
I'm very good company!
I promise! I'll keep you up!

Not at night, but I mean up,
up in spirits...

You know, I wasn't
always like this.

Once my frill was
the pride of my family log.

But all that changed
the day Jorge
came to town.

And I will not rest
until I've had
my revenge on that

jumped-up son of a...
Now which way?


We'll never find your dad!

Well, sure we will.
Watch and learn.


Goodness gracious me!
That's not how you track!

Work with me,
work with me
you stupid thing!


This rock is...

Not a rock!

JACKO: Okay!

Meep, meep, meep.


Check out the lay
of the land.

Position yourself
with the sun.

Follow wild animal tracks.


Croc, damper, lizards.

Just hold on!


JACKO: Try, try, try.
Oh, yeah!

BOTH: (YELL) That way!

That way!
Oh, sure,

if you want to die.
Ignore him.

That frill's sucking
all the blood out of
his tiny little brain.

Hey, back up,

This desert's full of
crazy-eyed nut-jobs
with big teeth.

I'll find your
Seam of Wild Drongos.
Trust me.

I'm Jacko and I track-o!
You're a whack-o!

Come on, Nutsy.

No offense,
but everything you've done
so far has kind of

ended in disaster.

Hey! She's not
coming back-o.

'Cause you just
got the sack-o.

NUTSY: Come on, Sulky Bill!

Who's sulking?
You're sulking!

I'm glad I'm on my own!


You go your way,
I'll go mine.





I told you we should've
gone with Blinky.





Knock. Knock.
What? Who's there?

No, really.
I've forgotten my lines...

Who am I?
Bad news, Blinky.

Ah, yes.

No-one will
stand up to Cranky.

They're all scared.
Ah, I'm sorry, Mum.

I've been
a very naughty koala.

Ha, well,
you do have your moments.

I just wish I was
more like Robert

so clever
and handsome.

Well, I wouldn't
go that far.

Robert has his
problems too.

I wish we could go
looking for your father.

But you're all I've got.

If I lost you,
I don't know what I'd do.


You won't lose me, Mum.
I'm right here.

Behind this door.
Oh, Son.

Oh, Mum.
I love you, Blinky.

Oh, Mummy,
I love you too...

ah, Blinky loves you.

Well, I do too, but...

Where? Who?
Oh, me!

Woop! Woop!
Woop! Mum alert!

Attenzione! Achtung!

C'est une catastrophe!

Emergenza koala!

She knows too much!
Robert! Hide!

Er, hi, Mrs. Bill.

Where's Blinky?

You two think you're so smart,
don't you, cagey?


I'm glad you and old
freaky-frill aren't
slowing me down.

Gotta be tough,
tough to survive out here.

That desert sun
can make you
a little crazy.

Right, guys?





Yep, yep, yep,
you shouldn't have
given up on

old Blinky rinky dinky Bill.

Because you never
give up on your mates!

But I didn't give up
on her, Dad,

she gave up on me.


Dad, wait!




Looks like I'm having
koala for lunch.



Lunch is served.


Care for some pie?


Mmm! Pie!

It's mainly rotten
wattle seeds and dogwood.

'Course the maggots
get in so there's
a bit of protein.



Sorry about the whole
net thing, there's a lot
of predators out there.


Oh, sorry, Suzy!
Where are my manners?

Let me introduce you
to the others.

This is Fred.

Fred runs the cafe
down by the creek.

Don't order
the lunch special,

not worth the aftertaste,

if you know what I mean.


His aftertaste,
or ours?

And this is Suzy!

Ah, she used to play
flamenco in a band.

¶ The old gray strings

¶ They ain't what
they used to be... ¶

What? It's nothing to be
ashamed of, love.

So, call me Wombo.

I'm Nutsy.

Very nice. Classy.

You're obviously
the leader of this mob.

Well that's
a load of old...

And these are my sidekicks,
Jacko, and Fleabag.

Nice to meet ya, Fleabag.

Blinky, Blinky Bill.

(GASPS) Well,
shave my belly
and call me a dugong!

Are you Old Bill's boy?
Yes! You know him?

Do I? We go way back.

How is the old

I don't know.
He went off to find the
Sea of White Dragons and...

Never came back.
The Sea of White Dragons?

Oh, you mean, Croc Canyon?

So it is a real place?

Oh, my oath, it's real.
Ah, crazy Bill.

Always took things
one step too far.

So, where is it
and how do we get there?

Why, it's just
the deepest, darkest

most terrifying hell-hole
in the entire desert.

Way off in the Never Never,
where the galahs
don't even go.

Nobody who goes in
ever comes out,

alive that is. (CHUCKLES)

Take my advice
and turn back now.

Yeah, yes, yes,
yes, great advice.

Listen to the crazy
fat old wombat, Blinky.

No! We have to find my dad.
Yeah. And my zoo.


Crazy koalas.

Well, if you're
going to Croc Canyon,
you'll need a ride.



Come on, girls!

Erm, maybe
we can walk from here.

What's that?
You want a little radio?


And they're away!
Tutankhamun, an early leader.

Yesterday's Lunch
threatening to come up on
the outside and Pinocchio...

On three,
we run for it.

One, two... Ahhh!
Good day, petals!

Where youse off to?
I must apologize for Beryl.
She was dropped as an egg.

Je m'appelle Cheryl.
The classy one.

Pull the other one, sis.

You're about as fancy
as an indoor dunny.

(GASPS) Beryl! Manners!
Excuse the French, kiddies.

Well, hello, ladies.

Oh dear!

Who's the frog?
Frog? What?

Here's your ride. (CHUCKLES)
Whatever floats
your boat.

What? You didn't think
I was crazy, did you?

Thanks for coming
so fast, girls.
Blinky and Nutsy here,

well, they need
a lift to Croc Canyon.

BOTH: (GASPING) Croc Canyon!


CHERYL: Croc Canyon!
Ah, that's a good one.

Seriously, where youse going?

Croc Canyon.

BOTH: Oh...

I tried to warn them.
But you know koalas,
stubborn as a box of rocks.

They're looking
for Blinky's dad, old Bill.

(GASPS) Sacrebleu!

You don't mean old Bill,
the cane toad?

No, droopy draws!
He's talking about
old Bill, the echidna.

The koala, remember?

He saved you
from the quicksand, twice.

Oh, Bill Koala!

Emus, big hearts,
tiny brains.

Don't worry,
they'll get you there.

Oh, we owe Bill
a feather or two.

Hop aboard, darls.

Oi, Careful! My feathers
can get a bit...


Hey, wait for Jacko!
I'll sit up the front
with you, toots.


BERYL: The other
end's prettier.


Wombo, you coming?
Nah. Suzy'd hit the roof.

Good luck,
young fella.

Thanks, Wombo!
Ready, Nutsy?

Time to make tracks!

Let's get this
party started!

Go on, get out
of here, you lot.

ALL: Bye-bye!

That's the last
we'll see of them!

They've got no chance!

Ah, they'll be
all right. I hope.


Cranky, stop!
Blinky's gone bush.

I have to save him.

Out there? Impossible!

By Royal decree,
I strictly, categorically
and absolutely

forbid all residents
from leaving Goannasburg,

except koalas.

Yes, I forgot.
How silly of me.

May you have
a long and eventful,
one-way journey, Mrs. Bill.


This isn't over, Cranklepot.

You kids
look after each other.

Bye, Mrs. Bill.
Careful, Mrs. Bill!

Good luck!

Quickly, seal it.
Seal it!


CHERYL: And then I see
Trevor on the dancefloor

and he's giving me
that look, you know?

Oh, yeah?

So I strolls over,
looking all chic.


you look ridiculous!

All right. Watch
and learn, sister.

This is how you
strut up to a bloke.

Hello, Trevor!

Ha! You've got Buckley's,

getting a bloke's attention
like that!

You got to prowl
like a Tassie tiger.

All slinky like.

No. You got to lay it on
much smoother than that, sis.

You got to
swerve the curves.

Oh, my goodness.
That works for me!

I'm swerving it.
I'm swerving it.

I'm swerving it,

Oops. Oh, sorry, darl.
I'll keep it
straighty for you.

First time on an emu?
It's okay.

Don't freak out.
I'm not
freaking out. (SCREAMS)

it kind of looks like
you're freaking out.

(SCOFFS) So funny
I forgot to laugh.

Oh, come on, cagey.

It's time to get
a little wild.



I feel so alive!

Get it off! Get it off!

I could get lost
in those eyes.


NUTSY: Beryl...

JACKO: Oh, wow!

NUTSY: Whoo-hoo!


I'm doing it. I'm doing it!

That's great, but
you're doing it too slow.


Take them!

Go, buddy, go!


JACKO: Yeah,
let's fly baby, fly!

NUTSY: Eat my dust!

Go, Cheryl, go,
you good thing! Fly, girl!


CAT: You lie, wombat!

WOMBO: Okay! Okay,
the koalas were here!

But you'll never catch them!
They're on emus!

Really? Thanks for the tip.

Wait! Wait! Did I say emus?
I meant tigers.

Say goodbye
to Suzy, freak!

Ferocious Tasmanian tigers.

No! You filthy feral feline!



Zoo water never
tasted this good.

My dad says the possum poop
gives it a real kick.


Mum never laughs
at Dad's jokes either.

She must really trust you.

Letting you come out here
on your own.

Er, yeah.

Well, the thing is,
I kind of maybe,

didn't tell her
I was leaving.

You little
frog-sucking wretch!

(LAUGHS) Yes, Jorge!
We meet again!

And this time,
the advantage is...

Oh, butterfly!

(CHUCKLES) Crazy lizard!

I can't believe
you ran off on your mum!

I didn't!
I'm going back!

Anyway, you can talk.
Where's your mum?

(SIGHS) I hardly
remember her or Dad.

We lived in this
huge green forest.

Until the fire came.

I remember flames
and smoke everywhere.

And when it cleared,
they were gone.

Some humans found me
in a burnt-out tree.

I've been in zoos ever since.

You're all alone?

I've had
lots of families,

just not my own.

Well, there's always
room in Greenpatch
for another koala.

Even a cagey one.

I belong in a zoo.
(LAUGHS) You feel
pretty wild to me!



BERYL: What about
Errol, Cheryl?

CHERYL: He's dating
Meryl, Beryl.

BERYL: Meryl? Ugh.
She's totally feral.

How about Daryl?
He's with Carol.


Oh, you don't say!

This is it, mon cheries!
Croc Canyon!


It's just like
Dad said it would be.

Except a million times
bigger and deeper
and scarier.

Are you sure
about this, Blinky?

Er... Yep!

Remember what Wombo said,

"No one ever
comes out of here."

Alive, that is!

Not too late
to back out, kids.

Excellent. Excellent.
Yes, yes, back out.

There's no shame
in being a coward.


Well, there's
a little shame,

but not like
the shame of being dead!

My dad's alive
and I'm gonna find him.

But if you want to turn back,
I don't blame you.

Really? Oh, phew! Great.

Okay, but if you
get us munched.

I smash you.
Okay. We're going in.


Bon voyage, kids!
It was nice knowing you!


If I don't make it,

just remember
I've always loved you, Beryl.

Je m'appelle Cheryl.
She's Beryl.

Hmm, same diff...

Hey, wait for Jacko!

This is why koalas
are going extinct.

(GASPS) Oh, no!

Oh, Wombo!

What happened?
Are you okay?

Oh, Betty! Betty,
you're a sight
for squinty eyes.

Be a mate and unclip us,
would you?



Suzy! Hang in there, Suze.

I'm coming.

Wait a minute.

Did Blinky do this?
Goodness, no.

That crazy cat
who's hunting him did.

Oh, don't worry!

Blinky's got
a good head start on him.

He's on his way
to Croc Canyon.

Wombo! We have to stop him!

Stop him, how?

'Course she's not
my girlfriend.
Don't be so dippy.

Jeez, here we go,
the waterworks.
Don't cry, love.

Don't cry, I'll bring you
back something nice!

WOMBO: How about
a new hat?

Wombo, we're taking your car.

Yeah good id...
Wait a whisker.
I'm the crazy one here.

Blinky, not so fast.

You're doing fine.

Just don't look down.

Don't look down?
It's all down!

Oh, I should have
stayed in my log.



BLINKY: Dad? Dad?



I wonder why they
call it Croc Canyon?

Maybe they mean
rock canyon.

Where are you? (SNIFFING)

What's that smell?
It's kind of like rotten...

Not me...

well, perhaps it is me.



(WHISPERS) I've got
a bad feeling, Blinky.

I second that emotion.


(GASPS) Hey, look!


Hey, Dad!
Down here! Dad!





Wait for me!

JACKO: We're related!
We're related! (SCREAMS)

Hey, we're just
brothers from
another mother!



BLINKY: Come on!
Come on! Come on!

Climb! Climb!

I am climbing,
I am climbing! (YELLING)





How did...


Doesn't he ever give up?


He's gone! Come on!


BLINKY: We've almost
made it, guys!

No, you don't!


Come on Nutsy,
we got this!
No, wait!





Nutsy! Jump!

I can't. It's too far!

(GASPING) Blinky!

Come on!

Oh, no!


Nutsy, back up!



BLINKY: Don't move.
Oh, I can't look.

Ho, ho, ho. I can.


It's too far for me to
carry us both across.

Ah! Bulls-eye!

Do that again
and I'll eat you first!


Nutsy, I've got a plan.


Hey! Fish-face! Yeah, you!
What's the matter,
croc got your tail?


BLINKY: Whoo-hoo!

Oh, yeah!
Whoo-hoo! You did it!

Hey, guess what?
I think you just
invented the cat-apult!


Back off, dinosaurs.

Oh, those Crocs
will be coughing up
some big fur balls.

(SIGHS) Blinky, does
saving me always have to be
this scary and painful?

Dad! Ha!



Dad! It's me!

It's Blinky...

(SNIFFS) This...

This is his hat.
What the...





Th... Th...
That's his swag.

Dad! Dad!
Dad, where are you?

Dad? Oh.

Yoo-hoo? Mr. Bill?


Dad. It can't be.

Hey, those bones
could be anyone's.

This is his hat.

You can't give up!

Yeah. (SIGHS)
Dad used to say that too.

Come on, Jacko.

I'm sorry, Mum.


You were right.

Everything I do
ends in disaster.


I'm sorry, Nutsy.

But I'm gonna do
one thing right.

I'm going to get you home.

It's what Dad
would have done.



I'm not a crocodile.

Oh, Blinky.

I've been watching lights
going in and out
of there, all night.

I think that's your zoo.

Really? You think so?

Only one way to find out!


What's for breaky,

Hmm, what?
What'd I miss?


Oh, now that is
definitely a lake.

Er, it's a mirage.

What about those
shady trees, then?

(SIGHS) Mirage.


BERYL: What about that
opera house-shaped car
being driven by a wombat?

BOTH: Definitely a mirage.

Hello, me little
Where are the kids?


Well, I guess this is it.

Ahem, well,
I guess this is it.

Uh-huh. Yep.

End of the road.
The old zoo-mcgoo.



I'm actually gonna
miss you, Jacko.

Oh, cheer up, toots.

We'll always
have Croc Canyon.

Are you sure
about this?


Thanks, Blinky.

It's been an adventure.

Definitely an adventure.



I guess you're a real
explorer, after all.

That makes two of us.


I'm not scared
of heights anymore.


Is there still room
in Greenpatch
for a cage koala?


You're not a cage koala.
You're wild.

So get your fluffy
butt down here.

We're going home.

WOMAN: Lost, little guy?

Don't worry.

We'll look after you.

Oh, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no!


Hey, brainiac,
you got the wrong one!

Quick, Jacko,
we have to save him!


Easy, little guy.

Once you get your sh*ts,
you can join the other koalas.

Let me out!


¶ Swing me higher,
baby-cakes ¶

Oh, yes. That's nice.

Hey! Hey, buddy!
Over here! Help me!


I don't belong here!
I'm wild!

Hey, new guy. Zip it.

You don't want to wake
old feather-brain.

You zip it!
I have to get back
to Greenpatch.

Greenpatch? Blinky?

Get out of here!

Blinky Bill?

Where are you, Dad?
I'm here, Son.


Oh, Dad!
Blinky! How'd you get here?

Are you okay, Son?
You first.
What are you doing here?

What happened
to you, Dad?

Oh, mate.
The Sea of White Dragons

Some call it Croc Canyon,

some call it
the Down-underworld.

Most take one look
and call it a day.

It's, paws-down,
the most blood-curdling
pit of despair

I have ever clapped eyes on.

With giant rock walls
all the way up to the sky.

Oh, further, mate.

And filled with
scaly tooth monsters

with beady little eyes.

But you can't
show them any fear!

Oh, no.
They smell fear.

All you can do is
grab your gumnuts and run.

Yeah! And jump!

From rock... rock. Nearly there.

One more jump.
It's a biggie.
One, two...

BOTH: Three!

(LAUGHING) And you
make the other side!

Oh, just!

I was chewed up real bad.

Croc teeth sticking out
all over me

like some kind of
crazy echidna. (LAUGHS)

I guess I must've passed out.

When I woke up,
I was here. But...

Hang on a bilby whisker.

How'd you know about...

Were you there?

Shut your leaf hole!

My boy got through
Croc Canyon?

Are you okay, Son?

We were nearly
croc snacks, too.

We? Is Mum
with you? Betty?

It's okay.
Mum's at home!

She doesn't even know
I'm gone.


Well, it's good to hear
Mum's safe and sound.

Erm, not quite.

Cranky's taken
over Greenpatch.

He's gonna throw Mum
out of our tree.

Oh, that slug-sucking

If I could only
get my paws on him.

But you can! Let's go kick
some Goanna butt! Dad?

Come on! Greenpatch needs us.


I've been trying to come
home since I got here.

I did this last week
trying to jump
the boundary wall.

It can't be done.

There's cameras,
zoo-keepers, alarms,

that big-mouth parrot.
No one ever gets out.

But what about Mum?

Oh, I'm sorry, Blink.

No! There's got to
be a way out!

You promised Mum,
you said you'd come home!

(SIGHS) I promised
a lot of things.


Blinky? Mate?

Oh, Blink.



Come on, Jacko.

The first place
they take you is quarantine.

Warren who?

No escape.
If I don't get out,
nobody does.

Oi, parrot,
would you shut your...



Hey, Dad.

I think we can do this.

Oh, mate, I've tried.

You never had me.

Yeah, well, that's true.

What do us adventurers
always say?

Always fart downwind?

Yeah, the other thing.

An adventurer
never gives up.

And? An adventurer...

BOTH: Keeps his promise!

Too right!
And you promised Mum
you'd come home!

Grab your gumnuts, Dad.

We're busting outta here.
(SPITS) Paws in?

That's my boy.
(SPITS) Paws in!



CHERYL: So I says to
Prince Charming,
if you like it,

put a ring on it.

The kids were
definitely here.

You said something
about a zoo, right?

Got it!





That's it!


Cripes. What's mum
been feeding you?

Nearly there.

Dad, the fan!






MAN: I'll just go grab it
out of the truck.

Ca-caw! Ca-caw!

Birdy num... (MUMBLES)

Come on, mate!

Okay. Here goes.


Ah, yes, the drain,
what a brilliant idea.



BILL: Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Almost! Almost!

BILL: Push the thing!


Come on, Son,
get a wriggle on!

Got it!


Who's that?

Whoa! Blinky!


I'm a bad boy (SNORES)


Oh, I've missed you, Son!

I've missed you
so much too, Dad!

Shake, Nose.
Boomerang returns.


Right left.
Whip-kick. Whoa!

(LAUGHS) Easy there.

So you going
to introduce me
to your girlfriend then?

What? Oh. Er...

She's not my girlfr...
We're not...

This is my friend, Nutsy.

I've heard so much
about you, Mr. Bill!

Don't believe
any of it!



Wild animals!
Help! Security!

WOMAN: That is
one crazy bird.

Good afternoon,
welcome to Parrot Radio.

For your listening pleasure,
may I present to you,

a breakout people! (CAWS)


Right! We're going
out the window!

Move! Ah! Okay,
maybe the door.

With their backs
against the wall,
our koalas look cooked.

Will they climb
their way to freedom,
dear listeners?

Of course not!
Are you crazy?
No one ever gets out!

Hey, check camera two.
Security! Security!

I'm okay! Don't panic!

Quick, everyone in there!

Mmm, I like her.

One, two, three.

Go, go, go!
I wouldn't go down
that way if I were you.

JORGE: A break-out, people!
This is not a drill! (CAWS)




JACKO: Whoa! Phew!



Let us never
speak of that again.

Hmm, well, I did
try to warn you.

MAN: Check the perimeter.
They can't have gone far.


Those koalas have got to be
around here, somewhere.
Check over there!

Cripes. They're onto us.

We'll never get through.
MAN: I think they're
over here somewhere.

Maybe we can go over?

How? You mean, like fly?

Son, that's crazy!

I like it.

Well, well, well.

Hello, Jacko.

Hello, Jorge.

Wait a minute,
you two know each other?

Oh, yes.
Yes, we do.

You go. I'll deal
with the parrot.

Are you sure?
Yes, go!

This ends now, gibbet!

(LAUGHS) You said that
last time, grub-sucker,

yet here we are.

How did it come to this?

I loved you like a brother!

You fool! I am your brother!

What? That's impossible!

Is it, Jacko? Is it?



Come on, Dad!


All personnel to sector four.

We have a marsupial escape
in progress.

I repeat, wild koalas
in sector four.

Dad, grab some rope
to tie things together.

Over there.
Yeah, got it.

Nutsy, something
wide and strong.

Er, that wavy
see-through stuff.

Are you sure
about this, Blinky?

It'll work. Trust me.

JORGE: Return
what you have stolen!

Return what you
have stolen!

JACKO: Ow! Ah! I don't know
what you're talking about.

Do you take me
for a turkey?

Ow! Ah! Stop!
Stop, stop, stop!

Liar! I saw you!
Flashing your frill
at my beautiful Consuela!

How could you?

Con, Consuela?
What? No, no, no,
you've got it all wrong.

Do I, lover boy?
Yes, yes, yes you do.

She wasn't interested
in me. Or you.

She said she was leaving.
With Trevor.

(GASPS) Not Trevor!

With those infernal
fancy tail feathers!

Oh, I'll track down that
over-stuffed bush turkey!

And when I do,
I'll be doing the plucking.

Yeah, yeah
that's great.

Hey, Jorge.
Yes, brother?

Er, with you having a new
nemesis and everything.

Would you mind
getting off me now?

MAN: Where the heck
are those koalas?

They can't have just vanished.

MAN : Hey! What the...
I don't believe it!

Cop a gander of this,
would you?

MAN: Who's driving
that thing?

That's the hairiest cabbie
I've ever seen.

MAN : Wasn't your missus,
was it?


MAN: They'll give a license
to anyone these days.

Once we get inside,
we'll split up. Come on!


Done. Hmm, I think.


It's okay.

The parrot's with me.
BOTH: Huh?

Sweet shining skink eggs.

What is that?

This is our way
out of here.

JORGE: What!
He's joking, right?

It'll work.
Come on!

Huh, and I thought
you were nuts.
Hold me, brother.

I'm too young to fly!

Er, guys,
we need to hurry.

What in the blue blazes?
How did...

We're gonna
need a ladder!


The humans have
seen us!

Everyone, on my count
push as hard as you can.

Got it?
(CHUCKLING) Now this is
what I call an adventure!

Yes, indeed.

An epic tale of a peppy
little kitten's struggle

against the forces
of koala-dom.

(GASPS) Sweet mother of dog!
The tail-biter!

Fair go, mate.
I was trying to
save you from a trap!

You would've died.

Stay behind me, Blinky!

I would never
ask for your help.

And now, you'll pay.


Back off, kitty!


(GASPS) Dad!

I'm going to turn you
into a snuggy.

Get off him!

BLINKY: Go, Dad!


Blinky! No!

No, you don't!
The koala is mine!


To the flyer!
We're not leaving
without my boy!


Whoa, look out, cat!

Everyone, push
as hard as you can.

Push harder, Jacko!

If I push any harder,
something's gonna come out.

JACKO: It worked!
Don't worry, Son!
We're coming for you!


Oh, right! What now?


Need a lift?
JACKO: Ladies!

After my boy!
Tout de suite, Mr. Bill.

Stop running, meat snack.

You're only
making me hungrier!

Come on, girls,
crack the whip!

JACKO: Go, baby cakes, go!

It's working, Cheryl!

We're flying!
Oh, we're really flying!

JACKO: Whoa!
How do you control this?

Come on!

Blinky! We're coming, mate!

JORGE: Just try
not to get eaten!

Grab the rope!



Right, well, that worked
better in my head.

I'm going to go down
and get him.

Are you crazy?
They don't call her
Nutsy for nothing.

Remember how you
used to be completely
terrified of heights?

Well, forget that,
don't remember it.

Not helping! (SCREAMS)




Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!
We have to get out of here!

I'll swing you in!


Shh. I don't think
we're alone.

(LAUGHS) Oh, don't worry.
I soon will be.

Blinky! Whoa!




Oh! Not again!

Grab the rope, Blinky!



(LAUGHING) Oh, yes.

Playtime's over.

Time to explore the afterlife!


Get your paws
off my son!


Mum! Oh!
You are so grounded.


This time,
I've definitely got you!


Grab, the rope...

Hang on tight!
Grab the rope.

Oh! Help!

Mum, this is
my friend Nutsy.

It's a pleasure.


I will devour
every last one of you!


Huh? (MEOWS)

Take her up!

Ah, yep. On it!

(GRUNTS) Come on,
you son of a skink!


Quick! My friends
will save us!

Pah! Who needs friends
when you've got nine lives?




NUTSY: Whoa!


Mum, Nutsy,
are you okay?


I knew you'd
make it, Blinky!

(LAUGHING) Looks like
koalas can fly!



Oh, you're in trouble!

I know, I know. Ow.

But just let me explain.

It was like this...

I, er, well,
the thing is...

I kind of maybe stuffed up.

I love you,
you old gumnut!

I love you too, sweet leaf.

I swear I'll never
leave home again.

Anyway, Greenpatch has
got a new adventurer now.

He saved us all.

I had a little help.

A little?


Beryl, you okay, darls?

Sorry. I'm not
a very good flyer...


Er, hate to break up
the party. But who's
steering this thing?

MRS. BILL: Paws on the wheel!

Paws on the wheel!

Me? I can barely
fly horizontal!

Blinky! It's yours!




Wacko, the Diddlo!

You don't see that
every day! (CHUCKLING)

BILL: Whoo-hoo!
Greenpatch, here we come!



My dear Goannasburgers.

I am honored
and deeply humbled to
be here before you today.


Now bow!
Bow before your king.

On your knees, wretches!


Hello, Crankypants.

William! You're alive.

Ready, Blinky?

Operation Goanna Splat is, go!




Higher, Uncle Cranky! Higher!


Uh-uh! Not so fast!

The kid said higher.


ALL: (SHOUTING) My turn! Me!

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