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06x03 - A Vote Of Confidence

Posted: 12/23/21 07:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on When Calls the Heart...

What do you think, Laura?

Yes to being your nanny.

Fiona Miller.

I operate the telephone switchboard.

Rosemary, there is no me and Carson

except as doctor and nurse.

There is definitely a spark
between you and Carson.

You two are perfect for each other.

Bill, you have been in a mood all week.

This wouldn't have anything
to do with you losing out

on the saloon, would it?

This guy just swoops in out of nowhere?

This new saloon owner sounds
like a rogue and a scoundrel.

You wouldn't happen
to be this new owner,

by any chance?

Lucas Bouchard at your service.

He finally stopped fussing.

You were right.

A stroll around the
pond was all he needed.

Ah, such a handful last night.

Nothing I did would calm him down.

You must be exhausted.

Well, Rosemary came over
when she heard him crying

and then before long Lee came over, too.

We took turns napping.

I would like to have you
and Rosemary and Lee

over for dinner.

My way of saying thank you for
everything you've done for us.

Oh, that sounds lovely.

Well, how is the little man doing?

He's doing great.

So are you heading somewhere?

Yeah, Cape Fullerton.

They've called me in
as an expert witness

on this gunrunner trial.

A couple of bad guys from
the Northern Territories.

Well, hopefully they end
up behind bars forever.

They will.

It's an air-tight case.

Elizabeth, you should be proud.

Jack chased these guys for a long time.


His work is finally paying off.

I'm just glad it's coming to an end.

Be safe.



It is outrageous!

I mean, what does he think this is,

Union City?

No, I agree.

Something needs to be done about this.

What's wrong?

It's that Lucas Bouchard.

Have you noticed what's been
happening at the saloon?

I have put up with his
remodelling during the day,

but that noise?

At night?

At : I could hear it at my house.

Yes, we heard it too.

It woke up poor Cody.

This isn't how Tom ran the saloon.

And the music he plays.

It is quite provocative.


So, what're we gonna do about it?



Good morning.

Here's your book back, Mrs. Thornton.

Thank you, Emily.

I wish we had a library in town.

I'm working on it.


Guys, wait up.

Good morning, boys.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

You are getting pretty fast
on that bike there, Timmy.

Not as fast as Cody and Robert.

In time.


That's what Carson said
on the dance floor,

that I was special.

And what did you say?

I said he's special, too.

Oh, what? Is that wrong?


No, but friends are special.

Colleagues are special.

How did he look when he said it?

He looked like... I don't know.

What do you mean?

Well, did he look you in the eyes?

Well, yes.

I think.

Well. Did he wink when he said it?

Rosemary, that would have
been kind of creepy.

Alright, alright.

But what about his body language?

Did he seem kind of nervous?

Or forceful?

No, he seemed normal.

Like Carson.

Well, this is just ridiculous.

You need to talk to the man.

There's obviously a lot left unsaid.

Talking's not my strong suit.

But fortunately, it's mine.

Sir Frances Drake was one of the
most famous English privateers.

He claimed lands for the Monarch

and engaged in battles for Spain.

Yes, Robert?

Are privateers the same as pirates?

Not exactly.

Both had private ships, or fleets,

but the difference is that privateers

were commissioned by monarchies.

Queen Elizabeth I was so
impressed by Drake's work

that he was knighted in .

So they don't plunder?

I didn't say that.

Privateers often did bad deeds, too,

but they had permission to do so.

Did they wear eye patches?

I'm sure some of them
also wore eye patches.

Alright, everyone.

That is enough for this morning.

Enjoy your lunch.


You ready to plunder the high seas?


Guys, wait.


Madam Mayor.

This is a pleasant surprise.

What can I get you?

Well... Unfortunately, this
isn't a social visit.

I see.

First, let me say how happy we are

that your business is doing so well.

I sense a "but" coming.

There are some concerns
about the hours you keep

and the noise.

The noise?

Yes, from your patrons and the music.

But I was hoping you'd
be willing to help us.

What do you have in mind?

Perhaps you could close by : pm.

That is a little early, isn't it?

Well, those are the hours that Tom kept

when he was running the saloon.

I- I don't think it's unfair.


I'll watch the hours.

And the noise.

And the noise.

Especially if we're not busy.

Thank you.

And congratulations
again on your success.

BILL: Wait.

They were released?

I called you in Hope Valley
but you had already left.

The judge dropped the charges.

On what grounds?

Lack of evidence.

Lack of evidence?

Georgia, you said this was a lock!

We asked the judge to
reconsider but it was too late.

He'd already freed them.

No, no. Something stinks here.

These two controlled half
the gunrunning operations

in the Northern Territory.


Bill, where are you going?

Arr, the ship we're going
to attack is over there,

near the island.

They don't even know we're coming.

Can I come on the boat now?

You're doing great with the wave, Timmy.



Excuse me.

Mitchell Quinn and Lance Wilcox.

You released them.


Do I know you?

I'm Sheriff Bill Avery.

I've testified in your court
before and I was scheduled

to testify against Quinn and Wilcox.

Yes, well upon review of the evidence

I found it insufficient
to take them to trial.

Well, that's odd, because
the prosecutor said it was

an open and shut case.

Her opinion, not mine.

As of two days ago you
gave every indication

that you agreed with her.

Are you questioning my
authority in this matter?

No, judge.

I'm questioning your motive.

I've made my decision, sheriff.

Now, you listen to me!

You set free two of the worst
gunrunners we've ever seen.

You'll go to jail for this!

Good Mounties died bringing
these guys to justice.

Now, you're gonna tell me who got to you

and I'm not leaving until you do.

So you-you told her she was special?


Well, what exactly did
you mean by "special"?

Well, I think she's amazing,

I love spending time with
her, and I'm interested.

You're interested?

Well, I'm not sure she's gonna
get all that from one word.

There is no such thing as
too much communication.

You learned that from Rosemary.

Every single day, my friend.

Quinn and Wilcox had one of their g*ons

thr*aten Judge Southwick.

That's why he threw out the case?

Well, he said he had no choice.

How'd you get the judge to admit it?

I appealed to his, you know...

Bill, did you put your hands on him?

The point is that he saw
the error of his ways.

He even signed an arrest warrant.

And what good will that do?

Quinn and Wilcox are long gone by now.

But I know where they're going.

The Northern Territories.

They have connections up there.

Less of a Mountie influence.

But the Northern Territories are huge.

Where would you start?

The fastest way up there
is over Fintry Pass.

Beyond that there's nothing
but rivers, roads, trails,

and one rail line.

They get there, they disappear.

Fintry Pass is a dangerous ride.

Even if you rode day and night

they'd have a day and a half head start.

Well, I'm gonna have to find a shortcut.

Do you know one?

No, but I know somebody who might.



Oh, did the music wake you up again?

I think it's louder than last night.

Are you gonna let him have it?

Go back to bed.

We'll talk about it in the morning.


I- I thought he agreed to
keep it down at night.

He did.

Apparently, he had a change of heart.

Well, I'm gonna go and give
that man a piece of my mind.

No need, Ned.

By the look in our mayor's
eyes I'd say she's about

to take care of this one herself.

Your luck has to end somehow.

You're probably right.

How about loser picks up the tab?



Who's next?



Enjoying the game?

Well, I'd be enjoying it a lot more

if Lucas here wasn't cleaning up.

I'm not really enjoying it.

Mr. Bouchard?

I thought you agreed that
you would close at : .

No, I said I would watch the
hours if business is slow.

And, as you can see, it's not.

And besides, it's not as
though I'm breaking any laws.

Mr. Bouchard, we're used to people

keeping their word around here.


Gentlemen, full house.

Would you like to join us, Mayor?

We have room.

No, thank you.

I have an early morning.


Woah, whoa, whoa.

[g*n SHOT]


Hey, don't sh**t!

Who's that?

Jeremiah, it's me, Bill!

[g*n SHOT]

Did you hear me?

I said it's me, Bill Avery!

[g*n SHOT]

Yeah, I heard ya.

What do you want?

I need your help.

I need a guide.

Sorry, I don't do that anymore.

Well, I was hoping that
was just a rumour.

I'm thinking you may
want to hear me out.

I got coffee on.


Ya scurvy dogs!

Prepare to scuttle the ship, matey!

I'll get him to walk the plank-

Guys, let me be a pirate.

We're gonna fight through
a storm today, Timmy.

We're gonna need some big waves.


Look what I got.



Is that a real spyglass?


Where'd you get it?

It was a gift.

It works, too.

Can I see that?

Woah, I can see all the way
to the cafe from here.

Let's try it out.

Well, come on, Timmy.

Hop aboard.

If they make it to Fintry
Pass they'll disappear.

I need to know if there's a shortcut.

Are you hard of hearing, Bill?

I don't guide anymore.

I don't get it. You're the best.

That's why the Mounties
kept coming to you.

Look, I know we haven't
spoken in a few years.

Ten years.

And I know we parted on bad terms,

I just hope that's not why-

Don't flatter yourself.

I'm just done with it, that's all.

It's Mitchell Quinn and Lance Wilcox.

The gunrunners.

That's who we're chasing.

You know the names?

Then you know their reputations.

That's why I need your help.

Look, Bill-


A lot of good Mounties chased
these guys into all corners

of the Northern Territories, and
some didn't make it back home.

Are you trying to guilt me into this?

Whatever it takes.

Hold on.

There is a shortcut.

It's not pretty, but we might
be able to head 'em off.

The cut's not that deep.

You're lucky.

It's my fault.

I thought the sawyer knew I
was pulling that scrap wood

off the conveyor.

I guess I didn't yell loud enough.

Yeah, he must not have heard you.


Or maybe it wasn't clear what he said.

Because sometimes words
can be confusing.

Don't you think?

I think he thought he was
being clear, though.

But he wasn't.

Look at him. He's lucky.

It could have been much worse.

I think he wishes he
was clearer, though.

Don't you, Mike?

Uh, I...

Wishing doesn't make
it so, won't you say?



He looked me in the eye and
said he would cooperate.

I took him at his word.

Well, at least now you know the
kind of man you're dealing with.

I expected more from Lucas.

I thought he was a gentleman.

I've met charmers like him before.

They give a wonderful presentation

but the flower soon withers on the vine.

I don't know what to do about it.

After his renovations
and grand re-opening

a lot of people love the new saloon.

Some think it's a nuisance.

He believes the law is on
his side and he's right.

He doesn't have to be so smug about it.

You know, he is a gambler.

Why not call his bluff?

Where's this shortcut of yours?

Uh, up ahead.

You don't sound very sure.

Well, I never actually saw it myself.

My dad told me about
it when I was a kid.

You've never seen it with your own eyes?

It's getting late.

I don't wanna ride over
a mountain in the dark.

We're not going over a mountain,
we're going through it.


An abandoned mine.

A bunch of tunnels that branch off

and one of them leads to the
other side of the mountain.

Where do the others lead?

Probably to our death. Hup.



Excuse me for a moment.

May I ask what you're doing?

You made a very good point last night.

There are no laws that
restrict your hours.

So the town council
plans to address that.

Is this a joke?

Oh, no. Not at all.

The meeting is open to the public.

We hope you'll join us.

You still haven't talked to Carson?

Well, not exactly.

We've talked around it.

I think you're gonna
have to be more direct.

Men often approach romance
as they would a bear,

thinking if they just play
dead it won't disturb them.


That doesn't really sound
like Carson to me.

Well, maybe you two are too much alike.

A couple of pragmatists.

Very good in medicine,
not so good in love.

Just try not to think
about the negative.

That'll get you nowhere.



Of course, workplace romances
are fraught with challenges,

to say the least.


And if it doesn't work out-

I mean, of course it
will, but if it doesn't,

that could make things very difficult.

Let's hope that doesn't happen.

Of course not.

But if it does-I once
worked with this actress

who had a romance with the director.

It ended very badly.


Well, what happened?

Oh, you don't wanna know.

Needless to say the
production was halted

and they never spoke again.

Aren't you glad you don't
have to worry about all that?

Tomorrow let's play
privateers versus pirates.

Cody and I will be privateers,
you can be a pirate.

Remember your eye patch.


Gotta go.


Can I have my spyglass back?

I thought you had it.

You had it the whole time.

Do you have it?

No, you had it.

Where is it then?

I must have left it by the pond.

We can get it tomorrow.

See ya.

Thank you.

I didn't expect Mayor Stanton
to take it so personally.

She takes her job seriously.

So do I.

There's nothing wrong with
people having some harmless fun.

The place is busy for a reason.

Well, you won't get any
argument from me about it.

I mean, I always thought
that Tom ran this place

like a nunnery.

If Abigail thinks I'm gonna
roll over she is mistaken.

Well, underestimate our
mayor at your peril.

She has an annoying tendency
of getting her way.

Hi, smiley.

Now, I have someone very special
that I want you to meet.


Look who it is.

Sergeant, I'd like you to meet Jack.

Now, Sergeant was your daddy's
horse when he was a Mountie,

and he was very important to your daddy,

which is how I know he would
want him to be yours.

So one day, in a few years,
when you're big enough to ride,

Sergeant will be your horse.

Until then I will take very
good care of him for you.

You miss Jack, don't you?

I promise one day his son
will be your best friend.


Thank you, Laura.

Be back soon.

Hi baby, hello.

Come on, this way.

See you soon.

Come on.





What're you doing out here, buddy?

Looking for my spyglass.

Your spyglass?

What happened to it?

I brought it to play pirates
with Robert and Cody.


It's a real one.

A gift from my grandpa.


Robert and Cody lost it and
now I can't find it anywhere.

Well, if they lost it

why aren't they out here
helping you look for it?

I don't know.

Timmy, I can tell that you
want to be their friend

but friendship is
really a two-way street

and that means that
they should be out here

helping you look.

You know what I think?

I think that if you
stand up to these boys

they will respect you for it.

What if they don't?

Then they have missed out
on a wonderful friend.

Is this it?

Pretty sure.

Come on, we got a long walk ahead of us.

What about the horses?

They'll be fine.

The trail to the Northern Territories

heads over the mountain.

By going through it, might give
us enough time to head them off.


These old mines aren't very stable.

No, they're not.


Elizabeth, this is delicious.

It really is.

This is the best chicken
I have had in ages.

It's pork.


Yes, you're right.

Well, it's the best pork
I've had in a long time.

And can I just say thank you so
much for having us over tonight.

It is the very least I can do.

You all have done so much
for baby Jack and me

and I just want you to know

how much I appreciate all of you.

We're a family and that's
what we do for each other,

no matter what the challenge.

Speaking of challenges

I hear you're taking on the saloon.

Well, I'm not taking on the saloon

but the town council is
considering a new law.

Well, you have two town
council members right here

at this table.

I'd say we have a rather
sizeable elephant in the room.

Rosie, don't.

What? It's as Abigail
said, we're all family,

there are no secrets.

I trust Abigail's judgement.

No one has the interests
of this town at heart

more than she does.

Exactly, and I know Lee
feels the same way,

don't you, Lee?

Mmm, is that garlic in
these mashed potatoes?


Very funny.

Now tell Abigail you support her.


No, no, no, no, no.


It's my turn, please.

You just keep eating.

Hello there.

Are you making a fuss?

Come here, little guy.

Ohhh. Hello.



He's so good with the baby.

Come here, you.

Yes, Lee would make a wonderful father.

This isn't how my dad described it.


Not only are we running out of time,

we're in the wrong mine.

Maybe I made a wrong turn back there.

This is insane.

I think we should turn back.

You head back now you'll miss
your chance at heading off

those gunrunners.

Well, if I keep going
I may miss the chance

of ever seeing daylight again.

Now, for the last time, is
this the right way or not?

I think so.

That's not good enough.

I'm heading back.


First you sh**t at me,

then you tell me you've
never actually laid eyes

on this shortcut we're trying to find.

Now you got me so far underground

I don't even know which way is up.

Need I remind you I was in my
cabin minding my own business.

You came to me.

I should have shot you on sight.

Don't flatter yourself.

You never could sh**t straight.

That was a perfect evening.

Yes, it was.

So nice to see Elizabeth happy again.


And little Jack is a beautiful baby.

Yeah, he is.

Beautiful baby boy.



Uh, I'm tired.

I'm gonna turn in early.


Which way?

I don't know.


When are you gonna tell me
what's going on with you?

It's like you're not who you were.

Like you're uncertain of everything.

Jerry, we've known each
other how long, years?

You can talk to me.

Danny Hendershot.

What about him?

He was our last job together.

I remember, up in the plateau country.

And you also remember I
got us turned around.

He got away.

It was my fault.

It was the dead of winter.

The wind and snow were
blowing us off our horses.

It was an impossible job.

That's not what you said at the time.

Frustration makes a man say things.

I should have apologized.


It doesn't change the fact that
I let a m*rder*r get away.

And that was my last job.


I got Hendershot four months later.

You did?


We weren't really speaking but I
thought you'd heard about it.

He's doing to life in
Granville Penitentiary.

You can let it go.

Well, I got a one in three chance.

I'll try this way.


Good morning.

Good morning.

There's not many appointments
today, let's see.

We have a couple of monthly check ups.

Mrs. Tibbits is coming in
to renew her prescription.

Oh, and Mrs. Parsons is coming by

with her son to have
his stitches removed.

So here you go, today's charts.

I just have to pick up an
order at the mercantile.


Why are we pretending that what
we said on the dance floor

didn't mean anything?

You're not playing dead.

Excuse me?


I'm not good at this.

Maybe I didn't use the right words or...

or didn't use enough.

What I meant when I
said you were special

was nobody means more to me than you do.

And I've felt that way
for quite a while.

I just didn't know what to do about it.

I felt it, too.

But I think the reason
we didn't do anything

is because we knew how terrible
it would be if it falls apart.

It's a risk.

A big one.

I could end up embarrassed
and heartbroken.

It's scary and it's crazy but
I'm willing to take a risk.

I don't know if I am.

There's just so much to lose.

I can't-I'm sorry, Carson.

Are you appealing to a higher authority?


This is a trick my dad taught me.

Watch the smoke.

What am I looking for?

Smoke goes that way,

which means wind is coming
from the other direction

and when there's wind there's daylight.

That's our way out.

Ok, Watson.

A package from Valemount.

There you are.

And special delivery from Hamilton.

One thing I miss about the city,

the postal service delivers
packages right to your door.

That must be nice.

What're you expecting?

Let me guess.

A pair of fabulous new
shoes from that shop

you've talked about.

Just a replacement handset
from my head office.


Oh, hush.

What're you expecting?

Some delicate French lace.

You win.

I'm waiting for a package
from San Francisco,

did it come in?

Yes, it is right there.

Oh, and if you see Mr. Bouchard
can you tell him that his uh,

his trunk arrived?

Why do you think I'd see Mr. Bouchard?

Just assuming.

I've seen you in the saloon.

I've seen you there, too.

Yeah, not since the grand opening.

It's a little loud for my taste.


That's the sound of people
having a good time.

Yeah, well, there is a
time for everything.

The town council's meeting about it.

You should stop by.

Maybe I will.

What is it?

Oh, nothing.

It's... just a nice
trunk, wouldn't you say?

Here you are.

What'd I tell ya?

They're probably gone by now.

Maybe not.

It's them.

You stay here.

I could come along.

Not necessary.

Hey, Timmy.

Grab your glove.

We're playing pirates later so
don't forget your spyglass.

You lost it, remember?

I just wanted to be your friend.

I might not be as big
as you or as funny,

but if you lost that ball I'd
be helping you look for it.

Let's get a move on, Mitchell.

It's a long ride.

What's the hurry?

Sheriff Bill Avery.

You're under arrest.

For what?

Judge dropped the charges.

Well, I got a warrant on me

for the original charges
plus one additional.

Threatening a judge.

Now slowly throw your g*ns over there.

I don't think so.

Drop the r*fle, sheriff.

That judge didn't see
me coming, neither.

I always say you show
me a man ain't got eyes

in the back of his head I'll show you-

[g*n sh*ts]

If you ask me this council
meeting is long overdue.

Well, I like to have a good
time as much as the next person

but I also like it quiet
when I go to sleep at night.

I'm sorry, I know you
work there, but still.

If you ask me, Bouchard is due
for a helping of humble pie.

What is it about small towns?

Can't people have a place to relax

and have some harmless fun?

Our doors are open late,
ladies and gentlemen.

Half price refreshments after : pm.

Can't beat that.

Feel free to tell your elected officials

my saloon is not the plague
they claim it to be.

Gentlemen, good to see you.

Well, that's not exactly fair.

The man is used to winning.

That's because he hasn't
gone up against you before.

This mean you're coming
out of retirement?


You should.

My cabin's this way.

You sure you can find your way back?




I owe you one.

I'd say we're even.

Settle in, boys.

It's a long ride to jail.

Uh, Ned?

We're ready to start.

Very good.


The first item on today's
agenda was supposed to be

Elizabeth's proposal for
a new town library,

however, seeing as most of you
are not here for that reason

Elizabeth has very graciously agreed

to postpone that discussion
until our next meeting.

Therefore, let's get right into it.

A vote on the proposed town ordinance

which states all Hope Valley
businesses must close by : pm.

Madam Mayor.

Is the council prepared to vote?


Very well.

All those in favour.




All those opposed.


I'm sorry, Abigail, but my men,
they really love the saloon.

Sometimes I work late.

I like to have a beer after a hard day.

You don't have to explain yourselves.

That's why we vote.

The council is split four-four.

As mayor your vote breaks the tie.

I'd like to ask Mr.
Bouchard to step forward.

Mr. Bouchard, what you'll find

the more time you spend in Hope Valley,

is the people here support
rather than divide each other

and while your saloon
is a big hit in town,

I think you can see that
not everyone is happy.

So rather than voting I'd like to know

if you're willing to compromise.

I propose that you stay open
late two nights per week.

What do you say?

I assume three nights would
be out of the question?

You would assume right.

In that case we have a deal.

Very good.

Here, here.


Thank you, everyone.
Thank you for coming.

This meeting is over.

We should get going.

Where to?

House calls.


I thought we were doing
those on Thursday.

No, I had to change it.

We have to do it today.


I'll pack your medical bag.

Be ready in ten minutes.

Ok. Great.

I'll get the wagon.


Madam Mayor?

Let me guess.

This was your plan all along.

Well, I had a sense of
how the vote might go,

but I wanted to give you an opportunity

to do what was right.

You know, when I first arrived here,

the people told me that
Hope Valley was different.

Today you proved they're right.

We take care of our own.

And that includes you now.

Henry Gowen, do I detect a smile?

It's not a crime now, is it?

No, but you had become
so chummy with Lucas

I thought you'd be on his side.

Well, friends reveal themselves.

I don't go looking for friends,
I look for opportunities.

And you see one in Lucas?

Your words, not mine.

You did real good today, Abigail.

Thank you, Henry.


Come on, boy.

Carson, stop.

Why? What is it?

Carson, please, just stop.

Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah.

Is everything ok?

I have to say something before
I talk myself out of it.




To taking a risk.

Yes to opening myself up.

Yes to scary and crazy.

Yes to the possibility of you and me.



Um... this is where you say something.


I'm actually kind of relieved.

Otherwise all of this
food goes to waste.

Oh, Carson.

I can't find the spyglass anywhere.

I'm sure it's out here somewhere.

It just might take a bit
of time to find it.

Timmy, I'm really proud of you

for standing up to Cody and Robert.

I guess I have to find new friends now.

Are you sure about that?

Ok. Everyone spread out
and start looking.


That's ok.

Come on. Let's find it.