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06x07 - Hope is With the Heart

Posted: 12/23/21 07:10
by bunniefuu
Previously on When Calls the Heart...

Something's not quite... right.

Well then, what I recommend is a
healthy dose of communication.

Good luck.

Every town needs a library.

I'd like to buy your land.

, .

, .

That's my final offer.

Constable Grant!

It's about Allie. I was
hoping to talk to you.

Okay, I will come by.


I feel truly blessed to have Jack.

It's the little things.

His morning smile.

That sparkle in his eyes.

His beautiful laugh.

It fills my heart with profound joy.

Love comes in many forms,

especially in Hope Valley right now.

Where new love blossoms.

Enduring love grows even stronger...

There's a reason love inspires
great poetry and song.

It stirs something deep within
us, bringing us comfort, bliss,

and most of all hope in
what tomorrow may bring.

Great doing business with you.

(JESSE) Look at 'em.

All smiles.

Don't I look like the sucker?


Lee, he swindled me.

You don't know that.

He couldn't afford nine
grand to buy the saloon.

So how's it he can spend a bunch
more on this oil business?

Henry has a lot of contacts
in the mining world.

I'm sure he could find a backer.


Why was he so eager to buy my land?

Isn't cat's cradle more
fun with two people?

Here you go.

I meant, maybe some of the other kids

would like to play with you too.

What? I thought you were making friends.

I am. I guess.

These kids are tough nuts to crack.


Allie, you're one of the
funniest kids I know.

You can make me laugh, and
I am a tough audience.

All right, why don't you get outta here.

It's too nice a day for us
both to be cooped up in here.

Here's your share of the oil proceeds.

(LUCAS) Subtlety really isn't
your strong suit, is it?

Is there a problem?

Let's just say that being
associated with you

doesn't exactly boost my
standing in the community.

I'm quite sure I could
say the same thing.

What's this?

You cheated me out of my land.

I figure the oil profits
belong to me now.

Let me tell you something
about court, son,

'cause I've seen the
inside of one a few times.

Save your lectures, Henry.

I'm gonna get what's mine.

Judge will be here first
thing in the morning.

See you then.

Right this way.

It's seen better days, but I think under

all the dust and cobwebs this
place has a lot of potential.

And... why are you showing this to me?

Welcome to your new library.

Very funny.

It shouldn't be.

Well, as I said, there isn't
any room in the town budget

to rent space for a library.

There's no need to rent a space
when I'm donating this place.

You bought this building
for the new library?

Well, actually I bought
it three weeks ago

as an investment property.

But I guess a library
will just have to do.

You mean to tell me that out
of the goodness of your heart,

you are donating this whole
building to the town?

Business has been going very well.

And imagine all the books that
you'll get to read in here.

I... I don't know what to say.

I can have a crew start
building shelves in here today.

No, I would save that money
for what's important...

The books.

So, we're on?

I could have my students
handle the repairs.

I'll take that as a yes.

Where are you headed?

To court.

Jesse's suing me.

It's an open and shut case.

I don't think he has a shot.

You are slick Henry, but one
day that may be your downfall.

Well, perhaps so, just not today.

Let's head inside, shall we?

I'll wait for the judge.

I am the judge.

Sworn in last night.


First dispute is one about a dry cow.

Remember everyone.

We're organizing the books by genre.

What have you got there, Opal?

Wuh... thur... ing...


"Wuthering Heights".

Yes. That's a "tragedy".

Can I read it?

Perhaps in a few years.


How's everything going with the shelves?

Very well, thank you.

I hope you used dowels.

Excuse me?

Dowels? Little wood things?

I know what dowels are.

Books are heavy.

These nails will just bend.

I think these nails will be just fine.

Suit yourself.

But just out of curiosity,

if one were interested in using dowels,

how might he go about doing that?

I spoke to my father again.

He was playing with one
of my little nephews,

sounded like they were
having so much fun.

I'm surprised to hear that.

The way you described your father,

he was a bit more reserved than that.

I guess I made a lot of
assumptions about him

that aren't really true.

Again, thank you so much
for putting us in touch.


I didn't overstep.



But I'm glad that you did.

I think we made quite a bit of progress.

I'm so impressed by how
well the children did.


How's your thumb?

I'll survive.

Thank you again.

I still can't believe you did all this.

It's my pleasure.



I'm sorry. You go ahead.

No, please.

Well, you must be starving.

Can I interest you in
a bite at the saloon.

To discuss library business.

That's very kind of you,

but I should be getting home to my son.

Of course.


How long have we known each other for?

Don't ask questions I
know the answers to.


Why did you make an offer on my land?

Well, like I told you, I
wanted to drill for oil.

And this geologist who
told me there was only

a percent chance of
striking oil, who hired him?

I knew him from my time
in the mining industry.

See? They're friends.

I didn't say that.

Where are you going with this, Jesse?

I'm sayin', Henry hires the geologist.

The guy who basically
advises me not to drill.

He then buys my land,
and what do you know?



I think Gowen and this
geologist were in cahoots.

Well, that doesn't sound like a stretch,

but do you plan on sharing
anything other than accusations?

What else have you got?


One second.


It's getting late.

We'll reconvene in the morning.

Court's adjourned.

You did good.

You kidding me?

I'm losing.

I saw Henry and Lucas talking yesterday.

And Henry handed him some money.

Tab money?

A lot more than that.

Perfect fit. Thank you, Robert.

All right, everyone,

why don't you start filling the shelves,

and I'll go collect the last of
the books from the schoolhouse.

Before you know it,

this place is going to start
to feel like a real library.

"The Fall of the House of Usher".

That was ours.

My mom gave it away 'cause she said

it would give us nightmares.

Let's read it.

"During the hole of a dull,
dark, and soundless day

"in the autumn of the year,

"when the clouds hung oppressively low

"in the heavens,

"I had been passing alone, on horseback,

"through a singularly
dreary tract of country..."


I'd like to call Lucas
Bouchard to the stand.

Now, Mr. Bouchard,

what do you do here in Hope Valley?

We all know that Mr.
Bouchard owns the saloon.

Move on.


Did you invest in Gowen's oil business?

There you go.

Good question.

Thank you.

Your answer?


I own a percent stake
in Gowen Petroleum.

Why'd you keep it a secret?

I had my reasons.

Well, that's not good enough, Mr.

It's time for you to start
giving some straight answers.

Go on, Jesse.

When Henry approached you,

what did he say the odds of
finding oil on my land were?

Forty percent.

Why would you put money on the line

when the odds of striking
oil were so low?


Compared to poker, percent
odds sound pretty good to me.

I mean, I am a gambler.

(BILL) The fact is, I don't
know who or what you are.

But I do know your partner's
a convicted criminal.

And that doesn't smell right from here.

"There was an iciness, a
sinking, a sickening of heart.

"What was it that so unnerved
me in the contemplation

"of the House of Usher?"


Aren't you supposed to be shelving?

But you said a library's for reading.

First we shelve, then we read.

Now let's see how much
we can get accomplished

before it's dinner time.

I know where a real haunted house is.


In the woods.

All the Mounties know about it.

My uncle wasn't supposed
to tell me, but he did.

Where is it?

Quarter mile up Frenchman's Creek.

[WHISPERING] You're right.
So what do we do now?

We could go.

- That would be great.
- Let's go.

- It would just be us.
- (OPAL) You're going, aren't you?

I am too.

You're too young.

(BILL) You stand, Henry.

Henry, I want you to
answer me a question.

If the geologist said you had
percent chance of finding oil

on Jesse's property, why would
you buy options all around it?

Well, it only stands to
reason that the more property

under my control, the better
chance I have at striking oil.

I'm not going to apologize
for taking a huge risk

and having it pay off.


Well, I used to be able to
arrest people on my suspicion.

With this job, I need more.

Jesse, I'm sorry.

You have no proof that says
Henry did anything fraudulent.

Case dismissed.

No hard feelings.

It still isn't fair.

You think this is it?

Must be.

Who do you think lived here?

Don't you mean "who died here?"


- Ahhh!!!!!
- Who's there?

[GIGGLES] You thought I was a ghost.

Opal, what are you doing here?

Did you follow us?


(ALL) Ahhhhh!!!!!



Did you guys see that?




Oh, he likes this one, doesn't he?

Pears are his new favourite.

[KNOCKS] Mrs. Thornton!

What's wrong?

We went into the woods,
and there was this ghost,

everyone ran, but I don't
know where they are.

Wait, slow down, just
start at the beginning.

Okay. Allie told us about this
haunted cabin up Frenchman's Creek.

Allie did?

Me and Harper went to see
it, but Opal followed us.

Mrs. Thornton, there's a real ghost,

and when I ran I thought Harper
and Opal were behind me,

but they weren't.

What if the ghost got them?


I'll watch Jack.

Robert, hurry on home.


Constable, do you know where Allie is?

Yeah, she's at home.

I'll get some lanterns.




That cabin Allie was talking
about is a quarter mile in.

We found it while we were
fishing together one time.

You know, I don't know what
gets into her head sometimes.

Children seem to make it their
job to keep adults guessing.



Hey, sweetheart.



Thought I might find you here.

Elizabeth just had an emergency.

I hope it's nothing too serious.

Oh, I'm sure she's handling it.




Listen, um...

I know something's on your mind.

And I know what it is.

And I just want you to know
that we can talk about it.

Lee, I...

I can't.

Yes, you can.

We're in this together, right?

I see you with little Jack, and...

you would make a wonderful father.

I know that's what you want.



I don't think I can give you a child.

You deserve to be a father.

You do, and I know, I
know it's my fault.

You don't know that.

You don't know that at all.

It could just as easily be me.

But the truth is, it doesn't matter.

Because no matter how
much I may want a child,

the only thing in the whole world
that I really need is you.

Every day with you is like a gift.

I am the luckiest man in the
whole world because your face

is the first thing I get to see
every morning when I wake up.

I love you, and I see
you with baby Jack too,

and I know how much you
want a child of your own.

What if it doesn't happen for us?

We face it together.

Just like we always do.

You and me.


I love you...

So much.

I love you more.




- Allie.
- Over here.


Thank you.


What happened?

Opal tripped when we were running.

Oh, let me see, sweetheart.

It hurts.

I think it might be broken.

We're gonna take you to go see Dr.
Shepard, all right?

As far as what you're doing out here,

we'll talk about that later.


Come here, you're with me.

Thank you.

I'm really sorry.

Here you are, Opal.

Lift up a little bit.

There you go.

Beef Stroganoff sounds good.

Oh, yes.

I might have that.

Something's on your mind.

Am I that easy to read?

Only because we've been
spending so much time together.

Too much time?

I would take every
minute that I can get.


Well, I'm glad to hear that,

because I spoke to my father again,

and he's invited us to Thanksgiving.

He wants to meet the man
who put us back in touch.

And he wants to thank you in person.

I can tell him that
you have other plans.

I would love to meet your family.

I'm sorry to interrupt,
but you have a patient.

(ALLIE) It was just
supposed to be a joke.

You know, Allie, when I
said you were funny,

this is not what I meant.


How is she?

Fortunately, it's just a sprain.

You got the idea from that book
in the library, didn't you?

The library?

How come every time Allie's in trouble,

Bouchard is somehow involved?

You know Allie, I know you didn't
expect Opal to follow those boys,

but being out in the woods at night,

that just isn't safe.

I won't ever do anything like it again.

Can I go see Opal?

(BOTH) Go ahead.


You can't blame the library
or Lucas for what happened.

There's nothing wrong
with being a book lover.


He's a lover, all right.

I'm just not sure about the book part.

I am sorry.

For what?

If your job makes you believe
the worst in people.


I'm sorry you got hurt.

She'll be as good as new
in a couple of weeks.

I really thought you were a ghost.

Huh. Thanks.

How did you make the rocking chair move?


wasn't me.

Ah, I tied a string to it.


How's that, not too tight?


Madam Librarian.

What keeps you out so late?

Uh, there was an emergency
with one of the children.

Everything's fine,

just a case of literature
being taken too literally.

They say a little learning
can be a dangerous thing.

I don't believe that.

I'm on the fence.


Why are you so interested
in setting up the library?

Hope Valley needs one.

Is that the only reason?

Because, if I have in any
way led you to believe...

Never mind.

Now I'm not going to deny that
I was aware of your beauty.

But as I got to know you,

I became fascinated by your goodness.

"Dangerous Liaisons".

One of my favourites.

I wanted a library because
it seemed like a good thing.

No disrespect.




I have the Benson Hills
Mountie station on the line.

Put it through.

You are connected.

This is Constable Grant.

You'll never guess who was
spotted outside your town,

Gentleman Johnny Boone.


I heard about Johnny Boone.

Yeah, there's a report he
was spotted at Rock Creek.

I'll be joining you.

Bill, you're not the sheriff anymore.

As territorial judge I
hereby deputize myself.

See how easy that was?

Besides, you don't know
this guy like I do.

Between the newspaper
articles and the dime novels

everybody knows this guy.

Not like I do.

He's got a lot of tricks up his sleeve.

The last time I caught him
was outside the woods

near Coyote Pass.

But he escaped.

Within a week.

How long ago was that?

Nine years.

Woah. Hold on.

Come on.

Giddy up!!!


Stay down.

[COCKS g*n]

Hey Johnny.

It's been a while.

Yeah, but not long enough by my account.

Fiona, take a look at this.

It's my latest design.

Yeah, it's pretty.

But not for you.


You know, Fiona, I can design anything.

There's this skirt I saw
in this advertisement,

right here.

It's beautiful.

I love the detailing.

I've never designed anything
quite like it before.


Well, I don't think the
women here would go for it.

Maybe if you offered these
styles women would buy them.

And maybe you'd get some new customers.


A whole new market.


Hurry up! Hurry up!

What in the world?

Gentleman Johnny Boone is here!

Carson, what's going on?

It's Gentleman Johnny!

Give us some room.

How does it feel to be famous?

Well, it's not something
I experience very much.

Enjoy it while you can.

'Cause fame is fleeting and
your prison term won't be.

Well, little Jack and I have
a full day ahead of us.

Rosemary, you don't have to do that.

It is never too early for Jack
to experience the best of music

and literature.

Maybe a little finger-painting?

Yes, yes.

Thank you, Rosemary.

Oh, of course, it's my pleasure.

Clara can watch the
shop today, can't she?


Is everything ok?

Um... I just called my dad and
a strange voice answered.

He said he was a neighbour.

My dad had a heart attack two days ago.


He's fine, he's recovering,

but I still think I should go see him.

Absolutely. I can
handle everything here.

Your mistake was not
changing up your routine.

I change it plenty.

You both just got lucky.

Well, I think I'd call it skill

when I anticipate your next move.

Was it skill at Edgewood,
when you walked in the barn

and fed your horse

and didn't see me up
there in the hayloft.

You were up there the whole time?

Oh, yeah.

Okay, I'm going to do my rounds
while you two continue down

memory lane.


Did I just hear him right?

Well that's what happens

when you don't live the life of crime,

you get promoted.

Well, how'd it go?

Everyone's just talking
about Gentleman Johnny.

Yeah, well, he's uh...

he's sorta famous so
that's understandable.

Robert called him a legend.

Is he?

A legend?

I- I don't know.

There's a lot of stuff
written about him.

Somebody said that he's
never hurt anybody,

and that he's pulled off amazing crimes.

But Allie, you know if
you steal from someone

you are hurting them, right?

Yeah, I do.


I think you should be
the legend, not him.

Well, the fact that you think
that is enough for me.

- ♪

- ♪


Oh, sorry!


Jack, look who's home.

Hello my sweet boy.


How did everything go today?

Oh, we had just a perfect day.

We went over the alphabet and
we listened to some songs.

Oh, we did a little artwork.

And a gift for you.

Thank you!

Oh, and look at those.

Oh, well, I had a little time on
my hands while Jack was napping.

Rosemary, they're beautiful.

Thank you.

I just have to convince the
women in town to love them.

Elizabeth, how would you like
to be on the cutting edge

of fashion?



I got you some lemon
drops for your trip.

It can get pretty dusty.

Thank you, Carson.

We've got a shipment of
supplies arriving Thursday.

I'll take care of it.

And if you see Mrs. Galuzzo in town

remind her she's got an
appointment on Friday.

She's always forgetting.

Don't worry.

Have a safe trip.

You're all set.


Don't forget to call.

Oh, don't you worry, Lee
will join us shortly.

[LAUGHS] You just wanna
come out, don't you?



He just loves you so much.

Well, I'll let you in
on a little secret.

I'm crazy about him, too.

Rosemary, what is it?

Elizabeth, there's something
I haven't told you.

I don't think I can have children.

Are you sure?

Maybe it just hasn't happened yet.

I think it would have happened by now

if something wasn't wrong.

I'm here for you.

You've already done so much, every day.

And truly I have so many
blessings to be grateful for.

Amazing friends and a man I love.

A wonderful career.

And best of all, I get to be
this little guy's auntie, yes.

Who's your favourite auntie?

Who's your favourite auntie?


Let's go.

Can't a man get a good
night's sleep around here?

Your escort's here.

You can sleep on the way to Union City.

It's a bit late to go traipsing
around the country, isn't it?

Couldn't this wait 'til tomorrow?

Since when do you care what time it is?

Since I had those pancakes this morning.


Yeah, best I ever had.

Aw, come on.

Let me have one more good meal.

You're a judge now,

you can order them to
transport me tomorrow.

For old-time's sake?

He's just so adorable.

And he's talented.

I am quite certain he
has an ear for music.

Just imagine if our little
Jack turned out to be

the next Chopin.

Or maybe the next Ty Cobb.

Look at the hands on that kid.

Well, exactly!

Perfect for playing the piano.

Or for holding a baseball bat.

Or playing a violin.

Or throwing a baseball.

Well, whatever he decides to
do, one thing is for certain.

Little Jack will always
have you two in his corner.



Good, because there's something
I'd like to ask you both.

Oh, what is it?

Well, it's for little Jack.

Of course, anything for little Jack.

Of course we'll do it.

Don't you want to know what it is first?

I'm with Rosemary on this one.

If it's to do with you guys, we are in.

I'm glad to hear it.

Now, I've thought about this,

and I'd like the both of
you to be his guardians.


Do you think I'd make a good mother?

I think you'd make a great one.

I just, uh-I don't know what to say.

Well, yes.


Absolutely positively yes!


Allie, I don't mean to pry,
but is everything alright

between you and your uncle?

I noticed he seemed
pretty upset yesterday.

Oh, yeah.

He just gets a little, um,

cranky whenever there's
a criminal in town.


I think it's 'cause of grandpa.

Uncle Nathan won't talk about it

but I did overhear him
and grandma one night.

What does it have to
do with your grandpa?

He's in prison.


What's all this?

They're our latest designs.

The fabric is so light and soft.

And you would not believe how
much cooler it is on a warm day.

Oh, Elizabeth!

So far, so good.

Rosemary, you never cease to amaze me.

Well, let's see if we
actually sell any skirts.

Then I'll happily agree with you.

- Saddle up.
- Ready, sir.

How was your breakfast?

Humble pie don't exactly agree with me.



Mrs. Thornton.

Is there something I can help you with?

It's about Allie.

What has she done this time?

Nothing, it's just I spoke
with her and I thought

you should be aware that she
knows about your father.



She overheard you and your mother.

I had no idea.

Well, she's got questions.

Yeah, don't we all?

For what it's worth, my advice...
talk to her.

I would appreciate it if
you didn't say any of this

to anyone else.

It's not my story to tell.

Thank you.

You're welcome, Constable Grant.


I think it's time that you
start calling me Nathan.


(ROSEMARY) We'll have that
ready for you next week.

I want this style?

It worked!

I am calling this my Fiona Collection.

Well, that has a nice ring to it.


Now, what can I get for you?

You want this one?

You're connected.


I wanted to surprise you.


Well you-you certainly did.

How is your father?



Um, he's on the mend and
so is our relationship,

but... something like
this might take a while.

Well, how much longer are
you planning on staying?

I don't know, Carson.

Mrs. Thornton told me today that
you were asking about grandpa.

Is there something that
you would like to ask me?

Is he a bad guy?

He's in prison.


Well... Grandpa deceived people.

He thought that that was the only way

he could provide for his family.

Was it?

No. It wasn't.

Is that why you became a Mountie?

To be different than him?
