Oddball and the Penguins (2015)

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Oddball and the Penguins (2015)

Post by bunniefuu »


Argh! Argh!


Far, far away

in a magical part of the world,

there is a special place -

the sleepy town of Warrnambool.

Where fairy penguins -
the littlest penguins of all -

call home.

They nest on a rocky place
called Middle Island.

For years, the townspeople

walked the shallow channel
to the island

to watch thousands of fairy
penguins return home at night.

Because the penguins brought
a special magic to the town.

But one night,

foxes found that they too
could walk to the island.

And in just
a few short years...

there were hardly
any penguins left.

And there was nothing
the townspeople

could do to save them.

This is just awful.

Especially if you're a penguin.

Jack, Zoe,
how many penguins are left?

You know, I'm gonna let Watt
be the angel of doom.

Em, look, you should know that
the numbers aren't great, OK?

Morning, Emily.
Sorry to be the...

- How many, Mr Watt?
- .

You just did your count.

Maybe some left already.

Zoe did her count at dawn before
they go out to hunt. It's .

I remember when there were
thousands here. What a shame.

Maybe they're just staying out
to protect themselves.

We just need to hold
the foxes off a little while.

- How? With tranquillizer g*ns?
- Yeah.

- See how well that's been going.
- I was actually doing alright

till the foxes defied nature
and learnt how to swim.

Listen, your annual review
is in two weeks.

To keep funding
and sanctuary status,

you need at least penguins
to call this place home.

- And at this rate...
- Mr Watt, Paul, please.

You knew my mum. This sanctuary
was her everything.

I can't let her down. Please.

That's why I've stuck my neck
out with council for so long.

I'm sorry, Emily.

But if council sees less
than penguins next month,

the place won't be a sanctuary,
it'll just be a rock.

So now what do we do?

Well, unless things take a turn,
we're all out of work.

With the fairy
penguins almost gone,

it seems
the magic of Warrnambool

will soon be gone too.

The town's only hope
now lies with...

a chicken farmer
and his very odd dog.

They just don't know it yet.

Right. Ugh!

Brrr! Brrr!


Ah, yes!

Nothing like a good
cold kick to the ventricles

to start the day, eh, ladies?




Morning, Missy.

Oddball! Breakfast!

Oddball, where are you, mate?

Oh! Get out of there!

How many times do I have
to tell you, you crazy dog?

Here. That's your food.

What are you waiting for -
a knife and fork? Just eat it up.

Right, your turn to shower.

The only Maremma dog in history

that can't bring itself
to guard chickens.

Explain that to me.

Huh? Give me one good reason

why I shouldn't trade you in
to the highest bidder.

Not that I'd get much for you.

There's a good one, then.

You! You're still grounded.

So stay. OK?

I'm off to pick up Livvie.

And don't destroy anything!

And if you do,
glue it back together

so I don't know about it.

Another day, another dozen.

What happened to 'stay'? Eh?

You are dopey if you think
you're coming into town with me.


Well, move over. Go on.
Shove over.

Go on, over you get.

Keep your head down
and your mouth shut.

Took me six months
to pay off your last debt.

Move over! Alright. Off we go.

I am really sorry
about the penguins, Olivia.

You know, I'm sure that
your mom and her team,

they're doing
everything they can.

They're very smart. Um...

But, hey, you know what?
This gives us a chance to bond.

Right? No? Maybe not.

Hey, Olivia,
we're in a bit of a hurry.

Did you get your bag
all packed?

- Bag's on the table.
- Ah!

Good. Of course you did,
of course you did.

Because you... are mature.
You're an adult.

What are you? You're, like...
you're, like, or , .

I'm .

I know, I was joking. A joke.

Hey, I was going to wait
until your mom got here,

but no time like the present.

OK, well, that is for you.

Just to say thank you
for being such a good hostess.

Did you want crust or no crust?

I always do no crust.
I'm going to do no crust.


I heard that everyone
is wearing those now.

And why would I want to
be like everyone else?

Oh... that's right.

Your mom told me that you were
a bit of a trailblazer. No!

Hey. Emily!

No. No, no. Everything's great.

Right? Huh?

No, we're having
a wonderful time.

Don't worry about it. Huh?

What? Your dad?

When? No, no, no, no.
You said he was never on time.

Livvie. Calling Livvie.

Out the from'
in T minus seconds.

Copy, Grandad.
Be right out. Over.

- Got to go!
- He's here. What do I do?

- Ah, there's my Livvie.
- Grandad, flip me over!

Hang on, watch me back.
I can't flip you over anymore.

You're too big.
You'll just pull me over.

That's because you're
such a great big giant.

Grandad, you're not supposed
to bring Oddball into town!

Oh, shoo!

Shoo! Get away! Go!

I see you in there.
Get out here now!

If you don't, I'm gonna
come in there and drag you out.

Oh, no.

Come on,
you dopey thing. Get out here!

Not the tie!

What have you got there? Hey?

Come on, show me
what you've got.

Oh, yeah, he's got
a bit of fight, don't you?

What is it?
Where did you get that?

- Hi.
- Hey. Where have you been?

- Uh...
- Hi, Mum!

Hi. I'm so sorry.

Our first morning together
has just turned into a mess.

Oh, that's OK.
Hey, I like your mess.

- Let's go.
- Go... Wait, go? Now?

Yeah. He'll just come in
and then you'll be trapped.

Don't worry. Keep it fast
and don't stop moving.

- Hmm.
- Hi, Dad! Right.

Let's get going, eh?

Hi. Uh, Bradley Slater.

We've met, um...


Dad, Oddy's not
supposed to be in town.

You can't afford
a repeat of last time.

Well, this isn't town
and your yard's got a fence.

Alright, we've all got
places to go and things to do.

I've got a big rehearsal tonight
for the opening night.

- Goodbye.
- What's he doing here?

I was called away
early this morning

and Bradley really helped
us out. You behaved, right?

Oh, we're practically BFFs.

Alright, come on, then.
Chop-chop. Hop into the truck.

Bradley helped out, eh?

Really? You and the
tourism blow-in, huh?

L... l like him.

And he's not scared away
by the single mum thing,

so don't screw this up, OK?

It's none of my business.

Oh, just grind away, Betty.

Come on, darling.
Hold your tongue to your left.

Too far.

Try the right.

No. Try the left.

No. Try the middle.

Nope. Out more. Ah!

Tongue out the middle.
Come on, Oddy!

Uh, this Bradley,
what do you think?

He tried to buy me off
with shoes.

Lord help us.

Well, you know if you ever need
anything, I'm always here.


- Gross!
- Oh! Oh, wow.

- Eugh, yuck!
- That'd make an onion cry.

That is disgusting.
Definitely yuck!

Oddball, that is wrong.

Hello, little one.

Reopening the village

is the first stop
in my tourism initiative.

We have costumed re-enactors,

this delightful
southern right whale.

Oh, guys! I love you for
being on time. OK, here.

Right, there. Nice
and slow. Come on, come on.

Place it here.

This is the piece de resistance
of the entire show.

Is it good?

There are only two of these
projectors in the entire world.

You wouldn't believe the strings
I had to pull to get this.

Alright, we will fire it up

and then we project the movie
off the rising mist...

The crowd will ooh and ah,
and in that moment, Ms Mayor,

we will officially be
open for business.

Good morning!
Have fun today. Hi!

Ah, there you go.
And on time, to boot.


See you this afternoon
when I pick you up.

What's wrong?

There was another penguin

k*lled at the reserve
last night.

That's why Mum wasn't home
this morning.

Oh, right.
She's running out of options.

They've tried everything.

Well, I'm sure your mum
will come up with something.

- She always seems to...
- Hey, Livvie. Hey, Oddball.

Your friend's there.
See you after school, darl.

See ya.

- Oddy!
- Oddball!

He's taking another runner!
Go, Oddball!

Livvie, shut the door,
shut the door!

- Grandad, go!
- Seatbelt!

Keen your eye on him. Hang on.


- Can you see him?
- There he is!

Oh! Oh!

Oh, my goodness!

Oh, no. He's turning around.

- Oddball!
- You've gotta stop him!



Stop that dog!

Ooh! Ooh!


By tomorrow morning,
everyone in Victoria

will be saying the name


Watch out!

No, no, no, no, no, no!

Ah! Ah!

Somebody secure the whale!

Grab it, grab it, grab it!

That dog's out of control.

Sergeant Gosch to base.
We have a situation here.

Judge Burns, couldn't Oddball

go to an obedience school?

Miss Marsh, this is the third
time the dog's been in trouble.

We have the support

to fast-track
what needs to be done.

And he is obviously dangerous.

Huh! Oddball isn't dangerous.

He's just... curious,
that's all.

I'm sorry.
Your Honour, if I may?

The tourism initiative is dead
unless this dog is alive.

But that dog
ruined your hard work.

Precisely. I know that.

But that's why I don't want him
to ruin it again.

Look, we can postpone
the reopening.

That's not a problem.
But there's press in town.

And there isn't a whaling
village in the entire world

that can hold the news cycle

like the story of
a broken-hearted little angel.

A girl who loves her dog...

She grew up loving.

And, Your Honour, since it is
ultimately your decision,

well, I guess
every story needs its villain.

Mr Slater does make
a valid point.

Yes, he does.

Last chance, Mr Marsh.

Oddball stays confined
to your farm.

If he so much as sets one paw
within these city limits,

it's the end of the line.

Is that clear?

- The end of the line!
- Yes.

Case closed.

Well, I gotta say that
Bradley bozo's got some chops.

How can you be so cavalier
about this?

We dodged a b*llet in there.

Oh, I'm just trying
to stay positive.

What are you so bent about?

Let's be honest. We've dodged
bigger b*ll*ts than this.

Dad, I told you this already.
Look, none of this would

have happened if you'd
listened to me this morning.

- Let's go to the car. Come on.
- See ya, darl.

- See ya.
- Dad...

The penguins are almost gone.

If we're below next month,
council are shutting us down.

Those bureaucrats!
They wouldn't know if they...

It's not them anymore, Dad.

Nature is taking its course.

No penguins means no sanctuary.

No sanctuary means no job

Well, there might not be
anything here for me.

I have Livvie to think of.

I will fight for the penguins,

but I'm also thinking about
what's next.

I'll tell you what's next.

I'm gonna march in there
and tell those imbeciles

- they've gotta pull their...
- No, Dad! Dad! Just stop!

Unless you can bring
the penguins back, just stop.

You have done
more than enough for today.


Stop him now!

- You're not a penguin, Dad.
- Come on, darling.

Look at the camera
so I can see you.

Give us a smile or something.

What about you, Em?
Come on, darl.

Do I get a smile out of you?
There you go.

And if you get up early enough,

you can see them marching down
the hill on their way to fish.

But even
if their fishing adventures

take them
hundreds of miles away,

they never forget
where home is.

they depend on each other

to march back to bed every
night in a penguin parade.

But even
if their fishing adventures

take them
hundreds of miles away,

they never forget
where home is.

Because they depend
on each other.

What are you doing
down there, mate?

Oh. You're alright, mate.
I got you.

What's wrong?

Ah. Tangled with
a no-good fox, eh?


We'll get you fixed up.

Let's have a look at you.

Oddball, get out.

We've got an injured player
on the bench. Out you get.


You'll get used to him.

There we go.
I've seen it in chickens.

I've even seen it in humans.

So it's gotta be
the same with penguins.

If you're damaged goods,
girls just won't come near ya.

That's bad news
if you're trying to get a lady.

'Cause you can't get a lady
unless you're all fixed up.

Eh? Wasn't that bad, was it?

You're a good-looking
young fella, aren't you?

Let's get you out of sick bay
and into the recovery ward.

That's a boy. That's a boy.

Come on. Let's get you to bed.

What? What's that?

Oddball, go back to sleep.
I'll check on Missy.

What is it, Missy?
What do you see, girl?

What's happening?


Well, I'll be blowed.

We can't use Missy, anyway.
She's gotta stay here.

And look after you girls.

Huh? No, Karen, this can work.
I mean, we save the penguins,

everything goes back
to the way it was.

Oddy's got it in him somewhere.

I mean, he's a Maremma dog. It's
what they're supposed to do.

Plus... penguins
are just chickens in tuxedos.

Yeah, I know.

I know, Barbara.
It's risky. It's Oddball.

You know, if it goes south,
he's done for.

But if this works,
and Oddball can pick up

just a few brownie points
in the bargain,

then whacko-the-diddly-oh, huh?

Am I right?

Yeah! I'm right, aren't I?
Thanks for the chat.

- OK. Are your eyes closed?
- Yep.

- Alright. Keep 'em closed.
- They are.

- They still closed?
- Yep.

Alright. Hang on a minute.

Don't open them yet.

- Done yet?
- Not yet.

- Now?
- Come on, mate.

Alright. Now open them.



It's alright.
You can get closer.

- Hello, little one.
- Oh, wow.

- What's his name?
- Oh, well, you tell me.

Pocket. We'll call him Pocket.

Well, in that case,
young Pocket there's

got a crook wing.

But pretty soon
he'll be right to go home.

He won't have a home
for much longer, Grandad.

Oh, that's part two
of the surprise.

Come here for a minute.

As we know, Oddball
isn't much chop on the farm.

But it turns out that...

what he lacks
in looking after chickens...

he makes up for
in taking care of penguins.

Grandad, you're a genius!

Yeah, well,
right now it's just a theory.

That's where you come in.

I'm gonna need your help.

Before we put that dog
on the island,

we gotta
come up with some tests

to make sure he's up for it.

Don't you think taking him
to the island is pretty risky?

Yeah, but, you know,

if you want the biscuit,
you gotta risk it.

Now, listen.

Not a word to Mum, OK? She's got
enough on her plate right now.

I knew she was wrong about
you not knowing how to help.

- Let's get to work.
- Great!

We've got so much to do,
so I've devised a plan.

Fox - we have to make sure.

Oddy will be merciless
in the face of the enemy.

Flocks - we have to make sure
he'll protect lots of penguins.

Rocks - we have
to make sure Oddy,

who's just a house dog...

can cope with
the rough terrain.

Right. So... fox.

Flocks. Rocks.

I like it.

If he passes the tests,
we secretly

put him on Middle Island,
which means

figuring out a way
to get Mum off the scene.

I gotta figure out a way
of getting that stick

- out of your hand.
- Um...

That's still in the
concept development stage.

Concept what?
Where do you hear this stuff?

Bradley. He talks a lot.

If it works, we surprise Mum,

get council to change their
minds and Oddball is a hero.

You know, he was bred by
the Italians to guard emperors,

so maybe this opera music
will kick him into gear.

I'm a fox!

Yeah. Yeah! No. No.

♪ La, la, la

♪ La, la, la, le, la

- ♪ La, la, la... ♪
- Get him. Get him!

Chicken egg
and this one's a penguin egg.

Are you looking? That one.

Now. Find the penguin egg.

♪ La, la, la, la

♪ Oh! Presto a Bottega... ♪

That's a tennis egg.

- ♪ La, la, la, la... ♪
- That way.

♪ Oh!

♪ Ah, che bel vivere

- ♪ Che bel piacere... ♪
- What's that?

♪ Che bel piacere

♪ Per un... ♪


♪ Di qualité Di qualité... ♪

Oh, yuck!

♪ Ah, bravo, Figaro
Bravo, bravissimo, bravo... ♪

If it smells like
fox wee, he'll attack it.

Oh, jeez.

♪ Ah, bravo, Figaro!
Bravo, bravissimo! ♪

That's it. I give up.

♪ Fortunatissimo Fortunatissimo

♪ Fortunatissimo per verité!

♪ La, la, la, la... ♪

He was so good with Pocket.

What's different?

I know, I know! I know! I know!

♪ Bravo

♪ Fig... ♪

It's the penguin.
It's like with real penguins...

- He's got half a clue.
- ♪ La, la, la, la, la, la... ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la! ♪

Look, there's talk of
moving them to another island.

Because... No, I mean, we're
down to penguins, guys.

But this is their home.
They're just gonna swim back.

Look, I know,
but nothing's working,

so... how about a final push?

Zoe, I need more fox traps
and poison.

We should do a count
each morning. And, Jack...

I think I need you here
every night.

Every...? Yeah. Yeah.

Never mind.
I'll... I'll figure it out.

Oh, this is totally gonna
make a difference, isn't it?

I'm sorry, Mum.

All in favour
of the beekeeping tours?

- All opposed?
- Nay.

Motion denied.

Sorry, Eloise. Maybe
if you had fewer stings, dear.

You know...

I'm under a lot of pressure
to get things moving here

after the Maritime
Village mess.

I feel like the community
doesn't really

have a place
in the tourist initiative.

They're relevant
because they live here.

More listening, less talking.
Who's next?

Rich, from the Whale Watchers.

- Afternoon, council members.
- Here we go again.

This town has
an incredible untapped asset.

Every day,
the southern right whale

swims along our shores,
just going to waste.

I doubt the whales
see it that way.

You can't just come here and say
the same thing every meeting.

Those lovely creatures deserve
a state-of-the-art facility.

Sorry, gentlemen,
I'm gonna stop you right there.

The first thing that I explored
when I came to town

was a whale watching centre.
There's no place for it.

All of the good vantage points
along the coast

are either owned by farmers
who will not sell,

or they're

Well, yes,
that is the case right now.

But... what if
in the very near future,

there was a place
to build our centre?

Plus we'd have a gift shop,
so... cha-ching.

Enough of this.
Judge, call a vote.

I'm sorry, Mayor, just
one moment, have you found

a suitable location
for a whale watching centre?

- Seems we've found a loophole.
- Yeah.

Really? Well, I'm surprised
that I didn't find that.

I am a huge fan of loopholes.

You know, ladies and gentlemen,

the Maritime Village
will reopen.

That's a given.
But this... this is...

Well, this is the logical
next step in your town's image.

You want tourism dollars, huh?

You want...
you want sustainable jobs?

You want a solution that fits
with your outdoorsy image?

- Looking good, Mr Slater.
- The WWW.

Warrnambool Whale Watchers.

I like that! That is sticky.

It's sticky. It's fresh.
It's right now.

Rich the whale watcher
is onto something.

We'll have the village
to show us the past

and we'll have the new centre
to show us the future.

- All in favour?
- Aye.

Motion approved.

Hold on. We don't know
where their spot is yet.

- Yeah, sure we do.
- Middle Island.

What? How did you know that?

Like I said, these guys pitch
the same thing every meeting.

Ah, crunch time.

So we camp on the island
with Oddball

and if everything goes alright,
he's on his own.

Drop-offs after dark
and pick-ups before dawn.

I'll need to have a little chat
with Jack beforehand.

We can't have him interfering,
can we?

I think I know
how to deal with Mum.


You never cook dinner.

You definitely like him.

We can't
announce whales just yet.

I just need some time to work
a couple of things out.

Yes, yes. I am painfully aware
of what is at stake, sir.

Uh, no, this is
not a flip-flop. No, sir.

I will do whatever it takes
to get this job done.

OK? And we can announce
at the re-reopening.

Does that sound good?

- H-hello?
- Hey!

- Hey!
- Want a chat?

- I've got my shoes on.
- I noticed.

I didn't want to say anything.

They look really good.

Yeah, thanks. They are nice.

I really miss my morning
visits with Oddball.

I asked Mum to let me
stay over at Grandads

for a bit so I could see him,

but after everything that's
happened, she said no.

But... if you were to take her
out of town this weekend,

I'd have to stay somewhere.

Alright, dinner's ready, guys.

Oh! Whoa!

That's gonna hurt.


Maybe next time
we'll get takeaway, huh?

Anyway. Goodnight, sweetie.

Tell me the story.


The way Grandma
used to tell it.

Uh, Well...

Some people
call them little penguins.

But fairy penguins
is the name they prefer.

And they're small and quick.

Here one minute, gone the next.

And every time you see them,

they use their special magic
on you to make you smile.

If you get up early enough
in the morning,

you'll see them
marching down the cliff,

parading to the water
on their way to fish.

But even
if their fishing adventures

take them
hundreds of miles away,

they never forget where home is

because they depend
on each other.

We really appreciate
you looking after Livvie.

- It means a lot to us.
- Oh, no worries.

You two need some alone time,
I reckon.

- Promise?
- Yeah.

Well, listen to
your grandad, OK?

- Actually, Dad?
- Yeah?

- Listen to Livvie.
- Yeah.

- Love you.
- Love you, Mum.

- 'Bye!
- Love you!

- See you, darl.
- 'Bye!

- Have a great time!
- 'Bye!

How long do we have to
keep waving for?

A little longer.
Are you packed?

- Yep. All set to go.
- Cool.

- Is that long enough?
- That should do it.

Evening, Jackie boy.

Swampy. What are you doing?

You're going to be seeing
some strange things down here

that I need you not to notice.

- Not notice what?
- Exactly.

Hang on, what about Emily?

We're down to penguins,

Well, she is the reason
I'm doing what I'm doing.

I'm just here
to catch foxes, sir.

Ding! Correct answer,
Jackie boy.

Correct answer.


Off we go.

Next stop, Middle Island.

Come on, darl.

No time to waste.

Only a week
until the penguin count.

Oddy's keen to get up.

Give us your hand, love.
There you go.


You look like a Maremma.

Heck, you even
sound like a Maremma.

But I want you to show me
that somewhere

inside that crazy dog routine
you've got going on

that you actually
are a Maremma.

Let's go save
some penguins, eh?


Actually, Livvie,
you should do this.

I don't think they can jail
a minor.

- Risk it for the biscuit.
- That's right.

- Are you alright?
- Yeah.

That's it, Oddy.
Get used to that penguin scent.

Don't worry, mate.
Your friends will be here soon.

Hey, here they come.

- Oh, wow.
- Ooh!

Go on, Pocket.
Go see your friends.

Now, let's see
what Oddy's made of.



What do you know?
This might actually work.

What's happening?


Grandma's proud of us.

How do you figure that?

Well... when it's Windy,

she's blowing us kisses.

And when the sun sparkles
off the water, she's laughing.

And up there,
she's on every star in the sky

looking out for us.

Who's told you that?

Mum did.
She tells me all the time.

You can see half
the world from up here.

I sound so small town.
I'm sorry.

Not at all.

If you want to see
the other half of the world,

maybe we could start
with New York.

Yeah, maybe.

- Maybe?
- Maybe.

- Yeah, maybe.
- I'll take that as a yes.

Oddy, mate, get off me!

- Give it a break, huh?
- Get up, sleepyhead.

We've got to get off the island
before Zoe gets here.

Alright, alright,
just give us a minute, will you?

You realise if Oddy
nails his solo run tonight,

we are tickety-boo.

Not a word to your mum,
alright? Hmm?


- Hi!
- Hi, Mum!

Oh, I missed you.

You and Grandad didn't
get into any trouble, did you?

Trouble? Us? Of course not!

How was your trip?

Oh, you know, I think
I might've caught the travel bug.

Oh, this is for you.

This is for your adventures.
You can take pictures with it.

- You can make movies.
- Cool! Thanks.

I even missed you,
you hairball.


Thanks for looking
after Liv, Dad.

I hope it wasn't too much.

My friend has one.

You can put all your meetings
in there.

Mm-hm. Her one's pink.
Yeah, it's so cool.

Never as much as you want.

And good evening, Pocket.

Off you go, mate.

Hang on. What have we got here?

Hey, she's got her eye on you!

You're right. You're looking
good. Your Wing's all better.

Hey, mate, she's coming over.

Go on. Go and say hello.

You've got your tuxedo on.
Ask her to dance.

OK, so you're not a dancer.

Can you sing?

There you go.

Hey, look confident.
Not too confident.

Hang on, what are you doing?
You need to invite her in.

That's better.

Bingo. Ha! Job done.

Alright, mate.

I'll leave you with it,

See you tomorrow. Ugh!

Ah, stay. Stay! Sit down.

I'll be back. You'll be right.

Uh-uh. Stay. Just wait there.

This is your job now.

Stay there. That's right. Good.

Hang on. Oh, oh, oh!


I'm alright.
Stay where you are.

Alright, Betty, let's go home.

Oddy, where are you, mate?

This isn't going to work,
is it?

Did you have a dust-up
with a fox, mate?

Well, spin me frisbee.


Looks like we're in business.

See you tomorrow, Jack.

Have a good one, Swampy.

Alright, I'm ready.
Where are we?

Hey, Em, when you met Bradley,

like... how did you know
that he was the one?

? We haven't lost any?

Nup. I wouldn't go
getting too excited.

There's probably
a couple of nomads in there.

WOW! Ha!

They're not laying eggs, so...

Great. Good chat.

We're still holding at ! Oh!

Alright. Seatbelt.

Oh, a dashboard dance first.



You know,
we should do this more often.

I know Bradley has been
hanging around a lot lately.

You two been
getting on alright?

He's not awful.

So, no fox att*cks
in the past few nights, huh?

Yeah. But try not to get
your hopes up, OK?

'Cause it might
just be a fluke.

Oh, it's no fluke.
Everything's gonna be fine.

Maybe, but we should talk about

what will happen
if the sanctuary does close.

You know,
keep our options open.

But you can't just give up.
Breeding season's soon, right?

Well, I'm not giving up.

I'm just... I'm not
ruling anything out.


If Bradley's projects
in town go well,

then... he might have some
opportunities with his company.

And those might be
opportunities for us too.

Wait, you mean
like... moving away?

It's a possibility.

But what about the penguins?

And Grandad?

Sometimes you just
have to trust that

maybe I know some things
that you don't.

Maybe I know
some things you don't.


Like what? Livvie, what?

Oddball protecting penguins?

Uh... yep.

Is he out there now?



Show me.

You realise if anyone
finds out, Oddball's done for?

I mean, you barely escaped
the judge last time.

Yeah, I know.

And that it could all amount
to nothing, anyway.

Uh, yep.

Why now, Dad?

Well, because
they're just little fellas.

They needed a hand.

That's it?

Well, yeah.


when family's
in a bit of strife...

you got to, you know,

help out, don't ya?

Alright, no rabblerousing
with the government people.

OK, Dad?
Leave the higher-ups to me.

But first, we're gonna need
Bradley's help.

Bradley? No, we can do this
without the circus clown.

I mean, I wouldn't trust
that man with...

- Dad, listen to me.
- Grandad!

- What?
- She's in.

She's what? She's in?

She is?

Oh, good. No, no. Great!

- Dad?
- What?

- My way.
- Yes, love.

Of course. Your way.

Yeah. Uh-huh.

Oddball on the island?

I can't believe
this is happening.

I know. It's...

I mean, it... it's incredible.
It really works.

And... and penguin numbers
are finally holding steady,

and right before
breeding season.

We just need Oddball to keep
doing what he's doing and...

- Wow.
- So I thought that perhaps,

if a certain tourism expert

could help us
sway the judge, then...

- Emily. Hi.
- Oh. Jack.

- Jack?
- Jack!

Sorry, I couldn't find anyone
to trade shifts with me,

but I'm gonna be back
out on the island

- as soon as I'm off here.
- OK. Um...

Wow, you look really different.

Jack. Hey! Bradley Slater.

Can you get us
a bottle of shiraz, please?

Yeah, alright. Yep.

Um, wow. That was a bit rude.

I'm sorry. I have something
I need to tell you.

- OK.
- Um...

I know how much
the penguins mean to you.

Um, but...

the council are backing
Rich's whale watching centre

on Middle Island.

Once everybody realised

that the island was
becoming uninhabited...

Uh, What?

You didn't think to tell me
anything during all of this?

I wanted to wait
until it was final.

- Final?
- Final?

Right, I've heard
enough of this rubbish.

- Grandad, no!
- I knew we couldn't trust him.

Stop! You can't just
barge in like this. Stop!

The sanctuary's been going
downhill for a while.

At least this will give it
something to replace it

that's honourable, and we can
think about our future.

Stop right there!
What is this I hear

about some whale watching
thing on Middle Island?!

- Dad...
- Mr Marsh...

Listen, you clown,
Middle Island is home

to those penguins
and it's where they belong.

Oh! Ow!

What was that?

- Ugh! What is this?
- It's a two-way.

He doesn't care about
the penguins, he's just trying

to feather his own nest, and
he wants you and Livvie in it.

Right, that's enough,
from both of you.

We'll catch a taxi.
Come on. Come on.


You know, if you had one ounce
of feelings for her...

I care about Emily very much,
thank you.

Then help us prove that
Oddball's fair dinkum.

And if his dinkum...

proves fair?


Then the whale watching
centre will go away

and I'll be out of a job.

- Could you sit down, please?
- Sorry.

This Oddball solution of yours

really works?

Like scrambled eggs on toast.

So, Emily came
to see me about Oddball.

People are looking to council
for something special

to bring in jobs and money,
hence the whales.

This might be my undoing
as a mayor,

but the penguins
have always felt special to me.

The one thing Judge Burns

loves more than his bike
is the law.

When I point out how exposed
the entire whale development is

on account of being approved

before the sanctuary
was legally available,

he'll walk Oddball
on that island himself

in his rush for due diligence.


You're a clever egg,
aren't you?

I didn't become mayor
for nothing.

We'll keep that dog
on the island.

But be warned,
when they're forced

to put their plans on hold,

our approval ratings might
be in for a bit of a hammering.

Oh, that's my
strategic advantage.

No-one approves of me, anyway.

I don't mind you.

This is a major setback.

- This... this is major.
- Don't put this on me.

You were the one
that convinced me

to keep that dog around
in the first place.

My office,
they think I'm a flip-flopper,

'cause it's penguins
and then it's whales

and then it's whales
and then it's penguins.

Between you and me,

I haven't had a project work
in years.

So I could really use this.

That's not really my problem.

Now, scoot.


I hate that dog.




Six k*lled. We're under ten.
And we can't find Oddball.

We'll, er... we'll find Oddy.

Get this sorted out.

We can still fix this,

It doesn't matter anymore.
We're moving to New York.

go help Jack and Zoe, OK?

So, you're moving?

What am I sticking
around here for?

Because this works.

Come on. Oddball wouldn't
have just run off somewhere.

Stop! I hope Oddball's OK.

But as far as I go,
the sanctuary's done.

What, so that's it?
Just give up?

How dare you!

Do you even realise what plans
I gave up when Mum died?

Well, yes.

But I... l didn't ask you
to do that.

No, you retreated
to your chickens

and left her life's work
blowing in the wind.


I didn't just lose a wife.

I lost my best friend.

Oh, yes. But I lost my mum.


But I knew that the right thing
to do was to continue her work.

It was my decision, yes,
no regrets,

but it is years later and...

"Dad, the penguins are gone."

You know, I used to have fun.

I used to be a lot of fun.

I didn't get to go to
university or see the world,

but I'm gonna make damn sure
that Olivia does.




Where are you, mate?




Hi, love.

It's been a, er...
it's been a while

since you've heard from me.

Just want you to know
that, er...

Actually, I... I really
need you to know...

I'm sorry.

When you went, I should have...

I should have
taken care of all of this.

And our family.

Oh, I miss you badly.


What are you two doing here?

Tranquillizer dart.

Speak to Jack about this.

Pocket, I'll be back.

You know, love,
you were always there for me.

Now it's my turn.


Pull over!

Hey, mate.

- Where were you?
- Found him in a gully.

Down back of Baringa Road.

What were you
doing there, mate?

Alright, what's the fine?

No, judge's orders.

It's the end of the line.

Handing you this
just saves me on postage.

Oh, come on, mate.

Mate, my granddaughter
loves this dog.

Hey, don't make me the bad guy.

I'm just doing my job.

I'm not... weird.

I'm not a... weirdy weirdo.

Are you gonna give my dog back?

Oh... I'll give you two
a moment.

I'm sorry, mate.

I honestly never thought
you'd end up in here.

Sorry, mate.

What is it?

Don't worry, mate. I'm gonna
get you out of there, OK?

Time's up!

You rest up, Oddy.

You're gonna need it.

- Hey, Swampy.
- I just found this on the island

and a matching
puncture wound in Oddy.

- That's one of mine.
- Yeah, that's why I'm here.

Are you serious, mate?
I retrieve all my darts.

Emily likes it
when I keep her budget down.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

One, two, three, four, five...

I am missing a g*n
and two cages.

I get why you would take g*ns,
but why would you take cages?

For whales.


Right, time to give
this clown a red nose for real.

- Wait, wait, wait, Swamp.
- What?

It's probably not the best idea
to just barge on in

accusing her boyfriend
of being a penguin m*rder*r.

- You think?
- Yeah. Be subtle.

- Subtle?
- Focus on the positives.

- The positives?
- Yeah.

Good news. I found Oddball.

- Oh...
- Can I tell Livvie?

- Er, I suppose.
- Is, er... is Bradley here?

No. But wait. What? Dad? No.

- What is going on?
- I'll tell you what's going on.

I found a spent dart
on the island,

Oddy's got a dart wound
in his shoulder

and someone stole
a dart g*n from Jack's.

Eh? Proof. Look at that.

- So, who are you suggesting...
- Who do you reckon, Emily?

Who's got the most to gain
by the penguins being gone?

Who jumped at the idea to build

a whale watching centre
on Middle Island?

And who knows the final
penguin count is tomorrow?

- This bloke's good.
- Thanks.

Uh... What do you
expect me to do?

- I mean, Bradley would never...
- Oh, Emily, just forget who.

Somebody hurt Oddball
and those penguins deliberately

and whoever did it will come
back tonight and finish the job.


Look, I'm sorry
I've let you down in the past.

But I want you to know
I'm gonna make it up to you.

Just give me a chance
to make it right.

Is Oddball alright?

He sure is, sweetheart.

Me and Jack are gonna get him
back on the island.

we should be celebrating.

Today on the island, I saw
a little fella called Pocket

with his sweet little
lady friend.

- During the day?
- Mm-hm.

- But that means eggs!
- Eggs.

There could be eggs.

Dad, the review counts eggs
the same as penguins.

Uh, YUP-

Alright, what's the plan?

Look, an open window.

OK, I see it.

It's stuck.

- Grandad.
- What?

You'll never fit through there.
You'll have to lift me in.

No, no, no. I can't let you
go through there on your own.

I'll open the door
once I'm in there for you.

- I'll be fine.
- No.

I'll be fine.


- Stiff as a board.
- Yep...

- Arms forward.
- Yep.

I've gotta be honest, kid,

this is not my proudest day
as a grandfather.


Livvie. Be careful.

I Will. I'll be right back.

I'm pretty sure this is
the opposite of fine.


Oh, no. No, no, no.
I'm not... I can't do g*ns.

- They're only darts.
- OK.

Um, just so you know, I...

- I really appreciate this.
- Right.


Oh! Oh, my God.
I'm so sorry! It just went off!

- Are you alright?
- It's alright, it's alright.

It's just...
It's not a strong dose.

It's just enough to take down
a small animal.

Jack? Jack, are you OK?

a worrywart. Do you know that?

Oh. No, no, no.

- Are we flying?
- Jack, listen to me.

We should fly to the island.



I'm going to hell for this.


Oi, I know something
you don't know.

Come on, Jack.
You've gotta help me out.

♪ I know something
that you don't know. ♪

You're so pretty!

Wow. Just... get your legs in.

Good boy.

Get off me! Get off me!

Ah! Ahh! Not the ears!
Not the ears!

'Hyah! "Oh!"

"No!" Go, Oddy!

Stop! Stay! Cease! Desist!

Hurry, Oddy!

This way.

- Oddball!
- Jump in!

- Oddball!
- We'll have to chase after him.

- Seatbelt!
- Hurry! Hurry!

Oddball is such a good dog!

He brought us together
like this, you and me.

No. No, no!

- Oh, dammit.
- Oh, pretty lights!

Boogie, boogie, boogie.
I've got to boogie...


You've gotta be really...
Jack. Jack, Jack. Shh, shh.

- Oh, you... you shush.
- No, no, you.

- You've gotta be... No!
- You shush, man. You shush.

Oh, gosh, it's Sergeant Gosch.

Can you keep your foot
down off...?

Stop. Stop it.


- Hi.
- Evening, Emily.

Hey, fellas.

I had you on the naughty side
of the speed limit.

I think you should step out
of the truck.

I think I probably should.

- Look!
- Where? I see him.

We've gotta get out there.
Tide's coming in.

It's not going to get
any lower if we wait.

What's going on?

- Oh, Jack! Are you alright?
- Yeah. Never better, man.

- What's up with him?
- She shot me with a tranq g*n.

- You shot him with a tranq g*n?
- I didn't mean to.

- Oh, that'll make it hurt less.
- Guys, look.

- No, it was an accident, Dad.
- Dropping an egg is an accident.

- This is extreme.
- Guys, look! Look!

- Livvie! Livvie!
- Stop where you are!

- Wait for us, Livvie!
- Don't go any deeper!


- Stop! Stop, Olivia!
- Just stay there!

Get down from
the roof of the vehicle!

You get down from the roof
of the vehicle!

- Get down from there!
- You get down from there!

I am... Has everyone
lost their mind?

Oi, someone's trying
to k*ll penguins.

Get the light on them,
and get it together, Jack!

Livvie, just stay there!

Please wait for us, Olivia!

And I have a gentleman
on the roof of his vehicle

under the influence.

- Nice bottom, Sergeant Gosch.
- Requesting backup.

Hurry up!

- Bradley, stop!
- Oddy, get out of there!


- Stay back!
- Zoe?

Stay away!

I've got your precious
penguin egg.

Lucky number . Am I right?

Wait, Zoe,
just... take it easy.

Now, there's no need
for this to go any further.

Oh, give it a rest,
it's your fault I'm here

- in the first place, OK?
- What?

These annoying penguins,
they were finished, alright?

- It was time to...
- Whoa!

Pop some champagne
and watch some whales.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Whoa! Zoe!

Livvie! Livvie, wait.
Livvie, no!

You still don't get it,
do you, Emily?

How long have you known me?

And you have no idea
that Rich is my boyfriend?

- Rich, the whale watcher?
- And what's wrong with that?

Well, it's just
an unusual... pairing.

Zoe, please, just...

put the egg down.

OK. Fine.


- Livvie, wait!
- Zoe!

- Livvie, come back!
- Get off me!

Argh! Oh!

Hold her down!

- NO!
- Oh!

- NO! NO!
- Emily, no!

Good luck getting that back.



Alright, come on.
Arms behind your back.

- Ow, my arm!
- Settle down.

That egg is as good as gone.

- It is over!
- Shh! Shh!

Wait a sec. Where's Oddball?

- Oddy!
- No, Oddball! Careful.

- No!
- Careful, mate.

- Slow and steady, boy.
- Whoa!

Easy, easy.
He's right, he's right.


That's it. Easy, easy. Steady.

- Nice and steady.
- That's it.

- That's it.
- Take it easy.

- Don't eat it, mate.
- Ohh!

Gentle. That's a boy.
Slow and steady.

That's it.

Alright. That's good.

- OK, come on.
- Good boy.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Ta... Take it easy, mate.

- Slow and steady, mate.
- Careful, Oddy.

- Slow and steady.
- Good boy.

That's it.

Good boy! Come on, up you come!
Give him some room.

- Come on, boy.
- That's it, that's it.

- Steady. Steady.
- Steady.

- That's a boy.
- Now, drop. Drop it.

- Give it to Livvie.
- Good boy!

- You did it, mate.
- Good boy!

Do you really think one
egg is going to...-

Ow! Jack!

- Ooh.
- Jack?

These things really do
just go off, don't they?

Hi, little ones.

- Gentle.
- There you go.

Thanks, love.

Watch your head
as you enter the vehicle.

Excuse me, mate.

Do not lick the window!



Hi. Mmm.

- You're OK?
- Yeah.

Just cold and wet,
but we'll be alright.

Um, listen, Bradley...

about New York, I...

I can't. This is my home.

I kinda figured.

- You did?
- Yeah.

This place, it suits you.

Not me.

I, uh... decided
to quit my job.

- Wow.
- Yeah.

I miss my home.
It's been a while.

- Take care of those penguins.
- Yeah, I will.

I have
the official penguin count.

The official penguin population

of Middle Island is...

nine penguins.

- And one '-
- And one '-!

- How good's this guy?
- Ten!

The sanctuary stays open!

- We did it!
- Yeah!

- Whoo!
- Whoo-hoo! Whoo-hoo!

Well done.

- I have to just...
- Yeah, I know.

I'll be... I'll be back.



Oddy, come back.

You did good, mate.
You did really good.

Hey, Oddy.

You did it, Dad.

I'm proud of you.

Nah. We all did it.

That's what I'm proud of.

- Oh!
- Oddy!



Oddy. Come over here, boy.

Come on, mate.

That's my boy.
Come on. Up you come.

That's my boy.

Good fella.
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