Sleeping Beauty (1959)

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Sleeping Beauty (1959)

Post by bunniefuu »

I know you

I walked with you
once upon a dream

I know you

The gleam in your eyes
is so familiar a gleam

Yet I know it's true

That visions are seldom
all they seem

But if I know you
I know what you'll do

You'll love me at once

The way you did
once upon a dream

In a faraway land
long ago...

lived a king
and his fair queen.

Many years had they
longed for a child,

and finally their wish
was granted.

A daughter was born,
and they called her Aurora.

Sweet Aurora

Yes, they named her
after the dawn,

for she filled their lives
with sunshine.

Then a great holiday was proclaimed
throughout the kingdom...

so that all of
high or low estate...

might pay homage
to the infant princess.

And our story begins
on that most joyful day.

On that joyful day

On that joyful day

Joyfully now
to our Princess we come

Bringing gifts
and all good wishes too

We pledge our loyalty anew

Hail to the Princess Aurora

All of her subjects
adore her

Hail to the King
Hail to the Queen

Hail to the Princess Aurora

Health to the Princess
Wealth to the Princess

Long live the Princess Aurora

Hail Aurora

Hail Aurora

Health to the Princess
Wealth to the Princess

Long live the Princess Aurora

Hail to the King
Hail to the Queen

Hail to the Princess Aurora

Thus, on this great
and joyous day...

did all the kingdom celebrate
the long-awaited royal birth.

And good King Stefan and his queen
made welcome their lifelong friend.

Their Royal Highnesses,

King Hubert
and Prince Phillip!

Fondly had these monarchs
dreamed one day...

their kingdoms to unite.

Thus, today would they announce
that Phillip, Hubert's son and heir,

to Stefan's child
would be betrothed.

And so to her
his gift he brought...

and looked unknowing
on his future bride.

Their most honored
and exalted excellencies,

the Three Good Fairies!

Mistress Flora,

Mistress Fauna...

and Mistress Merryweather!

- Oh!
- Oh!
- The little darling.

- Your Majesties.
- Your Majesties.
- Your Majesties.

Each of us the child
may bless with a single gift,

no more, no less.

Little Princess,

my gift shall be
the gift of beauty.

One gift

Beauty rare

Gold of sunshine

In her hair

Lips that shame
the red, red rose

She'll walk with springtime

Wherever she goes

Tiny Princess,

my gift shall be
the gift of song.

One gift

The gift of song

Melody her whole life long

The nightingale's
her troubadour

Bringing his sweet serenade
to her door

Sweet Princess,
my gift shall be the--

- Why, it's Maleficent.
- What does she want here?
- Shh!

Well, quite a glittering
assemblage, King Stefan.

Royalty, nobility,

the gentry, and--

How quaint.
Even the rabble.

I really felt quite distressed
at not receiving an invitation.

- You weren't wanted.
- Not wa--

Oh, dear, what
an awkward situation.

I had hoped it was merely due
to some oversight.

Well, in that event,
I'd best be on my way.

And you're not offended,
Your Excellency?

Why, no, Your Majesty.

And to show
I bear no ill will,

I, too, shall bestow
a gift on the child.

Listen well, all of you.

The Princess shall indeed
grow in grace and beauty,

beloved by all who know her.


before the sun sets on
her sixteenth birthday,

she shall prick her finger
on the spindle of a spinning wheel...

and die.

Oh, no!

Seize that creature!

Stand back, you fools!

Don't despair, Your Majesties.

Merryweather still
has her gift to give.

Then she can undo
this fearful curse?

Oh, no, Sire.

Maleficent's powers
are far too great.

But she can help.

- But--
- Just do your best, dear.

Yes, go on.

Sweet Princess,

if through this
wicked witch's trick...

a spindle should
your finger prick,

a ray of hope there
still may be in this,

the gift I give to thee.

Not in death,
but just in sleep...

the fateful prophecy
you'll keep.

And from this slumber
you shall wake...

when true love's kiss
the spell shall break.

For true love

Conquers all

But King Stefan, still fearful
of his daughter's life,

did then and there decree that every
spinning wheel in the kingdom...

should on that very day
be burned.

So 'twas done.

Oh, silly fiddle-faddle!

Now, come have
a nice cup of tea, dear.

I'm sure it'll
work out somehow.

Well, a bonfire
won't stop Maleficent.

Of course not.
But what will?

- Well, perhaps if we reason with her.
- Reason?

- With Maleficent?
- Well, she can't be all bad.

Oh, yes, she can!

Ooh, I'd like to turn her
into a fat, old hoptoad.

Now, dear, that isn't
a very nice thing to say.

Besides, we can't. You know
our magic doesn't work that way.

It can only do good, dear,
to bring joy and happiness.

Well, that would
make me happy.

But there must be some way.

- There is!
- There is?

- What is it, Flora?
- I'm going to--

Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh!
Even walls have ears.

Follow me.

I'll turn her into a flower.

- Maleficent?
- Oh, no, dear. The Princess.

Oh, she'd make
a lovely flower.

Don't you see? A flower
can't prick its finger.

- It hasn't any.
- That's right.

- She'll be perfectly safe.
- Until Maleficent sends a frost.

Yes! Eh-- Oh, dear.

She always ruins
your nicest flowers.

You're right. And she'll be
expecting us to do something like that.

Oh! Well, what won't she expect?
She knows everything.

Oh, but she doesn't, dear.

Maleficent doesn't know
anything about love...

or kindness or the joy
of helping others.

You know, sometimes I don't
think she's really very happy.

That's it! Of course.

It's the only thing she can't
understand and won't expect.

Now, now, now, we'll have
to plan it carefully.

Let's see. The woodcutter's cottage.
Yes, yes, the abandoned one.

Of course, the King
and Queen will object.

But when we explain
it's the only way--

Explain what?

About the three peasant women
raising a foundling child...

deep in the forest.

- Oh? Oh, that's very nice of them.
- Who are they?

Turn around.

- Eww!
- Why, it's us!

- Uh-huh.
- You mean, "we" us?

- Uh-huh.
- Take care of the baby?

- Why not?
- Oh, I'd like that!

Well, y-yes, but w-w-we'd
have to feed it a--

And wash it and dress it
and rock it to sleep.

- Oh, I'd love it.
- Do you really think we can?

If humans can do it,
so can we.

- And we'd have our magic to help us.
- That's right.

No, no, no, no, no, no!
No magic!

I'll take those wands
right now.

Oh, better get rid
of those wings too.

You mean live like mortals?
For sixteen years?

- Uh-huh.
- B-Bu-- Now, now, we--
we don't know how.

We've never done anything
without magic.

And that's why Maleficent
will never suspect--

- But-- But who'll wash?
- And cook?

- Oh, we'll all pitch in.
- I'll take care of the baby.

Let me have it, dear.

Come along now. We must tell
their Majesties at once.

- Flora?
- Flora?

So the King and his Queen
watched with heavy hearts...

as their most precious
possession, their only child,

disappeared into the night.

Many sad and lonely years
passed by...

for King Stefan
and his people.

But as the time for the Princess's
sixteenth birthday drew near,

the entire kingdom
began to rejoice.

For everyone knew that
as long as Maleficent's domain,

the Forbidden Mountains, thundered
with her wrath and frustration,

her evil prophecy
had not yet been fulfilled.

It's incredible!

Sixteen years,
and not a trace of her.

She couldn't have vanished
into thin air!

Are you sure you
searched everywhere?

Yes, yes, uh, everywhere.

- We all did.
- Yeah, yeah!

Uh-huh, yeah.

And what about the town?
The forest? The mountains?

Yeah, we searched mountains,
uh, uh, uh, uh, forests...

and, uh, houses, and, uh--

Let me see.
Uh, and all the cradles.

- Cradle?
- Yep, yep.

Every cradle.


Did you hear that, my pet?

All these years, they've
been looking for a baby.


Idiots! Imbeciles!

Oh, they're hopeless.

A disgrace to
the forces of evil.

My pet, you are my last hope.

Circle far and wide.

Search for a maid
of sixteen...

with hair of sunshine gold...

and lips red as the rose.

Go, and do not fail me.

And so, for sixteen long years,

the whereabouts of the Princess
remained a mystery.

While deep in the forest
in a woodcutter's cottage,

the good fairies carried out
their well-laid plan.

Living like mortals, they had
reared the child as their own...

and called her Briar Rose.

On this, her sixteenth birthday,

the good fairies
had planned a party...

and something extra special
for a surprise.

- Well, now, how about this one?
- This is the one I picked.

Oh, she'll look
beautiful in that.

- Now, I thought a few changes here.
- Uh-huh.

- And don't forget a pretty bow.
- Yes, and raise the shoulder line.

- We'll make it blue.
- Oh, no, dear, pink.

- But--
- Of course, we'll need a few pleats.

Yes, but how are we gonna
get her out of the house?

Oh, I'll think of something.

Well, and what are
you three dears up to?

- Up to?
- Up to?
- Up to?

Uh, uh-- Th-Th-The--
Cr-- Uh--

Well, we-- Uh, we-- W-We--

- We want you to pick some berries.
- That's it, berries!

- Berries?
- Lots of berries.

- But I-I picked berries yesterday.
- Oh, w-we need more, dear.

- Lots, lots more.
- Yes!

- Now don't hurry back, dear.
- But don't go too far.

- And don't speak to strangers.
- Good-bye, dear.

- Good-bye!
- Good-bye!
- Good-bye!

- I wonder if she suspects.
- Of course not.

Come on!
Oh, will she be surprised.

A real birthday party.

With a real birthday cake.

Yes, and a dress
a princess can be proud of.

- I'll get the wands.
- Yes, you can, uh-- The wands?

- Oh, no!
- No magic!

But the sixteen years
are almost over.

We're taking no chances.

But I've never baked
a fancy cake.

Oh, you won't have to, dear.

I'm going to bake the cake.

- You?
- Oh, she's always wanted to, dear.

- And this is her last chance.
- Well--

I'm going to make it fifteen layers
with pink and blue forget-me-nots.

And I'm making the dress.

But you can't sew,
and she's never cooked.

- Oh-ho-ho, it's simple!
- All you do is follow the book.

Up here, dear.
You can be the dummy.

Well, I still say
we ought to use magic.

"Flour, three cups."

Cups, cups, cups, cups,
cups, cups, cups.


One, two, three.

- What's that for?
- Well, it's got to have
a hole in the bottom.

That's for the feet
to go through.

- It's pink.
- Oh, lovely shade, isn't it?

- But I wanted it blue.
- Now, dear,

we decided
pink was her color.

You decided!

"Two eggs. Fold in gently."

Fold? Uh, oh, well.

I can't breathe!

Let me out of here.

- It looks awful.
- That's because it's on you, dear.

"Now, yeast, one tsp."

One teaspoon.

- Oh, one teaspoon, of course!
- Hmm!

Oh, gracious,
how that child has grown.

Oh, it seems only yesterday
we brought her here.

Just a tiny baby.

- Why, Merryweather.
- What ever is the matter, dear?

After today,
she'll be a princess,

and we won't have
any Briar Rose.

- Oh, Flora!
- Now, now, now, now.

Well, we-- we all knew
this day had to come.

But why did it
have to come so soon?

After all, we've had her
for sixteen years.

Sixteen wonderful years.

Oh, gracious! We're acting
like a lot of ninnies.

Come on. She'll be back
before we get started.

You hear that, Samson?


What is it?

Come on.
Let's find out.

Aw, come on.
For an extra bucket of oats?

And a few carrots?

Hup, boy!


No carrots.

I wonder

I wonder

I wonder why
each little bird

Has a someone

To sing to

Sweet things to

A gay little love melody

I wonder

I wonder

If my heart keeps singing

Will my song go winging

To someone

Who'll find me

And bring back a love song

To me

Oh, dear.

Why do they still
treat me like a child?


Aunt Flora and Fauna
and Merryweather.

They never want me
to meet anyone.

But you know something?

I fooled them.

I have met someone.


Who? Who?

Oh, a prince.

Well, he's tall
and handsome and--

and so romantic.

Oh, we walk together
and talk together;

and just before
we say good-bye,

he takes me in his arms...

and then...

I wake up.

Yes, it's only in my dreams.

But they say if you dream
a thing more than once,

it's sure to come true;

and I've seen him
so many times.

You know, Samson,

there was something strange
about that voice.

Too beautiful to be real.

Maybe it was some mysterious
being, a wood sprite or a--

Here, stop!

Why, it's my dream prince.

Your Highness.

You know, I'm really not
supposed to speak to strangers,

but we've met before.

I know you

I walked with you
once upon a dream

I know you

The gleam in your eyes

Is so familiar a gleam

Yet I know it's true

That visions
are seldom all they seem

But if I know you

I know what you'll do

You'll love me at once

The way you did
once upon a dream

But if I know you

I know what you'll do

You'll love me at once

- The way you--
- The way you did

Once upon a dream

Oh! Oh!

I'm awfully sorry.
I didn't mean to frighten you.

Oh, it, uh, wasn't that.

It's just that you're a-- a--

- A stranger?
- Mm-hmm.

But don't you remember?
We've met before.

- We-- We have?
- Why, of course. You said so yourself.

Once upon a dream.

I know you

I walked with you
once upon a dream

I know you

The gleam in your eyes
is so familiar a gleam

And I know it's true

That visions
are seldom all they seem

But if I know you

I know what you'll do

You'll love me at once

The way you did

Once upon a dream

Who are you?

What's your name?


Oh, my name.

Why, it's-- it's--

Oh, no, no, I can't! I--

- Good-bye!
- But when will I see you again?

- Oh, never! Never!
- Never?

- Well, maybe someday.
- When? Tomorrow?

Oh, no! This evening!

- Where?
- At the cottage in the glen.

There. Ooh!

- Well, what do you think of it?
- Why, it's--

It's a very unusual cake,
isn't it?

Yes. Of course, it'll be
much stiffer after it's baked.

Of course, dear. Um, what
do you think of the dress?

Well, i-it's, uh--

I-It's not exactly the way
it is in the book, is it?

Oh, I improved it.

But perhaps if I added a few more
ruffles, uh-- Uh, what do you think?

Um, I think so.
What do you think, Merryweather?

I think we've had enough
of this nonsense!

I think we ought to think of Rose
and what she'll think of this mess.

I still think
what I thunk before.

I'm going to get those wands.

You know, I think she's right.

Here they are, good as new.

Ah, ah, ah!
C-C-C-C-C-Careful, Merryweather!

Quick, lock the doors.

Uh, Fauna, you close the windows.
Oh, block up every cranny.

We can't take any chances.

Now, you take care
of the cake.

- While I--
- Clean the room, dear.

And I'll make the dress.
Now hurry!


Come on, bucket, mop, broom.

Flora says clean up the room.

And now to make
a lovely dress...

fit to grace a fair princess.

Eggs, flour, minute--

Just do it like it says here
in the book. I'll put on the candles.

Oh, no, not pink.
Make it blue.

Make it pink.

Make it blue.

Oh, pink!


Ohh, now look
what you've done!

Shh, shh, shh! Listen.

- It's Rose.
- She's back. Enough
of this foolishness.

Make it pink.
Now hide, quick!

- Blue.
- Aunt Flora!

Good gracious!
Who left the mop running?

Stop, mop.

Aunt Flora! Fauna!


Where is everybody? Oh!

- Surprise! Surprise!
- Surprise! Surprise!
- Surprise!

- Happy birthday!
- Oh, you darlings!

This is the happiest day
of my life.

Everything's so wonderful.

- Just wait 'til you meet him.
- Him?

- Rose!
- Y-You've met some stranger?

Oh, he's not a stranger.
We've met before.

- You have?
- Where?

Once upon a dream.

I know you

I walked with you
once upon a dream

- She's in love!
- Oh, no.

This is terrible.

Why? After all,
I am sixteen.

- It isn't that, dear.
- You're already betrothed.

- Betrothed?
- Since the day you were born.

- To Prince Phillip, dear.
- But that's impossible.

How could I marry a prince?
I'd have to be--

- A princess.
- And you are, dear.

Princess Aurora.

Tonight, we're taking you back
to your father, King Stefan.

But-- But I can't.

He's coming here tonight.
I promised to meet him.

I'm sorry, child, but you must
never see that young man again.

Oh, no! No!

I can't believe it! No! No!

And we thought
she'd be so happy.

No sign of her yet, Hubert.

'Course not. It's a good
half hour 'til sunset.

Ah, excellent bird.

Oh, now, come, man!

Buck up! Battle's over!

Girl's as good as here.

I'm sorry, Hubert,
but after sixteen years...

of worrying, never knowing--

The past! All in the past.

Tonight, we toast
the future...

with something I've been saving
for sixteen years.

Here. To the future!

Right, Hubert.
To the future.

- Skumps, skumps
- Skumps

- A toast to this night
- The outlook is rosy

The future is bright

Our children will marry
Our kingdoms unite

Skumps, skumps


Ah, excellent vintage.

- And now, to the new home, eh?
- New home?

Children need a nest
of their own, what?

Place to raise
their little brood, eh?

Well, I suppose in time--

Of course! To the home!

- Skumps
- Skumps

- A toast to the home
- One grander by far

Than a palace in Rome

Uh, let me fill up your glass.
That glass was all foam.

Skumps, skumps


The plans!

Well, what do you think?
Nothing elaborate, of course.

Forty bedrooms, dining hall.
Honeymoon cottage, really.

You-- You mean, you're
building it already?

Built, man! Finished!
Lovebirds can move in tomorrow.

Tomorrow? But, Hubert,
they're not even married yet.

Take care of that tonight.
To the wedding!

Now hold on, Hubert. I haven't
even seen my daughter yet,

and you're taking her
away from me.

- Getting my Phillip, aren't you?
- Yes, but--

Want to see our grandchildren,
don't we?

- Of course, but, uh--
- There's no time to lose.

Getting on in years.

- To the wedding!
- Now, be reasonable, Hubert.

After all, Aurora knows
nothing about all this.

- Well?
- Well, it-- it may come
as quite a shock.

Shock? My Phillip, a shock?

What's wrong
with my Phillip?

Nothing, Hubert.
I only meant--

Why doesn't your daughter
like my son?

- Now, now--
- I'm not so sure...

my son likes your daughter!

- Now, see here.
- I'm not so sure my grandchildren...

want you for a grandfather!

Why, you, you unreasonable,

- Huh? Who? Uh--
- pompous, blustering, old windbag!

Unreasonable, pompous--
On guard, sir!

I warn you, Hubert,
this means w*r.

Forward! For honor!
For country!

Oh! Ohh!

- Hey.
- What's this all about, anyway?

No-- Nothing, Hubert.
Absolutely nothing!

Eh, children bound to fall
in love with each other.

Yeah. Precisely.
And as for grandchildren,

I'll have the royal woodcarvers
start work on the cradle tomorrow.

King-size, of course.

To the woodcarvers guild.

His Royal Highness,
Prince Phillip!


Oh, Phillip! Phillip!

Phillip! Ho, Phillip!

H-Hurry, boy, hurry!

Uh, change into
something suitable.

Can't meet your future bride
looking like that.

- But I have met her, Father.
- Yeah-- You have? Where?

Once upon a dream.

Oh, Phillip! Stop it!
Stop that! Wa-- Phillip!

Phi-- Put me down!

Now, what's all
this "dream" nonsense?

It wasn't a dream, Father.
I really did meet her.

Oh, the Princess Aurora? Good
heavens, we must tell Stefan.

- Why, this is the most amazing--
- I-I didn't say it was Aurora.

You most certainly did.
You-- You said--

I said I met the girl I was going
to marry. I don't know who she was.

- A peasant girl, I suppose.
- A-- A peasant g-girl?

You-- You're going
to marry a g--

Why, Phillip, you're joking.

Isn't he?

Oh! Y-Y-You can't
do this to me.

Give up the throne, the kingdom,
for some-- some nobody?

By Harry, I won't have it!

You're a prince, and you're
going to marry a princess!

Now, Father,
you're living in the past.

This is the fourteenth century.

Nowadays I'm still the king! And I
command you to come to your senses!

- And marry the girl I love.
- Exactly!

- Good-bye, Father.
- Good-bye, Father.
Marry the girl you-- No, no!

No, no, Phillip!
Stop! Come back!

Oh, Phillip!


How-- How will I
ever tell Stefan?

Come along now.

All right. In here, dear.

- Oh!
- Bolt the door, Merryweather.

Fauna, pull the drapes.

And now, dear,
if you'll just sit here.

This one last gift,
dear child, for thee,

the symbol of thy royalty:

a crown to wear
in grace and beauty,

as is thy right
and royal duty.

- Now, dear--
- Come.

Let her have
a few moments alone.

It's that boy she met.

What ever are we going to do?

Ohh! I don't see why she
has to marry any old prince.

Now, that's not for us
to decide, dear.

Maybe we should tell King Stefan
about the boy.

- Well, why don't we?
- Listen!

Maleficent! Rose!

- Rose!
- Rose!

- Oh, why did we leave her alone?
- No! No!
- Rose!


- Here.
- Rose!
- Rose!

- Rose! Rose, where are you?
- Rose!
- Rose!

Where are you?

Rose! Rose! Rose!

- Rose! Rose!
- Rose!

- Rose!
- Rose!
- Rose!

- Rose!
- Rose!
- Don't touch anything!

Anything! Anything!

Touch the spindle.
Touch it, I say.

You poor, simple fools,

thinking you could defeat me.

Me, the mistress of all evil!

Well, here's your
precious princess.

- Rose!
- Oh, Rose!

Oh, I'll never
forgive myself.

We're all to blame.

Stefan, th-there's-- there's something
important I have to tell you.

Uh, not now, Hubert.

But-- But it's a-about Phillip.

Phillip? Oh, yes,
of course, Phillip.

- Why, where is the boy?
- That's what I'm trying to tell you.

- Well, send for him immediately.
- But--


The sun has set.

Make ready to welcome
your princess.

Poor King Stefan and the Queen.

They'll be heartbroken
when they find out.

- They're not going to.
- They aren't?

- But--
- We'll put them all to sleep
until Rose awakens.


Sleeping Beauty fair

Gold of sunshine

In your hair

Lips that shame

The red, red rose

Dreaming of true love

In slumber repose

One day

He will come

Riding out of the dawn

And you'll awaken

To love's first kiss

'Til then

Sleeping Beauty

Sleep on

One day you'll awaken

To love's first kiss

'Til then

Sleeping Beauty

Sleep on

Well, just been talking
to Phillip.

Seems he's fallen in love
with some-- peasant girl.

Peasant girl?

Yes? Yes?

The peasant girl? Who is she?
Where did he meet her?

Uh, just some
peasant girl he met--

Where? Where?

Once upon a dream.

Once upon a dre--
Rose! Prince Phillip!

Oh! Oh!

Come on. We've got to
get back to the cottage.

Come in.


This is a pleasant surprise.

I set my trap for a peasant,
and lo,

I catch a prince.

Away with him.

But gently, my pets.

I have plans
for our royal guest.

- Maleficent!
- Maleficent!
- Maleficent!

She's got Prince Phillip!

At the Forbidden Mountain.

But we can't--
we can't go there.

We can, and we must!

What a pity Prince Phillip
can't be here...

to enjoy the celebration.

Come. We must go to the dungeon
and cheer him up.

Oh, come now, Prince Phillip.

Why so melancholy?

A wondrous future
lies before you.

You, the destined hero...

of a charming fairy tale
come true.

Behold, King Stefan's castle.

And in yonder topmost tower,

dreaming of her true love,

the Princess Aurora.

But see the gracious
whim of fate.

Why, 'tis the selfsame
peasant maid...

who won the heart of
our noble prince but yesterday.

She is indeed
most wondrous fair,

gold of sunshine
in her hair,

lips that shame
the red, red rose.

In ageless sleep,
she finds repose.

The years roll by.

But a hundred years to
a steadfast heart are but a day.

And now, the gates
of a dungeon part,

and our prince
is free to go his way.

Off he rides
on his noble steed--

a valiant figure,
straight and tall--

to wake his love...

with love's first kiss...

and prove that true love
conquers all!

Why, you, you, y--

Come, my pet. Let us leave
our noble prince...

with these happy thoughts.

A most gratifying day.

For the first time
in sixteen years,

I shall sleep well.

Shh! No time to explain.

Wait, Prince Phillip.
The road to true love...

may be barred by still
many more dangers...

which you alone
will have to face.

So arm thyself with this
enchanted shield of virtue...

and this mighty
sword of truth,

for these weapons of righteousness
will triumph over evil.

Now, come. We must hurry.

Phillip, watch out!

Silence! You, tell
those fools to--

No! No!

Watch out, Phillip!

Hurry! Hurry, Phillip!

A forest of thorns
shall be his tomb,

borne through the skies
on a fog of doom!

Now go with a curse
and serve me well.

'Round Stefan's castle
cast my spell.

No! It cannot be!

Now shall you deal
with me, O Prince,

and all the powers of hell!

Up! Up this way!

Now, sword of truth,
fly swift and sure...

that evil die
and good endure!

Ehhh-- Oh, oh, uh--

Forgive me, Hubert.
Ehh, uh, the wine. Now, uh--

You, uh, were saying?

Huh? I-I was?
Oh! Oh, yes.

Well, after all, Stefan,
this is the fourteenth century.

Yes. You, uh, you said that
a moment ago.

Well, to come
right to the point,

my son Phillip says
he's going to marry--

It's Aurora! She's here!

A-And-And-And Phillip!

Wh-- What does this mean, boy?

I-I don't under--

B-Bu-- But-But, uh--

I-I don't understand.

Why, Fauna,
what's the matter, dear?

Oh, I just love
happy endings.

Yes, I do too-- t--


- Pink.
- I know you

- I walked with you once upon a dream
- Blue.

I know you

The gleam in your eyes

Is so familiar a gleam

Yet I know it's true

That visions are seldom
all they seem

But if I know you

I know what you'll do

You'll love me at once

The way you did once


A dream
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