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05x10 - Close to My Heart

Posted: 12/23/21 07:07
by bunniefuu




Elizabeth Thornton's supposed
to be on this stage.

She was,

but she got off at Cross Creek Meadows.



[BILL]: Jack died as he lived...

a hero.

He was leading

a group of recruits
through the mountain

when there was a landslide.

He pushed two of his
men out of the way,

saving their lives...

At the expense of his.

Never will I meet a better man...

Never will there be a braver Mountie.


Never will I have a truer friend.


[ABIGAIL]: Jack Thornton...

was a humble man...

who viewed his duty as a Mountie

not as a choice that deserved praise...

But as his heart's calling.

Know that your darling Elizabeth

will never be alone.


[SERGEANT]: Ready...

[g*ns LOADING]







- Reset!





[CHILDREN, SULLEN]: ♪ Amazing Grace ♪

♪ How sweet the sound ♪


♪ That saved a wretch ♪

♪ Like me ♪




All right. Everyone, settle in.

It's time to start your math lesson.

Yes, Emily.

Is Mrs. Thornton coming back tomorrow?

Yes, she is.


Not that we don't like

you teaching us, Mrs. Coulter...

And it's not that I don't
love teaching you,


it'll be nice to have her back.

Do we still call her Mrs. Thornton?

Or Miss Thatcher again?


Mrs. Thornton.

She'll always be Mrs. Jack Thornton.

All right!

So, your math lesson today
is all on long division.

Now, the first problem
we need to solve is...

Oh... Goodness.

There are a lot of... problems
up here, aren't there?

I think it's too many.

It's gonna take us all day.

Mrs. Thornton never gave us this many.

And you didn't leave enough room

for us to work through the answers.




Who wants to sing a song?


[LAUGHS] Me too.




It's so wonderful.

I know how much these
stories mean to you.

Thank you so much.

[JACK]: Try it out.

What should I write?

Anything that comes to mind.







I hope we're not intruding.

We met on the path to your house.

The children wanted to say hello.

As did I.

Well, me too.

Well, I'm very glad to see all of you.

We've missed you.

Not as much as I've missed all of you.

[ROSEMARY]: We can only stay a minute.

Lunch is almost over.

Faith was kind enough to
watch the other children

so we could come by.

Have you been teaching the class?

I thought Florence was going to do it.

Well, I volunteered.

I think, after last time,

Florence needed a
little bit of a break.

You left some big shoes to fill.

The children made something for you.

We hope you like it.

It's a card.

We all signed it.


"We love you, Mrs. Thornton.

"And we loved Mountie Jack.

We miss him so much."

Thank you. It's very beautiful.

[ROSEMARY]: It's time for us to go.

Children, say goodbye.

[KIDS]: Goodbye.



Are you okay, Opal?

I need to go home.

All right.


How are you doing?

A little... numb.

Well, that's understandable.

You just have to do your best

to get through each day.

That's what everyone was
telling me in Hamilton.

What is it, Abigail?

I have something for you.

Before Jack went to the
Northern Territories,

he paid me a visit.

He gave me a letter...

[VOICE BREAKS]: that he
wanted me to pass on to you

should anything ever happen to him.


Do you want me to stay?



You know where to find me

if you need me.






He's a bit head-shy.

It's all right.

It may take him some time.

It's all right.

Sergeant is your horse now.

The Mounties gave him to you.

It's what Jack would've wanted.

You want to take him for a ride?

Maybe some other time.


I'm gonna take him to the livery.

Probably hungry.

Thank you, Bill.


Thank you again for inviting me.

You don't have to thank us.

You're welcome here anytime.

Anytime. And we mean that.

Well, dig in while it's hot.


I thought perhaps we could meet

tomorrow morning,

before school.

I could go over some of the lessons

I've been teaching the children.

Good idea.

I hope the students haven't been

too much trouble.

Oh, no.

The children have been
the highlight of my day.

They've been absolute angels.



Sweetheart, you are a doll, but...

you're a terrible liar!

Terrible liar!

It's all right.

I know they can be a handful sometimes.

It's true, at times, they
have tried my patience,

but there is a reason for that.

I'm not you.


Is there something wrong with the food?

No, I'm so sorry, I just...

haven't had much of an appetite lately.

It'll tell you what.

I'll put your plate in
the oven, keep it warm,

in case you get hungry later.



[JACK]: You are such
a blessing, Abigail.

Oh, Jack.

You take care of her.


[TEARFULLY]: We're gonna miss you.



Oh... Bill.

I didn't hear you come in.

The front door was open.

You're up late.

Are you doing rounds?

Doing anything I can not to... think.

I know.

Young men aren't supposed to die.

And when they do,

even as Jack did, as a hero...



I don't know, Abigail.

Can't make sense of it.

This town has certainly
seen its share of tragedy.

[CHOKING UP] He was like a son to me.

I never told him that.

I wish I had.

He knew.

I hope so.


You know, we're taught as Mounties

not to show pain.

My old instructor said
it upsets the civilians.

Well, you're not among Mounties now.

I should go.




You ready?

Just a reminder.

We all support you,

and the children adore you.

They'll probably be on their
best behavior for you today.

I'm right here with you.

You don't have to do this alone.

[JACK]: Keep them closed.

[ELIZABETH]: They are!


Open them.


Oh, Jack...

It needs a few finishing touches,

but it'll be ready by
the time school starts.

What do you think?

You did that?

I had help.


It's wonderful.

[JACK]: Welcome home.




Oh, Elizabeth!


Oh, it's okay, sweetheart.

It's okay.

It's all too much.

I understand.

I don't know if I can do it, Abigail.

I don't know if I can...
stay in Hope Valley.



[FAITH]: I'll pick up our
supplies at the mercantile.

Thanks, Faith.


When did you start
losing your appetite?

Since Jack passed.

Have you been sleeping?

More than I should.

It's not unusual to feel
the way you're feeling

after everything you've been through.

Carson, I have a confession.

I didn't just come here for
your professional opinion.

I wanted your personal one, too.


I know you didn't practice
medicine for a while

after your wife died.

Why did you feel like you had to stop?

Don't... Don't answer that,
if you don't want to.

No. It's fine.

It's really simple.

I stopped because I just
couldn't do it anymore.

I needed to get away from
everything for a while.

And that helped?

Is that what you're
thinking about doing?

I can say that it definitely helped me.

My sense, though,

is that everybody heals differently.

So if you feel the need to
get away for a while...

We'd all understand.


It's time for language studies...

Cody, Emily, Timmy, Hattie, et cetera.

Oh! Does anyone know
what "et cetera" means?

"And so on"?


It's Latin for "and so on."

Oh! Here is one of my
favorite Latin phrases...

It's pronounced



Does anyone know what that means?

It sounds like what I had
for dinner last night.


Well, I can assure you that it isn't.

It means

"seize the day."

Opal? What do you do to
make the most of your day?


Well, what makes you happy?

Full of life?

All right, everyone.

Take out your textbooks

and review the rest of your
Latin vocabulary words.


Are you all right?


Are you sure?

You don't seem like your regular self.

You haven't said a word all day.

That's because I don't
have anything to say.

Well, in my experience, there's
always something to say.

Well, if you want to
talk about anything,

you know you can tell me, right?


What did Carson have to say?

He gave me something to
boost my constitution,

and some words from
personal experience.

Yes, well...

I think you can't get
enough of those right now,

which is why I've arranged
something for you today.

All right.


[ABIGAIL]: Thank you
for coming, everyone.


Hi, sweetheart. How was your day?

Ugh! It's like

the whole world has just
been turned upside-down.

Why? What's wrong?

It must be horrible for people

who experience this all the time.

Experience what, exactly?


Which is me as a teacher.

Failure? You?

No. Impossible.

I am doing

an adequate job,

but, to me, that might
as well be failing.

Only you would see that as a failure.


Imagine a Broadway review

that said I was an "adequate" actress?

[SCOFFS] I might've never worked again!


I just can't help but feel

like I'm not completely
reaching the children.

It's like they're there,

but they're not really... there.




I'm sorry, sweetheart.


I'm sure it's not you.

It's just...

everything that's happened.

I know.

Well, I suppose I should go.

You obviously have a lot of work to do.

No, no. Wait. Hold on.

I'm sorry. Come here.

I want you to stay.

I'm sorry.

I just miss him so much.

Me too.

He's one of the best
friends I've ever had.

You know...

maybe the kids need

something to take their
minds off all this.

Like what?

I don't know.

Working with your hands
is good for that.

There's a lot of scrap
lumber around the sawmill.

Maybe they could make stuff.

Like... birdhouses or doll houses.

Or train engines or ships.

Yes! Lee! This is brilliant!

- Okay!
- And the change of scenery...

would do them good.

Tomorrow, we're spending
the day at the sawmill!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Hold on. Just a second.

Um, pack of kids running
around a sawmill?

Fair enough. But...?

Okay, let's see. Um...

We'll do it at the livery.

And I'll have one of my
men come to help out.

Oh, ho, ho. Lee!

This will certainly
brighten their spirits.

Thank you!

- Okay.

I'm glad I could help.


What was I doing?

When Patrick died,

I barely stepped out of the house

for a whole month.

Everyone mourns in their own way,

and on their own schedule.

That's true.

I'll never stop missing Paul.

But I can think about him

and smile

instead of cry.


Maybe it would help if we
talked about how we coped

in the early weeks.

Well, I just...

tried to keep myself busy.

I really didn't want to be
alone with my thoughts.

For me, it was one day at a time.

At first, it didn't seem right

to burden others with
what I was feeling,

but when we all started to share

what we were going through,

it made things easier.

I felt less alone

when I found out you were
all struggling, too.


Everyone's been

very kind

that way.


and I had only

been married a short time

when he died in the mine.

I felt cheated

out of the life

we were supposed to have together.

[TEARFULLY]: That's how I feel.


[ABIGAIL]: When you first
came here, Elizabeth,

it was a few months after
the mine disaster.

Do you remember how we were then?

What I remember

is how strong you all seemed,

even after losing so much.

Well, I didn't feel very
strong on the inside.

In fact, after losing Noah and Peter,

I actually thought about leaving...

To start a new life

someplace where there
weren't painful reminders

everywhere I turned.

And then a young
schoolteacher arrived...

And she made me realize...


even though there will
always be sadness in life,

there will always be hope, too.

So I stayed.

And I will always be grateful
to that young schoolteacher

that I did.



[ELIZABETH]: Oh, my goodness.


It's so beautiful!

You really like it?

Yes. Why?

Because it's mine.

I signed the papers today.


what made you decide to do it?


[JACK]: My Dearest Elizabeth,

I'm writing a letter

I hope you never have to read.

If you are,

then you know I won't be coming home.

Take comfort that I will
be watching over you

for the rest of your days.

I will always be with you in spirit.

But I need you to promise
me one thing, Elizabeth...

You will open your heart to love again.

Know that I want nothing
more than your happiness.

You are the perfect woman.

You showed me what it feels
like to be truly loved.

For that, I am eternally grateful.

Yours forever,



Where are we going, Mrs. Coulter?

Aren't we supposed to be in school?

Well, instead of working
with our brains today,

we are going to be
working with our hands.

Well, hopefully, both.

Brains and hands, that is.

Not both hands. Although...

[CHUCKLES] That, too, I suppose.

Follow me, everyone!

Here you are, woodworkers.

Oh... Henry?

Are you the worker Lee sent to help us?

I, uh, volunteered.

We're going to make stuff with wood?

Yes, we are.

Whatever you want.

I'd like to make something for Mrs.

Me too.

We could make it together.

We could all work on it together.

That is a wonderful idea!
What should we make?

A box to hold flowers?

Well... think a little
bigger than that.

A gazebo?


Let's think a little bit smaller.


How about you have a look
at the raw material,

and then you can make a decision
about what you want to make?

Yes. Uh... very good.

All right! You heard him!

Take a look. Put on your thinking caps,

and let's come up with some ideas.

[HENRY]: Okay, careful
of the saws and whatnot.

They're sharp, and don't get
any splinters, or anything.



Don't you want to share your ideas

about what to make for Mrs. Thornton?


I don't have any ideas.

Oh, sweetheart.

I feel awful for making
Elizabeth cry yesterday.

You spoke your heart, Clara,

and there's nothing wrong with that.


no matter what we say,

Jack is still going to be on her mind.


What's your favorite memory of Paul?

I think what I remember the most

is his laugh.

It was big

and loud! I could hear it

from our neighbor's place.


I can still hear it.


What about Patrick?

He used to do this magic trick,

where he could always tell
which card was yours,

no matter where you put it in the deck.

I never could figure out how he did it.


Well, Noah once surprised me

by baking a lasagna for my birthday,

only he overcooked it,

and the outer layer was
as hard as a rock.

Did you eat it?

I tried to pretend it was good,

but Peter, who was five at the time,

just blurted out,

"Daddy, this lasagna hurts my teeth!"


We need to make something for Mrs.

that'll make her feel better.

But what are we gonna
make out of wood scraps?


I have an idea.

[HENRY]: All right! Break's over.

Come on in.

Come on.


May I talk to you for a minute?

Sure. Come in.

Who's watching the children?

Henry Gowen.


[STAMMERS] It's a long story.

Listen, I hate to burden
you with anything...


at a time like this.

I just don't know where else to turn.


what is it?

It's our dear little Opal.

What's happened to her?


She's fine.


She's just become unusually quiet.

Mm. Something did seem to be
bothering her the other day.

Sometimes, she gets quiet

when the work is too hard,

or if she's concerned
about a test, or...

I haven't told the children

about any upcoming tests.

Frankly, the only person
in over their head is me.

I'll talk to her.

Would you?

Only if you're up for it.

I am, of course.

Thank you.


[ROSEMARY]: That looks great, Emily!


[CODY]: None of this
scrap wood's gonna work.

We need a big, flat piece.

Like this?


Mr. Coulter gave these to you for free.

Some for practice, and one for use.

They're perfect!

That's my Lee.

Well, he's just happy to help.

All right. Come on in, everybody.

I'm gonna show you how to use a chisel.

First of all, we're gonna do it safely.

- Now, just remember that...
- Opal.

This is not a toy.

Would you take a little walk with me?

Put the pointy part down on the wood...

Let's go this way.


Pound it real nice, like that.

Have a seat, Opal.

I just have to grab
something in the back.


Opal... hi!


How are you doing?


You know, Mrs. Coulter says

you haven't been saying much in class.

I don't have anything to say.

Do you know what I know about you?


That, when you don't talk,

it's usually means that
you have a lot to say,

but you're keeping it all bottled up

inside that little body of yours.

Is that what's happening now?


Think you could share with me
what it is you're not saying?

I'm mad at myself.

Mad at yourself? Why?

I never got a chance to say
"thank you" to Mountie Jack.

Thank him for what?

For saving my life.

In the fire...

before the wedding.



he knew how grateful you were.

Are you sure?

Oh. I'm very sure.

Did you know that Mountie
Jack saved my life?

In the mine.

It was collapsing and...

And, just like you, he
swept me up in his arms

and he saved me.

He was the best Mountie ever.

Yes, he was.

But you know what this
means, now, don't you?


That, now, for the rest of our lives,

you and I have something in common.

Mountie Jack saved us both.

And we'll thank him in our prayers.

Every night.



hey there.


You must be missing Jack.

Oh. You two have been
through so much together.

You never let him down.

Jack would be really glad to know

you're back home in Hope Valley...

Which is exactly where you belong.


[JACK]: Whoa, Sergeant!

[ELIZABETH]: Why are we stopping?

I just thought of something.


What was that for?

I just wanted to kiss
Miss Elizabeth Thatcher

before she becomes Mrs. Jack Thornton.

I can't wait.


Come on. Come on.

You look like you could
use a strong cup of tea.

Oh, a strong cup of something.


Oh, teaching can be exhausting.


Just the two people I wanted to see.

Well, I wanted to see you as well.

Whatever you said to Opal worked.

She's back to her old self again.

Oh, good.

How are you feeling?


I want to thank you for everything,

but as of this moment, I
relieve you of your duties.

I'm ready to teach again.


Well, you won't have
any argument from me.

Elizabeth, are you sure?

More than sure.

Well, the children have
missed you very much.

And I've missed them, too,

which is why, starting
tomorrow morning,

I will be back in the classroom.

You have no idea how happy
we are to hear you say that.



She's here!

[ALL]: Good morning, Mrs. Thornton!


Well, hello.

Wait till you see this, Mrs. Thornton.

See what?

The children came up with this idea

all on their own.

It was Cody's idea, but
we all helped make it.

It was their project,

with a little help from Lee.

No, no, no, with a lot
of help from Henry,

as a matter of fact.

Well, I was happy to help,
but it was the kids' thing.

We wouldn't even have this schoolhouse

if it wasn't for Mountie Jack.

We'd still be doing
school in the saloon.

- So we thought...

what better way to
remember Mountie Jack...

[CODY]: Than by doing this...


When someone like Jack gives
so much of themselves,

they're never really gone.

They're in everything we
see, and touch, and feel...

Thank you for this.

I just love you all so much.

- We love you, Mrs. Thornton.
- We love you, too.


as Mayor of Hope Valley,

I officially name this school

The Jack Thornton School,

after our beloved friend.


Aside from these five,

can anyone think of any others?

- Opal.
- Chicago?

Good one. Chicago.


You know, it's believed

that Chicago was named
after a wild onion

that grows along the river there.

My dad said Chicago burned down.

Is that true?

It is,

in the great fire of .

What happened?

Well, it's believed

that the fire started at
a farm outside of town,

and many of the buildings
were made of wood,

so the fire spread quickly.

What did they do?

There's a lesson there.

That even on our darkest days,

if we help each other,

we can overcome anything.

We're glad you're back, Mrs. Thornton.

Thank you, Opal. So am I.


[ABIGAIL]: So how did it feel

to be back in the classroom?

It was actually just what I needed.

Cody said all the children
were on their best behavior.


What a wonderful thing they did,

naming the school after Jack.

They loved him so.

We all did.

More tea?

Mm-mm. I should be getting home.

I already have papers to grade.

Before you go,

we have a little gift for you.




We made this... for you.

All of us worked on a section.

[GASPS] Oh...

It's so beautiful.

We want you to know

you're always wrapped in love.

You're our family, Elizabeth.

You're my family, too.

And that is such a blessing.


Clara just made a fresh pot of coffee.

Who wants some?


[ABIGAIL]: What is it?

The smell.

It smells like coffee.

I know. Excuse me.



Sorry, Abigail. I'm fine now.

The smell of coffee made you nauseous?

Mm-hmm. It's never
happened to me before.

It's happened to me...

And you've been tired and run down...

a loss of appetite, the headaches...

And now the nausea...


You're gonna have a baby.