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04x06 - Chapter Seventy

Posted: 12/19/21 15:43
by bunniefuu
Ah, friends, our Jane
has been through so much.

She got married to Michael,
but then he died.

And so she wrote a book
about their love story,

and it was
going to be published.

So, great news there.

Plus, she reconnected
with her very first love,


Less happy? Our Rafael.

After he lost all his money

and was kicked out
of the hotel,

well, he hit a real low point.

I just want to step back.


Jane was there for him.

Not as lucky?
His sister Luisa.

See, she thought
she was going crazy

because she was hallucinating
some guy named Carl.

You see Carl here, right?


So she checked herself

into a psychiatric hospital.

But OMG! Carl was real.

See, Petra's twin sister,

and their mother, Magda,
set Luisa up

so they could assume control
of the hotel.

In the event of
her incapacitation,

all her hotel shares
go to Anezka.

I know.

Straight out of
a telenovela, right?

Well, imagine this.

Jane's father was
a huge telenovela star,

but he absolutely hated
his costar, Fabian.

Luckily, Fabian was k*lled off

their telenovela.

Which reminds me,

I did say
someone would die on ours.

When Jane Gloriana Villanueva

years old,

she was given
a gift

that would change her life.

I love The House on Mango Street
so much.

What should I read next?

Is it time?

I think so.

We've been saving one
of our favorite recommendations,

and we think
you're finally ready

for Isabel Allende.

And, friends,

as Jane tore through the trials
of the Trueba family,

she realized she wasn't the
only one who saw the world...

a certain way.

It's called magical realism.

And there is a whole
Latin American

literary tradition

to explore.

And explore, Jane did.

Try this one.

Now this.

And over the years,

as Jane read

more and more stories,

her world opened up.

And often, she felt inspired.

Always write

when the spirit moves you.

Also, as a sidenote,

maybe it's time to have sex.

I mean, you are
already pregnant.

But, until then,

go on. Write.

And so, yes, this bookstore

always held a special place
in Jane's heart.

Which is why...

When my book comes out,
it would mean the world to me

to have my launch party

- here.
- Really?

I can't imagine doing
it anywhere else.

We'd be so honored!

Which brings us here...


It's your book, Mommy!

- It's finally here.
- Yeah.

I'm a published freaking author!


You know Mateo
can't read, right?

Oh, he's not allowed to read
my book till he's , anyway.

But, when that day comes,

I think he's gonna
be very touched

that I wrote him a note
that was so thoughtful

and moving.

I need to vent.

Anezka's offering guests
a discount for paying in cash.

What? Why?

So that she and my mother
can pocket it.

They act like they're running
a backroom poker game,

not a hotel.

You have to help me
get her out of here.

I'm sorry,
but I'm not getting involved

with the hotel right now.


Why not?

Is Jane sitting right there?

Ah, yes,

the ghost of rivalries past.

This is my choice.

I've decided
I'm letting the hotel go

until Luisa is better,

and then we'll see
where we're at.

Your sister
hallucinated a person.

She could be in the
mental institution for months.

I just need to step away
for my own well-being.


you need to get out
of the Villanueva house.

Everything okay?

Well, my sister's shares
have reverted back to a lunatic

who's running the hotel I built
into the ground,

and I can't even go inside
to see my children.

Remind me why I need to let go.

Because lying
and sneaking around

got you thrown in jail
in the past

and run over by a car
in the present,

so we need to protect
the future.

Not just for you,
but for your children,

who need you as a role model.

Guilt plus scare tactics.
Well done.

Thank you.

And, not to pile on,

but seeing as you're
stepping back until Luisa

is declared mentally competent...

Which could take months...

Why not put out
some job feelers?


Just to take off the
financial pressure

until everything's
sorted out.

Plus, it'll
give you something to do.

And get you out of the house.

Yeah. Why not?

Maybe I could consult somewhere.


Like a boutique hotel.
That could be kind of cool.


This note's everything.

I still can't believe it.

In hardcover.

The new Angelique Harper?

And a hardcover. How decadent.

You okay?


Just taking it in.


And how about that cover?

Stop, this isn't about me.

You're a published author.

I'm a published author!

Okay, okay, fine, fine.
I'll autograph your copy.

Do your thing. Yes.

- That is you and me.
- Aw.

I'm the one with
the longer hair.

Hey, so, how's that party coming?

Any agents RSVP yet?

Yes, two so far.

Plus Caridad Piñeiro,

who is, like, the queen
of the Latina romance world.

And I sent

a very carefully crafted tweet

about the party
to Isabel Allende.



She is, like, my favorite
author of all time.

She's, like, my Stan Lee.

What did you tweet?

It-it may have gone on
a little long,

but you get the point.
I invited her to the party.

I am so proud of you.

I love you.

I love you, too.

that didn't really happen.


I'm kind of proud of me, too.

I can't believe
I almost said "I love you."

I don't know what came over me.

Sounds like love came over you.

No. No, no, no, no.

It is way too early.

Uh, I think I just got swept up

with excitement about my book.

A-And he was so sweet
about my party.

I'm not ready
to use the "L" word.


Velmi lakomy.

I'm not being stingy

because I refuse to let you
skim cash off the bookings.


Let's take a vote.

Who is for cash discounts?

Oh, wait, I control
two-thirds of hotel.

Two to one. I win again.

Perfect. Anezka,

double the nightly rate.

You can't just double
a hotel rate.

- There are price points.
- Oh.

Speaking of price points,

ours has gone up.

If you want us to walk away,

we will need ten million.

I don't have that kind of cash.

Well, I guess you're just
going to have to book

a lot of expensive rooms.

This plan makes no sense.

We just had termites.
Bookings are down.

We're trying
to bring people here,

not drive them away.

You don't have to go along
with her.

You're the one
in charge of the hotel.

Not her.

Yes. I am in charge.

That is why
I have new business shoes.

And I trust Mother.

It is like
I am queen,

and she is my hand.

Well, more like your hook.

I never thought that I'd miss
having Luisa in charge.

Oh, really?

And did Luisa tell you
she wanted to sell the hotel

to get enough money

to break her crime lord
girlfriend out of jail?

What happened?

Oh, uh, t-the villain
did something really bad.

So sorry I'm late.

Did Teresa finally tell Elena

that Rodrigo was really
Juan Carlos in a bad wig?

I actually don't mind the wig,
but no.

She decided to keep it a secret
to use as leverage

for when Raul reveals
that he's not actually dead.

Classic. Come on, Mateo.

You're coming to my house.

Okay, I'm off to drop
signed copies of my book

to the bookstore because I

am a published author.

Look at her.

Nothing can shake that smile.

Oh, dear.

Looks like the bottom
fell out of her plans.

Oh, come on, universe.

That's a little on the nose.

Hey, guys.
What's going on with the store?

Oh, no.

- I can't believe it.
- In all the chaos,

I-I just forgot.

- Well, what happened?
- Our building was sold,

and the new landlord
raised the rent.

- We can't afford it.
- Wha...?

We've been praying
for a miracle, but...

No one knows
they're there anymore.

I mean, more of us
buy our books online.

No one goes to the bookstores.

Oh, it's just so sad.

That little place
is so magical,

and it's the only bilingual
bookstore in the neighborhood.

Sorry, hon.

- What about your party, though?

Well, I'll just have to go
with Plan B, I guess.

I'll have it
at the publisher's office.

Plan B?

More like

Plan Blech.

Office parties are so sad.

All the fluorescent lighting.
Sheet cake.

And all the cubicles

decorated with pictures
of people's sad,

sad children.

FYI... Rogelio
had a brief office job in .

It still haunts him.

It'll be fine, Dad.

Come on, Mr. Sweetface!
It's been five minutes.

- Time to go.
- No...!

- I have the most amazing idea.
- You're not recreating

the bookstore on the set
of your telenovela.

- Why not?
- Because when you

recreated the house for Jane's
wedding, it cost you grand.

We don't have
that kind of money right now.

The rent on our house...

Our gorgeous
waterfront mansion, you mean.

is exorbitant.
Jane will be fine.

- She's a grown woman.
- But it's my duty

- as her father...
- Rogelio,

if you build that bookstore,
plan on moving into it.

No sulking.

Go to work. You're gonna
be late for your fitting.

Oh. Good afternoon,

You must be here
for your funeral fitting.

How is civilian life
as number none

on the call sheet
treating you?

Actually, I wanted
to talk to you about that.

Now that you got
what you wanted...

I'm wondering if you can

find it in your heart
to give me what I want.

A dignified farewell scene.

But you are already dead.

Not if I come back as a ghost.

Oh. Like in Our Town,

when Emily appears as a ghost
at her own funeral.

Like Amor en la Familia,
when Matias comes back

from the dead
to k*ll his stepbrother

because he slept
with his father.

- Or that.
- Exactly!

Just one scene.

I'll come to my funeral
at full size,

and make a short
but impassioned speech

about the preciousness of life.

I'm up for a movie,
and I'm looking

for something dramatic
for my reading.

You know, to
show my range.

Come on,
sexpot to sexpot...

can you help me?

After all that
you have done

to try to destroy my life
and sully my daughter,

how dare

you come and
beg for more screen time!

I hope you never work
in this town...


That's it, huh?

Yeah. My headhunter
said the same thing.

I got to figure out a way
to beef it up a bit.

It's not quantity,
it's quality.

Plus, he says they'll
run a background check,

and my criminal record
doesn't help.

I mean,
I could have told you that.

You just got to keep
pounding the pavement.

- You'll find something.
- I hope so.

It says that you're analytic,

fair-minded, result-oriented,

and incredibly sexy.

Just joined LinkedIn.

- No! No, no, not LinkedIn.
- What's wrong with it?

Oh, when you sign up,
it e-mails everyone

in your whole address book
for, like, eternity.

No, that can't be true.

LinkedIn? Are you serious?

I didn't know. I'm sorry.
Where are the girls?

On their way
with their nanny.

And you should be
working here.

My mother is a horror show.

We've been losing bookings
left and right.

You think I don't want
to be near my kids?

You think it's easy for me
to watch your mother and sister

run our hotel into the ground?

Then let's come up with a plan.

Our last plan left me
with three broken ribs.

I am done scheming.

I am looking
for a short-term job.

Pro tip... leave
"short-term" off your résumé.

Okay... so what
if the Marbella hires you?

As our...
general manager.

What? We need one.

You know the place.
Why work somewhere else?

You'll see the girls.

You'll be able to help out
with the hotel.

Magda will never go for it.

Let me at least try.

Absolutely not.
Why would I do that?

To make the hotel

Rafael's the only person

who knows this place
as well as I do.

Without him around to keep
things running smoothly,

there is no way
I can get you that money.

Trust me.

All I want is for you to leave.


I will take a meeting with him.

Carl is real,

and he uses an inhaler.

Someone's clumsy.

Those shoes are ridiculous.

But a lot
of people have asthma.

Well, my mother doesn't.

And neither does Anezka.

Yeah, look, it's a long shot.
Just show me the footage.

What time did you overhear
my mother and sister

talking about Luisa?
Close to midnight.

I remember because
I looked at my watch,

and I thought, "This
is no way to live."

Okay. Good, good.
Go to : .

Okay, now scroll through
slowly till midnight.


That's Luisa. It has to be.

Is it me, or does that shadow

totally have asthma?

Oh, my God.

Carl is real.

They must have wanted you
to overhear them talking

about Luisa being insane...
They were setting you up!

Well, and if Carl is real,
that means Luisa's

in a mental institution
for nothing, right?

Well... No,
Well, not for nothing...

she was still trying to break
a mass m*rder*r out of jail.

That's legitimately crazy,

But not hallucination crazy.

Which means I have to tell Raf,
don't I? And I will.

Very shortly.
But first I'm gonna use this

to get rid of my mother,
and you're gonna help me do it.

Mrs. Solano...

This is way beyond
the scope of my job.

So I'm gonna need a raise.

It's done.

The bookstore is staying open.

Jane, update
your paperless post.

Your dream party
is back on track.

I took care of everything.

So call me back. I love you.

Took care of
everything? How?

Remember when I was
in People en Español's

" Most Beautiful" list?

You've mentioned it
once or twice.

A day.

Well, I stayed friends
with the editor, Arianna,

and she's going to do
a feature on the party.

That will bring the store
tons of exposure, attention,

and, in the
words of Abba,

- "Money, money, money."
- What?

I told her
everything Jane said

about what the community will
gain by having a physical space

to shop, how the Internet

is ruining us all, uh,
bilingual bookstores,

blah, blah, blah, and she
said there's a story there!

But what does
that have to do

with Alexandro
and Enrique's lease?

Press plus celeb photos
equals business.

And what if your calculation
doesn't add up?

It will. Trust me.

And I cosigned the lease
on the bookstore,

just to make
everyone comfortable.

So if they can't pay their rent,
we'll be responsible for it?

Yes, but, Xiomara,
I know how press works.

Trust me, after the party,
that couple

will be looking to expand,

they'll have so
much business.

Let's talk business.

Did you cut the legs
off this chair?

Few inches.

It's an old Czech
intimidation technique.

So, I see

you've spent time in prison.

I like that.

Shows you can get scrappy.

Great. So I'm... hired?


But not as general manager.

A bartender?

Apparently, the Prague
pirate doesn't think

I have the experience to manage
the hotel that I founded.

She's just doing this
to humiliate me.

Yeah, and... so what if she is?

Look, if you take the job,

you'll be able to keep
an eye on the hotel,

you'll be close to the twins,
you can help Petra

- when a crisis comes up...
- I can help Petra

by being the manager
of the Marbella.

I am not some bartender.

What's the alternative?

You're gonna work the front desk
at the Holiday Inn?

Between you and me,
he didn't get that job.

You got to get over yourself.

It's a job. You're broke.

Okay. You're right.

Huh! That was quick.

Oh, we're in a groove.

Oh, great!

Now, if you'll

excuse me, I have a date.

Are you stealing food
from the kitchen?

Perks of management.

- Hold the elevator.
- Oh.

Hold the elevator!


So, my publisher set up
a mini book tour

- for me next week.
- Wow. Fancy.

I might have oversold it.

Two stops, both
in Florida. Ow.

Still pretty bad-ass.


Anyway, um...

I was wondering if
you wanted to come.

W-We can make it into
a little road trip.

Make a playlist,
eat fast food.

Huh? Maybe go wild and
get a speeding ticket.

- Really?
- Okay, no speeding ticket.

You want me to come?


Because I love you.

Again... that didn't happen.

Here's what Jane really said.

Yeah, it'd be fun.

- Let me just look at my deadlines.
- Of course.

I can't believe I
almost said "I love you" again.

You're obviously
feeling it. Why not say it?

Because I don't know if I'm...

really in love.

And I don't know
if he loves me back.

That's ludicrous.

Anyone with a pulse
will love you back.

I-I got to go, Mom.
I'll talk to you later.

It's impossible not to love you.

Everyone loves you, Jane.

Rudy! How much
do you love Jane?

Uh, a lot?

- Exactly.
- Okay!

So, um, my publishers

e-mailed me, and apparently,
they reached out to Arianna

a few times, and she
hasn't returned their calls.

- What?
- I know. Weird, right?

Maybe you can ask her
to call them back.

not gonna call them back.

And she's definitely not
gonna write a feature

- on your book party.
- What? Why?

Because I told her
I'd appreciate it if she didn't.

And why would she
listen to you, peasant?!

Maybe because I'm making
sweet love to her.


Oh! Look who else
just got screwed!

How did you know
about any of this?

Well, the walls between our
dressing rooms are quite thin.

And since I was
in People en Español's

" Under " this year,

I happen to know
Arianna quite well.

" Under "
means nothing

compared to
" Most Beautiful People!"

I was in high school
when you did that!

I can't believe this.

How come you just can't
mind your own business?

Maybe you should have
your father explain that

to his friend Judy?

Judy was
a spur-of-the-moment impulse

that paid off mightily.

But you planned this. You
found out I needed a favor

from this woman,
so you seduced her,

and got inside of her head.

- You're good.
- You're disgusting.

So I assume you'll get
Arianna back on the story

if I get you your
pretentious ghost monologue?


Fine. I'll get the writers on it.

What would a ghost even say?

Not good enough.

I want you to write it.

Oh, boo.

Why do you have
to write it?

Fabian says it's because
I wrote the monologue

that got Dad
a Paloma nomination,

but I think
it's just to t*rture us both.

Ugh! If your father
hadn't co-signed the lease

on the bookstore, you
wouldn't be in this position.

It's fine. I'm almost done.

And it's actually pretty good,
you know, for a ghost soliloquy.

I mean, I avoided
all the obvious clichés.

Still, it's just
so outrageous.

Are you okay, Ma?

Because Dad does this kind
of stuff all the time.

You know the guy likes
to go big. You know that.

It's just...


My dance studio hasn't
been doing so great.

Oh, no.

And I wanted to
talk to your father

about putting
some money there.

How bad is it?

I just need
a little cash infusion,

but it's not like banks are
lining up to lend money

to struggling
local dance studios.

And our monthly
budget is stretched

as it is because of the rent
on our giant house.

Ma, don't stress.

Dad won't have
to use this money.

I'll get Fabian
the monologue ASAP.

He'll love it.
It's perfect for him.

Super dramatic, you know?

So he can do
his over-the-top acting.

I just can't do it anymore,
Krishna! I just feel too guilty.

of over-the-top-acting...

Anybody would. You've been
lying for a long time.

Look, you don't have
to remind me!

It's my mother's fault.

She said we should
use Anezka as a pawn.

It's not true.

I am so sorry.
I was going to tell you.


I-I feel badly.

But I knew
Luisa wouldn't trust me,

and Mother suggested using you.



No, I'm not.

You know what?
Let's go.

We'll confront her together.

That is not true, Anezka.
She is lying.

Mother, stop.
I told her already.

I am not working with Petra.

Don't be stupid.

She's not stupid!
She just didn't think

her mother could
be so cruel.

- Don't let her use you anymore.
She's a liar. You know this.

This is the same woman
who abandoned you

because she said
you weren't the pretty one.

She's just trying
to get into your head.

I'm not trying to get
into anyone's head.

I just don't want
to keep deceiving my sister.

And I know this
was my idea, but

I realized something:
you're the evil one, not her.

This is absurd.

She has no proof.

Oh, yeah? Then how would
I know Carl is real?

I'm done, Mother.

I can't believe this.

Queen Magda has me scheduled
for a shift tonight

during your book party,
and she won't

let me out of it.

It's okay. I understand.

That's the way it is
when you have a regular job.

I bet I can duck out for,
like, an hour.

Stop. It's so not a big deal.

I'll give you a play-by-play.

Okay, well,

have fun tonight.

She seemed cool.

Not bummed...

like, at all.

I just hope
Jane's books sell,

or Rogelio will buy up
every last copy,

and then order
a thousand more online.

This about the lease?

Well, look
who's become one of the girls.

He goes so overboard,

especially when it comes to Jane.

Maybe it's a guy thing.

Or not.

I'm not saying that it's okay,

just that it's this...


You know,
like you have to provide.

And it's so easy

to lose perspective
and go overboard.

Look at everything I did
to try to get the Marbella back.

And I'd still do anything
for my family, even...

wear a silk screen bow tie.

Okay, next time you see me,
I might be quitting,

because this book party
might just launch my career.

This monologue is a
stinky piece of garbage,

and I hardly understand it!

It's like I'm falling
for you all over again.

You need to fix
this right now!

They are filming my
coverage tonight!

Sorry. Any rewrite's
gonna have to wait.

My book party's
in a few hours.

Well, if you don't do
the rewrite right now,

you can kiss the People
en Español article bye-bye-bye.


No, no, you can't
do that to me.

I can't do this anymore!

I don't know who to believe.

You were the only one
who really loved me.

I wish you were here
to guide me.

I wish...

I could be kissing
your face

and your beard.

Both beard.

If you'd just send me a sign...

Yes, you're right,
I should have a drink.

Maybe little snack, too.

- Can we get more nuts here?
- I don't think so.

It's already pretty crazy.

Oh, actual nuts.


What-what does "meh" mean?

It means "ugh, bleh," or...


It needs more pizzazz,
more sparkle.

It needs
to be more... flowery.

Okay, flowery. Fine.

I can do flowery.
Flowery is my specialty.

Now it has too many
describey words.


No, words that describe
other words.

You said you wanted flowery.

Yes, but not so flowery.

If I hand you a bouquet
of flowers, you will smile.

But if I hand you
a thousand flowers, you will

suffocate to death under
the weight of all those flowers.

I'll make it less flowery,
but we have to move fast here.

I have to pick up my dress
from the dry cleaner by : .

- Well, now it's just boring.
- Ugh! I-I don't get it.

I-I don't understand
what you want.

Okay, if I hand you
a hundred flowers...

No, no.
No more flower analogies.

Just tell me what you want.

I want it to be epic!

I want people to weep.

I want them to feel sorry
for taking me for granted!

Because they won't realize

until I'm gone how much
they really loved me.

Honestly, Fabian,
I tried everything.

I just feel like we're
going in circles here.

I-I don't see the light
at the end of the tunnel.

Yes! That!

That's excellent writing!

- I want those words in my speech.
- You want

"The light at the end of the
tunnel" in your monologue?

Yes. It's such a nice image.

Clean, original, specific.

No... adjectives.

Hmm. Okay.

Do you also like,

"Until my death we were
two peas in a pod"?

Yes! Peas in a pod!

Another great image.
Now you're getting it!

in that moment, Jane realized

exactly the kind of speech
Fabian wanted.

And friends, I don't think
Jane would mind me saying

that what she wrote was
as hackey a monologue

as the world has ever seen.

Riddled with every cliché
she could think of.

It's perfect.

Oh, thank God
for small favors.

You are on fire!

It's exactly like God
has done me a small favor.

I knew you were a great writer,
but this... this, I-I...

- Takes the cake?
- Yes! Exactly!

- Enough with the clichés!
- Great!

So you're gonna call Arianna,
make sure she's at the party?

Yes! I'll call her right away.

Now go, or as you so beautifully
put it, "Haste makes waste!"

No. Ma, stop. I don't have time
for smoky eyes.

- Where's the sitter?
- Inhala, exhala, Jane.

That must be her.

- This is so pretty. Can I wear it?
- Of course you can.


Oh. I'm running late

so I can't talk, but I will
see you at the party in .

Wait. Wait. Bad news.

I just got slammed with notes,
and they pulled my deadline up.

- What?
- Yeah.

I have to turn in the panels

so I can't make it
to your party. I'm so sorry.

No, I get it.

Hey, don't even worry about it.
It's all good.

Have a great night, Jane.

You deserve it.


- Adam can't come. Work.
- Mm.

It's fine.

Rafael can't come, either.

I mean, that's the one
that really stings

because he told me
to write the book, you know?

- Aw.
- Why "aw"?


Well, I just didn't want
to make him feel bad.

Aw, he definitely does

look a little... bummed.

Can I get a rum
and Coke, please?


You look great.

You, too.

Cute outfit.

So, what are
you doing here?

Isn't your party starting, like...

seven minutes ago?

Ugh! Rum and Cherry Coke?

Oh, I'm still figuring
out the soda g*n.

Well, I just wanted
to tell you

that I'm really bummed
you can't come tonight.




You're not...
you're not quitting.

But I just wanted
you to know that.

And... I wanted you
to see the acknowledgements.

To Michael?
No, that's the dedication.

The acknowledgements are
in the back.

- Are you gonna cry?
- What? No.

It's sweat.
Bartenders don't cry.

Now go. Okay?

Enjoy your party.

Which brings us here, now.


The store hasn't been
this crowded

- in years!
- Yesterday,

we couldn't even afford
a tiny ad,

and now

we are getting a feature
in People en Español!

It's perfect!

Almost perfect.

What are you doing here?

Aren't you supposed to be
sh**ting your ghost monologue?

I snuck away from set and told
the director I was going - .

It is way too late
for another rewrite.

No, no, the monologue
is perfect.

But... Arianna's not coming.

- What?
- She saw a picture

of me online with another lover,

and now she wants nothing
to do with me.

I'm so sorry.

Why would you post
something like that?

I didn't! I was tagged.

Ugh, I've been there, buddy.

Oh, no. Oh, my...

After all that work?

What am I supposed to tell
Alejandro and Enrique?

I will make it up to you, Jane.
I promise.

I'm gonna start a category
tweetstorm for all the fans

and telenovela stars
to come down here immediately.

- That will get instant publicity.
- Not enough.

Do not underestimate the power
of my shirtlessness.

No, this is an emergency.

I'm going to go completely naked
and cover my precious junk

with your precious book.

I may need two.

- Ay.
- Where's the bathroom?

What did
the featherbed want?

Arianna's not coming.

I will k*ll him,
in real life this time!

Dad, no. It's
not his fault.

Of course it is.

No, it's not. It's yours.

I'm sorry, but it is

because of you
that we are in this situation.

You're on the hook for the lease.
Mom is gonna be furious.

And the bookstore is not gonna
get the press that they need.

All because you
wanted to swoop in

with your ridiculous scheme to
be a hero, when I could've just

easily had the party
at the publisher's office.

I just wanted you to have
the book party of your dreams.

I know.

But why do you always have
to go too far, Dad?


I guess I overcompensate.

I mean, I-I wasn't around
when you were a kid...

Seriously, this can't be your
excuse anymore. We're beyond it.

You didn't even know
I'd been born!

How can you blame yourself
for something

that you didn't
even know happened?

Because maybe I did know.


I mean, I didn't know.

But a part of me...
I don't know...

Always suspected, maybe...

I mean, I-I knew
how religious Alba was.

And-and maybe I didn't ever
call your mom

because I didn't want to know.

In case.

I-I had dreams,


Do you hate me?

You were .

I get it.

- Really?
- I mean, I wish you'd called.

Because I would have
found you sooner.

But everything happens

for a reason, right?

And I like where
we're at now.

So let's just
keep moving forward

and not keep coming back
to this.

And in that moment,

Rogelio let the ghost
of his past go.

- Thank you, Jane.
- Mm-hmm.

Now go take care
of your adoring fans.

And remember what I taught you
about selfie angles.

Chin down, camera up.

First, I have to break the news

to Alejandro and Enrique.

Do I know you?

Oh, my God.

You're real.

Come on, Jane, use your words.

I'm sorry.

I'm overwhelmed because you're,

like, my favorite author
of all time,

and you're actually standing
here. And, I mean, for years,

I sat in that very corner and I read

every single one
of your books, and...

Okay, maybe use
less words.

It just feels so magical

that you actually
saw my tweets and came.

To clarify,
she didn't see Jane's tweets.

She saw these...

Your book...

means everything to me.

The House of the Spirits?

Well, I loved that one, yes.

Um, but I was talking
about Paula.

It helped me through my grief,
when my husband died.

I'm so sorry. When was that?

Uh, four years ago.

I'm sorry. It's-it's
the combination

of feeling him everywhere
tonight. And you actually

being here feels
like... well...

like magical realism.

Well, writing helped me
through my grief, too.

There's light at the end
of the tunnel, I promise.

Man, when she says it,

it sounds brand-new.

Sometimes I just feel so guilty.

Telling your story
doesn't betray the memory...

It keeps the spirits alive.


living, I mean.

Being joyful,

when he's not here
to share it with me.

How can I be happy or in love?

I write about strong women

with passionate hearts.

It's all about the heart.

It's what drives us and...

Determines your fate.

I'm sorry, I've
seen your TED Talk,

like, a million times.

Back off, stalker.

Well, magical realism
can work both ways.

You are mine.

You are the reader
I always imagined.

Let yourself enjoy your success.

Just live passionately,

love passionately.

- Which brings us here.
- The whole thing was perfect.

I did a reading,
I sold books,

and Isabel Allende was there.

- Wow.
- And she was everything

I imagined her to be.

And she made me realize that
I have to tell you something.

And you might freak out,
because you might not be ready...

but I have
to live passionately

and so... what...

what is wrong?

I'm moving to L.A.


The VFX house that wanted
to hire me a couple months ago,

they-they contacted me again.

I said no,

but they came back
with an even bigger offer.


Earlier today,
before your party.

I'm sorry.
I just have to take it.

You don't have to take it.

You want to.

Is that why you
didn't come tonight?

I didn't want to be
in all your pictures.

I'm so sorry.

It's just watching
what you've been experiencing

the past few weeks,
your dreams coming to life,

it... it just,
it made me want

to pursue my own dreams.

Good luck in L.A.

I just feel so stupid.

No, Jane.

I can't believe
I almost told him I loved him.

I can't believe
I did love him.

And just then,
she had a thought...


Nothing. I just...

I just realized
I didn't think, after Michael,

I could ever have
my heart broken.

So there's that, at least.

Ah, a small light

at the end of the tunnel
after all.

How's Jane?

She's actually doing okay.


I wanted to apologize.

I shouldn't have cosigned
their lease.

It's fine.

I know you were

just trying to take care
of your family.

I was. Luckily, Isabel Allende
bought a first edition book,

which paid
for almost all their rent.

That's lucky.

Or magical.

But you just can't keep doing
these giant things for Jane.

I know. And I had a
breakthrough, actually.

I was talking to Jane,
and it goes back to when

you were pregnant and a small
part of me wondered if you'd

- kept the baby, and that's...
- What?!

A very small part.

I just meant

I couldn't rule it out.

Jane wasn't mad.
She understood.

Jane hasn't been beating herself
up for the last five years

since you showed up.

You made me feel so guilty!

Yeah, not quite
the reaction he was hoping for.

No, no, no, no.
It-it wasn't like that.

- I don't want to hear it.
- Xo, please...

I need some space.

You look
like you could use a drink.


It's been a little rough
around here.

But I think
I've got my sister handled.

And let's just say I don't think

you're going to be a bartender

I've been working on...

I don't want
to know the details.

But if anyone can do it,

you can.

Stay here.


She looks
like she's seen a ghost.

- Back away!
- Make room!

I'll give you
a little clue, friends.

She didn't k*ll herself.