Tarzan (2013)

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Tarzan (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

The amazing story
I'm about to tell you...

took place in the deepest
and darkest parts of Africa.

It is the tale of a young boy
from New York who lost everything...

to become the King of the Jungle.

But let's start at the beginning.

To be precise,
million years earlier...

when the great dinosaurs
ruled the Earth.

An American named Greystoke
set up camp at the edge of the jungle.

He spent weeks
in search of the meteor,

while his family
enjoyed the wilderness.

See, Kagira?
I told you he'd be back.


J.J., where are you?

Yeah, Mom?

Come on. Enough fun!
It's time to eat. Come on, J.J.

J.J.? Who's J.J.?
My name's Tarzan!

Kagira gave me the name.

It's ape language.
It means "ape with no fur".

That makes sense, little monkey.

Hey, guys!
Wait for Tarzan!

Greystoke was financing
the expedition...

and he had become pretty impatient.

There's nothing here.

That wall of fog again.

My instruments are going haywire.

Okay, that's it.
Expedition's over.

There's absolutely no sign of
your mysterious meteor here, Porter.

Just great.

They would probably
never find this meteor,

which according to
ancient folklore...

possesses limitless power
and is guarded by wild monkeys.

And who knows
what other amazing secrets...

may lay deep within
that mysterious rock.

Th e power of the meteor is supposed
to be beyond imagination.

John, we have to continue our search.

Jim, wake up.
It's just a local legend.

We've searched
every square inch of this place.

And the reports of the th
century explorers?

Are the romantic fantasies
of treasure hunters.

And this?

A lump of metal from a flea market
in Kigali isn't proof.

A word of advice between friends?

Take down your tent and
come back to New York with us.

You've got a beautiful wife
waiting there, and a lovely daughter.

And they are real, Porter.

If this meteor really exists,
it's not here.


I'm Tarzan.

When I come back,
I'm gonna be King of the Jungle!


He made it up.

Your son's got quite the imagination.
You know that?

Must get that from
your end of the gene pool.

Incorrigible dreamer, huh?

Is there any other reason why
you've dragged us to the end of the world?

Mommy! Daddy!
Look at me!

J.J., what...?

- You sure you want to stay?
- You still don't get it.

- The jungle's my life.
- You take care.

Kiss Jane for me!

John! Look!
Down there.

A loner. A mountain gorilla
looking for a new family.

Very, very dangerous.

You don't wanna mess with that guy.

By the giant waterfall,

which had carved
a deep gorge in the jungle...

one of the few remaining families
of mountain gorillas...

Iived in peace and harmony.

But even their secluded hideaway...

could not protect them
from the angry loner...

and the hunt for a family
to take as his own.

And so the silverbacks had to fight.

Look at all this volcanic activity!

Wow! This wasn't here two days ago!

There's some kind
of magnetic interference.

What is this place?

Get us outta here!

- We're gonna hit the wall!
- I'll pull her up!

Come on, come on!
Hold on, everyone!

My God.
Porter was right.

Chris, land the bird.
I've gotta check this out.

- I'll be back in an hour.
- One hour.

It's getting late, okay?

This place is,
I don't know, it's creepy.

It's otherworldly, huh?
Come on.

Hey, Tarzan, Kagira, you're in charge.

- Say "bye", Kagira.
- Bye bye.

Kagira told me he had
a bad dream last night.

Oh no.
Kagira, what did you dream?

You left him behind in the jungle.

Oh, silly Kagira.
We would never leave you behind.

You promise?

I promise.


Alice, I found it!

- John? What is it?
- A cave.

A cave?
Are you going in there?

I have to.

I'll be back soon.

And as John stepped into this most
inhospitable world cloaked in fog...

the guardian monkeys
protecting the meteor for eons...

became more and more agitated.

This secret, which had been
dormant for millions of years...

was about to be uncovered.


Can you hear me?
Where are you?

We really have to leave.

The ground shook,

and it seemed as if
all the elements were uniting...

to avenge the wound that John
had cut into the meteor.

- John!
- Dad!

- What happened?
- Let's go!

What happened?

Get in there!

Something's pulling us down!

And as the pilot battled
with the raging elements...

another heart-rending tragedy
took place nearby...

which would have momentous
consequences on things to come.

You never should have ripped
that thing out of the rock.

You see that?

Forgive me.


The next morning,
Nature had calmed down.

Karla, who had lost
both husband and baby...

wandered heartbroken
through the jungle...

when she came across
a strange object...

which had fallen from the sky
the night before.


And as Karla miraculously
gained a new child overnight...

Tarzan found a caring hand
to protect him in the unforgiving wild.

Karla had decided to defend
her young by any means.

But from the start, Tarzan had
become a thorn in the side of Tublat...

the new evil leader
of the gorilla family.

- Something's pulling us down!
- What's pulling us down?


One... Two... Three...

Ready or not, here I come!

Not again.

I know you're here somewhere!


Wait for me!

As time passed, the boy
once known as J.J. Greystoke...

had all but ceased to exist.

And in a world where the survival
of a young boy seemed impossible...

he sensed a ray of hope.

Now he really was Tarzan,
the ape without fur.

Oh, what a beautiful butterfly!

Where's the gorillas?
This place blows.


- Psycho.
- Bean pole.

Seriously, Dad, I don't know
how you do this every summer.

They pay well.

And I guess you develop a few tricks.


Smile, everybody!

Well, here we are.

Welcome to Camp Porter.

This place is a dump!

You got here just in time.

The gorillas are getting
tired of my jokes.

I've never seen stars like this.

Just imagine, if you were a monkey,
you'd get to see this every night.

Makes you wonder which primate
got the better deal, huh?

Do you ever think about coming home?

To New York?

Maybe trying things
again with Mom?

I'm sorry, sweetheart,
but this is my home.

It always was.

Well, in that case,
I have to come back.

Jane, my darling,
nothing would make me happier.

Don't stay up too late, sweetheart.

- We've got a big day tomorrow.
- Okay.

Who's there?

Oh! Hey. I was just out
here looking for birds.

- I think I'm just gonna go this way.
- I think that's a good idea.


Now remember, everyone,
stay on the trail.

If you don't,
we may never find you again.

And more importantly,
you shouldn't make too much noise.

Unless you want to end up
on someone's menu.


Derek, where are you?


Listen to me, Derek.
This is very dangerous.

You're going to walk
towards me very slowly.

And whatever you do, don't run.


Hey! Hey! Over here!
Chase me!

It's okay, it's okay!

Who's there?

That's not good.

Oh, come on!

Oh, no!






Who are you?



- Oh, Dad.
- You're here.

I'm not sure if he was a boy
or some kind of ape.

He had these long arms
and massive shoulders...

but the purest green eyes.

- Should I be concerned?
- Dad!

It's a jungle, not a pick-up bar.

Just asking.

I'm fine, Dad.

It may sound weird, but in a way,
I've never felt safer in my life.

These were just the fantasies of a little
girl growing up before her dad's eyes.

And she never dreamt that what
she encountered deep in the jungle...

- was the young Greystoke heir himself.
- Bye.


It's ape language.
It means "Ape with no fur."




- We would never leave you behind.
You promise?

His friends tried everything
to make him feel better.

But nothing could fill the void
growing deep in Tarzan's heart.

And while Jane flew back
home to her mother...

Tarzan was tormented by
a thousand feelings and questions.

His world seemed to unravel...

as a longing arose in him
that he had never felt before.

Years passed.
Tarzan became stronger...

and reached farther than any
other creature in the jungle.

Mr. Clayton?

Two hours ago,
our communication center...

received a signal
from one of our helicopters.


It's Greystoke's.


After all these years.
My God.

- The board's ready for you, sir.
- Thanks, Amy.

Mr. Clayton! If I could just
have a moment of your time...

I'm with the Society
for African Wildlife.

- Not again.
- Mr. Clayton!

Twenty years ago, John Greystoke
made a commitment to conservation.

All we're asking is a small grant,
less than % of your annual profits.

What did you say your name was?

Jane. Jane Porter.

I'll tell you what, Jane.
Can you stick around?

I've got a board meeting now.

Give me minutes, okay?

- Great.
- Fine.

Seventy million years ago...

this planet was struck
by an extraterrestrial object.

But this was not just any meteor.

This was something else.

This was a new energy source
unlike anything we had ever seen.

We believe that the meteor is
buried in a mantle of cooled lava.

The technological potential
is limitless.

This was the treasure...

that John Greystoke spent
his life attempting to find.

And now,
ladies and gentlemen, we...

should follow in the footsteps
of John Greystoke himself

and blaze new paths
in energy production...

at profits...

he could never have dreamed of.

I'm certain...

that if we find Greystoke,
or what's left of him...

we'll find that meteor.

As you know, our competitors
are watching our every move.

Now, we need a cover.
Some way to get close to the crash...

without anyone knowing
why we're there.

I know a way.

Ah, Jane.
There you are.

Sorry to have kept you waiting.

I'm so eager to find out
more about your foundation.

And how's your dad?

Hey! I want to take
a closer look at that gorge.

Hey! Darling!

I swear, you get more
beautiful every year!

So good to see you again, Daddy!

I missed you so much.

And you must be Mr. Clayton.

I can't tell you how much
it means to have your support.

Oh, well, don't thank me.
Thank Jane.

She wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

Yes, and that's my associate,
Mr. Smith.

He's environmentally challenged.

Well, I'm gonna settle in.

Okay, darling.
Make yourself at home.

So, this is your tent.
And watch out for the ants.

I forgot to tell you.
The ants bite.

What with global warming,
logging, and regional conflict...

this eco-system has never
been more threatened.

I tell you, there's nothing more
frustrating than standing around

helplessly while
the jungle vanishes.

What he's trying to say is thank you.
Right, Dad?

Of course.

Goodnight, everyone.

- Goodnight, Dad.
- Goodnight, sweetheart.

I think I better turn in as well.


What do you want, Clayton?

Excuse me?

Well, ever since you took over
Greystoke Energies,

you've ignored this place.

And then, all of a sudden,
after, what, fifteen years...

you decide to pop halfway across
the earth for an impromptu safari?


So what do you want?

The same thing that
John Greystoke wanted.

Did you ever consider there was
a reason why Greystoke perished?

That perhaps there are some things
that are not meant to be discovered.

Porter, you'd better
start calming down.

You've hit the jackpot,
haven't you?

Greystoke Energies is about to start
financing your ridiculous research...

into the "cradle of civilization" again.
You'd better cooperate.

That's a very pretty daughter
you've got there.

We wouldn't want anything
to happen to her, would we?

Who's there?



You're, you're real.

All these years,
I wasn't sure it actually happened.

These mosquitoes.

Don't go!

What are you doing?

- Don't sneak up on me like that.
- What is this?

Oh, really it's just...

for detecting a highly
radioactive meteor.

A what?

- There you are!
- You lied to me, Clayton!

You said you want
to support the foundation.

You said there were
no strings attached.

Oh, Jane.

Don't you know,
there are always strings attached.

Isn't that right, Porter?

Now I understand.

God, how could I be such an idiot?

You've been lying to me
the whole time, Dad!

Jane, wait!
That's not true! Jane!

I hope you're happy.

We all have to grow up sometime.




Oh, no, no, no!
Thank you.

Don't! Don't!

- Classy.
- Classy.

You can talk.


What is your name?



What is your name?

My name is Jane.





My name is Jane.

What is your name?






Me Tarzan.

- You Jane.
- Yes.

Me Tarzan, you Jane!
Me Tarzan, you Jane!

Me Tarzan, you Jane!

- Me Tarzan, you Jane!
- Jane.

Me Tarzan, you Jane!


- Jane eat.
- Yes, sir.

Whoever you are,

whatever riddle
is buried inside you, Tarzan,

I feel like I've always known you.

- Do you have a name?
- Rafiki.

Watch over Tarzan when Tarzan sleep.

For me?

It's beautiful.

My father has one just like it.

Where did you find it?

Smith, may I have
the coordinates, please?

It should be right here.


Oh, my God!
It's Jane!


- No, that's impossible.
- What did you say?

It is Jane.
Some giant ape has her.

No, no!
Don't sh**t!

- You might hit Jane!
- Come on!

No! No!
Don't sh**t!

Come on!

On the run from Clayton,
they entered a strange world...

never before seen by man.

A world which had been
under the influence...

of the meteor's mysterious
energy for millions of years.



We better get outta here.

This must be what my father
and Greystoke were looking for.


You remember this place.

Of course!

You're the boy!
You're Greystoke's son!

But how were you able
to survive for all these years?

My family told me.

Your family?

Oh, hi.

Nice to meet you, too.

Tarzan, I have to go back to the camp.

Jane is angry with Tarzan?

No, Tarzan.
I'm not angry.

But my father will not rest
until he finds me.

And Clayton will k*ll you if
he finds out Greystoke's heir is alive.

As long as I'm here,
you and your family...

and this beautiful paradise
are in danger.

Tarzan strong!

Tarzan King of the Jungle!

I know, Tarzan.

But we can't fight Clayton's army.

Bring it in!
This way!

Meanwhile the camp
had undergone great changes...

Keep going!

...as Clayton had made good on his threat
to find the meteor by any means.

Hurry up, men!
We don't have all night!

I love you, Tarzan.

And I always will.

I have to go.

Our little runaway
has come back then, eh?

What have we here?


Young Greystoke.
Or do you prefer "King of the Apes"?

The resemblance is uncanny.

Although you have a ways to go
in the wardrobe department, don't you?

You stay out of my way, savage.

The only savage here is you, Clayton.

Mr. Greystoke, would you be so kind
as to bring us to the meteor?


Then unfortunately,
we'll have to go our separate ways.


- Tarzan!
- Take her to her father.




Just think...

the potential energy
stored in this one tiny piece...

could power the entire
East coast for a month.

Think what we could do
with a mountain.

I'll tell you what:
you take me to the meteor...

I'll set you both free.

Like hell I will!

Jane, your time with the monkey man
is starting to rub off on you.

Unfortunately, he's managed to escape.

But Miller here and his friends are going
to follow the trail of your "ape"...

who obviously means
so much to you, Jane.

And he's going to take care
of both him and his g*ng.

I'll take you to the place.

But you won't need to look for Tarzan.

He'll find you!

Look out!

My grandma's quicker than you guys!

Hook it up
and let's get out of here!

Start moving!

Detonation in ten minutes!
Clear the blast zone!

What the...?

Detonation in eight minutes.

I knew there was a meteor.

Isn't it beautiful?
Like a gigantic diamond.

A mountain of unknown elements
from the depths of the universe!

A gift from outer space.

Dad, seriously, we'll be blown
to pieces in a few minutes.

We'd better find a way
to get out of here.

Of course.
You're right, my love.

Hello, love.

I just want to say goodbye.

Don't touch me!

Detonation in six minutes.


You don't know how much
I missed you!

- This is my dad.
- J.J.? I can't believe it's you!

- Look how big you've got!
- Boys!

When you're done here,
can we please stop Clayton?

Dad! Come on!

You go and I'll stay here
and cut the cables.

- I'm not leaving without you.
- It's our only chance.

Don't worry.

Detonation in four minutes.

Dad, hurry!

I'll be there in a minute!

Detonation in two minutes.

- You ready?
- Yes, sir.

Do it.


What happened?

You again.
I should have known.

What's next, jungle boy?

Don't monkey with me.

Oh, my God!
Dad's still down there!

Come on!

Go! Go!

- Stay on them.
- Yeah.

- What's wrong?
- I don't know!


Don't let me go!


They're getting away!

Let's go home, Tarzan.

Now Tarzan watch over Jane forever.

I know, Tarzan.

And if anyone threatens
this paradise again...

they'll have to deal with us.

Right, Rafiki?

And as Tarzan, Jane,
and their friends...

celebrated their victory
over Clayton...

Tarzan found the one thing
more powerful...

than all the energy
in the universe...

the love of a woman.

As for Porter,
he's a scientist and adventurer.

But what kind of adventurer...

would let a simple old rock
defeat him?
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