Delhi Safari (2012)

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Delhi Safari (2012)

Post by bunniefuu »

[ wings fluttering ]

[ burps ]

[ insect noises ]

YUVI: I don't want
to go someplace else.

My home is here.

I live in this jungle.

I've already lost my father.

I don't want to...

I don't want to lose
my home, too.

[ crying ]

[ growling ]

[ roaring ]

[ snarling ]

[ growling ]

[ roar ]

[ grunts ]

- [ roars ]
- [ growls ]

[ panting ]

[ roars ]


Timeout, Dad, timeout.

Well, give up?

Not a chance.

You haven't got a chance.

Oh, yeah? Try it again,
and I'll knock your spots off!

Listen to you.

If talk were a left hook,
you'd be king of the jungle.

Just like his father,
a smooth talker.

Aw, honey,
don't get the wrong idea.

We were just, um...

Hmm, well...

YUVI: He was just talking...
- Huh?

about how pretty your eyes get
when you're mad at him.

I was? Oh, yeah, I was.

Don't play dumb.

You both deserve
a smack on the bum.

Wow, you're a poet, Mom.

[ laughs ]

Very funny.

You, be quiet.

And, you, stop fighting.

Are you trying to turn my son
into Rambo overnight?

Honey, he needs to learn
self-defense, doesn't he?

I'm making him a man.


He's not a man.
He's a cub.

Mom, please, chill.

Don't tell me to chill.

What if you got hurt?

You two have no idea...

No idea how a mother feels.

[ laughing ]

Fine, go ahead and joke,
but don't come crying to me.


Uh-oh, I've got a feeling
you're gonna be sleeping

outside the cave tonight, Dad.

[ laughs ]

Don't worry, Yuvi.

I know a secret way of getting
back on her good side.

- How?
- With a song.

♪ Everything you are ♪

♪ And everything I am ♪

♪ We're together
like the earth and flowers ♪

♪ Understand ♪

♪ We're all in tune ♪

♪ Each and every day ♪

♪ How can we be happy
with that look upon your face? ♪

♪ 'Cause you know that I'm yours ♪

♪ And you are mine ♪

♪ And you don't have
to stay so angry ♪

♪ To forget and to forgive
is what it takes ♪

♪ And that's what makes a family ♪

♪ Ooh-ee-ooh
ee-ooh-ee-ooh, to forgive ♪

♪ I see that you want
to do this your way ♪

♪ You should know
I'm gonna chase you all day ♪

♪ For you know
I can't go on without you ♪

♪ Give us just a smile ♪

♪ You know I love you ♪

♪ 'Cause you know
that I'm yours ♪

♪ And you are mine ♪

♪ And you don't have
to stay so angry ♪

♪ To forgive and to forget
is what it takes ♪

♪ And that's what makes a family ♪

♪ One more pretty word
out of you ♪

♪ And walk away is
just what I'm gonna do ♪

♪ It's always
the same song you barter ♪

♪ You should try to charm
a little harder ♪

♪ 'Cause I know
that you are mine ♪

♪ And I am yours ♪

♪ And no one knows it
better than me ♪

♪ To forgive and to forget ♪

♪ Is what it takes ♪

♪ And that's what
makes you my family ♪

♪ Ooh-ee-ooh
ee-ooh-ee-ooh, to forgive ♪

♪ Ooh-ee-ooh
ee-ooh-ee-ooh, to forgive ♪

[ elephant trumpets ]

[ rumbling ]

[ birds squawking ]

[ rumbling grows louder ]

[ Sultan growls ]

[ blades slicing ]

[ roars ]

[ snarls ]



[ panting ]

[ roars ]

[ growls ] Go.


Oh, No! Yuvi!

[ growls ]


[ machinery rumbling ]

[ growling ]

[ panting ]

[ g*n cocks ]


[ roaring ]

[ g*nsh*t ]

[ crickets chirping ]

[ fire crackles ]

If Papa was here

and it was one of us
who had gotten k*lled,

do you think he would have
said we should all run away?

The rest of us aren't like him, Yuvi.

We're not as strong
as your father was.

But he always said
it was all of you

who made him
brave and strong.

It was all 'cause of you.

Very nice of him to say, I'm sure,
but today he got shot.

Tomorrow, it might be one of us.

Besides, what's the difference

if we stay or go somewhere else?

I mean, let's be honest,

if you've seen one jungle,
you've seen them all.

We should go.

You call yourselves wild animals?

Bunch of cowards!

Our king's dead, so what?

Our army's still intact.

So what are we gonna do,

let the humans
drive us from our home,

or splatter their guts
all over the jungle?

[ karate yell ]

My men are just waiting
for me to give the word.

One minute syllable. w*r!

- w*r!
- w*r!


- w*r!
- w*r!


Aw, shut up.

What's your problem, chimpo?

Always with the w*r
and the v*olence.

Man, chill.

I know it's a hard concept,

but fightin's not
the answer to everything.

Yeah, you're right.

We should just walk up
to the guy tomorrow and say,

"Good morning, boss.

"Oh, by the way, it'd be so cool

if you stop k*lling us
and took your bulldozers away,"

and he'll say,
"Sorry, Fuzzy, I had no idea.

"No problem. We'll pack up
and leave right away.

"You want a cup of coffee?"

[ groans ]

You don't get it.

I know all about humans.

They sh**t each other
every day of the week.

Think they'll lose
any sleep over sh**ting you?

Ka-bang! Bang!

Hey, listen, chimpo.

They can't all be like that.

There must be some who prefer
a more civilized approach.

You know, like a talk, chit-chat,
uh, sharing gardening tips.

[ chuckles ]

All right,
let's pretend for a second

that they're willing to listen.

How the heck are
you gonna talk to them?

Does anyone here know
how to speak their language?


PIGEON: I know somebody!
- You do?

What? Who?

[ animals muttering ]

Wait, what was I saying?

Aw, don't listen
to that feather brain.

Right, right,
wait, I think I've got it.

I know just the somebody
you're looking for.

He not only speaks animal,
he speaks human like a native.


[ laughs ]

His name... His name?

His name is... Hold on.

What was his name?

I know I wrote it down somewhere.

Ah, "Call Mother."

Uh... "Laundry."

No, no, no, no, no.

What's in a name anyway?

Knock it off!

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Think this is some kind of a joke?

It's serious, you idiot.

Talking won't work.

We have to make w*r!

Enough! Be quiet, Bajrangi.

No more talk of fighting.

It's over.

We've already decided.

In two days,
we're leaving the jungle.


Time to go, dear.


Uh, Pigeon?

What? Huh?

The one who can talk to humans,
where does he live?

What? Who are you?

Oh, Pigeon, it's me. It's Yuvi.

Huh? Hmm... who are you?

[ muttering ]


Ha, so it is.

[ laughs ]

You should be getting back.

Hurry up, now.
We all must go.

I must go.

I know, but go where?

Go where? Well, I...
Mmm, hmm!

Good question.

Uh, my home is...

Right here.

Yes, it is.

His name is Alex.

He's the pet parrot
of a big film director.

He couldn't fly
across a room to save his life,

but talk about multilingual...

Hindi, English,
German, French, Klingon...

and those are just
the ones I remember.

And by the way,
why do you want to know?

I think I have a plan.

Your temper
is your enemy, seriously.

All this anger's gonna give you
an ulcer, I'm telling you.

Loosen up,
stop and smell the bananas,

or make a smoothie.
[ smacks lips ]

You'll live longer, you loveable
hothead little monkey.

Next time you feel
like you're about to flip out,

just stop yourself right there,
take a deep breath in...

[ inhales ]

[ both gasping ]

Watch out below.

- [ exhales ]
- Ohh!

Just remember these wise words.

A-one, a-two, a-one, two, three.

♪ Stick out your right paw first ♪

♪ And then your left paw next ♪

♪ Twirl around, tummy in ♪

♪ Wiggle your butt like this ♪

I call this the Bagga bear hug.

I hug the little monkey...

♪ Then start from the top again ♪

Never liked this song.

In the second place,
the words are silly.

And in the first place...

In the first place,
that's now why we're here.

Oh, my point exactly.

Now, I don't know
very much about acting,

but just pretend
to believe what you're saying,

and you'll be fine.

- Okay.
- Good.

All right then, ready?

Huh? Oh, ready.

And action!

No way, totally ridiculous.

It's true, really.

Oh, stop it.
You're pulling my wing.

You don't believe me?

PIGEON: In the second place,
it's impossible!


Oh, I guess you don't know
Bajrangi, do you?

Is he real or mythological?


What's up, squirt?
Need a hand?

Hey, there's Bajrangi now.

I was just talking about you,

about how you're the strongest beast
in the whole jungle.

Pretty much.

Well, he doesn't think you are.

He doesn't, huh?

I'll have to show him then I guess,
the flying rat!

Oh, no, no, no, no,
it wasn't like that.

You see, I told him
that you, uh...

you could take two on at once
in arm wrestling and win,

and then he said...

- Ahem!
- Oh!

- Then he said...
- [ cocks p*stol ]

Oh, oh!
No one could ever do that.

Oh, yeah? Watch and learn.

So who's got the guts
to take me on?

Anybody at all?


Wasn't talking to you.

Bharela! Marela!
Get over here!

[ straining ]

What are you trying to do,
make me look bad?

- [ round bell dings ]
- Ha ha!

There's something going on.

Yeah, I wouldn't trust
that cub if I was you.

Know what I also
told him you could do?

I told him you could shake
the tallest palm tree like a hurricane

and make all the coconuts
fall to the ground.

And you know what he said?

Ah! Impossible!

Oh, yeah? Watch!

MARELA: Boss, I think maybe
these guys are messing with you?

BHARELA: They're playing him
like a cheap sitar.

- Just forget it, boss! Come down!
- Yeah!

- Aah!
- Aah!


MARELA: [ weakly ]
He came down.

So what do you say, sucker?

Hope you're satisfied.

Well, actually,
there was one more thing.

Oh, there was?

Yeah. I said you could
rescue Alex the parrot,

who's being held prisoner
by a cruel human in the city,

but he just said...

No way!

Shut up! Where is he?

Where is this Alex?


ALEX: Here's how we do it
in Bollywood.

Karaoke, baby!

[ lip-syncing to upbeat song in Hindi ]

[ whistles ]

[ blows, no whistle ]

[ blowing ]

[ blows ]

[ groans ]

[ blowing ]

[ clapping ]

[ whimpers ]


[ fart ]

BAJRANGI: Agh! Bharela!

BHARELA: Sorry, my bad.

[ gasping ]

BHARELA: Too many mangos.

[ dog barking ]


BAGGA: Yuvi, hurry!

[ struggling ]

[ all screaming ]

Get down! Get down!
Get down! Duck!

[ moans ]

Ohh! Aah!

[ song continues ]

[ turns off TV ]

[ creaking ]

Welcome to my world, baby.

Really nice place you've got here.

What a hottie.

[ grunting ]

Little help! Hoist, hoist!

[ both straining ]

What's the problem?

Alex, what a cutie-wootie you are.

Shall we check out the view?


DIRECTOR: I thought we could
go over the opening scene.

STARLET: I've always wondered
what it's like having a pool,

you know, to swim in.

DIRECTOR: [ chuckles ]

It's never too late to find out.

Anyway, about that scene,
I was thinking...

STARLET: But I'm not
in the opening scene, Mr. Khosla.

DIRECTOR: But that's just
what I wanted to talk to you about.

I've been thinking of beefing up
the part of the sl*ve girl.

I mean, if you'd be interested.

Are you serious, Mr. Khosla?

Of course, I'm serious.



[ groans ]

[ camera beeping ]

[ chuckles ]

[ squawks, screams ]



- Please, Mom, let me explain.
- Stop.

Oh, Bagga,
he's just a child, but you...

That's why I went along,
because he's just a kid.

I was what you call
the designated adult.

Taking him into the humans' world
and almost getting him k*lled,

that's being an adult?

And you, Bajrangi,

I can't imagine why you would
have been a part of this.

You hate the humans.

Uh... well, you see,
it was your son...

your son's idea!

- He played you.
- Like a sitar.

- You never listen.
- It's embarrassing.

- Sad, sad, sad.
- True, true, true.

[ both gulp ]

Sorry, ma'am,
you were saying?

- No offense, really.
- Apologies.

Did you ever stop and think

how dangerous
it is for our kind out there?

What if Yuvi had been...

Nothing was gonna happen.

I was with him, wasn't I?

Everyone's so scared
of the humans.

- I say bring it on, you hairless...
- Sultan wasn't scared of them,

but they shot him anyway
while I stood there watching.

His courage...
a lot of good that did.

We were both so helpless.


I'm sorry, Mom.

I should have asked you
before going out there,

I know,
but Papa told me to make sure

what happened to him doesn't happen
to me and you and everyone.

Papa came to me last night, Mom,

and he said... he said, "Yuvi..."

He's gone, Yuvi.

Your father's dead,

and the dead don't come back.

[ crying ]

ALEX: ♪ Oh, Danny Boy, the pipes,
the pipes are calling ♪

Come on! Where am I,
a PETA convention?

Get me outta this soap opera
and take me back home!

I mean, right now.
Right now.

Right now, do you understand?!

Uh-oh, loony alert.

We got a parrot who keeps repeating
himself over and over.

Oh, wait a second, I forgot.

That's all you dodos do, right?

Shut up, you ape.

Why don't you go
and peel a banana?

How about I peel you?

Whoa, chimpo.

Yes, in the second place,

why would you want
to give up all of this,

this fresh air and freedom,
to go back to a prison?

Freedom, my foot!

You think this is freedom?

Think again, dude.

I'll tell you what freedom is.

channels of action, comedy,
drama, and reality television.

And the best thing of all is
there are no irritating monkeys.

That does it, let me go!


Now listen, dodo, just 'cause
you're from the city,

doesn't mean you're not one of us.

Don't forget your jungle heritage.

Take a chill pill, dude.

The jungle's your thing,
not mine.

I checked out of this place
a long time ago, man.

Hey, what good's
this flightless turkey

gonna do against the humans?

Forget him!
We don't need him!

I keep telling' you guys,
the army's pumped and loaded.

All we gotta do is give the word,
and it's w*r!

- Go for it.
- Why me?

- You're shorter.
- You're dumber.

- I'm what-er?
- Tall.

Oh, yeah, that's true.

Okay, w*r!

Oh, monkey,
that's impressive, man.

What an army.

That's all you've got,
and you're gonna take on humans?

Are you off your nut?

- That does it!
- [ whimpering ]

- Bad monkey!
- You better run!

Don't you dare touch me, you...
you-you dumb simian.

- Simian, huh? Come here, you!
- Aah!

Come here and say that again!

Did you know kidnapping's
a crime under section A?

Uh, what'd he just say?

We're all very, very sorry, Alex,
but you're our only hope.

Only you know
the humans' language.

If we're gonna reach them,
we need you to be our voice.

Have you lost your mind?

Like I've got time
for that kind of runaround.

Going from the builder
to the developer to the mayor,

then the governor,

and when they're no help,
I suppose you think

I'd walk all the way to Delhi!

YUVI: Delhi? Uhh...

What's Delhi, Alex?

You gotta be kidding.
You don't know Delhi?

It's the capital
of our country, bonehead.

You know, CNN, IBM, BBC,
ministers, committees,

kickbacks, blackmail,
scandals, Parliament.

YUVI: Parliament?

That's right, Parliament.

Do you go to school?

Where the people sit
who, like, run the country

You know, ministers and all.

- Ministers?
- [ exasperated sigh ]

They're the ones who sit around and listen
to the country's problems all day

and try to solve them if they can.

So if we have a problem,
we go to them?

Finally, you got it.

Oh, oh, no! No, no, no.

- [ rumbling ]
- Get that idea right outta your head.

Forget it. The only place
I'm going is home.

You couldn't get me to Delhi
if my life depended on it!

Aah ha ha!

[ rumbling ]

You were saying?

[ trees snapping ]

[ woman vocalizing
over somber music ]

[ snap ]

[ roars, g*nsh*t ]

YUVI: If Papa was here

and it was one of us
who'd gotten k*lled,

do you think he would have
said we should all run away?

YUVI: Leaving this jungle
would be like leaving Papa.

It's full of his memories.

BEGUM: Alex must be made
to change his min.

[ sighs ] We will go to Delhi.

Delhi? Are you kidding?

"D" for dirty, "e" for influenza,
"I" for losers.

Influenza doesn't start with a...

"H" for holy... yeah.

Now you know why.

Now you know
why you are the followers

and I am your leader,

so pay attention,
and I'll spell out for you

just what I've got in mind.


We're going to Delhi,
or towards Delhi at least,

but we're never
going to get there,

'cause at some point
along the way,

that little green wisecracker, Alex,
is going to have a fatal accident,

and what happens then?

They'll come crawling to us. Us!

Crawling on their knees,

begging us to save them
from the humans!

And then at last,
the Age of the Monkeys will come!

And then, my friends, ahh!

MARELA: Uh, w*r?

- Ohh!
- [ thud ]

BAJRANGI: [ strained ]
Trust me, it's gonna be great.

I'm not going, and that's that.

[ music begins ]


[ sighs ]

Ugh, You're crazy. Yeah...

all of you.


I rest my case.

[ sad sigh ]

[ mocking sad sigh ]
Forget it.

♪ Come along,
we gotta stick together now ♪

♪ Go away,
just leave me alone ♪

♪ Join the with us ♪

♪ It's gonna be a great adventure ♪

♪ Get away, I'm not gonna go ♪

♪ Come along,
we gotta stick together now ♪

♪ Go away, leave me alone ♪

♪ Join with us, you could make
this your adventure ♪

♪ Hey, now listen up,
I'm not gonna go ♪

♪ Oh, the time
is now to be brave ♪

♪ No matter what it takes ♪

♪ Adventure's not a thing
only made for some ♪

♪ Gotta accept
your role beside us ♪

♪ Don't put up a big fuss ♪

♪ Oh, say you'll come ♪

♪ Oh, please agree ♪

♪ Come along, you gotta,
gotta come with us ♪

♪ Pick 'em up and move
your feet on down the road ♪

♪ We'll be together
on this great Delhi safari ♪

♪ Come along, you gotta,
gotta come with us ♪

♪ Pick 'em up and move
your feet on down the road ♪

♪ We'll be together
on this great Delhi safari ♪

♪ Oh, please believe,
though it's hard to see ♪

♪ That hope can grow from despair ♪

♪ Don't be afraid
when the road is long ♪

♪ I'm here with you all the way ♪

♪ With one step ♪

♪ That first step you take ♪

♪ Your journey has begun ♪

♪ With just one step ♪

♪ That first step you take ♪

♪ Begins the journey to come ♪

♪ Oh, but there's nothing
you could ever say ♪

♪ Oh, nothing you could say, no ♪

♪ Adventure is
a thing only made for some ♪

♪ Sorry, time to let the doubt go ♪

♪ We won't let you say no ♪

♪ Not until the road
is beneath your feet ♪

♪ Beneath ♪

♪ Your feet ♪

♪ Here we go! ♪

♪ Come along, you gotta,
gotta come with us ♪

♪ Pick 'em up and move
your feet on down the road ♪

♪ We'll be together
on this great Delhi safari ♪

♪ Come along, you gotta,
gotta come with us ♪

♪ Pick 'em up and move
your feet on down the road ♪

♪ We'll be together
on this great Delhi safari ♪

♪ Delhi safari, hey ♪

♪ Delhi safari, come along ♪

♪ Delhi safari, hey ♪

♪ Delhi safari, come along ♪

♪ Delhi safari, hey ♪

♪ Delhi safari, whoo! ♪

♪ Delhi safari, hey ♪

♪ Delhi safari, come along ♪

[ whistle blows ]

[ frogs croaking ]

[ squeak ]

[ squeak ]

[ beeping, whirring ]

[ snoring ]

[ muttering and squawking]

BAGGA: [ snoring ]

[ snoring ]

[ growling ]

[ screeching ]

[ buzzing ]

[ growling ]

[ chitters ]

[ groans ]


[ blade clangs ]

[ snoring ]

[ clicks ]

- [ snoring ]
- [ clicking ]

[ gasps ]

- [ screams ]
- [ brakes screech ]


[ muttering ]

Aah! An animal! A wild animal!

MAN: What was it?

WOMAN: A leopard, I think!

What's going on?

Oh, no, it's the zoo for all of us!

BAGGA: What are they saying,

ALEX: They know there are
animals on the train!

But how did they find out?

Who gave us away?

Why don't you ask
the monkey here?

- Bajrangi, did you leave this car?
- Uh-uh.

- You sure? Tiny bit?
- Uh.

- Not at all?
- No.

Not even a little?

- What part of no don't you...
- Shh!

[ whispering ] I wasn't doing anything,
just standing guard.

Not gonna believe him, are you?

- Hey, the parrot hates me for some reason.
- [ clanging ]

He'd say anything.

Shh! Shh! Watch out!

Someone's trying to get in!

[ hurried footsteps ]

[ door thuds ]

[ creaking ]

YUVI: Mom?

BEGUM: Yuvi?

Are you here?

MAN: Hey, over there!
Down at the other side!

- Where?
- Down here, hurry!

Come here.
It went inside here.

Break it open.

[ voices outside ]

MAN : Come now,
we have to do the thing right.

MAN : Show me.

- Follow me.
- That's weird.

Shine the light here.

What is it?

I could have sworn I saw it.

Yeah? It's not here now.

[ horn blares ]

[ bell clanging ]

BAJRANGI: [ groans ]

I told you to stay with the others.

You almost got us caught.

I know. I wasn't gonna come,

but just as I was falling asleep,
Papa came to me again.

Yuvi, you were only dreaming.

It wasn't a dream, Bagga, I swear.

Papa was as real as you are,

and, Mom, I'm not making it up.

He was really there.

[ English accent ] Could it be
a father's love has cheated death,

or is little Spotty
off his meds again?

Tune in next week.

Music swells, fade to black,
and credits role.

But I object, Milord!

Milord, the last witness'
testimony is irrelevant.

May I remind the court

that this is a case
of attempted m*rder?

Milord, I will prove that
in the middle of the night

while the parrot was asleep,
utterly defenseless,

this monkey,
with a knife the size of a machete,

did attempt to make
the parrot an ex-parrot!

Can he deny it?

Yeah, good luck with that one.

Baj, what have you got to say?

You're not gonna believe
a paranoid parrot.

The guy's got an obsession.

He even dreams about me.

Objection, Milord!

My dreams are irrelevant.

In fact, I was dreaming
about a cockatoo named Aspasia,

but I woke up just in time
to see you trying to butcher me!

Listen, you bird brain,
what do you mean "trying"?

If I wanted you dead,
trust me, you'd know it.

Bang bang! And nothing's left
but a pile of feathers!

Enough! All this childish fighting
has got to stop.

It's not getting us anywhere.

Bajrangi, not one more word.

As for you,
listen to me carefully, Alex.

Without you, we have no chance
of getting to Delhi, that's true.

Without us, you'll never
get back home again,

so it's in everyone's interest
for you to stop all your shenanigans!

Fine, fine.
On one condition.

Clint Eastwood over here
leaves the g*ns behind.

Otherwise, forget it.
Count me out!

Ha! You can take my g*ns
from my cold, dead fingers!

Oh, don't be so melodramatic.

You're a big, brave monkey.

You don't need
those silly weapons.

- Come on, drop 'em.
- Hey! No!

Come on!


[ shouting ]

[ objects clanking ]

BAGGA: There.

- Gah!
- Now, isn't that better?

I feel so violated.

ALEX: Take away
his g*n and his machete

and look what happens to him.

Tsk tsk tsk.

Freud would have a field day.

Hey, maybe we
could find you a really big banana.

[ groans ]

[ whistling ]

All clear. Good.

[ humming ]

[ whistles ]

[ blowing ]

[ whistles ]

[ blowing ]

Huh? Knock it off!

I see you! Sheesh!

[ unzips ]

- [urinating ]
- Sir, uh...

- I got it.
- You sure?

I got it!

Sir, is it really true?

Did they take
away your weapons, sir?

'Cause if they did,
we think the only thing to do now

is to forget the whole thing.

We always knew
your plan was ridiculous.

Now it's just pointless.


Uh, we did?

Well, not me. I love it.

Still, it makes
the whole plan trickier,

those guys taking
your hardware away.

Pointless, you might say.

[ zips ]

Again, we see
why you guys are the followers

and I'm the leader.

So I ain't packing heat, so what?

You guys are
still packing heat, aren't you?

Uh, depends on
how you define "heat."


Heat? Oh, sure, we're packing.

Good. So wait for my signal,

and then when they're
least expecting it, we'll...

- w*r!
- w*r!



[ whispering ]
Wait for it.

How will we ever get to Delhi now?

The train's
the only one who knew the way.

Man, oh, man, are you clowns
lucky you have me here.

Where was the train headed?

- Delhi.
- So where are the tracks headed?

- Delhi.
- And if we follow the tracks?

BOTH: Delhi!

Common sense.
Follow me.


A fork!


Oh, this is just perfect.

Common sense? Nonsense!

Leave it to the monkey!

We could end up in Madagascar.

Let's turn back.

At least that way,
we know where we're going.

What do we do, Mom?

RAJU: When the wind
of fate slams the door,

it opens a window
that wasn't open before.

YUVI: A bat!

Precisely that. I am a bat.

Raju is the name,
travelers aid is the game.

On our way to Delhi, are we?

How'd you know that?

Everyone knows that.

News of your great quest
has traveled on the jungle telegraph.

I kid. You never heard
of the Internet?

Now, where'd I put that?

Ah, here it is.

YUVI: Huh?

Topographical chart, baby.

- Uh?
- A map.

ALEX: Thanks a lot.

Do you have a map
to help us read the map?

Hey, I'd go easy
on the sarcasm if I were you.

- [ music begins ]
- That'll get you nowhere

and slowly, too.

RAJU: ♪ Ba duh ba duh,
ba duh ba duh ♪

♪ Ba duh ba duh, ba duh ba duh ♪

♪ My friends,
if you really want to know ♪

♪ The way to Delhi,
here's how to go ♪

♪ Hear me well
and have no fear ♪

♪ I know
how to get to there from here ♪

♪ Keep straight ahead
until you see ♪

♪ A lot of leafy scenery ♪

♪ A mighty forest, deep and green ♪

♪ With the tallest trees
you've ever seen ♪

♪ Oh, no, no, no, no, I forgot ♪

♪ A mighty forest there is not ♪

♪ Oh, yes, yes, yes,
there used to be ♪

♪ But then the humans came,
you see ♪

♪ They chopped down trees
to use for wood ♪

♪ And poof,
there went the neighborhood ♪

♪ They tore it up
and stripped it bare ♪

♪ And left one dead tree
standing there ♪

♪ But never mind,
keep right on going ♪

♪ Till you see a river flowing ♪

♪ Happy river,
fresh and splashing ♪

♪ Through a valley brightly dashing ♪

♪ No, no, no,
on second thought ♪

♪ A happy river there is not ♪

♪ Oh, yes, yes, yes,
there used to be ♪

♪ But then came humanity ♪

♪ They filled the river
with junk and slop ♪

♪ Filled it with chemicals,
goop, and blop ♪

♪ As a matter of fact,
it'd be much truer ♪

♪ To say that river
is now a sewer ♪

♪ But not to fret,
carry on as planned ♪

♪ And soon you'll reach
the desert sands ♪

♪ An untouched world
of rock and dune ♪

♪ As grand and pure
as a lovely moon ♪

♪ Oh, no, no, no, no,
I forgot ♪

♪ An untouched desert
there is not ♪

♪ Oh, yes, yes, yes,
it's sad but true ♪

♪ For man, of course,
has been there too ♪

♪ Blasting, digging, drilling, mining ♪

♪ Building roads and oil refining ♪

♪ Where timeless sands
once lay in peace ♪

♪ Folks now drive their SUVs ♪

♪ Follow that highway
loud and smelly ♪

♪ It will lead you straight to Delhi ♪

♪ See that building big and round ♪

♪ It's Parliament that you have found ♪

♪ Tell the humans ♪

♪ Take a stand ♪

♪ We have to make
them realize, man ♪

♪ What they're doing to the land ♪

♪ The senseless k*lling
and poisoned air ♪

♪ The rivers and forests
are stark them bare ♪

♪ It's one big world
that we both share ♪

♪ Oh, what they do to ours ♪

- ♪ They do to theirs ♪
- [ expl*si*n ]

[ coughing ]

[ coughing ]

[ buzzard calling ]

Guys, guys, please,
I can't take another step.

Sorry. We tried to get
you a private jet.

Stop complaining!

No, kidding. I've had it.

Just k*ll me!
k*ll me! Finish it!

Guys, I think Polly here's
finally gone crackers.

Yes, I've gone mad!

Put me outta my misery!

Hey, just for the record,
this was not my idea.

You all see that, right?

I'm being forced to squeeze
his scrawny neck till he dies.

We're all together on that!

Bajrangi, quiet!

- You too, Alex.
- [ groans ]

There's an oasis just ahead.

[ drumming to upbeat music ]

♪ Hey-ey-ey-ey ♪

♪ Hello there,
my dearest strangers ♪

♪ Hello, welcome to my home ♪

♪ Welcome, welcome,
my home is your home ♪

♪ Just how far
have you all roamed? ♪

♪ Hey! ♪

♪ We are so happy to meet you ♪

♪ And greet you with such joy ♪

♪ You're welcome,
you're welcome ♪

♪ Oh, please don't be so coy ♪

♪ Such an honor
to praise your work ♪

♪ My friends,
won't you step right in ♪

♪ And join the party? Ah! ♪

[ playing jazzy solo ]

ALEX: ♪ I'll bet you're glad
for this distraction ♪

Walk away.

♪ I back up what I say
with action, hey ♪

♪ You challenge me ♪

♪ Oh, I'm a real bird of prey ♪

♪ There's nowhere left to go ♪

♪ It's just you and me ♪

♪ Walk away,
don't make me laugh ♪

♪ Oh, please ♪

♪ Words are good,
but I talk with these ♪

♪ Here's your chance
to fly swiftly ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm more
than you can handle ♪

♪ All-day party dance ♪

♪ We want to put
a smile on your face ♪

♪ Oh eh ♪

♪ All-night party dance ♪

♪ We want to put
a smile on your face ♪

♪ Oh eh ♪

♪ Let your troubles be light ♪

♪ It's a beautiful night, oh eh ♪

♪ Oh eh ♪

♪ All-day party dance ♪

♪ We want to put
a smile on your face ♪

♪ Oh eh ♪

♪ I can't believe you think
you're tougher than me ♪

♪ See, you're a joke,
yeah, that's what you are ♪

♪ Now you've really lost
your mind, bird brain ♪

♪ Don't make me show you
what I got ♪

♪ Come on, what can you do? ♪

♪ I'll do it better ♪

♪ Say the word,
you afraid of a bird? ♪

♪ I'm not gonna go anywhere ♪

♪ So now show us how you party,
you little worm ♪

♪ All-day party dance ♪

♪ We want to put
a smile on your face ♪

♪ Oh eh ♪

♪ All-night party dance ♪

♪ We want to put a smile
on your face ♪

♪ Oh eh ♪

♪ It's time for a concert,
hey, don't walk away ♪

♪ Don't walk away ♪

♪ It's time for a concert,
hey, what do you say? ♪

♪ Do you say ♪

♪ La-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah ♪

♪ Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah ♪

♪ Ahh-ahh-ahh ♪

ALEX: ♪ It's time for a concert,
hey, don't walk away ♪

♪ Don't walk away ♪

♪ It's time for a concert,
hey, what do you say? ♪

♪ Do you say ♪

But take care.
Come on, guys,

we're getting a little outta hand
here, don't you think?

♪ What do you say,
what do you say? ♪

♪ What do... ♪

♪ You say? ♪

♪ All night, all day ♪

♪ All-day party dance ♪

♪ We want to put
a smile on your face ♪

♪ Oh eh ♪

♪ All-night party dance ♪

♪ We want to put
a smile on your face ♪

♪ Oh eh ♪

♪ It's a traveler's delight ♪

♪ It's a beautiful night, oh eh ♪

♪ Oh eh ♪

♪ All-day party dance ♪

♪ We want to put
a smile on your face ♪

♪ Oh eh ♪

[ music ends ]

Boy, they're really gone,
aren't they?

They've been transported, dear.

Their spirits are in paradise.

Yes, lovely, but you see,
we've still got to get Delhi,

and we can't do that
with those two in lotus land.

Oi. It's hard calling them
back once they're there.

Stuff two chilies up their nose.

That might bring them
down to earth, you know?

[ laughs ] Stop teasing, dear.

This is nothing to joke about.

Try twirling clockwise for a week
while chanting and burning incense.

That often works.

Or make a pilgrimage
to the holy shrine of the...

Thank you, but I think

let the two of them sleep it off
and we'll be fine by morning.

Will you help us find our way?

To Delhi?
Of course, of course.

Though why anyone
would want to go there, I don't know.

The stories
I could tell you about Delhi.

Maybe not.

Anyway, we'll set you on your way

first thing in the morning.
[ chuckles ]

The important thing
to keep in mind, though,

is no matter where you go,

stay far away from those caves
on the other side of the valley.

The lair of Kalia and his hyenas.

Stumble around in there
and chances are, you won't be back.

[ gasping ]

FLAMINGO HUSBAND: I'll spare you
the gruesome details, lad,

but trust me,
they're dreadful animals.

[ voice echoing ]
You don't want to run into them,

so just keep away
from those caves.

[ howl echoing ]

BEGUM: [ snoring ]

I knew you'd come, Papa,
I knew it!

Quiet, Yuvi, you'll wake the others.

But that's just what I want to do,

so they'll see
that you're really here!

Nobody believes me, Papa,

but they'll have
to believe me now.

SULTAN: It won't make
any difference, son.

They still won't be able to see me.


But why can't
they see you, Papa?

They all thin
I'm somewhere far away.

None of them know
how close I really am,

only you.

So Mom can't see you, either?

She'll see me, Yuvi,

but only when the time is right.

In the meantime,
I've come to warn you.

You must be extra vigilant

for your enemies are
at work even at this hour,

and enemies need
not be outsiders.

Sometimes they can be
one of our own.

[ sinister laughter echoing ]

Yeah, why not let the hyenas
do my dirty work?

No one needs to know
I was here at all.

[ hyenas laughing in the distance ]

But, Papa?

[ Bajrangi laughing ]

Was that you laughing?

Hey, why aren't you
back with the others?

Get outta here! Go on!

Oh, where am I?

Bajrangi, what are you doing?

- Shh!
- Why is Alex there?

Shh shh!

Hey, wait a second!
Where are we?

Oh, my gosh, the caves
they warned us about.

We've gotta go!
Hurry, come on!

Oh, no, no, no!

You're our special guests.

We're having you all for supper!

[ giggling ]

[ hyenas laughing ]

[ sinister laughter ]

Uh, and you are?

Call me anything.

Just don't call me
late for chow.

My friends call me Kalia...


Kalia! [ laughing ]

HYENAS: Kalia! Kalia!

[ hyenas laughing ]

Oh, Pierre?

[ laughing ]
Oui oui, monsieur?

What's on the menu
tonight, huh?

[ French accent ]
For starters,

- we have parrot pancakes...
- KALIA: Yum!

then roasted rack of leopard cub,

and finally some
marinated monkey brains!

[ giggling ]

Oh, I'm crazy about Indian food,

especially when
the ingredients are fresh.

I've got news for you.

You've just bought yourself
a whole heap of grief, fool.

Okay, men, attack!

The code word is w*r!

[ panting ]

w*r, guys, I said w*r!

MARELA: [ weakly ] w*r...

BHARELA: Shh. I wouldn't.

Okay, if you guys are
out there, you're fired!

[ hyenas laughing ]

Hit it, boys!

[ singing fanfare ]
♪ Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh ♪

♪ Dinner is served ♪

♪ Dinner is served,
dinner is served ♪

♪ Duh-duh-duh-duh-duh,
dinner is served ♪

We're sorry.
This was all an accident.

Will you please let us go, Kalia?

Sure, why not?

Mon dieu!

All you gotta do is k*ll us,
and you're free to go.

Sound like fun?

I love a meal that puts up a fight.

[ laughs ]

Oh, you're not
scared of us, are you?

Just 'cause we got lots of teeth,

and these big,
what do you call 'em, claws?

And you're outnumbered to ?

[ laughing ]

You're right to be scared.

What have you got, kid?

You've got nothing, nothing!

Well, I've got one thing.

- Yeah?
- Mom.

[ roars ]

[ growling ]

[ laughing ]

BEGUM: [ growling ]

COOK: Gonna need a bigger pot!
[ laughing ]

[ roars ]

[ screeching ]

ALEX: I can't fly!

BAJRANGI: [ screeching ]

[ gasps ]

I can't fly!
I don't want to die.

[ moans ]


[ hyena groans ]

[ gasps ]

[ screeching ]

BEGUM: [ growling ]

[ laughing, slurping ]

[ hyena yelps ]

[ screeching ]

[ hyena laughing ]

Uh... huh?


Oh, nice, hyena!

Ohh! Ohh!

[ laughing and slurping ]

[ screeching ]

- ALEX: [ screaming ]
- [ wind blowing]



[ growling ]



- [ pop ]
- ALEX: Oh, boy.

No, no, no, no, no, please!

[ grunting ]

BAGGA: Tag team.

- [ yelping ]
- Ooh!

[ squawks, gasps ]

Someone needs a bath.

[ muttering ]

Ohh! Ooh!

[ laughing ]

[ laughing ]

[ growling ]

[ snarls ]

[ growling ]

[ gasps ] Mom! Mama!

[ crazy laughter ]

- [ crunch ]
- Ow!

Ooh hoo hoo hoo!

Oh, little brat!

Nice kid you raised there!

Oh, I think it's broken!

[ sobbing ]

Let's start over. Uh, hi.

[ grunts ]


Hey, gotta run!


Hey, where you going?

What about dinner, huh?

[ laughing ]

So long, Kalia!

Guess you won't be
in such a hurry

to put monkey
on the menu again, huh?

Go on, run!
And don't come back,

or I'll finish the job,
you mangy mutt!

[ laughing ]

Ah heh heh... uh...

When I think I nearly
got you k*lled, Yuvi,

I never would have
forgiven myself.

I've been a very bad monkey.

I see that now.

What I did was wrong.
Forgive me.

Bagga, tell Bajrangi
he's no longer part of our quest.

He must go.

There's one thing
he will never understand...

the way of the protector
is more righteous

than the way of the destroyer.

Trying to silence Alex,

the one voice we have for speaking
to the humans?

I cannot forgive that,

but his voice was not silenced,

and no one's going to stop us
from getting to Delhi.

Actually, Mom,
I've got some bad news about Alex.

I don't think
he can talk to the humans.

He can't even make a sound.

He's lost his voice.

Bajrangi, can't you see
what you've done?

You've ruined everything.

[ wind whistling ]

[ hawk screeches ]

[ sipping ]

[ sighs ]


Yes, this is a very serious case.

Very serious indeed.

Fortunately, we have experience
in this sort of thing, don't we, dear?

Mmm. Didn't Vijay lose his voice
that time we played Vegas,

and you had to go and...

Never mention Vegas!

Oh, yes, now I remember.

It was Rajiv, actually,
and we were playing in Chicago.

I remember it well because
the reviews were particularly flattering.

They liked my legs.

Mm-mmm, dear, remember?

The Chicago reviewers
skewered your legs,

but they were a smash
in Sheboygan.

At least I get reviewed,

which is more than some of us
can say, right, dear?

Wait, wait, what about
when I opened in Dubai?

You think these people care
about your stupid reviews?

Yeah, no, I suppose not.

Can you help us
get his voice back?

Go on, dear,
if you're such an expert, you tell them.

Uh, well,
I suggest plenty of fluids,

bed rest, medication...
Did I say bed rest?

Oh, you're of no use at all.

They need to get to Delhi.

They don't have time for all that.

Just tell them
how to find Jadi Butti Baba,

the wise old hermit. You know.

Jedi Fruity Mama?

Oh, he lives deep in the mountain

on the banks of the river.

No one's seen him for years.

I'm not sure if he
still keeps regular office hours.

Whoa, just look at this place, huh?

It's like a temple
or a shrine, you know?

You could almost
feel the healing power.

Just wait. This old holy man

will have Alex squawking
his head off in no time.

Holy man!

BEGUM: Hello?

BAGGA: Yoo-hoo!

YUVI: Baba! [echoing ]

[ sound of struggling ]

YUVI: Uh, Bagga,
I think you're sitting on him.

Whoops! Sorry!
You need a hand?

Hey, easy, easy, easy!
Show a little respect.

We're dealing with a saint.

Master? Sensei?

Yo, mahatma!

I wonder if this is
a kind of test or riddle

I have to solve or something?

I accept your challenge, Master!

[ groaning ] Who is it whose cries
I feel in the depths of my soul?

If Baba's here, then Baj...

[ laughing ] This is good.

Baj, you getting close?

[ laughing ]

[ stifles laughter ]

Ahem, uh...


Suffering Shiva,
this guy's breath is awful.

No wonder he's a hermit.


BEGUM: Sir, this is Alex.

Alex lost his voice last night.

Alex, open your mouth.

[ rasping sound ]

Ah, yes, it's m-m...


Mm-mmm. M-m-m...

Milk allergy?


It afflicts kings and princes.

But what is it called?


- Tumor!
- Tummy tuck?

T-t-t... tension!


High blood pressure
leads to stroke,

aneurism, heart attack.

I recommend m-m-m...

- Machete!
- Macaroni!

BABA: M-medicating it

with a compound consisting
of ch-ch-ch...

- Cha-cha lessons?
- Cheddar cheese!

mustard seed, and aloe,

the bark of the sandalwood tree,
ground very fine,

saffron, just a pinch or two,

wild yellow roses,
cinnamon rhubarb,

camphor, pomegranate,
and fresh guava fruit.

Which of you will g-g-gather
all this for your friend?


Oh, boy, I guess
I deserve that one, huh?


[ sniffing ]

Ah! This one!

[ sniffing ]

[ giggling ]

- [ humming ]
- [ twigs snapping ]

BAGGA: What are you doing,
you crazy monkey?

Sandalwood bark, see?

[ giggling ]

It's fine.

[ grunting ]



[ birds squawking ]

Black "soots" you.

[ laughs ] Sorry.

ALEX: [ laughing hysterically ]

[ growls ]

[ coughing ]

[ gasps ]

Why you little...


Oh, watch your step.
These thorns are K*llers.


Oh, yeah!


Was it red or, no,

yellow, yellow, yellow.



♪ Oh, the yellow rose... ♪



BAGGA: A- , miss.

- D- , hit.
- Eee!

D- ...hit!

- Eee!
- [ laughing ]

[ humming ]




[ sobbing ]


BAGGA: Alex?


Uh... uh-uh.


[ grunting ]


Ahh... hmm.


What was wrong with that one?

Uh...[ grunts ]

[ gasps ]

You're outta your mind!

There's no way
I'm climbing out there!

Forget it!

Ahh! Ahh!

Ah ahhh! Oh!

BAJRANGI: Okay, okay!

- Aah!
- [ gasps ]

[ squawks ]

[ straining ]



[ branch cracking ]

[ groaning ]


- [ crack ]
- Aah.


Pump out the monkey.

Pump out the monkey.

Pump, pump, pump,
pump, pump.

- Blah! Blah!
- [ chuckles ]

Who's laughing? It's not funny.

You can't keep this up, Baj.

No food or rest,
you're wasting away.

I know that, but I swore to myself
for all the terrible things I did,

I won't eat or rest
until Alex's voice returns.

As heaven is my witness,
I will sacrifice everything

to get him well again.

Well, well, looks who's here.

BOTH: We once had a leader,
a mighty monkey leader,

and a mighty monkey
leader was he.

Uh... he's gone.

I wonder where he went,
don't you?

Our leader would never go crawling
around on his knees for a parakeet.

Our leader is a warrior,
not a glorified waiter!

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
what are you doing? That's my line.

You imposter, you!

You're not our leader!

Fine, then you're not my followers.

We're not?

Are you kidding me?

How about when I was
all alone out there

with crazy Kalia
and hundreds of hyenas?

- You hung me out to dry!
- True.

And all this time,
I've been k*lling myself,

gathering stuff for Alex.

Did you guys offer to help?
Course not!

True. True.

I could carve better followers
out of liverwurst,

real followers who are willing to do

anything for their leader,
sacrifice anything.

Yeah, what if I asked you to chop off

the tips of those pinkies
you keep waving around?

- Okay... Uh, no.
- No.

See? Go on, the two of you!

Go on, get lost. Who needs you?

I'm better off without you,
believe me!

Go on!

At least they could've
put up an argument.

ALEX: Awk!

- What do you want?
- Awk! Awk!

Uh, hold on a sec.
I can explain.

Bagga? Do you really think
Alex will get his voice back

by the time we get to Delhi?

I don't know, kiddo,
but the way things are going,

I'm more worried about Bajrangi
making it to Delhi in one piece.

He hasn't slept, eaten,
or left Alex's side for three days.

He's dead on his feet.


Do you know the story
of Hanuman, Alex?


Well, Hanuman was
a brave and mighty hero

- [ bird tweets ]
- who was always facing danger

or being att*cked
by one demon or another.

But he never got depressed,

because along with great strength,
he had endless patience.

He knew that no matter
how bad things got,

no matter how many demons
he had to fight,

he could always turn
to his master,

Lord Ram, God of Virtue,
and say...

Wow, what a hottie.

"Wow, what a hottie."


What'd you just say to me?


No, I mean, before that.

- Uh...
- Not the squawking! Before that!

Uh... aah!

So help me,
if you said what I think you said,

it'll be the last thing you ever say!

Should they be doing that?

I don't think that's
very good for hypertension.

BAGGA: Poor, Baj, and he's been
such a good monkey.

- [ Alex screaming ]
- BEGUM: Bajrangi!

BAJRANGI: You traitor!

Your voice won't be the only thing
missing when I catch you!

Stop, Bajrangi!

Bajrangi, I'm warning you!

BAJRANGI: Thought you could make
a fool out of me, did you?

Did you?

Well, we'll see about that!

ALEX: Aah!

[ groans ]

[ grunts ]

Uhh... aah!

BAJRANGI: When I think of all
I've done for you,

boy, what an idiot.

I didn't eat, drink, or poop
for three days because of you!

People act like
I'm such a big stinker,

but you, you're worse than that!

You little traitor!

Okay, now for the last time,
what did you say?

- [ crunch, insects buzzing ]
- Say it!

[ squawk ]

[ imitates buzzer]
Try again!

Talk to me, you little feathered liar!

[ whimpering ]

I'll give you one last chance.

What was it that Hanuman would say
when things got really bad?

Hail Lord Ram.

Right. Hail Lord Ram.
[ crying ]

[ buzzing ]


[ swarm buzzing ]

Oh, no!

Company, atten-tion!

BEES: Yes, sir!

Right, chaps, look sharp!

Let's show these bogies
what's what, wot?

Been a while since
we've had a good tallyho!

Maybe if I put the rock down...

and run away!

[ squawk ]

[ buzzing ]

This doesn't mean
you're off the hook!

I'll have to deal... Aah!

Deal with you later!

Shut up and run!

Don't you tell me what...

That's funny, look!

Now Alex is chasing Baji.

No, no one's chasing the other.

Obviously both are running
away from something else.

Should we be running away?

Well, let me think.

[ buzzing ]

[ sound of helicopter ]

After careful deliberation,
I would vote yes, run!

Sir, the enemy has rendezvoused
with support units.

We count five!

Right, current position?

degrees east,
meters and closing.

Roger, all units alert.

Ready, lads, we're going in!

ALEX: Aah!

a*tillery, ready?

Ready, sir!

- Aim!
- Yes, sir!


[ g*nf*re ]

[ slow motion scream ]


[ shouting ]

Hurry, Bagga, hurry!

[ Alex whimpering ] Wait!

Hurry, everyone in here!

[ jet engine ]

[ straining ]


[ spattering ]

[ buzzing ]

[ panting ] Must run faster.


I'm going, I'm going!

I'm going!

Mom, I think it's a train!

Come on, hurry!

BAJRANGI: All aboard!

[ Bagga grunts ]

[ wheels squealing ]

And to think
we trusted you, Bajrangi.

You couldn't resist, could you?

You had to go after Alex.

I swear I didn't.

Oh, shut it!
I wouldn't believe you

if you swore on your own grave.

Wait, give me a chance here.

You don't understand.

Believe me, I understand plenty.

Both of you shut up!

Aha, the bird can talk!


[ whispering ]
The bird can talk.

Your voice has returned?

Yeah, amazing, isn't it?

Good news all around.

I'm wondering
if he ever really lost it!

[ buzzing ]

I say, what say we try out
that new formation, eh, lads?

Yes, sir!

Air-to-surface m*ssile
formation now!

Jolly good!

Well, are you satisfied?

You did this, you know?

Me? Oh, sure!

This is all because of me!

Yeah, I was the one
who whacked a bee's nest, right?

Did I say go to Delhi?

Did I say,
"Please come kidnap me

"from my beautiful home

"and drag me into the jungle!"

[ wheels clicking ]

[ all screaming ]

[ screaming ]


[ screaming ]

BAGGA: Aah! Oh!

They're behind us!

Get down, Yuvi! Hide!

While you're down there, Yuvi,

see if there's anywhere
for me to hide!

Permission to attack, sir?

- Right-o, in you go!
- Sir!



- Bagga!
- Aah!



[ screaming ]

[ panting ]

[ gasps ]

[ bees buzzing ]

Bajrangi, Alex! Jump!

We're coming!

Come on, get over here!

What are you waiting for?

Bajrangi, my foot's stuck!

[ sinister laugh ]

Serves you right.

You ever hear
of a thing called karma?

No, probably not.

You've never
even heard of Hanuman.

Give me a break!

Look, can we talk
about this later? Please?

I ought to just leave you!

Bajrangi, please!


Aah! Oh!

[ somber music ]

There's no time, Bajrangi.

Go on, jump!

Get going!


[ screeching ]

[ both grunting ]

Engage and destroy?

Negative. Curse the luck!

They're out of our sector now.

Afraid we'll have
to toddle back to base.

Bloody rum show, wot!


[ buzzing ]

All clear.

So anyone want to do
that ride again?

That's not funny, Bagga.

Now, the first thing
we have to do

is find a way out of here

and hope the others
are all right.

[ groans, panting ]

are you out of your mind?

Why didn't you jump,
you suicidal monkey?

The protector way is better
than the destroyer way,

at least according to Begum.

She could be right.

In fact, I'm sure she's right.

[ sighs ]

She's not the only one.

You were right, too.

I've been a traitor
to my own kind,

going on about my cushy life
in the human world

when all the time the humans
were tearing your world apart.

I'm sorry, Baj.

Heh heh.

You've got nothing
to be sorry for.

If anyone should be sorry,
it's me for hating you

when all you were
trying to do was help.

I wasted so much energy
thinking of ways to k*ll you.

Hey, you know something?

I got more happiness
out of that one moment

when you and I went
off the cliff together

than I ever got out of all the days
of plotting your death.

[ disco beat ]
♪ Alex and Bajrangi ♪

♪ Alex and Bajrangi ♪

♪ Alex and Bajrangi ♪

♪ Alex and Bajrangi ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ooh ooh ♪

BAJRANGI: You know, I think
there was something funny

about that coconut milk we drank,

like, it was fermented
or something.

I'm feeling funny in my head.

[ slurring ]
You sound just like my human

when he comes home
late from a party.

Then he usually leaves
all the lights on

and falls asleep
in his underwear.

Hey, am I your new best friend?

Better not say it right now.

It'd just be the coconut milk talking.

Aw, come on, dude,
you're my best friend.

You won't tell me
if I'm your best friend?

Okay, you're
my new best friend.

So I'm your closest friend,
and you won't even tell me?

- Ohh!
- [ thud ]

- [ laughs ]
- I think I need some water.

[ groans ]

♪ Ganges, how I love you,
how I love you ♪

♪ My dear old Ganges ♪

♪ I'd give the world to... ♪



[ gasps ]

No, no, no!
No, no, no, Mr. Tiger, please!

Please let me go!
Meow, meow!

Please, stay away!
Don't k*ll me!

- Don't k*ll me!
- Don't k*ll me!

Stay away! Stay away!
Bad food! Bad food! Bad food!

- Bajrangi!
- Just in time!

I was almost a goner!

I looked up,
and there was this tiger!

No, no, no, I'm only a cat.
Just a cat!

Brother Tiger?

TIGER: [ sniffling ]

Not a tiger. Just a cat.
A cat.

[ shivering ] Meow, meow.

Talk to me.

TIGER: They've k*lled
all the tigers around here.

If it were up to the humans,

I think they would k*ll
all the tigers everywhere.

I didn't want to die
like the others,

so I made believe I was a cat.

I've been pretending so long,

I've forgotten
what it's like to be a tiger.

I know.

I know what you're thinking,

that I'm a coward, and you're right.

I am a coward,

but at least my head is
still on my shoulders,

not hanging
from some hunter's wall.

You're not a coward.

At least you had a good excuse
for doing what you did,

not like me.

You did it to save your life.

I did it for HDTV,

but I see now
this isn't about one jungle.

It's about every animal
whose home is being destroyed.

You said it, dude,

and that's why we need
you to be our voice.

No, he will not be our voice,
because we're not going to Delhi.

What fools we've been.

Did we really thin
we'd get them to change

by complaining
to one set of humans

about the misdeeds of another,

when all humans
are the same?

Cruel and heartless.

They'll spare none of us.

Not you, not me. Not...

[ g*nsh*t ]

I won't let them do that to Yuvi.

I'm taking him back now.

We must all go back now
while we still can.

We're not going to Delhi.

There's only one person
Mom will listen to now.

If he doesn't come...

Look, Mom, it's Papa!

I knew he'd come!

He's there!
Can't you see him? Look!

Stop this, Yuvi.

[ crying ] I know
how much you miss him,

but your father's gone.

He's never coming back.

YUVI: But, Mom,
how can you say that?

He's right there!

Please, can't you see him?

No, I can't, and no one
else can, either.

Actually, I think I can.

It's Sultan, all right.

It's Sultan big as day!

Yes, yes,
you can see him.

All you have to do is look,

but not out there.

Here, in Yuvi,

in his tiny, courageous heart

that got us all started
in the first place.

He's here in the friendship
between Alex and Bajrangi.

I mean, what kind
of crazy miracle is that?

He's here in your love
for the cub

that you and he
brought into this world.

That courage, friendship, and love,

they're the essence of Sultan.

They're what keep him alive.

Whoever says that
they can't see Sultan,

well, they're just not looking,

'cause he's right here.

I've been wondering what my role
in this whole journey was.

To provide comic relief
and a bit of shade?

Maybe this is it,
to make you guys

understand that Sultan
is alive in Yuvi

and alive in each
and every one of us.

[ music ]

[ whispering ]
Begum, you're almost there.

SULTAN: ♪ Don't be afraid
when the road seems long ♪

♪ You're never far away from me ♪

♪ Oh, don't be afraid
when the road seems long ♪

♪ You're never very far from me ♪

♪ With every step,
every step you take ♪

♪ You make your own destiny ♪

ALEX: ♪ Oh, I can't believe it,
I can see now ♪

♪ The fear that held me back ♪

♪ How, how did I let it
take control of me? ♪

ALL: ♪ We won't turn back,
we won't slow down ♪

♪ Yes, we're on our way now ♪

♪ Now that the road
is beneath our feet ♪

♪ Beneath ♪

♪ Our feet ♪

♪ Here we go! ♪

♪ Come along, you gotta,
gotta come with us ♪

♪ Pick 'em up and move
your feet on down the road ♪

♪ We'll be together
on this great Delhi safari ♪

♪ Come along, you gotta,
gotta come with us ♪

♪ Pick 'em up and move
your feet on down the road ♪

♪ We'll be together
on this great Delhi safari ♪

So this is Delhi.

I never thought we'd make it.

Next stop, Parliament.

Terrific, but how do we find,

let alone get
into this Parliament, huh?

- I have a plan.
- I got an idea.

You first.
Go ahead. After you.

No, no, no, go ahead.
You first.

No, you go first.

No, I insist. You first.

Will you stop?
Just go on, spit it out.

- You first!
- What's your stupid plan?

Aw, shut up, the two of you.

You can stuff your plans.

I doubt either one
of 'em's any good.

Well, what is the plan,
fearless leader?

I'm all ears.

[ mutters "I don't know" ]

What? Good God,
we don't have a plan?

What were we thinking coming
all this way without a plan?!

We're finished, toast, kaput!

We've got to have a plan!

We can't just hop
out of the truck.

It'd be total chaos...
fleeing crowds, screaming in terror,

old ladies with cameras,
TV news reporters.

Live from Delhi,
Animals Gone Wild!

Bagga, you're a genius.

[ all screaming ]

[ groans ]

- [ car horns blare ]
- Huh? Aah!


[ horns blaring ]

[ woman screams ]


[ overlapping voices ]

Honey, you're
not gonna believe this.


[ people shouting ]

That's not very nice.

BEGUM: Everybody run!

[ shouting ]

Faster, faster!

[ tires skid ]

[ glass breaking ]

[ brakes screech ]

[ sirens ]

Okay, nice and slow.

- [ roars ]
- [ crowd gasps ]

for the first time in my life,

I'm starting to wish I had a g*n.

Oh, no, no, no,
you could never lift it,

and your feathers would get stuck
in the little trigger thing.

CNN, coming through!

- Excuse me.
- Hey!

CNN and all that.

It's just like you said.

The whole world of humans
is listening.

Alex, it's your cue.

Oh, brother. I...

[ crowd whispering ]

I...I, um...

You don't see that
every day, do you?

Alex, what's the matter?

Why don't you say anything?

What's wrong?

[ whispering ]
Stage fright, dude.

Give me a minute.

Stage fright? Huh!

Are you a professional or what?
Come on!


♪ We left the home we knew ♪

♪ The jungle far away ♪

♪ Left behind our families, too ♪

♪ Went hungry night and day ♪

♪ Crossed the desert wide ♪

♪ Got lost and almost died ♪

STARLET: Hello?!

♪ Just to stand here
at your side ♪

♪ And humbly say ♪

♪ Our jungle is dyin' ♪

♪ Oh, hear us, people ♪

This parrot's watched
too much Bollywood.

[ laughter ]

Maybe they're sh**ting
a commercial or something.

Who knew he could sing?

Yeah, who knew?

And now he's got his own radio show.

I always sensed that parrot
was going places.

Didn't you sense
that parrot was going places?

[ laughing ] Yeah, to Delhi!

♪ Nobody knows
all the trouble we've seen ♪

♪ Oh, nobody knows our sorrow ♪

♪ Our jungle that once
was so leafy and green ♪

♪ Might not be there tomorrow ♪

♪ We left our home for you ♪

♪ Please help us, people ♪

♪ We crossed the wild,
yes, it's true ♪

♪ For the chance
to speak with you ♪

♪ Knowing how far
we've roamed ♪

♪ Won't you please
save our home? ♪

[ laughter ]

MAN: Not bad.
They should put him on TV.


MARELA: Look, it's Bajrangi.

BHARELA: So it is.

MARELA: He made it to Delhi.

Of course, he gets all the glory.

He never would have gotten
close if it weren't for us.

How do you figure that?

Shut up.
Whose side are you on?

Alex, knock it off.

What do you think
you're doing, huh?

Hey, everyone's watching.

Don't look so ferocious.

I'm feeling a little ferocious,

and better that than
being a laughingstock.

Are you making fun of us, Alex?

Look at them,
they're all laughing at us!

What are you doing?

He's right, you know.

How are they
gonna take us seriously

if they laugh at us?

Guys, chill,
I'm working a tough room here.

You gotta trust me.

I was just warming them up a little.

If I'd gone right to the heavy stuff,
they would have been out the door.

Thank you!

You like the singing parrot, huh?

Pretty funny, right?

MAN: Yeah.

But did anyone bother to hear
the words of the song?


Didn't any of you
even wonder why a parrot,

a leopard cub and his mother,
a bear, and a monkey

would all risk
their lives to come here?

We'd tell you if you'd just listen.

I know, it's easier to laugh
or switch the channel

than it is to listen, isn't it?

People are listening now.

What would you like to say?

Thank you, but not yet.

When someone
from Parliament comes here,

someone with the power
and the will to help us,

then I'll talk.

The city has come
to a complete standstill

as we await developments here.

It's a scene of utter chaos
inside Parliament House right now.

A debate is underway
on whether the government

should send a representative.

A vote is finally expected
at any minute.

REPORTER: This just in, the vote
has been postponed again.

REPORTER : No word yet on
when the vote will take place.

Meanwhile, the entire nation
holds its breath.

We've been here for hours now,

but no one in this crowd
is going anywhere,

as we all wait to see if Parliament

will accede to the animals' demands
for a meeting.

REPORTER : Breaking news,
the resolution has passed,

and a representative will be sent
to meet with the animals.

They've done it!

This parrot, monkey, bear,
and leopard cub

have shocked us all!


Yes, I've got to see.

[ sirens ]

Please make way!

[ cameras clicking ]

Hello. What can
I do for you?

Go on, tell him.

Tell him our troubles, Alex.

Make him understand.
You can do it!

Sir, we've come to tell you that...

That... that humanity
is doomed!

Right now, millions of animals

are on their way here
to attack you all!

[ crowd reacts ]

Your cities, your families, your homes,
all will be destroyed.

We won't stop until all of you,

the entire human race,
is extinct or in a cage.

- MAN: He's inane!
- MAN : sh**t them!

So what do you think?

Makes you feel scared
and angry, doesn't it?

Having your homes
and families threatened.

Man, you think we'd
really do any of that stuff?

Who do you think we are, you?

'Cause that's how
you've made us feel

every day for centuries.

You attack us with your g*ns,

your bulldozers, your pollution,
and deforestation.

A lucky few of us,
you keep in your homes

as pampered pets
for your children to play with,

while the rest of us,
you hunt down

and k*ll for our skins or feathers

or just because
it seems fun for you.

Do you think we feel nothing?

Isn't our habitat our home?

Aren't our little ones children?

What has this cub ever done

that he should
have his father k*lled?

He should be playing
and goofing off.

he's traveled all this way

to try and reason with you,
to plead for his own life.

A kid shouldn't have to do that.

And when he finally got here,

when we showed
ourselves to you,

what did we hear?

"k*ll 'em all! k*ll 'em!"

We may come from the jungle,

but you're the ones
who look like savages to me.

When we first set out,
Delhi seemed so far away.

We didn't realize that reaching Delhi
would be the easy part.

We'd still have
to reach your hearts.

If there's anyone out there
who's been touched by these words,

stop k*lling us.

Stop bulldozing us.

Live with us.
We've only got one world.

Let's share it in peace
for all our sake's.

Who will stand
with me and say,

"Let's share the world"?

Share the world!

Share the world!

Share the world!

[ breathing hard ]

Share the world!

"Share the world."

I like it.

Share the world!

Share the world!

- Share the world!
- Share the world!

Share the world!

- Ya-hoo!
- Share the world!

[ cheering ]

[ monkeys shouting ]

[ music ]

[ applause ]

[ metal creaking ]

[ crash ]


Ha ha ha ha!

Whoo! Whoo!

[ upbeat music ]

[ singing in Hindi ]

[ singing lyrics
in English and Hindi ]

[ instrumental music playing ]
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