Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016)

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

Fellas, it's go time.

Turtle Formation in three, two, one!

What happened to Turtle Formation?

Turtle Formation?

I thought you said "Squirrel Formation."

Why would he say "Squirrel..."
What's "Squirrel Formation"?

Guys, chill out. Let's go!

Hey, Raph, do that thing.

Oh, no. I don't want to do it. It hurts.

Do it, do it, do it...

Won't stop until you do it, do it, do it.

Okay, fine!

- Donnie!
- Here we go!

You set it up, right?

he'll be there, I promise.

Thanks, Kevin. See you next week!

Go, go, go!

Guys, you know the drill.
Let's get that box from Mikey.

Give me that.

- Over here!
- Keep away!

Raph, over here!

Right back at you.

- I'll take that.
- Hey!

All right, guys.
We made it just in time!

You see that?

All right,
I say, "Go!" You say, "Knicks!"

- Go! Go!
- Knicks! Knicks!

- Two points coming up!
- sh**t it! sh**t the ball!

Oh, guys, does it get
any better than this?

Yeah, but I want to be down there.

You sit your ugly self down there,
you'd have people running for their lives.

You see me? I look good, brah.

Yo, fellas! Hey, hey, hey.

We got the best seats
in the house right here.

Anyone can sit down there.

We saved this city.

We should be on the Jumbotron, not in it.

Ladies and gentlemen,
one year ago, a shadow fell over our city.

Suddenly, it was under siege
by the notorious villain, Shredder.

Along with his army of enforcers,
the Foot Clan,

Shredder ruled our streets.

Until one day, from out of the shadows,
stepped a beacon of hope.

Hey, you see who that is?

He was just a humble cameraman.

But when danger struck
the heart of our city,

he single-handedly battled Shredder,
locking him up behind bars.

And now, turn your attention courtside

where Jill Martin meets
a man who, later this week,

will receive an honorary key to the city.

Please welcome Vern "The Falcon" Fenwick!

Vern, tell the fans how a regular
New Yorker like yourself

was able to single-handedly hunt
Shredder down and bring him to justice.

Well, the truth is, Jill, I actually
had help from a couple of friends.

No way!
He's totally gonna give us props.

Here it comes! Ooh, here it comes!

Thunder and Lightning!

- Aw, come on!
- What is this?

Guys, you know we couldn't take credit
for bringing down Shredder.

Vern's just sticking
to the arrangement we made with him.

Yeah, well, this arrangement
has us spending the rest of our lives

sitting in the nosebleeds.

Speaking of nosebleeds...

- Hey, what'd you take?
- Hold on. Hold on.

Hey, be careful with that,
that's my peashooter.

Okay, hold on.
Head shot. Straight head shot.

Oh, you got this.

You got this! Yeah.

So I just wanted to be
an example for all New Yorkers.

One man...

Yo, you got him!

Are you... Are you okay?


Oh, my turn, my turn, my turn.

All right. All right. You got this.

Okay. Thanks so much for joining us.

Vern "The Falcon" Fenwick, everybody!

Take that, Falcon!

What happened out there?

Hey, April.

April! Hey! What's up, April?

Oh, nothing, I've been working out.

Donnie, listen to me.
I'm at Grand Central Station

staking out Dr. Baxter Stockman.

Oh, Baxter Stockman!

He graduated MIT at 15.
He's got 134 patents.

He's the lead scientist for TCRI.

Big fan. The man's a genius.

Yeah, well, he's a genius
that's about to be in a lot of trouble.

Look, I think Baxter Stockman
is working with Shredder.

Shredder. Do you need us there?

Nah. Baxter is a softie.

Oh, but, you know, that, uh,
birthday present that you made for me?

The watch, yeah.

I want to use it
to try and hack into Baxter's emails.

Okay, April, but if you're going to
hack into his accounts,

you'll need to get close.

How close?

Your watch needs to be
within three feet of his device,

iPad, iPhone, whatever.

Got it. Good looking out, buddy.

Talk to you soon.

Here you are, sir.

Thank you.

Um, sorry. It's just... Aren't you...

As much as I'd like to be someone
that a girl like you would recognize,

I can assure you you don't know who I am.

You're Baxter Stockman. PhD.

Graduated from MIT at 15 years old.

Your innovations in nanorobotics at TCRI
have been truly inspirational for me.

I'm so sorry. I'm just like... I'm a nerd!

No, please. Geek out. Please.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

Um, actually, though,
there's a big difference.

I'm a nerd, not a geek.

Um, it's the difference between, like,
Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter.

Or, um, TED Talks and...

Comic-Con! Yeah.


Dr. Stockman.
We just got confirmation, sir.

The "package" is shipping later tonight.

Well, make sure they're tracking it
every step of the way.

And Trevor, I'm done working for the day.

I just have to take this. Really quick.
It's my boyfriend. I'm sorry.

Oh, you have a boyfriend.

Of course you do.
But does your boyfriend know

the difference
between pi to the third decimal point,

and pi to the fifteenth decimal point?

It has truly been an honor to meet you.

And you are really one of the greatest
minds of our generation.


Look, everybody. I got a cowboy.

Look at those muscles, am I right?


There's so many of you.

Defense! Defense! Defense!

Jump ball!

Jump ball! No way!
It's pizza on my Nike! It's pizza!

Look at it. Look at my shoe.

Explain that to me. It's pizza on my Nike!

Hey, man, welcome to New York.

That was a close call.

We're gonna have to find
a new spot to watch the game now, Mikey.


Mikey, what are you doing?

It's the Halloween parade, bro.

I always wanted to be
in the Halloween parade.

It's the one night
of the year where we fit in.

Mikey, we'll never fit in.

We're ninjas.
We live in the shadows. Let's go!

Yeah. Let's go.


Looking good, bro.

Thanks, man.


- Mikey.
- What's the problem?

This is my city. These are my people!

Is New York in the house?

That was the most amazing thing ever!

What part of "ninjas move in the shadows"

don't you understand?

April! How'd it go?

Donnie, I'm looking at the data
from Baxter's iPad.

Hey, you got in. What did you find?

Hold on, Donnie. The files are erasing.

It's some sort of self-destruct program.


Before they started erasing

I had a chance to read a couple
of Baxter's emails, and I was right.

Baxter is working with the Foot Clan.

Shredder is being transported to a prison
in upstate New York tonight.

And the Foot Clan
are planning on hitting the convoy.

They're gonna break him
out of police custody.

He'll be free again!

Who, Donnie?



Oh, okay.

Hey, Jones.

They're all yours.

What up, Big Daddy Law Breaker?

On behalf of the people of New York,
welcome to The Big Good-bye.

You have meditated for nearly 24 hours.

In ten seconds you will reach nirvana

and total spiritual enlightenment.

Ten, nine...

- Three, two...
- Hmm?

Excuse me. All right, slow down.

Does somebody want to explain?

Sensei, the Foot Clan are attempting

to break Shredder out of custody.

If Shredder is free,

his reign of terror
over the city will begin again.


Then there's only one question.

Why are you wasting time
talking to a grumpy old rat?

Go get him!

Thanks, Dad.

Okay, guys, don't get too excited.

It's still a work in progress.


Are you kidding me?

I'm telling you guys,
a lot of tweaking still required.

But when it's done, it's gonna be amazing.

Well, no time like the present.

All these wires
are still bunched up here.

There's no organization to any of this.

I've got red wires, yellow wires...

As you can see,
the spot welding's not done yet...

- The seats don't recline...
- Donnie! Donnie!

All right, Shredder's convoy
is 7.2 miles east-northeast.

Punch it!

They moved the timeline up.

Here we go. Sensei Shredder's on the move.

Surveillance feed is live.

Standard transport formation.

These guys are so predictable.

Hey, Shredder!

You got 32 counts of first-degree m*rder.

Hot damn!

You are one mean son of a bitch.

And take it from someone
who has his own problems

with anger management issues,

you, my friend, seriously need a hobby.

I myself am a hockey guy.

I like my bone crushing on ice.

You like hockey, right?

No. I like cage fighting.

Cage fighting. Okay.

It's him.

Hey, hey, hey, speak from your heart.

Hey, Mr. Shredder.

Big fan of your work.
Especially your early stuff.

My name is Bebop. This is Rocksteady.

I know it's a crazy name, right,

but his ancestors are from Finland.

Yeah, that's right. I'm Finnish.

Because when I start a beatdown,

I always "finish" it!

- What? Did you hear that?
- Yeah, I said it!

- I said it!
- My man!

- My man!
- Give me that foot.

Hey! Shut up back there.

World works in mysterious ways,
don't it, Shredder?

Now you get to spend
the rest of your life behind bars

with these two knuckleheads.

Or not.

Hey. Check those bikes.

Coming up on our right and our left.

Pin it! Pin it! Come on, man, go, go, go!

Oh, my God.

- Get us some help!
- 10-13. 10-13.

We are being ambushed,
heading north on 87.

We need immediate backup!

Make sure that gate is bolted.


- Where are the shells?
- They're in the bag.

What the hell are they doing in the bag?

Oh! The roof is on fire!

Are you kidding me?

You send us on a highway

with the most dangerous criminal
on the planet,

and you don't load the shotgun!

We got bogies on the bus.

- Let's light 'em up.
- Okay. Hit the button.

What button? What button?
There are a million buttons.

- Number three. Number three.
- Three, three, three.

We got company.
Mikey, clear our right flank.

Nunchuks giganticus.

Say hello to my little friend.

Good job, Mikey.

Those things are pretty awesome, huh?

Yeah, pretty awesome!

Get them out of there!
Eliminate those turtles!

I don't like those guys.

I'm not being used
to my full potential here, Leo.

Hey, just chill, Raph.
We're a little busy.

Uh, guys, they're coming back.

Enough! It's time to take out the trash.

That's how I roll.

That's how you roll.

Anything else I can do for you?

Raider 3, move in. Move in.
Get him to the extraction point.

We are two miles from Exit 14.
Set up an intercept.

- What is that thing?
- It's a big-ass magnet.

Now we're talking!

Get back there. Secure the prisoners.



- He's getting away!
- No, he's not.

If Sensei Shredder
can't make it to the extraction point,

then we bring the extraction point to him.

- Come on, come on, come on.
- Don't rush me! Don't rush me!

Hey. My name is Be-bop!


Okay. It's all you, Mikey.

Time to shine.

I'm sorry!

- It's stuck.
- Oh, this sucks.

Oh, there it is.

This is awesome!

We have to teleport Shredder earlier.

But you said...

Yes, that that would be
irresponsibly dangerous. True.

All right, Donnie,
you've got to get Mikey closer.

Locking on.

One shot is all you got.


Take the shot, Mikey!

Where'd he go?

It worked!

But... Shredder's location unknown?

Where am I?

Does it matter?

I know what you're thinking right now.

Of all the ways you'd like to k*ll me.

But that would require you outthinking me.

And no one, no thing
is smarter than the Krang!

Oh, I'm sorry.

Did I get a little tentacle mucus
in your eyes, Shredder?

So you know my name.

Why am I here?

Because you and your buddy Dr. Stockman

found something of mine.

The teleportation device.

The teleport was
supposed to break me out of prison.

But it is capable
of so much more.

That device is part of a machine

called the arc capacitor.

Years ago, I launched
the arc capacitor to Earth's dimension.

But upon entering your atmosphere,

it broke apart into three pieces.

You and Stockman have one piece.

Another is in a museum in New York.

The third is in the Brazilian rainforest.

Collect the other two pieces.

Dr. Stockman should be inventive enough

to reassemble the arc capacitor.

And then what?

It will open a portal

through which I can bring my w*r machine,

the Technodrome, to Earth.

Together, we can bring
the people of your planet to their knees.

I'm interested.

I will help you take down planet Earth

if you help me with my problem.

Four brothers will try to stop me.


I'm aware of your past.

Take this.

It will solve
all your problems with those pests.

I'll see you on the other side.

Push me back in!

Push me in, you stupid robot.


You idiot!

- Okay, so he just vanished?
- Wait, wait, wait.

If I run the video from my shoulder
camera through an electrostatic filter,

we might be able to see
what happened to Shredder.

Come on. Show me something, buddy.

Look! Right there!

It appears to be some kind of
residue from a teleportation event.

Yeah, teleportation event residue, man.
It's the worst.

Does that kind of technology even exist?

Baxter Stockman's been
working on this kind of tech for years.

All of that stuff
that I pulled off of his iPad,

it was full of information
about Shredder and the Foot Clan.

It was like a virtual playbook!

Baxter has to have a backup.
And I bet it's on the mainframe at TCRI.

Donnie, I need something. What do you got?


I know exactly what you need.

Totally plug-and-play.

Perfect. I'll go check it out.

We'll go with. Operate in support.


The sun's coming up.

You can't go outside. You'll be seen.

The notorious
criminal known as Shredder

escaped police custody last night...

He was being
transported from Lower Manhattan

where he was serving a life sentence...

There's a
statewide manhunt in progress,

with the police chief saying he will stop
at nothing to capture the fugitive.


Widen the search radius to 200 miles
on all bridges and ports.

And I want hourly updates from
Homeland Security and Border Patrol.

Make it on the half hour.

Excuse me?

This is my investigation now.

Bureau Chief Vincent. Organized Crime.

I have jurisdictional authority.

You forfeited jurisdiction.

And you proved
to be an authority on nothing

when you lost
three convicted felons in one night!

Shredder's the most notorious criminal
this city has ever seen.

And we had him!

Now he's out there.

And where did you recover
this highly secured vehicle?

Found it under the G.W. Bridge,
abandoned and stripped.

Any witnesses?


Everything's normal,
I'm following procedure,

and the next thing I know,
ninjas on motorcycles just...

They come zipping past!

And they're coming at us
from every possible direction.

- Keep going.
- Okay. Uh...

I look at my side view

and I see what has to be
a giant garbage truck

that is just barreling towards
us like it is on a warpath.

And what was the objective
of this battle-hungry sanitation vehicle?

See, I'm wondering the same thing myself.

But then it starts launching manhole
covers right from the grille of the truck.

Manhole covers!

Yeah, manhole covers.
As guided projectiles.

You're taking some time off, Jones.

I'm pulling you off the payroll.

Hey, I'm not crazy! I know what I saw!

Look, I can help you catch these guys.

I'm from New York.
I know these streets better than anyone.

First rule of tracking fugitives:

Don't take help from someone who's responsible
for losing them in the first place.

We were ambushed!

Thanks for your statement, Jones.

That's Officer Jones!

And I'm gonna be a detective someday.

I'm just waiting for the next round
of applications at the academy.

Good luck with that.

As for now, do yourself a favor.

Leave this manhunt to the professionals.

So you two idiots have a favorite bar.

Yeah, they're not gonna be
stupid enough to go back there.

Yeah, they are.

Man, I really
rattled that prison guard's noggin good.

Did you see that head butt connect?

See it? I felt it,
I heard it, echoing off the walls!

- My man!
- My man!

Just like Mama used to make.

Oi, barkeep! Where are those sammies?

Here you go, guys. House special.

It's about time.

- And a side of pickles.
- And are these pickles untraceable?

Those phones are harder to track
than Shredder himself, homeboy.

Hey, do not make eye contact with us.

He think we somethin' to play with.

You know, Beebs, I'm tired of being
someone else's errand boy.

With Shredder out of the picture,
maybe we could step up.

Carve out our own piece of the city.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Maybe even start our own Foot Clan.

Eventually work
our way up to our own Leg Clan!

I mean, honestly, how hard could it be?


Mr. Shredder! My man.

Coincidentally, we were just contemplating
a consolidation of our criminal enterprises.

We were thinking like a

51 /49 split.

Leaning your way, of course.

He's not looking for partners.

I'm looking for errand boys.

Well, we could work with that.

Oh, wassup, drone?

I ain't scared of you.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

Every second we're down here,

Shredder gets more
powerful and Mikey gets more annoying.

Hey, I heard that!

We're training.

Sort of.

As soon as the sun goes down,
it's turtle time.

Hi, drone. You talkin' to me?

'Cause I don't see anybody else...

I failed, Master Splinter.

You put me in charge, and Shredder
slipped through our fingers.

There's nothing
you could have done to stop it.

Do not let this setback distract you.


as long as you keep the team unified,
you shall always succeed.

We're asking anyone with information

about the fugitives' whereabouts,

to please pass it along to authorities...

I just want to ask you one more time.

Are you sure those guys
didn't come through here?

Hey, pal, I don't know
what you're talking about.


You know what? I love this song!

You don't mind if I borrow this, do you?

What are you doing?

Nah, you know what? Never mind.

It has a scratch on it.

Damn it!

Or maybe I'll have a drink.

- Are you out of your mind?
- Getting there.

Stop it! Stop it! Just stop it, okay?

You ready to tell me where they are?

I slipped them cell phones.
That's all I know!

And I imagine a responsible
businessperson such as yourself,

wouldn't sell hardware without a means

by which to track said hardware.

- Am I right?
- Look! Here.

I have a GPS, okay?
You'll find them with that.

Where are you?

Where did it spit you out?

Sensei Shredder.

The escape plan, it worked!

But not in the way you planned.

I've traveled very far, and now...

We have work to do.

Neustedder, come in.


Neustedder, do you copy?

When I found this thing,

I never could have
imagined its significance.

But this Commander Krang,

he said that this will help open
a portal to another dimension?

And when we do,
we'll join him in dominating this planet.

- We'll have ultimate power.
- Power.

And indescribable glory.

To be responsible for
opening the fabric between two worlds!


There are other pieces
required to open the portal.

If those four brothers
are still out there,

we need to create soldiers
that can defeat them with a single blow.

And this will help us do that.

It needs to be synthesized.

Which is where you come in.

Ooh. Here come the brains.

Yo, Rock, check this out.

I got to get meself one of these.

Think of what we could do with this!

I feel like I'm back in science class.

Now all we need

are test subjects.

Candidates that will easily
fall under my command.

Large in size.

Low in intellect.

That stings!

And not in a good way.

What's going on?

What is happening to us?

I don't know, but this feels great!

Oh, this is gonna be good!

This feels funny.

Feels like I have ants in my pants.

Big ants!

All right, Bebop and Rocksteady...

I know you're up there somewhere.

I knew it!

Omnus, scan subjects.



Inside every human there's a dormant gene

which ties us to our animal ancestors.

It's as if that purple ooze

has returned them to their rightful place

in the animal kingdom.


You're a rhinoceros.

And you're a...

I don't know what you are.

All right, let me look,
let me look. I'm a...

Huh. I'm a little piggy.

You're a warthog.

- Hey, Beebs!
- Yeah, Rock.

Ever see a rhino charge?

That hurts.

- I like it!
- Me, too!

Me, too.

Prepare the entire container.

The more of them we create,
the easier it will be to secure the portal.

My man!

This is awesome!

Check out the horn!

Yeah, baby!

Hey, man, check out
my tail. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

That is cool. Do I have one?

Hey, Rock, who is that?


Get that canister!

You guys don't really want
to do this again, right?

It doesn't usually
work out well for you guys.

Because I have the four friends.

They're green ninjas.

Give us the ooze.


Where'd it go?

- Stop!
- Freeze!

See, that guy
with the hockey stick in the other alley,

I have nothing to do with that.

Thank you.

- What's your name?
- Casey Jones.

- What's that?
- Casey Jones.

Stacy Moans?

Oh, uh...

Casey Jones.


Get away from her!

Get back.

Do not eat us.

We are not food.

The people of Earth are not your enemies.

Yeah? Yeah.

Watch this.

We were sent by the Supreme Leader

to eat delicious humans

and dip them in ranch dressing.

I'm just kidding.

I'm a vegan.
Except for meat and cheese and eggs.

Casey, they're my friends.

Oh. Oh, they...

They're your friends.

Yeah, they're my friends.

- Tell him.
- Yeah.

Donatello over there in the purple,
he's a technical genius,

who is technically a genius!

Raphael over there in the red,
he's like a big cuddly teddy bear,

if big cuddly teddy bears
were incredibly violent.

This is Leonardo.
He's in the blue. Fearless leader.

Silent but deadly.

And I'm Michelangelo,
sporting my signature orange.

I'm a triple threat... Brains, brawn,

and obviously a dazzling personality.

Ladies like to call me Mikey.

Are you done?


Sorry we're late, April.

You want to walk me through
what's going on here?

Uh, okay, um, so I went to go see Baxter,
but then Shredder was there.

And then he was talking
about opening up some sort of portal

to another dimension, and then he...

He took this purple ooze

and he injected it into those
two criminals that escaped with him.

And then he turned
one of them into a rhinoceros

and the other one into a warthog.

You have eyes on Bebop and Rocksteady?

Why do you care about those two?

Let's just say that I have a vested
interest in bringing them to justice.

Let's get back to the lair.

Raph, grab Friday the 13th here
and follow.

If he can help us find Bebop
and Rocksteady, he's coming with.

No, he's not. Not a chance.
I'm staying right here.

I'd agree with you, but you're wrong.

See, we, too, share a "vested interest."

I don't share anything with you guys.

Fellas, fellas...

Now, the people of New York

need us to set aside our differences
and work together.

Which begs only one question.

Are you two guys like a thing or...

Come on, move it!

If this purple ooze was injected
into Bebop and Rocksteady's bloodstream,

it's feasible that were I to pinpoint
a singular isotopic signature,

I may be able to use it
to track their location.

And if we find them,
then we find Shredder.

Put them all in shackles!

And as long as
we all have our hockey masks,

what could go wrong?

Seriously? Now I'm taking wardrobe advice

from a bunch of Swamp Things...

Hey! Living in
an underground amusement park,

and have, forgive me,
the most pretentious names ever.

Uh, excuse me, I named them.

Hey, guys?

Nobody move. Don't move!

There is a giant rat back there.

Yeah, we've, uh...

Seen him around here before.

You know, there's only
one way to get rid of him.

You got to get low.

Low! Yeah.

When you go at him, you got to go fast,
and you got to go hard.

We believe in you, Casey Jones.
It's all you, bro.

Exactly. We need you to get him.

Three, two, one, go!

Giant rat, 1. New guy, 0.

I can't believe it was that easy.

I almost thought he wasn't
gonna do it for a second.

Good stuff. Good stuff.

We should really
have people over more often.

You're leaving?

If I can find my way out of here, I am.

You know, I was doing
just fine tracking Bebop and Rocksteady,

and then you just T-boned my existence.

So now I'm gonna find them
or I'm gonna go down swinging.

- Casey...
- No, it's like they say,

"If you want to get work done,
don't spend time at the zoo."

"Tartaruga Brothers"?

That's the...

That's the truck.

It was them.

Who are these guys?

These four have done more for this city
than you will ever know

or they will ever take credit for.

So if you want to go down swinging,

these guys hit harder than anyone.

All right, Donnie, you got this.


Dissolve the quadra-helix bonds
and reverse the cohesion.


That would mean...

Is it really possible?

We have confirmation, Master Shredder.

The canister of purple ooze
is at police headquarters.

Take a team. Recover it at all costs.

I'll retrieve the first piece needed
to open the portal.

How many men do you want?

This job is too important for just men.

I'm bringing with me the next generation

of finely tuned combat soldiers.

Hey, uh, I've been meaning
to ask you this, Rock.

Do I look fat to you?

Fat? Oh, no, buddy, no.

You look

really fat!

The belly must be jelly,
'cause jam don't shake like that.

- My man!
- My man!

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Leo. Leo! Leo!


Leo! Oh, my gosh.
Oh, my gosh. This is amazing!

Leo, Leo, okay.
You're not gonna believe this.

Okay, I made a solution
from a sample of the purple ooze,

right, to expedite analysis
of the isotope?

But while I was waiting for it
to catalyze, I started thinking,

if the purple ooze can
turn humans into animals,

perhaps if properly reengineered...

Watch this. Watch this.

It could turn us

into humans.

If we could get
our hands on more of this stuff,

it could be life changing!

We don't need that kind of change.

Okay. You're right.

To blend in with humans

could compromise our strategic advantage.

We have a system that works.

We shouldn't mess with the formula.

And Donnie.


You can't say a word
of this to the others.

Look at this place.

And to think, the entire universe,

it all started with the Big Bang.

Yeah, Beebs?
Well, I got a "Big Bang" for you.

Oh, man! That is awful! That is the worst!

- Smash it.
- That's what we do!

- Ow!
- That rock is hard.

- Can't feel my legs.
- Twisted my melon, man.

Only one piece left to recover.

Get ready to take a trip, boys.

You're going to Brazil.

Oh, my Speedo's already packed!

I didn't believe it, but then
Donnie showed him it could really work.

It was the coolest thing I've ever seen.

It gave me hope.

Maybe we don't have to be
stuck down here forever, you know.

So Leo told Donnie to keep it a secret.

From us?

- No. Hold on.
- Who does he think he is?

No, wait.
Hey, look, if you tell Leo

that I told you that Donnie told him...

We'll never finish
our hip-hop Christmas album!

Pop quiz.

What are the three most
important traits of the ninja?



And honor.

Where's the honor
in keeping secrets from your brothers?

I don't know what you're talking about.

So now you're adding lying to the list.

If you're referring to what Donnie
told me about the purple ooze,

it's called
"compartmentalization of information."

If there's even a chance
that ooze can make us human...

We're turtles, whether you like it or not.

It's not about what I like,

it's about what people up there
are willing to accept.

True acceptance only comes from within.

Don't give me that fortune cookie muck!

You should consult with us before you
decide to do something like that!

I consulted Donnie. And we decided...

And what about Mikey? He don't get a vote?

There's only one vote
that counts in this family!



Leo, an alarm just tripped
at the Hayden Planetarium.

We have to get uptown.

Gear up, Donnie.

You two stay here.

You're benching me?

- Call it what you want.
- What'd I do?

Sorry, guys.

Well, that went well.

The nerve this guy has. Big timing us!

He may be fine with the status quo, but that
don't mean we can't make our own decisions.

Wait. Wait. What are you saying?

It means there's more
where that purple ooze came from.

And we're gonna get our hands on it.

I still don't know what you're saying.

Are we... Are we doing something?

The American Museum of Natural History.

I've always wanted to come here.

Quit screwing around, Donnie.

Thirty seconds
till the cops are at the door.



Shredder and the mutants
were definitely here.

And I'm detecting traces of neutronium,

the critical ingredient required
for creating a controlled black hole.

Which is the only thing capable of
rupturing the space-time continuum.

And you know what that means!

No. I don't, Donnie.

It means Shredder may not be
as nuts as I thought.

From the data I just collected,

I'm surmising that
what was inside this thing

may help Shredder
open that portal to another dimension.

Okay, what I want to know is,

if a portal's gonna open up,

what's coming through from the other side?

So you want to break
into police headquarters.

Uh... Yeah.

Donnie said he needs
more of the purple ooze

to track Bebop and Rocksteady.

And you said the cops would've logged it
into Evidence Control Room by now.

Okay, and Leo is good with this plan?

Actually, I'm in charge on this one.

- Ain't that right, Mikey?
- You're right.


So, we can take
the elevator shafts and vents.

We need you two to stay on the ground.

I can't just walk
right into police headquarters.

- What are you, chicken?
- Hey!

Who are you calling chicken, turtle?

Look, do you want to find
Bebop and Rocksteady or not?

So we're breaking
into police headquarters.

We got one last boondoggle.

We need to find someone to sneak
you guys past security checkpoint.

Only plan I got so far

may be a tad less than appetizing.

Are we going somewhere?

I'm gonna take a photo
with all of you, don't worry,

everybody's gonna get one tonight.

- Hey, Vern.
- Yeah?

Big fan. Big fan.

My gosh, Carmelo Anthony,
right back at ya!

Nice key to the city.

Oh, thank you.
Yeah, I mean, they give these things out.

Hey, Melo...
Do you mind if I call you Melo?

Not at all.

Listen, I'm really glad
that you stopped me, because,

guys like you and me,
we're kind of the same.


We bring a lot of
joy and hope into people's lives.

We got that kind of star power.

And while it's a gift,
this bond that we have...

- There you are.
- Hey.

Melo, I'd like to introduce you
to my girlfriend, Alessandra.

Girlfriend? We just met a week ago.

Nice to meet you.

Now we're all over each other. Stop it!

- You know, um, um...
- Vern!

You know, what might be
a great idea is if we, uh...


- I don't know...
- We need to go.

And, uh, bring that
key to the city with you.

- I think you need to go.
- Yep.

Unbelievable, you know?

I mean, your jealousy knows no limits.

- We need your help.
- We? Who's "we"?

Well, well, well,
if it ain't the prince of the city.

You know what? Give me a break, Raph.

You're the one who told me to take credit
for Shredder in the first place.

And now in light of the fact
that he is who knows where,

I am starting to have profound regrets
about our arrangement.

So, are we just gonna
stand around and talk or...

- Who's this guy?
- Total loser, bro.

I mean, nice enough fella,

if you like guys
who can't even bench press.


Or fill out a T-shirt.

Vern, he's a part of the plan.

What plan is that?

The plan to break
into police headquarters.

- What?
- We need to find Shredder.

"We"? No, no, no. No, we're not doing...

Listen, I'd love to help
you guys out, but I can't.

- I got concert tickets to a lunch.
- Sweet key.

- Does it go to something?
- No, it's just the city.

Vern, as the resident new guy
in this band of freaky misfits,

do yourself a favor,
and just roll with it.

Hey, new guy, all I do is roll with it.

I've been rolling with it

since you were wearing baby T-shirts
because you were a baby.

Police headquarters. Thirty minutes.

See you there.

- See you there.
- He just said that.

Hey, guys.

Look who it is. Vern "The Falcon" Fenwick!

Let's take a picture, huh? Come on.

Yeah, I'll just take one
and send it to all you guys. Just gotta...

...do, like, a panorama thing there...

You guys look good.

- Any time now, Mikey.
- I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying.


All right, smile. Smile for your...

The meeting's in 10 minutes.

I need to see...


Oh, hey, Mikey. What's up?

- Mayday, mayday, mayday!
- What's going on?

The Foot Clan have the purple ooze!

We need backup
at police headquarters right now!

Hang tight, Mikey. We'll be right there.

We're on the move.

We have to get above the exit!

What, are you crazy? We can't be seen!

That purple ooze
is our only shot at being normal,

and it's heading toward the front door.


You with me or not?

Let's go!

Raph, what are you doing with that?


- Don't move! Don't move!
- No, no, no.

Show me your hands!

- Hold it!
- Freeze right there!

Don't move! We will sh**t!

- Get down on the ground.
- Wait! We're the good guys!

- Get on the ground!
- All right, okay.

What are those things?

They're monsters.

They're monsters!

We're not monsters.

No! No! No! Don't sh**t!

- Stop it! No, don't!
- Don't sh**t, don't sh**t.


Go now!

Get to the ground slowly. Get down!

Jones, you've got to be kidding me.

Put these two in holding.

Jade, what we just saw
stays in the department.

The public doesn't need to know.

It is all over the police scanner,
they are hunting you.

- What happened up there?
- Tell him, Raph.

Tell him how you broke rank
and got us all exposed.

For the most selfish reason.

The Foot were gonna get their hands on it.

You didn't know that!

Stealing from police headquarters...

There's no scenario
where you wouldn't get caught.

Maybe if you hadn't lied
to your own flesh and blood...

Oh, wait. The way you lied to April?

And now she's taking
the fall for your mess.

You should've
seen the looks on their faces.

They weren't just scared.

There was

actual hate.

It will be all right, my son.

People fear what they do not understand.

You can't walk away from this.

I told him, Master Splinter.

But Raph, he never hears
a word I have to say.

Now, I knew they couldn't
handle the truth about the purple ooze,

and you know what, they proved me right.

- Leonardo.
- I don't know what to do!

Donnie's nose is in his computer,

Raph's brains are in his biceps,

and Mikey's head's in the clouds!

I can't get them all on the same page.

To think with one mind.

You shouldn't want them all
to think the same.

It's their different points of view
that make the team strong.

A good leader understands this.

A good brother accepts it.

Guys? I got something!

Talk to me, Donnie.

The computer's pinpointed
the isotopic signature of the purple ooze.

I can track Bebop and Rocksteady's
exact coordinates.

I got 'em.

They're at 36,000 feet,
traveling at 490 knots.

They've achieved the power of flight!

Good for them, you know.

They're on a plane, Mikey.

It looks like our mutant buddies
are headed to Brazil.

How do we get there?

We sneak onto the next
cargo plane from JFK.

They're not monsters, okay?

The only real monster
in this city is Shredder

and the two mutants that he's created.

Bebop and Rocksteady.

If you think anything
coming out of your mouth

is gonna add to her credibility,
you are sorely mistaken.

Shredder mutated them
with the help of Baxter Stockman.

That's actually who you need to go see.

Funny you should mention Dr. Stockman

because we just finished analyzing

some security footage
from TCRI that he gave us.

- Great.
- Guess who's on it.

That's not what happened.

That footage has been altered.
It's been edited.

We checked its authenticity.

It's clean.

I want a phone call.

I hate to break it to you,
but all the phones have been shut down

on account of monsters
breaking into our stationhouse.

Well, I hate to break it to you,

but legally I'm entitled to a phone call.

- Tell me where they are.
- I don't know.

But if I did, I wouldn't tell you.


the turtles are not the ones
you should be chasing.

Ha-ha! We found it!

Lookee here.

I like it.

Boss, boss, we did it! We did it!

We got that super-important-thingy-
kind-of-hard-thing-to-find thing.

Move, move. Move your head over.
He's got to see me. Hey, boss!

They have the final piece
and are heading back.

Countdown to the big show
is officially on.

And we are ready for action!

All systems are, uh... Standing by.

Can you taste it, Sensei Shredder?

The magnificence of
what we're about to do?

Yummy, isn't it?

Aren't there supposed to be, like,

pretty stewardesses handing out
warm hand towels and stuff?

Not down here, Mikey.

Not for us.

Oh, boy.

Bebop and Rocksteady
are en route

- back to New York.
- What?

They must have already retrieved

the last piece they needed
to open the portal.

Looks like our plane's about
to cross over theirs, right?

Yeah, with
a 3,000-foot separation.

Uh, I could plot a course for intercept,
but we'd have to jump.


Oh, boy.

Guys, I don't know
if this is such a good plan.

Oh, Come on, don't go
getting soft on me now, Raph.

This is gonna be fun.

We got to go now.
We only have a 30-second window.

You know the plan.

- Uh... Dudes?
- What?

He jumped.

He jumped?

All right, one for all.

Wait, wait, wait!
You don't have a chute!

I don't need a chute. I got my board!

This is awesome!

I'm off.

I'm off... I'm off target!

Need a lift, bro?

- Slow down, Mikey!
- Prepare for the ouch.


Hang on, Mikey.

Lock in.

Where's Raph?

Okay. Okay, you got this. You got this.

What would Vin Diesel do?

No regret, no fear.

No regret, no fear.

No regret... No fear!

I regret this! Fear sucks!

Isn't he coming in kind of fast?


Nice catch.

The good news is you're wearing chutes.


The bad news is...

Okay. This must be
what they came to Brazil for.

It's the interdimensional
portal-opening thingy-ma-bob.

Well, there's probably
a more technical name for it, but...


Oh, boy.

Dude! Bringing back the Mohawk!

Good for you.

Y'all got jokes, huh?

Well, let's see how funny you are
after we bash your heads in!

Watch it!




Dude! Seriously?

Yep, that's my bad.
I got a little carried away.

I got it! I got it!

- I'll take that.
- I don't got it.

Don't worry, guys,
I'll level out the plane!

And there's no cockpit.

Careful, as some of the items
may have shifted during flight.

How you doing up there, Donnie?

Everything is great.
I'm doing awesome.

- This pig is flying!
- Leo!


- Everyone okay?
- I'm good.

I'm good!

Wait, where's Raph?


Land! Land! Land!

Well, this is awkward.

Let's rumble, baby!

I got you, I got you.

- Leo, no!
- Eyes up, Donnie!

Coming through!


I got it, I got it, I got it!


Thanks, buddy.

- My man.
- My man!

Bye, turtles!

That's nice of them to say good-bye.

- Heads up!
- Wait, what?

Thanks, guys.

Real team effort.

If you're gonna press charges,
just press charges.

And you still owe her a phone call.

I don't owe anybody anything

until you tell me
where those turtle things came from.

From New Hampshire.

You're actually even
a bigger loser than I thought.

Don't worry about her, Casey.
She's just trying to get under your skin.

Nah, she's right.

Been hearing that my whole life.

You know, I've only
ever really had one goal.

I wanted to make detective
in the New York City Police Department.

I wanted to put criminals away,
not just keep them in cages.

But working Corrections,
you do learn two good things.

One, justice comes
in all shapes and sizes.

And two,

it's way easier to pick
a cop's pocket than you might think.

Make your call.

- Yeah?
- Vern...


Vern, listen, I need you to...

What is that sound?

Just a little side venture. Falcon breath.

Turns out, people are willing to pay
$200 a pop for a bag of my hot air.

Okay, look, forget that I asked.

Casey and I are in police custody.


Why would they want to question you?

I mean, just because
you broke into their headquarters.

Vern, look, I've got bigger problems
than myself right now, okay?

Baxter Stockman doctored
the footage from TCRI,

but I'm betting that
there's some sort of a secondary feed

that will show that
he's been working with Shredder

and that they turned Bebop
and Rocksteady into mutants.

Look, uh... What do you want from me?

I want you to be the hero
that the whole city thinks you are.

- Coming through.
- It's a restricted area.


You know, I know something that will open

just about any door in this town.

Key to the city.

You are The Falcon?

You haven't earned the respect yet
to say my name out loud.

You want to put yourself
on the path to that respect,

run downstairs and grab me a mochaccino.

Secondary surveillance,
where would you be?

Come on, Vern...

You were a cameraman
before you got all fancy.

One camera, two camera, three camera.

Why isn't there a fourth...

Hidden camera. Bingo!

Right on time.

You think standing on the
sidelines makes you some kind of hero?

You can't just
push past me like that, bro!

You were being a nitwit!
You were gonna lose that thing!

I had it right in my hand,
and you acted like I wasn't even there!

It's not my job to make
your presence known, all right?

Get out of your head and communicate!

Well, what do you expect?
He's all logic, no skills!

Coming from the guy
who's all instinct, no restraint!

Dude, what do you know about anything?

You're all heart and no brains.

How could you?
You may know a lot about strategy,

but you know nothing about feelings.

Fair enough.

You want to know
the one thing I am feeling?

We may be brothers,

but we are not a team.

- It's working!
- Yes.

We did it.

Once it's fully powered,
the portal will be just wide enough

for the Technodrome
to come through piece by piece.

This is gonna be insane!

Galileo... Isaac Newton...

Steve Jobs.

Their names will be
footnotes in the annals of science

after what's about to happen here.

Chief Vincent.

I'm Vern Fenwick.
You might know me as The...

Doesn't matter. Listen.

You need to see this.

- Hey, Rock, who is that?
- O'Neil.

Get that canister!

Let them go.

Thank you,


Uh, Chief?

You might need this.

Well played.

Great. So I've got a rhino
and a warthog to add to our troubles.

Good looking out.


I want an APB on a Dr. Baxter Stockman.

And get a few...

What's happening out there, Donnie?

Oh, my gosh.

Shredder did it.

The portal's opening.

Where did that come from?

Amazing. This alien warship

is coming through piece by piece.

Hacking into the main data core.

Okay. Ship's designate is

the Technodrome.

Commanding Officer
goes by the name of Krang.

I don't know that guy,
but I hate that guy!

If Krang were to finish
building this thing,

it wouldn't just be a ship.

It would be a w*r machine
that would end all life here.

It would be the end of the world.

But there is something we can do.

The atmosphere around
the Technodrome would be toxic

to anyone with
a standard cardiovascular system.

What are you saying?

We may be the only ones
who can survive around that portal,

the only ones who can get close enough
to this Technodrome to shut it down.

But how? We're being hunted.
They think we're monsters.

Yeah, we're gonna
need the cops at our backs.

They're trying to lock us up.


One sip, and we'll stay
the same on the inside,

but look like humans on the outside.

Your boyhood is drawing to an end.

You are becoming young men.

The choice is yours.

I'll do whatever you guys say.

It's your call.

You're sure they're coming?

They're coming.

- Hold your fire.
- Hold your fire.

Hold your fire.

What are you?

We're not really into labels.

Some call us freaks. Monsters.

Let's just say
we're four brothers from New York

who hate bullies and love this city.

And right now, we're the city's best hope.

Why should I believe you?

You don't have to take it from us.

Take it from him.

Go ahead, Vern.

Tell her about the arrangement.

What arrangement?

Oh, that... Arrangement.

Look, The Falcon is still The Falcon.

I just may have gotten by
with a little help from my friends.

These four are the ones
who took Shredder down the first time.

I was kind of more of a wingman.

We've been doing our part
to protect this city

from the shadows.

And we think we have something to offer.

- We're gonna need...
- Strategy.



And boatloads of heart.

Load up!

April, Casey and Vern
need an escort to Pier 90.

The electromagnetic force
of the portal is coming from there.

Forwarding you the coordinates.

Send a team!

Take us to the Chrysler Building.

We'll make our way up to his ship
and take down Krang on his home turf.

Come on, O'Neil, get in!

I installed
a breathing apparatus in your helmet.

This will help us survive
the unique atmosphere

of the assembling Technodrome.

And I made a handheld version
of the teleportation Devi...

Look at what we've done.
This is undeniable.

We'll be gods to future generations.

I'll be a god.

You'll be just what you've always been.

What's that?

A footnote.

- No.
- Take him to our facility in Tokyo.

No! No! No! No! No!
You can't do this to me!

No, you... No. No, you will... No!

I've done everything you asked!
You promised! No!

I am a legend! I will be...
No! I will be a legend!

You cannot do this to me.

The world will know my name!

No one will ever know who you are.

We're 90 seconds out.

I've got tactical gear, weapons,
communications standing by.

All we need is cover to get up there.

When we do, we've got to find that beacon

that's drawing all those pieces together.

If we can send that beacon
back to where it came from,

and April, Casey and Vern
can close that portal on our command...

Good-bye, Technodrome.

Good-bye, Krang.

Team effort.

Team effort.

All right, they're splitting up.

Wait, we aren't going with the turtles?

Why aren't we going with the turtles?

When something bad happens,
you want to be with the turtles!

Commander Krang.

There you are, Shredder!

I thought you'd never get here.

As you asked, the beacon has been set.

And once the Technodrome
reassembles, we can rule the planet.

I'm sorry. "We"?

"We" will rule?

We were a team.

"We were a team!"

Teams are for the weak.

Family is for the scared.

The Earth is my toy!

And I do not like to share!

You betrayed me!

Actually, I barely even thought about you.

Back in the toy chest
with the rest of the things I've broken.

Silly little earthling.

Now for a new game.

Look out, Earth! It's playtime.

Move it, let's go!

Go, move, move, move.
Get your team in position!

Shields up!

- Okay, let's get them in.
- Tight form on that barricade!


Keep it tight!

- Casey!
- Hold on!

I'm going in.

Casey! Casey!

This thing's 57% complete.

If we don't stop it now,

it's gonna be ready to go
in less than four minutes.

what are we waiting for?

- You got this?
- Yeah.

I got this.

Surf's up, New York!

Do you hear that?

It sounds strange.

Like "alien spacecraft
in the sky" strange?


That kind of strange.

We've got to keep
our eyes out for intruders.

Well, what do intruders look like?

Anybody that's not
a big pig or a big rhino.

Oh. Oh, boy. Listen.

You guys secure the portal device.

I'll deal with those two.

"Secure the portal device"?
What does that even mean?

It means kick the butt
of anyone that's guarding it,

wait for Donnie's go signal,
and shut it down.

Yeah, but we don't know
how many people are guarding it!

Well, do you want to switch?

Yeah, no. We're gonna secure the portal.

I thought so.

Hey, fellas!

Remember me?

- Look who it is.
- Hey, cop, how's your noggin?

- Come on!
- As you wish.

It's on, baby!

Ultrasonic scanners indicate the beacon's
location is somewhere near the command module

a few hundred feet ahead.

Okay. We've got to stop
this thing from completing.

And how are we
supposed to do that?

Let's start
with whatever that thing is.

That must be Krang.

All right, fall in, guys!

It's not that bad, it's just a dumb robot.

Huh. I was expecting way worse.

And what would that look like?

I don't know, like a mustache maybe?

Evil goatee or something.
You know what I'm saying?

It's like a chewed-up
piece of gum! With a face!

I'll only warn you once. Get off my ship!

Donnie, get to the console.

Let's send this jacked-up disco ball
back where it came from.

Hey, Bubblicious,
let's see what you've got.

I'll show you what I've got! This!

This dude's tougher than I thought.

You better run!

You cannot escape the Bebop!

What? Why me?

Let's go! Come on, Mikey!

You're going down, Krang!

Okay. About ninety seconds
before this thing is complete.

All you, Donnie.

No pressure, no pressure, no pressure.

You know,
I'm looking forward to enslaving you.

A cage full of tortoises might be nice.

We're turtles, not tortoises!
There's a big difference.

Yeah. Turtles bite!

You don't think I've got spares for this?

Guys, he is literally rearming.

Gotcha, pipsqueak!

You see him, Rock?

We know you're here somewhere.

- Donnie!
- Just give me ten seconds.

Guys? I don't think
I'm tall enough to ride this ride!

Stupid reptiles!

Leo, hang on!

You're starting to be
a real pain in my butt.

And do you know
what Bebop does with pains in his butt?

Get over here, little boy.

Put down that Popsicle stick.

Ha! Game on, baby!

Look. There's the portal device.

Oh, great. She has a sword.

We have a hubcap.

Where's the beacon, Donnie?
We're running out of time!

You already have.

Prepare to watch your city crumble.

What's happening, Donnie?

I was right.
It's a massive weapons system.

He's bringing it online!

I got it! I found the beacon! It's just

up there.

- Mikey, go!
- Oh, I'll get that beacon.

Okay, turtles.

Play time is over!

I'm vertical!

Oh, you want some, too?

I got it!

Get him, Rock!

Stop, stop!

Oh, no.

- Rock.
- Yeah, Beebs?

My man.

Hey! Heads up, Donnie.

The beacon!

Come here, little turtle.

Let me give you a hug.



Raph! With me!

Little help, guys!

Hang on, little bro!

Nobody messes...

With Mikey!


Guys, Krang is down,
but his ship's still building.

Come on.


Drone activated.

It's gonna be close.

Guys, now! Close the portal now!

I got this.


Okay, this is our stop.

I'll be back, turtles,

a thousand times stronger!

It's cool. It's cool.

Yeah, I knew that would work.

Wait, so you seriously thought us four
teenagers could save the whole world?


Guys, we got something no one else has.

- Turtle power!
- Garbage truck!

Garbage truck?

- Well, we do have one.
- The other one.

Escaped convicts
Bebop and Rocksteady

are now in police custody,

while Dr. Baxter Stockman
remains at large.

Authorities assure us that
the city is once again safe,

however questions remain
about last week's events.

What was that threat from the sky

and how exactly was it averted?

But the bigger question is,
does it even matter?

Do we need to give our heroes
a name and a face?

Or is it enough
to know that they're out there

watching over us from the shadows?

For your incredible valor
within this community,

and for your uncompromising
cooperation with this agency,

I present to you the keys to the city,

a symbol of our appreciation,


and for our continued partnership.

To you brothers,


Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo...

Last name?

Not so much.

I never thought of that. That's no fair.


I got one of those. No big deal.

I helped them. They're friends of mine.

So, you got plans next weekend?

Just my regular hockey game.

Do you want to come watch me play?

Watch? I'll take you one on one.

And I'll kick your butt.

I bet you will.

My key's totally bigger.

It's bigger than your key, man.
I got the big key.

I think you should
give people more credit.

They'll accept you now.

You're probably right.

But, uh...

I think we'll stick with
the arrangement we've had.

If you ever need us,
April knows where to find us.


You could live a normal life,

like the rest of us.


What fun is that?

-- English --
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